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tv   [untitled]    July 19, 2023 11:30am-12:00pm EEST

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[000:00:00;00] well, russian propagandists, specific facts and methods by which enemy propaganda turns people into obedient zombie zones of the chechen dpr, let's counter the information attacks of the russians in the project of the chronicle of the information war with olga len tuesday thursday friday at 17:10 on espresso tv channel vasyl zimi's big broadcast two hours of air time of time two hours of your time two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives 2 hours to keep up with economic news and new sports two hours in the company of your favorite presenters that many have become like-minded, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl's big broadcast in winter, a project for intelligent
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and caring people in the evening, the most pressing war in ukraine , the main topic for ukrainians, victory and loss , analysis and forecasts, politics and geopolitics , serhiy rudenko and his guests will talk about all this programs people who have information and shape public opinion people who defend ukraine and create the future right now the main and interesting thing in the program is the verdict serhiy rudenko from monday to friday at 20:00, repeat at 12:10 then we continue the live broadcast of the espresso tv channel, as promised, we will now talk about the situation in the tauriy direction, we will remind you that there are several such newly-created areas on which the defense forces of ukraine are advancing, they are in a situation where
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the initiative is in their hands, but it is not means that everything happens extremely easily , crazy minefields, once the work of russian artillery 2 is really noticeable, the increase in drone support is said by our fighters, at least on the ground. well, definitely the area itself. i don’t i don't know if the weather has any effect, it's also very hot now in the ukrainian steppes, at this time it's not easy for the defense forces of ukraine to work , so we remind you once again that what needs to be done to help and if you can somehow facilitate their stay and their work at the front, please do it, you can in particular, through the works that we conduct on the espresso tv channel, please join us. just now, we are collecting at night mummies, and we are now showing you a qr-code that you can scan, follow the link and make
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a donation, and also card number 5375-41-12- 06-62 13 64 had some nights so that it would be possible to work. and in the dark time of the day, i will remind our defenders on bakhmutskoye of the direction. well, if you see other gatherings from people and from organizations that you trust, please join us , we have no right to relax, because well, in fact, there is still a lot of work to be done before victory, which it will definitely happen. well, i don't know if we already have a goose there, yes. and we, during that time, also paid attention to her in confirmation of why we can't expect it now. that's such a cavalry charge or the pace of the liberation of the right bank of the kherson region or kharkiv region, even here it is from an interesting message directly for our military, brainstorming began and here roshestve to put radio electronic warfare against our e-e kamikaze drones directly on armor, that is, on tanks, respectively, kamikazes do not fly to russian heavy equipment, therefore at least
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the developers are recommended to the military to adjust and switch to other ranges as soon as possible 400 mhz or more than 1000 hz for it to work. that is, we understand that even here , such small factors change the situation on the battlefield right by the hour absolutely when we we are talking about some e bp parity, we must not forget about rap parity . i would call it that. we have known for a long time about the trench edges that they use, and this also makes it very difficult for our drones in particular. well, of course , we need to work on this. this is a separate topic for conversation now with us is major valeriy shershen , spokesman for the united press center, the defense force of the tauriy region, majora, we welcome you glory to ukraine glory to the heroes good morning, so we, first of all, tell us what has changed there in the last day, in the last days on in the taurian direction, what does the situation look like operationally? our situation is dynamic, so let's talk within a day, because if
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we talk about a week, we won't have enough air time, mr. roman, uh , the offensive operation is ongoing, all defensive groups of tavria in the melitopol and berdyan directions, in particular in the direction of velyka novosilka, staro maiorske, we have partial success, we are entrenched at the borders we have reached , on the other hand, in the melitopol direction , we note the advance of the shock units of our units by more than 1 km, that is, the front line the enemy continues to concentrate its efforts on holding its native strongholds, this is important for us, the enemy is concentrating significant efforts on preventing its further advancement of our troops, the following are the main news for the past day regarding the conduct of the defense , the enemy continues assault operations in the avdiiv direction with the task of capturing the lines of oleksandrivka maryinka assault troops are used here, storms, for example, at night there were three combat clashes also in the amarniv
