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tv   [untitled]    November 13, 2023 6:00pm-6:25pm EET

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[000:00:00;00] it is about the fact that we cannot cause the palestinians to go outside the gas sector, we cannot have such an explosion of refugees, we hope that they, it is about the fact that it cannot be about reducing the territory of the gas sector, that is we are not talking about in any way the occupation of gaza, by israel, also we... understand that the israeli armed forces do not have the right to do this, if we are talking about some kind of permanent basis, that now the situation for the gaza strip is part of such a general
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solution to the palestinian issue . there are different ones. from various actors, players who have actually committed themselves to finding the solutions needed now, and that's why we think that it should be like this, for the representatives of the authorities, the security council should determine this, so that the representatives of such authorities, so that they have such support, here this is the second yes that i spoke about, so we are in favor of stronger involvement of... arab countries in the search for such solutions. i know that the arab countries are now saying that they do not want to talk about any further steps, they are very focused on today, on the drama that is happening in the region now. but we we understand that there cannot be any solution if there is no such commitment from the arab countries, so they can pay for
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the physical. reconstruction, but there should also be a political contribution to the construction of a palestinian state, and the third - yes, this, it is more rejuvenation of the european union in the regions before the construction of a palestinian state, unfortunately, we did not get to this, we delegated the solution of such a problem to the united states, but now we have to be more involved. we must work diligently in this direction, because if we fail, if we do not find proper decision, then we will once again experience such a charmed aspect around us, i am visiting israel and palestine, qatar, saudi arabia and jordan in
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the coming days. so that was about the first question. we also, taking into account what is currently happening in the gas sector, we do not give it the highest priority, we listened to the minister of foreign affairs kuleba today, and he spoke specifically about the needs that ukraine is currently facing, we know what he will do now putin will use winter as a weapon, he will bomb objects the energy structure will make it so that coldness and voice prevail, that is why we support ukraine, we have to show that we will not lay down our arms, we will continue, stand side by side with ukraine,
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support its reforms, the commission last week gave the council of europe positive feedback on what is happening in ukraine, as well as we have already come close to the actual process a year before membership in the european union. ukraine is now being considered as a candidate, and now specific negotiations will begin. we also discussed our military support and security, we spoke with european leaders at the last meeting of the council of europe, and in the end we actually talked about security guarantees from the eu for ukraine, we are working on this and we have a specific mission for ukraine, to ukraine, so that in to ukraine together with representatives of the government of ukraine, we discussed specific issues. i'm sure our
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secretary general for security will go. presents specific proposals to ukraine, we will discuss there, we will discuss specific measures that aimed at ensuring the security of the council of europe. at the same time, we are working on the training of ukrainian fighters. we are now talking about 30,000 ukrainian soldiers undergoing training abroad, which is far more than the number we originally planned. of course, we have international order and peace in our sights. we are in favor of personal sanctions and more global ones, that is, those that concern specific companies
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and enterprises, i hope that soon i will be able to present a proposal to the council of europe, which the council will later approve, we together with other proposals, particularly in terms of regulations that are necessary, the package includes other export bans, additional export bans including diamonds, we will also talk about a price fixing the price of oil, we understand that we want to reduce the profits that russia will receive not from us, but receives it from other countries that consume it by car, and as i already mentioned, the actual ban on the export of diamonds, we are now already... putting the finishing touches on this, confirming specific measures, regarding specific regulations, providing concrete advice to our countries, participants, in order to finally approve these decisions
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, therefore, we are waiting for such approval on wednesday, during the joint proposals from the side, i will provide mine, and the council of europe will also present theirs. we are trying to support our cooperation, to support their democratic government, their resilience, stability, security, and the continuation of reforms. the number of victims increased, the russians targeted one of the hospitals of kherson, according to the information of the head of the city military
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administration roman mrochka, died a 62-year-old woman and a 45-year-old man were injured, seven more people were injured, an ambulance, two official cars and five private cars were destroyed as a result of the shelling, the occupiers also set fire to beryslav in the kherson region, a 70-year-old local woman was injured there, she had an explosive injury. leg injuries, as well as a 49-year-old woman. and details of the shelling of a car on the outskirts of kherson appeared. a family with a two-month-old baby was driving in the car. the car caught fire due to enemy fire. the driver, probably the child's grandfather, died on the spot. 36-year-old mother in in serious condition in the hospital, her legs were amputated. the child has head injuries. doctors assess her condition as average. it is known that the family was returning from a medical examination. enemy air defense was working. debris from her work litters the city - they write in the telegram channel of the mariupol city council. the russians have already announced that they allegedly intercepted a high-altitude ballistic target, says
