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tv   [untitled]    March 19, 2023 8:30am-9:01am EET

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[000:00:00;00] they got it in the teeth even earlier in gostomel, because on the morning of the 20th, by the way , we have a very strong veteran movement in irpen, very strong, it's different, well, i travel a lot, and if compared to other cities, he is very strong here, everyone was constantly on the phones. that is, everyone knows each other well, so joint events were held, so on the morning of the 24th there was already a meeting and everyone was gathered. then there were uh and these are all volunteers, they are just residents residents without it, not at all, but then they fought in buch, but in buch, hmm, let’s say
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the forces were unequal, and they were really russians, there was a lot of force, a lot of force , a lot of force was thrown, and according to the laws you can't do anything in a war when there's really room, well, that is, there was as much equipment as there were so many people that, well, it was very difficult to hold it, but they tied it, they tied it for the same reason that if you remember 300 spartans, how did they hold this huge army, the same thing happened in irpen just as they were there through the hospital, this hospital and in fact we are with small forces and through the giraffe well, that is, in fact, the narrow places in the narrow places they hid or remembered the shopping complex that on the way excites just in vain irpenem but i, from here, i already watched those shots and
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it was the russian corpses destroyed by brdm armored personnel carriers and the russian so-called razvardiya lying charred corpses , this is literally the first video of the destroyed russians, it was the first days. yes, the national guard was lying on the gostomel bridge, and there were uh, well, there were a little different ones, but the same ones they finished just like that yes really they are possible it is still possible er really er psychological attitude er our er our guys because how to say it most confidently but it seems to me that we are a very militant nation and it seems to me that the russians are stupid, they did what they came here because they didn't connect so much we have
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strong cool guys that uh hmm let's say so one out of a hundred stands here because, well, i am a witness of those assaults in the wild when they are just they throw the meat, they just run under the gunshot, i don't know, it's not for some reason, people don't fight like that in our country, but the guy was really held by very large forces with small forces. until they run out of meat, thank you and the people, the judge was with us. well, we continue and remember . oh yes, those shots from under the giraffe, they were so scary, but they inspired such hope, in fact , serhiy is good, he is already with us, an analyst, a journalist
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somewhere from donetsk region, mr. sergiu joins us good morning. tell me what you are doing in donetsk and what is the operational situation. what is the situation with the ukrainian armed forces ? we know that you are helping the ukrainian wounded . what are the main needs and tasks before you? i am asking such a broad question. to say where are the hospitals, the military hospitals, well , i really help the doctors, and as an analyst, as an expert, i try to find out for myself first of all what is really going on, well, today, by the way, very it's so hard, it's a hard morning because a lot of people are driving, that is, i can say that active hostilities have begun, and in recent days , well , in our direction, it
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's not bakhmut. you asked what is missing. i think that everything is enough. by the way, there is enough in the medical field, at least. well, hmm, i think that the military also probably has enough, because once again today we can say that hostilities have begun, because we feel here on there are a lot of people we talked about the results ourselves with our previous guest denys dudnyk, he is a veteran of the ato, the first thing i would say is either the russian-ukrainian war and now he has released irpin, anything. he said that psychological help is very important, and he is the one who is doing the rehabilitation, and it is the help from those people whom wounded and psychologically damaged ukrainian soldiers trust, i.e. from the same people who went through the same horrors of war as themselves , how
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important is psychological rehabilitation now, not only physically, but what do you feel to what extent is this post-traumatic or traumatic psychological syndrome now present in ukrainian soldiers, well, first of all, it is an interesting question because i really noticed for myself that there are a lot of so-called contusions, er , the trauma apparatus, it is called er, there are a lot of them, and you can say that more or less to a lesser degree, they are present in almost everyone who fought, yes, that is, because everyone is under the influence of explosions, explosions are, well, a powerful effect on the psyche, on the physical state of a person, and that's why, really, well, well not all of us have psychological or physical recovery they understand what a contusion is, well, we are used to treating this word with some disdain, yes, do you remember the jokes about contusion , everything else is actually a serious problem
