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tv   [untitled]    November 1, 2023 12:30pm-1:01pm EET

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[000:00:00;00] we must and must understand where it comes from, and it originates from the muslim brothers, and accordingly populism, and finally jordan and egypt, the authorities of these countries, believe me, hate hamas with all their might, in the same egypt, muslims are outlawed, but egypt to jordan. cannot stay away, if we talk about the so-called arab street in their countries, in jordan 70%, these are the so-called palestinians, and therefore it is very painful for them, what is happening in the gaza sector and what is happening in israel, so very loud, loud statements and aggressive rhetoric of the king of jordan, everyone understood, although he bends the stick with all this, but regarding
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some actions in practice , there is strong internal pressure, they feel a threat to their own stability, even in the same egypt, so certain statements are made, these are very loud statements, on the other hand, at the backstage level... completely different and many of them in their hearts want hamas to be destroyed completely, i'm not kidding, some of the leaders of hamas even accused them of this, talking about mainly the leaders palestinian autonomy, i don't know what it was about,
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to be politicized. very often one does not say what one thinks, in fact, very often many things are done for show and vice versa. friends, we are working live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, we have david sharp on the air, he is an israeli military expert, a serviceman of the israeli army in 1993-1997, we are talking about the situation that is developing in the near in the east and in the world. in connection with the war in the middle east, of course, if you have your questions for mr. david, you can write in the comments under the youtube video, we will definitely ask these questions live to mr. david, but for now mr. david, let's get back to the topic, the anti-israel protests or pogroms that were
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in dagestan, or rather, which did not happen, but which were obviously planned, we see what is happening in russia, and of course, if for 20 years russia has pumped its citizens with racist ideology, talked about the need to kill everyone, nazis are nearby, ukrainians are nazis , those nazis, of course, that anger and intolerance towards other peoples leads to what happened in dagestan, at the same time, the russians accused both the united states of america and the ukrainians of being involved in these anti-semsks. speeches, the united states of america compared these riots with jewish pogroms in the russian empire. what do they say in israel about the atmosphere that currently prevails in russia, well, in particular in dagestan, in connection with these protests and speeches? in israel, in israel , anti-israel demonstrations in different countries, where they are actually muslim or arab, or countries where there are huge
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arab communities. i expected, in the same turkey, for example, no one would think that it would be any different, that is why mass demonstrations about arab, and in fact arab and muslim activists, and those who joined them, among the left. the situation in general, this situation is studied and understood with interest, we are talking about the muslim republics, the muslim republics of the caucasus, in which anti-israel sentiments are quite strong, in any muslim country,
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almost in every country, and accordingly these republics also succumbed to these influences, few of those participants in dakhistan know the nature of the arab-israeli conflict, among the residents of the suburbs of paris, and in morocco, and in dagestan and in makhachkala, but there is another factor, it is, of course, state policy russia, when the hamas movement and only its actions are not only condemned, not only not condemned , but accepted, openly at the level of the ministry or the deputy minister of foreign affairs and shake
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hands with each other after what happened on october 7, and on october 7 a few hours within thousands of citizens were destroyed by different believers, among them. and after that to receive a delegation of hamas at the official level, it simply does not fit into any framework, as they say, and it is , in principle, an excuse for potential participants in the protests, and which is perceived through the prism of what the government actually projects, shows that hamas is completely not bad, in the gas sector they are beating, it is not known whether it is ours or in general , which people who are absolutely not guilty of anything, and accordingly, one thing overlapped with the other and had
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the consequences that we saw, which was certain a surprise for the russian authorities, for example, i read in medusa that in moscow they were shocked by such a situation, for example, in telegram channels or in social networks, for example, they actually incite you... quoting chief ravin when he called the police or the police , i don't know what it's called there, and he asked for protection, he got this answer, but also, what are your people in the gas sector doing with children there, so what do you want, so this example, which reminds us very well the situation that existed in the russian empire somewhere at the beginning of the 20th century with the jewish pogroms, so this is how things are, and the russian authorities are faced with a dilemma whether to try to prevent such a thing in the future, because it is
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a certain destabilization, pogroms, if they are not organized from above, and these pogroms were not organized from above, they destabilize the government, and the government loses its authority, and so russia will be ruined. to make a decision, and for the jewish residents of russia, who still remained in russia, to leave the country, it is a rather difficult decision, very many cannot do it for certain reasons reasons, but it’s worth thinking about what might happen, i know what the regional committee calls a nazi, nazi conspiracy
