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tv   [untitled]    November 7, 2023 11:30am-12:01pm EET

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[000:00:00;00] change of treaties, and here i am a little afraid that the ukrainian elites will say, yes, yes , we will now be completely unproblematic members of the eu, unlike poland or hungary, we will do everything so that no one has no suspicions about us, and this again, then on the polish conservatives, in particular for law and justice, or their electorate will be inclined to think that perhaps ... the defense of polish sovereignty against centralization from brussels is that we must block this process and block the eu, i i am afraid of this, there may even be such a thing, maybe, but there is one more moment, which is current, because we are not , well, let's say this, the broad television masses are taken over by life during the war, they may not delve too deeply into the eyes, the winners, the elections to the diet, which
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consist of different parties, and even in this case they should... all together create this government and coalition in the diet, or you yourself said that there is everything from the left spectrum to the conservative right, so where there are dangerous submarines, there are stones and mines that can explode, actually, for example, the ukrainian issue, and, because we, well, i'm talking about confederation, for example, very clear anti-ukrainian statements that they made both during the elections and now after the elections, so i want you to talk about this spectrum that will form the government, whether there are the same dangers there, this is a very good question and importantly, the polish people's party is a party that has support primarily in the villages and primarily in eastern poland, it can be said to be a rival, an opponent of law and justice in those villages, that is, it is just as dependent on the moods of polish farmers
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as the law and justice first, second the matter, i would say so general, is, it is support, support during the war for ukraine, and i would say that there is a chance for ukraine here, but also a risk, the chance is that this government will definitely have better relations with that country , this means that it can have a positive effect on their visions, ways of resolving the russian-ukrainian war, support for ukraine, and this is great, but there may also be, god forbid, that this should not happen, another option, that is, the european mainstream will say what is necessary' to force ukraine to stop the war, to freeze the conflict on the terms that will be inconvenient for ukraine. and then, this government, which will be, i say, more dependent on the sentiments of the mainstream, it will not protest like that, but law and justice, which have already broken a lot of glass there, and will not be bothered by those, those shouts, and they, for example, could protest loudly, as they protested from the beginning of the war against the policies of scholz and macron. that's why
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here. and again, a chance and a risk for ukraine, but i, i would pay attention first of all to the issue of carriers and to the issue of agriculture, if it comes to such technical issues of the european integration process. panic, we have literally three minutes left, i have two questions, so i will ask as succinctly as possible, the first question , you mentioned the germans, who banned poles from working in germany for 13 years, or poland, if, for example, something similar the ban appeared, they have something to cover this labor market, which, this niche, which is now occupied by ukrainians, because we know that there are many workers from ukraine in poland, and besides , when the first immigrants left, the first refugees to poland, we know that most of them did not just stay in poland receiving some kind of social benefits, but found a job and work, that is, they work for the economy of poland after all, this is the first question, please
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be brief and let's move on, i think that poland will not block, poland is interested in...' for these ukrainians to stay, then ukraine should be interested in their return, but poland is interested, so it will not block, we are aware that if the european union expands, it will open, that everything is equal must there is this flow of migrants, this is an inevitable phenomenon and it happened in all countries, so we are just aware of it, another question , actually, we have already touched a little on the topic of transit, now the borders are blocked, they say that by december 3, three borders will be blocked by polish carriers , but actually says that. three transitions, in fact it says that they are ready to block for two months and it is not known whether they will continue there, what they say in warsaw on the subject, whether they are ready somehow to derail this situation, well, in warsaw, one government is de facto leaving, and the second is not yet formed, so these are protests at the worst moment, yes, i think everyone understands one thing, that ukraine cannot function well with blocked borders, that is, blocked
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transit of goods, right? and again, there will be a question of compensation that will be received by these polish carriers, who objectively also have valid claims against the eu, as a compensator, that is, they went the way of the agrarians. to ask brussels for a little more and then they will agree to everything, well, i have such hope, thank you, ms. vukasha, vukasha adamsky, doctor of history, political analyst, deputy director of the yuliyush mirushevsky dialogue center, was with us on the espresso tv channel, but i cannot share the good news while we were talking in the city where anton palych was born, well , that's what he wrote in chekhov's biography, that's what he wrote, i was born in malovka. to another ukrainian city, taganroza, that's how his autobiography begins, in the days of the ukrainian people 's republic, it was ukrainian territory, now it's some kind of rostov region, so there's
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a military airfield there, flowers are blooming on the airfield now and the smell of cotton wool, good news from our artillery and artillery-missile troops, we have to take a break with the good, so you can reflect, enjoy the events in taganrog, donate to the armed forces, support the collection of drones for our scouts, in a few minutes we will come back, we will stay with the topic of european integration, stay with us. i was flying, flying, and the cough stopped me. cough is a symptom of a respiratory disease, so we treat it respiratoryly, we do inhalation. lord's hyal is an inhalant for cough. lordegial is a direct way to expel phlegm. the world is changing, and so is the casserole. there are 15% discounts on templegin at podorozhnyk,
