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tv   [untitled]    November 12, 2023 6:30pm-6:54pm EET

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exactly what russia was doing, here exactly russia needs in-depth complete information or some compiled data, seized, as you know, bait for fish and carried it over the whole situation, according to all programs, russia for this calculation. thank you very much, mykola malomush, general of the army of ukraine, head of the foreign intelligence service of ukraine was with us from the 5th to the 10th years, yes, indeed, this chervinsky is now a real james bond and simply even in james bond films, he is everything still goes to the management and receives a task from him, i just thought, how autonomous they are, ukrainian spies, and i thought that, well, it is unlikely that there is such an intelligence service somewhere that could figure out what to do on its own, but let's blow something up there, and there we will overrun something, and there we will recruit someone, i think that all this requires a strategic vision, not just a narrow one.
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well, that's why i would always like something too, although it's nice, maybe it's really time to pray, political expert , lawyer, public activist, contact us, good health, mr. andriy, good evening, and how do you rate the appearance in the information space of the world of the new ukrainian james bond called mr. chervinskyi, i don't know, i don't really believe him for some reason, as they say in this article, well, these are my personal feelings, check... we can't really do that, in fact, you are right they said, when we can learn less about that, well, of course, if we want to amuse ourselves there with our own self-love, we can well say that we are really so strong that we did such, such, such a bad thing for the rashists, well, that's the way it is , to put it mildly, to joke a little, but i say once again, it's hard for me to rate, to be honest.
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the falsity or partial truth of this article, and indeed they did not work against us, i always look at what will be the actual reaction of the international community to this, how events will actually develop further and whether it is beneficial for us, if, for example, here such things that are thrown in or not thrown in, i say once again, this is another issue, the information space, if they are not in our hands, then i will definitely not like it. because i will understand that, relatively speaking, they can to blame for something, for what, on the electorate, yes, that is, if it will not work against us informationally, well , well, mr. andriy, look, i just listened to the so-called liberal russians there today, and they are seriously discussing the fact that industrious, if he has a weak position, that crimea is in ukraine.
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which means elections should be held, well, no need, if, that a hard-working person can become, no, not the commander-in-chief, but the supreme commander-in-chief, that is, correctly, i understand that these are all throwaways of some russian beautiful people who constantly want to break something, disrupt something in ukrainian stability, well, very often the good-looking russians, who at the beginning pretended to be so good there, have become typical russians, so you know, i deliberately work out exactly the summons that is needed for the kremlin, you know, the light agenda, not putin's, as it were, anti-putin's, but actually, working on those things that very often can lead to a split within our country, informational, yes, and including abroad, so that demonstrate, well, that's it
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look there, that's why when they start to discuss actually these underminings of the northerners, then they will discuss it like this, if we are talking about mr. lazuzhny there, again, but listen, as far as i understand, there are no elections and there will not be, well, at least there for the next few months four or five, we are expecting a rather difficult winter, we can see that we were expecting quite a bit, in principle, a difficult autumn continues, too, let's be honest, we can see from the situation at the front, peace... that winter is, in principle , difficult a priori, because there may be shelling, they may there may be blackouts, there may be an aggravation on the front, and in the end, the socio-political situation here is also not the same as it was there at least a year ago, so let's talk now about the elections, about arestovych or not about arestovych, or about the hard worker, who will be there president, if there are no elections now, if in principle it is clear, as far as i understand, we are not talking about some 30... speak, in the end, after
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we have figured out that there will no longer be elections, then the question is who they work for and why do they do it, for the sake of some hype of their own, for the sake of some kind of pr, for the sake of some kind of...views, points, or what, and i say again, if we come back to this discussion, there is a fraudulent election, this context from the point of view of some experts or good, bad russians and so on , well, they are rushing, well, why listen to them, the next four or five months, and then we will discuss something there, because now it is, on the contrary , dangerous to discuss, but really, when inside the country they start... there throw at the industrious, some kind of informational waves begin to take place there, when there are some individual deputies, when some experts start to publish their articles against the scumbag, i don't like it the most, such established people don't
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think about war, but people start thinking about some imposed political battles, we must put this aside for now, good man, mr. andriy, why do they peck, well, if we follow your logic, then this means, what does it mean, somewhere in moscow there or near moscow, some people are throwing some, or to prohibit, well, after all, freedom of speech even during the war, there must be something, it’s just that i’m interested in the psychology of those people who peck at all this, and if later you and i start discussing it, not because the washington post somewhere wrote it, but because here they start deputies of different levels discuss this, well, indeed, there should be freedom of speech, of course, this is not permissiveness, but it is customary, they recovered after the 22nd year,
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when they really began to decline in terms of information, and in the 23rd year we see that their information propaganda machine, it woke up. and she started as much as possible to generate again what they were best at, beatings, throwing, informational fakes, and worst of all, what they very often began to activate, including the internal ukrainian, so-called agents, such and such people, medvechukiv channels, all kinds there, all kinds of politicians who flocked to vienna or not to vienna, all kinds of former advisers and so on, who also for some reason started saying some things that are very similar to things that are promoted by russian propaganda, and all kinds of other things like that throw away, i see a lot of them on the internet, there is an opener, you open a telegram there, through all kinds of anonymous pages, something is thrown in that they felt
