tv [untitled] January 11, 2023 11:30am-12:01pm EET
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the answer is guilty and innocent. unfortunately, if we go according to this scenario and simply deprive them of ukrainian citizenship, they will sit in moscow and rub their hands and wait for the return of kuzmin, who is on this list. during poroshenko's presidency, he hid in moscow and returned only in 2019 and he did not just come back, he became a parliamentarian in 2019, so there is no need to give him another chance to judge, let there be a correct and fair decision of themis and then after responsibility in life according to the letter of the law, on the other hand, i simply want to clarify that we have a norm on the imperative mandate a-a is this norm not controversial enough? well, for example, there are many deputies who were well, if a deputy or a deputy must be well, in such and such dependence in such slavery to a certain of his faction, it is
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because he is not a faction, not a faction, he swears in his elector, that is, he is he is elected firstly, secondly, from the party and faction on the list of which he was elected, full stop. it is an imperative mandate, but it is a law, it must be obeyed. in that case, it applies only to the deputies who followed the list, it does not apply to the majority deputies. that is , we read the deputy even if he was a faction, then it is his. it is not usual that this does not apply to majoritarianism, but we already have the decision of the regulatory committee regarding deputy aksenov, do you remember the elections that took place over donetsk region and where our yulia kuzmenko took her own place, who definitely has , in spite of all her persecutions, an impeccable reputation, on the contrary, i i am convinced that sooner or later those who brought charges against her must give
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answers in this regard, and on the basis of which the person was in prison for so long, but the separatist won, and i very well remember the day when he took the oath of a people's deputy when we were in the verkhovna rada glad that the faction of european solidarity was the only one to protest against this action, and they showed us that you do not understand anything, this is what a patriot spends his whole life putting in his place. this is what will happen to all those who play the pipe of the moscow government, it's just a matter of time and , unfortunately, the question of the price of the fee that we as ukrainians pay for that. put everything in its place . good afternoon, well, first of all, i wanted to ask about ukrainians. oleg, who is in our studio,
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said that ukrainians are paying a big price. the big price is that the latest information from the un is that the wave of ukrainian refugees is caused by the war . the full-scale war of russia against ukraine is now the largest since the second world war. and this is one piece of information, and the other is that , in principle, ukrainian migrants are raising the economy of europe, because it would seem that they will fall there or sit on the neck of the european government of european countries, but in reality make ends meet and get a job, every 10th is employed in principle and according to statistics, for example, in poland, they pay taxes and paid them even more than they were given to help, this is if we do not take into account some there
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medical support or money that was allocated for education, actually. and what does the ukrainian economy lose from the outflow of citizens? the ukrainian economy is already losing, and this is probably the biggest threat to the recovery of the ukrainian economy after the victory. entities about the funds that will be needed for their restoration , we talk very little about the risks associated with human capital and already now, of course, there are losses due to the fact that, according to our estimate, there are approximately 6 million ukrainians who are refugees outside the country, eh, they don’t work in the majority for the ukrainian economy. and of course, there is a share that, in particular, thanks to
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remote work technologies that worked during the covid pandemic, and then work remotely for ukrainian employers, but eh, a large part does not work or works on local employers, respectively, they do not help to create an ethnic product inside ukraine, and of course all of them do not consume and do not support the ukrainian economy with their internal demand, even if they work for foreign on ukrainian employer abroad and even pay taxes in ukraine in full, but still they do not consume e-e products, goods and services in ukraine, they do not pay vat on their purchases and, accordingly, this has a very significant impact on the economy directly now, because if we simply let's count 6 million to those last estimate that was under the
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previous government of 37 million ukrainian citizens who actually counted when dmytro dubilet was the minister of the cabinet of ministers, then we come to approximately 20% of the population of ukraine, who are now refugees among them, of course a disproportionately large share of children, that is , those who, on the one hand, do not work directly in the economy, but they are an important component of domestic demand, because it is clear that children also need goods and services, and they are also a big risk zone, because if, in fact, they are their materials will remain in the host countries for a long time and maybe forever and will not return to ukraine, so these are the people who could fully continue to work for the ukrainian economy throughout their lives, but not will be and accordingly, well, that is, what is now
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the most important challenge for the ukrainian , for ukraine and the ukrainian authorities, in particular, this and how to create the conditions for the return of more ukrainian refugees, it is clear that there is a group that a-a left the combat zones, the occupation zone in which destroyed housing in which there is no workplace or the destroyed enterprise where they worked, and here, of course, it will be much more difficult, and here we are already returning to the issue of internally displaced persons inside ukraine, how to provide them with jobs, housing, etc. but when we talk about a group of those who went, in particular, to protect the children from the same rocket fire even from those cities where there was no military action, then there are questions about when the
