tv [untitled] January 22, 2023 2:30pm-3:00pm EET
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you know, i won't say how charitable, listen. we want to instruct our support now. of course i say, let's have a business basis, then i count on your presence, and not only as a step, which you know is symbolic for help. and what is business presence now, that's what is meant simply it is interesting to create jobs, create some kind of object, even trade networks that would like to exit how to get ukrainian goods. for example, we are now let the six largest networks only known to which test and max spencer and all the others so that they they did for the ukrainians who came here, and for the barbers who want to try something different to get ukrainian products because this country receives approximately half of what the british consume outside, why not the same way in the other direction and businesses who understand that soon the choir will be restored will be frankly and foreign money that they can count on, those who manage to double
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their place now, even with charitable deeds and charitable projects, they plan correctly, often it is human supply or humane, this is in that part remains together with the european union and if ukrainian companies have european certificates, in most cases this is enough. britain should not be afraid, it is necessary to pass. although there are difficulties, especially with regard to product safety, the restrictions are very strict. well, in principle, they are justified. the people are worried about their population. thank you, mr. vadyma, vadym prystaiko ambassador of ukraine to the united cross of great britain and northern ireland, i wish you success in your work, mr. vadim, we talked about how ready great britain is in principle to help ukraine to the extent that it, in principle , today is a country that invests in ukrainian security as well as you could hear about the ukrainian economy and all this creates a certain picture of the world for the future, a picture of the world in which
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democratic states support each other not only because there is only such an economic financial interest you saw that british businessmen are even ready for so-called charitable investments not because they want to make money, but because at this difficult moment they want to support the ukrainian economy and the ukrainian people, and this is precisely the thesis that allows us to move on to another important topic of our conversation today - this is taiwan's help to ukraine, especially recently taiwan helped one of the lviv lyceums by installing modern equipment there, and this is only part of this help that is connected with taiwan's sympathy to ukraine as a democracy that is fighting against an attempt at aggression by an authoritarian person of a hateful state. important help and now you will see at the end of our communication with you this
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conversation that we recorded the day before thank you and see you soon congratulations madam minister and i sincerely thank you for this agreement to give us an interview on this broadcast of ours come on now i am actively helping ukraine and this applies not only to humanitarian assistance to populated areas of our country affected by aggression, but this is an investment in the ukrainian future, in particular , an investment in education, the other day one of the lviv lyceums received from the ministry of technology taiwan, which you lead, which acer company or a variety of learning equipment how important is this kind of investment in education now how do you generally see education in the future thank you for your question in taiwan we have about some kaddae school there is hope indeed schools are centers of digital
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sustainability and national revitalization so providing teachers and students not just equipment but know-how to thrive in the digital age we are sowing the seeds for inclusive prosperity safety i am not a high school graduate myself but i work with all types of schools to together to learn many things to build a better future not only for myself but also for my community of free software and open source developers and that is why i think we understand the power of education to build a better future and politics should never stand in the way of true collaboration it is quite logical that in in this process , schools should play a leading role in toning the thirst for knowledge and learning, continuing the topic of education, i want to talk about education, the future months, i would even say weeks, you can say became our first
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familiarity with the possibilities of artificial intelligence, and they are already saying that a huge part of what was the usual norms of education is becoming absolutely necessary and helpless, we already see that artificial intelligence is capable of writing textbooks and, on the other hand, is capable of writing essays for students, all the things that previously seemed important for human efforts now i am absolutely exhaustive from the point of view of the possibility of the machine, how will education in general look like from your point of view, how to make it so that a person still in the future uses his own intelligence and not artificial, before i offered myself to the cabinet of ministers in 2016, i went to the committee on the basic education curriculum in taiwan, and honey often discussed this very problem, so we decided that
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the basic education curriculum should really be changed, we shifted the emphasis from literacy, which refers to the consumption of memorization and so on, competence, so instead of digital or media literacy, we are now talking about media and digital competence, because literacy - this is when you read or remember, while competence is when you create, when you create new narratives, new products in mutual cooperation. as you noted, against the background of the automation of not only artificial intelligence, but also search engines, the requirements for education that helps people to prepare have become obsolete that's why i think it's very important to see tools in education like now in taiwan every schoolchild has a tablet in the classroom or when they get older a laptop to use them not just as simple and consumption but as devices of co-creation.
