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tv   [untitled]    November 7, 2023 7:00pm-7:30pm EET

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the military's security and technology expert, and we expect these developments, which are now desperately needed on the battlefield, to go into mass production in the near future based on what the military wants to do after this testing. these were the main military results of this day, and then more international and economic news in the news edition of vasyl zima. well, thank you. thanks to his guests, these were the military results of the day, and then the second hour of the great ether, the world during the war, money with oleksandr morshchevka, cultural news from lina chechenino, and the weather from natalka didenko, this is what awaits you in the next hour, and now i will tell you in detail about the most important news as of this hour. about 100 children remain in dangerous communities of kharkiv oblast, the main reason is that people do not want to leave their homes, however, explanatory conversations are held with them every day. told about it.
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the head of the region, olek sinihu, managed to evacuate 190 minors, all of whom are provided with temporary housing if necessary. the vast majority wants to stay in the region, so they are resettled in kharkiv or in safer communities, people are also offered temporary housing in poltava oblast, zhytomyr oblast, and rivne oblast. let me remind you that at the end of october, the forced evacuation of children was announced from 66 settlements in the kharkiv region. the pitfalls of smart mobilization in ukraine are outdated legislation, the digital project on military service may fail earlier in the ministry of digital and defense, announced the pilot project of smart mobilization, which will allow citizens to independently choose the specialization of military service, a lawyer in reception of the ukrainian geltsin union for human rights, roman likhachev explains that before starting the reform, it is necessary to clearly write down the list of criteria for the selection of recruits and guarantees of service in this or that position and in the unit. therefore, of course.
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five f-16 fighter jets were sent by the netherlands to romania for the training of ukrainian pilots, this is stated in the statement of the ministry of defense of the kingdom, the planes are intended for the training of not only ukrainian, but also romanian pilots. at the same time, the fighters remain the property of the kingdom of the netherlands, in the ministry of defense reminded that, together with denmark and with the support of the usa, the netherlands is responsible for coordinating european efforts to provide ukraine with f-16 fighter jets. there are so many of them that there is already a lack of space, due to the large number of russian prisoners in ukraine , an additional camp will be opened, in parallel with this work is underway to prepare for the launch of another camp, reports the state project i want to live. the conditions of detention of the russians will meet all the requirements of the norms of international humanitarian law, they will be provided with medical assistance, three meals a day, contact with relatives, as well as constant access by representatives of the international committee of the red cross. the camp itself is located in a deep valley.
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only this is stipulated by the geneva conventions. the increase in the number of russian prisoners of war is related to the situation at the front and the blocking of the exchange of prisoners by the aggressor country. and before the scandal, dmytro lubinets called on the national police, the security service of ukraine and the national council for television and radio broadcasting to respond to the information in relation to the statements of linguist and former intelligence officer iryna farion about the russian language. the human rights commissioner of the military called the accusations against the defenders, who communicate in the languages ​​of national minorities, oppression and discrimination. the ombudsman noted that ukraine is protected by men and women from different groups of society, different national communities. ukraine has not received official demands from the polish carriers that blocked the movement of trucks at the border, the ministry of infrastructure of ukraine reported. currently, according to the data of the state border service. the polish side is not