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, well, it’s no longer news to blame ukraine and the united states for everything, including, for example, blaming the fact that, for example, said that what was happening on october 7 was the result of politics. i try not to express myself emotionally, so i will not go into this topic in order not to use normative language, thank you mr. david for the conversation, this was david sharp, israeli military expert, army serviceman of israel in 1993-1997, friends, we are working. live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us on youtube, please like our video, it deserves it, and take part in our survey, today we you we ask about this,
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is putin a threat to the world, yes, no, or your answer, please write in the comments. people's deputy of ukraine, former head of the security service of ukraine, valentin joins our broadcast nalyvaichenko. mr. valentin, i congratulate you and i am glad to see you on our air, good evening, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. mr. valentin, i have a question for you as a person who has been in charge of national security for a very long time. and defense of ukraine. putin said yesterday that ukraine and western special services are to blame for the riots in dagestan, in particular at the makhachkala airport, we are talking about speeches against jews, i.e. anti-semitic appeals, anti-semitic protest, pogrom at the airport, well, what did putin actually say, let's listen. in makhachkala, yesterday
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in the evening, inspired, including through social networks, not least from the territory of ukraine, by the hands of agents of the western special services. in this connection, i want to ask myself a question, but is it possible to help palestine by trying to attack fathers and their families. mr. valentine. well, commenting on putin's delusions is stupid, but this is one of the elements of their informational and psychological special operation pso, which they spread, which they spread in the country, and it is obviously calculated for the west, what do you say, why putin does not want to admit that he pumped for so long russia with rage and hatred for other peoples and for other nations, in principle, in makhachkala
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it's just...' did you get a result? it is so, and let's say the most important thing is that i saw, for example, a frightened putin , if it is him, a frightened ruler, all the frightened representatives of the authorities of the russian federation gathered in moscow, absolutely everyone, and gathered, and what else could they say, or putin, in fact, and this is the most important thing, the kremlin, moscow has not been in power for a long time, especially. in those republics where islam has already crystallized and who are becoming islamic, we have nothing against islam, especially here in ukraine, but in russia, precisely in republics such as kavardina balkaria, dagestan, chechnya, tatarstan, and others, putin's government has not been in power for a long time, and it was this fear that made them , well, we got together yesterday, and what can we say to the russians, what about through their propaganda tv channels on... the only thing they managed to do was again some agency
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that inspired, well, it is clear that ukraine and so on, and so on, so wait , you are so strong, and near the caspian sea, in a small town russian dagestan, the west, the western agents did not just inspire, but organized anti-sem pogroms, disobedience and the seizure of strategic objects of the capital's airport. the looting of shops before this were pogroms and attempts, including even in civilian hotels, they checked whether there were jews there, or no, it also happened in dagestan and other neighboring neighboring republics. moreover, it is not over yet, and such actions and pogroms are still expected in the russian federation. so my number one conclusion is that in fact, the kremlin... lost in these caucasian
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republics. conclusion number two: they are terribly afraid, terribly afraid that they have not been leaders there for a long time, there are local leaders, there are religious leaders, but definitely not the russian federation. conclusion three, i agree with those experts who correctly conclude that xenophobia, xenophobic ideology, propaganda is russian, putin's propaganda against all other nations. precisely led to the fact that the multinational entity, so far the russian federation in the regions, territories, republics, have already formed completely, completed, if not state entities, then a community of people who are united by religion, united by economy, nationality, but they have nothing in common with moscow and do not want to, by the way,
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many have the fourth and last conclusion, this is actually the disintegration of the russian federation and this is actually a split in the russian federation itself, and these are the processes about which , by the way, on your broadcast a year ago, sergey, we made a forecast that one way or another russia would begin to disintegrate, here we are with you see it, and the whole world sees it, just unfortunately, this it happens extremely in nazi forums, in anti-jewish pogroms, well, putin. what you sow, you know, you get, by the way, the leader of chechnya, ramzan kadyrov, allowed the shooting of protesters amid the unrest in dagestan, listen. and let's see how he did it, if we have even one person who goes to an unauthorized rally, he should be detained and imprisoned, or three warning shots should be fired in the air, if after that the person does not comply with the requirements of the law, the fourth one should be fired, more won't work, it's mine
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order, well, that is, judging by the situation in dagestan and chechnya, there may be explosions, moreover. quite a powerful explosion of protests, because in dagestan any arrests of dagestanis, any of them, necessarily ended in mass actions of disobedience, can we expect that russia will fall apart precisely from these republics that are part of russia, because we see that on the one hand there is dissatisfaction within the republic, this is obvious dissatisfaction... not with the jews, obviously dissatisfaction with the authorities, because the same dagestanis are leaving also go to war to ukraine, obviously they don't want to do that, it's probably the same in chechnya, and one way or another these caucasian peoples, north caucasian peoples, they will become the trash of these revolutionary changes, or well, i don't know, rebellion, if it can be called a riot, then
