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tv   [untitled]    March 3, 2023 8:00pm-8:31pm EET

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[000:00:00;00] oh, donetsk, now the enemy is actively looking for places in mariupol, this is the last message that i literally read in front of you, the enemy is looking for places in mariupol where they could hide their shells. and it is very good that there are also people working in mariupol who, uh, were either sent there or simply somehow transferred to the enemy and people on the ground and the effective work of intelligence and space development, because the actual knowledge where there are stocks or professions and then they are destroyed, this is what actually bleeds off any potential of the russian army to carry out both defensive actions and offensive actions with the use of artillery, this is what was well demonstrated when we squeezed the enemy from the right bank of the dnipro river and they just liberated the kherson region, now we will go up the mountain to the north
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, look at the luhansk region, and we talked about the offensive that the enemy started, the match criminal, and in order to push back the armed forces of ukraine and try to capture it again lymanyki was a team of armed forces of the law of ukraine, did the offensive blow out there, or was there simply less intense fighting there, and maybe they do not get into the news chart every day, as do, say, bakhmut or vugledar, the fighting is intense, the front line almost does not change, but the fighting is intense because everything exactly the accumulation of the enemy's manpower and equipment in these areas of svata in kremenna is quite significant. as we know literally yesterday, the ukrainian government praised the decision on the forced deportation of skupyansk and children and e-e people who have limited physical capabilities because the enemy is shelling this settlement and actually continues its
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efforts to push us beyond the oskil river and using for this primarily the accumulation of artillery manpower that is sufficient there and actually repeats that there are risks with the accumulation of russian forces in the zone of boulders, there are certain reserves that actually enter this area with a criminal grip, descending just behind from the north along the entire front line and continuing to follow the matchmaking-criminal area in a flint battle actions continue, the gates are trying to use modern models of technology there, such as tanks, a breakthrough, infantry support vehicles, the terminator, but, despite these attempts, everything is still the same, there is no change in the front line, there is no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, there are no combat operations in the area of ​​belokhorivka, as for the enemy. it is extremely important to suppress our e-e troops. but this also does not change because white is important for us. for certain moments that actually
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if the enemy will advance, it is better to move from e-e in the direction of bahmut and further, there is actually the possibility of such significant flank strikes in the side of the enemy group that will be moving there in slavic kramatorsk, well, actually, about this area, i wanted to ask something else, but it probably won't be asked , we'll go further, and i'd like to say a few more words about the south, very briefly i just saw a video today, it's very interesting , the armed forces of ukraine, which of course do not exist. now there are such intense battles in the south, especially in the kherson region, which are taking place in donetsk region, and they are setting up their position . a farmer came on his excavator under the constant shelling from the enemy, he dug several hundred meters into the trench for our armed forces, then people brought some wood there , they line the trenches with dugouts so that the armed forces of ukraine could strengthen themselves, well enough, by the way, high-quality trenches so the fact that the local population helps where there is
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an opportunity to understand that there is little that the local population can do to help in bakhmut, but it is good that the armed forces of ukraine are also being strengthened and preparing for a counteroffensive are strengthening the positions where they are now where they are now accepting perhaps a few words about the southern if there was anything decisive well, in fact, we didn't have much dynamics in the southern, except for the destruction of warehouses of objects in the south, which is a regular basis, in fact, strikes on russian objects about which the general staff does not always report, but they are quite regular, in fact, this is a reflection of the strategy that the ukrainian army implemented precisely on the right bank of the dnieper, now it is transferred precisely to those areas that in the future will become the main directions for our e-e offensive actions, although the enemy is also now trying to increase the number of forces there in the zone of nuts, the field is walking in the directions of these our settlements and is also not
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included, which is parallel to the activation of actions on the coalfields that we expect about a week later in the same way in the zone of nuts in gulyaipole, there they will try to carry out certain offensive actions to divert attention from other directions, in particular from the same bahmut , that is, not allowing us to do me by the forces of i today i saw a video of how the armed forces of ukraine were completely national guardsmen. so it will be national guardsmen. they identified and destroyed the enemy's tor-m1 nitrogen complex , which costs 25 million dollars per second , with one shot from a drone, which probably costs several thousand dollars. these drones were visible, as the russians say how is it that our tanks there, which are worth millions, destroy a drone that he made in a garage well, this is the nature of this war, which the russians do not fully understand, together with this tor-m1 they also destroyed the national guardsmen destroyed another mine-mining machine. in our country, they are called land. by the way, there are such strange names for the different ones there. and today they also destroyed the su-34