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war will end how the duration of the war will affect the test, what proportion of them will remain abroad, what ukraine can and should do , in particular in the field of education, in order not to break the connection that exists with ukrainian families and children, in particular through schools, and this is a lot questions about which, unfortunately, very i don't talk much, but i would like to ask if we are talking about the stability of the ukrainian economy. in your opinion, can we withstand another long war, or is the economy able to withstand it in principle? well, we know, we remember that, for example, the war between cancer and in the morning, it lasted for eight years, or for us, it is important that this war does not last longer than this year, and here there is actually well, in my opinion, two components , one component - this is the actual provision
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of such macroeconomic stability and the physical availability of money to ensure that ukraine is financially management resources that is, wars are an opportunity to pay the military, this is an opportunity to fulfill obligations to state employees to pay pensions, and here we, of course, depend on our international partners on how long they are ready to support us financially. and actually what our high-ranking officials constantly tell them is what actually, let's give weapons faster, the faster we can win, the less you will have to support us financially, and accordingly, this is such a big debate between whether nasa's intervention is necessary to exhaust russia or it is necessary to do everything as soon as possible and in the best way so that ukraine wins with a small
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loss of resources, but when we actually think about the future of ukraine, then of course for the future there will be a long war, even if our partners will give us the necessary funds for years to close this budget hole first of all, it will erode human capital. even if it will be such a war and not a hot phase in some large industrial cities . the threat of missile attacks, strikes on energy infrastructure, and so on. what will actually be deterred ukrainians from returning women and children back to ukraine, but on the other hand, and provide an opportunity to end this war somehow
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quickly and obviously, but with this will not lead to some gigantic crisis inside ukraine, particularly the economic one, this is actually a big risk from this point of view , which we are talking about today from the point of view of refugees, human capital, etc., but economically, this is a question that depends more already from the results of our negotiations and the achievement of consensus agreements with international partners, it seems to me that this very factor of human significance, the human octave, what you are saying, remains somewhat underestimated and absolutely , well, that is, we simply have human capital, you know. in three directions, one direction is exactly what we said to the refugees, the second direction is the inner room of persons
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who are as numerous as the refugees, and many of them actually received such a double blow when their housing is destroyed at the same time and they lost their workplace because production was destroyed. they remain in ukraine. they receive very little social assistance, which is really impossible to live on, and there is no well- functioning infrastructure that would connect them with workplaces, because there are also employers who are relocated to safer regions, they are not always able to find working hands and, accordingly, there is also a gap here when people who could work do not work fully for the ukrainian economy itself their human capital must be used, well , i am again returning to the long war , uh, we are fighting uh, unfortunately, people, not the second one, not artificial intelligence and robots, well, that is, what we see now in the reports from the front, we understand that this is also a physical
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destruction of the human capital of ukrainians. and these are primarily men, but also women, those who take part in hostilities, respectively, those who die , those who receive disabilities, this is also a loss of the human capital of ukraine. if putin does not count him, he is the human capital of those the russians we kill are not important, for us it is important our human capital, our dead and wounded. they are of great importance simply as people and as those who could and should continue to work in the economy of ukraine. thank you very much the head of the center for economics and economic strategy in linz was with us. olezhe , in fact, what can we offer to those women who left ukraine saving their children and their lives from the war, so that they return to the children who, perhaps, at the
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end of the war, will already be studying somewhere for example, it will be necessary to transfer here, to leave the school there, some other meanings, nothing is clear, for example, the end of the school year, which will it be, what will it look like, and it also somehow scares away our children again from the fact that they could enter here, for example, educational institutions, i agree 100% that the discussion about human capital, ukrainian human capital today is practically absent in society and among specialists and among ordinary people, because today if you talk to many, many people in ukraine, the only the question that is on people's lips today and that has completely captured our brains is war and it is very right because without victory in the war we simply will not be able to move forward any halfway stop means that tomorrow the day after tomorrow there will be another war and a new round
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of aggression because muscovites want to and they will always want to destroy us, which is already their insides, but in fact today we are not preparing for the same when our people have to return home. i was several times very strongly resonated with the statements made by the representatives the authorities are directed at the ukrainians, don't go back home because we have a problem in energy because we have a problem ukrainians have no other country than our ukraine - it is our home it is a home for all 50-60 100 million ukrainians living in ukraine who today are scattered all over the world and no one should tell our people , don't come back home, always come back , we will always do everything to make our home the best it can be, and the government today must prepare for this, because for this we really need to