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bam and oskad pharmacies. every day, every hour, every minute we receive a large amount of information. the most anticipated event of the year, what is actually happening at the front, what are the losses of personnel and equipment. on the battlefield, how does the international community evaluate our successes and what is moscow lying about? from the stream of news coming from everywhere, we single out the most important ones. the world is closely watching whether there will be weapons for ukraine and which, and what the russian occupiers whisper about behind the backs of the commanders. news, summaries of the week - this is an overview of only important events, important, reliable events, this is analytics, fact-checking, professional comments. about this and much more today. in the issue, about important things in simple language, available to all viewers. greetings, iryna koval is in the studio, and these are the results of the week on the espresso tv channel. news, summaries of the week, every saturday at 21:00 on
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espresso. espresso celebrates its tenth anniversary in 2023. we are proud to present our new ethereal look. stay tuned for an update espresso, because despite everything, we stay in touch. the information hour on the espresso tv channel continues. our viewers, to whom we are infinitely grateful for their trust, are in touch with you. greetings, dear viewers, this is velikiyter program on the espresso tv channel. espresso is 10 years old, we are developing and improving. well, we go further and talk about magnetic vortices. we are becoming even more dynamic, even more convenient. the information day of the tv channel is in full swing. we are modern design and sound, even more interesting programs and original projects. the occupying garrison was surrounded, cut off from the main forces and destroyed. they will try to answer at dawn.
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our values ​​and ukrainian point of view remain unchanged. the war in ukraine, the main topic for ukrainians: victories and losses, analysis and forecasts, politics and geopolitics. serhii rudenko and the guests of his program will talk about all this: people who have information and shape public opinion, people who defend ukraine and create the future right now, the main and interesting thing in the verdict with serhii rudenko program, from monday to friday, at 20:00, we are back, and as promised, we will continue to talk about ukrainian european integration. and we will talk about it with maria golub, she is in touch with our studio , mrs. maria,
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we welcome you, well, what did we hear about the euro commissioners the day before, the insiders say that the behavior is satisfactory, sit down for five, we start at five with a 1-point scale, because it is contagious, we start european integration, so everything looks rosy. are there any dangers? we, yes, please, ta, ta, we are listening to you, we hear you, or you? you can hear us, i can hear you, i just wanted to immediately react that we are not starting, we are continue our european integration, because it started with us, almost as soon as we got our long-awaited independence, and now we are continuing it and we are really waiting for the historic decisions of this year, mainly they will concern the opening of accession negotiations, we are looking forward, and with such restrained optimism we await the december meeting of the council of the european union, at which
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we actually expect to open these negotiations, but literally tomorrow the european commission will present its report, where we also hope, we have heard all these positive signals, to receive a recommendation from the european commission, which it sent to the member states of the european union, that ukraine is indeed ready to move to this next stage, the official opening of negotiations. and here is the official opening of the negotiations, i don't know how to ask a question in turkish, but it should sound like it, and then these accession negotiations can be conducted a little faster than 50-70 years, that is, the time frame, so i wanted to mention them, how is it in turkish to ask how much the conversation is and how long the introduction itself will last, you can it is necessary, because negotiations are a two-way process and they depend, first, on the existing political will of all parties
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involved in this negotiation process, and secondly, let's not forget about the national interests of ukraine, because negotiations on accession are not only the political component, it's a huge component of the economic negotiations, it's about our entry into the single market of the european union, which operates according to quite, such strict rules, and we have to be... just ready for what we have to for this market join as much as possible with strong positions, as strong economic, trade positions as possible, with sufficiently prepared legislation and with a fairly strong, i would even say, very effectively strong civil service, because at the end of the day, these are the people who will be the first to negotiate with european bureaucrats , officials, and the second - these are the same people who will defend our national interests,
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so you can quickly, you can very quickly, but preferably intelligently. mrs. maria, in june we received an oral report, an oral evaluation of our fellows heavy efforts, regarding the fulfillment of certain requirements of the eu, before this very process of accession, accession negotiations. tomorrow we have. to hear, to see a report on the progress of the candidate, the candidate's ukraine, do you already have any data, do you have information, maybe somewhere from the sidelines about what we will hear, what awaits us , how satisfied we are, not just with words, how well done you are, what you are well done, but actually, yes, how well we do that homework, this report, it is very
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useful and interesting. what will be contained there an assessment of the entire complex of reforms that ukraine has implemented on the way to european integration, and i will remind you that these reforms are related to the labor market to the protection of consumer rights, customs reforms, energy sector reforms, that is, there is and will be an assessment of these seven steps, which we received in june 2022, as a prerequisite for opening negotiations. simple, but separately this will be a huge increase in the entire complex of european integration reforms, and here it is important to say that in fact for us this is a very good signpost, because it will to contain another list of recommendations that, in the opinion of the european union, can and should be improved, this is absolutely normal practice, it will not only apply to ukraine, because this report will contain the same