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direction, the defense forces continue to restrain the advance of russian troops on the borders of maryinka and krasnohorivka, the enemy shelled more than 10 nearby settlements, among them novomykhailivka and maksimelyanivka of the donetsk region, in the regions of the equinox in donetsk region and novodarivka in zaporizhzhia , the enemy made unsuccessful attempts to restore the lost position, carried out airstrikes near the large novosilka, makarivka and the equinox , carried out shelling of more than ten settlements , in particular the novomykhailivka ugledar zolota niva and mining areas of the donetsk region in the zaporizhzhia direction were damaged by the enemy air gifts in the area x maloy tokmachka inovu danylivka orikhova and pyatikhatok carried out artillery shelling of such settlements free field vremiivka of donetsk oblast railway pubic kamyansk of zaporizhzhya oblast sinelnikovo and nikopol
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in dnipropetrovsk oblast attacked our positions 21 times and carried out 575 shellings artillery units defense village of tauriyskoye 1,573 fire missions were carried out in the direction during the day. at the same time, we will continue to destroy the enemy's potential, we will destroy fortifications and defense structures, we will suppress deployment of manpower and firepower, we destroy the control points of the enemy's anti-aircraft and simple missile defense er-e please tell me the counter-attacks that the enemy periodically tries to resort to, are they er-e mainly with the heavy support of some such unconscious armored vehicles or do they avoid it like this support of tanks and armored vehicles, and we cope with this successfully, i can add that over the past day, the enemy lost killed and wounded
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were irreversible 89 occupiers sanitary 155 occupiers destroyed 35 units of weapons and of the enemy's military equipment, in particular one tank - 8bm is what ms. khrystyna really likes when i list your three pigeons 55 he would so self-propelled artillery 2s3 acacia two guns 2s5 hyacinth s two guns 2 36 gtb in total 13 artillery systems and mortars rap field and automotive equipment , eight enemy ammunition warehouses were also destroyed by the air defense units of the tavria group, one air target was destroyed, namely, an unmanned aerial vehicle 10, and here is the main operational summary of the joint process from security when i hear it's acacia, er, there's hyacinth and other names of flowers , i want to say right away that this is the most beautiful bouquet
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i've ever received in my life. thank you, mr. valery , and i'd also like to er, actually clarify the information there, they don't have everything in order, allegedly with the crimean the bridge was a few days ago, so how is the situation changing in your area in the occupied territories in connection with the probably not very comfortable and logistics they also have the tavrida highway, but today they allegedly blocked me
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, they walk a lot , it appears for demining well, but also we were also told that there is not much of it on the front, but in our direction there is a solution, some new one, don’t say which one. but is there any option to speed up a little and more guarantee demining not so much by human hands as by technology, the solution is clearly from the recent examples that we talked about within the tavria group
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, armored hummis are very actively used, which are used precisely for the passage of total minusing, e-e, in this regard , we have detailed material presented , including on the official page of the group tavria on facebook, er, that is, we know how to deal with it, but for now, the main thing is what you said, yes, it is a footpath that must be passed and our soldiers have means of individual demining. we also use it where the equipment cannot pass . of the united press center, the defense force of the tauri direction, the major was in touch with us, and now we will hear and see our colleague yehor checherinda, who will
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talk about urgent topics with his and his interlocutor in kyiv. we welcome you. we invite you to speak who right there beside you now i would like to congratulate my colleagues. i will now introduce our guest. i will say that it was a relatively restless night in kyiv, but it was restless in odessa for the second night. for the second night in a row, the russians were on the pearl near the sea with rockets and martyrs with ionics and calibers and x-22 kaka 59 hits in residential buildings. quarters and there are fragments of rockets, there is a hit in the port terminal and the oil and grain terminal are partially damaged , a fire broke out in 3,000 squares, firefighters extinguished this fire, let's start with this, this is the top number one topic of today with taras, a foreign managing partner of the national anti-crisis
