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tv   [untitled]    March 30, 2023 10:30pm-11:01pm EEST

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[000:00:00;00] that day there is water thanks to our city canal, canal water they pump us water with generators water we get gold because there is a lot of maintenance, well these generators use fuel it is very scary at night it is very scary to sleep with your back in the basement so that it flies almost every day flew to the neighbors four there was an arrival. and we were in the house, there was such a feeling that stones were falling from the sky on the house, very scary . here we have one sofa, two beds, a peasant is standing, we are drowning a peasant because it is very
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cold at night, if it is loud, the last thing was time is seven in the evening until seven in the morning, i sleep here, they listen day and night, day and night , we used to go for bread like that, and they were baying and drones were flying and whatever you want, there were no basements. we very rarely beat, they sang, but if there is, he i am not adapted to this . no where. no, i tell you . we get dressed. we sit in a corner somewhere and sit. today again raised your call to subscribe to the pages of radio svoboda v on the internet, you can leave questions, remarks, comments in the chat during the broadcast. well, like this video. the youtube algorithm works like this. what the more likes , the more people will know about us, support
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our work in this way. well, the freedom of life will return to the air tomorrow , pain can become an obstacle stairs not with my knees for knee pain try dolegit cream dolegit cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility, you can also walk the only yellow cream for joint pain buy with a 15% discount dole cream 150 g in pharmacies pharmacy amts pharmacy penny and apothecary fm galicia russian hackers attacked fm radio galicia tried to break into the airwaves the attack was repelled well, february will hit your cyber such fm radio galicia has prepared its answer and we heard that our armed forces promised a spring
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counteroffensive of the occupier, so fm radio galicia will become you will hear and even see the formation of the informational spring counterattack, life goes on, the war is going on, galicia is not enough for the russians, for the ukrainians , you won’t bring potatoes. dr. tice's comfrey mother and you're back to work honey comfrey opa jim's german opa jim's ointment for joint and muscle pain acute let's lie down hard restores movement for joint and muscle pain dr. tice's natural comfrey ointment save by buying bulk ointments 100 grams, join the community with a ukrainian view of the world, become
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a sponsor of the espresso youtube channel, and this is access to exclusive content, personal thanks , pinned comments, special icons and the possibility of personal communication with the espresso team, click sponsor and become part of the community with a ukrainian point of view. greetings. my name is yuriy fizar, and today my guest is a world-renowned historian , a professor at yale university , a professor of history, a person who helps ukraine a lot and tells the truth about what is happening in our country. opportunity to speak with you and ask a few questions it's a pleasure to be with you mr. snyder the war has been going on for a year can we at least try to draw some
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interim conclusions about it and i'm not talking about the situation in the landfill i am talking about the perception of the country in western europe in the west well, maybe in russia if we start from the west , the way people see ukraine has definitely changed in every society as an important country whose past is actively interested and this is something new enter the political point of view of the question can ukraine survive has been transformed into questions can ukraine win and this is a completely different matter as far as russia is concerned, i think we are dealing with a war that the russian leadership chose deliberately and cannot
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give up, they will continue it to the end that this will be the end of the war in ukraine or is this the end of the regime but they will fight to the end should putin start to be afraid now i would like us to talk about the latest decision of the international criminal court in the netherlands gas this court passed a resolution on the arrest warrant for putin or should is putin afraid of this decision, or is it possible that he is sitting somewhere in the kremlin behind the kremlin walls and just laughs at it? so, the most important thing about the warrant is that it reminds everyone of the importance of the law by repeating it in in ukraine, russia has essentially violated all possible forms of international law, and in this way it threatens not only ukraine and its people , but also the very idea of ​​the existence of international order, so regardless of whether putin will be arrested or not. where am i talking about the fact that laws
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and order really matter? important and this is one of the things that ukraine protects for all of us in relation to putin, he is probably not worried that he will be arrested, but the fact that he is condemned in the west definitely does not impress him why why the matter is because despite the fact that the russians they tell us every day that they hate us, despise us, that they want to sneeze at us, the west still remains the only source of internal prestige there they send their children to study, the west serves as an example for them how to dress, talk, make television, and that's why they don't care about putin, they will forget no matter what russian history, our very opinion that you are blocked from entering germany and other 132 countries cannot help but worry, however , how it will be interpreted within the framework of russian
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domestic policy is even more important, there are many reasons to believe that putin's regime must come to an end for russians, this is another reason to make sure that their country will not be able to help a leader who cannot travel , whom many people consider a war criminal, but sir, do you really think that he will be arrested, that he can be arrested, for example, in germany if he decides to go there yes yes but he is not going to go to germany yes i know but if it is possible to arrest trump we all face a common problem for someone and the laws are written if we are insulted by the order we must firmly say no one can above the law laws are above all for all of us so can they arrest trump i hope so can they arrest putin can they arrest putin do you hope so it depends on us if we say no this will never happen then it will happen often