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i hope that thanks to the contribution of our ministry and the ministry of foreign affairs to schools, in particular to the grono lyceum and other educational institutions, we will be able to help each other become bastions of enlightenment and readiness for a bright post-war future for ukraine. the ukrainian authorities are very proud of their achievements in digital technologies, and primarily a digital state as such however, i remember very well as the former president of estonia kerstyuk yulait when she was asked about ukraine's achievements in digital industry said that it is not only important that there are forms, but the content of the digital state is important, and indeed we see how in taiwan the capabilities of the digital state are used to unite communities. and in the people's republic of china, the capabilities of the digital state are used for total surveillance of citizens, which became symbolic, say
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the son took the negur autonomous district how to make the digital state help democracy and not authoritarianism this is very important for ukraine today we know about great work ukrainian public technology community has been transparent since the beginning. that is, almost 10 years ago, and i congratulate the success of the action not only at the national level . robots, i think that democracy uses digital technologies to make the state transparent for its people, while autocracies use technology to make people transparent for the state, and these are very different directions. as of april last year, i signed declaration on the future of the internet together with more than 60 partners around the world, including from the usa, ukraine, lithuania and other countries of
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the declaration we are democracies, so it was a very similar idea with a joint commitment to promote the openness and interoperability of the internet in a pluralistic and not only inclusive way and should be used this multi-state approach to governance is a coercive top-down approach that will turn the internet into a sustainable structure while changing mutual trust and protection of freedom and rights these common values of people are, in my opinion, an excellent example of cooperation without borders. and since taiwan and ukraine are all signatories of the declaration, i believe that we are partners bound by deep respect for freedom, democracy, human rights, the rule of law and the international order, so we look forward to close cooperation and strengthening digital stability for all democracies, i want to
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talk about the experience of the formation war, you said that taiwan is learning from ukraine how to introduce an information war against russia, it must be said that before the start of this war informational resistance of ukraine was not very successful. perhaps also because a huge number of our citizens know the russian language very well and therefore become easy prey for high-quality informational attacks of russia, but taiwan is similar to ukraine. to become a prey for china's information attacks, or after all , the residents of taiwan with their vast democratic experience are not such easy targets for such an information attack as the citizens of ukraine, we really have that's why we consistently we make it a key priority to strengthen
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the stability of not only our critical infrastructure, but also the journalism of the newsmaking sector in order to together overcome the harm caused on the internet and also to expand participation in democratic processes, this is partly due to the fact that in taiwan democracy is a relatively new phenomenon, we held direct presidential elections for the first time elections in 1996, that is, already after the advent of the internet, developing our democracy we pay a lot of attention not only to voting, but also to budgeting with the participation of the public through referendums, applications in a protected sandbox environment through the presidential hackathon and many other forms of continuous deliberative democracy and the more people participate in these forums, the more they receive inoculations from propaganda from authoritarian states because propaganda always emphasizes that democracy leads
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only to chaos and only auto certain models can respond to social challenges, however , by practicing democracy, everyone can see what benefits it can bring. if we talk about cyber as i have now become very important as a part of this war that russia is waging against ukraine and in general the confrontation between democracies and dictators, you see some real possibilities for civilized states to be able to protect themselves from cyber and information leakage from the use of cyber attacks as a tool to destabilize entire states and infrastructures. i think that in in this regard, taiwan, ukraine are in a similar situation, that is, they are firmly on the front lines of resistance to all attacks in august of last year, a few weeks before the creation of the ministry of digital technologies of taiwan we experienced one of the largest in history, and in fact
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, 23 denial-of-service attacks were carried out per day, which is really a lot compared to the previous peak, but these were not only cyberattacks, it was also a tandem of disinformation and manipulation of information in order to show, as i already mentioned, that democracy leads only to chaos so we are successfully resisting the involvement of the web 3 community using the inter-planetary file system ip-fs so that people for example in ukraine or anywhere in the world can donate a free hard drive and free bandwidth in order to help the ministry create a backup copy of our website so that it is in uninterrupted access. we are not talking about roots, we are talking about helping cryptospinota to ukraine at the beginning and throughout the war, implementing a community without borders, strengthening cyber security and developing the necessary cryptographic cooperation that
