tv [untitled] April 15, 2023 10:30am-11:01am EEST
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[000:00:00;00] it can be a tension headache, it can be a cluster headache or a post-traumatic headache, these are the most common, and among them , hmmm, you probably talked about a chronic headache, which is when the head hurts and when this headache passes in the form squeezing and like a fairy tale is put on the head, this kind of headache is present in 70% of patients who are bothered by chronic headaches in general, i understood that the localization of the will is important , so that is, do you have pain only in the forehead, in the temples, in the back of the head you are talking about this one tension headache, that is, when the whole head hurts, it can only hurt, for example, those
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areas of the head that i just talked about. and if this is so, what does this mean, it can be in different areas of the head, but it must be on both sides if it's a migraine it's a headache on one side, then a tension headache is a symmetrical headache and it can be both in the temples and in the back of the head and the fibers are frequent, er, it can be different localization, but if it's so persistent, if it's well, they're stretched out if it's not accompanied no other disorders, then this tension headache is the most valuable
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of all . if we talk about the causes of headaches not only, for example, about this tension headache . encodes a headache, and if you don't have such a feature in aegina, you can have anything else, there is a trc back pain, but the headache is m-m, it must be m-m, it must have such a genetic predisposition and different headaches have a different nature of causes, but the cause that causes all types of primary chronic headache is overexcitation of the brain, overexcitation of the pain system of the brain, and it can be in the form of migraine
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, chronic tension headache or cluster headache, but it is based on the awakening of the volitional system of the brain does a person's age affect the frequency and manifestations of headaches at all, yes, migraine is a middle-aged headache, it can be both in children and in old people, but most often it is a middle-aged headache, a headache tension can be at any age, cluster pain can be at any age, but most often in men, and migraines in women, and such features are inherent specifically in age, they are inherent in migraines of all
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types, types of headache well, we all know that when a headache hurts take a painkiller and we even talked about it. so, what does he advise and what does he not advise? i want to ask you, tell me when you should drink a painkiller yourself and when , after all, according to a doctor's prescription. look, this is a chronic headache, so no painkillers you don't give it to yourself because if you drink them more often than eight times a month, you will have a problem called a headache from the abuse of drugs. therefore , you need to remember that more than 8 times a
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month, well, you can't drink painkillers if it's episodic pain, but you can relieve it with painkillers, and again, painkillers can be different for migraines and for chronic tension headaches and for the classic headache of mrs. tatiana, but please tell me when, after all, it should be seek help from a doctor when you need to understand that it is really dangerous and not only a doctor can help you and establish the cause of this headache in case of any type of chronic pain you need to consult a doctor , you can go to the family doctor, he will already refer you to a specialist or you can go to some there is a private clinic immediately to a specialist doctor where you need a neurologist who specifically diagnoses and treats
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headaches, this is a separate branch of neurology and this doctor will give you recommendations on lifestyle, which is very important for a headache, because it is an excitatory disease of the brain, and he will give you medications that are serious and that should be taken only in contact with a doctor who monitored your intake, your dosage, and therefore we will say treatment . well, we can often now hear weather-dependent people, that is those whose well-being worsens with a change in the weather, is this the norm? is it still a pathology, er, perhaps of interest to read, well, perhaps a headache is
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, in principle, our pathology when the weather changes, even if we don’t hear it. and we all have it, all of us we also react to fluctuations in atmospheric pressure, to temperature fluctuations, to fluctuations in the electromagnetic electromagnetic field of the earth, to climatic fluctuations, when the day is short, that's why we all react, but those who hear their reaction are already a pathology, this indicates that your nervous system cannot adequately adapt to these changes, she has no energy for it, no strength, that is, after all, weather sensitivity needs to be treated and simply waiting for weather changes will not be enough, no, our brain sends us signals
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, we are very sensitive - this is one of those endings how does the brain talk to us? it tells me i'm a fool. i don't have the strength. please do something. that's why it's not wrong to develop. you need to think about where you 're going to take that energy. and why can't you be like only people who they don't scratch themselves badly when the weather changes tetiana well, now, uh, i read on social networks that people complain that during the war, exactly when they have a headache, they have such a phenomenon, if in their ears, or, for example, some things fly in front of their eyes midges and it's so annoying a condition with which they cannot cope, what could be the reasons and what affects