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they say that dictators always win, but that's not the case charles taylor was tried in the garage of a tycoon, they were tried in gas, dictators don't always win regardless of whether putin wins in this particular case, we have to say that he should stand trial that we should try to bring him to court and we will call on the germans to do it. by the way, a very important moment for the history of germany itself for its self-esteem is that they publicly declared that they are ready to arrest putin. this is actually quite a big transition and i really hope, like all ukrainians, that one day putin will be arrested and he will appear before himself and i really hope, like all ukrainians, that one day putin will be framed and tried in order to explain what is happening in russia now, you even invented a special term schizofascism so regarding this i have two questions first can you tell me more about this what is the difference between schizofascism and simple fascism and did this russian
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schizofascism somehow evolve during the year after the start of the full scale invasion first of all for the sake of fairness i will say that from the moment i started talking about schizofascism, it turned out that there is already a russian thinker who uses the term schizofascism, which i did not know about because i invented it, which is in question so, schizofascism means that i am a fascist, but i say that it is you fascist, this term helps us understand what russia is, i.e. two fascists are talking about fascism, so fascists are talking about fascism, what is russia in russian, nazis or fascist means my enemy, that is, not a russian, there is no such thing when a person in the west hears the word fascism or nazi, we think ok you talk about concentration camps, a one-party state and all these things, but in the official russian political language it simply means the enemy of the one who i don't like today is all those who are against us. that's what it
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means for people who are actually fascists such as oleksandr dukhina or prokhanov, they call those who are liberals or democrats fascists without any problems, because for them it simply means that you are against russia, you and my enemy, which i have chosen for myself today, and this is important because, in fact, some fascists are constantly looking for and saying about their enemies, someone should think a little about it, the fact that fascists call you fascists actually means that they themselves are fascists , mr. snyder, when i read about this term schizofascism, i immediately thought of the term which maybe one day schizo putinism will appear, that's putinism. i'll explain what i mean now. when i read russian newspapers on the internet, when i watch russian propaganda tv channels, it seems to me that these people consider putin the only leader who can save russia. they think of him
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as about god's son who came down to earth in order to save them, free them and lead them to russian prosperity and some russian light, don't you think that one day this term zapotinism may also appear i think although you make a very interesting remark about the difference between ukraine and russia and i would say about ukrainian political education i have been coming to ukraine for a long time and let's look at the truth twice and this idea that someone will save us was very common in 2004 in 2005 it was good the idea is we will re-elect the person we need and you will be fine but if you think like that then you will not really have democracy and you will think that everything is fine as you said it will be the savior the right person the leader in fact you need to have no you know, you had kravchuk, you had kuchma, you had yushchenko, yanukovych, you had poroshenko and you and zelensky, you had all these different
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people, they reflect different moments of your history . what is not in russia i mean that putin is not just putin as a person the fact that he has been in power for 20 years is terrible for russians because it makes them think that it's not about the system, it's not about the rules and it's not about the elections and exclusively in the one and only putin saviors if you think like that, then you will not become a free person, you will be passive and you will think about politics for yourself constantly vertical power and this made russia the country that it is, so western leaders say that all wars end at the negotiating table, continuing what you talked about schizo-fascism, do you think it is likely or possible for us ukrainians to sit down at the negotiating table with schizo-fascists
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? let me answer this question more broadly world war ii ended because the germans lost, the french war ended because that the french lost the french war against china ended because they lost our war in afghanistan and iraq ended because we lost it and it ends when people lose there may or may not be negotiations we lost the war in vietnam and then we went to negotiations, that is, first someone has to lose. someone has to lose, and this is a basic point that is often forgotten in the west. maybe there will be negotiations, although i don’t think so. but maybe they will be after the victory of ukraine. if russia wins, then them it definitely won't happen if you continue to fight, they won't either. the only way to negotiations is ukraine's victory . it's your decision to sit down at the winners' table with these people or not. even with schizo-fascists, history has already seen this. if you decide to negotiate
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, you don't choose who you will be with. you will do it, but it will be your sovereign decision that you will later make taking into account historical models. and you know these historical models very well, what future awaits the country that we now unfortunately call the russian federation so that to answer this question, i will do what you cannot do. i will ask what is the real interest of russia. i think that putin is not really a terrible geopolitician. it is terrible that people look at him as a leader with a certain charisma. i don't understand it because i don't feel it . people think that he is made russia great or this whole movement against measures that they started around 2000 or maybe earlier georgia cyber attack and not estonia the invasion of ukraine in
