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tv   [untitled]    January 7, 2023 6:30pm-7:01pm EET

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you see, and in front of the accomplished facts. and we will help with something. thank you very much. as far as i understand, we have finished this part of the program and now we are waiting for conversations with oleksandr dravynka, metropolitan of the orthodox church of ukraine. we will talk about it on the second day. kyiv-pechersk lavra and so on and similar things about the monopoly of the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate , that is, the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate. why lying, but there is no such thing as oleksandr so far , i can read a couple of questions here, if you have them during the play, please ask these questions and i will answer them, because i feel that way, there will be a lot of time to answer them do you have a
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christmas mood or was it a holiday in your childhood when you started celebrating christmas? and this is what mr. vasyl is asking me. well, while we're waiting , i probably didn't have christmas holidays in my childhood. now i'm in such a half-half- christmas mood can become christmas only if i hear now and saw oleksandr oleksandr drobinka a-a metropolitan of the orthodox church of ukraine they say that he is in contact good health father christ is born christ is born let's praise him and mr. father well, please tell me, are you also a supporter of the united orthodox simply i will explain first and then the question. this is how it will be so as not to scare anyone, because i always have since soviet times
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when someone says one. i start to get nervous. i love since soviet times, when there was one communist party, one trade union, one komsomol, one jaundice, one one, one i always since that time somehow i think i don't like i walk i like pluralism i like competition i like for there to be some kind of life, for people to argue, to have to add something of themselves and so on, for it to be life because when one is one, we know that only on the cemeteries are all the same and everyone is calm, everyone is lying down, there is no discussion, then the question is, are you defending the idea of ​​a single orthodox ukrainian church, please, sir, well, actually, you have already almost answered uh, everything that you just told me about uh according to this topic, i would like to answer you several
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times to various questions. i also came out of the, as they say, from the unified soviet union , and then it would be possible to list what you said about the only thing. you could also say the only sausage, the only prices about all that you are talking about. yes, i stand not only in the position of pluralism, but also in the church plan, even in any context, in relation to church and social life, but also in what the apostle paul spoke about and not it is necessary to forget this, it was still 2000 years ago that's why he said that you also need and will have conversations between each other so that in the disputes that will arise , the truth of god will be exposed and that it will be possible for
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everyone to show their individuality. we can't er and now directly to your question we ca n't talk exclusively about some unity er of one identity we must talk about unity in christ and er in this case when they talk about a single ukrainian orthodox church so it shouldn't be a church how is she was in the soviet union, but there is never a need to change concepts and we have the right to the existence of any religious and in ukraine this is the most, in my opinion, the widest such right has this right in the church life and so then church pluralism er-e we defend and have when we mother- we have to talk we can tell each other about
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er -e our identity but nobody cares about anything. schismatics these are not canonical should be crossed to exceed, to protect, we have today a complete awareness that a local ukrainian orthodox church has appeared in the ukrainian ukrainian orthodox church , and relative competition and some kind of constant prerogative of the moscow patriarchate in ukraine about it it is worth forgetting and looking for either some kind of combination or coexistence on the territory of our state in our church environment, one more question for a second,
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but still. then the question arises of how to pass between this power and the horeb, when on the one hand there is already society demands a maximum reduction of the influence of the russian orthodox church, and on the other hand, i will also insist on pluralism if there are 3% of churches left, 5% of churches if these churches are not called the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, the russian orthodox church, let them exist . society is huge, the overwhelming majority will say we don't want to but some part will go these two three five percent they will stay i think well maybe for some time maybe for 10 years maybe for 20 but definitely now the only thing that remains is how to find these percentages and not prevent them from living a free religious
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life, and on the other hand, give society the opportunity to be a society and say that we all 90% do n't want to see. plus the realism of the opinion you just expressed. and i didn’t have time to agree and give an answer to exactly the question that you answered yourself, because in ukraine there is a part of society that absolutely identifies itself as part of the russian church structures and they, well, as a matter of fact, it is necessary to prove that the law which today is about the renaming of the organization, about the name itself, must be put into effect. if you recognize yourself as a russian church, please call yourself a russian church, but do not
