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tv   [untitled]    October 23, 2023 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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from what sources to determine public figures? there is only one source: when a person comes to the bank and says: he is a public figure or not, but if he says that he is not, there is no responsibility, except for the bank to refuse service, period. is financial monitoring carried out in the state, by the national bank, and by social services, yes it is carried out and it is constantly carried out on transactions of monetary funds, there are no surnames, pay attention, this bill, it makes changes and makes it eternal from three years, that is, there should be eternal peps, but he has been returning these peps for 30 years since the independence of the state, or should he?
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the law by virtue of the retroactive effect of this law, yes it is, is it nonsense that contradicts the constitution of ukraine , yes it is, it is contrary to the constitution of ukraine, many meetings and thanks to the monomajority for such an organization, work, really worthless work regarding negotiating position of the cabinet of ministers with international partners, but i would like to note that all the experts who took part in them were not have nothing to do with our legislation, which has been spoken about and said publicly, dear people's deputies , i want to draw your attention to the fact that it is possible to adopt all the usual things, but it is necessary for the legislation to work, for there to be rules of the game, it is impossible to adopt a law , because it must be... be, it will not
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work, it is necessary to regulate and bring to the market, the rules of the game, duties and responsibilities, at the moment this law does not regulate, but removes the category of three years, please note, when you take office for five years, or four years, or two, you have been working for a number of law enforcement agencies and banking institutions. financial institutions conduct monitoring, study all circumstances, transfer of transactions, and the law currently gives three years to conduct monitoring, and after three years you are not pep, you are an ordinary citizen of ukraine who is not deprived of monitoring and termination of risky transactions, and having such a large number of law enforcement agencies, as there are none in europe, well listen, then it is necessary
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to decide whether or not to give them powers such advanced ones, or still set some eternal procedures. i personally will not support this draft law, because in my opinion it is still necessary to accept the rules of the game for ourselves, to adopt the rules of the game and to regulate adaptively the law, which will be adapted to work and solve the problem, which is the goal we want to achieve with this law, on there is currently a healthy goal in this law, no one has voiced it, that someone needs it and for what, if there is risk, then it must be removed by other mechanisms, please put my amendments for voting, thank you, briefly, please, the position of the committee, and then we will vote on those nine amendments, just tell me their numbers, please, dear hryhoriy mykolavych, with all due respect to you,
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i am voicing the healthy purpose of this bill to all persons defined in the 361st law, which has been in force since 2020, i.e. 3 years, could not launder funds and legalize them, the funds were obtained through criminal means, this law is really not about the name, and not about the surname, it is about the status , which is acquired by a person during implementation functions publicly so that this person, exercising his authority and possibly illegally enriching himself, could not legalize funds or obtain them through criminal means. thank you. thank you, hryhoriy mykolavych, you did not name the amendments that you will insist on, so please name the numbers, all positions do not steal from these positions. numbers, correction number five, correction number seven, correction. number 15, practice number
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103, practice number 105, practice number 107, practice number 109, practice number 110 and practice: number 112, i put them now alternately on voting, correct, dear colleagues, amendment number five, authorship of the mother, rejected by the committee, he asks to be taken into account, you have heard the position of the parties, please vote, against. for decision 84, the following amendment number seven, authored by mama, also
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rejected by the committee, please vote for 71, the decision was not accepted, the next amendment number 15, authored by mama, mykolai , was rejected by the committee, please vote for 66, the decision was not accepted, the next amendment is number 103, now one second, grigory mykolavych amendment 103 authored by the mother was also rejected by the committee, please vote
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for 67, no decision was made. 105 authorship of the mother was rejected by the committee, please vote for 72, no decision was made, the amendment was rejected, amendment 107, authorship of the mother and colleagues, it was rejected by the committee, please. vote, for 68, the decision has not been taken, amendment 109,
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authored by mom and colleagues, but rejected by the committee, please vote. for 65, the decision has not been taken, amendment 110, authorship of the mother, rejected by the committee, please vote. no decision was made for 72 and the final amendment by hryhoriy mykolavych mamka 112 was also rejected by the committee, please vote for 69,
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no decision was made. hryhoriy nikolay, all your amendments, you will no longer insist on yours, will you still? no-no, well, let's go, let's go in turn, then, yes , let's go further, the next amendment, the third, vlasenko does not insist, the fourth, niklyudov, does not insist, the fifth, gerashchenko, iryna volodymyrivna, insist, please, gerashchenko, dear mr. chairman, please give me three minutes, this will be the sixth, 21st and 28th amendments, mr. chairman, the sixth, the sixth amendment, which would be 21 and 28, please give me three minutes, i will put them to a vote. three minutes, dear colleagues, recently the chesna movement published a shocking study that there are 80 advisers working in the president's office, full-time and freelance, and this structure of these men and women