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that we will all face because, well, these people will come, so to speak, in society, then we will er, it is not always possible to understand the adequacy of their reactions to some things , someone will consider them a-ah strange, although this is just a person who needs psychological and medical help, mr. sergey, these shots are terrible with the rostrov of oleksandr matievsky well, now the hero of ukraine president zelenskyy awarded him this title, they also reminded me and pointed out what ukrainian prisoners of war face, what our soldiers who are captured by the russians, there is also a story you told about the fact that the soldiers were simply starved to death there. yes, i i was a witness, they just brought the guys to us. what uh, well, i was extremely exhausted, i just never saw
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such a thing, but in real life i saw it there in the newsreels of the second world war, i never saw it in my life , and he told me that two months ago he got he was captured and wounded, several more of his comrades were also wounded and captured. of course, no one gave them medical help, they were not fed, moreover, they did not even give water to repel antifreeze, why? - to the diagnosis of exhaustion, yes to the fact that the diagnosis of poisoning well, he actually survived. because some russians, not all of them, probably , he will not generalize. yes, not all of them are bad people . some kind of fed him, after all, and when ours repelled this position, it is also an indicator of the fact that we are not just defending ourselves somewhere
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and we go on the offensive, we repel some positions, and they found him in this basement, and he got to us 27 years ago, guys, uh, he looked , let's say, incomprehensible, he would, well, once again, as i say, ah, i've never seen such a thing there. i was a little shocked firstly, secondly, you just ask yourself why, yes, well, that is, if he is exhausted, if they were fed , then they could not work, and they could not be used in any way, and for some reason they were not exchanged, yes, that is, they did not even record how the prisoners were simply kept there in the basement er, they could change though to save their own from capture, but this was not done, that is, well, the logic of the occupier in this case is not clear to me at all, if it exists at all. andriyu well, after all , two more words about the ukrainian doctors, tell me who exactly helps the ukrainian soldiers, what do you see there, what kind of people are they? and what are the main injuries and injuries they are facing now, please oh, well, the injuries
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are very different, you understand that this is a war, yes, first of all , there are a lot of shrapnel wounds, ah, bullet wounds, there are, uh, the same contusions, a lot. our doctors are wonderful, i will honestly say, well, in civilian life, it’s possible here, it’s simply the best. everyone gathered , you know, there are different doctors in civilian life . - that's why lvivians hello for good doctors, new people. by the way, even this story with this combatant with a dome, which outraged many people there, in particular, in vilkhivka army, for what he was transferred, but in this
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information, if you analyze it in this way, he says about the fact that out of 800 i have 600 wounded and 160 killed, which shows a ratio of one to five, and this is actually a ratio that speaks of the high professionalism of ukrainian doctors and the fact that this aid is very well provided and they can deliver it in a timely manner and influence so save, as it were we didn't like these numbers, of course well, i'm not saying it's a war, because the russians there seem to have a ratio of one to three, that is, if it's not one to two, it probably depends on the units, as well, mr. sergiu. this story is about the fact that putin allegedly visited mariupol in yehor has his own version, a slightly conservative astrological theory, a hypothesis of a panstry that in mariupol and in the crimea, well, i haven’t seen any photos of mariupol at all, there is this video, there is already a video of him driving, which will be an suv, and he passes cars, but only his ear is visible for the most part, and here he is, too it’s worth it, he’s already
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arrived in mariupol, but there is a cosmetic version of sergei that this is a double, because if we take into account his communication with macron and other foreign and russian figures across a ten-meter-long table then this communication with unknown people is just tête-à-tête where they breathe on him there they hold hands with them and hug him he comes alone driving this jeep he drives during the war the head of state drives around the occupied territory alone behind the wheel and then he does not give any comments for the press, none, there is an interview of the veliky, they say to continue in the same spirit and that's all, it all ends, i just have a suspicion that this is well, not quite, no, the real tsar. and what do you think, because it is, well, from the point of view of pr - this is a cool opportunity to simply show all of russia
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what kind of match putin is, how fearless he is, but very few excerpts, some videos, some photos, no statement to the press, no communication . well, somehow it doesn't look very convincing, and that's all, that's all, that's behind the wheel, well, even from the point of view, i don't know if the presidential security service has bunkers sitting would allow him to drive around the occupied mariupol personally at the wheel of an incomprehensible car . is this important to us? i am sure that it is certainly not putin. we read almost every day that something is exploding in mariupol. yes. some cotton it happens and such a city really just didn't let him go. but he wouldn't have gone himself, we understand it , that's why i'm sure. we're just 100% sure that it's really a double, well, if it weren't for mariupol, we could still think of something. yes , but mariupol definitely not - firstly, secondly, i think that if zelensky had not gone to kherson, yes, now putin's double did not go to mariupol, we are already dictating to him, well, in fact, tactics, you are auto-tactics, that's why. well, i don't know what