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in general the intensification of this tinnitus and the appearance of these midges in front of the eyes well, if in the ears only when the head hurts, sometimes this is not scary, it is also an excitatory reaction of the auditory nerves or midges a bird that has an eye or an excited visual cortex and uh. if these things bother you only when you have a headache, it's not scary, but if they appear by themselves and are present every day, that is, it says about that, that, that you need to understand where
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and the phenomena took what their reason is that the enemy it is called tinnitus, it is difficult to treat, well, according to evidence-based medicine, it is not treated at all, but it is treated if you treat it as an excitatory condition of the auditory nerves, the same with flies or there are circles in front of the eyes, it is usually an excitation of the visual cortex, and this is also treated and this it's not scary either, it's not dangerous, er, the doctor will always be able to choose such a treatment for you, what kind of charms are these, what examination does the patient need to undergo in order to establish the causes of the headache, so that you advise. well, if you have a headache , the patient has had a headache for er, two years, then you can not do any examinations, it will be clear that this is a headache by itself, it is a separate disorder, if you have a headache often almost every day for a month, two or three
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months, this is a reason to do an mri in order to rule out any anatomical disorders in tatiana's brain, no examination is necessary but today , a doctor is not an insurance company and he should not save on patients, as a rule , if a patient comes for the first time, it is necessary to do a lot of examinations, starting with a blood test and ending with encephalograms and ending all the hearts and blood vessels, what was in the protocols, this is not there, but the protocols are, well, not. not exactly what is needed, this is what insurance
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companies need, that is, it is still better to play it safe. if it is two years or a year, you can not do an mri, because there is no terrible reason, but if it is the first time and it steadily worsens and some other symptoms are added, that is , in this case, you need to do an mri . the examination and treatment of children in children are the same as in adults, and from a very young age, children cannot always tell, but by the behavior
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of the child, parents can understand that something is wrong with the child, and she can show where it hurts and you can ask a few questions the whole head hurts, or some specific place , and you can consult a doctor about this, if it is frequent, children have the same pain system as adults and they demonstrate, for example, with a migraine, it can be in the form of simple nausea or just vomiting, this kind of headache happens in children. well, it may be dizziness, but the child may have a paroxysmal state , it may be a migraine . and about the treatment and examination of children.
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ultrasound of the heart, but the doctor has to establish a diagnosis that it is a migraine. well, in general, now it will be very good for them to establish diagnoses of this gpt , if you correctly enter the water data, write how the headache hurts, where it is accompanied by what gives a diagnosis, the diagnosis is very correct, it is better for me to go to the doctor and tell him all about it, the doctor knows how to communicate with the child and he will be able to find out how it all proceeds or establish the correct diagnosis. and find diagnoses on the internet, so children will now be treated through various chatbots . tell me the causes of headaches in children, which can be here. as in adults, it
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can be a secondary headache when it is a manifestation of some disease and it can be a primary headache and a headache by itself and it can be migraines already at 3 years old when the child does not yet understand where they hurt, how it hurts, but these are such cases. in my practice, this is a practice well, why does this happen at all? again, as you said at the beginning of our conversation, it can be genetically already laid . it is genetically laid in someone's family. as a rule in the world of interest, i'm sorry, someone has everything, and in addition , a child can have excite the nervous system is also genetic and a feature is that some children are calm and some children are not very balanced, and we understand that this is a feature of their nervous
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system, but you said that you need to ask the child, not always you can understand , for example, when the child is one, two or three years old , the child is not yet can fully tell about his feeling, what is happening to him , we as parents can understand that the child has a headache, maybe there can be some, let's say in the child's character, some actions in what how can you see it in a person when he has a headache the behavior changes, yes, about the behavior, i wanted to ask, she becomes lethargic. she can lie down before that , she will run well. she can cover her eyes.