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such a taste of elections, they still understand that at first there were hopes that maybe elections would be held somewhere there in the month of march. and secondly, we still have to understand that most likely in the 24th year , probably in the second half, somewhere in the fall, the election is still in the minds of technologists, it exists not only in party technologists, but maybe and the party and perhaps the technologists of power, that is, people who still understand that elections must be held, and presidential elections must be held, and perhaps in the future parliamentary elections must be held, and this is where our traditional ukrainian trouble begins, when we start quarreling with each other, when we are thrown not only, and i say once again from the kremlin, including politicians, technologists, political forces, various things that
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can, relatively speaking, divide the country and segment the electorate, and of course ukrainians traditionally peck at this, because we have four ge for every three ukrainians. and this is our trouble, with which we cannot fight in any way. well, but this is an important question. well, any sane person understands that elections are not held during war. then what is the calculation of those not benevolent people who still push this agenda or this item on the agenda, and which cannot be, because it can never be, as he wrote, as he quoted. his mr. yanukovych, the poet chekhov, here i am saying, the question is, it is true that elections are impossible now, but we cannot predict what will happen there, relatively speaking, in a year, yes, that it will be there even
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in eight months, someone thinks that it is possible they have the opportunity to hold these elections, some believe that it is possible that they will be held, some may have fantasized that the war there will stop in the summer, well, in what form, that is another question, some may be thinking of finding some legal mechanisms, how can we still hold elections there, stop martial law for one day or two days , everyone goes, if there are such rumors, if everyone understands that those elections will take place one day anyway, and we need to remind ourselves, many have already been forgotten and voters, yes, to remind too it is necessary, and again, to feed, by the way, let's not forget one more detail , we talked about the difficult autumn and difficult winter, we see that there is a lot of news, unfortunately, including negative ones, that is, they
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thrown in through the international press, we see, by the way, and including, such not entirely pleasant things from the front of the message, yes, and this, too, to a different extent , can be a certain diversionary maneuver so that society is distracted, society discusses something else, society between quarreled, discussed, but...' drew attention to the key thing , and it could also be a certain technology, i wouldn't rule it out, but i say once again, if we are talking about russian propaganda, if we are talking about russian emissions, then this is not about freedom words, it is definitely necessary to strengthen responsibility here, and if there are citizens of ukraine who are sitting, whether here in kyiv or not only in kyiv, throwing things that, relatively speaking, shake the society, i... believe that it is necessary to react to this, if there is of the international agenda, sorry, mr. andriy, let's go to what will happen
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next week, as i understand it, next week everyone is expecting a meeting, president biden and president xi jinping of the people's republic of china, and what do you expect, how much do you follow what 's going on there, and what can you expect... in ukraine, as far as here, the ukrainian issue can be important and how much xi jinping can be convinced, well, i would say, he does not support russia that much, but for him to support even less than he does now, let's say this, xi jinping is pining , but putin has a certain tacit consent to my politics, yes, as for the meeting, well, i don't have much. there are some expectations regarding it, the fact that the meeting is needed and that it will take place is already a very
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good fact, and it is already good, why is it good, because after all, we see that various conflicts are arising on the world stage, they are flaring up the united states of america on spheres of influence, this is actually its position, and this is actually the doctrine of the people's republic of china, which they are implementing . during the last, well, at least 10 years, that's for sure, and those provocations and politics, promotion of certain theses, ideas, support of certain states from the so-called so-called axis of evil, as some experts, and whether it will be so, i do not think that biden is ready to go to divide the world, whether he likes it, xi jinping, also a big question, i don’t think, but some technical
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points, they can really discuss, at least , there can be discussed to some extent informal support from china, some states in the middle east, now number one, support for hamas, there hezbollah and others terrorist organizations, on the part of states and on the part of powerful spheres. influence in the middle east. if we return to ukraine, then, even what i have already said, about the possible division of spheres of influence, about the possible discussion of china's influence on certain states, this already directly affects ukraine, even if, even if the name of our state is a question , and biden will ask, will demand from all of jinping that he, at least, at least on the backstage signs, stop supporting russia, at least at least adhere
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to neutrality. like i said, yes they do formally observe neutrality now, but in reality through their proxies through north korea, through iran, which, or russia, third countries that supply russia with goods of double importance, so-called goods for the military-industrial sector. of the russian complex, this can be one of the key conversations as well, because we have seen how russia calmly bypasses sanctions, calmly restores its potential, calmly produces missiles, and even more increases the production of all this, and i am more than convinced, of the people's republic of china and the leadership actually china, and that will also probably be one of the topics of conversation, whether something will come out of this, whether they will be able to come to an agreement, as they say, i don't think
