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tv   [untitled]    March 18, 2023 12:00am-12:30am EET

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[000:00:48;00] de-occupation, how can you live without stopping , it is possible , unsurpassed, the history of the liberated cities of ukraine, let's see how our transcarpathia helped us . yes, we are all nationalists here , did the people resist, the residents came out here, stopped and sent back and became heroes, the novel was, is and will always be ukraine about unbreakable cities of ukraine from the ukrainer project in to the documentary cycle de-occupation that on saturdays at 11:10 on espresso events the most important events events that are happening just now and affect our lives of course the news feed reports on them but little is known about what is happening one must understand antin
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borkovsky and invitation experts soberly assess the events analyze them modeling our nearest the future that saturdays at 1:00 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. studio event with anton borkovskii nayspresso documentary trilogy military intelligence of ukraine at sea in the sky on the ground volunteers are needed to make a flight on mariupol is a unique combat air operation of the military intelligence of ukraine. 86 days of siege of the garrison surrounded by more powerful forces of the aggressor managed to support this garrison. people received hope for all combat sorties in 16 helicopters of the army aviation. we understood that sooner or later one of us would not return
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. 64 wounded were evacuated. 72 fighters were landed with cargo . corrected one of the most yards of operations in which i distributed the film the first sky air raid azovstal hello everyone, this is freedom life my name is sashko shevchenko, we start today in the release of the court the hague has issued a warrant for putin's arrest, will he now be able to leave the borders of russia to hide from the hands of international justice, are the armed forces ready for a counteroffensive and will there likely be large losses among the most experienced military personnel, let's discuss china allegedly sent parts for drones to russia, and recently one uav an alleged chinese-made missile was launched into the territory of ukraine from the territory of the russian federation, this is enough to impose sanctions against the prc
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, see svoboda life, the judges of the international criminal court issued an arrest warrant the president of russia putin, as reported in the press service of the iss there they believe that putin bears individual criminal responsibility for the war crime in the form of the illegal deportation of the population, in particular children , and the illegal transfer of the population, in particular , children again, from the occupied territories of ukraine to russia end of quote and one more such a warrant was issued for the arrest of maria lviva, the representative of the russian president for child rights, and belova, who, by the way, adopted a child from the occupied mariupol in accordance with russian law. that decision of the icc can mean in practice, explained the prosecutor general of ukraine andriy kostin, this means that from this moment until his arrest in russia and the supreme commander of the russian armed forces as the head of a terrorist state will be afraid
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to travel outside of russia because of the possibility that he will be extradited to the international criminal court, this means that every politician who wants to be a civilized person who looks to the future should think three times before dealing with the russian helmsman or his publicists and shaking hands too much or to sit down at the negotiating table is a clear signal in this world that the russian regime is criminal, they said that the decision of the international criminal court will not be implemented, because the russian federation is not a party to the rome statute of the international criminal court , the spokeswoman for the ministry of foreign affairs of russia, maria zakharova, said that, she commented that the arrest warrant for vladimir putin on the rest of putin will not have any significance for the russian federation in particular, and from a legal point of view, russia is not a party to the rome
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statute of the international criminal court and has no obligations under it with this body russia is not cooperating, and the possible arrest warrants issued by the international court of justice will be legally useless for us, but now i suggest you see how the decision of the international criminal court was announced by its judge piotr hoffmannsky. the international criminal court issued two arrest warrants for vladimir putin regarding the situation in ukraine of the president of the russian federation and for maria lviv and the white house commissioner for children's affairs for alleged war crimes regarding the deportation of children from the occupied ukrainian territories to the russian federation, this is an important moment for justice and for the icc, the judges considered the information and data submitted by the prosecutor and decided that there are sufficient grounds against these persons regarding alleged international crimes
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. the criminal court is doing its part . as a court of law, the judges issued an arrest warrant. their execution depends on international cooperation . read more about the court's decision. the international criminal court will be told by my friend , the correspondent of radio svoboda in the eu, zoryana stepanenko, she is already in touch with us zoryana good evening, you have a word, good evening sashko well you know only the beginning of the process of bringing responsibility, so in particular they reacted to the warrant for the arrest of vladimir putin in the european institutions, there is a diplomat, jose borel, wrote on twitter that the work of the court is appreciated and supported here, and that the treasure cannot be a quote or relya from the beginning of the full-scale war of russia against ukraine - this is the first international indictment, and the international criminal court immediately started with figures of the highest level, mr. vladimir putin, according to the website of the court, is allegedly
