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tv   [untitled]    March 21, 2023 6:00pm-6:31pm EET

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[000:00:00;00] it will be necessary to compile it in two months this is a mistake that i hope lisovyi will correct urgently because this is a question you also hope thank you oleksandr kondratyuk , an expert on educational issues, the founder of the all-ukrainian educational company sat well, we, or rather you, dear tv viewers, espresso managed to do the incredible, that is, for the air we today we collected more than 94,000 uah in total collected this selection see this qr-code collected 236 000 238 uah thank you dear tv viewers activity thank you for watching and trusting the espresso tv channel well, we with khrystyna yatskiv, we are now giving the floor to our colleague serhiy rudenko, the verdict program, let's watch it together. glory to ukraine
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, this is the verdict program. my name is serhiy rudenko . good day and good health to all. today , march 21, is the 391st day of the heroic resistance of the ukrainian people to the russian occupiers . crimea was destroyed by a russian cruise missile caliber during their transportation by railway. today is the second day of the visit of the chinese leader xi jinping to moscow, and he arrived in kyiv the prime minister of japan, fomio kesida, and his talks with the president of ukraine , volodymyr zelenskyi, are expected in russia, but he wants to convene a meeting of the un security council regarding the deportation of ukrainian children in order to acquit putin. we know that last week , the international criminal court issued an arrest warrant for volodymyr putin. children to the russian federation , meanwhile, the russian occupiers continue to lose strength and equipment in ukraine, as of
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the morning of march 21, russia has already lost 166,570 people on the territory of ukraine only in the last day, the armed forces of ukraine destroyed 960 orks, at the beginning of the great war, the russians have already lost in ukraine 352 tanks, 6,879 armored combat vehicles, 2,587 artillery systems, 507 rocket salvo systems , 270 means of anti-aircraft defense, 35 aircraft , 290 helicopters, 5,428 units of automotive equipment, 18 ships, boats, 907 cruise missiles 2,167 drones, 266 units of special equipment, so putin fell to his knees in front of the seats, foaming at the mouth, moscow threatens to sue the judges
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of the hague international nominee court and chi china will absorb russia, this is the topic of today's program, we will talk about it for an hour with our guest , this is a diplomat, a politician of the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine 2007-2009, volodymyr hrysko, mr. volodymyr. good day, good health to you, and thank you for joining our broadcast. congratulations, sir sergey, good health to you and our dear tv viewers, i'm glad to have another discussion . the benefit of vladimir putin and the russian federation, although yesterday’s public conversation or the public introduction to this conversation, all the bells and whistles of putin show that
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the multi-vector nature of the world or the many vectors that vladimir putin was counting on and about which he has been talking for at least the last year is still turning into two-vector and two-polarity, that is, there are two poles, while washington is not such a pole , moscow can disappear quite quickly, are these impressions correct, well, at least from the rhetoric from the how volodymyr behaved at the meeting, putin squinted and how he could not look into the eyes of his interlocutor, he constantly looked away somewhere , talked about something and did some ritualistic things , it was clear that he was not very comfortable in this situation, not being the leader of the state , the role of a person who will ask something from the leader of a country called china, this is true
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, mr. serhiy, and er, this opinion is dominant among the expert environment. well, because it became obvious to everyone that it is about putin from er, well, from russia which served the energy needs for the event simply turns the arrows on the energy service of china, or about any centers of influence, or about what kind of multipolarity there is with polar moscow. it is not just impossible to talk anymore, it is even ridiculous, especially when it comes to the fact that the head of this country is a man who was invited to come to the hague and at the same time, this invitation is indefinite, that is, as long as it is liquid, only this invitation will be valid . therefore, it is obvious that he feels
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extremely bad. this means that his decision of the international criminal court turned into a living political corpse well, you know, there are also hyenas in world politics, which, with pleasure, will feed on such food, but in this case, china plays the role of this hyena, which will eat and actually not notice what did she eat because she's big because she's powerful well, there's something here, thank god, today we'll eat it , tomorrow we'll think about something else, so the world is really going through a very interesting moment right now in its development when it was one of those empires that claimed world leadership