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100%, i don't think even 60-70% will succeed.. . to discuss and agree on all, as they say, important points, but at least some point of supply holes to russia of these goods of double importance, these things may be at least, as they say, started for discussion, i emphasize once again, it already seems positive to me that that there will be such a meeting, because before this, in fact... such a state of cold war, as between china and the united states, which, which is, we would like to thank andrii smoly, a political expert, lawyer and public activist, thank you, mr. andrii, for joining our program on sunday, all such a feat, well, we will move to israel now, of course, but
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i will say a few words from myself , i don't have the impression that china plays any significant role, we, we cannot imagine him calling china directly, ordering something there, saying something there, after all , this is international relations, russia could allow until recently to call and directly something to point out, all the rest, even big countries, they always hinted so subtly about the desirability, that's why in my words, well, as always in china, china is always very active in words. and indeed putin goes there and xi jinping goes to moscow, but i see in concrete terms, although it is unpleasant to hear the words, that there is an alliance between russia and china, although from the third side or from the fourth side, china does not know how, it does not have experience of companionship, china always remained china, yes, the middle empire,
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that is, something in the middle of the world, all the rest, well, with who to talk to, when i am such a big chinese country, and i will not talk to anyone, in this program, if arkady milman appeared, did not appear, we will just talk about israel, about what is happening in the gas sector, let's talk, as i understand it, about what you know, father, all the scaremongers that i see, i just looked at the behavior of the islamic republic of iran yesterday or the day before and came to the conclusion that we are exaggerating a little here too, here we cry wolves-wolves. iran for the last many, many years did not start a war, anywhere. he has supporters, friends in yemen, in lebanon, somewhere
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else, apparently, whom he instructs to do some bad things, but iran is nowhere on its own. did not do anything, it is striking some possibility of a nuclear component, i.e. also means of delivery , i.e. missiles, i.e. carriers and nuclear charges themselves, it is not known what they have there, what they don’t have, but maybe he is waiting for it to become a truly nuclear state , although in fact iran has no experience of starting a war, iran waged a major war with iraq, but then it did not attack, on he was attacked, iran already defended itself as best as it could, and since then there have been provocations , yes, shoot something somewhere, shoot something down, ban something, there is the strait of mormud, that’s it, but there has never been a big war, and i was never the founder of this war , iran, well, anyway, the jewish
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state, well, is constantly suspicious, and it is clear why it is suspicious. suspects iran because the destruction of the state of israel, that is , well, this is the story, that is, it is written in the constitution of ukraine, we will join the european community and the north atlantic military alliance, that is it is written in the constitution, it must be followed, similarly in iran, the constitution states that the state of israel must not exist, and therefore we will fight with all our might for the state of israel. ah, and what is interesting, you can drink alcoholic beverages, no way, nowhere , no, not for foreigners, no, but for jews and armenians, because there is such an ivermen minority there and they can sit and drink there, i don’t know beer , well, what do they want there, that's why this moment is very interesting, that the state of israel has no right to
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exist, but the jews in iran have the right to existence, although if you were in israel, your passport says that you saw who you talked with, that is, a big, big, big story, i had several foreign passports just because of that. therefore, i was in israel and in iran and simply showed a different passport in each country. i ask with your permission, do we have a connection with israel? and we are fixing, i have to inform the general public that we have it, we can hear it, and there is absolutely no point in a taco, in such a conversation, because we want it, despite ... that it television, but we still need to hear what our interlocutor is saying, because then we will understand what is happening in
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israel, a lot is happening in israel, we do not know about it now, because we see that there is no connection , and there is no connection, it is also self-explanatory how it happens on the connection , no one can understand, well, we will definitely discuss it, i will be confused now, because really, well, wait for the connection to appear, if it will appear, also a question, but there are also a huge number of problems, we we know that different events are taking place in different countries of the world, we know, today we will talk about france, where the event was held, what to do with the gas sector, we know that in eriat, in the capital of saudi arabia, there was a meeting of muslim countries, where they strongly criticized israel and did not criticize at all. okay, well, in short, not even six months have passed, arkady milman, diplomat, former ambassador of israel to russia, we will, i will
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speak in ukrainian, mr. arkady will speak in russian, because ukrainian he understands, and i understand russian, yes, i studied, i studied in the city of lviv, in a ukrainian school, so i speak ukrainian, i understand 100%. thank you very much, mr. arkady, what is the gas situation today, how can we believe that netanyahu obeyed biden, and there will be some humanitarian breaks in that offensive, because yesterday is over, as i understand it, there are no doctors and no patients, and terrorists, doctors are on the mountain, and what to do with it, no one in the world knows what is happening now? what is happening now, it means everyone gives us advice, everyone knows us better how to act, only when
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we ourselves have to act and terror is against us, then all this advice, of course, becomes impractical, the hospital was built and completed, it was very well done, that's why in this hospital, hamas dug even further, deeper and built its concrete cells in which it is located, because it knows very well that we will not bomb this hospital, because we adhere to international humanitarian law, therefore, here you are now showing the frame, it looks absolutely normal.
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