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tv   [untitled]    March 2, 2023 3:30am-4:01am EET

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[000:00:00;00] this is a sufficiently abstract and sufficiently blurred position that can be interpreted in different directions, and this was done, which is also important, not before the vote of the resolution in the ghana assembly, and after that, many in the west feared that if china announced its position and formulated a separate draft resolution, where in the assembly then it would be a confrontation. and yes, there is no confrontation, moreover, i drew your attention to president zelensky, er, formulated a sufficiently flexible position, no illusions, no illusions in relation to the chinese peacekeepers there are no initiatives in kyiv, but at the same time, i think that for us and for the west it is important that china does not engage in direct cooperation with russia , so that a strategic alliance between russia and china does not arise, which opposes the collective action
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, this is the interest of our western partners now, and this corresponds to the ukrainian therefore, in relation to china, the position of the granddaughter is enough for the interests of china, and by the way, we see, let’s say, i think it is purely tactical , the positions of the usa and europe are slightly different, the usa has a tougher position, and the europeans demonstrate a more flexible position, more constructively readiness to negotiate something went to beijing, macron is going well, as for the topic of arms supplies, i think it's not about russia, eh, you 're the kind of information, it's not that china is already going to supply weapons to russia, wants to, let's say, save russia, eh- yes, china does not want a complete defeat of russia, because it will weaken china’s position
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in the confrontation with the united states, but economically , a colleague was just talking about this, citing a whole bunch of examples. economically, it is not profitable for china to engage in a large-scale geopolitical, especially economic confrontation with the west, because it is very powerful will hit the economic interests of china, and so the problem arose during the covid-19 epidemic, this strict quarantine, and the consequences of the conflict with the west will be even more serious. i think that you are such information about the weapons that china can supply to russia. it is indirect blackmail of the americans, they say that if the united states will actively arm taiwan, then we can supply weapons to russia. so the question here is not about russia, and not so much about the ukraine war between russia and ukraine, in which china, i
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think, is not wants to get involved it's rather the controversy surrounding taiwan, where the topic of russia and weapons for russia is used as a tool for clarifying relations with the united states, mr. volodymyr. do you think that the united states has enough effective leverage to restrain china from something that we all do not want, namely, that it provided the russian army with such equipment and weapons as it is lacking now. i think that the main safeguard is the economic interests of china, not the united states, but the economic interests of china. why is china now charging this war? in order to create i have economic problems, by the way
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, i know where the discussion is from last year, and here you have to understand one simple thing against china. russia, how much in connection with, for example, china's direct military aggression against the taiwans? then the question of landing will arise, but when we talk about the supply of weapons, here it is not about american sanctions. i think that both china and the americans will act very, very carefully in this regard issues, and if china will help russia, it will do so unofficially, not directly and on a very limited scale, a little and so that it does not become a reason for sanctions against china, which , for example, trade with russia and bypass the sanctions regime with russia. work in western markets
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, they avoid cooperation with russia, and in this sense the situation is more or less balanced, so i think that china will not destroy this balance . you know the economic interests of china. we hear a lot about certain decisions and votes at the un, and we are a little skeptical about them, because they do not lead to anything except for the political plane and political declaration. of the un assembly voted to support the peace formula proposed by our president, and everyone raised the question well, they support it, and what's next, please decipher the concept of this peace formula, well, there are points we all know, but what will happen next, how will we to act, how to implement it and
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why it was very important that the un general assembly should support this format of the search for peace in this war, see the miro-zelensky formula not about the peaceful settlement of the conflict in ukraine by agreement with russia this is not about that, rather, the proposal about european and global architecture security after the war and about the principles of ending the war that correspond to the interests of ukraine. this is our position of the resolution going to the un assembly . support for zelenskyi's peace formula, yes, it should be taken into account, but the content is a little different there, let's be realists, not only about zelenskyi's peace formula, and all the points of zelenskyi's peace formula are included in this resolution. this is done in order to make it more
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clear i sat down for this resolution in order to preserve this huge support for the ukrainian position, the position of our western partners, two -thirds of the un countries voted for it , the resolution is still the same as before. supported in the un and what about this peace formula is mentioned when zelensky arrives, negotiations are underway, washington is mentioned, they are mentioned in berlin, paris, london, brussels. this is what is important, because they are already taking it into account , uh, this is possible for the first time in our history 30-year-old, when specific agreements are not imposed on us, the budapest memorandum, the minsk agreements or something else. and when we promote our position, our principles, our formula, this is important, we demonstrate our subjectivity, this does not mean that tomorrow peace will be exactly
