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tv   [untitled]    March 26, 2023 10:00pm-10:31pm EEST

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[000:00:00;00] about the fact that russia is preparing for the next and so it is possible that they will need a week or months, how big is this threat? of course they, uh, hitler also planned his attacks in april 1945, but reality is reality, we understand that russia now has what power at its disposal in the framework of human resources, in the framework of weapons, and therefore it is clear that they will continue to plan, but from a strategic point of view, they do not have the power that could give them a chance of success, and again , from the point of view of the defense of the ukrainian armed forces they justify themselves perfectly, they feel supported by the solidarity of the collective effort they receive intelligence data and in fact we see that the ukrainian army has become much
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stronger than it was last year , unfortunately because of that, fortunately because of the fact that the russian army was led by bad commanders, because of this it suffered failure, that is, their army is not an army, it is not an army of professionals, otherwise they would not have behaved like that, so we can assume that they are dying out, the russians, the russian military, and they are only behaving worse and worse, so we are now we are really waiting for the fact that the ukrainians will drive out the russian aggressors and stop this war and we will win in 2024. thank you for finding time for us. day rice with the president of the american university in kyiv, a military expert was with us today. thank you. the minister of foreign affairs visited kyiv this week. estonia's urmas rein fat goal is to discuss the road map of ukraine's path to nato before the summit in vilnius and to synchronize the urgent
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needs of official kyiv before the spring counteroffensive. i spoke with the minister in to the estonian embassy in kyiv to discuss the global politics of the war issue and to hear estonia's advice on the russian issue in this post-soviet country, here are some of the main points, mr. minister, firstly, i am very glad to meet you, and secondly, thank you for finding some time for us for the program spotlight ukraine is glad to meet volodymyr if we talk about military aid and what can happen on the battlefield, when do you think these supplies of western weapons will be enough not only to stop the russian army but also in order to deliver the final blow to it when russia loses and ukraine wins, many countries have done a lot, but these weapons are still not enough. i keep saying that we need
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to change the paradigm of military support for ukraine, that we should invest in its victory and not just to help her not lose on the battlefield, that is why i believe that the level of aid with weapons and ammunition should increase, including long-range missiles , fighter jets and all other conventional weapons , perhaps some western politicians fear that that this can be interpreted as steps that can lead to escalation, but they are wrong because russia is already using its entire arsenal of weapons against ukraine . let's talk about putin, his legitimacy. the court is in the gas because , for example, the united states does not recognize its jurisdiction, and as president biden said, such
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a decision limited international recognition, so what are the consequences, the results may be different firstly, this decision greatly limited putin's physical maneuvering, secondly, it seems to me that due to this arrest warrant, putin also loses certain levers of influence inside russia, and thirdly, i hope that this statement that an international legal body is single-handedly trying to catch putin in a certain way encourages the world community to continue working on the project of creating an international tribunal that would investigate russian war crimes, so i really hope that we managed to reach people, let's talk about the international situation these days, the chinese the leader was in moscow, but there were no official statements yet. do you think that putin manages
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to find a reliable partner in xi jinping ? i hope not, but china's position during this war, and china is a permanent member of the security council of the united nations, is completely unacceptable. the position is ambivalent. and if you also look at the rhetoric, then china will support russia . in addition, we also remember putin's visit to heaven a few days before the start of this war and the joint declaration that can be called a request for permission to start a war, but i i don't think that china alone will publicly talk about its support for russia, because china also thinks about its own reputation and this reputation can also suffer a lot, so all the reports that china can supply russia with weapons in large quantities are very alarming, and i think that the western
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community should to send a clear signal to beijing that if the leadership of the celestial empire does this, it should be paid for it. the full version of the interview is available on our youtube channel espresso tv sport live ukraine thank you that you shared it and do not hesitate to comment on the video on social networks, a pleasant viewing in russia, again something did not go according to plan on one of the propaganda shows , the so-called expert could not stand the outright lies and fainted on the live broadcast, see everything , but if you use the dictionary of kremlin propaganda, then he is not he fainted, he got up negatively or even bravely liquidated the floor by himself
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welcome to the fake check where we make russian propaganda unconscious together with our stopfake partners and today is my guest who we are going to destroy the russian myths of russian propaganda - this is oleksandr zamkovoy, he is a fact checker with a stop fake. alexander , congratulations, congratulations. so, we have collected the most interesting cases of russian propaganda in the last week and we will discuss them one by one. so, the first of them is the russian media report that the un has confirmed the alleged next is a quote from the war crimes of the kyiv regime in ukraine, and the kremlin propagandists allegedly refer to the report of an independent international investigative
