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tv   [untitled]    March 15, 2023 8:30pm-9:01pm EET

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[000:00:00;00] don't give up, but the ukrainian people are free and they will be free two weeks ago, the usa also provided the next security package, which included gaimers systems, artillery ammunition, and now our allied countries have agreed to provide more than 150 leopard tanks and armored vehicles , ammunition so that ukraine had to continue the defense again, so we will protect the skies over ukraine thanks to these systems, and the efforts of the armed forces will also be synchronized , and long-range systems will provide all
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opportunities to hinder the goals that russia has set for itself, the colors of the ukrainian flag are very important now, but also the colors of the flags of other countries, which we will now imagine over the ukrainian one, demonstrating our own help that our partners and allies provide to ukraine in order to preserve and protect freedom and as the president baiting secretary autumn has already said many times that we will stand with ukraine as long as it takes. thank you, please . question: you said that you spoke with your visa, and what was the reaction of the russians to yours? the call, were there any proposals from their side? and how did they comment on this case with the american drone that was shot down together? miley. did you talk to your visavi, or maybe
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you intend to do so after what you saw, what do you think, was it intentional and we are talking about shooting down drone or not, thank you for your question, i will not speak for the minister of the cage. and of course i will not go into details. i will repeat again that the united states will continue to carry out its routine operations within the framework of international airspace, we have any potential before escalation we consider very seriously i think it is very important now to maintain contact this is now the main thing and in fact it is very important that we have the opportunity to communicate and i think that this kind of dialogue can be preventive before further escalation thank you for
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the question about the intention ah i yes we have routine and planned calls with our colleagues, we don't know at the moment we know what it is, we don't know it's such behavior was aggressive we know that such behavior was unprofessional yes a russian fighter jet and they had physical contact, in principle we know for sure whether such physical contact took place, but in principle i want to say that there was evidence that there was such contact. there is a video recording, that is, in principle, uh, about this we have no doubts, but about the intention, whether it was really intentional , unfortunately we do not know for sure therefore, i will not go into details with them now, we understand that certain accidents happen and of course we do not want any escalation
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of the conflict with russia. of airspace june and those who drink thank you for your time, mr. minister so already the representatives of the political years of the usa have already spoken about the fact that ukraine should not be a priority and accordingly how can you comment on whether military aid to ukraine will be increased or continued or will be continued on such actions, so the us drone fell in the waters of the black sea, where there has not been a single us vessel for many years , is there any specific value of the downing of an american drone for russian
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propaganda or russian content, thanks considering on the importance of ukraine, and i think that you have seen the help that is being given to ukraine by increasing its military and i see that there is no doubt on the faces of my colleagues, the faces of the heads of the defense departments, they are all committed to continuing support, indeed , ukraine is important, ukraine is important not only for ukrainians not only for the usa, ukraine is important for the whole world, because ukraine is fighting for the principles of international law, and we understand that a country that has power has a certain power . it can simply wake up one day and want to capture your neighbor we cannot allow this because
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many countries around the world do not agree with such behavior now more than 50 countries of the world have joined us today not all of them were at the first rammstein but a lot joined in the process and they continue to think like thus it is possible to give the country even more help . so, we know that our drone has now sunk in the waters of the black sea. in fact, it is very difficult to reach the wreckage, and so we do not have ships in the waters of the black sea, and of course at the moment, we are leaving this situation, but in fact there is nothing to gain, but in general, when we talk about the loss of data, data intelligence, yes, we bear such losses , but in general, we are sure that now if something was of value to the russians, now
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it is no longer thank you, sir ministers general milli said that there is a video that there is also a-and there are certain what is this what is this video what can be seen there will it be made public questions to general milli so they talked about certain patterns of behavior how often a-a russia behaves incorrectly and whether has her behavior increased or has it worsened? yes, we continue to process the video image in order to understand what we can make public and within the framework of which what is the content of this video, so the data has already been transmitted by fax and in fact these data are the
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facts that have already been made public, they are not will be changed, that is, what could have been made public has already been done . we continue to evaluate the video and if there is any information that can be provided, we will do it. countries, in particular, and valais, and in fact, a lot of ships are also er involved in carrying out an operation within the framework with a security purpose for that, and for us, such behavior is not quite so unusual. we are trying to understand that so that our er military forces do not collide physically and so that there are no more such actions and therefore we also direct our efforts