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group well and our flight - expert taras i congratulate you please tell me why there is such a concentration of these strikes today and yesterday specifically on odesa, or is there a possibility that due to the partial destruction of the terminals and the port , this grain agreement will not be able to resume its work , which is actually today the first day as russians they officially withdrew from it, officially that it didn't work out , they only announced that six months ago they were saying that they were also leaving, then they were actually forced to continue this grain agreement because turkey undertook to security of the water area of ​​the odesa region, it was more than october, that's why they actually left when you left. and now, apparently, they have decided to go to such an all-in, yes, and start destroying the port infrastructure of ukraine, and let's see the reaction of the main players , including because the grain
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which is grown in ukraine, it also belongs not only to ukraine , but also to transnational corporations. convoy in nato and in the black sea region it would be possible to make it basic was in turkey and countries that are not members of nato could join, for example egypt, which also needs grain, because we must understand that the export of grain is more and the problems primarily of those countries that consume grain in ukraine and there will be enough of this grain ukraine can export grain, for example, through the danube ports, it will not be so fast, but it can cause instability precisely in the african continents of china, including because through grain is consumed by china, many people do not know what to look at the statistics of this grain corridor there, and in the main grain, 4 million tons go precisely to china, so of course the chinese government should also probably think about it and call some people in the kremlin in order to explain
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what it is necessary to reduce stability in china because grain is grain and the increase in food prices is felt by everyone because people want to eat three times a day well, let 's continue on the international topic not only the countries of the asian region but also the countries of the african region consume ukrainian grain, and the day before such a small scandal broke out in the court of the south african republic, where the president of this country, ramophos, reported to the question what to do with vladimir putin if he comes when he comes to the bricks summit, it will take place in august, they are waiting for him there. he that on the eve of this summit he was hinted at in the kremlin that if , according to the warrant of the hague tribunal, putin is detained, it will actually be a declaration of war on the part
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of the south african republic and russia, which amophosa is playing the game, what game is the government giving to the african republic? and what will happen at the brics summit in august? well, i think that romophosa simply does not want to see putin, but the territory for himself, because he understands the risks, first of all, for himself, and i think that everyone remembers they are talking about how the summit was held, for example, with the brics minister of foreign affairs in indonesia , where, er, well, they just spat on laurels, in fact, he even attended this meeting, and that's why, of course, he understands that it will end in a scandal, and with putin , for example, many people will not want to be photographed who because putin is still under uh question from the grove and for such the most heinous heinous crimes that humanity can invent, these are crimes against children , you even know criminal uh crimes against children are considered taboo for criminals and here and a and a
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for dictators, this is also a big deal, even for dictators , so of course i think that ramofosa understands that it will end in scandals if he comes and they don't arrest him, and they have an international obligation according to this rome statute, and that's why i catch to the fact that putin will still not come with a high probability , he will simply be scared because, well, you know, it is strange. when you blackmail in a city where brics was held, the fact that you are now declaring war if i come there and you, uh, i will be arrested there, well, then don't go to why is it a problem? and in general, the future of bricks. let me remind you that there are such huge, big, let's say, the economies of the world . this is brazil, this is india, this is china, russia, whom i haven't named yet. turkey
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, no brics. is it formally included in my opinion? to everyone entities in general in the perspective of the continuation of this war. well, nothing will happen, the power in russia will simply change. it will remain the same . and this was specially created as an alternative to j7, in fact, that is, those countries that are actively claiming a large role in the world economy, but so far they are not in the elite club they are allowed to create such an alternative where they can show that they are an alternative economic center of the world and form their own policy and impose their own policy, including a-a. but let's see how will it continue to be a resource well, of course, it will remain because the economy of china will not go anywhere, it will grow , the economy of india in the future may exceed , for example, the economy of china, including that they will remain such heavyweights who will claim their own vision.
