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tv   [untitled]    March 9, 2023 8:30pm-9:01pm EET

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[000:00:00;00] eh, in our opinion, eh is doing quite logically explaining the continuation of the protests by the fact that until the georgian government finally and clearly embarks on the course of european integration, the protests will continue, taking into account that we are now in a state of full-scale confrontation with the russian federation and at the beginning of this invasion and president zelenskyi said about it that they should revolt all peoples offended by the russian federation , in particular georgians, to return their territories as far as can be expected that these protests are the beginning of this uprising of georgia against against the fact that, as analysts say, everything in georgia is in the hands of a pro-russian oligarch and vanishvili. i would like to return to the previous
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topic, the strike on zolochiv region is absolutely senseless , senseless, not justified by anything, but it is in the context of this war in general , which is completely senseless and senseless. since we know that wars are fought either for resources or by territory or by the second, and here russia lacks nothing. neither territories nor resources. that is, it is a war of one person, she has it in her head regarding georgia, i do not think that these protests will grow in the next rose revolution or something else, in my opinion, i think that my colleagues support me in the sense that any process should be considered in the context, not taken out of context and follow the history and dynamics of how they developed. what happened in georgia after in 1991, after the collapse of the soviet union and the gaining of independence by many subjects of the soviet union
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, including ukraine and georgia, president zvyat hamsa khurdia came to power, then he was ousted and the former minister of foreign affairs eduard shavarnadze became president for a rather long period in 2002, a revolution took place, mikhail saakashvili became president because of what, that is, the reasons for this revolution were obvious because the country was poor and deeply corrupt. films about the besieged leningrad or the period of the second world war had to sacrifice certain furniture in order to warm their apartment in the center of tbilisi to warm themselves and their children
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. of development - this is the election of a new president, a new parliament, since georgia is a parliamentary-presidential republic , the prime minister plays the main functions in the management of the state, he is appointed by the parliament , which in its majority actually elects the cabinet of ministers in 2020, approximately 48.22 voters voted for the ruling the georgian dream party, which formed a coalition and won 96 mandates in the parliament out of 150, that is, it has an overwhelming majority if you remember during this period the opposition led by the party it created at the time mikheil saakashvili renounced the mandates naturally wanted to renounce the mandates in this way creating prerequisites for
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new elections in georgia, but the collective event of the organization of the united nations naturally for the re-elections, the parliament was not there, as for the events that are happening today, well, the problem of the georgian government that is now is that it , like the vast majority of other government officials other countries, because this is a problem, they do not communicate well with society, no explanatory work was carried out, i will not go into details, because i will honestly say that i did not read the law about foreign agents, the only thing is that georgian government officials claim that it is a copy of the american law of the headlight, which was adopted in 1938, although we know that in the united states the constitution has been in effect for 200 years with certain amendments and five. valery chaly
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, who was reading, said that it is very similar to the law that was just passed in russia, even well that's why i say that i won't go into details because i haven't read either the second or the third law. we won't discuss this topic, but today i spoke with independent journalists and public figures who confirmed that the main social core of the protests are students and youth , and they explain this is how the student youth was formed in georgia for 20 years, which was absolutely inert to political processes, they did not support one or the other of the political forces that entered into confrontation with each other, but the european the future is the path chosen by georgia and it is approved in the constitution, it is extremely important for them, there is no doubt that political structures, including opposition ones, could not
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help but try to lead this process, but according to the testimony of those people who were even injured during the dispersal of the demonstration, the presence of politicians greatly annoyed the youth environment on their opinion, these protests will definitely not stop once, even after the ruling party stated that it will withdraw this bill, not only is it related to certain legal norms that the bill which passed the first vote cannot be revoked, that is, in the second vote, it is obviously possible or not to vote it can be given for revision, in addition, two bills were sent to the venetian commission for analysis and recommendations. well , from what we know from the press, the ruling party said that it will take into account all recommendations of the venetian commission commission and after that will
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then consider the possibility of re -introducing this law to the parliament or not introducing it in my opinion if we do not have a law in ukraine about inna agents i do not see the need to accept it in georgia, but it is probably related to the perspective elections of 2024 in order to possibly limit in some way the possibility of the opposition or other mass media that may belong to other political structures not to discredit the events taking place in georgia regarding the pro-russian nature of the government. i am here i do not completely agree, because the facts testify to something else. georgia as a state has been a member of ramstein since june. it is one of the 51 countries that are in the anti-russian coalition
