tv [untitled] May 4, 2023 2:30am-3:01am EEST
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[000:00:00;00] faction of the political party, the servant of the people, please dear colleagues, with almost daily awards and high ranks of heroes of ukraine, military servicemen and defenders who show personal courage and heroism , remaining true to military oaths, died as a result of a collision with the enemy, the memory of heroes who died heroically should be properly honored a worthy place of burial and commemoration of fallen soldiers today is a very pressing issue in society and in particular among the families of fallen soldiers in may 2022 of the verkhovna rada in ukraine, the law of ukraine on amendments to some laws of ukraine regarding the national military memorial cemetery and the concept of the national military memorial cemetery and the specifics of its legal
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status was established at the legislative level. the cabinet of ministers of ukraine, together with the ministry of veterans affairs of ukraine, worked on the implementation of this law. plan-schedule creation of a military cemetery and, taking into account the proposals of interested parties, the place of placement has been determined brovarskiy avenue in the dnipro district of kyiv, 9 years of war, unfortunately, many of the dead are dying now. our defenders of ukraine should properly honor the memory of the fallen soldiers with a proper ceremony, as is the case in other countries of the world. the implementation of this project will have a positive impact on the interests of the defenders. of the families of defenders of ukraine who died in the struggle for independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of modern ukraine, and will also contribute to the stabilization and development of ukrainian the nation of its historical consciousness, the main thing at the moment is to quickly give a practical opportunity to bury the fallen, this is our common history and common pain, i ask you to support this bill as
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a basis and in general, it will be the smallest real gratitude instead of a thousand words anatolyivna word is given to the people's deputy of kubiv stepan ivanich faction european solidarity gerashchenko iryna volodymyrivna poplavska dear colleagues, it seems to me that now we are discussing a bill that needs attention and respect because it is a worthy commemoration of the fallen heroes. unfortunately we are talking about thousands of ukrainian soldiers, men and women, this is our responsibility, i want to thank the kyiv government and our team there, who have already made the appropriate decision, and it is obvious that today the verkhovna rada should create a national memorial of memory. today are the remains of those killed by the nkvd
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regime of stalin, whose full follower today is putin, and it is actually very important that our team at one time created but also a memory in every cemetery. unfortunately for our country, but today we are talking about so many heroes that this memorial should be created, but friends, honoring the memory of heroes is not only their dignified burial and the opportunity to rebury a hero at this memorial, this award we want to honor with a moment of silence, including those who died members of the verkhovna rada of ukraine are former freedom fighter mr. marchenko and our colleague oleg barna, who died in donetsk region a few weeks ago, and it is very important that they be awarded state awards , as well as yura karakai, as well as all members
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of all the teams that fought under the same flag for ukraine, we appeal to the president of ukraine to award state awards to all soldiers and all officers who are considered heroes who died in this war, regardless of which team they belonged to, and of course former deputies barna and marchenko should be on this list for eternal memory the hero of the speech is provided by people's deputy pavlenko yury oleksiiovych, the platform group is life
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and peace dear colleagues, i agree with every word of the previous speakers from this podium once again, i want to honor the memory of every ukrainian hero who laid down his life and laid down his health defending the sovereignty and independence of our state . i am convinced that the verkhovna rada will unanimously support this initiative to create a national cemetery of a national memorial, and here it is very important that the memory is not limited only one memorial so that today in every decision we make we remember the soldier who is now at the front so that with every decision we remember the one who is wounded is currently undergoing a very difficult treatment , passing from one doctor to another, or the doctors are fighting for his life, so you
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remember those who you meet today ensure victory in the rear, this is an honor and supported their families. and this is our duty in in honor of every ukrainian hero who protects the country with his life and health today, it is very important that every cemetery in every corner of the country should treat the grave of a soldier properly. the authorities are waiting for and when the warm weather comes and they don't do it promptly and quickly, that's why we vote for this decision. i'm sure that the parliament must still ensure control over every burial of a military man. thank you, dear colleagues, we have finished discussing this bill . please prepare for the vote.