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russian 54 for another 40 million dollars. that is, there are simply no such planes in ukraine, but there is annihilation in russia, one pilot died, another pilot, in short, has not yet died , we will talk about what happened in russia this week because they have panic and hysteria there, but i would like a few more words for you to say about this incident that happened in belarus, where the plane and 50 ou with a large antenna, it looks like a spaceship above the fuselage, it suffered now, please comment, it knew drone attacks, so it is actually about the fact that the belarusian partisans still showed a video of how the attack on this long-range aircraft was carried out constant detection of the russian federation and 50 one drone was just filming and the other was carrying out an attack. it even sat on this antenna and then the recording is cut off. actually
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, it should be understood that this is the time when the ammunition that this drone was carrying was probably detonated. now we don't know for sure the extent of the impression and damage to this plane, but even so, i flew to the manufacturer that has to repair it, we understand that this means that the damage to this machine was really caused, this significantly limits, well, such espionage- espionage actions of this aircraft during the coordination of the means of attack of the russian federation of russia this week in russia this week a lot of unexpected things happened to the russians themselves explosions not far from moscow explosions in the krasnodar region and also the west let's put it this way the russian volunteer corps on the territory of russia in the bryansk guberniukivska dublyan oblast well, it seems to me that the ukrainian side also lost, but by using the russian military at the same time , it beat the russians who were preparing this operation under a foreign flag, what they did before when they tried to justify the war
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against chechnya they wanted make some bloody terrorist attack, obviously in the bryansk region well , here are these groups of volunteers who are fighting in ukraine against russia, the russians came and confused the maps of peskov, he said that what happened to the incident in the bryansk region of the military no one will introduce the conditions in russia, whether the map was confused or not , i think when they say it is because they were really preparing some such campaign under a foreign flag, which was supposed to be connected there with certain victims from the russian side when he wanted to say that they were killed there the civilian population there is a boy, there is only a girl. then they began to get confused in the testimony and we understand that they were really preparing for this because the meeting of the security council of the russian federation was preparing putin's speech, but all this is from the competition, it is because of the fact that
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the russian volunteer corps has actually overtaken the russians, which means that we know very well what the enemy is planning, and the fact that we confused the russian volunteer corps in such a timely manner suggests that we will be able to somehow to protect ourselves from such challenges , although it is still difficult to understand what could really be our enemy, but we see that the enemy is insidious, but this does not mean that we cannot outplay him, well, lieutenant colonels of the fsb , then all morning, the lieutenant colonel went to i don't know, maybe he got a colonel now, but then he was a lieutenant colonel of the fsb, when he retires, and then he was still the head of the fsb , we can probably say that he was very sad about the fact that the ukrainian intelligence beat him , well, in the end, you can show it, just watch the video the fall of the 134th russian plane, if i'm not mistaken, it's called something like it will attack and then two pilots will jump out, one survived and the other did not, it was hit by a ukrainian anti-aircraft missile complex
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over yunakievo, so that is, in fact, we are talking about the fact that there were about 100 or so russian aircraft and they are being destroyed quite actively by ukrainian air defense and today it seems to be 400, the first aircraft destroyed since the beginning of the russian aggression, very good indicators. thank you very much serhii zubovets , the director of the defense agency was with us express yes. next week we will again return to the results of what is happening on the fronts and will be able to predict what is happening there . so these were the military results of the day and serhiy zgurets, and then in our arteries we will have a special guest, the minister of foreign affairs in friendly to us with the states, you will see the same in our hotel literally in a moment unconquered cities of ukraine zaporizhzhia, the city of harsh metallurgists, famous engine builders and
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a powerful hydroelectric power station on the dnieper, it is also the cradle of the cossack race of ukraine, which never knelt before anyone zaporizhia cossacks defended ukrainian lands for centuries from the invaders during the war of liberation , the zaporizhia army fought for independence for the entire country in the second world war, the city withstood the soviet undermining of the dnieper river and the german occupation, and now zaporizhzhia is full of the cossack spirit as always indomitably stands in defense of ukraine zaporizhzhia is invincible greetings my name is yuriy fizer and as usual
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at this time on the espresso tv channel the world of ukraine program i am talking about the most important things that have happened in the past day in the world today will be in a slightly different format and that's why that i have a guest in the studio of the espresso tv channel, a very important person, a respectable person - this is the minister of foreign affairs of estonia, our friendly country, urmas rein salo. i congratulate you , mr. urma, with a very great honor and privilege that you came to our studio today, it's an honor to talk to you and ask you a few questions. well, i'll also greet you with your estonian greeting dash fh t a-a. good evening. well, let's start the conversation. first of all, i want to thank you very much from everyone . ukrainians for the support and help we receive from your country, from your citizens, from your government, this is incredibly