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at the meetings of the united nations georgia always votes positively, that is, it supports all initiatives and all documents aimed at protecting the sovereignty of ukraine against russia. what can we blame the georgians for again? do we have the right to do so, that they continue to trade with russia and about 100,000 russians entered the territory of georgia over the last year, the georgians did not close the border, but i want to note that these thousands of russians brought into the budget of georgia, which in the 21st year amounted to 19 billion, almost 1 billion dollars, now the question is we would like georgia was a poor country, or would we like it to develop, and surely here we need to find a certain balance in the perception of a nation that is friendly to us. i am convinced that these georgians who are now protesting
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against this law and these georgians who are currently supporting the armed forces are fighting for us in the foreign legion, and there are about a thousand of them, according to various estimates, and those georgians, even those who do not go to the demonstrations, and just sit and watch television, observe these events, they are absolutely determined friendly to ukraine and this is truly a brotherly people who will not allow any government that comes to power in georgia to be against ukraine and support aggression against ukraine against our state, well, one more small nuance, as my friends told me, georgians do not go to demonstrations protest against tax rates or pension reform but georgians have a cult of children, students - they are also children, that is, if the government now used unlawful force and there were some victims and sufferers, then
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the entire georgian people would rise up and demand to let them go and allegedly now they said that they should let them go, these more than 100 people are a lot and that's why they are obviously now back on the street of the law, that is, there will probably be people who did not use any active violent actions against the police will be released. well, the others will definitely be dealt with within the framework of the valuable legislation, i still see kamazukne from there , it’s interesting to just listen, it’s interesting to understand their context in general, because well, if georgia wants to fight against russia, get out from under the yoke under which they are one way or another we can argue, i don't know, that's what we're probably supporting, and why not, and if it's something else , then let's talk about it, about ukraine, which we have a lot now, we talked a lot about the fact that there are some feelings that supposedly help us, but
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they don't help enough, what can be done about it influence what else we can do what needs to be done thank you for the question, but i will respond briefly what we would like from georgia we would like the georgians to help release mikheil saakashvili, this is primarily because something to be honest, it has quieted down, well, it is clear that i am not up to i am talking about your complaints, but to georgian civil society, i have repeatedly said on tv channels that they behave strangely, as if they are standing up somewhere, but you know , not on two legs, but only on one knee . and it is necessary to stand up on two knees . that there were few demands of the demonstrators, of course i shouldn't teach them from the middle to the end of georgia. i don't know, but this is . by the way, i'm from georgia. by the way
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, i'm here. such important places and i understand that the georgian temperament and mentality impresses us due to the fact that there is the same intolerance towards some panacea of ​​a king who wants to reign and there are oligarchs who rule in georgia, they do it and do it through the georgian parliament . unfortunately, now returning to ukraine, i cannot not to say a few words about zolochiv oblast and i really hope that the russian special services are watching the nta tv channel, scanning and now they see what i will say directly to their eyes from zolochiv oblast, from lviv oblast of the whole of ukraine for tonight and for all the other victims i'll tell volodymyr it seems like his panteleimonovych no, in some other
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way, it's a dash to putin , in fact, luke has finally died, just die and deprive the world of your presence . it should be mentioned, i am sure that you talked about this about the united for just conference that was recently held in lviv, and there the unity of efforts of the legal side, what is it called, this conference, this event, legal ramstein, was extremely high there the prosecutors of many countries of the european union, the judges of the international criminal court, and so on, all came together in the same opinion and only worked out specific algorithms. that they pay until the moment when in reality dreams may come true and russia, as we say here, will disintegrate into what parts it is not important to us, it is important that you know what in
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all that i mentioned once again now putin's gray mouse set to rule the russian federation. he was set up by pansies, he was set up by the russian mafia and the russian mafia, in any case , is watching now and this broadcast and others and they. let them just clearly understand what is happening now. only the beginning of the ukrainian textile industry on the territory of ukraine, and maybe in russian, and maybe in belarusian, because belarus is also drunk, and the first thing that lukashenko should do after returning the death penalty is write yourself number one, because it betrayed its own homeland, when it does not listen to its own citizens, when it shuts down its own citizens, then let it be the first to set an example
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. how should one really be condemned for treason ? because we need weapons in all quantities, the first thing is to reject any fakes created by russian propaganda, including those that affect unfortunately because of trump. and now desantos and other people who are afraid to come here to look at with their own eyes what is being done here and only from there they declare and convince their fellow americans that ukraine does not need to be helped, there is no need to give weapons . to those who believe that aid for ukraine should be reduced, when was the last time you had a war, when was the last time
