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tv   [untitled]    November 2, 2023 3:00am-3:30am EET

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[000:00:00;00] generator, equip a room for common heating, let's beat the winter together, strengthen the borders of ukraine with drones, join the gathering of the border guard, congratulations ukrainians, marathon one news is with you, the rada tv channel team is working for you, we keep our finger on the pulse and summarize the main points for you, together we power. the only news in the center of events. the tv channel rada continues its work on the air of the nationwide marathon edyni novyni. thank you to everyone who is with us on this page, news time, my name is svitlana usenko. congratulations. they fired from artillery and used aviation. russian occupiers shelled the border communities of sumy oblast 19 times a day. according to the regional military administration
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, 101 explosions were recorded. in particular, mines. the enemy shelled the myropilsk-yunakivsk, midrobsk communities, the druzhbivsk community was bombed from an airplane, the velikopyserivsk, krasnopilsk, and bilopolsk communities were shelled with artillery and mortars, ova's report says. 43 combat clashes took place in a day on the front line, the general staff of the armed forces reported. the enemy attacked four missile and 59 air strikes. fired 36 times with rocket artillery. positions of our defenders. the occupiers launched an unsuccessful offensive in the kupyan direction. our soldiers repelled eight attacks. the russian army also unsuccessfully tried to restore lost positions near klishchiivka and andriivka in donetsk region. the defense forces repulsed the attacks near the northern, pervomaisky, maryanka and staromarsky. there was no offensive by the occupiers in the lyman and zaporozhye directions. at the same time, the aviation of the defense forces made
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nine strikes on personnel, weapons and equipment of the occupiers, as well as three for the enemy's anti-aircraft missile systems. the missile forces hit five radar stations, two control points and 11 enemy military equipment. we are working as actively as possible so that there is not a single obstacle left for ukraine's entry into the european union. this was announced by president volodymyr zelsky during the evening address. he says that ukraine will make europe. than ever. the president also thanked our defenders of the sky, soldiers of mobile fire groups, ukrainian pilots and soldiers of the anti-aircraft missile forces, to all units that destroy russian aircraft, missiles and drones. we should all clearly remember that every such shooting is a saving of people and infrastructure.
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i ask all ukrainians to heed air warning signals and to take into account that even though we are alerting air defense as much as possible, the danger is still significant, especially in such cities as kharkiv, zaporizhzhia, kherson, in the cities and villages of the kherson region, in donetsk region, in chernihiv region, sumy region, you should be careful and not treat danger lightly, girls with stingers and rifles, and behind them burning enemy tanks and the kremlin on fire. such prints can be seen on t-shirts created by servicemen and women volunteers to boost morale and help the army, all proceeds will be sent to purchase drones. the military says drones are extremely important in modern warfare, each of us can help right now with our donation. on the screens you see a qr code, you need to scan it by pointing the camera of your smartphone and donate the amount you can afford. our artem
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derkachev, kookuvyas with the girls who are bringing our victory closer. majority ukrainian women are currently being helped by the army and the armed forces of ukraine, and these are completely different spheres. malva joined the armed forces of ukraine at the beginning of the full-scale invasion. during her service, the woman managed to master the basics of aerobatics and become a real aerial scout. i already fought, was at the front, and am currently learning new tools that have appeared in our country. i believe that we will win, the biggest inspiration for me is of course the fact that i really want to take my child back to ukraine, i have a boy, he is 11 years old, he lives in another country. apart from military affairs, malvo likes to write poems, and also to help the army, so she decided to create her own project and gathered a team of 15 girls, among them military personnel, medics and volunteers. malva wrote to me and said that she has
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such a wonderful project with the help of whom we can kill witches, so i agreed, it is called military women, it is designed to help the army. and not to one unit, but to different units. yulia is a military surgeon, before the war the woman was a civilian medic, now every day she faces wounded fighters. it is unpleasant to see, for example, when a serviceman is without one leg, and the other leg is on the azf, this is such a hood, and a device for zonal fixation, and on this leg, on a cart, he carries his child, a small daughter, and the cartoons show her, we from we cannot get away from this reality, and we have to live and fight with it, so there is no choice, i do not want our children to deal with this, therefore, the girls' team makes sprint t-shirts, which depict ukrainian women who
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are fighting for victory. a lot of girls are fighting at the front, and we decided with the help of this art project, the idea is to show the ukrainian woman in her various manifestations, in different images, in different... different professions, and we decided to reflect it on t-shirts, it is on my t-shirt that it is depicted there, where i am conducting, and behind me is arta, which is killing the occupiers, and it seems to me that malva chose the name very melodically, namely arta's symphony. as the girls say, the goal of the project is to show a ukrainian woman as a strong person and give her the opportunity to be where she is. wants i believe that we can ... such a strong and massive enemy, only if all those who want to join the army, and women too, and they should be given such an opportunity. all the money received from the sale of t-shirts, the girls direct to help the army, now