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the basis of the draft law on amendments to some legislative acts of ukraine regarding the location of the national military memorial cemetery in the city of kyiv , registration number 92 40 ready to vote i am asking people's deputies to vote for 308 decisions have been made by factions. please show me the proposal to adopt as a whole, taking into account the proposals of the committee and with the necessary technical legal amendments , the draft law on amending some legislative acts of ukraine regarding the location of the national military memorial cemetery in the city of kyiv, registration number
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92 40 people's deputies are asked to vote for 322 decisions have been adopted the law has been adopted as a whole thank you colleagues dear friends the following draft law 895 is a draft law about introducing amendments to some laws of ukraine regarding ensuring the quality of higher education, this is the second reading, i received a statement from people 's deputy kyrilenko, who asks instead of all his amendments to give 5 minutes to speak and after that we will vote on the law for a total of 5 minutes , please ivan hryhorovych kyrilenko thank you thank you dear mr. chairman, first of all, i want to say a big thank you to our and my colleagues
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on the committee for their tireless work to improve the educational process, especially this is difficult for all education and not only for of all education, wartime and evidence of this tireless work is the fact that in this hall the absolute majority of votes are voted on all the draft laws carried by our committee. unfortunately , in this case, we cannot support this draft law, this legislative initiative, because , unfortunately, in our search improvement of the process of quality control of higher education. we have crossed the threshold of what is permitted , we have violated four articles of the constitution, and this was clearly pointed out by the scientific and expert administration
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and the main legal administration. i would like to remind you that this the law proposes to specify the procedures for forming the composition of the national agency and ensuring the quality of higher education, to establish its structure, to determine the procedure for the accreditation of higher education institutions and their subsequent monitoring, where there are violations of the constitution. at the sub-legal level or in general to grant remote powers is not a good practice, friends, this cannot be allowed because it will be a precedent, the draft law contains norms that violate the principle of legal certainty, article eight of the constitution, which will not contribute to their unequivocally law enforcement, and this is also the way to abuses on the ground, this cannot be allowed either, it violates article
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95 of the constitution, because the sources of financing the activities of the national agency are funds received as fees of lending services in the amounts determined by the national agency, friends, this is a very serious violation, because the budget legislation is strictly regulated and there is no need to interfere. it can end badly and even criminally, an exception is established from the general rule in relation to a certain category of persons who have the same rights and obligations, which directly contradicts the requirements of article 24 of the constitution of ukraine, therefore, the educational environment and we on the factions in their expert assessments suggest the following: the state should not expand the functions and powers of the permitting bureaucratic bodies to control the work of higher education institutions, because we advocate the autonomy of higher education
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institutions. and this is one of the main requirements in the european union, we should not increase the expenses of higher educational institutions for the accreditation of educational programs and allow the payment of such services at the expense of expenditures from the general fund of the budget for the training of specialists in scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel, well, in other words, instead of directing funds to the training of specialists and personnel, the draft law proposes to pay for accreditation certificates well, not exactly comilfor, the following is not desirable for us and the state should not unjustifiably grant inflated state statuses to managers and employees of such institutions. i think that we had an even greater opportunity to perfect this necessary law, but unfortunately for the work of the party , the motherland , violation of the constitution is a taboo. we agree with this position
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. we, the highest legislative bodies , cannot do this. thank you. unfortunately, we cannot support this law. thank you. decision dear colleagues, take your seats, let's proceed to the adoption of the decision, i put the proposal to accept in the second reading and in general, with the necessary technical legal amendments, the draft law on amending some laws of ukraine on ensuring the quality of higher education, registration number 80-95 , ready to vote, i ask the people's deputies
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vote for 277 decisions adopted the law to be adopted in general i congratulate my colleagues, the following draft law 62-03 is a draft law on amendments to certain legislative acts of ukraine on improvement of state supervision of control in the field of technogenic and fire safety this is also the second reading this is also the second reading i invite the chairman of the committee of the committee on environmental policy and nature management serhiy volodymyrovych mandziy tell me, please, we have agreed what will be one amendment from the eu and there will be several amendments from and the homelands are correct, i understand, please, let's start with the eu then, and the homeland, if possible. come up , who is arthur, who will be from you, what amendment, what