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2014 this whole movement against the west from the point of view of embroidering russia, there is no fight for sovereignty it makes sense because if russia is going to exist and be strong, if it really believes in a multipolar world , which is often talked about, then this means that they should be one of these poles, say well, we will cooperate with the west, and sometimes with china, but they pushed the west away, second, by invading to ukraine, although there were so many people there who wanted to cooperate with russia, this means that now they are dependent on china and the process has already started . sovereignty, but in fact they are further involved in dependence on the heavenly one, they are dependent on china, every day the war in ukraine only increases this dependence, that is, every day
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when they bring their soldiers from east asia to die in ukraine, they make china stronger, sell everything to china at chinese prices, they do the chinese the stronger chinese are just watching all this and enjoying it. so where is russia going , is it becoming dependent on china, this is exactly the direction they have chosen. yes, i think that a secondary question is who actually controls the resources in the russian far east because russia's wealth depends on moscow's wealth moscow's wealth depends on the resources located in the russian far east who will control these resources in the long run moscow is beijinging or someone else or the collapse of russia is possible so i again, i am doing something that is not expected of ukrainians , but if i thought about the future of russia, i would try to stop the war already today , putin was replaced by someone else, i would try
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find a way to talk with the west through the withdrawal of russian soldiers from ukraine this would be all because when all russian soldiers would leave ukraine then it would be possible to say that putin made a mistake but we want to start all over and the west should say so because we they withdrew all their soldiers from ukraine, and then russia had a chance to become a sovereign country because it could maneuver the bags of the west itself. i think that putin is actually burying russian sovereignty , and the longer he fights in ukraine, the worse it is for russia itself you have already said that putin is a bad geopolitician, but what was the biggest mistake he made when he first thought about starting a full-scale invasion of ukraine and then when he decided to do it we are now in lviv in the world we are in the village of austria one of the great austrian writers was robert musel , he wrote the book a man
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without attributes, a wonderful character in this book, italian diplomats say in diplomacy, never do what you want to do, and if you feel that you want to do something, just don't do it don't do it don't do it as a person and better understood what could happen and what the consequences of his actions would be with age after reading bad literature he was more caught up in his own ideas i think that the invasion of ukraine was what he wanted to do in this way he violated the basic rule of international politics don't do it what do you want to do? i think he wanted to invade ukraine. and this will either be a disaster for the whole of russia and also destroy his reputation. if he had done something
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else, he would have been remembered in a completely different way. and this one in the last year, he will surely engrave putin in history, but isn't his reputation already destroyed, you know. everything could be worse . i can't tell the russian leaders what to do. in the end, i don't know. nobody knows what people close to putin think about it. but every day his stay in power the situation is getting worse details i don't think we can change it someone else has to make it possible one day someone will be able let 's talk about the ukraine of the future the future after the war after our joint victory with allies and partners which country is yours opinion ukraine could become this is a great question, let's look at the positive moments in ukraine during the war, well, first of all, this
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is civil society and horizontal cooperation, this is what you should continue , because this is a way for citizens to believe in themselves that they can do something for free ukraine - it is very important for people to believe that they are implementing changes, that they are not helpless, that they are not paralyzing it, do not believe in conspiracy theories, they can act themselves and this is very good, another very important point - these are successful elections even during war and this regardless of the personalities of poroshenko and zelensky, it is very important that poroshenko lost and zelensky won, you had a change of power during the war and all this is very good in terms of what we should worry about in the future so this is how to rebuild ukraine and the danger for you is that we give too much money to one person we should not do this we america the west and so on should find all these hundreds of non-governmental organizations to help them we should
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cooperate with all the regions with all the cities and towns helping them here it's not about ukraine, it's about the fact that, as history shows, it should be done in a decentralized manner. we don't want ukraine to find itself in a situation where the central government suddenly ugh. if we manage to do this, i can already see and see a ukraine that will be better than ukraine in 2021 , better with better public transport city ​​squares better kharkiv, although i really like kharkiv, e.e. with modern cities , roads, all of this can be achieved if reconstruction is carried out correctly, and europe needs ukraine. i mean that getting out of the influence of the russian empire is an opportunity to become ukraine but also to be with all other countries and europe needs you because they need a project, they need a story about themselves