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responsible for a war crime, namely the illegal transfer and de facto deportation of ukrainian children on the territory of russia, there is convincing evidence that it is the russian president who is responsible for this, said the chief prosecutor of the international criminal court, who was personally in ukraine, in buch , in particular, we examined the memories - we remember places, so to speak, except for khan potential crimes and said that during the investigation of the confirmation of cases of deportation, at least hundreds of children were taken out and removed from boarding schools, and many were transferred to russia for adoption, this process was facilitated, since in federations by decree of putin changed the legislation accelerating the acquisition of russian citizenship, that is, processes and crimes related to the removal of children probably took place in the occupied territory of ukraine at least from february 24, 2022. it is stated on the sul website that there are reasons to believe that putin acted together with other persons or because of them, he also did not properly control
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civilians or military personnel who committed these crimes . and another name of a high-ranking russian official is mentioned in the document - this is maria lvova belova the russian children's ombudsman and the arrest warrants their court decided to make public because it believes that the publicity can in a certain way affect the connection , which is obviously obeying. the children are returned home, this case is one of those that was intended to be opened by the international criminal court according to the publication where nirok chaims will be. another legitimate destruction of the civil and civilian infrastructure of ukraine. russia well, i will say a few more words about the reaction, gradually you wind, as we can see, the comments of the leaders of the eu countries are filled by western leaders, and they welcome this decision of the icc, this is also an arrest warrant , or rather, the sample of estonia, for example, called this signal from the icc and the international
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criminal court historic that no one does not have immunity, wrote even the head of state and that the russian regime is a quote from and kalaz will be prosecuted putin's arrest warrant for the deportation of ukrainian children creates a new precedent, wrote the head of the ministry of foreign affairs lithuania, however, noted that history will be completed only when all war crimes and crimes of aggression are investigated and the guilty are convicted accordingly sashko. thank you, zoryana stepanenko , a correspondent for radio liberty in brussels , told us about the actual essence of the decision of the international criminal court in about the warrant for the arrest of vladimir putin well, what awaits the president of the russian federation and what is the decision about the warrant for his arrest, what consequences will it have for ukraine, we are talking next, we are joined by
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the russian political scientist preobrazhensky good evening. tell me, were you surprised by the decision of the international criminal court? there is no solution. it is absolutely logical and the chosen one seems to me to be a more correct topic for starting a criminal prosecution. and this is a very boring moment of such examples of history , you can literally count them on your fingers which will follow for decades, and the consequences will actually be longer than decades. well, they will continue to pursue the russian federation and vladimir putin.
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the arrest warrant from the international criminal court was issued precisely to the main state, but i understand that putin's case is still exceptional . yes, he was absolutely convicted in principle. that's right, ah, according to the special tribunal, it's already a separate story, eh, lord miloshevich died just in the process of making a court decision , this is a slightly different story, but i think that for vladimir putin, again, there will also be a separate special tribunal in the near future for russian crimes, eh- it was perfect during the aggression against ukraine , but it certainly did not happen on such a scale, all of this was one way or another, the leaders of the countries that are developing, let’s say, but did not play
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a significant role in the neighboring councils security, he as a permanent member who does not possess nuclear weapons, it is possible to list the differences of russia from this point of view for a very long time, but nevertheless, vladimir putin, as president gabbana, got into this list. well , what do you think? the differences between russia and other countries whose heads were uh, according to kraimere, he was issued an arrest warrant . does this mean that the west would stop being afraid of that? and the same difference uh , nuclear weapons in russia it
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was simply natural , we could not. the term of the recently re-elected senator. in fact, they also do the same to a dictator with lifelong powers that he is dealing with a criminal directly, already with a legal definition, not just in words by someone named as uh joe biden called his time vladimir putin a murderer no but officially from the point of view of the international court found guilty pasu guilty accused more precisely in this case still in the making of a series and this is a very clear signal that this person is what is called an untouchable person who should not be dealt with. a person who should not shake hands
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. legally, in the end, this list can be practically anyone, along with vladimir putin , how did the so-called russian child rights commissioner get here, let's stop really at china here. the fact is that we see a reaction from the russian federation . that the ref is simply not a part of the rome statute, and they signed it, and then it was ratified by the decree that they are going to broadcast to china, in general, they didn’t even sign it. that’s what kind of reaction you expect from china, and how do you think it might affect the heartthrob's plans to come to moscow and shake vladimir putin's hand in a couple of days? well, the plan is definitely not going to cancel all the calls.
