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tv   [untitled]    November 4, 2023 12:30pm-1:01pm EET

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experts soberly assess events, analyze them, modeling our near future, every saturday at 1:00 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. espresso celebrates its tenth anniversary in 2023. we are proud to present our new ethereal look. stay tuned for an updated espresso, because we're still in touch. the information hour on the espresso tv channel continues. our viewers, to whom we are infinitely grateful for their trust, are in touch with you. greetings, dear viewers, this is the big ether program on the espresso tv channel. espresso 10 years, we we develop and improve. well, we go further and talk about magnetic vores. we are becoming even more dynamic, even more convenient. information day of the tv channel. in full swing. we are modern design and sound. even more interesting programs and origins. the garrison of the occupiers
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was surrounded, cut off from the main forces and destroyed, they will try, our values ​​and ukrainian point of view remain unchanged. vitaly portnikov is with you and we are talking about the main events of this week. vitaly portnikov and top experts about the most vivid events of the last seven days. ours will be the guest of the generalate. national security adviser to the president of the united states, donald trump, herbert mcmaster. current topics, pressing questions, authoritative comments and forecasts in the information marathon project with vitaly portnikov, every sunday at 20:10 on espresso. every day, every hour, every minute we receive a large amount of information. the most anticipated event of the year, what is actually happening at the front, what are the losses of personnel and equipment. on the battlefield, how
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the international community evaluates our successes and about what is moscow lying? from the stream of news coming from everywhere, we single out the most important ones. the world is closely watching whether there will be weapons for ukraine and what kind, and what the russian occupiers are whispering about behind the commanders' backs. news, summaries of the week - this is an overview of only important events, important, reliable events, this is analytics , fact-checking, professional comments, about this and much more, in the issue, about important things in simple language, available to all viewers. greetings, iryna koval is in the studio, and these are the results of the week on the espresso tv channel. news, summaries of the week, every saturday at 21:00 at espresso. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, host of espresso and invited experts, give their assessment based on facts.
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and the forecast of the development of events, want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, see the saturday political club. every saturday at espresso. now i will show you the real thing. this is the swedish version of the german leopard 2a5 tank. well, if only they understood that we are being prepared for an offensive. yes, everyone has fear, but the main thing is not to panic. this ball, she is like that breaks off, mines, this is such a permanent phenomenon, dofigisha in all directions, this very time that we gave them to dig in played an important role, there is a corpse pierced and neither to the right, nor to the left, not a single centimeter can be, i think, if the president had said that we want ukraine to win, then many things would have turned out differently. almost five months of ukrainian
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counteroffensive. this is the reality of donbas. i am yaroslav krechko, and today we will show the german leopards, as well as try to summarize the operation of the armed forces in the south of ukraine. more in the spring, berdyansk and melitopol were called its obvious targets. subsequently, the ukrainian command said that the minimum task was tokmak. how is the armed forces advancing, what is the number. can the ukrainian army operate western equipment and are there resources to continue the offensive? the t-72 crew shuts down the engine and camouflages the vehicle. although the equipment is soviet, it came to ukraine from abroad. poland handed over these tanks at the beginning of the full-scale invasion. the mechanics
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all spent whole days under tanks, that is, in oils, in diesel tanks, they constantly did not sing wash up to the elbow, repaired, repaired, repaired. now almost all the technology has been brought to mind. tankers of the 65th brigade have been on the zaporizhzhia section of the front since the middle of the 22nd year. in the offensive this summer, they were one of the first to go on par with brigades using western equipment. nothing has changed from our side, because we have no choice. we know that there are guys in front, it is much more difficult for them. and those who need help at any moment, we are ready around the clock, both at night and during the day, constantly, narrations, the first in the team, we have an allocated time to jump up to help the guys, because enemy tanks, armored personnel carriers, and
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bmps are also coming at them, which we need to work on, well, and from their side, it became more difficult for us in terms of numbers. .. because they began to use them much more often than a year ago, the tank on which yevhen is giving us an interview recently arrived from repairs, the crew had to be delayed due to a technical malfunction , the russian lancet immediately arrived, they literally managed to malfunction, climbed into the tank, closed the hatches, and well, for 10-15 seconds, the whistle was quick. and bam, well, the crew got away with such light injuries, the servant was a little damaged in the gunner, the tank, well, the tank went to the factory, but from there i took it
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completely under my own power, we left, the dynamics did its job and saved my life if not for the contact. it flew just ahead of the turret and part of the jet bounced off, burned through the commander's hatch, went in here as if under the hood and came out from behind as far as the machine gun, but every exit is difficult, every exit you worry, every departure is difficult, but you leave, you work, yes, everyone has fear , but the main thing is not to panic, fear is like that, we work, we have to maneuver somewhere , some landings behind trees, that’s it, height differences, just like that, their artillery is the same, as with us, the main thing, i say, the main thing is that everything is fine before leaving, walk, if necessary, look with drones
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, that is, prepare, just like that, it’s so easy to leave, this is already an extreme case, except for drones, the second problem for ukrainians tankers - mines, they are also often they appear where it would seem that they have already been demined, russian troops drop such parachutes remotely, the mine is called ptm4, it is in a cassette, it is released , including from a drone, it has a magnetic sensor, it is triggered by a magnetic field and by a coup, then yes, it wobbles, it has a ball, it explodes like that, so yes, it’s a dangerous thing, it’s recently, but their new chip, it resets, descends with a parachute, is released, it has a magnetic effect, er, that is, when it breaks its magnetic field, detonation occurs. batyushka is a mechanic-driver, and these chains on his car tell so that the mine explodes not under the tank,