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, a new, fresh story, their story about themselves is connected with 1945, but they need a more recent history, they need success that they can call their own success and this success should be post-war ukraine to become ukraine it is wonderful mr. sniper my last question to you for today is what will be the historical responsibility of russia not putin but russia for everything it did during the war this is wonderful question because i believe that responsibility is a key term in international politics and this is related to what you said about the law, maybe we want putin to be arrested, but it is important for us to say that you are responsible, we believe that you are responsible for everything we we believe in responsibility, but one of the problems of russia is a whole culture of impunity , they do something bad and then something even worse, and
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so they stop believing in these rules and we are not punished, of course in every country people try to break the rules but it is another matter if we say that there are no rules, that nothing matters, and this is precisely the situation russia is in, and therefore, firstly , it is very important that russian assets be used for the restoration of ukraine, for this , it is necessary to find a method a, secondly, from the point of view of historical responsibility and i am not saying now as a historian, people should think about how russian history was written and how we all thought about russia, the reason for this war was that many of us believed for too long a certain story about what russia was really like then russia invaded ukraine before we understood that the history of russia and which we believe does not allow us to understand some other historical reactions. ukraine is one of these
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historical realities, the church has a historical responsibility, it is also our own responsibility to rebuild european history or the history of the west in such a way that ukraine was included in it, and the most interesting thing is that european or western history will become much more interesting and make much more sense because of this. i don't want to talk only about russians, there are things that we should also do but then people need to be judged, there should be long, boring trials in which people are found guilty and then it will be possible to talk about relations with the russians, we are all united by a common problem. we look at history and say that we have always been innocent, that we have never done anything wrong ukrainians can say that, americans can also say that, russia shows us what happens when you push
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yourself to the extreme in this regard. how do you see yourself in putin and putin's astra j is that russians are always innocent, you are always someone else is always guilty there were germans, austrians, jews , brussels , berlin , washington, it was always someone else's way . in order for the renewal of russia to take place, they will have to admit that there is a concept of historical responsibility, i say this because the word responsibility is very ugh, but we cannot force someone to be responsible , we can try to attract others to responsibility to say that there is a law and you, no, we have a lot of money, we can do it with russia, but in the end, responsibility is also something internal, something that needs to be felt. we can't do it instead of russia, but we can do it
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for ourselves, thank you very much, mr. snyder . thank you for agreeing to talk. who answered my questions and shared their thoughts about the past, the future and about our victory . thank you very much. well, it was timothy snyder , professor of history at yale university . they obviously talked to him about ukraine and russia about the past, about the future, and obviously about victory, see you this week in the judicial control program, sky-high fortunes and trips with his ex-wife, for the merits of which pavlo gorbasenko was re-elected as the head of the state court of the kyiv region, drew attention to a possible fictitious divorce and whether gorbasenko maintains ties with relatives in to the occupied crimea, i bought you for your questions
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. keep it up, congratulations. you are watching judicial control. i am tetyana shustrova. in ukraine, the judicial reform is currently in progress , and the competition for the higher qualification is approaching. the commission of judges of the supreme body of the judicial system, which is responsible for the formation of the judicial corps and ensuring the proper level, in particular through qualification evaluation, the composition of the qualification commission is completely updated in accordance with international standards. and while it is not yet formed , unscrupulous judges are increasing their fortunes , which cannot be explained by official income, today we will tell you about the head of the economic court of the kyiv region, pavlo gorbasenko, but first, the news of the competitive
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commission for the selection of members of the higher the qualification commission of judges announced a list of 32 recommended candidates, including ten judges, six lawyers and 16 representatives of other profiles. now, from the 32 applicants selected during the competition , the supreme council of justice must elect 16 members of the supreme council of justice, eight of whom must be judges, 8 non-judges, so one of the key bodies after more than three years of lack of authority , it will finally start work. we have received hundreds of judicial documents, about one and a half thousand property declarations and many more than 13,000 documents that our commission received and had to work out, we fulfilled what we promised to the people of ukraine, we recommended the best of the best among those who submitted their applications and documents to our commission with the conclusions of experts among
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the 32 applicants proposed for appointment by the competition commission, almost all of them are worthy of a high position. 301 candidates participated in the judicial system of ukraine, the ukrainian judicial system is attacked by hackers from russia , the state enterprise was under threat, informational courts systems, hackers are attacking e-mail systems, specialists are doing everything possible to normalize work and protect servers, the appeals chamber of the higher anti-corruption court acquitted the judge of the kyiv district administrative court oleksandra bragina, who was previously found guilty of intentionally not submitting an electronic declaration for 2020 in january 2023, vaks appointed bragina for the time being early in


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