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tv   [untitled]    January 21, 2023 1:00am-1:31am EET

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we are already starting to progress, we will stop on our feet, this is me, this is my opinion, fight for life . thumbs up and i am happy for your every move and your recovery, i embrace all the joys of life, the whole world is with you , dear vitalik, there is still no
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love, communication, where he comes, he gets scared i see that he is completely in a second mood, a second mood and i am constantly the fifth month i'm next to him next to him next to him i won't turn the cows anywhere except to smoke with you
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and dad will go together with you i will not kneel before the russians and those who came to us. i did not kneel and i will not kneel . i will only kneel in the church . may this is my dream
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well, here is such a poignant story from chernihiv finally, there was news that high-ranking us officials are advising ukraine to wait for the first large-scale offensive against russian forces until it receives the last batch of american weapons and the ukrainian troops do not receive appropriate training about this. at the briefing today, this is also you, high-ranking officials of the administration of the president of the united states. edition of reuters and this will be the end of freedom life. thank you for watching. if you liked our work, subscribe to our pages on social networks. the joy of svoboda is on twitter at facebook, viber, telegram and other platforms. my name is sashko shevchenko, and the freedom of life will return on monday. have a good weekend. the most important events
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are the events that are happening right now and affect our lives. invitations experts soberly evaluate events analyze them modeling our near future every saturday at 1:00 p.m. with a repeat at 10 p.m. studio event with anton borkovsky the most expressive art in the country war, a series of documentary films, each of which will tell about one of the ukrainian artists, artists who did not go abroad and continue their creative path. in ukraine , there is an impression that history just entered now, yes, at some such moment where everything just gathered into it as if linear that's what
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happened there that we remember then, it was a kind of drag, but now it's like it's all at one moment and we see that everything is repeating itself, but how is the place and meaning of the artist and his work changing in a country that is fighting, watch in the new tv series from the docnotfield studio, the union of babylon 13 art in the country of war from january 16 on weekdays from monday to friday at 11:10 on espresso so that ukrainians don't think about what they talk about in the first place anyway war is coming war and our victory seven days a week from monday to sunday seven different spheres of human activity sports culture politics eight presenters espresso journalists experts opinion leaders in real time about the most relevant events through the prism of war every day author's projects on espresso the war
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raised its head again in europe, reminding us of the darkest hours of our history franz 24 constantly covers events in ukraine our team on the ground and in the studio will inform you about the dynamics of the event this is the most relevant from franz 24 in ukrainian on espresso every week the saturday political club helps to understand the processes what is happening in ukraine and the world vitaly portnikov host of espresso and invitation experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch saturday's political club that saturdays on espresso, which are armed with leopard tanks,
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the main goal is to transfer the necessary number of these combat vehicles to kyiv, oleg zinchenko , rada tv channel, the nationwide marathon , the only news, meanwhile, a rally gathered under the bundestag building in berlin, thousands of people came to express their protest against the procrastination of the german government in the supply of leopard-2 tanks to ukraine to fight against russian aggression, the participants shouted slogans, in particular we need tanks, and also held blue and yellow flags, the price of delay in providing tanks, ukrainian blood has been spilled, the minister of foreign affairs of poland said it coincided. no, he criticized germany's delay in supplying weapons to ukraine, arming
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ukraine to repel russian aggression. must act immediately, not coincidentally, the minister of foreign affairs of poland, the netherlands will hand over two launchers and ppatriot systems and a missile to ukraine, the press service of the ministry of defense of the netherlands also reports this the military of this country will be ready to train the ukrainian military to work with them. in this way, western partners are ready to send at least four installations of this type to the armed forces. let me remind you that the wagner anti-tank missile appeared in 2014 and actively operated in a number of countries where russia has interests, in particular syria, libya and ukraine, mercenaries carried out military operations crimes and crimes against humanity after the full-scale invasion of the russian federation in ukraine, the wagnerites took part in massacres of civilians before the communist party of ukraine , now they are recruiting prisoners from russian prisons, according to british intelligence wagner