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it's the russian uh, well, he loses uh in front of his eyes, and yet, in fact, it's only the beginning of the process, because then there will be more 10 burps, this visit uh, he wants to be toxic, definitely, because it's such a pen after with uh, a person which judge, the prosecutors collected uh, not unrefuted evidence, because we understand that uh , without this evidence, there would be no uh, no decision about the arrest, so with the pens, uh, the man, on july 10, is also not a comilfo, and he is on it, i it's just because i want to tie russia to me even more, to make it so that er well, he knew his place, and you are right. sergei, you draw attention to the fact that he does not look into the eyes, which is a sign of psychological weakness, that is
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, he is in a position when he will ask and his interlocutor . uh, he is guided by what is happening, and this is definitely a very wonderful illustration , uh, who is the master and who is the subordinate, so, well, everyone played their game and played it my way of the people's republic of china will meet with the official representatives of the russian federation, among those who will be from the moscow side, including medvedev and many of those people who are responsible for the military-industrial complex of the russian federation
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. this is only the tip of the iceberg and it is obvious that in this package , the so-called package of the peace agreement or the peaceful plan for ending the war in ukraine if it did not sound tautological, it is obvious that there are a lot of interests, including china's, and these calls putin yesterday promised the leader of china to discuss this peace plan and assured the leader of the people's republic of openness to this negotiation process as well. in general , we will hear and see the signs of china's peace plan as it was in germany together with your proposals for the settlement of the acute crisis in ukraine, we will certainly have the opportunity to discuss the issue, we know that it comes from the principles of justice and observance
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of the fundamental principles of the international their security rights for all parties . well, you know that we are always open to the negotiation process. the aggressor, and who is the victim, that is, they are called among themselves. this is the ukrainian ukrainian crisis or the crisis in the ukrainian state according to your opinion. does the sitting party now have enough strength and opportunities to tell putin to leave the territory of the ukrainian state well, mr. andrii, i’ll start a little bit with what you started about today’s theater production, i can’t call it anything else, because today it will actually be ritual dances with
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tambourines, it will be formal like that the same type of conversation about uh peace and friendship about uh mutual respect and so on and so forth will sign some papers but in fact everything happened yesterday well, that's how it's established in the moscow uh well and not only in the moscow uh system by the way er when everything is decided at the er bilateral higher highest level ie when two presidents or the president and the prime minister sit down and around them there are one or two officials or advisers who are most allowed to the body and during this conversation what happens next
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on the next day, as it will be today or later, it will be formalized in the form of some er additional water protocols what is happening is that two dictators discussed what they wanted decided well, and then the clerks already although they are also there and the ministers or the vice prime ministers or the factory or the prime ministers are already drawing up these agreements accordingly in the same way i think it was yesterday and it will be the same today. that is, it is normal for totalitarianism the style of negotiations, and here i think that nothing has changed at all regarding what he brought with him here, it seems to me that he will continue to go , or rather, it was already discussed about two things
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podzebin promised, i think i will help putin to balance so that russia does not drown, so that it still somehow holds on i float, it is possible, this is possible because of the fact that the chain gives er, well, in fact, it throws this er , a lifeline, er, this circle for putin in the economic plan, no matter what, but now the russian energy sector is focused one hundred percent on china. if imagine that the chinese sales market for oil and gas falls, then russia stops. so, this is the passport that the president gives to putin, and he cannot but take it and will thank him for everything, but replacing it is definitely a goal for himself. bargained i think it is
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one hundred percent my things and these things are mine the opinion is that russia, as a nuclear power, will help china build up its nuclear potential . and this is precisely where the mutual benefit of this visit can be seen for both sides, because china needs to reach the level of nuclear potential as quickly as possible both in russia and in relation to things like this plan. well, let's be serious, but in china they understand very well that no one will agree to it, that well , first of all, it will be absolutely unacceptable for us, for ukrainians, because to stop where the front line is now passing in ukraine no one allowed anyone. that's why you know this kind of confetti of a diplomatic