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forecast not just the event will give us money and we will rebuild something. today we need to talk about what will be the place of ukraine in the world distribution, whether we will be able to restore the metallurgical industry, whether we will be able to restore those industries that were lost as a result of the rashin attacks, or we should take a completely different direction . discussion, including among the authorities. i am convinced that this is exactly on time, because the military does its job well, it does its job very well, unfortunately, the price is too high, but we have no other exit rather than fighting and winning, but some high-ranking officials should think about tomorrow's ukraine, what kind of country will we be, what are the main items of our exports, how will we compete, we won't be able to live the way we live today, when 50% of the state
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budget's income is money from borrowings and grant aid will not always be like that today we need to thank the west thank those countries that stand by us this is mega important this is very good but we must understand every time or later their governments and people living in these countries will say let's go and think about our countries and the government should prepare for this moment . not a single word has been said ukraine , the history of ukraine will not end with victory in the war, victory is a stage for further development and we must think about how we will continue to live because there is no one that we will win
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i doubt after that, if i may, i will tell you words that are not popular now. but i think that the audience of espresso is like that. i think it can be accepted well. there is an example of afghanistan, it is a country that has defeated two . lost this human capital. and these are the people who can rebuild the country, these are the people who can not only hide somewhere with kalashnikov assault rifles somewhere in the mountains or in the forests, this is also important, but unfortunately they also lost this creative layer, this creative layer, and society is degraded, this is something that must be avoided in ukraine at all costs, and this is exactly what you are saying to 100 million ukrainians in the world and how to make the country let it be in ruins, let it be exhausted but attractive in order to
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come from scratch to start the work of rebuilding ukraine is only reforms and a free, free economy, life is true, i remember the 15th year, then the loss of gdp in dollar equivalent was even greater than today, and then the poroshenko government offered two very simple two very simple directions, the first direction is decentralization, give freedom to the communities, and the communities , using this potential, will pull it further and pull it along, and this was done. the second proposal was made. let's release all the levers . today's government is doing diametrically opposite things in one and the other case, in my opinion, these are wrong things, you can't take away powers from communities, they don't exist
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too many. they should have these opportunities, which have even greater ones. you cannot limit the freedom of economic activity in ukraine. it is necessary to give even more opportunities than there are today, and then people will do much more than a good leader or a very good leader or an extremely good government. these basic things must be given to ukraine today . as the prospects of our development but it is time to talk about it and discuss it without forgetting that all this can be realized only after our victory and accession to the eu and accession to nato well, there is another question where to talk about it and where to discuss it, for the last time, i will mention it too. nataliya ligachova, at home in ukraine, a media expert , told me that it is time to finish the marathon, to be honest, the only news, you know , you raised the topic of very close
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and understandable to me, because i remember how the army was created, the language of faith, and today it has become dominant in the entire ukrainian society. but perhaps not many people paid attention to the blog of poroshenko, the leader of european solidarity, on ukrainian pravda, when he wrote the first part the army defined the language of faith and the second part - eu nato ukraine ot it seems to me that the eu nato ukraine with basic values as a single community should become the narrative of our today and tomorrow and then we will be successful, so thank you for this conversation oleg senyuka was a guest of our studio today thank you to everyone who watched us for 5 hours, wait , wait, they are still watching us, actually, we are talking about the fact that the first thing is to end this war and end it with our victory, and the head of ukrainian intelligence, kyrylo bogdanov,
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says that the next six months will be the most fierce and in this war what does it mean and is the russian occupiers going to attack kyiv again let's see in our story russia is collecting people and weapons for a new offensive already in january but more likely in the spring the ref can start a big offensive from donbas in the east from the south or even from belarus , russian troops may try to take kyiv for the second time, this statement was made by the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, valery zaluzhny, to the british publication, where economy in mid-december shook society and reminded the fierce the war is still going on russian mobilization worked it is not true that their problems are so serious that these people will not fight they will the king orders them to fight and they fight they may not be that well equipped but these troops still pose a problem for us in our estimation they have
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a reserve of approximately one and a half million people, the russians are preparing about 200,000 new soldiers, i have no doubt that they will go to kyiv once again, commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, valery zaluzhny, since then, experts have begun to assess the probability from different sides of the new offensive, the general staff reports that there are 11,000 russian troops on the territory of belarus, they are not enough for a new offensive, even if lukashenko orders his soldiers to join the occupying group of russian troops deployed in the bryansk and kursk regions of the russian federation, which is half the size of the group that was deployed for of the offensive on kyiv in february of this year, 22,000 against 45,500 of the occupiers took away from belarus supplies for artillery systems and rocket systems of salvo fire which