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has 50,000 fighters involved in the war in ukraine and thus became a key component of the military campaign of the russian federation. they save not only people and our native land, but also our cultural heritage. the ukrainian military found a collection of embroidered shirts , towels and tablecloths in the kharkiv region that survived the occupation in order to preserve the relics. them to chernivtsi, ivan syretskyi knows. the details, of course, are pouring in for a month. this video was shot by our military in a dilapidated school in one of the liberated forces in the kharkiv region. the defenders came across a museum with ancient antiquities. ukrainian shirts, towels, and tablecloths did not survive the winter in a damp room, so we decided to hand over the exhibits to the future vyshyvanka museum in chernivtsi . a military man, whom we do not even know, wrote
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and offered to hand over the things to us for safekeeping. of course, we immediately responded and agreed to this. and sent them by post to bukovyna, you pick it up from the post office, you understand, treasure, treasure, treasure, you want to keep it in this box, half a hundred embroidered items among them as products of general use, yes and very valuable shirts and towels from the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. this is a traditional slobozhan towel. a hundred-year-old towel was perfectly preserved to have such a towel in the collection, many collectors wanted the next step to describe all the exhibits , photograph them and dry them. you can see what
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happens to things. the shirt is on her, it's pouring rain, the researcher of antiquities is grateful to the military for their care, these are defenders who protect not only our territory, they protect our spirit, our cultural heritage, the war is erasing from the face of the earth entire cities, entire villages, and these artifacts, if they are lost , it is impossible to restore these things in chernivtsi will be kept until the moment when they can be returned home, or they will remain in the funds of the vyshyvanka museum, which should be fully operational by the end of the year ivan syretskyi vadim zaretskyi tv channel rada nationwide marathon single news all who has time to tell in the next issue , number nine, the marathon continues and the word is still working, olga nimtseva and maksym zborovskyi
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, colleagues, what will we talk about in the eyes of information? with us and rammstein full support of ukraine until victory, so what can we count on, the provided weapons will help to move into the counteroffensive to liberate the territories captured by russia, which means the adoption of the european parliament resolution on the creation of a tribunal for putin and lukashenka why is it optional in odesa due to stormy weather anchor mines are nailed to the shores how not to expose yourself to danger ukraine will wait for a decision on the provision of tanks in the future and hopes that it will be accepted by the majority of ukrainians and this is how
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ukraine will fight further on the diplomatic front, the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyy said this while commenting on the results of the rammstein meeting, in general, it can be concluded that today's rammstein will strengthen our stability, partners are principled in their attitude, they will support ukraine as long as it is necessary for our victory, so we will have to fight for the supply of modern tanks, but we make it more obvious on a daily basis without an alternative that the decision regarding tanks must be adopted, the european parliament called for the creation of a special task force for putin and lukashenka for this the majority of meps voted for a separate item of the resolution devoted to the use of sovereign assets of the russian state to compensate for russia's violation of international rights in ukraine, the president of the european parliament, roberto mazzola, emphasized that war criminals should be brought to justice in the
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resolution in support of the creation of an international tribunal, and the responsibility of the authorities in belarus was reported by the deputy minister of justice, iryna mudra, who emphasized that this is not just a statement by an individual politician, but a precedent document another stage for the restoration of justice and 472 members of the european parliament voted for this document, the deputy minister of justice assured that the creation of an international tribunal will provide enough authority to sentence putin lukashenko and to all the military and political leaders of these two countries roman yedolev international lawyer associate professor of the cafe three international laws of the taras shevchenko university with us tonight congratulations congratulations to you mr. roman also discussing this document and the resolution that was adopted the european parliament on the creation of the call to create a special tribunal for putin and lukashenka, you can call it a breakthrough and what real legal
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force will this document have, because well, we know that all resolutions they always have a recommendatory nature of the adoption of this resolution and this is the next step in our rather long road to the creation of this tribunal, we started talking about the tribunal back in march 2022, now we will soon have february and 2023 and it would seem that time is constantly running out from us and we have fewer and fewer chances to create this tribunal, but the reality is that it is different to create such a tribunal - it is a very difficult task and a huge number of legal and political issues and such resolutions with extremely apt and successful wording, if we look at the revolution , we will see the word war there, which in principle