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and political nature, which is scattered on the heads in order to slightly excuse me for the undiplomatic style of curling the bags and no more, i think that in no way, neither putin nor eh everyone is not going to convince anyone that the chinese plan will work, it will not work, and we have already heard about it from all the capitals, including washington, including european capitals. well, of course, from kyiv there are separate slogans that - which cannot be refuted as something that cannot be captured well, more precisely, respect for international law and territorial integrity is absolutely correct, but everything else that follows it actually cross-examines this principle, so i think it's just hm, so to speak, political
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volleys of a verbal nature, but not that it will really work, mr. volodymyr, yesterday the leader of china told putin that he sees how russia has prospered in recent years, and that next year the elections for the president of the russian federation will be held, and the chinese hope that the russians will support them again in these elections let's hear putin, sit down and drink. i know that i will be a champion. this strong leadership for the last years of russia achieved significant success . i am sure that the russian people
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will support you very much . it is a good start. if you live well, in principle, i could say so, please tell me, please, what kind of curtsy does putin have, is this the usual chinese diplomatic rhetoric, or is he sincerely talking about the prosperity of russia at a time when well, in fact, in the last year, uh, russia has been isolated on the world markets . well, i think you know this. such eastern uh-uh-ism is uh- huh, well, i think that uh-uh, these are stopping them reporting about uh-uh about the real situation in the country. even if the official structure in russia says that 15
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million russians live below the poverty line, eh. and here we need to multiply by at least two eh, because adequate russian economists, who usually live outside russia now, this speaks of a figure of at least 30. and that more millions of really poor people if we look at outposts that er well, sometimes they show from the russian hinterland er, of course prosperity is crazy here without any doubt, i think it can even be attributed to a certain sarcasm from the side when he talks about er that russia is prosperous and relatively uh, about the next term, i think that he is really very optimistic, uh, because i think that the term can be, but it is not presidential agatsky, and there everything is going exactly what putin really wants, that it should be
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for life, that's what he wants to be president for life or will be a life prisoner yes what's going on here? i think there was more irony and sarcasm in the words son of patience than what he was talking about, but this is such a traditional eastern and including chinese tactic to show that he is very tolerant of the interlocutor but thinks about something completely different yesterday, mr. volodymyr, during an appearance on cnn, the coordinator of the national security council at the white house, john kirby, called on everyone to press putin and listen to the ukrainians. he said that the meeting in moscow is the subject of very, very
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close monitoring by the white house. we will see and hear urchin efforts to end this conflict must take into account the position of ukraine, so we encourage the president to all play a constructive role talking to president zelensky, which he has not done since russia began this invasion, because china frankly needs to hear directly from the ukrainians, not only the russians, and we we call on the president to put pressure on president putin regarding the need to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of ukraine . it is not yet clear whether the leader of china will hear the ukrainians, because there is information that cd -pin after the conversation with putin and after today's announcement of the results of the official negotiations will call zelenskyi and talk to zelenskyi, well, at least that is what the international e-e publications write about you e e p volodymyr yak do you think that if sitin-pin calls zelensky, what kind of news
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or news can he make this phone call with? well, you see, i would first comment on the words of mr. kirby, well, this is another example of such a thing an unrealistic vision of what authoritarian regimes are, well, with what joy uh, sedzelen will put so much pressure on putin that he uh, well, actually renounce his conquests, as he says, from the fact that the sea of ​​azov has become an internal russian sea from pseudo-territories there and so on and so on. well, it's not in the interests of er, all the squealing, er, to make russia lose, and what we actually demand is russia's loss , that is, he putin will then be forced to fully
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admit that he lost and that he is wonderful understands that putting pressure on er putin will ultimately mean that er , actually he will help his defeat all the time , so i think that it will be completely different er , he is in order to somehow balance er, this is all his a favorable attitude towards putin and it is an obvious truth, as we have now discussed with very eh our selfish interests, but he i think could even do more on e-e conditional lviv or conditional uzhhorod on uh, two hours, where to meet with uh, president zelensky, tell him something and then reveal everything that he is a mediator