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the priority is drones. the war, the war of drones is going on now, and so our goal is really to buy as many drones as possible. drones that fly and destroy our enemies, and precisely... drones do not lose human lives, and this is the main thing to remember, because in my opinion , technology should fight so that our defenders and the defenders returned home alive. very soon, malva will finish his studies and will again go to perform combat tasks, and in the meantime, in teu, together with the team, they will help those who are on the front. artem terkachev, maksym kondratenko, tv channel rada, all- national marathon, single news. joe biden will veto aid to israel if the bill does not include aid for ukraine, zakhil newspaper reports with reference to officials in the white house. earlier, the us president submitted a funding request to congress
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a comprehensive package of military aid to israel, ukraine and the countries of the indo-pacific region. the request includes $61 billion to kyiv and $14 billion to tel aviv, but newly elected house speaker mike johnson said he plans to consider military aid to ukraine and israel separately, rather than as part of a single bill. the washington post wrote that in this way , with the help of israel, they can vote faster, and ukraine's support will be sent for additional discussion. washington and beijing agreed on a meeting between joe biden and sydzenpin in november, about this with reference to the administration of the american president. and reuters writes. the exact date is not known. the press secretary of the white house, karin janier , noted that the two leaders are eager to hold a constructive conversation on the sidelines of the asia-pacific economic cooperation forum in san francisco from
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november 11 to 17. let me remind you that chinese foreign minister waani arrived in the us last week. the details of the upcoming leaders' summit were discussed in washington during his talks with biden. counselor us security by jake sullivan and secretary of state anthony blinken. dumplings, pancakes, twists, pastries, sausages and lard. tons of food for servicemen are prepared in a small village in the dnipropetrovsk region. jhilki is the name of the housewives who stand at the stove every day from early morning until late evening to prepare home-cooked meals for the soldiers on the front lines. in the hive, where it constantly boils, crackles. our correspondent valeriya kholodovova visited. good afternoon, pass our beehive, today our beehive is buzzing, the girls are preparing dumplings for our defenders. on they consult the improvised kitchen in the garage all
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day, for the last month they have been cooking from early morning until dusk. it's colder, and the boys want to eat more, and we try to cook something more hearty, fatter. so that they are not hungry for food. the most favorite dish of servicemen, say the housewives, are dumplings with potatoes and meat, yesterday we probably stuck 700 or 800 of them somewhere. and there are a lot of scallops, and thousands, even more, yes, if i went, there were 1,300 in a day, wrapping the filling in dough helps five-year-old sofiyka, maybe beautiful, well, you are beautiful, of course, since you play with us, so play, and for whom you cook, you know, but please tell me, the mother of the girl, meanwhile, a tourist cooks a huge forty-liter pot for breakfast , with vegetables, with rice for our defenders. to be full, fed
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, lilia's husband is at war, it used to be possible to deliver food for him and his brothers on his own, but now he is in a remote direction, but they found a way out. we deliver new mail, prepare dinners for long-term storage, a piece of meat, today we have rice fry, rice, salt, water and pack, seal with such a soldering iron, and then we send it. into the autoclave and cook, the work is also boiling inside the house, here they fill pancakes, here cow's milk, here home -made chicken eggs, you can see how yellow they are, so these pancakes give strength to our soldiers, spread pickles, cook dumplings, and bake fragrant buns, we still have a mission in kindergarten
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and a mission for the girls, and they take the buns , they will already take them out, mrs. lyudmila, the main one here, this is her house, rallied the whole village, every day it becomes to work, responsible for baking. wednesday, thursday, friday, we prepare tortillas, they lie longer, then saturday buns, sunday, on monday we already buy sausages, prepare them, donuts with garlic, a large part. products of their own production, lyudmila and her husband grow vegetables and fruits, we wait for them, love them, pray and believe that soon this horror will end, it is good for us that we live in our homes and they protect us and we are very, very grateful to them, yes that they all return alive and healthy, we are waiting for them, we will cook, in turn the military sends women a video with words of thanks, thank you, i haven't eaten such pancakes in a long time,
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they were great, they were very tasty. valery kholodeva, yehor lyubarchuk, tv channel rada, all-national single news marathon. that's all for now, we'll meet at 44 in the morning, and the rada tv channel continues its work, and my colleagues in the conversation studio will continue, so stay with us and learn even more new information. the gas epic is coming to an end. ukraine will stop the transportation of blue fuel from russia, what will the aggressor country lose and will they do without of russian gas to the eu. anti-ukrainian alliance. the prime ministers of hungary and slovakia are against supporting ukraine. will it be possible to force them to unlock 50
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billion. preparation for possible blackouts. we purchase stationary generators, install batteries, and buy mobile generators. will ukrainians have mobile communication in the event of a long-term power outage and whether the internet is possible without electricity. chevrons approaching victory. ukrainian gives freedom, we cannot be destroyed, we are protected by the power of three forms of the future tense. we will go, let's go, let's go to victory in spite of everything.