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to prevent similar collisions in the future because it is very important to understand whether it was intentional or accidental and of course there is a certain behavior we need more of it to analyze and understand what the reasons were, in particular, by contacting minister shoigu, the questions of general milli ua so you said that the usa has many partners and allies in the region and we also understand that sometimes allied vessels can a-a get to the wreckage of a drone and understand the essence about this incident, the question is for minister austin . so you said that bakhmut in general is a symbolic city . can you say that the investments that ukraine is currently making in the direction of bakhmut are
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they a-and what could be the result of this fasiva so, nancy, first of all i want to applaud the perseverance that we saw on the part of the ukrainian soldiers, they did something extraordinary in the area of ​​bakhmut, russia wants to capture this city for seven months and they have not had any special success, and thanks to the initiative, thanks to the hard work of the ukrainian armed forces, it means that all of this city i would like to say that president zelenskyi is leading his struggle, he is specifically involved in making
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decisions about what is important and what is unimportant for defense. i also want to say that if zelenskyi says that it is necessary to regroup, this does not mean that the war is lost, that the war is lost, so it will most likely matter that certain decisions are made according to which way to save human life or how to reformat their actions within the framework of offensive or defense, they decide where to stay and how long to carry out defensive actions. it is for them to decide, not for us, and we will support president zelenskyi and the general staff in any decision they make, we now hope that we will give them the opportunity to change the dynamics on the battlefield so that they do not
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planned to do in the future, well, in particular, training platforms are technically supported by kuma and will remain important for ukraine, and that is why we are discussing this in detail with our colleagues, partners and allies, and everyone agrees with us that it is extremely important to strengthen the professionalism of our military , which trains ukrainian soldiers, and also to strengthen our defense sweat throughout europe and in the us because many countries have now started training their soldiers in their countries and in fact we are now focused on what continue the operation of these platforms. so, the question is how to restore peace. yes, we have our allies, and currently there are no nato ships in the black sea, and as i said, it is very important to understand how deep the wreckage of the downed drone is now, and it may take several days
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to raise some the actual data from there and in fact any operation to find the wreckage is difficult and if there is any reason to think that we can get something out of there to restore it and we now have several options and we are currently analyzing what is known. thank you for all the time. i have two questions. the first question is for general milli . they were eliminated from this. that month in syria there were many headlines in the turkish media. the minister of foreign affairs and turkey even called for some explanation of these headlines . you visited this country, what was your message of this visit, the purpose of this visit
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and the question will be about the provision of additional provision of f16 fighter jets and also what they can be when we talk about the security of turkey and also the security of nato i want to ask your opinion on such assessments as well as your opinions on the provision of f16 fighter jets to turkey germany is a nato ally and we understand what our relations are with turkey and we will do everything to ensure that our relations do not deteriorate , it is very important for us to so that there would be interaction between nato member countries, that is why such a participating country and ally will always be our
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priority. so, typically, we do not comment on any issues that have not yet been resolved, in particular , regarding the sale of equipment and the like unfortunately, i will not be able to comment, but in general i want to emphasize that turkey will remain an important and valuable partner and we will do everything to ensure that our relations do not deteriorate. autumn and milly's brand is dedicated to the results of the online meeting in the rammstein format. this is the 10th meeting. i am ready to talk now about money in wartime oleksandr marchenko oleksandr good evening please good evening vasyl so i will tell you in the next few minutes about what is the incendiary season, and there is already information that, in fact , has been missing for many years regarding yanukovych's debt, what
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is happening there, i will tell you in detail in a moment, i am oleksandr marchenko. congratulations, this column about money during the war traditionally begins with the situation in the ukrainian so , the ukrenergo company now advises not to overload the power grid, this applies to residents of poltava oblast, sumy oblast, zhytomyr oblast, kharkiv oblast, kyiv oblast and the capital if consumption reaches a critical level. this may lead to the ukrenergo company was warned that emergency power outages are possible in case of excessive consumption of kilowatts, the energy company reminds without unnecessary necessity during the morning and evening peak hours, do not turn on unnecessarily , well, there are some additional electrical appliances, by the way , ukraine still needs equipment for the stable operation of the energy system. this is reported profile ministry in general, here is