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commission regarding ukraine. what is the truth in this? and what in this is a fake, let's look at it first, the investigation flashed reports of the kyiv regime during the armed conflict in ukraine, the russian edition of the military review, among other kremlin media, published this news, the authors allegedly cite the un report on the military, this document really exists, it was published on march 16, however, the main conclusion was somewhat different, the russian authorities committed a number of violations of international human rights legislation and international humanitarian law in different regions of ukraine , many of the violations are war crimes in particular, the un estimated that the russian attacks on the energy infrastructure of ukraine damaged because they destroyed thousands of residential buildings, price drops were recognized as war crimes , this also applies to cases that gained wide publicity, such as the attack on march 16, 2022, committed during the siege of mariupol in the city's drama theater, as a result of which she died and was
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injured a large number of people, the attack on the kramatorsk railway station on april 8, 2022, as a result of which 59 people were killed and 92 injured, as well as the attack on june 27 2022 to the shopping center in kremenchuk, which left behind 21 people killed and dozens injured. as for ukraine, the commission found cases when the ukrainian armed forces probably used cluster munitions in izyum in the kharkiv region from march to september, when the city was controlled by the russian armed forces, the commission documented a small number of violations committed by the ukrainian armed forces, including alleged non -selective attacks t2 incidents that qualify as war crimes when russian prisoners of war were shot wounded and tortured according to the results of the first report, the un commission recommended the russian federation to immediately stop aggression and all
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acts of violence against the civilian population, why does the russian audience trust such a fake instead of just going and checking the real un report on these issues, a global question why does the russian audience believe in russian propaganda when we live in a digital society and there are many open sources of information and the same youtube of russia is not blocked, you can watch different let's say yes arguments and points of view i think it is still the desire to justify one's actions and the actions of one's own state and simply unwillingness to see real war crimes russian propaganda plays into this very much they know the psychology of russians and that is why it is presented only those facts that christians have digested - let's put it this way for example, this report of the independent international commission of the un is exactly the same. so what
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well, only ukrainian war crimes were recognized. and they allegedly did not say anything about the russian ones. this is a typical russian manipulation when they talk about him. even before february 24, there were un reports published there about the situation in lutheran law, they gave whole passages from there about how the rights of the journalists detained there are being violated, and the rights of the crimean tatars are being violated, and well, in principle hmm let's say that the local population is present, ukraine keeps crimea in place well, there were other facts there, for example, from the russian point of view, they proved that ukraine does not give crimea normal conditions there, but the situation with this report is the same, despite the fact that it is really
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documented there from dupole rocket gift by the well in kramatorsk yes, russia just submitted these paragraphs where it is allegedly demonstrated that ukraine misbehaved with russian prisoners of war and well , russian troops were tortured there, everything else. russian users of the social network of the so-called opinion leaders claim that the international criminal court has already allegedly acquitted the russian army . putin's federation for war crimes with the deportation of ukrainian children, but what is the connection between this? let's look at our next story and discuss the russian army was acquitted
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in the hague. putin was not accused of anything except the deportation of children. putin in only one war crime, the illegal deportation of children, that is, according to the russians , the only thing russia is accused of is the illegal transfer of children, however, according to dmitry koval, an expert of the human rights organization trueze, to which stop-face asked for clarification the issued warrant does not mean that the court did not see other crimes of the russian army in ukraine international criminal court this is not the court that will deal with a dozen cases in one specific country, it should choose a few of the highest priority and move on them - says koval for according to kovel, the international criminal court may in the future open other cases related to ukraine, but certain circumstances are required for this
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. attempts to justify the russian army, again about the fact that russia does not want to recognize and see only one argument , they seized on the criminals caught on to the interesting fact that they are in the actions of the russian authorities and saw this deportation of children of ukrainian children from the occupied territories, in fact, this is the report of the international of the un commission, which we talked about in the first story, he also prescribes this war crime, war crime. i'm sorry about the deportation
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of children, and in his conclusions he also says that russia should stop such actions, and that was completely ignored but already when the international criminal court two or three days after that un report issued a warrant for the arrest of putin, they were very worried. well, really, in the context of the fact that russia is now trying very hard to push its own diplomacy, this is in principle the only powerful lobby she has left, she would like putin to travel to different countries, to attend international events and to show that there is some now due to the decision of the international criminal court.