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under such conditions, but it can be different. unfortunately, it is important that we clearly stated our interests, we will defend our interests and gradually promote them, this is important, and our partners, even with certain, let's say , tactical nuances, they are forced to take into account the fact that they publicly support zelenskyi's formula, this is already a great success , and there should be specific agreements on specific points of this formula. well, for example , security wants, we already see yes, there is an implementation of the grain agreement and i think that it will be continued and negotiations will now take place again to recover, the situation is very difficult and unacceptable for russia to punish criminals, war criminals, war criminals, and ukraine are promoting this position, but just yesterday, president zelenskyi talked about this , a representative of the international criminal court came to us, and where is the investigation into russian war crimes in ukraine, and
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in what form is the question being resolved er, there will be er punishment, most likely for the time being in absentia in the form of the work of the international criminal court or, most likely, a special international tribunal. yes, but this the work is already being implemented , it will not be fast . unfortunately, there are procedures here, but the work is already going exactly as the work is going and the international security guarantee for ukraine. by the way, this is not the first resolution that he passes in support of ukraine . in march, two resolutions were also passed in support of the territorial integrity of ukraine, and please tell me about
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at that time, some progress was somehow achieved. these resolutions became more effective, more decisive, more specific than they were a year ago. does this remain the same mechanism of international pressure for more declarative ? please explain how it works and whether there is really progress this year. i would now i was not fixated on the un situation, it is important for us that two-thirds of the un member states support ukraine, the resolution you are talking about was adopted symbolically on the eve of the anniversary of the russian invasion of ukraine, and it is important for us that most of the countries of the world supports the position of ukraine of our partners eh and eh another meaning of this resolution yes, not the first resolution, it is that the support of this
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overwhelming support is maintained secondly . e of russia e-e and on the war crimes of russia in ukraine, you can refer to the political decisions of the un general assembly a-and you can refer to the resolution e-e of the european parliament, the resolutions of the parliamentary assembly e-e of the council of europe, here are the political decisions of such representatives bodies or bodies that represent respectable international organizations, they are very important, this is the political basis for future concrete international legal actions on the un , there is a problem because the only way for us to advance our interests is currently a resolution of the un general assembly at the level to the great regret of the un security council, all this is blocked in russia, and it has the right of veto . by the way, china is also on the horizon and such
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work is already underway, although many people perceive it as such a utopia, but even our lawyers, some are not partners in our abroad, promote the idea that will most likely be implemented by the countries to exclude russia from the zones with the united nations because russia gained membership in the un in violation of the standard procedure, it received this membership as the alleged successor of the ussr, and for example, the countries of the former yugoslavia joined because of the voting on the general assembly and there was also a decision of the security council, and here we have to think about the future together with our partners who are not yet ready for anything how to achieve it after the war and i hope after the defeat of russia in the current war so that russia gets rid of its place in the un. let them re-enter. yes, but so as not to become members
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of the un security council again. this is a strategic goal, and you can achieve it quickly. we must think about this, and today the resolution is going to the un assembly, these are tactical steps that correspond to our interests and gradually , brick by brick, they are laying the political foundation and consolidating our victory at the international legal level. thank you very much volodymyr fesenko, a political scientist, was in touch with us. thank you for the interesting comment . i agree with that. i would just like to say why we are actually building the foundation on which , after and or on the eve of the end of the war , we will build a form of how it it must end for russia that we will receive reparations, divide russia or something else, not only the ukrainian situation, this applies in general to all the main a-a such
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security walls of the world order, which must be rebuilt now. just us or them. volodymyr mentioned a very important thing about the fact that russia actually appropriated the inheritance of a country that is a founding country, one of the founding countries of the soviet union. this is the soviet union . russia actually now considers russia to have appropriated this right. russia, as well as other countries, such as ukraine , anew. and of course, russia should not sit in the un security council, have the right to veto, and so on , because in fact it simply appropriated this right to itself, and it is necessary to restore proper order and beyond, including that i just want to make it clear to our viewers what we are talking about, that the adoption of the un resolution
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is really quite blurred why because it reflects it is really based on certain basic principles that were contained in this formula of zelenskyi but in fact, it is not a complete reflection of it, because it was a concept in order to unite the countries as much as possible, gather support and actually show that it is around the ukrainian vision of how to achieve peace that the entire international community is based, and not on russian or i want to return to the thesis and topic that we and you voiced and mr. fesenko supported , that the economy is at the center of china's interests, and this is , on the one hand, a deterrent to their intervention in this war on the other hand, this is their weakness, and in the outside world, the chinese understand that what they