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development of the world about south africa, but in fact they forgot the salad technique, this is exactly in the year c - this is south africa, look, i also wanted to say one thing about it today, as all the media have been writing all morning about the activation of the ukrainian military in in the temporarily occupied crimea, today in the veslam-toretsk district of crimea, well, the occupiers call it the kirov district, there was a detonation of the weapon base of the russian occupiers, and a huge detonation took place here and there. the detonation took place for several hours. i don’t know if it left . it remains a detonation. the head of the ukrainian ssr, kyrylo budanov, has already commented on the situation, thanked the ukrainian resistance forces in the occupied territory of the occupied crimea, and said that the russians are significantly underestimating this sabotage intelligence work conducted by the ukrainian resistance forces on the territory of the crimea, i will say that the taurida highway is blocked now, which leads
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from, it seems, from simferopol to the zander, that is where the position leads, what is generally happening in the territory of the crimea, as in this and the attack on the ukrainian bridge and the attack shot in this composition of vestals in the torets region of crimea generally affects the public support for the war of the local population living in crimea , you know the same article, what an alkaline litter last year i wrote that russians do not feel the war and now they will feel they will paranoia begins terribly when the ukrainian special services are especially active, and what did putin promise the russians? he promised security to the russians 23 years ago in exchange for freedom, now there is no security, not freedom, and accordingly, this is a violation of this social contract , which after all was putin's with the russians we must understand that the transfer of the war to the territory of the russian federation or
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the territory temporarily controlled by russia is the territory temporarily controlled by russia, and this is a matter of our national security, the more it they will feel that the more logistics will be destroyed, the more often there will be exploding warehouses there, including uh, like others , our leader says, mr. baby, the head of the sbu, we do not confirm anything there, we do not deny it, but death awaits you there yes and you already know that the creation of the right myth, as in masada, you know, they killed 20 people, and others are already thinking, they are already paranoid , they are starting to feel bad about their health , and so on. that is, all these processes must be, and not only now, in the future for in order to restrain russia well like ira, for example, israel, israel, i'm not waiting for iran to create a nuclear bomb there, something happens to nuclear scientists
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there, someone fell off a bicycle , someone committed suicide in the heat of the moment with two bullets in the back of the head, and so on. israel has this khal, there is an army, there is masat, special services that operate on the territory of the enemy are there in order to make them feel that everything is bad , and this should only unfold, taras well, i will say such an announcement, i will make a spoiler about the ukrainian musat well, kirilobudanov said, why create it, we already have this famous vinegar and we recorded a long interview about it, including the pro-ukrainian musat , with andriy musov, a representative of the gourmet, and tomorrow we will have him at this time exactly from 11:10 to 12 :00 watch it don't miss on our espresso channel an interview with the representative of the hormone andriy musov there about everything, also here if we take an analogy with israel, after all, gur is still a shaman, it is a military intelligence masat, after all, political intelligence is here functional well, maybe water well, it's not about myself
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he says, do you understand, well, i don't know, well, the sbu is more appropriate here, because it is a political activity , that is, the mass, it is such a political activity , the destruction of enemies on the territory of russia, let's see the interview, i wanted to touch on another topic with you for a little while on social networks, yesterday a photo circulated as in kiev- in the pechersk lavra there is a separate box for collecting funds for e pasha mercedes, e.e. a pledge of stock well , it says for metropolitan pavlo, but we understand pavlo lebid pasha mercedes although he says he is not mercedes, he is pavlo tesla why well, in principle, they should have released the lavra a long time ago, instead they are collecting money for bail for their so-called metropolitan in the moscow lavra . it’s not good that they didn’t find a bail right away, so it’s his roof, you can say, that has a lot of money, for some reason they decided not to save it. of his government e pasha tesla as well tesla yes tesla let it not change the fact that you are in this place, after all, they changed him a-a with a preventive measure on the 14th, he
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has been reading for almost a week, let him let him continue, let him think about you know yourself and when you change such a thought er place of residence i think that a lot can be said there yes er there were rumors that they can generally say that ingudayev left him there and so on somehow they quickly begin to lose a-and somehow the desire to serve the russians or more will sit all the better for what is going on well, unfortunately , the issue of banning the russian orthodox church and the moscow patriarchate has not yet been resolved. well, they call themselves ukrainian. to convince society that they are a--but most of them. well, let's not all, not all supporters are pro-russian, of course not sivka. exactly. thank you. taras zahorodnyi was with us . i'll remind you that 33 million uah are being collected for the pledge of pasha's mercedes or pasha's tesla, as he wants .
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to complain well, we will follow the progress of the events , i will pass the word to the studio, please, colleagues, we are a mountain and to taras for a fruitful conversation 20 and a half million on the first mercedes. colleagues and roman and i say goodbye to you with this goodbye project partner healthy vision gaufix glaufix protection and maintenance of acuity of your vision life deterioration of vision discomfort in the eyes sensitivity to the bright world these are possible precursors of cataracts and glaucoma and the way out is glaufix for protection and maintenance of acuity glavofix is ​​11 effective components to protect your
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12:00 pm
eyes glaufix sharp zir forever summarizes the informational morning on the espresso tv channel news news in the studio works khrystyna parubiy from near zavaliv her own home rescuers found an 89-year-old woman in kherson doctors on the spot treated the victim she


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