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, that he is trying to reconcile the parties, that he is advocating for the arrival of final and eternal peace, well now if everything turns into just a phone conversation, then i i think it will be a dialogue of the deaf, because it is obvious that everyone from irpin will vote for putin's ceasefire position, which will fix the so-called new territorial encroachments of russia , and our president will say the complete opposite, and it will be -is well, actually, the system listened to each other, thanked each other, and parted ways, but this will allow , in the same zerbinu, before the event, to talk about the fact that he continues and insists on the peaceful regulation and that he is putting some effort into this, because
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let's don't forget about this, we have already talked to you about this in fanfiction, china is wary of western europe and north america , china cannot redirect its trade flows, like russia, to a different region of the world than the one that buys these from it today goods, namely, europe and north america cannot, africa cannot, latin america cannot, the rest of asia cannot absorb all that is produced by the world factory. therefore, these patiences cannot, er, make too sharp movements in order to er not to feel what putin is feeling today, it is the harsh sanctions that is why i think he will call president zelensky, he will tell him something, but he will play in his
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chinese group before the visit of the seat to moscow. putin in this articles, putin is not talking about a new territorial reality, he uses the term about a new geopolitical reality, well, that is, the rhetoric has transformed a little. starting from february 24, 2022 and about the fact that the west needs to accept a new geopolitical reality, that is, the return of russia to the geopolitical influence that was in russia until
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1997, when there was another expansion nato expansion well, i think it's a shame that putin likes this piece and we'll see it in the near future , so here he can be calm about the new reality in ukraine. he will return to the old eh, but with very negative consequences for him, and this will be the new geopolitical changes, because after our victory over eh, russia, eh, in the west, they finally started thinking about it, thank god, and to say , the main task will be how to reformat this geopolitics, but already without russia and this thesis that once seemed absolutely crazy well, how can you live without russia and russia is something incredible, our
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partner is our neighbor, although hmm, when i sit in front of german politicians, i get married, i have a question for myself. wait, because there there is still at least the czech republic, poland, then slovakia, then ukraine, and then russia. what kind of neighbors are these? well, this was done precisely in order to justify, in what way, how can we do without russia , today if we hear those german politicians themselves are already many of them says that it is necessary to think about a new global security system, but without russia , which means that we will really have a new geopolitical reality where russia will be a second class entity and will be completely economically tied to china who will actually impose
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on her the entire foreign policy that all of russia will be forced to follow under his dictation, so i think that here putin is right. you know this is the unique case when you can treat him that russia in of course, the new geopolitical structure will survive until then will be in a completely different weight category, you know, it's so hard, the scales are on one side, and on the other, the light weight is 48 kg, in my opinion , well, compare 120, let's say, and 48. that's how we will have new geopolitical realities, and in this, it's a rooster. the version is about to speak, er, the russian federation is a very good definition of an underworld for putin, er , but still, they are still trying to imagine themselves as elephants, at least the press secretary of putin sand when he was asked whether
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the cream would be offended if all the calls were made joseph to biden and he replied that they will be delivered before any call by the leader of china. with respect, although he was silent as to how they will be delivered before a possible call from the leader of china to the president of ukraine, we will hear from piskov . he talks with whomever he wants, with whomever he wants and when he wants to turn me on, we treat him with respect as well as a chinese friend, but also a compromise with what president putin is doing. visit and you can even from moscow etogo sprazamat tepera with putin 's secretary about it yes, we are your monkeys to the addressee they will soon stop answering any
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questions at all and in general you have to decide something eh p volodymyr let's go back to eh court if you have any more to say about piskov although i think that the sand is already turning into not a talking head at all, but a different talking organ of putin. over the edge and sometimes even i'm watching. although i sometimes speak in a simplified way, but er, i have to tell you that this er group on zakharov's sand there is vsemonyanskobeeva, well, there are also a couple of the same tailoring of the village in his of course, er, this girl will also sit together with her er


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