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were building until the last decade turned out to be their achilles heel, which is why they cannot fully play out their potential, including in this war, they can play out one scenario where can they further develop their potential without global connections of these chains, this is a reorientation of capital investments for the development of previously undeveloped regions, this is the north west, west, south of the country, there is a complete progress, if it can be said that there is a place to direct these investments, technologies that china has to build infrastructure there and for a certain time, in principle, even if the chinese economy closes in on itself, it will stand still for a certain time, but in general, trends are emerging if we look
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dangerous for china, indeed for china, as i said, stability is needed internally and on the perimeter, stability is needed precisely to ensure this global trade and to take the maximum with it, but there are problems in the internal situation, for example , china using a market economy , accumulating economic potential , actually created its own middle class which demands greater rights and freedoms and actually competes with, well, let's say it challenges the party of the communist party of china. that is, it must either give up a little power to give people more power and reduce the role of the state or, on the contrary, strengthen its role in this vertical and create one separate state, the same as what was created in russia, that is, communism , capitalism, they are incompatible with each other, they are incompatible, we saw how they acted in relation to the head of alibaba who went to japan, whose a partial share was selected and the company was not allowed to enter the ipo. that is, it was a signal from big
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business that a vertical is still being formed where the communist party will rule, which means that there is an internal conflict externally, there is also a conflict because the claim to taiwan is a challenge to the united states of corruption and you actually involved yourself in addition to the adoption in 2013 of this concept of an alternative system of international relations , which is the one in which we now live, which is the alternative system of the united states of america. you have already dragged yourself into the conflict with your own hands. yes, you understand that you need to develop, you need to trade, but you will get involved, well, you have created such preconditions that you are already in a conflict, you are already in a conflict, so i think that we are looking further as the internal situation will develop, sisinpin was re-elected for a third term , what does this mean in 1979, when donets opin was appointed to lead china, there was an agreement between the west and the united states of america that china would
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develop as an open country . it receives western investments. it receives western technologies, and these technologies will be used on to increase its economic potential, this was done in order for it to balance the aggressive soviet union at that time, and it also assumed that in politics there would be a re-election of general secretaries, so to speak let's say they will be in power for two terms, re-election is actually a semi-democratic country with a morning economy and open to education and this gives you the opportunity to develop when you have actually accumulated the potential in 2013, xi jinping is coming in 2013, we see the emergence of this alternative concept . now we see the consequences that he is running for a third term, having actually rejected the agreement, well, he rejected the agreement. let's say that the united states of america will develop independently and they have their own
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vision for the further development of the world. the conflict is definitely a conflict, now let's look at the strategy of the united states , they said , "how will the united states of america be stopped? there is an economic interaction, they are interdependent, so it's written in ashley telisa. who wants to read this concept, the strategy of the united states in relations with china?" one of the key points to restrain china will not directly raise the potential and authority of the countries located on the perimeter of china, australia, japan , india, vietnam, and singapore , indonesia, and these countries will balance china, that is they will be china's balancer. that is, their economies will be strengthened more, more technologies will be cooperated with them, more investments will be made for them, and this sharp growth of china will be compensated by the gradual growth of the countries that are on the perimeter . how do you think china is interested in supporting putin to the last, or is he interested in so that putin
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would be strong, putin would be the winner, or vice versa, they are interested in putin being limited in his capacity, so that putin would be weakened as much as possible, humiliated and dependent on china because both er have both both putin has certain advantages that can be used by china but still what do they want er for him what do you think about china will always pursue its own interests not putin no no no one else china will always provide the implementation of which they interested putin in his two scenarios, see one scenario, if it weakens completely, it means that russia loses, it weakens and is actually reformatted into a democratic state . that is, it is under the influence of the west . china will take all those territories in the east which russia once took from him in the 19th century under two treaties
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. and these fertile lands are large, this is the far east, everything there was taken away in part. if china manages to ensure by political and diplomatic means that russia will not lose and exit from this war, the preservation of power and, more than once, the formation of russia as of the empire, he will simply make it a complete vassal, it will be the strategic rear of china for the continuation of the fight against the united states of america. that is , it is a cheap resource, a corridor to europe , a logistics transport, what is it, what is it, in fact, the territory on which you you establish rights, that is, the leaders will have their own political system in russia , everything, but the leaders, whom to appoint and to whom if they act, they will come and agree in beijing, it’s like the golden hordes once, you know. it means agreeing to a shortcut to receive directions. actually, this expansion has been happening there for many years. i just noticed that once on the streets of moscow there were exchangers anya, for example, or in