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is very rarely found in diplomatic circles, where the concept of armed conflict is more often used, and so on. such resolutions are constantly bringing us closer to the great goal of achieving justice and bringing to justice both putin and lukashenka and the highest military the political leadership of the russian federation and the republic of belarus , but it is necessary to take into account the fact that many such steps have already been taken, but they must be taken relentlessly almost every day we hope that in the next month, in february, the general assembly of the united nations will adopt a similar resolution that will launch the process of creating this tribunal within the framework of the united nations. well, in 2-3-4 months, we will also hope for a resolution of the general assembly on authorization of the secretary general of the un to sign an international agreement with
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ukraine on the creation of such a tribunal, mr. roman, to punish the criminals, to punish the perpetrators of this war, this tragedy that they staged, and we are going the only right way and when you talk about a long road, this road to the creation of a special international tribunal could have been shorter, it could not have been shorter. the ukrainian authorities and the best lawyers are actively working on the creation of the tribunal - the international experts of our partner states and the entire ukrainian legal community and frankly speaking, every citizen of ukraine who raises this issue in their social networks or at meetings with foreign partners is the only possible option and our speed is amazing. the deadline is in principle in february of the 22nd year,
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it seemed that it is simply impossible, but it is not necessary not to stop, it is necessary to continue the movement, it is necessary to explain to our western colleagues the necessity of creating this tribunal, it is necessary to work with the states that take a so-called neutral position in the armed conflict between ukraine and the russian federation well, this is the work of diplomats and international lawyers. the appeals of the president of ukraine are of great help and demonstrate the need to create this tribunal. see why you can, resolution the european parliament is voted by deputies elected in direct elections. that is, it is the demand of the voters of the citizens of the european union for the creation of such a tribunal, and this is much more important, not the government of some country, or the president, the chancellor, or the prime minister, but the people in the electorate are
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demanding punishment. of justice and were in moscow that this appeal would be heard and the leaders of the head of state jumped for putin there, it is more or less clear because putin and russia must be condemned for the crime of aggression in there is no such international criminal court , he does not have such jurisdiction. and as for lukashenko, he will also be prosecuted precisely for the crime of aggression, or the international criminal court can decide his fate. it seems to me that lukashenko will be prosecuted more simply, faster and more effectively the crime of aggression, the republic of belarus provided its territory to carry out an attack on the territory of ukraine on february 24, 2022, and we
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know that rockets are launched from the territory of the republic of belarus on the territory of ukraine the qualification from the point of view of international law here is unambiguous and the republic of belarus as a state commits an act of aggression against ukraine and above the military and political leadership of the republic of belarus commits a game crime, therefore there should not be any division between the russian federation and the republic of belarus the republic of belarus is the aggressor the only thing it has committed only one act by giving its territory, the russian federation committed all possible acts that fall under the definition of aggression, but from the point of view of prosecution i i am afraid that if this is not the only way we can bring the president, well , the self-proclaimed president lukashenka, let's not forget about this and bring him to justice, because the republic of belarus
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is not currently a party to the armed conflict with ukraine, let's hope that they will not become such a party and bring him to justice to responsibility for war crimes or crimes against humanity will be extremely difficult, which is why we need this tribunal. because if we do not punish lukashenka, we will not achieve this justice. i do not believe in reconciliation neither with the republic of belarus nor with the russian federation without prosecuting putin and lukashenka. these two persons should definitely be prosecuted by an international tribunal, because war criminals, even propagandists, can be prosecuted in the courts of ukraine, and let's hope after our victory in the courts of russia federations, but with presidents, it will not work like that, and the world will react to such
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sentences and such responsibility rather skeptically, therefore our only way is special tribunal for the crime of aggression novels briefly russia withdraws from international treaties, in particular now the council of europe and will it stop at this and what can it give to putin, it will only deprive the citizens of the russian federation of the remaining rights they have for this moment today, your opinion is important, he will be afraid to withdraw from which obligations that at the time of the commission of international crimes and internationally illegal acts, the russian federation was on my side of these treaties, the russian federation had obligations, and therefore it should be held accountable