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has effectively replaced the state, no one elected them, they do not formally work anywhere, they formally, they don't even often receive a salary there, but at the same time they manage... the state, replacing the government with themselves, often replacing themselves with other bodies, giving instructions to law enforcement structures, heads of military-civilian administrations. giving instructions to the speaker of the parliament, even who to send on a business trip and who not, because i personally, in the official delegation connected with the elections, an observer of the parliamentary assembly of the osce in poland, was not allowed precisely because our faction demands a declaration freelance advisers of the president's office. i want to agree with ms. smaglyuk, who said that this law is not about the surname, but about the principle. we have to determine with you
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those who influence public decisions, those who influence the budget, those who are currently accumulating huge fortunes, and at the same time do not declare them, somewhere they are encrypted, sometimes in a vault, sometimes on other fictitious persons, but at the same time they manage the media sphere, manage other areas in the state and they are not declared, unfortunately, you failed to amend the law on declaring that freelance and full-time councilors. the office of the president, the national security and defense council, which govern the country, which today have more power than the deputies, therefore that you are not in the marathon, they are there, more than the ministers, because today the ministers are not responsible for anything, they are managed by the freelance advisers of the president's office, these people must declare themselves and they have, must have the status of pep, a lifelong publicly influential person who actually determine state policy, influence state policy, and today they are out of the spotlight, as journalists, as an anti-corruption structure,
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because they are volunteers, you see, they live like birds, ambrosia nectar, feed on receiving salaries, but from morning to evening they are engaged in something in the office of the president and run the country, and therefore amendment number six says that full-time and freelance advisers of the office of the president should receive the status of pep. the national security and defense councils, because this , friends, today is not a patronage service, but this is essentially the first government of the country, these are essentially those structures that replace law enforcement agencies, and local self-government bodies and authorities, and unfortunately, they are today they give instructions to the parliament, and they manage the parliament, and therefore, if the deputies dear colleagues, just for information from the eu faction , artur volodymyrovych gerasimov was sent on a business trip, so please understand the position of the committee on these
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three amendments. thank you, dear ms. iryna, advisers and assistants, members of supervisory boards, are not authorized to perform the functions of the state. can't make any decisions, don't sign them and therefore don't fall under the criteria you mentioned. besides, it is contradictory. a number of directives implemented in this law. thank you. thank you, dear colleagues, i am putting these amendments one by one. the sixth amendment, authored by gerashchenko and his colleagues, was rejected by the committee, please vote. for 78, no decision was made.
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on the amendment by factions, state amendment 21, also authored by gerashchenko and his colleagues, the committee rejects the argument, have you heard why i am asking you to vote for 71, the decision has not been made and amendment 28 , authored by gerashchenko and his committee colleagues, it is rejected, please vote, amendment 68 is rejected, we are moving on, dear colleagues, the next amendment, the eighth mom, don't insist, nine, frieze, don't insist, will you? please, friz ihor pavlovich, mr. chairman, i have several amendments, i will not put them to
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the vote, i would like two minutes, maybe you will give me a minute to speak, please two minutes, through. colleagues, i will speak exclusively as a lawyer, i will not go into details. i have one key remark about this bill, i voiced it to our colleagues when we came here to the verkhovna rada, we signed an oath with you and said those words. which are written in it, there are two two key positions that we will be guided by the constitution and laws of ukraine in our activities. in my deep conviction, this draft law violates, directly violates, 58 articles of the constitution in terms of the effect of the rule of law in time, that is, we establish separate additional aggravating norms for certain entities that did not have these aggravating norms before, that is, we spread the effect subjects of the primary financial monitor, i.e. public persons who are monitored for
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other persons. in my opinion, it is wrong, of course, to vote for everyone given my own position but, for me, i think for most colleagues , the constitution is the highest factor that we came with when we went to the election, so think about what you're going to vote, how you're going to vote, how it's going to affect society as a whole, thank you, thank you, thank you , igor pavlovich, dear colleagues, let's move on, the tenth amendment tkachenko, slovytka do not insist, the 11th babenko, i do not insist with my colleagues. the 12th mudrii does not insist, the 13th niklyudov does not insist, please insist niklyudov, dear colleagues, this amendment refers to the fact that heads of regional prosecutor's offices, territorial
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departments of the national police, territorial departments of state security investigations, territorial departments should be equated with pepi. i think that, the security services of ukraine, the heads of appeal judges, i think that these people, these people, they are very influential and very wealthy, with the connections that most deputies have not dreamed of, i do not understand why we should bypass their attention, but only to record myself for life, so that our children and grandchildren will answer, and they will be on positions and will simply be like we ourselves led to this such an honorable such a mission, and they themselves will remain behind the stage, behind the curtain, i think that they should also go on the stage to give birth, yes, please support the position of the committee, in short, please, thank you, dear colleague, in fact, you really conveyed today the position of many
