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tv   [untitled]    May 26, 2023 9:30pm-10:01pm EEST

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[000:00:00;00] we can say in such categories that they already know how to drive. they know where the gas is, where the brake is, where the pedals are, and they just switch from one to another . eh, with a manual gearbox, we can use an automatic one. well, that's the difference, that's more, nothing, so everything else is about the same thing. thank you very much. roman svitan, military expert, colonel of the reserve of the armed forces of ukraine , military pilot-instructor , what are we talking about at the end? yes, then it is even easier than i thought, because in america i retrained from mechanics to a machine gun, and it was much easier than i imagined. okay , today's program is not about me at all, from
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yesterday's and tomorrow 's. can i continue to learn ukrainian or is it better to switch to russian would you be faster or do you know ukrainian of course i know but i don’t speak very well so i will still answer in russian and the questions ukrainian, please, okay, agreed, uh, i listen very often, well, very, very often, every day, 80% of what i listen to, i read, it’s russia, good russian, bad russian, liberal, patriotic , that’s all i’m researching and understanding the potential of the russian armed opposition, i still can’t, i’m different there figures who don't like putin but among those who don't like putin there are those who
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don't like ru-ukraine or like war, i don't like putin, but i like war and it's good that he attacked, but he's a goat, that's such a mess, place of music, i used to talk about the soviets composers, i feel it, how many do you think we can imagine, for example, that in russia there are 100,000 out of 140 million who are ready to take up arms if such an opportunity were such an opportunity there was such an influence, that is, they may not stand up and they will go to ukraine and they won't ask for weapons, but if you go to tula, suddenly 5,000 or 2,000 people appear in tula and say no, no, we are ready, we don't like putin, we don't like modern russia. you are absolutely right, those who
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will take up the arms of the returned putins cops against putin's officials yes, there will be a lot of such people, but they are afraid that they will come out and show themselves only at the moment when a truly new force enters the legion of free russia, the russian volunteer corps will enter the territory of russia and strengthen itself there right now, while there was a test of the pen of the belgorod region but that's only the beginning of the further path and here is when we will be able to hold large cities. that is when the influx of people will really be massive , because putin's power, the corrupt power of torture, it got all of us, just people intimidated, but when it appears, who will give weapons, who will go to the end, hundreds and thousands of people will be reunited with us , oleksii now we will look there further, maybe in a year, i hope that in six months, but
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maybe in two, and in another, but a lot of specialists say, and liberals and and the anti-liberals in russia say that after the victory of ukraine, there will be a civil war. well, there will be a mess of colossal power when everyone is against everyone. you think about your position. a wagnerite will be against someone else, one city is against the second, everyone is against putin, and putin still has troops. well, not everyone has been killed in ukraine yet, that is, where is your place , who will you protect, what will you be, what will you armed people do in russia, where everyone is against everyone, well, in fact, i would not thicken the paint so much, there will indeed be some
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period of turbulence, the remnants of the wagnerites will have to be cleaned up, there is also some separation of believers, the fsbs will simply surrender without a fight, but i would not say that this civil war because in fact people are tired of all this and there will be a breakdown of the armed groups, this is so , but no one said that it will be easy, it will not be an easy walk, but we are ready for any development of events ah after this when the clean-up will take place then , yes indeed, there will be a temporary government, there will be a transition period, there, in poland, the congress of people's deputies is already working
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. there will be an illustration. military criminals will be extradited to an international tribunal in ukraine and so on. it won’t be easy. but excuse me and the buckets are serious enough so that we are ready to challenge here. by the way, i want to tell you. i don’t know if you know. about the fact that the enslaved peoples of russia gathered for the first time in 1917 in september i apologize for the months in kyiv when representatives of the tatars came to kyiv and so on and so on and so on so there was the first first meeting in 917 even before the victory of the so-called bolsheviks look, you yourself evaluate this attack on belohorodshchyna. how is it? look, you scared the government. it's obvious and
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you scared them very much. you showed that there is no army in russia . well, because you have there, well, according to various estimates, from 30 to 70. well, let's take 100. but there were russians somewhere, they say 3.5 thousand too, at least if this is the ratio. well, i congratulate the ukrainians and the russians, by the way , but i sympathize with the russian military and putin if the situation is like that. well, there were locals there, you didn’t touch them. they didn’t care. you were you afraid? did you talk to someone? did they tell you something? these are everyday household meetings, maybe they went to a store, maybe they bought bread .