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to ask her where it hurts and what else it is. and has this happened to you ? well, you need such a prepared conversation, that is, parents can consult a doctor about how to ask a child. i wanted to talk to you about the painkiller between them in general, there is a difference and which is better to use on your own and which painkillers should not be used and buy painkillers should be taken when, uh, the doctor recommended it to you, he called it a painkiller, he called the doses because the doses can be different and more often than 8 times a month, that is, twice a week
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and it must be remembered that if painkillers are taken often , they themselves become the cause of headaches , there are special painkillers for migraines, these are the so-called spinal pain relievers, which also need to be prescribed by a doctor, because they have side effects, there are ours old drugs that were discarded somewhere in the 80s and 90s, but they can be returned. this is our usual analgin. it does not have as many side effects as we were told when it was put on the market. these are the ones i mentioned, and in addition, it also lowers blood pressure . and calms the nervous system, it has a lot of useful qualities, and you can also give advice on how to get rid of a headache, what
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should be done first - what is the cause of the headache. also, excitement is a lack of energy in the brain, so it is suitable for a headache, it is very important to have it right the right diet and having the right fast, the diet must be without stimulants . that is, there are caffeinated drinks, coffee , tea, cocoa-cola. alcohol should be excluded if you have a headache and stimulant drinks should be forgotten, and there are provocative products .
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migraine is very individual if a person notices that chocolate gives him a headache. he may not eat it, but i am like that. well, there are no prohibitions for all. this is something a person can notice for himself. only for him, lifestyle is very important. sleep is such a function of the body. makes us healthy if we don't have a good night's sleep , we will never do it, but a good night's sleep is a salon when you fell asleep one hour before midnight, because those phasic sleeps that we have at midnight and those that happen after midnight are not the same thing and if you have
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there will be many phases of superficial sleep and there will be no phases of a deep sign even if it will be eight hours in relation to which they did not bring you the necessary m-m influence on health, therefore you need to go to bed no later than midnight and the ritual of departure before sleep should be like that there shouldn't be any e-e world stimuli, no light. but there. if it's hard for you to fall asleep, then an audio stimulus is a book , an audio book, or an audio performance, this can be used. ee, the temperature in the room should be no more than 20°. in the morning you have to get up without an alarm clock, because the alarm clock is the enemy of our sleep and our health, if you can't
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wake up before the alarm clock, then you need to fall asleep earlier and be sure to move for one hour , we have to walk and do gymnastics or swim and it is very important that it was like that time when we see the street light is not electric, because if we do not see the natural sky day and night, our biological systems break down and this is also one of the components of the occurrence of headaches. weekends should be more in nature, maybe somewhere outside the city or in a park, and this will bring
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we feel these are the main recommendations i would like to give to everyone who has a headache mrs. tetyana i want to thank you and for your recommendations for our conversation today thank you again tetyana mayakova was in touch today doctor-neuropathologist of the highest category candidate of medical sciences so it remains only to summarize today's conversation with specialists and our entire broadcast , according to the experts, 50% of people with headaches engage in self-medication in order to avoid or reduce them, doctors recommend following the following advice, so first of all avoid headache triggers and keep a diary to determine what exactly causes the headache , when it started, what you were doing at the time and how long it lasted, you should be normal
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sleep so stick to a sleep pattern the average adult needs seven to 8 hours of sleep a day it's better to go to bed and wake up water at the same time of day don't skip meals cold sores cause low blood glucose and muscle tension eat healthy food around at the same time every day drink enough water every day because even mild dehydration can cause problems aim to drink eight glasses of water a day to get rid of headaches exercise regularly it can improve your general condition reduce stress and get rid of headaches stress less since stress is a trigger for chronic headaches, experts advise simplifying your schedule and trying exercise methods such as yoga or meditation reduce the amount of caffeine or eliminate it from your diet because it can increase pain
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quit smoking because nicotine and the smell of cigarette smoke and passive roots are three timings of migraine and cluster headache give up alcohol because it can provoke a headache so introduce a healthy lifestyle and remember that simple rules save our lives i was with you iryna koval and the health program take care of yourself so many tasks for tomorrow and the head is already square from the pain then it holds kopacil kopacil helps to get rid of headaches kopacil and the head is not square so you feel problems better with hearing , you cannot hear the interlocutor we have a solution , a powerful and inconspicuous mega sound amplifier , call while the video is being broadcast and order at a special reduced price
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11:00 am
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