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an interesting figure : 151 million euros came to the energy support fund of our state from germany, great britain, spain, iceland denmark of the european commission of the regional association of energy regulatory authorities, but here is 151 million euros of this money and the equipment that comes to us from partners is still not enough. but the heating season may end earlier than usual. the warm weather allows the start of heating shutdowns in some regions as early as 20 this was announced by the chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on housing and communal affairs, andrii gerus, according to whom the early completion of the heating season will help ukraine save energy resources earlier, naftogaz of ukraine predicted that houses would become cold with batteries, probably at the beginning of april, the head of the company, oleksiy chernyshov, added that there will be enough fuel reserves
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until the end of the heating season, even if there will be cold days in the future. a decision in favor of ukraine, the case was sent to the court for a full procedure in an open session, it is about 3 billion dollars that the russian federation demands to return ukraine, represented by the ministry of finance, acted as the defendant in this case. let me remind you that in 2013, former president yanukovych agreed with putin to provide our state with a loan of 15 billion dollars through the placement of ukrainian securities, which moscow will directly buy back with this money. president vtikach received only then 3 billion dollars already after the revolution of dignity , the cream appealed to the high court of england to
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recover these funds from our state. the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, also announced this to the court with his victory, but an explanation has already appeared on this matter that russia will not want to continue the case, but russia will not want to continue this drag, because the whole matter must be open and clear to everyone and in general, we can see that this legal process will start from scratch. it has lasted for years . well, we are monitoring this situation . directly with the support of international partners, russia has agreed to create a fund in the amount of 7 billion danish kroner. this is in dollars. 1 billion worth will be directed to help ukraine, the fund will consist of military support, this is weapons, equipment and training activities of the civilian part, it will finance humanitarian efforts and
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support companies that want to contribute to the restoration of our country this year from the newly created fund , denmark has earmarked 780 million dollars specifically for military support this is not what the kremlin dreams of. turkey is making efforts to extend the agreement for 120 days instead of 60 as stated in russia , the minister of defense of turkey reported this take care, the united nations also supports ankara's position, the government official added. i would like to remind you that ukraine exported almost 25 million tons of agricultural products through the grain corridor. this initiative is very important for world food security . the turkish government believes that the grain agreement will be effective. union to significantly reduce the price ceiling for russian oil, to make a decision, they are asking to lower
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the ceiling price already this month, they are offering to 50-51 dollars, 45 cents per barrel, this is almost $10 lower current level of $60. the bloomberg agency writes about it. thus, the military machines of these countries are confident, the russian military machine will receive much less income , will suffer a serious blow from the new , much lower price ceiling, russia's income from the sale of oil in january amounted to, let me remind you, $13 billion , the proposed reduction, if it does happen may collapse the kremlin's income by 650 million dollars per month , analysts calculated let's go further ukraine asked finland for high-speed trains allegro news previously traveled between helsinki and in st. petersburg, the general director of ukrzaliznytsia m.m. personally discussed this issue with the prime minister of finland when
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she directly visited kyiv, the allegro train is coming to our railway network. vinnytsia railway company confirmed receipt of the request from the ukrainian side. i would like to remind you that after the suspension of the railway connection between finland and russia, allegro trains are now stored in helsinki, they would really be useful for our country. but the finnish tire manufacturer nokian tears sells the russian company will become the new owner of its business in the country of the aggressors. yes, the oil price approved by the russian government commission will be 286 million euros, but it was expected that they will receive approximately 400 million euros. well, as we can see, the kremlin is trying to rob foreign manufacturers who leave moscow, however, prestigious brands understand that they will not deal with terrorists in the future. it is worth having in the end the oligarchs are running away from putin, the president of the aggressor country, lemir putin, will take part in the work
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of the congress of the russian union of industrialists on march 16 entrepreneurs today, 15 oligarchs left this union of representatives of big business, in particular the co-owner of lukoil leonid fedun, as well as the co-owner of megafon and the metal investor alisher usmanov, who is close to the kremlin, the main reason for the exit here are the businessmen and top managers from the union of industrialists, the sanctions that are still in effect write the analysts of the blumber agency well, it is clear that russia needs funds, and precisely at this meeting, putin will demand and beg and beg, and i don’t know from big business for funds to continue the war, but the oligarchs from him are fleeing and it only makes me happy. this was the last information from the economic front