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the eastern territories of russia, not just some border areas with china and in general, everything a little east of moscow there, people study the chinese language absolutely seriously , because a lot of things are already tied to china, some business issues, issues of trips for various purposes, and so on. and yes, even now when people are fleeing from mobilization, some of them are fleeing, including in the chinese ukraine, where are our interests in china, and can we build such direct and frank relations with china, and we need relations in conditions where well, let's be frank, we are more oriented to the west, as you say, china is not an enemy, but there is a certain competition
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between them . will they give us the opportunity to build direct relations with china? its bilateral relations with china, because china is actually the second country in the world that created a bipolar world after the g20, and after exactly that, not cooperating with the second country in the world that aspires to become the first economic power would not be frivolous and illogical plus before that, china actually opened its markets to us and provided us with the opportunity to lose the markets of russia, the cis, she closed those markets to us, then we signed a free trade association agreement with the european union, but we had a lot of restrictions there , tariff and non-tariff, and we did not could actually sell all the products that we produce in the european union at this time, starting there from the 15th year, china began to open up more and more market segments for us, and in the 19th year it even became the number one trading partner or three
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for years he was the number one trading partner in bilateral trade definitely is now he removed tariff barriers removed restrictions during the war gave us the opportunity to sell everything so that we could make money and balance our social and political situation well to help us less er rude speaking, that's why with china it's a big market sold for our agricultural products for metallurgical mining products - it's possible with this cooperation, these railway technologies are the fastest now in terms of technology in china well there are many such technologies that china could actually share with us, in addition, we need to keep china closer to us and not to make it closer to russia than to our enemy, so if you don't have an ambassador, you don't have a trade representative, you don't have your own checkpoints, then you can't politics, conduct economic policy, in general, you cannot convey your thoughts and positions to the first persons of investigation to the ministry of foreign affairs if you do not do it
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without question and lives in the narratives of the russians, lives the politics of russia and looks at its own interests how best to use as uh to satisfy our interests that's why we have to go to china to develop and deepen these relations despite uh what position does he take we don't have common borders this is a plus we have complementary economies we produce a-a food a y china's food security is not completely ensured and it is ready to take what we produce and we cannot sell, for example, on the african market, it is difficult to sell because we enter into competition with the europeans there with the americans and with the same chinese selling their goods china although it is a rather authoritarian state with a communist government at the head , at the same time, china is still a supporter of soft power and economic levers of influence to achieve its political goals, rather than , for example, the barbaric methods that
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it is currently using gives us hope that after all we will be able to somehow reach some kind of consensus with china and find a way so that on the one hand we will not allow russia to win under any circumstances, on the other hand so that china will remain in peace and further implemented his policy in the world. well, not at our expense. let's put it this way, if we are talking about the subjectivity of ukraine since the beginning of the war , which has already been recognized by the whole world, then we have the right and the obligation to build direct diplomatic relations and cooperation economically that china is our biggest economic partner. we buy a large amount of chinese goods, we supply raw materials there, and it is possible in this regard, as they say, the dog is buried, and the concept of how to involve china in supporting ukraine and not supporting russia in this war and to take sides after all civilization, so we started with the peace plan with peaceful initiatives
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but in the end , yes, we came to the economy, but well, we heard a lot of opinions that the money really lies in the plane that deters whales from interfering in this war on the side of russia and for us, it is important to hear that china will not support russia and supply them with weapons. thank you very much. ruslan osypenko was in the axes of the night watch. we hope the broadcast was very interesting. he seemed so to me. see you soon. thank you. we are strong in our struggle
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that is even stronger in the unity of the unity of the whole world hand in hand side by side at the same table god of ukraine and freedom is with us today from dozens of political stands europe and america democratic countries of all continents sports and cultural community hello i am a betstiller and i am in ukraine supporting they are coming to ukraine, we spent time with mr. president of the united states of america in ukraine, they help, give weapons, give hope for a prosperous future, our land and we will definitely win for the sake of the freedom of our people and peace in the whole world with us, the whole world we we will display it because we understand that the main thing is our wealth, our people, that is why we are happy for every ukrainian and
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the ukrainians we managed to save, we simply because we know that there is no such thing as small help and are ready to support to the best of our ability, each of their shots, a projectile only strengthens our unity and desire for victory , unlike them, we we will stand up, we will win and we will give up the ruins of washed-up kimzhi never we are ukrainians and we will arrange children of war wounded and dead missing persons deported and displaced if you know any


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