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journalists, mass media , society, however, 361, the law that is already in force, which we are currently amending, clearly regulates who is a public figure, which performs a public function, therefore on yours discretion, but under the directives that we implement, your proposal cannot be implemented, thank you, thank you, colleagues, the 13th amendment, it has been rejected by the committee, you have heard both sides, please vote, the 13th amendment. for 115 no decision has been made 14 niklyudav insists not insists 16th mother does not insist further
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22nd laba does not insist 25 vlasenko does not insist. 27 mother does not insist, 29th frieze you have already spoken, 32 mother does not insist, 33, gerashchenko ionova klinpensatsi, do not insist, do you insist or not, gerashchenko, 33, whatever please, dear mr. chairman, i am asking you for three minutes, and these are amendments 33, 45, 51, no, no, give us one minute each, we will vote on them, please, i am asking for three minutes. one minute, please introduce each amendment, i ask for three minutes , you, i ask you not to demonstrate double standards , and give me three minutes and three amendments, please, the 33rd amendment, iryna, we talk more about what, dear colleagues, we see the double standards of the chairman of the verkhovna rada, which is what this amendment is about, that we propose to create a special register, and
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of publicly important persons, which should be included not only those who, according to this draft law, should be included in it, including ministers, former presidents, and people's deputies, but also advisers, freelance advisers of the president's office, who are running the country today, i'm sorry, that the speaker speaks in theory, yes, that these are people who belong to the patronage service, but in practice these people also manage the chairman, amendment 33 of gerashchenko, it was rejected by the committee, please vote. for 62, no decision was made. the next amendment: the 34th babenko and colleagues do not insist, the 35th
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vlasenko does not insist, 39 goncharenko, oleksiy oleksiyovych, please, ruslan oleksiyovych, i have seven amendments, i would, i would ask for 5 minutes of time, and that's the end of it, and i won't put them directly, so if you can restart for 5 minutes i have time please, for seven amendments, 5 minutes is possible, please, oleksii oleksiiovych, and we are not voting on them, yes, please, honcharenko, yes, dear friends, you and i are currently considering an important law, a law that says who should declare and how, of course, i support that all those who have a real relation to the work of the state to the control of state finances, that all these people directly... declare, and i, personally, am absolutely ready for this, and i am ready to present my declaration, and you and i
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we say that we need to move on and adopt this law according to the so-called pepas, that is, that there should be control for years over those who directly perform the functions of the state, this is important, but friends, i want to draw your attention to what is happening with us today has the greatest influence in the state a number of... people called advisers of the president's office, advisers to the president , these people, as it turns out, are an incredible number, one ermak has 58 different assistants, seven deputies, 13 advisers, 10 more advisers, more advisers, another head of the secretariat, i.e. they are dozens of people, these people directly influence and control all issues in our state. these people are the main ones in our state, because our state long ago turned into a presidential office instead of a parliamentary-presidential one, and that is why these people must declare themselves, must be peps, for
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they need to watch their hands, because so much state money, property and everything else has already stuck to these hands that it is unbelievable, but these people are not in the law , once again, there is no, you know, this law, you can call it that, hands off yermak's friends, this will be the honest name of this law, and so that no one knows anything about them in the future, how much they earned, what they collected, what they stole, what they have, they want to keep it a secret from now on, and this in time , you know, it seems to me, well, you are yermak, yermak, you have so many possibilities, powers of everything, then maybe you can at least organize it. the work of the president's office, well, there are only 58 advisers working for you, that's all , friends, and now about the work of the president's office, on one very demonstrative example, it
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concerns our military, about which we are always military here, glory to the heroes, show minimal respect, you and i adopted a law on june 30, a law of ukraine, which provides for supplementary payments, no, we adopted it even earlier, and on june 30 it came into force with the signature of the president, everything is as it should be, supplementary payments to conscripts, cadets, limited to suitable by for the defense of the homeland, to the out-of-state instructors, what do you think, at this moment in the armed forces of ukraine, although some of them received this supplement, no, no one, no one has received this supplement so far in the armed forces, so in the national guard, thank god, they have already received it , they received it in the dps, but no one there received it, once again the fourth month goes by without work, the law is in effect,
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they cannot do banal bureaucratic work and pay people money to those who protect us, this law also provided an opportunity for conscripts to transfer to the mobilized, well , it would seem, well, they tell us, we need them people to the front, yes please, voluntary right , thousands of conscripts are waiting for this to give young people, healthy , already trained, the opportunity to take them into the mobilized, to give them the opportunity to perform combat tasks, people want it, the state needs it, we are with the law you finally accepted, now it's a simple matter , the president's office had to prepare changes to the presidential decree on the procedure for military service, for the fourth month they are not able to do it, for the fourth month, what is irmak doing, what are these 58 doing?