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a riot in russia, let's remind you, in fact, as in dagestan and not only. in the national republics in september of last year there were protests against the mobilization of russian women, for example in dagestan they said with slogans that our children are not consumables, our children are not we want them to be killed, no war, even with such slogans, it was exactly a year ago in the same dagestan, now what we see with you, even kadyr's story was published in chechnya, in fact... we see, we just don't name, we see, as the whole world sees, that ramzan kadyrov is in no way governing, governing, showing himself, that he is governing, that he is giving orders, that chechnya is his, moreover, it is an islamic republic, precisely on such grounds ,
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he is building, not putin, not moscow and not the kremlin, dagestan is showing its own, kabardino balkaria own, tatarstan - own, that's it, on us. before our eyes, how the formation of putin's russia is disintegrating, this is right before our eyes from the collapse, and so far it is manifested in dastan in pogroms , kabardin balkaria - pogroms, chechnya - threats and the power of one person, one family, and you showed how he warns that there should be no protests, in fact, for example , he awarded his son, a 15-year-old boy, with awards for beating an unarmed person, moreover, he gave him awards, and then tried to take him to other national republics, so that they would give him awards, but for what, for the protection of horan, or chni, he is a hero chichina, chichina, he gave to all his
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relatives, but he also hanged his son in other republics, and who the republics avoided , who they behaved differently, but in russia... already, you know, the parade of who is more king in their own territory is being rejected, this is what we see , listening to such stories that you broadcast, well , in the united states of america, they reacted to criticism putin's john kirby stated that this is the classic rhetoric of the master of the kremlin, let's listen to the coordinator of the national security council of the white house. well, isn't that cute. this is classic russian rhetoric, isn't it? when something goes wrong in your country, just blame someone else, blame it on outside influences. the west has nothing to do with it, it's just hate and bigotry and intimidation, pure and simple, and a good leader, a decent leader, would call it what it is, like
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president biden called it here in this country, instead of blame the west, local provincial... officials for something of course this pretense was quickly condemned, i heard within the last hour that mr. putin had decided to have some kind of meeting with security officials, but other than that we have heard nothing from the kremlin, no condemnation, no calls for an end to hatred, discrimination and bigotry against jews , nothing, and i think that's very telling. mr. valentine, what is happening. in russia, we see those actions in support of palestine, and of course hamas, which are taking place all over the world, these are millions of actions that take place in different countries. we see how
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the degree of hatred towards jews is increasing all over the world, in connection with the beginning of the israeli ground military operation in the gaza strip, in what way do you think the world can avoid repeating the mistakes, including the second world war, when the jews will be blamed for everything and when the jews will be driven out or pogroms will be organized, whether in russia, or in turkey, or in other countries. i think the most important thing for us to understand, and it's true, is that it was the massive terrorist attack by hamas on peaceful settlements in israel that started this war that we have now between israel and hamas, that first, secondly, israel began to defend itself, and the defense of the israeli army began such actions, and until now, as we all know, not even all the hostages have been released, and thirdly, we ukrainians know the most important thing about 615 days of war, russia's aggression against us,
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the dearest women and children, and we must protect the lives of the civilian population, provide humanitarian aid, and so on, and so on, and we sincerely wish, and you know, as we tell the whole world, look at what we had, bucha, irpin, and so on further, we do not want, we want a repetition, it is on the territory of any other country, and that's it because of such suffering and such sacrifices that we suffer. from russian aggression, we do not want anyone and no one to find themselves in such a situation, so i will emphasize the main thing, i think that this is the correct ukrainian position, as strongly as possible and, you know, more resolutely to avoid victims, especially among the civilian population, to protect people's lives and do everything so that there is no war, but at the same time that the cause is removed, that is, terrorist organizations, terrorist attacks, murders , intimidation, hostages and so on, other
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crimes against humanity, all these, you know, such a terrible and inhuman face of terrorism, and such terrorism is not needed anywhere and by anyone, well, it is clear that neither israel, nor, in fact, the arab world, and this is the most important thing, not to move to the left or to the right on the commentary and politicization of this war mr. valentin, returning to the russian information and psychological special operations, today information appeared on russian resources that the sbu and the national police may be aiming for a provocation with biological weapons, according to one of the military commanders. radiation, chemical and biological weapons, kyrylov. he says that they have some data about the occurrence of cases in the mykolaiv region. an infectious disease of the bird flu virus, and then