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for today. i am oleksandr marchenko. i say goodbye. the big broadcast continues. watch us , will the ukrainian team of miners be able to continue the football fairy tale and reach the quarterfinals. watch shakhtar's matches with fenord and support our club exclusively on megogo . there are moments when the body quickly loses fluid, which can lead to dehydration , when there is not enough ordinary water, i save zreo water for special medical purposes. thank you, oleksandr marchivtsi. find out about the weather will be like this in ukraine tomorrow, we will be told in detail about it natalka didenko, mrs. natali congratulations, please have a word. congratulations to vasyl. congratulations, dear tv viewers. well, today, march 15 , the middle of spring is what we have been waiting for. and flowers and suzanne leaves and real
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real warmth. well, we continue to get to know the outstanding meteorologists of ukraine , ukrainian meteorologists, er, on march 23 , i remind you of the world day of meteorology and therefore it is appropriate to talk about our outstanding scientists. and today we will talk about a unique figure in general, because this is mykhailo kosach . he is of course known more generally as the brother of lesya ukrainka, the son of elena pchilka , the nephew of mykhailo drahomanov. what ukrainian society and ukrainian culture stand for, but mykhailo kosach, he lived an unfortunately short life of 34 years, but he managed to do a lot. he
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graduated after a simple home education immediately entered the fifth grade of the gymnasium kyiv university university in tartu literature defense of a thesis in physics teaches mathematics in the startov girls' gymnasium had a number of technical inventions private associate professor of the department of physics and meteorology of kharkiv university he actually became the founder of the metrological service in kharkiv oblast kharkiv zemstvo at one time approved him the project of building a network of metrological stations at seven of them. mykhailo kosach organized observations and published a number of works on theoretical physics from an outstanding personality of meteorology , ukrainian meteorologist mykhailo kosach . it is increasing and
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magnetic storms are expected tomorrow, so please, who has noticed that in some way uh reacts to uh such activity to such a revitalization, well , do something, some kind of prevention and pay more attention of course, to your well-being, to your health, and finally , about the weather, we start the weather forecast traditionally from the western regions of ukraine, the weather in ukraine is interestingly colorful, and here we see that tomorrow in the west. wet snow tomorrow, it’s also clearly not hot there, plus four plus seven degrees, it’s a little warmer in zakarpattia and, er , in some places, rain is possible with wet snow. in the northern part of ukraine, there will also be more clouds, er, in places, a little rain , er, it will decrease, eh, the heat, the heat will decrease. that is, the air temperature will drop after today's rather high
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degrees tomorrow only. as you can see, plus four plus six degrees well, maybe a little higher in sumy oblast, it will get there later, such a cooling will come in the eastern part of ukraine, in kharkiv oblast, luhansk oblast, donetsk oblast, it will still be warm + 9 + 12° maximum m a little rain will reach there. but to be honest , there won't be any significant precipitation so that it won't be very serious . nevertheless, wet weather can reach the eastern regions of ukraine in the central part of ukraine tomorrow. in places, a little rain, the air temperature will be lower, vinnytsia will be affected. finally, the territory of poltava region, cherkasy region in the dnipro and kropyvnytskyi regions with regional plus 10 + 12, it will still be warm in the southern part of ukraine , it will also be relatively warm weather plus 10 + 14°, rain in places in kyiv in kyiv tomorrow it is expected to cool down, the air temperature will be a maximum of plus five plus six degrees, the cloud cover will increase , the air humidity will increase, there is a chance of light
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rain, and tomorrow evening it is even possible a little wet snow. this is tomorrow's synoptic outlook in ukraine. i want to say that on friday, saturday, the weather will continue to be so cool, and from sunday , monday in ukraine will warm up again vasyl. thank you very much, mrs. natal snidenko, for the information about the weather. you know me, do you remember when putin spoke , well, he gathered all those close to him, well, on the eve of the great invasion, and there they all reported on how ready they were for war, and the prime minister was there, and shustin came out and said that how is the economy ready? in general, they are ready just in case, but as you can see, a year has passed, the war is of course tense, the war is hot , but in russia, of course, resources are running out . well, putin will collect oligarchs, he will ask them for money for the oligarchs who fought, believe me , the oligarchs don't really love ukraine that much, or are they in pain that people are dying, they just understand that putin's project. they knew about the war, and then he promised them, but there will be no money from this , the war was lost, they are running away, and in
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the bryansk region of russia, now the communal service will be collected by the prominent point by point ppu well and finally, the last sponsor to support us on youtube and patreon, support espresso, join our team, and you will also have many advantages, the opportunity to ask video questions, ask questions to guests, and also have broadcast announcements and many other things will be available to you. well, the most important thing is that you support free media that try to provide timely, high-quality and adequate information. although i am with you until friday, i now bring to your attention a news release from my colleagues from the ukrainian editorial office of bvc news. good evening we are from ukraine from ukraine live from london evgenia shedlovska and we have 30 minutes with you to talk about the main events of the day


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