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accepts trucks from ukraine passing through the berry checkpoint. at the same time , traffic will pass through the krakiwiec and ravoruska checkpoints, as of yesterday, polish carriers have started blocking the movement of freight transport from poland to ukraine. the organizers of the protest promised to allow only humanitarian and military aid to our country. and in ukraine, a new species of covid was recorded, it was named arcturus, it is higher. the omicron strain was discovered in the duban district of the rivne region, the head of the region, vitaliy koval, said. the disease causes patients have high fever, cough, sore throat and muscle weakness, as well as a new symptom of itchy conjunctiva. the strain has a slightly increased level of infectivity, so of course you should protect yourself as much as possible, increase your immunity, and if there is a vaccination that you can use, then you can use it, i don’t know if there are vaccines against this new strain of covid, well, i think, ukrainians
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how many times have you been sick with covid, that it is possible that a certain immunity in the body, in the blood of people has been knocked out. help from partners. construction ukraine will receive another 250 million euros from of the european union, the relevant agreement was approved at a meeting of the cabinet of ministers of ukraine. the money will be used to restore damaged objects, in particular, to rebuild bridges, crossings, schools, children's homes, hospitals, residential buildings, as well as to support ukrainian farmers. international partners also help ukraine prepare for winter. the energy support fund of ukraine together with the already announced contributions. exceeded €300 million. among the leaders of support for the european union are germany, sweden, the united states, and great britain. with these funds, we buy transformers, turbines, connectors, equipment for trunk networks and much more. i am sure that the solidarity of the world will help us successfully pass the winter and
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restore ukraine. 43 domestic and international companies have already presented their initiatives that can be used to rebuild our country. president. equipment for dismantling and waste management from destruction, as well as energy-saving technologies and equipment for alternative power supply. international partners and more than 400 representatives of ukrainian communities were involved in the exhibition the forum will continue in the capital tomorrow. we have melitopol, zaporizhzhia, donetsk, luhansk, all of them are in ruins, we need special equipment to build and dismantle rubble, then this law of ukraine came out on july 9, it entered into force, and communities must understand what to do with waste from the destruction, this is equipment, construction equipment, equipment for dismantling, these are excavators, excavators that have
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directions, excavators, destroyers, here, devices, crushers that crush, process construction waste. residents of kalmazovo, that on in the kirovohrad region, they renovated a canteen that was not working and organized a volunteer center there. it all started with the weaving of camouflage nets, so the community was called the kalmaz spiders. our journalists got to know the tireless helpers of the army, they will tell more. about three hundred people live in the village of kalmazove of the vilchan community. most are pensioners. when the great war began, people began to rally to help the military. first aid was sent to the inn, where heavy fighting was taking place. the whole village came together and who could offer what he could, he slaughtered a bull
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, he brought three pigs, in general, it turned out that the boys gave three pigs and a bull , and here we all gathered in the village, for the first time we even sawed firewood, because we had to do something , and probably four tones, that's what they did then, that. we had the first one like that, and then of course it went little by little, little by little, everyone gathers in the premises of the former school canteen three times a week, repairs were done here by almost the whole village, now in the volunteer center they weave camouflage nets, sew pillows into sleeping bags and for wounded in the hospital, knit socks, prepare sweets, even sleep, let's get up early and sleep here so that our grandchildren and children will live and not see, saying, vegetables are grown by the residents of the community themselves, fish are caught in the local river, lard and m the food is donated by benefactors, there is no gas in the village, so it is mainly cooked on the stove or in autoclaves, the taste is said to be unsurpassed. the defender's father, serhiy chikryzhov, makes porridge in the kalmaz style.