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will allow us, for example, to be recognized e-resident of ukraine and you are the president of taiwan, it is very important both from the economic point of view and from the point of view of cyber security so that we do not have to invent bicycle instead, we could jointly protect ourselves from attacks on our common infrastructure. please tell us what was most important for the development of these information and digital technologies in the long term , how did it work, how does the state support the development of digital technologies, or how serious is the state control over this development or vice versa does everything that was not in this control how it helps private investment and initiatives in the field of digital technologies what is the recipe for such success since i was a child i always knew that the government of taiwan insists that broad smog communication is a human right and this is important because thanks to
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the digital infrastructure we reduce the costs of the private and social sectors to develop new technologies today our network infrastructure allows anyone to enter a live broadcast from jade mountain the highest peak of taiwan so it also preserves our freedom and openness of expression another thing that the state does is recognize and subsidize digital public spaces but without government control the most taiwanese system of online doshu ads ptt which has been in existence for 25 years. she is the logo of the american website reading. it works entirely within the framework of the academic network and the academic network. its free program support is managed by its members, in fact, the student club of the international energy university , and although the operating costs are subsidized by the university and therefore by the state, it cannot be
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said that the state has any influence . on freedom of speech, censorship or surveillance, but since the system has neither advertisers nor shareholders , it also does not serve the interests of surveillance capitalism, so on the pt platform, for example, on at the beginning of 2020, we discovered earlier than anyone else in the world that something was happening in the kitchen, and therefore responded to the pandemic in time, therefore, the digital public space, which is considered as an infrastructure that is subsidized but not controlled by the state. in my opinion, an important point in addition to broadband internet as a human right is the common denominator is connected with the fact that both our societies passed from the regimes of one-party monopoly to the regime of classical democracy. of course, i am not even going to compare the regime that was established by the kuomintang and
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genner eight handbag tires taiwan and the regime of the communist party of the soviet union, however , in one way or another, in both places, citizens did not understand what the choice of re-conference was, in your opinion, how successful was taiwan's transition to such a choice, and to what extent can we say that the political culture in taiwan today is related to mutual respect with respect to another point of view, you emphasized a very important aspect of taiwanese politics, which is that we are essentially a transcultural and pluralistic state of its 20 national languages including sign language now. we are the first in asia to have a new quality, so i believe that the political culture here is not only a party conference , but also a search for consensus on things that
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people can live with despite their very different origins. i understand that many people imagine taiwan and other countries in the east asia as a monocultural culture of the confucian generation, but in taiwan it is not like that, we enjoy absolute freedom in terms of religion, for example. my grandparents are catholics, but my dad is inclined to taoism and so on, so i i think that conversation and transcultural cooperation between representatives of different origins shape modern taiwanese culture and, therefore, politics. how do you assess the activation of relations between ukraine and taiwan last year? in principle, we did not have a real dialogue before the start of this war. to look like a mechanism of engagement between ukraine , taiwan and the future that there are no official
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diplomatic relations with ukraine, our government wasted no time in joining a nationwide company for collecting donations and joined of international sanctions against russia, taiwan, ukraine stand side by side in defense of democracy and this is what unites us, and our latest cooperation within the framework of the company in taiwan can help free the future has only just begun, therefore our joint opportunities for cooperation are truly limitless, we often talk about the lessons of the ukrainian-russian war and what is such a major lesson for you, maybe it was something unexpected that you discovered for yourself last year in the very process of this confrontation, when you were planning the creation of the ministry even before the war, we wanted it to became the source of digital transformation in the commercial sector, but when the situation and we witnessed the unprovoked brutal invasion of russia into ukraine, we immediately
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adapted our road map so that now the fashion of the ministry deals with digital sustainability for all, in particular, it is about 700 non-stationary satellite holders in taiwan and for by the border that are fixed stationary or are in moving vehicles, the places infection itself knows from your own experience that without high-speed communication with the world during the crisis, the world did not know what's really going on and propaganda is deeply fake synthetic information is supposed to have taken over the international media landscape so that's right it will be this which area is what we learned from your experience and we also learned to work with several cloud providers that's why we cooperate with microsoft
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asia amazon google and also several satellite providers in order not to be left without alternatives if necessary please tell me in principle if we are talking about the situation in the region where the long assess the level of danger, to what extent we can witness real military conflicts , to what extent china is now a threat to the security of taiwan, and to what extent, in principle, it is possible to talk about the military cooperation of democratic e-e countries in the region such as japan, south korea, the republic of china in the long term, etc., preventing earthquakes instead of try to predict exactly when an earthquake will happen we have to build our buildings and plan our cities with their resilience in mind i think this understanding is not means escalation, so we are definitely not