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ukrainian is the language of the free. i don't know if i can. what i have is enough for me, women don't get paid that much, he is more professional than me, can i change something, i don't deserve this kind of money, can i get more, and what if i get rejected, a high position, probably not for me , there are many like me, i can't, of course you can. help the child not to fall into the trap. on the internet: the first and most important rule is to talk to your children about cyber safety. don't be a controller and don't forbid be the adult who helps and protects the child. the prohibition method does not work. trust is effective. read more tips in
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the cybersecurity section of the crapinfo help site. let's go together. the marathon continues, the tv channel rada is with you until 60 am, tetyana honcharo, vadym kolodiychuk, and we start this broadcast hour with such information, a subjective point of view and strange anonymous sources, as described by the assistant to the head of the office of the president of ukraine mykhailo podolyak, quoted in the magazine tim unnamed sources allegedly from the president's entourage. also podalyak expressed surprise at the information that the president is allegedly going to fire the minister and the general. personnel changes, they say, occur regularly in both civilian and military departments. let's not forget that this is the subjective point of view of a specific journalist who has his own vision of what is happening, this is the first. second, i don't understand what anonymous sources are at all, because
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when i talk to someone on behalf of the president's office, i make sure to say that it's me who says it, because it's the right thing to do, because i it seems that in some places these anonymous... these are people who don't have access to certain information , but who are somewhere around, and they want to increase their weight and pass their visions off as axiomatic knowledge, so it seems to me that anonymous sources are a little strange construction for this type of texts, but any type of texts, when it gains publicity, is worth our analysis, and now we will do it with oleksiy buryachenko , candidate of political sciences, head of the international association of small communities, right, mr. oleksiy, because is moments that are too emotional, but there are moments, perhaps, that should be analyzed, and when i read what the military says about specific moments that concern their responsibility, for example, they say in reaction to the article,
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horlivka should have been released, the military says what, how should we liberate horlivka, and directly what military tasks it fulfills, which it did not fulfill, for example , the liberation of kherson, please tell us which we should work on as a society after all, omitting some of simon shuster’s evaluative judgments, taking just to pay attention to work, to work, in your opinion, is there anything to take? ms. tetyana, vadim, first of all, i congratulate you, i congratulate all our dear viewers, yes indeed, the article of time, shuster, it really caused a great resonance in society, we have to admit this, and, but it actually, moving immediately to the conclusions, it in my opinion, it is quite subjective, when i also reread it, as soon as it came out, i also had huge questions regarding those anonymous people who
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commented on the behavior and reactions of the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, according to me, this journalist could have relied more thoroughly in his conclusions, in his article , on analytical and more on official sources, why not ask about certain events from the head of the office andriy yermak, why not ask the same scumbag we just saw, how he commented on this article, and the time journalist, with all due respect to this very solid publication, made such a subjective attack, also that i was so, a little subdued, frankly speaking, by this horlivka, mrs. tetyana, whom you mentioned, why
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horlivka , why horlivka, why here in general, horlivka, to be honest, it is completely incomprehensible to me, further on these ... starched collars, they have already posted on social networks a photo of the communication of journalist shuster with the noise, there is no mention of any starched collar at all, moreover, this journalist himself is such a starched white collar, so in my opinion, this article, if you put it that way, is a very cursory short comment, it is too subjective, it is based on somewhere, most likely, not enough high-quality and reliable information, therefore, as for me, i... did not take it into the analysis of some deeper analytical study, but the fact that there are objective
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factors, which, for example, that causes a certain, well, probably irritation, probably some kind of dissatisfaction of the president of ukraine, that our partners do not help us enough, as promised, as planned, and there was even such a phrase that if our partners fulfilled what they promised by at least 70-80%, then it would already be good, well, in principle, i think, such feelings are not only in the president or in him environment, or his advisers, each of us has such and such feelings, then i will ask you again, then i will ask you again, in principle, you see something bad, calling things by their names during the war, that is, certain problems arise there . which we also analyze on our broadcast, we can clearly say that some problems are greatly exaggerated,
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and again referring to what you say, this is a subjective assessment of the author of the article, but these problems are present, we should call them things by their names, but precisely by names, that's right, without generalizing, if some official does not do his job, it is probably worth his name to be heard, and not just talk about the fact that there is some kind of corruption somewhere in ukraine, that is, you just have to name it. absolutely share your position, even when you and i always do analytics live, i always cite sources, i always say that if it's my point of view, i say that it's a subjective point of view, and then you in in the next broadcasts, you can refer to the fact that oleksiy buryachenko said this, and not someone somewhere anonymous, gave some kind of secret, as if information, say, ms. of course, of course, we have, and we say that we , that we do not say that it is not enough, somewhere is