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they blame ukraine for the incident. this story with biological weapons has probably a ten-year history, if not more , constant, constant accusations on the territory of donetsk region, on the territory of the south, the united states of america, some secret laboratories, you were the head of the security service of ukraine, that's the reason. the appearance and roots of the appearance of such stories from on the part of the russians, and how can it be proven that there are no laboratories on the territory of ukraine, we do not use biological weapons, because, in principle , this is prohibited by international conventions, well, it is of the same order and of the same number of things as the anti-semitic pogroms in dagestan whether ukraine or banderivtsi or western agents are involved, this is exactly what this old lie is about, the invention of the russian military itself about some kind of biological weapon, biological
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laboratories and so on and so on, all this is actually nothing else, you know, how the more absurdity is invented by the russian military, especially since they think that someone will believe in their military aggression, this, i think, is nothing more than an attempt to escalate, an attempt to find an additional reason to explain what is inexplicable, why this aggression was to ordinary russians, they begin or continue to spread fictions, here are biological weapons, here is the trade in organs, here are insects flying, here are birds infected and so on, and so on, and when in a month or two all this, you know, no one saw anything , none there is no confirmation, the propaganda invents something new, about the nazis, about something else, this is nothing more than a repetition of a cynical attempt to cover up its aggression, its war crimes and
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crimes against humanity on the territory of ukraine. serhii sheigu. the minister of defense of the russian federation made several statements regarding possible negotiations with ukraine. he was at the xiangchang national security forum in china, let's hear what shaigu said. russia is open to discussing and solving any issues in the field of security, if this dialogue is honest, equal and based on mutual regards parties, however, without a review by the west of its destructive line, which envisages inflicting a strategic defeat on russia, fruitful negotiations in this area are unlikely to be possible. however, in case the necessary conditions are created, we remain ready for political
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discussions on a realistic basis, both on the post-conflict ukrainian crisis, and on the party, parliamentary, and on the parameters of further coexistence with the west as a whole. mr. valentine, not for the first time in the past few months, we hear from the representatives of moscow that they are ready for negotiations, because sometimes they are hindered by the presidential decree, which prohibits the introduction of these negotiations, then they are hindered by the position of president zelensky, then they are hindered by the united states , which should start this dialogue, in fact, in your opinion, russia is now striving for negotiations with ukraine, of course, on its own terms, but the russians are signaling to the world that they want negotiations, i think, well, you and i have heard each other, i can’t even read well, it turns out that their minister was murdered and what, what, i'm honest
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saying, i am amazed, i did not see the video of the plot, but my first conclusion is that he did not even learn to read, the second conclusion is that... the delusion that was printed for him was written, and he read it, the first testifies to the fact that russia becomes the final vassal of china, that is, it is subordinate to china in memory and in defense, and in politics and economy, the third is a strategic defeat russia inflicted on itself, putin destroyed gazprom, for example, there is no gazprom in the european union in european countries, just as they lost the majority of the european market, and absolutely the majority, as it were, have lost: there are many other economic opportunities that more or less existed in russia before the full-scale aggression, therefore strategic defeats, this is the shoigu , it is necessary to turn to putin, but what will happen in the coming days, i am thinking about and i know that from the meeting of the leader of china with the president of the united states, biden, it is planned in san francisco at the asean summit, and
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it is very important for us that the two leaders finally remove all the discrepancies between their countries, between the global economies, and therefore it is no longer necessary russia in general even china, as soon as such processes begin, i think that then , we can truly say that the strategic defeat of russia, which putin started, will finally end in the fact that china will also withdraw from supporting russia, and for us this will mean that the anti.. putin's coalition, support for ukraine , will continue, and we will definitely be able to, you know, expel the aggressor from all the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine, for us these are actually strategically important changes and we sincerely hope that they will happen, china and the usa will finally restore normalcy , first of all economic, trade cooperation, and
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therefore political. volodymyr zelenskyi in a conversation with the journalist zhuralun shuster stated that there will be no temporary truce, and ukraine will never agree to it, quoting the president of ukraine, for us it would mean leaving this wound open for future generations, maybe it will calm some people inside our the country and outside, at least those who want to finish the case at any cost, but for me this is a problem because we are left with this explosive sy we only we are delaying its detonation, said volodymyr zelenskyi. how do you, mr. valentin, see the negotiations, the negotiation process, or any negotiations between ukraine and russia , which sooner or later will take place, this is a war, it will still be finalized by some negotiations or, some kind of round table, maybe not with
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the participation of zelenskyi and putin , but well , at least with the participation of two. round tables, at


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