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assessment of other countries that are knocking on the door of the european union, and, of course, all sources, all informal , let's say, communication messages say that ukraine will be one of the champions in terms of quality and speed of implementation of recommendations, so of course... we are waiting for the official report and we should be ready to the fact that between the official publication of the report and the council, the december council of the european union, we will have time to demonstrate even greater progress, and to transfer the dialogue not only from the level of ukraine to brussels, but also ukraine, plus the key countries of the european union, mrs. maria
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, jew, why did i ask exactly that, mentioning how long turkey has been an associate member and candidate, and this has been going on for decades, or how much we will have to stretch this procedure, because you yourself said: but the european union is not only about common rules trade, legislation, it is also a certain institutionality, and in this case, the report will refer to the harmonization of our legislation, the legislative field, reforms to the european one, but in our country there is very often a big chasm, or rather a canyon, between words and deeds, and in this case, well, eu members , it is about effective state. service, it is about an effective official who plays by the law and by the rules, if he violates them, he flies away with both, we live in other realities, we live in the realities of political and other corruption, where, for example, it is written in the constitution of the parliamentary-presidential a republic, in reality an office-presidential
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republic, where officials become champions because they came in barefoot and retired as a billionaire. preferably to some embassy in some britain or slovenia instead of a prison, these are the realities, and these are the realities, they will somehow take into account now at this stage of our european integration, or they simply have patience in europe and will say, but then they will change the authorities, institutions and practices , then we will really integrate them, let me then divide the answer into two blocks, the first for turkey, this in fact, your so-and-so appeal to the turkish experience was very correct and very relevant. the first point is that the european union always pays attention to what they call fundamentals, that is , fundamental reforms that primarily
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concern the rule of law, democracy , and here, unfortunately, we have to state that turkey is not always the best student in the class, let's say so, moreover, if you look at the social growth and the demand of the society, you can not always see such high numbers there, which demonstrates ukrainian society, that is, we will not see there 80 plus, 805 + those who are in favor of turkey's accession to the european union, at the same time, turkey has perfectly learned to defend its interests precisely in its dialogue with the eu. where it is necessary to advance even our own interests, first of all, in issues related to security policy and in monetary issues, so we can even learn from this in turkey. now the second question, regarding the civil service,
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there were at least three or four attempts in my clear memory to reform our civil service, and these efforts are ongoing, they are not over , i really hope that just... european progress, it will be another catalyst for the reform of the civil service, i will tell you right away that i have enormous respect for many representatives on the civil service, with whom i worked and still continue to work, are people who really believe in their work , especially here, european integration has always been lucky for very professional professional people, they did not come in naked and barefoot, they also left from private sector with very good salaries, such as they received in the private sector or in the business sector, and they demonstrated good results, so it would be very useful for us as a state right now to keep such professionals and specialists there, moreover, to strengthen them and as much as possible
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to increase the number of professionals in the civil service, because if you look , for example, even at the level of remuneration, then we say that...' an official is efficient, that's true, but you have to look, in fact, at what ensures his efficiency, and also, here taking ukraine as a good example and experience from european partners, the fact that we need a very strong civil service, this does not cause anyone surprise, and this is such a public consensus, and a plus, here it is worth mentioning, so looking ahead, if we really we want to speed up our negotiation process, to become a full member of the european union faster, we need to prepare these specialists precisely for the fact that they will already occupy leading positions in the bureaucratic service of the eu, and this is a completely different set of competencies, and this should be done now, preferably starting with university therefore, i really hope that
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this will be the main component of our government training program, and yes, i see that many of these programs are already being launched. while we were talking with you, mrs. maria, our colleagues from cenzurnet, who somehow obtained an internal eurocom document with a report concerning ukraine, made public some of the theses from this document, so the european commission considers four of the seven steps, regarding ukraine's readiness to negotiations on joining the eu, and what is most likely not are satisfied, that is, the further strengthening of the fight against corruption is not considered complete, yes, yes, yermak says there that he is very surprised, as if everything is okay with us, because corruption exists in the whole world, but nevertheless, with bruce they say, keep working, i i also wanted to ask you something else, uh, i remember the period when
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a large number of central and eastern european countries joined the eu 20 years ago, and how much effort they put into tightening their legislation, realities and conditions life, in particular to those standards that prevail in the eu. and even now, i understand that when we talk about the european union , for many people, such a standard is level roads, lighting even in the darkest villages, dispensaries with not peeling walls and cold, uncomfortable hospitals with normal beds, i am talking about corruption of course i'm silent, after all, we saw this in poland and romania and in other countries that joined the eu earlier, in our country... it's difficult, yes, there are certain changes, but it's also difficult, and about the level i generally talk about life, because i don't talk, because