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number, and 1 minute, just speak. yes, be it. laska friz iryna, one minute thank you, mr. chairman dear colleagues, in fact, we have a situation where a draft law containing corruption risks was submitted to the first reading , which was, respectively, the conclusion of the profile anti-corruption committee, where we emphasized the need to remove the discretionary powers of the national security service which were laid down in the text of the draft law, we currently have a situation where i have to thank the specialized committee for taking into account the truth prepared by our faction under the authorship of rostislav pavlenko and artur gerasimova, who removes this discretion from the powers of the state emergency service and calls on colleagues to demonstrate constructiveness and unity, because when we hear each other, we will pass bills that will be far
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from a declaration, but will really update the system and make life easier for citizens and businesses. thank you, thank you, ms. iryna, please . agreed then, instead of the right to mykhailo mykhailovych, two minutes and we vote dear colleagues, please mykhaylenko mykhailo tsimbalyuk homeland dear colleagues, in fact, the committee for the second reading has somewhat improved this draft law, but there are still very risky things left, for example, the fact that the state emergency service will have the right without a manager and an authorized person to come to the enterprise of the institution and conduct an inspection. imagine what kind of inspection it will be and what its objectivity will be this is a corruption risk following the elimination of deficiencies that were identified by this commission or
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an authorized representative of the state emergency service in order to restore the operation of the enterprise attention after elimination shortcomings again, one more inspection by such a commission is needed. that is, it is an unacceptable thing when the service comes twice for the same violation, and there are a few more significant comments that , unfortunately, could not be eliminated by finalizing the second reading, and our amendments were not taken into account, and an additional inspection was established according to the decision to the court, that is, in addition to the circumstances provided
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for by the legislation, another norm is introduced: an unscheduled inspection by court decision. the homeland faction cannot vote on this bill, but i would like to take this opportunity to thank all civil service workers and all rescue workers for the work they did today. thank you, mykhailo mykhailovych . we join you in your e-e congratulations, greetings to the employees of this service. dear colleagues , we have completed the discussion of this draft law. making a decision on it simply for people's deputies to take their seats, i put the proposal to be accepted in the second reading and in general with the necessary technical legal amendments draft law on making changes to some legislative acts of ukraine regarding the improvement of state supervision of control in the field of man-made and fire
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safety bill registration number 62:03 ready to vote i ask people's deputies to vote for 275 decisions adopted bill adopted in general thank you colleagues the next bill 8149 is a draft law on the association of agricultural producers, registration number 81 49, i propose to consider this issue in a shortened procedure, please vote
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for 245 the decision was made dear colleagues 22 against let's yes and vote please two for two against please the floor is given to korolenko valentyna yuryivni faction of the political party servant of the people please give the floor to mary viktorivni nikitin please in the nikitin area picture dear colleagues a very important european integration bill that provides more effective mechanisms of the representative function of the association of agricultural commodity producers, which will help them more effectively
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defend and protect their rights and interests as before the state authorities of local self-government and in the future to join the relevant associations and associations of european commodity producers of agricultural products and to represent ukraine as an agrarian country in the market of the european union, i ask everyone to support me and i remind you that this draft law implements the norm of european e-e regulations of european european law into our national legislation and fulfills part of the association agreement with the eu please support thank you thank you please stepan ivanovich kubiv faction european solidarity dear mr. naked colleague, please give
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the floor to artur gerasimo artur volodymyrovych gerasimo please dear mr. chairman dear colleagues on the association of agricultural commodity producers, the goal is to fulfill european integration obligations in ukraine as part of determining the legal and organizational basis for the recognition of the state unites agricultural commodity producers well and so on and so on and so on allow us to vote for it in the first reading, that is why we abstained in the first reading. but if it is corrected before the second, of course we will support this bill. the first thing when we talk about this bill is that it is written in such a way that associations of agricultural product producers are subject to the law the main scientific expert administration of ukraine is talking about public associations and not only us, but at the same time , this approach is not fully correlated with the constitutional principles