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petro andryushchenko, the city mayor's adviser. minus enemy birds. today, our air defense destroyed five russian reconnaissance drones. three merlins and two. parlans 10. four drones shot down air defense airisty until the end of the year. this was stated by the german ambassador to our country , martin jaeger. he noted that the frr's support to ukraine is largely focused on the field of air defense. in particular, for the delivery of such systems as chepard, airisty and patriot. eger added that three systems are already deployed and two are on the way. according to the ambassador, this is a guarantee of the security of ukrainian cities. from the russian attacks of the armed forces of ukraine in the winter months, great britain provided another aid, as the ministry of defense informs kingdom, the ukrainian military received more than 82 helmets, more than 25,000 sets
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of winter clothing, 10,000 body armor and more than 70,000 dry rations. i will remind you that more than 30,000 of our soldiers have recently completed training in britain, their training program was the largest. since world war ii. the current people 's deputy of ukraine, yaroslav dubnevich , was detained as a preventive measure . about this reported in the special anti-corruption prosecutor's office. people's deputy from lviv oblast, he is suspected of organizing the seizure of natural gas worth more than 2 million hryvnias and the legalization of illegally obtained profits. dobnevich was announced on october 11 as the location of the people's elected official is still unknown. people. oleksandr dubinsky was charged with treason. according to
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the investigation, he had the call sign pinocchio and was a member of the criminal organization that created the main directorate of the general staff of russia. the main task of pinocchio was to shake things up socio-political situation in the country and to discredit us in the international arena - the sbbu reported. to do this, the participants of the scheme spread fakes about the military and political leadership of the state, in particular about the alleged interference of ukrainian high-ranking officials in the us presidential elections in 2019, held press conferences to spread lies, the kremlin spent more than 10 million dollars on this. the organization also included ex-people's deputy andriy derkach and ex-prosecutor kostyantyn kulyk. currently, during one of the meetings with alexey in moscow, i received a task for my agency network, to implement a complex of special information operations under the guise of press conferences. a total of six aimed at discrediting the current government under
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ukraine's relationship with its strategic partners. for the implementation of the specified information operations, i personally received from alekseev more than 10 million dollars. the lechakiv court of lviv passed a verdict in the case of an ex-people's deputy with confiscation of property. the traitor and the seller were found guilty of treason and encroachment on territorial integrity in public use symbols communist totalitarian regime. kiva is currently wanted internationally. in april 2023. the odious politician asked putin for political asylum. and the assembly of the television channel for the 27th separate rifle battalion, which includes two chargers, continues . our goal is uah 5,000. thanks to you, we have already collected more than 3000. remember, any donation is important, join our collection. it's... the least we can all do for our warriors. you see the details
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on the screen. that's how this day was in summary news team. i tell you, see you tomorrow, i will wait for you in this studio at 2 p.m. and then my colleagues from the big broadcast will work for you, whatever. problems with the frontal joints limit movement, it is unpleasant and painful. strengthen them with the help of long joints. these are bags with collagen and vitamin c to restore articular cartilage. dolgit joints contributes to the normal functioning of the joints and has a positive effect on the health of the bones. dolgit joints facilitates motor functions. stretch your joints, move
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100 g of vivobone, with a 20% discount. the world is changing, and so is castrol, that vasyu drank an antibiotic, the antibiotic is in your stomach. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following the footage may shock you. live news from the scene. kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season, exclusive. reports from the hottest spots. the war in ukraine is the main topic for ukrainians. victories and losses, analysis and forecasts , politics and geopolitics, serhii rudenko and the guests of his program will talk about all this, people who have information and shape public opinion, people who defend ukraine and
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create the future right now, the main and interesting thing in the verdict program with serhiy rudenko, z monday through friday, at 8 p.m. 0:00 on november 25, 2013 , a convoy of five hundred opposition forces marched to the building of the cabinet of ministers. the protesters wanted to express their disagreement with the government's decision to suspend the process of preparation for signing the association agreement with the european union. by evening , the number of people on euromaidan and european square increases to several thousand. she began clearing the so-called independence square of activists. in the morning, then, they slept in tents, then the square was surrounded by armed fighters of the special battalion, december 8 in 2013, a march of millions passed through the streets of the capital, the protest continued until late at night, and on this very day, activists toppled the monument to lenin in the center of the capital on