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part of the pensioners, when they go to the store, there they look at the price, for example, i don’t know, halvah is uah 150 per kilogram, oh no, i can’t afford those 300 g, they probably don’t talk about these standards in the eu, do we have to tighten and raise these things, officially and unofficially , but also the real livelihood... and the possibilities of people? i will then try to answer this question as comprehensively as possible. the first moment - the reforms that we have three minutes, try to enter then, then i then i very quickly, very quickly and the main components. first, the reforms that are needed for european integration, they are not are completed, even when the country joins the european union, because eu law and the rules by which the union functions, they are such a living matter that is constantly changing, constantly improving, and for example,
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if i look at the legislative changes that are currently are debated at the level of the european parliament, the european commission, i want to tell you that, for example, not all countries agree very quickly, so that new legislation, progressive, sometimes legislation proposed from brussels, does not always receive the maximum positive feedback from countries, especially countries such as eastern europe, is the first point. the second point regarding the standards, well, these things are very interconnected, because the standard of living of people is always the same, it is determined by the level of economic stability, economic prosperity of the country, so here our european integration is also, i really hope, it will become the next argument, to raise the standard of living, to raise the level of the economy. capacity, we have a lot of trading opportunities, we have a huge economic potential, which we actually have investment potential
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a potential that we haven't even started to use yet, that's why i still look with such great optimism at the reconstruction process of ukraine as well. and the last thing i want to say about, you know, let's at least, at the end, praise ourselves a little bit, of course we have a lot to learn from the european union, the european union has a lot to learn from us, and first of all it concerns, for example, the sphere services, and even the field of medical care, you may have heard a lot of feedback from ukrainians who are now returning to ukraine, they say that our medical system, of course, needs reforms, but the european one is not simpler, that's for sure, that's why this is such a two-way process, where we will learn from the eu, and they will learn something about us, i think, this is quite correct approach. thank you, mrs. maria, you know how to say, and yes
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, you still need to work and praise. maria golub , an expert on european integration... bilateral relations between ukraine and the eu, was with us, roman and i are also saying goodbye to you at this moment, have a peaceful and safe day, see you tomorrow, i will stay with espresso, because there will be a lot more interesting and important , see you, why am i here, i have sensitive teeth, eating ice cream - pain, cold air - pain, sweets - pain, the dentist prescribed lacalot sensitive. which effectively reduces the sensitivity of the teeth, if i had known lacal sensitive earlier, i would not have had to come here at all. lacalot sensitive - reliable protection against pain, sprained back, or joint pain. flomides gel quickly reduces inflammation and treats pain. for pain in the back and joints flamides. the story of the new yorkers girlfriends, continues on megogo. turn on the new
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chapter of the adventures of carrie, miranda and charlotte and just like that. hbo ukrainian megodog subscription has a 15% discount on karsil in travel stores and savings pharmacies. there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. we are engaged in propaganda. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become countering russian information attacks in the chronicles of information war project with olga ley. on monday, tuesday, thursday at 17:15 on the espresso tv channel. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live
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kanikadze drone attacks. political analytics. objectively and substantively, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. shot, liberty life is frank and unbiased. you draw your own conclusions. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about. two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the national bank of ukraine
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presented new coins with denominations of uah 1, 5, and 10 . 4g is already in ukraine. as of today , ukrainian mobile operators have launched fourth-generation communications. so far, it has worked in the largest cities. the escalation of the situation in the kenshytsky strait began this morning. near morning the border ship don rammed the ukrainian raid boxer in the waters of the black sea. later in the evening it became known that three ukrainian ships were captured by special forces of the russian federation, the unification council, which was negotiated for several hours , formed a new ukrainian orthodox church and elected metropolitan epiphanius of pereyaslavskyi and bylotserkivskyi to the post
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of presbyter. we summarize the informational morning in ukraine, on the air of news, khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. ukraine fulfilled four out of seven requirements for negotiations on accession to the european union. this assessment was given by the european commission. in the corresponding report , it was noted that ukraine has successfully implemented the legislation on the selection of judges of the constitutional court of ukraine, completed the integrity check. candidates for members of the supreme council of justice and created a higher qualification commission for judges, as well as approved a strategic plan for reforming the entire law enforcement sector and carried out a reform of the media industry. at the same time, the european commission provided recommendations for further implementation of the other three requirements. the condition of the 13-year-old son of the deceased assistant


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