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implementation of citizens' right to association according to article 36 of the basic law of ukraine, this must somehow be a second story. it is worth saying that in this draft law we delegate part of the powers from the state to this association of agricultural commodity processors. well, to be honest, according to the constitution, such mechanisms are not provided for, so if we already want to do it, we need to write it so that there is no violation of the basic law of ukraine, and finally, look at us, in the draft law it is proposed to make changes to article 103 of the regulations of the verkhovna rada ukraine, where we instruct where to think, more precisely, we supplement our regulation that associations of agricultural producers must provide expertise on draft laws of the specialized committee, first of all, this is already in the duties of the specialized committee. i do not consider it necessary to prescribe this in an additional way, and this is the third point which we think it should be
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corrected. thank you for your attention. thank you. the word of thanks is given to the people's deputy of ukraine oleg evgenovich voronko. anatoliyu petrovych anatoliy petrovych gurmich, please dear chairman, dear colleagues, the ukrainian restoration group will support this bill in our opinion. we are sure that this law is not only not simple, it is european integration, this bill will contribute to the development of agriculture , more in-depth processing of products , etc. object, such associations will contribute to the concentration of capital, which in turn will contribute to the solution of the issues of deeper
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processing of rural agricultural products and to the promotion of exports from with greater added value, in addition, the object representatives of the association will be able to take part in the meetings of the e-e committee and express their wishes for the adoption of bills that will better protect their producers of agricultural products, in addition , despite the fact that the transfer of e-e powers in such unification by the state , the state must strengthen and is strengthening its own influence specifically in the areas of application of various chemical additives, such as herbicides or pesticides, and will also strengthen in its
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impact on the environment that our products were of high quality and good, the ukrainian restoration group supports this bill, thank you, thank you, please yevtushok serhii mykolayovych instead of kyrylenko thank you, mr. chairman serhiy yevtushok, faction of the homeland dear colleagues, today we heard from the chairman of the verkhovna rada a message that the group representatives from each faction worked in poland on dialogues, zhanna manet , just as we, dear democrats, were talking about the fact that as soon as we see that the bills appear in the session hall under the vulture european integrationists, we must clearly understand that this is our number one goal of this country , not only from its parliamentary hall, and we must also clearly understand that we trust the subject of the legislative initiative, we trust and are ready
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to vote in this price gap to support us here to the european families of peoples unfortunately , the homeland faction cannot support such innovations, which we are currently considering , first of all, the draft bill that concerns agricultural and commodity producers, because on the one hand, we see positive european integration things, and on the other hand, we see a number of innovations bordering on huge questions regarding the appearance of corrupt elements with the adoption of this draft law, the creation of a register of associations of agricultural commodity producers requires additional expenses from the budget of ukraine not only for the creation of such bodies, but , strictly speaking, for the maintenance of them as well there is a possibility of the formation and association that will lobby the interests of their members before the state authorities of other agricultural
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producers face a threat to find ourselves in unequal market conditions, that is why the faction of the homeland is obtained from the vote, we ask the parliament , without exception, of all subjects of the legislative initiative, if it is integration. with amendments to the provisions in accordance with the first part of article 116 of the regulations of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, the draft law on the association
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of agricultural producers the registration number of this draft law is 81 49 ready to vote, i ask the people's deputies to vote for 236 a decision has been made on the law adopted as a basis with the elaboration of the provisions in accordance with the regulations, we are moving on dear colleagues , the following draft law is the second reading 75 32 this is a draft law on amending some legislative acts of ukraine regarding the improvement of the legal regulation of the performance of notarial and registration actions when obtaining rights to land and land plots, we said that there would be several amendments from homeland 5 minutes 5 minutes substitution instead of amendments please tsymbalyuk mykhailo mykhailovych and we will vote on this bill as a whole please tsymbalyuk 5 minutes mykhailo mykhailovych your time thank you mykhailo tsymbalyuk homeland thank you, dear mr. speaker, the prized people's
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deputies, and in fact the draft law has positive norms that improve e- e solving certain issues related to the acquisition of ownership rights to agricultural land plots but there are e-e those dangerous norms that could not be improved by making amendments to of the second reading i would like to focus attention on them, with the amendments to the second part of article 89 of the land code of ukraine , it is established that all the rights and obligations of the owner of the land plot are transferred to the trust owner only if, according to the law, the ownership of the person who transferred his property to the trust ownership is terminated . thus, the rights of the creditor or
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