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the forces of liberation came from the loud loudspeakers, it was announced that the residents should stay in their homes, since this is the private sector, and they were asked to stay in their homes, in the basements, in the cellars, and so on, so that no one accidentally got caught and the majority the residents themselves followed this advice because they live in the border zone, they constantly know what arrivals are like, what a cannonade looks like, and so on, so the majority actually followed this advice a little further there, indeed , some people already came across, well, the escesov was not recorded because in what in principle, our difference from putin 's army is that we don't fight with civilians, we don't fight with civilians, it's putin, and he shoots residential buildings, destroys infrastructure, and so on. the forces of liberation are unpleasant. position in relation to civilians of any kind, therefore, there were no excesses , well, those who managed to capsize there with a sail were all
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very surprised, but there was no aggression, confrontation, rather, people somehow think about nothing, that is, a second life is possible. yes, she it is possible, moreover, one more question has not been lit up from poland , there are such words from different people that the poles should prepare for the overthrow of lukashenka, well , there is no doubt that lukashenka's entourage got nervous in minsk, it is obvious that they are thinking about it first of all, belarusians, belarusian soldiers who fight on the side of ukraine. what do you have to say? do you have any thoughts? maybe you cooperate with the belarusians, maybe they ask you for help , and so on and so on
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. of the armed forces to belarus unconditionally. just as the legion of freedom of russia does not hide its ambitions to eventually go to moscow to liberate the kremlin from putin, the klinovsky regiment says that its ultimate goal is minsk. who will go to maska first, or the belarusians to minsk, well, it depends on different circumstances, but of course , how are the russians ready to help the belarusians ? it will depend on the circumstances, of course, such options are not being worked on in this vkontakte do you have something in common , do you sit together at the table and discuss something
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? volunteers who are now fighting for ukraine, they are part of the international legion, so yes indeed it is quite close in terms of structure and command and the whole association, just everyone now has their own tasks for the defense of ukraine, but i will repeat that there are plans for all of us to return home also for example as for the techensk battalions, they will all return to themselves in a matter of seconds, they will strive for independence. well, the verkhovna rada, for example, has already recognized the independence of checheli, but there is still kadyrov left, where did it come from? take it out, that is, there are different foreign groups that have the power to return to their homes and we are all on vkontakte and we will help each other in what order. well, how will the military and political circumstances turn out, mr. oleksiy , now there is one more question, good experts,
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good experts say that none the defense system is not able to restrain the offensive and an example is given there, the line is multiple, the line of the mandrigame, no matter how much it is built, they still break through. how much have you felt the power of these fortification structures on the border between ukraine and russia built by russia, she built built built built built i will say frankly that for the first few weeks i myself was afraid, then the experts explained to me that i should not be afraid. oil is so in life and did not notice it and moved on, but in principle it can be something that can slow down the ukrainian offensive , you know the main thing is that we felt this
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great power of russian corruption because it is their main stronghold of the entire state putin's in the same way as was the myth of the second world army, also a myth, they have 10 billion defense structures written off on paper, written off somewhere, not dissolved, no line of the etogo , the number of the name of the smooth governor game, there is no, but what is possible can be easily bypassed, that is, eh this is in fact. just like they have a bunch of military units that exist on paper, but in reality, half of the personnel are there at best, and that ’s how they have it. that’s why the more money they steal, the higher the corruption, the better for that's why, for example, here are the anti-corruption investigations that continue to be conducted by a team of wholesalers, it's completely what is called not in parts, it's not your time, because you're not
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the best for ukraine, for the whole world, that's why let's vooruyut and we'll use it long live russian corruption everyone, the last question is short, but what happened when you came in when they said there were some russian border guards , what was going on, you come in - you say hello , they say hello to you, and you say we are liberating the russian federation. well, then i he went to give you a machine gun i'm running away or something what did this border guard or this military man do, that is, the official people what did they do well , it was not natural to have any conversations with putin's border guards, these are fsb employees, these are armed people, they took the first strike there there were dead, which is what it is called, and then everyone is surprised, and who started from the first impact, they were behind the 200th, they retreated, fled further, and now