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to discuss here. thank you, but it's possible, putin . real visited at least rostov on don and we found out. by the way, where are all those generals sitting? they are now, uh, in general, who are running the war, they are not even risking crossing the border, they are running the war , well, as far as i understand. but it seems to me that someone will come up with the question of how putin will be physically eliminated or whether he himself will eliminate the problem with the same doppelgangers, because i think that there will be a certain wing of the russian elite that will bet on putin to the last the latter will be put even in the event of his liquidation as doubles and show them to the people and say no, the president and i are russia - this is putin, and putin - this is russia, there won't be such a problem, no, well, stalin also had doubles yes
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, but somewhere they split up, although well, as you know, it is already known that he was killed earlier than the double was killed, that is, i think that it is possible that such an option is already quite real, and we do not know who is really sitting there. therefore, everything can be interesting, just an aspect. i was yesterday i literally saw by the way what is already beautiful lagner's manager, yes, he made a pre-election video , actually. well, he didn't hide that it was a pre-election role. the elections in russia are scheduled for the 24th year. that's why they will be interesting , of course. i don’t know, maybe this policy is a technological move, of course, but i didn’t see any sense in it, yes, for putin. that’s why it is possible that this conflict that is now between the tsvvagner and the russian troops is already affecting other political roosters
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. maybe there are dissatisfied people. well, who supports wagner. yes, we know. kadyrov was there somewhere, and others were there. they are forming their own, so to speak, party for the 24th elections. thank you, mr. serhiy serhiy garmash, an analyst, a journalist, and he joined us. - well, it’s a scary story, of course, about prisoners, which means we just have to do it, they already did it to someone who was you in the 15th or 16th century with the poles to cooperate, find and make some kind of normal putin double, this putin double holds a press conference and says that he was kidnapped by the fsb and staged a coup to take another one the good putin. who else do you know? shevchenko quoted and said that we need to be friends with democracy. such a touch of classic operations understood such a double and said he will say i am the real putin. ato in general. what kind of doubles are here, whose russian oligarchs set up and
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then we declare war together with poland and plant our putin on their throne or cool, the latest information about putin from germany. the minister of justice of this country, marko bushman, announced that he will fulfill the order of the president of russia, putin, if he steps on german soil. according to the minister, in the event of putin's arrival, the international criminal court will quickly turn to interpol and the contracting states and demand the execution of the warrant, then germany will be obliged to arrest president putin if he goes to german soil and hand him over to the international criminal court well, putin is weak, so germany come to visit well, well, you were already with the angels, come, says mykola, for coffee , mykola, the husband of the general of the army of ukraine, the head of the foreign intelligence service of ukraine in
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2005-2010, is with us now, mr. mykola good morning good morning glory to ukraine and how are you? man from the special services, what do you think of this video of putin driving a car in the occupied mariupol and is it him or not? a city in which every day something explodes, something is bombed, something is on fire and ukrainian subversive intelligence groups are working , in particular, i'm asking for your opinion, well, first of all , i have to say that i will never add to it , because well, i know even personally that he it is not such a hero who went to such an extremely hot spot, moreover, it is exploding there, operations have recently been conducted there that had extremely powerful consequences, everything was burning and exploding, that is why no one should ever go there, not even putin himself, especially the security service, which is conjuncturally his
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it protects, that is, it creates in us where there are no myths, er, myths about what is there, there are threats. and this point is clear that there can be doubles there , but there will be no one at all, that is, it will show its movement somewhere on a helicopter on cars and the like in crimea, it is clear that there are movements there, this is not putin’s salon in crimea, he arrived in crimea by another route , that is, several routes were being developed, but ours are shown , putin will arrive, but in fact he is going by a different route to crimea , he may still appear in order to demonstrate that he is not yet afraid that he strong that crimea will be for russia so it is clear that we have no chances, but there are no prospects for it, especially after we are extremely powerful and have been standing on the borders of nadav for more than a year and are preparing for a contour offensive and an important topic is that the decision is european ------ gas, that his criminal prosecution and arrest is a significant moment, which will cause even more problems and threats to putin, now he will be terrorized around and on the territory of russia, well