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it will be pea porridge with meat, you see, we put it here, close it, and that's it, 3.5 hours and it's ready. volunteers ache for all ukrainians defenders, and some of them have relatives at the front. vera serhiivna is waiting for two relatives from the war at once. my son-in-law, my daughter's husband, he is currently in the kharkiv region , the grandson was in the zaporizhia region, he was concussed, wounded, and he was treated there, the son-in-law is also concussed, in hospitals all the time. they will only send him to it, and there it is the same mess that there are five hospitals, now he is in a hospital in kharkiv, and this one is fighting, guys, what are you going to do, you have to protect someone, the activists called the community the kalmaz spiders, on
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the honor of our native village and through hundreds of meters of woven nets, well, that's how we weaved here, that's what we decided, we heard that someone had a name like that, and we decided to be spiders, it suits us, because we make such patterns, like spiders, how many aid was transferred to the front, spiders cannot measure it. they say that they would not have been able to cope without the support of their compatriots, they promise to help the defenders until victory. we are waiting for this victory and in order to be able to do more, we would do even more, we do everything we can, we take on our favorite work, with kropyvnytskyi for tv channel. classy ukrainian people , their children, husbands, bring victory closer, beat the enemy, they help the army, this should be the case throughout the country, in all layers of society, then this victory will become... faster and much closer, so i once again let me remind you, join the gathering announced by the espresso tv channel, and we are also
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trying to help our army in whatever way we can with your direct help, well , when you see the screenshot on the screen of our gathering, then of course join, please well, now we are joining yuri fizer's conversation about what happened in the world today, and a lot of interesting things happened there, let's watch and listen together, greetings to all viewers of the tv channel, my name is yuri fizer, and of course, it's time for the column world about ukraine, as vasyl said, a lot of interesting things happened, in the end there were not interesting moments for ukraine, but there are more interesting things, let's start , in particular today i will talk about such a thing, a winter umbrella for ukraine, the american republicans told under what conditions they would agree to provide assistance to ukraine, actually unlock it, why donald trump doesn't want to go to ukraine, i'm starting to talk about this and
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that right now, and i'm starting with this: the russian war in ukraine and the war in israel, these two topics will be the main ones, after all they are already the main ones, on the meeting of the foreign ministers of the g7 countries, the group of seven, which we still know as the big seven, this meeting will take place for two days in the capital of japan , tokyo. it is not yet known whether a joint statement will be published following the results of this meeting, as there is some disagreement between the participants regarding their common position regarding the war in israel, however , sources of various world news agencies report that the heads of foreign policy departments of the g7 member countries will declare the need for further support to ukraine.
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well, after the first day of the meeting, the secretary of state of the united states of america, anthony blinken, said that this meeting is an important moment for the seven, in order to show the whole world about the coherence that reigns within it, he said this after the meeting with prem the prime minister of the country of the sun, that comes to japan, fumio kissida, according to the head of the american foreign policy department, the minister... should seriously discuss a number of serious issues. well, at this very moment , some people in the world are carefully watching how we continue to support ukraine, but be sure that the support for ukraine will not go anywhere and will continue. german foreign minister anna lena berbo said this on the sidelines of the group of seven summit in the capital of japan, tokyo. she emphasized that during the meeting with colleagues, this is exactly what it was all about
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will say a lot, and added, her quote: we are also preparing here together as g7 for our coordination to create a winter protective umbrella for ukraine. well , lately, as you noticed, a lot is being said about this winter protective umbrella, and we really need it, considering how many there are. apparently they are preparing in orkostan in order to launch them later on the energy facilities of the critical energy infrastructure in ukraine during the winter cold, so i really hope, in the end all ukrainians hope that the leaders of the g7 countries, in the end the leaders all the countries of the civilized world will find ways to help ukraine as soon as possible, and by the way, the minister of foreign affairs of germany , anna alena berbak, also stated that the cessation of aid and support to ukraine
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will continue to lead to terrible consequences for ukraine and europe , ms. anna lena, burbok understands this, i would like it to be understood also in the neighboring, some neighboring countries. but the official bucharest, this is the capital of romania , will continue to help ukraine and support us, as long as it is necessary for of our victory in the confrontation with russian aggression, despite the fatigue from this war, which can now be seen in some european countries. he said about it the day before. during a meeting with journalists, the prime minister of romania, marchal čolaku, at the same time, his government's aid to ukraine will continue to be multifaceted, and he further explained what this means, that is, not only humanitarian, and that this aid will not be affected by the war in the near future in the east, says mr. prime minister. according to the head of the romanian government, the war is in israel will end sooner than, further his quote:
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the war next door to romania, this is the end of the quote. so he continued. chelchol ukraine needs to be helped to victory and explained: we listen to him in direct language. romania will continue to help ukraine, despite the political costs. these political costs are less important than the precedent a russian victory would set. can you imagine how many putin-like politicians we will get among european populists in this case? and indeed they can... appear very, very many, therefore, in romania they understand how important support for ukraine is, in romania they understand, but in a country that is not very far from romania, in slovakia, it seems that they understand it, but not completely, slovakia will not support the provision of military assistance by the european union aid to ukraine, and this despite the fact
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that the european union always declares such support with such a statement. prime minister of slovakia robert fico spoke. he emphasized that at the summit held at the end of october in brussels, this is the summit of the european union, about no no decisions were made regarding military aid to ukraine. according to the prime minister , the european union only declared that they want to provide military and other support to ukraine. in bratislava, he says , he agrees to provide humanitarian aid, but no military aid, robert fitso said and added, what exactly, we are listening to in his direct language. i repeat for the thousandth time, we will not provide ukraine with state military aid, no weapons, no ammunition. this right is given to us by european rules, according to which military aid to ukraine is a bilateral subject cooperation, and this involves
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the country's voluntary decision to send weapons to ukraine. well, somehow he affirmed. i repeat for the thousandth time, after all, for example, the prime minister of estonia, kaia kalas, a thousand times, and maybe more, i repeat that if we do not help ukraine to win this war with the aggressor, the russian aggressor, then this war can go further to europe, they talked about it a thousand times, for example in lithuania, latvia, poland, why in slovakia, after all , they talked about it in slovakia before the time he came to lead slovak government. robert fico said the same thing, it's a pity that he doesn't understand it, this is the rise of populists, which the prime minister of romania spoke about, it's for ukraine and for our situation, now it's a little bad, if not very bad, but official ankara
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is ready to organize peace talks between ukraine and russia, the minister of foreign affairs of turkey, kan fidan, said during the negotiations with his belarusian colleague serhiy aleynnik: he did not call the war in ukraine a russian one, but he emphasized that it has negative consequences both on both regionally and globally. therefore, the turkish minister says, it is necessary, that is , to end the war as soon as possible on the basis of international law, and then a short quote by mr. hakan fidan. turkey. will continue to do everything possible to establish peace and is ready to hold negotiations if the appropriate political will is formed between the parties, this uh, this phrase, the appropriate political will, you don't think it smells of any such russian narratives, but we are ready, just someone there
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probably not ready in ukraine, even in the end does not smell, but in my opinion. even reeks of these russian narratives, and a completely different opinion regarding the negotiations was heard today in vienna. i think we all agree that peace can only be achieved by sitting down at the negotiating table, but we have not yet reached that point. yes, about the possibility, or rather, about the impossibility of peace negotiations between ukraine and russia, the minister of foreign affairs of austria, alexander shallenberg, said today during a press conference with his czech colleague jan lipavsky, minister shallenberg also praised the initiative of turkey and even belarus, which repeatedly called on ukraine and russia to join. negotiations and added, quote, but without ukraine there can be no negotiations regarding ukraine, any negotiations need two sides, until they
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come to this, there is a lack of trust in the region, after all, what are the right words, we do not have trust in our , to the great regret of the russian neighbor, to the neighbor who attacked us more than a year and a half ago and to sit down from the negotiating table, now on what terms, on those that he puts forward, well, it is somehow not serious, and it is interesting that during this meeting, a different opinion was heard from the minister of foreign affairs of the czech republic, jaan lipavsky, that he said that negotiations are possible only after ukraine gains victories on the front, and for this we need to help, continue to help ukraine, weapons to ukraine, well , that's it, the completion of a wall on the border... with mexico in exchange for unblocking money for ukraine. republicans in the us senate, and that is , in the upper house of congress, voiced the condition under
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which they support the provision of the current, submission the current president, democrat joe biden, regarding the allocation of funds to support ukraine. this was said by the leader of the senate republicans, mitch mcconnell, their demands to the administration of the white house, in particular, include the resumption of the construction of the wall in some areas. the us-mexico border, limiting the possibility of visa-free entry to the us on humanitarian grounds and strengthening the conditions for submitting applications for asylum. a short quote from mr. mcconnell mcconnell follows. we don't want to miss an opportunity to solve one of our problems when it doesn't will cause significant costs. and by the way, i must frankly say that mitch mccone is one of those republicans who support the provision of aid to ukraine, so we will see how the case will go in the senate regarding this
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submission, which is a bill that was passed in the lower house , in the house of representatives about the fact that we are helping israel, but we will not help ukraine yet, let's see, and the head of the pentagon, lloyd austin, the secretary of the treasury of the united states of america janet yellen and the secretary of state of the united states of america, anthony blinken sent an open letter to congress and in this letter they do not even ask, but demand from the americans.