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we began what is called walking around the belgorod region, about 40 m² kilometers, there was a person who was putinized. that's it only then already there, on which day did they start 5 hryvnia reserves, a-and there are more dense ones, already fight for it to play a-and that’s right agents er-er volga 40 from donbass to belgorod region but in the end what will these er-er all this will be released, i don’t know the belgorodskaya narodnaya respublika or the whole belogorod ukrainian republic. thank you very much oleksiy baranovskyi, the representative of the polycenter of the russian armed position. i’m sorry , we just have to go to diplomacy on this occasion valery chalyy. well known to you all , diplomat, extraordinary honorable ambassador of ukraine in the united states, 15-19 years old, mr. valery. thank you for finding time for
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us. i congratulate you. glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes. see the first question . well, i'm a little confused. for me, china has always been a pragmatic, cautious country, and when the envoy from china advises, well, according to what he says . the wall street journal advises ukraine to stop the fire and forget about some territories . i'm not saying big or small, but just some. it seems to me that this is somehow absurd from the point of view of pragmatism, well , it's obvious that this is an impossible situation on today, we understand that everything can change someday, but as of today, as of yesterday, and i hope that it will be impossible for tomorrow, then why present such a version of the development of events when you definitely understand that it is not feasible. and you are a pragmatist
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, please, mr. valery, come on first of all, i will not be responsible for them, of course china's position today is not balanced, it is more pro-russian. well, actually, they publicly declare about this that they have uh-uh relations, as they called there, not just special in which comprehensive partnership. i think that we are overestimating exactly what you said. china's pragmatism may be appreciated in the fact that they took the position of moscow as soon as possible and will end this disgrace for putin because all of putin's failures in ukraine are a cross on the ideas of publicly, all the zimpinya in taiwan. that is, it is a military component, where they saw that their entire developed fleet, and they
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exceeded the supply of the united states, is great. yes, hundreds of billions of dollars were invested, the equivalent of ivan's fleet, and these are all surface boats, which they show us with their bare hands, they just beat the russians, and well, serious ships that cost a lot. i'm not talking about the cruiser moskva, which went its own way, that is , it is clear to the chinese that all this fleet and landing forces will not be enough for the new conditions, e- won the war, they understood that they were waging a war, they were preparing for the war of the 20th century, everything else and the second question, every failure of putin is also their problem now . why are they not pragmatic like that? they want not to write down all the failures on their account, they want to stop it, they understand that it will be even worse and will now turn on
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unfortunately, as much as possible to record what happened to date as the russians say on the ground well, what does the translation of this jargon mean, er, for ukraine to give for the occupied territories, but in the end i will say it anyway. this is a publication in the media and such a downpour. i still think that in public we have not heard such proposals yet, i hope we will not hear when you say that they will be included , how dangerous is it really, what does it mean here, china started to intensively support russia intensively saying let's have peace, we already see statements from the west that let's include ukraine in nato not in order to protect ukraine, to ensure independence, but in order to prevent ukraine from going
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to war any further tomorrow a hundred years exactly about this and said how much i imagine it, and all this, well, if it shows that there are more forces that encourage some kind of negotiations, am i wrong, well, it is difficult to say by the number. in brazil lola and that he will be together with china there india indonesia well, in principle, these countries just started to get involved in this game, understanding where things are going after all we are reaching the climax for us, i say so honestly, i think it is from this position that in of them now there is worse than better because, uh, we have to understand that behind the word peacekeepers are those who will
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incline to return the territory of numbers on the territory of ukraine. point of view, the situation has changed very seriously, now without the deoccupation of the territory and the fixing of the border, well, that is, going to the border, including in crimea, the war will continue, this is already a purely pragmatic point of view, so we are faced with the fact that some countries, carelessly linking themselves with russia, have put their authority is under attack first of all china. why do they act like that, you say they are pragmatists ? i am at the same time surprised by them. i am not a small synologist there, yes, but i read some basic chinese deep and wise philosophical works, e.g.