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exacerbating the situation and it seems that now we are not in a state of tension, it is not as high as in august of last year, however, we received a lot of attention and conversations with geopolitical allies, however, in the pacific region, as well as outside it with people who related to common values in the field of cyber security, protection of freedom of speech on the internet, overcoming harm on the internet, etc., and also beyond and to the pacific region, because the way we live, work, and cooperate, and open society, it is no longer a political distance, as in the case of japan, instead, it is a common situation. this is what is currently the border for us, and i think that in this we are very closely connected with ukraine, namely, our values in that the digital sphere remains free from the expansionism of the autocracy, so at the moment, the tension is not so high. we will find an
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escalation, but we are making all the necessary preparations in case natural or artificial earthquakes destroy our underwater cables. tell us, ukrainian society has had a dialogue with russian society for a long time. there were such attempts at a dialogue of understanding, it can be said that these attempts did not end in anything real, but to what extent is the dialogue between taiwanese and chinese society really such that it helps to establish some kind of understanding between the two shores of the gulf? to conduct negotiations to talk on equal terms a-a more than ever because strategic clarity, as i already mentioned, is not
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escalation and we are ready to have conversations about the cultural, scientific, technological struggle with pandemic, which will help ensure transparency of efforts to combat the pandemic, mitigation of the climate crisis and many other topics of the session, the most personal topic that worries me is the protection of journalism and the protection of freedom of speech both on the internet and during an offline meeting, so i believe that in these issues our own experience of the democratization of society from the more authoritarian era of martial law can provide some help and perhaps even inspiration to reformers of authoritarian regimes if we think about the development of a democratic society in the era of eh in the digital digital age, you can say what you
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see as the biggest prospects and the biggest risks number one - this is definitely polarization, if social media is tuned to social media where reposters are encouraged flowers and the spread of messages that incite people to hatred to mutual distrust to apathy to democratic processes, then this actually strengthens authoritarianism, on the other hand, as i already mentioned in digital public spaces where we are responsible as government officials , an approximate consensus is created using people's petitions to councilors of democratic city councils and so on, then the same digital spaces can be repurposed into something like about social social networks. so the danger lies in polarization and to
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overcome it we must undertake to create a digital equivalent of city councils public parks university towns, museums, libraries, and national parks on the internet to promote social discussions that contribute to the development of democracy. this is as important as public instruction and infrastructure in in other, more specific areas, we often talk about the fact that the goals of the generation of voters are changing. if you look at young people in taiwan now, how different is their view of the world from that of their parents , and how much is this view shaped by digital technologies? i think generational solidarity is very important, people who are digital natives are kind of ambassadors who help digital emigrants like me because i moved when i was 12 years old to get to know an additional world that by
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default knows no borders really people who have common values, despite the difference in time zones, easily identify each other and start new projects, such as in wikipedia, ato, which destroys previous warnings that it is possible to work at a great distance with people you have never met, this global co-creation is native to the digital generation and we are very happy that in taiwan, through lifelong education through mentoring young people back to elders in the cabinet, etc. we have been able to share the wisdom of the older generation with dexterity of the young generation. if you could say something to the ukrainian young people who live in a completely different modern world, i suddenly fell into the test of this one. i would say the archaic war waged by russia, which is incredibly reminiscent of
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the feudal wars of the past from the point of view of the approach of our enemies, so that you told the young people of ukraine today there are those who share common values with you can help provide that you think not only about your immediate neighbors of the feudal era, amen, but think about your community that really cares about what takes place in ukraine and your unique experience of both strength and vulnerability is of great importance to communities around the world who join you in co-creation for a better common future thank you
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minister for this interview and i wish you and the people of taiwan great success and thank you for this support of ukraine thank you live long and flourish art in the country of war a series of documentary films each of which will tell about one of the ukrainian artists artists who did not go abroad and continue their creative path in ukraine well the impression is that the story just entered now, and at some such moment, where everything just came together in a linear way, so what happened there that we remember then, it was a kind of drag, and it seems that now it is all in one moment, and we see that well, everything repeats itself against how the place and meaning of the artist and his work change. in a country
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at war, watch the new tv series from the docnotfield studio, the association babylon 13 art in the country of war from january 16 on weekdays from monday to friday at 11:10 on espresso unity today we defend it again we ukrainians from different regions fight and pray we volunteer and save we communicate we work today we once again have to return the detached parts of united ukraine together and together we will win with the day of unity
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