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where it is least protected, but in front of it. mines are such a permanent phenomenon, we have now passed, broken through the first, second, second income line there. until three o'clock, and it grows again and again, it's not, there is no such thing as somewhere more, somewhere less, dofigischa in the entire direction, that is, the biggest problem, even for leopards, it's precisely mines, they just run into a mine, if everything is fine, the crew leaves the car and finishes the art simply, this is the point on the map that everyone is shooting at and that's all, and the 72ka hit. vulnerable precisely to mines, that is, if, for example, they have such a habit, a mine with a surprise, that is, two mines or three mines, then it pulls out everything that is possible, and at the same time severely damages the mechanic, if it is run over by a goose, but here the tanks are also inside,
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there is still a bull in the back, the start of the ukrainian offensive in the south is considered to be june 7-8, then footage of the knocked-out leopard and bradley tanks appeared on the network. the western press wrote that in the first two weeks counteroffensive, ukraine lost about 20% of the equipment provided for the operation. soon the armed forces of the i think it is fair to say that ukraine had some problems with the coordination of the operation between the various brigades, but to some extent this problem was negated by the decision of the ukrainian command to focus on small group tactics. ukraine has essentially relied on small-unit tactics since mid-june, and has managed to retain a lot of western-made equipment that can be used in combat, for example, next year, when such a decision? i will show you the rally,
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one of the many forest strips near the front line hides a completely new guest for this area. the streitsvan 122 is the swedish version of the german leopard tank. 2 a5. it is officially known that ukraine received 10 such vehicles and they are currently performing tasks in the east of ukraine. the crew of the leopard studied in sweden, the tankers say, they learned a lot of useful things, but one thing is the training ground, the other is real combat conditions. tactics, that is, they taught us one thing there, but we came here and work with it in a completely different way. majority. no instructors
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have been in combat operations, just like this tank in ukraine, they are our tactics, the more vehicles left, the better, but the offensive, well, if they understood that we were being prepared for an offensive, but there is no such thing here, and about there were no stressful situations there either, we just rolled our ass around the training ground, 15-20 km/h there, this is enough to get used to the car, at the front ukrainian tankers often have to work at night, it was from such an exit that the crew returned before the meeting from donbass-realia, currently replenishing ammunition, we only fired their explosives. radius russia is healthy, then they beat them, we still
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have them, well, they don’t go in columns anyway, if they did, then it’s possible, they give us the units with which we work, objectives, they give us some positions, well, they recommend us we leave for reconnaissance, and we walk, look, as it was before this trip, the day before yesterday i left, i went to the place where i worked today, there, i looked, i saw everything, well, this is the biggest risk when you go on foot, so that i then, since i left today, worked out and drove back without problems, at night, a thermal imager, a laser range finder and the ability capture several targets at once, the advantages of the swedish leopard over soviet tanks are enough, but at the same time, in the conditions of the current
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war, we should not expect any tank battles. well, i learned to be a gunner on a t-72, then i went abroad, i learned on this, and this is much easier than on the 72, and it’s great, there’s nothing wrong with what they say there, but it’s scary, i don’t know, go away ok, in terms of safety, the tank is very reliable if... you face the enemy head-on, 100%. that you will survive, hurry, they have already checked, hurry on these tanks, the cannon was damaged, of course, the armor was slightly dented, but the crew was alive, the concussions were easy, according to the data of the oryx project , the armed forces received 71 leopards, the loss of... 20 was confirmed visually, but at the same time, a large part of them is currently being repaired or already
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recovered, destroyed one of 14 challengers, damaged enough bradley infantry fighting vehicles, but at the same time not many marders and cv-90s. in october , 31 abrams tanks arrived in ukraine. i think that if there are changes on the ukrainian side, they will be gradual. i wouldn't expect it. to see a sudden ukrainian breakthrough, because the nature of operations is such that progress is very slow and ongoing, and it is virtually impossible to achieve a breakthrough under the current approach. after the change in tactics, the armed forces also focused on counter-battery combat. according to the calculations of the same orix, russia has suffered significant losses in artillery all these months, however, the issue of wear of gun barrels and ammunition remains open. back in the spring , according to then
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defense minister reznikov, ukraine used 110,000 artillery shells per month for the necessary 35 what the numbers are now is unknown, but it is obvious that it is still difficult in the west to provide the armed forces with a sufficient amount of ammunition, and the winter campaign also depends on this, a year ago we could shoot back and move, shoot back and move, not like now, well, this is a little problematic in connection with the presence of a chain. lancets are the main enemy of ours, they are so insidious, as our friends from abroad said, the war in ukraine is an artillery war , the better we practice, the more accurately we inflict damage on the same foxholes, the infantry, the more reserves we destroy, the easier it will be for our
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infantry, then take and storm these same holes and throw them back where our problem is that the president did not specify the goal, the administration did not say what the goal of the united states is, they say something like we are with ukraine as long as necessary, this is not the goal, if they had voiced it then things would have gone much faster, this war doesn't have to be long, it will be a long war, because we are not providing ukraine with what is necessary to win, we are helping just enough to support their lives, but not enough to win a narrow path in a forest strip, a sometimes in the open area, the road on which ukrainian infantrymen are delivered ammunition, food and water every day on foot to the working areas of the district, and the wounded are evacuated in the opposite direction.