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he is making his first foreign visit as head of state again to the same country. china is a country as you know , it is a country of traditions. creates such a tradition, he demonstrates in this way within china and to his own subordinates and the communist party of china, a chinese editor, that he maintains continuity with himself, as he came to power 10 years ago. in the first place, but there is an unconditional piece dedicated to putin and russia, and here he is, too . it is unlikely that he will leave. here are handshakes, because russia is still needed by china as a potential military ally.
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in fact, it is obvious, including personally assessing how inadequate he is. he already knows that vladimir putin is inadequate by the authorities. putin , who disobeyed him and started this war when it was rather inconvenient for china . vladimir putin, who did not end the war. could include in general china and now , accordingly . hand because in the future they will then change russia, it will be useful to him in the event of his own potential war over taiwan, which he china for quite a long time, two alone, and which was one of the important topics of his re-election to the post of the head of state in china not long ago , well, in fact, the seizure of power broke the unwritten tradition introduced every day by xiaoping and uh, only i can take
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china through taiwan back to china, this is the thesis inside china played a very significant role, as well as putin's own authorities in freedom, we are still talking on our air, we are really preparing a visit from etympin to moscow and the decision of the international criminal court unconditionally. they will change in general, uh, it might catalyze the processes in the kremlin or vice versa somehow , and make you think about whether it is worth introducing a further war, in general, this will somehow affect putin’s head, only for the worse , certainly in the sense that he already understood that that this warrant will be issued to him at some point, he himself convinced himself even before he created real, er, factual reasons for this since
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2014, that this will inevitably happen, we know that he reacted very painfully to the situation, and you were on the soldiers of hussein later for another world leader of lyvidsky, the international court also issued a warrant for his arrest, but he did not make it to the arrest and was killed by his own oppositionists or there by militants, it is no longer important what they are called, but the main thing is that he is cruel enough, physical abuse from this at the moment, putin saw himself as having a way out and assessed his problems, so now for him this is simply a confirmation of his conviction that the west would not be his in any case. who would like to survive even after putin, they understand that the situation will continue to change, they understand
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that at some point some of them talk about this quite openly, they will have to try again to negotiate with the west, yes they expect that this will be after some kind of conditional victory of russia, not a situation, but in any case, they have this exit strategy, it remains as such an important backup option, not even a backup option, but simply a continuation of the current policy, and from this point of view, it turns out to be off point from the point of view of international law, in any normal country , criminal criminals such as china, africa, and some asian american states what kind of reaction do you expect from the people of russia, when ordinary russians will understand that the head of state and the state, well, in fact
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, it turns out to be a step towards recognition, well , legal recognition as an international criminal . accusations against putin would be accepted in the states because you would accept them as an attempt to impose some kind of will there from the countries of the west of russia, they are very soviet -like and always react to it here. it is very important if they find out about what the cake was given for, because this is the most painful point of russian aggression within russia itself. well, this is a huge number of people, even according to the very low-quality, not exactly sociological data that exists on this topic, one seriously thinks about how much in general such actions are possible . a huge number of people believe that it
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is impossible to issue a warrant precisely on the topic of child abduction . it seems to me that it can play a negative role for a reduction of at least putin's support in the public . there are, for example, countries such as the usa and israel that did not sign this charter, china , india, kazakhstan, that is, it is obvious that these are the countries where putin will be able to travel in the future, well , i mean, most likely china or kazakhstan. but it is also interesting that ukraine is still did not ratify the rome statute, what the decision of the international court of justice will mean from a legal point of view, let's talk further with
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us deputy minister of justice former deputy minister of justice of ukraine serhiy petukhov good evening good evening good that you have recovered yes yes i was also prompted here i was very quick and tell me, do we understand correctly that china , india, kazakhstan and belarus and other countries. these are the countries that are not members of the rome statute. putin will continue to be able to travel there without any problems , purely legally, of course, the obligation to cooperate with the international criminal court and transfer only the member states, of which there are 123 today, have persons in respect of whom an arrest warrant has been issued. at the same time, it must be understood that, for example, as you noted, ukraine did not ratify the rome statute, and therefore in the united states it is not part of the rome statute, and therefore the list of countries where i think it is will not be able to go in the near future is wider than these 123 countries, but they have