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for violating them, thank you for this conversation, for the answers, uh, take it easy, we wish you a good night, we wish you a good night roman yedolov, an international lawyer at the central committee of the department of international law of taras shevchenko kyiv national university, he was with us well, a short piece of information, as of this moment, the occupiers are increasing the intensity of the application air forces are trying to advance on the bakhmut, avdiiv, and zaporizhzhia directions. this is reported by the general staff on the territory of belarus . preparation of russian units for russia continues with belarusian exercises carefully are being monitored at the general staff of luhansk oblast, the aggressor fired from all available firearms in donetsk oblast, the russians fired at machine guns and artillery in the direction of zaporozhye, the occupiers fired from tanks, mortars and artillery , according to the general staff, mobilization continues in the temporarily occupied territory of luhansk oblast, at the same time, our defenders made 14
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strikes on the districts concentration of the enemy and three positions of anti-aircraft missile complexes, besides , russia continues to mercilessly attack kherson, so the kupants attacked dniprovskyi attacked dniprovskyi district. this was reported in the head of the kherson regional military administration, yaroslav yanushevich , a private house caught fire due to shelling, only by a miracle there were no casualties, the fire was extinguished in time . the village of antonivka was under artillery fire, a 15-year-old boy was injured . then i don't know who i was approaching, it was already a smoke . so we opened it and the neighbor lay down and screamed, call the fire department, we can
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only end it with the defeat of russia, for this ukraine we need the weapons that the advisor to the head of the president's office, mykhailo podolyanko, told us, but we don't have enough, except for armored vehicles, which we haven't agreed on yet. that is, it's already on the agenda in the great, let's say , negotiating case, but we haven't agreed on the second tool, which is very important and will significantly change the position on the infantry. these are long- range missiles, russia will try to accumulate additional reserves, additional forces and capabilities in its rear, and in order to logistically destroy all this, destroy the rear these long-range missiles are needed to support the russian army, a transnational criminal organization that will be subject to new sanctions next week. the united states may introduce additional sanctions against the russian private military company wagner, which helps the russian military in the
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war in ukraine. organization in accordance with the decree of the president of america will freeze any of its american assets and will forbid the americans to provide funds, goods or services to this group, donetsk, the city of my first sports victories under the flag of ukraine, we are our native ukraine, which today is attacked by russia every day due to missile attacks , ukrainian sports halls are abandoned or destroyed, the stands are silent, but the athletes of the whole world are not silent, thanks to their struggle, belarus will also disperse are no longer allowed to participate in international competitions, the european gymnastics union also banned the performance of athletes in the aggressor countries, together we can do even more to completely isolate their sport with
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company hashtags and call for a boycott of russian and belarusian athletes we must fight on the sports front until the war ends silence kills they work in the dark giving us light even during missile attacks despite the weather and danger day and night they do everything is possible so that we have warmth and communication, let there be interruptions, this is prometheus, who bring us life, people who have already become heroes,
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although you will not see them in the news, warriors who will dispel any darkness, our real knights light, thanks to you, we will survive the winter, we must have energy. thank you, today is our third date, i saw in your eyes the one with whom i would like to
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spend my life. this year will have every opportunity to conduct a large-scale counter- offensive operation to free as much territory as possible, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff of the united states said after the ramstein eight meeting at the same time, american general mark milley noted that the war between russia and ukraine, like many wars in the past, will end at the negotiating table until the terms for peace will be determined between the leaders of both countries. for this, the united states, allies and partners are strengthening ukraine's position. the weapons provided will help to move into a counteroffensive from liberation. territories captured by russia, ukraine will be able to increase its tactical potential and maneuverability. i believe that it will be quite possible for the ukrainians to conduct an important offensive operation of tactical or even at the operational level in order to free as much ukrainian territory as possible. valentin
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glynykh, a political scientist, joins our night broadcast valentina. we congratulate you. good night. we are glad to see you here. we will also add a statement from the minister of defense of ukraine, oleksiy varshikov, who says that ukraine has already agreed on the training of its tanker crews on german leopard-2 tanks. although there is still no decision on their provision. and here olga and i are trying to figure it out. so why is berlin so unwilling to provide tanks to ukraine? why is he delaying this decision, that is, what the main soloist in dancing interferes in your opinion, i think that in fact, uh, it interferes with the fact that germany is a democratic state, that in germany there are different political forces that focus on different social groups, and well, many people talk about these three and


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