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deceive the rest of society and don't say what is the ukrainian orthodox church , that is, the identification itself should be in accordance with this russian church, which we are talking about, should have its own rights and obligations, and this is another religious community with its center today in the country of the aggressor, which in a country that is at war with our state and, accordingly, there are a number of ukrainian security structures to pay more attention to this, probably show more attention to such organizations, yes, our society is heterogeneous and it may demand a full, as we sometimes say, it is necessary to ban moscow
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the patriarchate in ukraine the moscow patriarchate can be banned in ukraine, it is in ukraine, as a matter of fact, i would say that there is no such organization of the uoc-mp here, it is in agreement with bohdan, as far as he himself wrote at the time candidate's thesis on this topic, and it does not exist legally, but it exists physically. so, in this case, how long will it take for this very identification to take place and the renaming of religious organizations of legal entities, i.e., parishes , dioceses and monasteries, to e- what is the name ? actually, it is their own. well, i can’t answer that. it’s still necessary for the relevant structures to deal with it. well, i understand it according to the decisions made by the president, the
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decisions of the national security council, which have been put into effect. i am the president i hope they will be implemented in the near future. well, these functions are entrusted to pelensky, to whom i wish success from this christmas, so that by the next one, we already have the specifics of the indicators in this matter. we had oleksandr drabynkov we had now i answer the questions that come in, well , at least they came in, i will continue my answer because i haven't finished the christmas mood i don't have a worker, no matter how strange it may seem i i like to work. that's why i work and i enjoy it. and when i work, i try not to have any mood other than a working one, because you and mr. vasyl and many, many other gentlemen will immediately feel that he's a hack, he
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's a hack, they say in russian. part of what will say that is why i um that's why i 'm trying to focus on work and the more i like it and there are even such intelligent people who think that i can do it well it's not up to me anymore ah and so on artem patriarch kirill again blurted out that ukrainians are reeds, day people, what do you think is the fundamental difference between our peoples and what arguments should be used against the supporters of the three-united nation, that means two questions to the second i will answer - i will answer very simply none what arguments you cannot prove and will never be able to prove eh something contrary to what a person has put into his head. moreover, a person like patriarch kirill or his supporters on the territory of ukraine has been like this for 10 months, we have been
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living in such an important and maybe not important but they are bad, but it exists, but you have to put up with illusions about the possibility of a dialogue with the russians , even with those russians who are liberal and against the war. i would not advise you to have a dialogue either, because they are something again. i watched it yesterday. i am very closely studying what they say liberal katsaps, liberal russians, and there someone said, i liked it very much how is it in ukraine, there will be no ukraine, there will be no pushkin, and someone will answer him, i would, i would, i would answer in the same way as russia without shevchenko , somehow russia managed without shevchenko, but ukraine without pushkin well, somehow we will all end 40 million by suicide immediately, that's why they are all so strange, and even more so those who believe everything because it's faith, you say again, what
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kind of arguments do you see? what a coincidence if he doesn't believe. this is faith it's not an emotion, it's metaphysics, it's something else, irritants, arguments - it's not faith, it's something that you can touch with your hands, show on the pages of some historical documents , etc. on on on schalke faith and arguments arguments are science and faith - it's faith, that's why history is like that, you won't prove anything. that's the difference, the fundamental difference , absolutely now i'll be asked more questions. yeah, thank you very much, the difference is we, uh, we, as it turned out, i didn't know about it, and i think that we were 10 years ago,
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i would, i would we didn't say about this horizontal society, and russia - vertical and these two societies, these two, two theses, two, two philosophies, they are, they are, they are . e horizontal society can go vertical a vertical horizontal cannot pass , that is, if some yanukovych again imposes some absurd laws on ukrainians like the laws of january 16, then ukrainians will read each other, they know each other, but they do not pay attention to that mountain. why did this happen? i won't answer. and if i start to answer, i'll make 20 mistakes and i'll answer for about three days. i asked
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many great historians of such defining, significant ones, and there is no quick answer. and for the solution to this question, an explanation, well it's just easier for russians there vertical society is what a child i'm the boss you're a fool you're the boss i'm a fool that's all this is the slogan, that is, if he has a first secretary there and to whom he reports for the first time to whom that first secretary of the autonomous republic that first secretary what is the name of the union republic and that is already before the flight of the cpsu to fight alone in moscow, in the kremlin, and they are used to this, that someone has to lead, that's why they wage war that way, that's why they have such a situation at the front. and ukrainians are such a horizontal society. i believe in i trust my neighbor's lieutenant, my neighbor, my neighbor, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, i, my, my, my, i, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my