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created in the interests of the armed forces of the russian federation on the eve of the attack on ukraine, this may mean that just tomorrow there will be no attack from the north. it is predicted, however, that the attack by the group of invaders may be formed by the spring of belarus. the troops have completed certain defense measures, they need about 100-150,000 troops, and in order to complete the recruitment of troops to carry out the combat task , 100,000 or more are needed двух месяцев accumulation of such a number of russian troops in belarus now, according to roman svitan, it is not observed that the russians can only carry out provocations on the northern border in order to fulfill their political tasks or in order to receive ukrainian troops in this direction, the desire and
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preparation of the belarusian military to enter the war remains insufficient that as for the level of readiness of the belarusian army, it is considered that it is limited ready within 30-6 weeks at the belarusian training grounds e-e under a unit of the belarusian army is engaged in a combat training program, they have a sufficiently high level of conducting defensive operations, but they do not have the corresponding experience . and they cannot be effective in an attack despite these factors. ukraine is considering all scenarios for the development of military operations . will they also involve belarus whether or not the authorities believe that the aggressor has not given up his plans to cut off the supply routes of western weapons to us ukraine is actively preparing for defense we have a rather powerful group gathered in that direction, which can not only stop but also destroy, there
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will be a lot of surprises if they decide on the territory of belarus, since february there is a constant movement of personnel and equipment, the military constantly simulates training there, in fact, they say in the ministry of defense is checking its state of readiness for all actions on the territory of an enemy country, our intelligence is watching, ukrainians must take into account the threat, even russian troops who directly carried out active actions before the latter did not know whether they would move or not, because the russian federation had several scenarios and this is how they usually plan. and at the last moment, a decision is made based on the situation. you cannot relax, and you also cannot underestimate the enemy. ukraine , in turn, is preparing a major offensive in the spring . intelligence kyrylo budanov, in his opinion, no fiercer battles are expected in march, we will see more liberation
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of the territory and the task of the final defeat of the russian federation, says bohdanov, the next six months will be the most fierce i have on in terms of the military aspect, 2023 will be the year of victory for ukraine for an effective counter-offensive. ukraine needs a sufficient amount of military equipment and favorable weather, for example prolonged frosts, only this week it became known about the supply of light tanks to france for the armed forces, and the usa is going to send m2 infantry fighting vehicles, which is decisive the number of these means for victory, as general zaluzhny says, he needs 300 tanks, 600-700 bmps and 500 howitzers, and we are hoping for the help of our partners valery pashko espresso tv channel here these are the news from our intelligence e-e of the ministry of defense. i want to say that russia is already shorter. they haven't taken a solider
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, so they said cheerfully darnytska in the morning, and under the e-e of our broadcast, they are just shouting that they have taken. well, not anymore they have already been taken by some special forces commander akhmat, some chechen said that well, in principle, it is already possible to take, although we do not control anything, he said, well, because he said that we will take him anyway, so it can be considered to be taken well, good logic, uh, you know that yes, you can already take washington, in principle , we can still take it because, well, they have already taken everything and are holding it, but they can’t hold something, the secretary general of nato and genstonberg said that these soldiers bakhmut show how important it is to strengthen military support for ukraine in the war against russia, because in order to crush yours even more
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, and the tame ones, so that they simply lie down there even more and never get up again. well, if only our losses were less, because our one is worth like 10,000 russians, then we irresponsibly declare that one ukrainian is 10,000 muscovites, one ukrainian, you understand , that is, in principle, you should have had 140 billion in order to win in our country, well, we just don’t have that, in principle, the essence of an oar is to marinate a few or whatever you have in your waters and prepare for an epic defeat after which your incomplete empire is the last. by the way, the land empire, which is 300 years old, is basically stuck in history, that is a relic, you are already dinosaurs and, in principle, mammoths, here you go to them and go to the garbage of world history, or just mammoths the central expositions of all kinds of museums and their
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uh, just because of the revolution, they fought the earth not competitively composed, i don’t think that the russians will study is it in order to prevent time from repeating such a thing, although nature, well , everyone laughs at them all their lives in fact, everyone laughs because it it's funny. yes, muscovites are funny. and you can see that because they don't like to be laughed at, they want to punish everyone for it, scare them so that everyone is afraid, so that they don't make fun of you. it was actually a cartoon about you. well, what's the point? the speech is over. and here, not eva melnyk, there is something for you, and this is the news that happened in the last hour. she will tell you about it. and we will listen to it all and see.
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