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advisers, they mock us, because they cannot do the elementary, simplest work in the world, i demand that it be done immediately, that this law be unblocked, and these advisers, advisers must be taken and given a penny and the first ermak, so this law should be ermak kopnyak, for the way he organized the fortieth amendment, babenko and his colleagues rejected not for... 43 batenko taras ivanovich and his colleagues do not insist, 44th mother hryhoriy mykolavych does not insist, 45th gerashchenko, please dear mr. chairman, i hope there will be no double standards now, i have five amendments , please give me four minutes, please 45th, 51st, 54th, 64 please give me
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four minutes, please four minutes, thank you, dear colleagues, so shocking information, in the office of the president, imagine, it is not known how many people work there, this information is a military secret of the state, as secret as the number of our armed forces of ukraine, but the movement honestly managed to to find out that these people have as many as 80 advisers, advisers who from morning to evening work there on a volunteer basis. because officially they are not there, but they are such volunteers who sit in a marathon, run the country, comment on the whole world, they talk about the verkhovna rada of ukraine, about the army, they promise the country that there will be two or three more shellings and everything will be fine , that we have two or three weeks and they will drink coffee in the crimea, that is, they bear all kinds of blizzards , they are not responsible for anything at the same time, it is not known what they live for, at the same time partners, the imf, the european
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union, the united states, rightly point out , that corruption is one of the key problems that are eroding the state today, and we must fight it together, and at this time , journalistic investigations are coming out, which say that the office of the president is also such a source of corruption, for example, the deputy head of the office of the president, mr. shurma is selling, or he, or his relatives, supplied hundreds of millions of hryvnias worth of electricity to the occupied territories, in fact, sponsoring the russian federation and militants, and there is no responsibility for this. the speaker correctly says that patronage services are not declared in normal countries, but ukraine is today office presidential republic. in our country, the speaker of the parliament, who is the second person in the parliamentary-presidential republic, does not allow the opposition to go on business trips, blocks the opposition during international activities, when called from the president's office. our prime minister
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follows all instructions. office of the president, our president recently met with journalists and asked them not to talk about corruption, and these multi-million dollar budgets, political censorship, what can and cannot be said, these positive bloggers who live on envelopes, with them are managed by freelance advisers of the president's office, and the reporter, who is a journalist by education, knows this very well, that it is also abnormal, when medvedchuk's channel 1.1, for example, in the background today, continues to broadcast with state funds, and politics is not even carried out by this channel of medvedchuk , and the freelance advisers of the president's office, as in the best times of medvedchuk, give temniks, who can be shown there, and these are the advisers of the president's office, and who are not, and this is the opposition, which does not even have the right today to talk about the draft laws that we adopt, and therefore we we really want ukraine to be a civilized state, so that all those people
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who today really do... public administration of the state, they had open declarations, they declared, they were peps, they then told, a few days after the loss of power, about , and how they lived for 5 years without working anywhere, on a volunteer basis , feeding on ambrosia nectar, without receiving a salary, how they lived in general and how their property status changed, and that is why we offer and ask for your support so that 80... advisors of the office of the president, what are they changed the government, local self-government bodies today, unfortunately, they influence the chairman of the verkhovna rada, who cannot afford to be independent and defend the parliament for the first time in the history of ukrainian parliamentarism, even to say that deputies are not tourists in striped swimsuits, but politicians , who carry out important work in international diplomacy, we want to protect the chairman of the verkhovna rada today.


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