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the art of war and everything else. well, not there. not at all why, i don’t know. apparently the communists don’t read these philosophers , something has already happened that in china they stopped appreciating this tradition, maybe with the success of the armed forces of ukraine, they will rethink this whole story a little because for them there is nothing good to take putin's defeat is nothing good at all, but this cruiser is already going there and he is treating it, he will not change the situation in any way, this envoy, yes , the former ambassador of moscow, what is he there, if he is really testing like this, rather, he is simply testing europeans for the unity of the united states, the euro-atlantic unity, well, i protested there on the sidelines. okay, but the meetings in moscow and the statements are russian , but i don’t really like two of the deputy ministers, but russia is actually used by china, yes, they claim that with the tacit consent of china, they claim that china
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is very correct there, it acts on they are trying to use him on our side, why the chinese allow this, and i don’t know, it seems to me that china is showing the freedom of diplomacy in this situation, although at the seasonvina level, at the highest level, they showed during his trips that putin’s vassal position and this is where they start i don't know, i think they will correct the situation, at least we will see what will happen in their real actions, but i want to note that i want to hear china's position on weapons of mass destruction. came that everyone deciphered he said that this is the reality we have to live with it now with this reality and what really matters why he was like that in the neglected president
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of kazakhstan that inspired him so to speak to say in the presence of both lukashenka and putin that he, well, he doesn't like it, it was obvious that he doesn't like it. and what is the issue of simply spreading nuclear weapons? this is the main issue, that the world does not know how to react when one weapon is against two, that is, now we do not have there are 6 nuclear states, including belarus, or how to translate it into normal language with a diplomatic p apostol i think he understands that the situation in kazakhstan was similar to belarus, that is, they also gave nuclear warheads were moved to russian territory, just like belarus, in ukraine there were simply many more and carried nuclear weapons after the collapse of the soviet union and nuclear warheads, but kazakhstan will also distance itself from belarus and russia , and he says, what is this, i.e. one country
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of our otcb there or of our this great society received some specific rights, and kazakhstan, which was in the same situation, was now under, in fact, now under well, i don't know, that is , how he can sit next to lukashenka, who bargained for such a moment there, that's how i read it but this signal is probably because of the position of china, that is, china also influences kazakhstan , and apparently they sent such a signal, it is very important in this context that this non-proliferation regime is being destroyed, although china is gradually not interested in its destruction because in fact, there are a lot of nuclear states around china , they do not sound unofficially, india, pakistan, north korea, russia , four nuclear countries around china, if it
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goes to waste, then china, with its spending on the navy and army, does not have the right strategy at all then i chose not to build warheads, that's why we have a closer position with china . in this regard , it is ukraine, and there is another moment that is so delicate. that is, there are a lot of nuances here. i think that what he said is more of a signal , calm down, another important question. in my opinion , i read somewhere today, i don't even remember where, some kind of interview or something with some
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chinese energy experts, but it is being built there a bunch of various oil and gas pipelines, central asia, russia, china well, in short, that part of the world is afghanistan, and this specialist is chinese, when asked where the priorities are, he said, you know, that the people's republic of china has the priority of central asia, and turkmenistan's gas to china is a higher priority than gas from russia to china and now the question arises , is it strategic? is it tactical on china's part, these trips of five chinese, er, central asian presidents , they went there, and then they went there, as far as we can think. he already went to russia about
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the strategic nature of china's central asian relations, not only the central asia of the former soviet union, how much of this is from pakistan, how much is it with afghanistan , how much is it with that region, uh, this is a strategy , is this one belt, one road without russia, is this really what can china aspire to? is it so ? i have such rosy thoughts in my head , well, from the fact that we actually know that such an economic and commercial expansion of china was built just like competition combined with tripods was quite successful so far china has not started to play such a confrontational game, and russia needs it, even the northern sea route. it opens up absolutely new opportunities for china, and china itself will not enter the arctic only through russia, in principle. therefore, it needs russia too, and early sooner or later this expansion will move there , i have no doubt about it. central asia is already
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the place of application of such tools. well , africa and latin america, by the way, i will tell you such an example simply from the countries of the caribbean region, if you take each a small country, then in every country there is an airport, a port, a sea port, some key positions, all of china was at its own expense, and it was well, practically in all the countries of the crimean basin . that is, i do not know africa in such detail, but i know exactly in detail because i have been to these countries as i passed in the usa, but part-time was a representative of the observer organization in the organization of the american state, so i know. they told me how china conducts its excursion, why china after such a successful, well , in fact, soft power, yes
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. that is, why has it now suddenly switched to something else? i think first start it seems to me that they will have some kind of rethinking, moreover, i will tell you well poetry yes, i confirm once again that this is a game that well, it is very serious and it was built, by the way, when china gradually competed in something in this region with the russians, that is, now it simply becomes less relevant in connection with the weakening of russia, but at the same time, new challenges arise for china, this is a slowdown in economic growth, why did the expansion take place economically and commercially, because they have such opportunities due to faster economic growth? and now what about the war in russian against ukraine. when everything has settled down, this is very china strikes according to the chinese plan, according to china's strategy , therefore in chinese interests


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