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more of the statute of the decision of yako yes admits that putin simply cannot now, in principle, travel, it will be quite convenient , including us asian women, this is a big problem for russian propaganda , including well, in principle, the world of europe has taken such a step and made such accusations against the president of the current president of the country, the world community is not even afraid to resort to such measures , thank you, one more case, we are talking about poland, the actions of the poles only contribute to the destruction of the armed forces of ukraine, and this russian fake also the influence of this week why poland again became a target for manipulation by the kremlin further in sport life ukraine and then we will discuss deliveries by nato countries, in particular to poland , of fighter jets to ukraine will not affect the outcome of the conflict, but will lead to inevitable losses among ukrainian pilots, this was stated by an intelligence officer of the us marine corps in
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retirement from which twitter russian content quoting family claim that they revealed poland's plan to destroy the ukrainian military , but in fact there is no polish plan to destroy ukrainian soldiers the destruction of ukrainian soldiers, on the contrary, poland is one of the main partners of ukraine in the provision of military aid and training of ukrainian fighters. poland announced its intention to conduct monthly military training of two battalions of the armed forces of ukraine. the scooter was actually a former us intelligence officer who served in the 1980s
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. weapons, i believe, but then the former intelligence officer was accused of pedophilia, he was twice caught trying to arrange a date with underage girls whom he met on the internet after the full-scale invasion of russia into ukraine, ritter accused ukraine of the murders in buch , called biden a war criminal, claimed that he intended to attack poland ukraine and occupy its western regions again kremlin propaganda claims that poland allegedly has some secret plan to destroy the armed forces of ukraine or not is this propaganda machine trying to push the foreheads of two nations that are cooperating more closely than ever in the last 100 years of modern history ? well, they are constantly trying to do this, and this is basically this statement, it goes in the context of that propaganda in english that is so imaginary an imaginary narrative that poland will allegedly
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try to occupy some parts of ukraine and is generally pursuing some useful goal with the help of ukraine, although in fact a few days ago we were also the moravian prime minister of poland. he confirmed again in his own words, the main thesis about the fact that it is very important for poland to help ukraine is precisely because of the fact that it is otherwise free from russian aggression and that is why it is more interested in helping ukraine than anyone , moreover, mr. moravetskyi seems to have said that if ukraine does not will be able to resist, then poland will be the next to enter the fight, it was said openly and correctly. yes, poland is one of our main military partners , it has already provided military aid more than 30 times, er, and that's a few
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officially ah hmm and russian propaganda constantly claims that this military aid will help ukraine and only lead to losses again piskov also stated this at the press conference, therefore quickly as one of the kremlin propagandists who are, er, located in the west, he he just repeats the same theses and we have been following this propagandist for a very long time, he has been with him since 2019 , in principle, where are the comments of rush today and since february 24, after the full-scale invasion, he made a lot of loud statements about the fact that once again ukraine can't hold back anymore a week later, he promised that the russian army would take mariupol in three days, uh, days, then he talked a lot about what he said, well, he is such a mouthpiece of the kremlin, and unfortunately there are a lot of such, and what russian propaganda is trying to say by what it tells about the destruction of ukraine , poland is allegedly trying to seize western romania, chernivtsi oblast, transcarpathia, some issues with hungary, who is here
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to talk about, into which the russians are advancing, russia was very actively speculating on these narratives, on this narrative, in the fall, they even said that for example, poland tried to help us rebuild one of the power grids, and they said that it had allegedly already lost its sovereignty and poland just took over the ukrainian power system. it was also done together with polish programmers, well, in order to protect uh-uh security, uh, that's how it happened uh-uh, in the form of the fact that, in principle, we uh-uh, and any there uh-uh any cooperation and help uh-uh in
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poland to volunteers and providing humanitarian aid she looked for help under the pretext of the fact that it is only because of what she writes that she is preparing a bridgehead for an offensive in the lviv region on volyn and ukraine will be in tatters. thousands of our polish mercenaries are fighting in the donbass, and there we considered several cases. well, it turns out that, in principle, poland is allegedly sending its soldiers to die for ukraine, and at the same time i am making plans to destroy ukraine and annex it. well, somehow it doesn't work do you know this in any way? no, it does not affect our good-neighborly relations with the poles and a huge thanks for what they are doing now for our now joint victory, it is true. of course, this is exclusively more for
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the domestic audience on the retive again , which allegedly confirms that ukraine is an artificial artificial state that was sculpted from different regions and reformatted in this way for the ukrainian audience. well, according to our observations, he has no one in such. well, for some reason, i immediately remembered the map that hangs in kirill's office budanova, where is a very nicely tattered map of the russian federation, less so, oleksandr, a lock checker with a fake, was a guest today in our section called fake , see you next week, thank you. the words are not just a visit, all shinpings to russia and his meeting with the president of the aggressor country and vladimir putin lived this week the world was