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we'll stay in touch anyway. the information hour on the espresso tv channel continues. our viewers, to whom we are infinitely grateful for their trust, are in touch with you. greetings, dear viewers, this is the big ether program on the espresso channel. espresso is 10 years old, we are developing and improving. well, we go further and talk about magnetic vores. we are becoming even more dynamic, even more convenient. the information day of the tv channel is in full swing. we are modern design and sound. even more. the garrison of the occupiers was surrounded, cut off from the main forces and destroyed, they will try, they will make a comeback, our values ​​and ukrainian point of view remain unchanged. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. news from
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the scene, live. drones, political analysis, objectively and meaningfully, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front, a shot, svoboda live frankly and impartially, you draw your own conclusions. war in ukraine, the main topic for ukrainians, victories and losses, analysis and forecast. politics and geopolitics, serhiy rudenko and the guests of his program will talk about all this. people who have information and shape public opinion. people who defend ukraine and create the future right now. the main and interesting thing is in the program verdict by serhiy rudenko, from monday to friday, at 20:00. good evening, we are from ukraine. let's go back, this
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big ater continues. i attract money during the war to oleksandr morchavko's conversation, oleksandr, congratulations, please, congratulations viewers, congratulations to vasyl, in the next few minutes i will talk about international aid, as well as what is happening with the blocking of ukrainian trucks on the polish border, about this in detail in a moment. i'm oleksandr morchyka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war, i'll start with an important figure, that is , ukraine's international reserves as of the first. in november amounted to 38 billion 973 million dollars, however , this is almost 2% less than the previous month, the national bank reported . needs, of course, sold currency on the interbank market, as well as through debt payments of our state. at the same time, both of these factors are largely compensated by revenues from international partners. well
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, vasyl, revenues are really very important, especially when the ministry of finance notes that without money from the united states and the european union, there will be a huge hole in the budget. well, we sent yuriy talking, and now i read this information that biden, joe biden, the president of the united states, is asking congress to approve the allocation of aid to ukraine at the level of 12 billion dollars, well and as for aid, why is it important, because , for example, a simple, simple example , the military budget of russia is twice as large as the military budget of ukraine. this is not a budget for the whole, it is specifically a budget for the army, which is commensurate with ours, in terms of the number of people , in fact, it will have two to 2.5 times more money, so the issue of aid is critical, in fact, aid is really important and from philanthropists, in particular the soros foundation, currently headed by oleksandr soros jr., plans to implement new projects in ukraine, they are related to the support of ukrainians during a full-scale war, among the priorities that were discussed with our government are the recovery of the economy, support of the social
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sphere, a program to help small and medium-sized businesses, in particular veterans. the head of the cabinet of ministers, denys shmyl , also called cooperation with the soros foundation in demining ukraine in energy and logistics as promising. but germany provided ukraine with 7,000 euros to restore the internet in the liberated territories. the ministry of digitization and the government of germany are launching grants for ukrainians telecom companies. deputy prime minister mykhailo fedorov informed about this. funds can be spent on the region. and materials, payment of electricity bills, rent, payments for the maintenance of all networks and salaries are also required, the application can be submitted until november 30. well, the head of the recovery agency, mustafa nayem, said that ukraine has no intention of even discussing the main demands of polish carriers, which is already the second day of the block.


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