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important for all of us in order to quickly overcome the aggression that began against our country and against the entire civilized world and against democracy february 24 last year ago please thank your government thank the prime minister interesting with thank all the people of your wonderful country for this well and since i have already started talking about the help and support of the minister please tell me about this year for more than 365 days, how many humanitarian financial military aid have we received from you - that's a lot of truth
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. in europe, about 1% of our gdp, we are equivalent to military aid in arms and ammunition, this is approximately one of the largest indicators per capita in the world, but what we do in practice is also that we want to set an example for our colleagues and partners to they followed it. accordingly, we are trying to act consistently and systematically, and we made a promise that all nato members provided such assistance in the amount of one percent of the military flow of ukraine, and we have for this, thank you very much, mr. minister, but
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please tell me. well, you have exactly these figures how many ukrainians live in estonia now, i don't mean those who lived in estonia for a long time, it's about those who fled the war in ukraine , the official website 2012 and they now live in estonia, these are people who are actually very active in helping children and families, and this is very a good indicator, because what happened to the people who fled, we care about them, but if there is one more small question
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about our refugees, it seems to me that a few months ago, your prime minister kakaya kalas said that estonia is approaching some kind of limit, and maybe she already approached border that will no longer be able to accept ukrainian refugees because there is no place or if god forbid there will be such a need. will there be any place for ukrainian people that is about human life, even if they are people who have traveled a lot of territory and come a long way in order to get to estonia they were looking for salvation and of course there are many, many ukrainian families of such people, but we also
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made such an agreement with finland with finland that it will also help ukrainians if such a number of estonians is already impossible for it's good for us, mr. minister, look, this russian aggression would never have happened if we were a member of the european union, and most importantly, if ukraine were a member of nato , obviously these conversations were held even before the beginning of the aggression, somehow this process dragged on for a long time now . maybe it has accelerated this process, but still the war allows us quickly become a member of the european union and become a member of nato, you are a person who communicates with your colleagues , european colleagues, you know what is happening inside these institutions . please tell me your professional opinion.
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really estonia, i'm sorry, ukraine can become such a member of the european union. well, nato, and i can hear somewhere now that you're lying to the military, and l note, such a big attack on a nato member . in fact, this is a very big security guarantee that after this war, ukraine should become a full member of nato and if people are competing, if someone has any doubts or fears, it means that they are er that russia will come for them later in order to prevent such a development of the scenario in europe er ukraine what are you camphonia ukraine to nato to the alliance and that's why i hope that at the summit in
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a huge cardinal step will be taken in vilnius in this direction, and i really want all nato member states. they have already stated that nato has opened its doors, but they are also now thinking about what our next steps will be, practical steps, as well as a clear vision for the ukrainian state for the ukrainian population regarding membership in the eu , i want to say that it is important that they should start this year. ukraine should make certain reforms. ukraine has already done a lot and will continue to complete the goals that put before it is also very important. this is political. of course, there are a lot of conversations in the middle of the european union, but there are many countries that fully support
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ukraine's membership in the eu, and they are now striving to provide ukraine with everything possible for that. before joining the eu, so that ukraine solves the issue with a question. in the dialogue with the european commission, too. therefore , i want to say from the bottom of my heart that i do not have any variables. and i do not see any alternative future for ukraine, in addition to full membership in nato and the eu, if we are looking for some kind of long-term peace, we will become a member of the european union and nato, the minister , the next question for you is this. look, we have already talked about the help we receive, we have discussed some good sides, let's talk about problems, let's still talk about the problem within the european union
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regarding the support of ukraine, because today i read a very nice altimes interview of your prime minister, which she and you said about the fact that now it is becoming more and more difficult to convince european leaders that it is necessary to help ukraine, but is there still a consensus in the european union? does ukraine or such friends as, for example, estonia , the baltic countries, need to pay more attention to something and work on something so that to convince those who hesitate . it is a matter of everyday to direct efforts in this direction , especially when it comes to sanctions . yes, we all talked about the 10th, but there are also