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, of course, one will appear in other points , i think that he will not go even to the 20th when he was forming the agenda, piskov said that in new delhi he will go to the meeting , the door is practically closed for him, because arrests are real even for south africa , ah, i think that they will not risk going strongly because in this situation if they do not even comply with, for example, a court decision but it is clear that in this situation there are already special services that operate in such a format to detect any criminals and if you are early, a prepared operation can detain you anywhere in the world for him, it is an extraordinary composition. well, maybe china is there, which will provide some kind of regime, and he still had to go there, but i already think that after the meeting of uh, 75 of us, putin will already determine what the prospect of his trips and cooperation in general will be
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. mykola, what is currently happening in the environment there to the kremlin so serhii garmash, a political scientist, said in the previous block that yevgeny prigozhin is already declaring some of his ambitions for the presidential seat. i think there are others who want to break up and dance on the bones or on the skin of the murdered putin. do you know this struggle or has the struggle for the future already begun? the throne in russia, in your opinion, and who can take part in it or is already taking part , please well, deep down, it is already maturing, but i just know the realities there, four special services control all of putin's entourage, including prigozhina kadyrov is in competition with each other, that is, they control one more system. well, for now they serve putin, while he still feels some kind of power, but deep down there , the preparation of prigozhina is going on accordingly. today , she cannot do
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pr without putin’s sanctions. he is under putin's control, he says that he accepted him to some extent again, that is, he was allowed to recruit new, so to speak , wagnerites, but not from convicts, but from other points there and from the military there and sports clubs and in the regions, he starts this work there, they give him freedom of action. if putin were to suspect that he would start playing already, or somewhere, uh , hidden against him for the future elections , it is clear that he will simply remove the physical one, and i directly emphasize that putin is for this has a resource, therefore, the cancer is sanctioned, as well as bitterness, for example, radicals show what are used against putin and give him such an opportunity, try to say something against putin or even the troops that have been waging an aggressive war for 15 years, especially since putin signed a new the legislation is therefore no prigozhin, no slides there, and even kadyrov was not specifically authorized to speak, but they will create the illusion that he is playing some kind of game when
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, in order for there to be no other alternatives, that the place is already taken, because they will participate in the big game, when we let's start with a critical offensive operation when the weakening of putin's position will begin there, and the entourage was already looking for a way out, how to form a coalition, so to speak, how to eliminate putin, how to lead the negotiations to the west, and on this plan already figures have appeared who will declare their prospects for prigozhin, it is very difficult because he is a terrorist, as the head of a terrorist organization, as recognized by the majority of world leaders and the legislation of many countries, so he was simply arrested and sentenced to life in prison, so especially there, he cannot get away with it if they keep the regime if putin says that it can be some kind of successor and i'm leaving somewhere, some country like china, if it's too late there, i want to take it, then
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they still have some kind of uh, his receiver like us to speak appoint and he was to claim but in that situation it will not work when there will be an unbalanced society when there will be a defeat and russian society will be oriented then it will be another story and there will be other people what do you think that is what prigoshim said that he will be able to collect another 30,000 mercenaries, only not from prisoners, but from russian citizens who are ready for money to go to ukraine to fight us. and this can be done by the middle of may . how likely is it? is it a lot? 30,000 again. and how does this also relate to the fact that prigozhin himself also says that it is necessary to conserve strength because soon there will be a counteroffensive and there may still be a situation where they will have to retreat under fire. well, today, what we said, he is already trying to form his position, they show that there will be a contrast, and these will be real accounts of the russian army, therefore, he again declares his perspective