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, this is already such a long conversation because the russians, everything they write on their banners is a lie , that is, when they say we are a broad hospitable people, they are very not so broad and anti- hospitable, you see how they behave, these are people who do not trust anyone except their closest relatives and maybe the closest ones don't trust one or two friends in this society, this is important to understand in our society of trust, because you don't organize the maidan with mistrust, and you won't be able to push it away from kyiv, from kharkiv, from kherson, because you
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have to be friends with those people, trust them, understand that they are you they will not set up the front on the front left and right they have to hold each other because otherwise well, a breakthrough of the front somewhere makes everyone surrounded and this is the understanding and the russians can run away, i just read every day how they correspond with each other there and they are talking over the phone, they are constantly saying and we have retreated from the left and we had to flee from the right and something and somehow that is why this moment is very important yes ivanka, will the poles ever understand that bandera is for ukrainians an anti-soviet, anti-russian negativity polish symbol and they still have to do to the ukrainians, this anti-banderivska old man before every polish election, they stopped waiting for anything ivanka ivanka waiting for the only thing well, maybe such an old man is already simple you understand, i was a completely different person 10 years ago 20-30 and
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already in 1991, when i was sitting in the hall of the verkhovna rada and watching the vote for independence, i was still the 18th person there some time ago and since then the only thing i understood is that the wedge of time you will not prove anything to anyone, the plan of life will history will prove but i have been saying for many years that until a russian plane appears over ukrainian cities and drops a bomb, everyone says that the russians are not like that and bad, well, not all of them, but many will say yes and here it happened and and here it turns out that only this helped because time passed and people scratch the back of their heads and say yes, there really is something there and the poles will understand it, but you can't think that there is something in the discussion, a polish journalist just spoke to us, whose grandfather lived here in galicia, and he says absolutely such
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sobering things as you say, mrs. ivanka and gradually it will be like that. and right now, we once had a white sheet on which you can draw whatever you want, because the history that we had has already been erased from ukrainian-russian ukrainian-polish relations and will be erased in a natural way after a year anti-bander sentiments will be less in two or less in three or less and so on and so on and so on and so on that's why so and so so history is nothing you are so and so i am a big supporter of natural-historical processes i.e. when nature as a mother bore 9 months i gave birth to some idea, then this child will be alive , will be alive, will be viable, and then it will grow up, you are fine. but if someone in the 91st year spoke about the ukrainian language, about the
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demolition of monuments to pushkin, then they took away a crazy person, people simply did not greet him because of her, some very unique people, very unique, very far-sighted, suspected this, but spoke in whispers, went further zoryan, do you believe that it will be possible to knock out compensation in the russian federation, this is a given loss, will our government be able to cope with the distribution of funds, or not the threats of corruption, according to your opinion control over donor money and compensation should be carried out, i suspect that you, ms. zoryana, look pessimistically at the world, i am more optimistic, i cannot say that i am absolutely convinced of everything, but 90% of the time
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percent. i am convinced that it will be successful and it will not be a knock-out. i am not convinced that if there is a single front that is accepted to join the western democracies, i hope that in a year we will not say western western democracies plus ukraine . when the western democracies unite in victory over russia, then russia will call , write sms, or can we write such letters on sheets of paper, what can we do so that you lift such sanctions so that you continue to finance us somehow let's die of hunger and give us a chance and then put our foot down again like i am now, well , not everyone sees it, but you can guess that
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americans, ukrainians, poles, germans, french people will sit and say well, give us taxes . gazi is with putin like that and the russians will say and let's not give you putin but let's give another half a trillion instead of putin and the ukrainian government will decide whether ukrainian society will decide there will be a discussion i will sit i hope we will be in front of you to discuss there will be different people with different opinions, one of you says no, putin should be condemned, and the others say listen, let him live where he is in the urals, give us half a trillion, we need it and so on, that's all for discussion, so keep this in mind regarding the distribution of funds