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you gave someone your territory by agreeing to a request, or did we negotiate with someone else, when did you experience it on your own skin at home it was a long time ago and it is a great happiness that you have these words. in principle, these words can be scaled up and returned to absolutely everyone who still doubts that ukraine should be helped . just look at the geography map again . today there was a meeting on the three seas, where already 16 countries can to say that it enters together with ukraine, two countries are watching plus ukraine plus the states plus japan germany is a certain border between imperial russia and the civilized world where where are we acting we are now on the first flank, all the countries that join understand that there are still some distant
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the further the politicians are from the ukrainian border, if they do not understand, then those who are closest to the borders with the russian empire will be taken and strengthen security, strengthen energy, strengthen mutual cooperation, mutual assistance in this border, including in transport, energy, any intercultural there and so on, this is what we must to do we have to strengthen with our neighbors who already understand us and now we have to create more of our anti-missile defense we have to launch our own weapons production we have to train even more ukrainians because we do not know when it will end and indeed the end of hostilities for a certain period does not mean full-scale peace, the only thing i may disagree with mr. danilov at the beginning is that ukraine cannot develop in these conditions. maybe even though we are not israel, the scale is different there and so on but they adapted and we can adapt if we talk to each other about it if we talk to each other about
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the responsibility that lies on our shoulders i think that it will lie well at least one or two generations ahead until we learn all these lessons and understand what we should do so that we are not caught again, so to speak, by surprise when everyone around says this is a hooligan , this is the mafia, this is a scoundrel, this is a terrorist who will come here to attack you, and some people thought that this it will never happen, we must be ready all together from then on to stand firm at any other moment and hit the teeth again . and it is even better to bury it emotionally with the help of our western partners in europe and the united states of america. it is clear that we always have to count on public initiatives and only with the help and thanks to various volunteer organizations
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, individual ukrainians sometimes manage to cover those needs for the ukrainian army that are extremely important , we in the project speak for the great lviv. of people's self-defense there introduced such an action , they are doing it for the second time, they offer us ukrainians to send uah 500 to a monobank card and thus join the section that is, in addition to the fact that you can make a charitable contribution to help the army, you can also take part in the car raffle. now we will ask what kind of car is being raffled off. mr. denis, congratulations, glory to ukraine , tell us more about what you are playing now, how did you manage to realize the funds last time and how much was collected according to just such a similar
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scheme. good evening, thank you for this opportunity. i will tell you a little about us. i represent the public organization of people's self-defense of lviv oblast. we are nine years old. we have 20 but purposeful people if you measure our help. it is about 600 donated trucks. that we understand everything that is needed , we got the first collection. to do more and we confess very simple things that we are people from business including
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that we have to use our money in order to multiply some things the cost of the car was approximately uah 800,000 we managed to collect uah 7.5 million due to the raffle of this car with a donation uah 500 each, and we handed over 105 drones to 31 units of the armed forces. i think we should say that multiplying volunteer projects by six or 10 times the funds or valuable things given by donors is the limit . this is the correct use of our funds. class maybe i didn't hear. now another car is being raffled off. yes, now we are, thank god, a donor in our country. currently, this is a group of companies tas, this is a leasing company, grab
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it together with sumy racing with us. we organized a new collection, we chose, we were given the opportunity to choose from several cars we have chosen the most interesting media car , this is a porsche panamera in very good condition of 2013, and accordingly we have started this collection. they can be different. we currently have uah 6.2 million and we still have almost 1.5 weeks of meetings, and there is some information about how many people have already participated in this, because it is interesting. there is already a certain amount, how many people are there? i think that it is about 6-7 thousand people. and please tell me, here is this car that was previously raffled off. it is a toyota. i understand that we showed it on
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video. it was received by one of the ukrainians . is this person using it? is it possible that it was passed on to the needs of the armed forces? i wonder what they are doing. with the one who gets exactly well the most interesting prize, so to speak, is that the winner was a person who donated once, you can donate 500 hryvnias several times , there were people who donated 100 times, this is 50,000 hryvnias , increasing their chances of winning, he is a 22 -year-old man from kyiv, if i'm not mistaken, he kept the car for himself how much i know. it's everyone's choice. we do these draws transparently on the air because it is required by both our ethics and the ethics of our donors . please also tell me when there will be a draw for this particular
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porsche panamera car. show us it. please directors and our editors people will be interested to see actually here you understand it is a kind of attraction on the one hand but on the other it is really a very good cause you will donate only 500 uah for this 500 uah gives you the opportunity to be the ticket for the car raffle you see now we have a qr-code on the screens, you can follow it to make this donation. you can also do it not only from a monobank card, but from any bank that you have, which is convenient for you, it is all absolutely suitable, we invite you it is extremely important to join for them , they will buy the necessary things for the armed forces of the armed forces . well, let's thank denys, the project's fundraiser.