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the technique, is it possible that we, us, we want , attacks with a longer range, don't we want v16 to appear in our sky as soon as possible and all these processes to be accelerated as much as possible, and we actually talk about this in every broadcast, at every opportunity, and i am absolutely not in this ... i don't see anything bad, it's absolutely objective, it's normal analytics, which you as journalists should be engaged in, and we, respectively, as representatives of the expert environment, oleksiy, and after reading this article, what is your opinion, what was the goal of the journalist, it seems to me that he tried to show, well , as the people say, yes, sorry for the slang of an insider, yes, how the current situation is felt in the president's office, how the president himself feels it, he probably thought that
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because of such, anonymous information, he could make this article somehow bright, yes , it is possible that the readers want to see behind closed doors, a warring country and of the main, in principle, the main building on bankova street, that is, i think, this is my subjective point of view, that he actually went a little too far with the hype and subjectivism in this article, but the trend, again, i emphasize, is the other side of the coin , yes, the fact that our president believes in victory, according to me, he very correctly and clearly emphasized, that he is determined to fight the enemy, which, by the way, i personally have a huge question for the past authorities, why
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they did not fight russian agents so decisively, with russian influence earlier, this seems to me to also be true, well, let's say there are some problems, let's say in the same mobilization, well, again, you and i also talk about it on live broadcasts absolutely frankly, how they wear, let's say, there some private nature, some exceptions, there are negatives, crimes detected there by the state bureau of investigation and other law enforcement work, let's assume that the tsk and vlk work there, but at the same time we say that it is necessary to change the system and improve mobilization in country, because this is really a matter of our national security, well, excuse me, what we don't talk about here and what we don't... talk about openly and frankly, which mr. shuster noted in this times article. let's talk about
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international politics, in what vein. russian dictator putin did not judge the jewish pogrom in dagestan, instead blaming it on ukraine and the west. a representative of the white house drew attention to such a feature of putin's behavior, in particular, john kirby, a representative of the administration of the president of the united states, stated this. this is classic russian rhetoric, isn't it, when something goes wrong in your country, just blame someone else, blame it on outside influences. the west has nothing to do with it, it's just hatred, bigotry and intimidation. a good and decent leader would call it... for what it is, as president biden called it here, instead of blaming the west. oleksiy, on the one hand, well, an obvious thing said by a representative of the white house, but on the other hand, why did you have to comment on such statements
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of putin, in your opinion, and in my opinion, very he said it correctly, he said it correctly, he said it fluently, and it’s good that he said it publicly, because when we talk about anti-semitism, about total propaganda in the russian federation, about the cult of hatred and death that the putin regime carries on our tv broadcasts from by our foreign partners, it is one thing, but when the official representatives of the united states, in principle, repeat the truth, the truth that you and i constantly emphasize on the air, it is extremely important, as it happened to me, such a situation that they bent into to this propaganda rhetoric of hatred, anti-semitism, a stick in its own total propaganda, and the beast begins to eat itself, and by the way, the russian federation, in my opinion , well, putin's russia, yes, to be as
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correct as possible, received a great reputational negative from of these events. and then i immediately remembered the same performance by prigozhin , i think you also remember it, when putin and the leadership, the political top of the country were forced to simply flee from moscow, because they were afraid that the same prigozhin people were really now can take it, and this, in my opinion, is the second very serious marker, inside the russian federation itself, that the putin regime absolutely does not control anything inside... anymore, against the background of the fact that there is no second army in the world, and this has been proven by us, that they are actually strategically losing the war they started against ukraine, and the fact that they are no longer in control of events in the russian federation itself, well, in fact, these things, plus putin and the putin regime, are definitely not playing,
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and like any empire, they are forced constantly transferring the war to another territory, well, that's it specifically in our case on the territory of ukraine, because if they do not do it, they are in this wave of hatred, anti-semitism, they will simply suffocate themselves, and i think that in fact everything can come to this, and i think that even such pogroms can be even in the center, the political center of the russian federation in moscow, and why not? oleksiy, i would still like more details about your thesis that this is a threat to the putin regime, because, well, at first glance, if the prigorzhyn riot or the movement towards moscow really potentially had some threat to the kremlin, well, where is dagestan, where is the kremlin, it would seem. in your opinion, what is the main, main focus of the trend, that russia does not control the situation
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inside its country, and what gives us


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