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a legal obligation to hand over to putin if he somehow happens to be on their territory or under their jurisdiction a lot, then ukraine somehow i do not know how to ratify the rome statute faster or at least from a political point of view, well, at least from a legal point of view, it looks strange, regarding the obligation to cooperate with the international criminal court, we have done enough through the declaration that was submitted to the co-criminal court, which recognized its jurisdiction and, in particular, a possible arrest warrant which was issued today but politically of course this creates problems for ukraine because we still do not dare to ratify the rome statute although in particular this is our obligation under the association agreement with the european union or expect that this is possible will happen in the near future. we remember how quickly such decisions can actually be made when it comes to, for example , european integration. in fact, it
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's really quite a simple decision and draft laws were prepared by the ministry of justice during the time when i was deputy minister, and here it is necessary to clarify the work among people 's deputies because some of them have doubts about the fact that the international criminal court will not be used against ukraine, in fact these fears are groundless and the further we delay the certification process, the less such a decision is understandable for our partners, and the press service of the international criminal court notes in its decision that this specific arrest warrant was deliberately made public and other such warrants are usually secret. does this mean that there is probably already a warrant for putin's arrest and in other a-a cases for other alleged crimes . no, this is unlikely. yes, i think that in this case, the reason why
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they decided to make this warrant public is to send a signal to the international community that putin's actions are assessed as a crime, they are given a fairly unambiguous qualification, this is important because, as you know, russian propaganda is trying to pass off the relocation of the abduction of ukrainian children as voluntary relocation, that they are good in russia, that they have found new families, and i think that, in particular, taking into account this situation the international criminal court decided to do practically, especially taking into account the world 's attention to the situation in ukraine and as an important message in this world that children are not prey, they are not a trophy, they are not the owner of the state that occupies the territory and that's why such actions, and they are in reality unfortunately, they are happening not only in ukraine, they are an international crime for which there will inevitably be punishment. therefore, this is a message not only to putin, but
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to all those regimes that are trying to put pressure on people, on nations, kidnapping children , committing other war crimes, and how do you think it is at all realistic that it is vladimir putin who will end up on trial? it is absolutely realistic. i think that on your broadcast you may have already mentioned the case of slobod against milosevic, who as the head of yugoslavia was responsible for the former yugoslavia, respectively serbia was responsible for a number of crimes that were in the territory of this state, which he presented to international justice and actually suffered punishment, so we do not know what will happen in the future, this warrant is , after all, unlimited in terms, so we can predict that it is possible that at some point in russia the regime will change and new the leaders of the state will understand that in order to return russia to the civilized world, the first step
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they must take is to transfer putin to the hague so that he can be brought before international justice. in this way, they will show their good the will and readiness to bear the responsibility of russia as a state for crimes against the ukrainian people, here i read your post, in particular, in analyzing this decision of the international criminal court, you write about the fact that now the west will not be able to go to a peace agreement with russia , when they unfold , such scenarios are actually discussed that they want to plant we will defeat putin and someone else at the table, whether it is zelensky or other western leaders, you can explain here why it is useful. well, you remember that even before the beginning of the full-scale aggression and even during it, we have western leaders who periodically call putin, have heart-to-heart conversations with him, try to persuade him to do something, and also in countries mainly in europe, political parties are appearing that
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demand an end to the war right now , the signing of a peace agreement, that explain putin's actions because he was provoked by the west , they say that russia is innocent. russia defends itself and its interests. putin acts exclusively in the interests of his country. and all those accusations against him are, if they are different in buch, these are just insinuations and have nothing to do with the implementation of such things. the decision of the international court of justice, which is actually based on the investigation of the facts by the prosecutor and approved by the a-a composition of the court, because the warrant is issued for a reason, destroys these arguments, destroys the version that putin is the defender of the interests of russia, develops such intimate conversations that are constantly meaningless with the president of russia makes him unfit for
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a handshake with any head of a democratic country and excludes, in my opinion, the possibility of a quick peace agreement with the putin regime , that is, a peace agreement with russia through the mediation of the un or a third country. maybe, but hardly it is possible with a person who is wanted by the international criminal court for committing a war crime and the heinous crime of child abduction, so in this sense international justice works in our favor because it stops those politicians and public figures and businessmen who are ready to turn a blind eye to any crimes committed by the regime putin in ukraine in order to quickly restore trade and travel er bribes and other er such ways to get money from russia that


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