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we have a meeting with a deputy from georgia . about the nature of these protest processes, the maidan is immediately in front of my eyes because you talked about virtually everything that was said about the maidan, the youth came, they did not want politicians , but they wanted politics, but they are not pro-russian there. i can and i agree with you because there really the situation is different from the one we had before the maidan, although some assess it as very similar to what happened because it was obvious that the claims against the previous government are claims against this government, but it is quite obvious that the adoption of this undemocratic law was complete stupidity of the georgian government, it is quite obvious that they wanted to pass this law in order to limit the freedom of speech and the rights of the opposition before the elections, no matter how we treat the government or the opposition, and it was a mistake and
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society reacted to it, since this is a democratic society, we see that they themselves recognized because they said that they would release people they would cancel already released people that they would cancel and that they would cancel the adoption of this law well because because every nonsense you understand is a consequence you can cancel a step, but behind this step there was a goal, and people left because they were afraid of this goal, they were afraid of the fact that this adopted law really received intense criticism in european structures in the european union. the same as the european future was for us shortly before the maidan before the revolution of dignity and for our young people we see that we were moving there and georgia at some stage did not move, stopped moving and therefore
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of course, the situation in georgia is not easy because they also have occupied territories, the russian influence is very large, you can have different attitudes to the fact that they let the russians in. and that these russians brought a million, i think that the russians would bring us even more if we brought them here of course, listen to the maidan, our entire economy was almost half owned by the russians. and we could also say that let's live like this, it's just that , now it's a hard entry. and it was a soft entry of money with the same purpose. the same war, and obviously not everything is measured in money, and ukrainians now understand very well, especially all those who heroically defend ukraine at the front, that is why events in georgia will develop, it is obvious that this government unfortunately, although it is somehow trying to balance, why is it trying to balance , it is trying to balance, because georgian society itself and dear mr. kontul also spoke about this. it loves freedom , it wants to join europe, it respects ukrainians, and that is why the georgian government really voted in the un and everywhere, unlike china, for example, although in
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everyone tells us that we have excellent relations with china , and i would like china to vote against us, but georgia really abstains everywhere, but votes for us, but still , we often see the steps taken by the georgian government , well, let's say, they have a different situation, a different geopolitical situation, but this there are no steps by the government that wants to openly make a decision to build democracy and be in nato and the european union, and i think that we have to draw conclusions for ourselves, because despite the fact that we are currently at war, we said that we all believe in victory, we really believe i have already referred to this article by a baker who says that if we build totalitarianism here, even after winning, what will happen then , no one will take us to any europe, they will not support us, and i think that these events in georgia should be a good example and ukrainians should learn from it government because the ukrainian government has a certain intelligentsia right now, because there is a war and people are deliberately turning a blind eye to some undemocratic steps, because we all understand that in war conditions
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we must support the government, we must preserve unity, but this is no reason to retreat from democracy and from european aspirations, so the main thing is that we learn the right lesson from this, and please respond to the music. humanly, i feel very sorry for this person. i agree that he definitely needs better help and better treatment . maybe he even needs abroad, not only in ukraine, but poland offered to send him home for treatment, but i want to emphasize on the other what why was there not among the political demands at all the question that mikhail saakashvili should be released, obviously to georgian society this person is not interested now in georgia and its balancing between
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ukraine, democracy and russia i want to remind you that 20% of the territory was seized by russia as a result of the war in 2008 , this is the first 42 km from tbilisi, where two russian divisions are located. there are mountains, that's why the situation in georgia is really very ambiguous, very ugly, and this government, in order to keep the state from rebounding to new aggression against it, must adhere to a very clear balanced position on bbc news ukraine. my name is hryhoriy zhigalov.


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