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physicality is lost, when it is lost, when this, your brother, a familiar brother, with whom it was more than one day, and we endured, broke the dugout, got hit, broke the dugout, and broke the feet, seryoga polishchuk, from oleksandria, he. guys, it's hard for me, he didn't say anything, he just said, it's hard, you try, and all the difficulty is lost, you just know, carry, you can't carry it anymore, besides everything, it happened that we changed every 20
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m, with our hands, it was like a stretcher, so dense, hard, it was impossible to carry it for a long time, and in order not to stand up, we changed every 20 m, then we carried it more and he didn't survive, the doctors worked and everything was fine and they set up the turnstiles, everything was in the wind, volodymyr and his brothers have dozens, if not hundreds, of evacuation stories, and on this path of life or death, the military returns again and again, there will be shelling, you you don't go along the road, the terrain is different, the terrain is quite different, further
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mines, there is also a corpse pierced and not a centimeter to the left can be moved, it all matters, it matters a lot, there are drones, kamikaze a lot, in fact, during the summer and autumn campaign, the armed forces managed to advance in the direction of melitopol for 9 km, to tokmak about 18 remain, the battles are now going on in the district villages of verbove and novoprokopivka, the latter being an example. you can see the changes in the russian defense line in recent months, the results of the work of the ukrainian artillery are clearly visible in the autumn satellite photos. last summer we gave the russian army too much a lot of time to work on the defense while we were trying to decide on tanks and what else to provide, and we're still doing that, and i
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think it's a terrible strategic mistake on the part of the administration not to be more assertive about our goal. i think if the president had said that we want ukraine to win, then a lot of things would have been different, but because we don't say that, it gives russia hope that all they need to do is just hold o we expected the counteroffensive to continue about 3-4 months, maybe five, now it seems that the level activity of the ukrainian side, especially when it comes to ground forces, it is limited due to the use of small group tactics, but on the other hand it seems that this will allow the ukrainians to continue the current pace of attacks into the fall and winter, which means that it is difficult to say whether the counteroffensive will fail premature or not. let's see what the situation will be in the next few months and see if there will be a significant decrease in the activity of ukrainian forces during this period.
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undoubtedly, this is a very complex operation. in general, the advancement of the ukrainian army on the south is adequate to the difficulties it faces. this is the opinion of experts of the british royal institute of defense studies. they emphasize. the armed forces lack systems for mine reconnaissance, russia has air superiority, and they also talk about the need to change the approach in the training of ukrainian officers with an emphasis not on academic knowledge, but on real experience of the war in ukraine. we heard many reports from ukraine that the domestic training is not the best, we also heard from the ukrainian side that the training soldiers abroad is too short. in fact, one of the problems is how to create a large enough reserve, how to train these guys without putting them into battle, because as soon as you send them to the front line, they will suffer
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from exhaustion, so on the one hand ukraine needs to train the reserves, and on the other on the other hand, you need to continue to deliver personnel to the front line to cover losses and maintain the current pace of attacks, finding the right balance is very important. if they waited another year or two with tanks, with ammunition, with artillery, then the minefields would already be of such a density that a mine is buried in a mine and then no one will pass there, the very time we gave them to dig in played an important role, they were mined, they poured concrete. got used to storming the territory, without aviation, just minefields, concrete buildings, concrete dugouts, and just
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tanks filled with concrete, but there people were laughing a long time ago, and the 55s are going, echelons, but they no longer have anything to fight, to fight in they have something, well, they don't let them into battle, because it's clear that it's ridiculous there. they simply arranged them as firing points, walled them up, laid them down, a 105 mm gun, i think, well , let’s say it won’t do anything to this tank , but infantry, light armored vehicles, that’s it, it ’s all a gun and it shoots and it hurts a lot, i don't know who can say anything without being here. in general, this is the first thing, let him come, then he will see at what price it all comes, with what difficulties, all the guys come, well, i
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won't say that they are all just heroic, all of them, right, right. the tempo of the ukrainian offensive in the south it may change, but obviously it continues. for the most part, the zsu kept the equipment provided by the west, but using it in minefield conditions, and most importantly, under the constant control of the battlefield by drones, is very problematic, and this is also proven by the russian attacks under the ugledar and recently in the avdiyivka district. these were the realities of donbas, see you soon. attention, an incredible novelty from
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