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many other provisions for which we will continue to fight in order to put such friendly pressure on other nato countries on other european union countries in order to really have a consensus during the process of making such important decisions, it is clear that it takes time, we are well aware of this and in fact it is such a very important resource for ukraine in in the current context, when we talk about arms assistance, estonia made a very important proposal so that ukraine itself would be able to receive ammunition for howitzers and other systems. we promised that we would generate joint efforts common common with the process of purchasing one or another type of weapons so that ukraine
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receives 1 million yes projectiles, the team stage of negotiations at the meeting with the heads of the defense departments and i think that this idea really received recognition but did this idea receive or will it receive recognition, that is, at these the negotiations at which you will be next week do you support and support but there are also always questions questions in the details uh we prefer flexibility so that ukraine can really receive weapons as soon as possible but there are also other a from the point points of view, how should we conduct our struggle in the coming days and weeks, and that is why we emphasize that it is important that the countries that made a promise to help ukraine
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with weapons, that they really immediately proceed to fulfill such promises, because if we see how much time passes between promises and practical it is clear that, unfortunately , it is very slow, so our message is to do it as soon as possible. minister, as much as i don't want to talk about it today, let's at least say a few words about russia. it is obvious that after we win, we, together with your help from other countries, will help the russian aggressor , we will not have relations with russia, well, at least they will not be as they were before, but if we talk about the european union, will there be, well, will there be relations with russia after our victory of our common victories, but what kind of relationship do you think it will be? it all depends on the outcome
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of the war. if there will still be civility. if the leaders of russia will bear responsibility for the war crimes they committed. if russia will pay reparations, the minimum basis for that. to talk about any potential further relations, the development of relations in the future, but if this does not happen, if putin is his publicists, if they continue to sit in the kremlin, then this is not moral. it is moral to maintain any kind of relations with them after the war is over, we are talking about different areas of life we understand that they are now committing acts of genocide and their hands are in the blood of innocent people, and therefore we really have to admit that people who go to this regime. yes, if they
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want to return to normal functioning within the international framework is actually the first thing they need to pay for everything they have done, because now we also have to say about what went wrong on the west's side, why did the west act for 9 years while the war was going on, why did they treat such actions so leniently which russia spread not only to ukraine but to other countries . look, if we already talk about the defeat of russia in this war, it will definitely be in your opinion, in the opinion of the estonian government, well, in the end, even in general, in the opinion of european leaders the defeat of russia will be the defeat of the country called russia, the defeat of president putin, who is the president of the country called russia, or the defeat of the citizens
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of the country called russia, that is, firstly, ukraine , of all the occupied, of all the occupied settlements of ukraine, secondly, russia - of course, no one will return the lives of the innocent killed, but russia must pay for the reconstruction and the economic recovery of ukraine, and thirdly, the leaders of russia, as well as the military soldiers, those who directly committed these crimes, they all must be brought to justice and in fact, this shame will follow them for the next generations, it actually happened after the nazi regime fell, it is also possible for the russians to enter their territory, many of us
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criticized our decision, but we understand that, after all, russians are citizens of the country of the aggressor and they are also involved in the fact that we see what is happening , they condescend to the regime that exists in their homeland, of course, such a regime. they have a legal but also a moral responsibility . please, in one of the last few days ago, putin, the president of the aggressor country, said that the west of butsiv is trying to develop russia, so that the muscovites of the urals would appear there , and so on and so on, the west really wants this, i want to talk about some kind of
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division or division russia's decentralization and i think that there is no clear maidan of this also remember the words of garik sparov, who represents civil-democratic resistance he said that russia we need to understand why we need to put an end to the russian empire on in order for the normal state of russia to be reborn in the future, and that is why this is extremely important, it will be such a positive moment for the people of russia, as well as from the point of view of its security. i thank you very much, mr. ambassador, for coming to our studio today for that you answered my questions and for the fact that your country, your government
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and your people help us so much i thank you very much tanonteid vega mr. pasok p minister i apologize a-a well, i am forced to conclude today's world about ukraine today it was unusual, but as you can see, it was very important. it was the minister of foreign affairs of estonia, our friendly country, urmas rein salo. they talked about many things, in particular, about the support of this beautiful country in our struggle and how we are going to victory together. well, that's all. in the section the world is about ukraine, but not everything is on our air, so don't switch . i feel chained to my chair. everything is starting to annoy me


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