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different my name is yuri fizer and i start for life so the duration of the arrest warrant what was issued by the international criminal court in the netherlands, commented the prosecutor of this institution, karim khan. he said this in an interview with the british radio station bbc radio 4. according to him, this decision will apply even after the end of the russian war in ukraine. he immediately explained this by the fact that there are no war crimes the statute of limitations, and then a quote from the prosecutor of the international criminal court . people, wherever they are, must recognize that there is a law and that with the government comes responsibility, but in russia, the decision of the international criminal court in the hague called it illegal, this is stated in the message published on the website of the investigative committee of the russian federation, in particular, russian investigators believe that putin and the russian children's ombudsman are completely innocent, and therefore
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there are no grounds for making such a decision, in addition , they emphasized that putin generally has immunity as in president, and not to end there, russian prosecutors opened criminal proceedings against the prosecutor of the international criminal court, karim khan, and several other judges related to issuing a warrant for putin's arrest, look carefully at the sky dmitry medvedev, who managed to sit in the chair of the president of the russian federation at least once between the two two-year terms of vladimir putin , threatened to launch a missile attack on the building of the international criminal court in the hague, according to the official, he can well imagine the point use of hypersonic missiles on the iss well, in his opinion, a nato country would not dare to respond to a nuclear state, as the folk creativity of fools
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with a rich opinion says. well, more international news to our digest, russia should not be given the opportunity to rest at the front. at the slightest opportunity, the aggressor country will regroup its forces and attack ukraine again, according to the us secretary of state anthony blinken. they suffer because of russian aggression every day, but there is currently no sign that putin is ready for meaningful diplomacy to end the war , he still wants to include ukraine in the blinken emphasizes the russian empire . the european union should not relax sanctions against russia. the prime minister of estonia is convinced of this. she made such a statement at the eu summit in brussels. there is a question of circumventing sanctions by the russian federation, because the aggressor country finds various loopholes
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, explains which one, but we know that russia began to earn less from oil, so we see that economic sanctions, including price restrictions on oil affects the russian economy and, therefore, its ability to fuel the military machine, and this means that we must continue this process, shells with modified uranium that great britain decided to give to the ukrainian armed forces do not represent a nuclear threat , the minister of foreign affairs of the united kingdom, james cleverley, said this, so he commented on the statements made by moscow that such a step could lead to nuclear escalation, according to the head of the british foreign office, the one country in the world that talks about nuclear threats and is even threatened by this by russia itself, but now there is no threat to itself and to its citizens. because it is only about
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helping ukraine to defend itself effectively . oleksandr lukashenko, the self-proclaimed president of belarus, knows exactly how russia can respond to this and not only knows, but which he always tells during a visit to a hut that was burned to the ground by the nazis during the second world war, he said that russia will supply us with ammunition with real uranium. they will give an impetus, this is the most terrible and most dangerous thing, therefore, you need to step aside a little from the madness, and then, as soon as these munitions explode on the positions of the russian troops , you will see the answer will be a terrible lesson for the whole planet, dostoevsky and tchaikovsky will remain a part of european culture, and russia likes it does not remain our closest neighbor
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. such a statement was made by the minister of foreign affairs of austria, alexander schalenberg. to finally break such a vision, he called it ghostly, at the same time, the head of the austrian foreign ministry does not oppose the introduction of new anti-russian sanctions. and at the end of this year, the traditional earth hour without russia , the world nature fund informed moscow about this in time. well, the reason is incredible at first glance, russian the management included the fund in the list of foreign agents, so its management decided to deprive moscow of the opportunity to join the symbolic action well , it took place as always on the last saturday march 25 this year at 8:30 p.m. local time in all countries. of course, except for russia, i will remind you that during this hour , people are urged to turn off all unnecessary lighting. well, that's all for today in my
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part of spotlight ukraine, the ukrainian version of next week is obvious i will be called yuri fizer, so see you, that's all for today. thank you for being with us, you watched the drop line ukrainian version. don't forget to like and subscribe to our youtube channel espresso tv spotlight ukraine of the peaceful sky and see you next week fm halychyna previously prepared its response to your cyber attack fm halychyna radio and we heard our armed forces promise a spring


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