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that he is in demand, that he knows and sees the operational situation at the front, there are specific threats, for this we need real forces, and i have obtained sanctions from putin, i will say directly that in some regions recruitment has begun, it is indicated that each region already has up to 1,000 people, 800 there are 1,000, and there is also a competition for recruitment, i.e. to fill a position or to go to the armed forces of its formation, in fact there is no such thing, it is all a fake in order to show that he today, it is popular that there are many people and that its structure will perform a very important function in the period when there will be offensive operations on the part of our armed forces of ukraine, it will already hold the front to defend the village of russia and something like that , try it yourself to take in order to to raise their stakes and it is understandable to some extent well, where not to dominate the armed forces although the auto jump is to compete with them because this format will be governors and er some such structures
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, well, first of all, the special services of the hands of the general staff will help but i think that as much as it will gain 10, well, 15 forces, even with all the pressures of the authorities, to form these friendly units under wagner, but at the same time, there is also putin’s position and instructions to form his own forces on the basis of such a force, if they are like them for 400,000, and you also have to take reserves, first of all, contract volunteers, it will not be sent. that is, these are intentions that have no perspective . mykola. and this is the information about the 400,000. you mentioned the 400,000 . this is a huge replenishment for the russian army, or is ukraine ready? ukraine must also apply for additional mobilization in myself for our army, so how should we react to this information ? first of all, i think this is a general attitude, and by some, it is for intimidation, well, on the other hand, it is propaganda for the plan of what to do
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, because already now everyone is already in all formats developed a position that russia is threatening nato, that this is the disintegration of russia and the killing of every russian, and ukraine is pressing the pension at the forefront of that, and even more so today , another trend from one or ukraine, a terrorist attack in all directions, and on russia, on the territory of moldova, belarus, there is keruzi and therefore similar in order to create the illusion of threats and on this basis to recruit these people is also unrealistic because the mood is already growing and protesting and on the other hand there is no real reason to take moscow , st. petersburg, where the fourth is tuned they are afraid of touching a part of the population of russia why because the protests there will be fast and can be extremely massive , therefore it is extremely difficult to collect another 400,000, but we cannot ignore such an approach, because the mechanisms of hidden mobilization
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have been worked out they attract in different formats in different regions from the villages as we are contractual , this all works. therefore, there is still some additional force there, about 100-150 thousand, they will still raise it in the next six months, but they still need to be trained arming, there are still many problems, but we need to prepare in what format, i would not like all of us to talk about this general , additional, some well, we already have mobilization, but it will simply attract hundreds of hundreds of thousands to us today , the questions are specialists, those who are really ready to lead combat operations are project troops, for example, this is the breakthrough infantry that is actively taking the right course today, and the ministry of internal affairs of the national guard of the ministry of defense is preparing its force , the force of special operations, that is, i said targeted mobilization, a set of bc commanders who are ready to perform an extremely effective function both at the front in critical situations and are mastering the techniques and missile
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capabilities of aviation , this gives a perspective that it will be much more effective than we will start taking oil again from these villages, districts of cities, it is possible to recruit, but it will not make much sense in practice, it is reasonable , one more question is much at the time , an influential american publication wrote about the fact that nato is considering the possibility of transferring the transfer to the eastern border of the bloc, that is, to the ukrainian borders of the 300,000- member group of the north atlantic alliance for for what purpose and how should ukraine perceive it too, please give me a moment to be brief. well, russia for the statement that nato is approaching the borders, and finland is also appearing, and sweden and, well, the baltic states are appearing there, new new nato forces are therefore sending their additional forces to that's why nato is preparing this for active defense , assuming that they will support ukraine in this way - this overhang of such troops also really shows that there is a threat to russia
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, but gradually there were 100,000 at first and gradually there will be an increase, but all potential show the forces that will be populated by russia so that it does not matter. how do you russians talk to themselves, there are real possibilities, a powerful blow was delivered if they even take a step after the downing of a drone. thank you. mykola malomuzh was in direct contact with our studio. of foreign intelligence of the fifth and 10th from the fifth to the tenth years thank you mr. mykola for the inclusion well now 8 almost 9:00 as always at 9:00 in the morning we remember and honor the memory of all the memory of all ukrainians who civilians and military personnel died during this of the terrible war, the memory of the kingdom of god will be honored with a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and peaceful citizens


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