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i think that the distribution of funds will be done by donors. i think that because no one will give a trillion to nati, take and steal as much as you want . uncle sam will sit there. i even know his name, uncle sam. his name is one of my uncles . there are already many, many honest ones. i would like some of them. i know western people, some of them have lived in ukraine for many years, some of them have lived in ukraine for many decades, who you studied in ukraine but remained westerners in the sense of do not steal and they are waiting, they are ready to help, they say ok, we can, we know how to do it, we are with us, how to check, we know signs of bribery, we already know the signs of corruption. we work here, we have a nose, we already
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have a sense of smell. which risked their lives who lost their fellow friends who also won't let the money be told. well, in short, the social structure is a certain ukrainian one, horizontal , which i'm talking about, plus western observers . what will be stolen will be few , so whether the union of the uoc pc and the pcu or the moscow popes are so imbued with hatred for everything ukrainian that they are ready to resist to the end well , here you have to choose the words of ms. zorya ukrainian, er, er, moscow priests who are absolutely devoted to ukrainian affairs, who collect money, collect some kind of aid to the
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army, collect some kind of material, immaterial circumstances, some kind of food, some kind of gasoline, i don’t know, they help as they can, they curse that means putin and that kirill, there are also such people on in the lower ranks, we see 10-15-20 higher hierarchs there and we conclude that they are all like that no, not all of them are like that, they are like that. i think there is, and there is also about moskovsky at the bottom. there is definitely one. but i believe that there are absolute patriots of ukraine and so i believe in it's an opportunity to unite, but it's time again, it won't happen tomorrow, but it will definitely happen, what would you advise moscow to answer there, who supposedly sympathize with the ukrainians, that they are
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not. and not ordinary russians and they cannot do anything with their power, who hope that no one will win, when this does not end, we will simply leave. yes, there are a lot of them, as he gave the example of pushkin in ukraine, and without whom we we will definitely all die immediately so don't say anything everyone uh there are some litmus tests that show if with whom you are talking if this person tries not to talk not to discuss not to participate maybe look at this person more carefully because this person has already understood something kumekaye if a person asks kindly, he asks. don't ask questions, but it's true that banderas is a bully. and he
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asks, but it's true that bandera had tantrums, whose brothers were sent away, whose father was killed, whose father was exiled, who spent time in concentration camps until 1943, that's when it's ogo, it's a sign that he interestingly, he does not impose, he does not teach, this is such a very important feature of russians to teach to come and teach, i will say otherwise that among ukrainians there are also such teachers, who always have to explain something to everyone well, but with russians - this is totally why they 99 i talked with some of them. well, here is orlusha, for example, i often talk about him as a poet. he just depends on that one or fifty. and hmm, there is this former friend who escaped, e-e, khadakovskogo
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forger, nevzlin. this is leonid, he is, and i am with he spoke to him like this recently sufficiently balanced, normal, and a reasonable person, and no, no, he is not a quilter, and he is not a hidden quilter, and he is not a russian liberal, a bad russian, that's why, that's why, and the rest will want a draw, 100% of a draw, they'll want what, let's break up, we didn't do anything and you're not doing anything, you don't make any compensations you will get it, but we won't bomb you, that's about it, for them, russia is an important element of their life, they don't imagine a powerful imperial russia, they will talk about it under all conditions . today i was listening to very young girls on to such a living nail and they are the same and how are we
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different, we are the same as well, in short, well, you won't prove it, that is, when they say we are the same, they don't have a question, let's get into history, let's not even into history, let's see interfax of ukraine in russian languages ​​history of the last ten years. look at the truth or some other simple news feed, look and find the difference, the difference yourself. what is the only answer that will satisfy these people with nothing and then everything is fine, then we are, that's it , then the people, and then, well, it's probably already 1 minute, if i have time, i'll ask a question , and recently, the new minister of israeli affairs, we talked about it, he said that they fit tel aviv
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before the russian-ukrainian war, certain changes will take place, according to the minister of this issue, israel will definitely do one thing less, speak publicly well, we will always get nowhere, we will speak less publicly now and so publicity is becoming a form i think everything has become more public, even the intelligence agencies publicly tell society what they are doing and who they are watching. well, let diplomacy remain somewhere, because diplomacy is not a public sphere, which means that the whole world will be public, but intelligence will be public, but let israel somehow do something there. there cannot be unanimity the only thing where there can be unanimity, this is such an important point, unanimity, unanimity in the fact that anna is in omelnik, she starts her news, not hers, but ours . there is complete unanimity in this, ms. anna eva, to you


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