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besararab square. shelter in the apartment building where i live, is it possible to let strangers in here, yes, during the trino, which of the people's deputies was kidnapped in treason by the hungarians from the side in ye know how to give money to ukraine to bypass orban. already in the sky, ukrainian pilots began training on the f-16 in romania, the dead and wounded russians struck kherson again, surrendered a ukrainian activist in occupations, a new scandal with parion, they set up the act and no concessions. the usa has decided on negotiations with russia. don't miss out on this and more for the next hour and 42 minutes. the big ether will remind me of the program is called vasiv zimai and they are raising funds for powerful portable battery stations velstrum with solar panels for the 108th dnipropetrovsk separate brigade of territorial defense forces of the armed forces of ukraine. in order to effectively destroy the enemy, military equipment must be systematically charged, this is not always possible due to the difficult conditions at the front, battery stations are designed
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specifically for military needs, they replace generators and provide soldiers with energy even in the field. each listed hryvnia will allow us to quickly hand over the necessary equipment to the soldiers: we will protect our home, we will protect ukraine , we will help the armed forces of ukraine to expel the enemy from our land as soon as possible, and we will start a conversation with the situation in dnipropetrovsk region, in particular the nikopol community dmytro bechko, acting as ligaments head of the nikopol district council. mr. dmitry, i congratulate you. good evening. well, let 's start with the fact that yesterday, november 12, the enemy attacked nikopol, please tell us in more detail. about the consequences of the strikes and the breach, traditionally shelling nikopol and the nikopol district, and having captured the zaporizhia railway station, having built around it, in fact, military logistics targets, around the zaporizhia railway station, the enemy is constantly shelling nikopol and marganets and the rural territory of the nikopol district, both
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yesterday and today, both day and night from morning to night, the enemy bombards nikopol, margans, the rural area and continues to the local residential sector on high-rise buildings, on communal facilities, then the enemy will do everything to break nikopol, but thanks to our heroic people, the city, the district continues to work, work communal institutions, critical infrastructure workers, and the city and the region continue to live, please tell me what the situation is with the shelters, are they working... well , is it possible, let's say, there are enough funds and maybe, because the alarms quite often coincide with arrivals and you have to hide in what is closest to you, so of course the number of shelters, in particular in nikopol, is a matter of survival for many people, so you are really right, because we always say that arrivals in nikopol, margantsi, there are populated
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areas of the coastal zone of the kakhovsky reservoir, or rather, what is left of it today is the dnipro river, up to 14 seconds from the moment of departure. and this, of course, can catch any person, blowing up such shelters, providing everything necessary there, but of course, all these shelters, as well as mobile shelters that stand on the streets and stationary ones that are in communal institutions, they must continue to be equipped, because our territory needs more and more such shelters, because such an intensity of shelling and a quick range to the territory of nikopol of the district... encourages us to deal with this problem , i wanted to talk about the reasons for such rather conditional refusals, this is not a criticism at all, i just think that we are silent. and less people come to us, why don't you always
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get in touch with us, you tell me what is happening, is it really important for the enemy, the citation of the leaders of certain cities, and the number of arrivals depends on this, whether it does not matter at all, and this and these communities of dnipropetrovsk region, which are closer to the enemy's front line, i do not i can, let's say, correctly talk about what terrorists, enemies, criminals who are on the other side and actually left are thinking. 7 km from us, but i believe that personally, when i give you some comment and always talk about the humanitarian situation, we always try to include the attention of the nikopol region is a lot of charitable funds, embassies, consulates, because it is very important here, and when there was an explosion, we are very grateful thanks to all the mass media that through them we report, and people join and support our nikopol region, and always help ukraine, help the nikopol district, help the armed forces of ukraine, because together and only together we
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can win. i also want to ask about points of unbreakability, but i read today that four more points of unbreakability will be opened in nikopol, this is preparation for the winter period, it is clear that, well, it is unlikely that this is some kind of help that you are attracting, well , again, the points will not break, it is not just a matter of touching a sign and saying, this is a point of impossibility, we need at least generators, somewhere there are sockets, tea. blankets for heating, and many other important things , please, i can say that the situation regarding preparation for winter, this year, it may become a little better than last year, because local self-government bodies, state bodies constantly focus on the points of invincibility, on providing for all-rounders, and this is provided with different funds from different budgets, this is ensured, but there are cases in the territory of nikopol when charitable foundations also join the implementation of support for such points of invincibility and provide the necessary
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help and support, and we are always very we say thanks to all those who help us, these are very difficult. thank you very much, mr. dmytro, take care, dmytro bachko, acting chairman of the nikopol district council on the situation in the nikopol community, we talked briefly. well, now we will talk about the politically important ones. before i introduce the guest to the conversation, i want to announce the information with which we will actually start. people's deputy oleksandr dubinsky, who was a servant of the people, was later expelled from the faction, suspected of treason, according to the investigation, it was the sbi and the sbu who dealt with his case, he had the call sign buratino and was taken to the intelligence department of the general staff of the russian federation. buratin's main task was to shake up the social and political situation in ukraine and discredit us in the international arena. reported in the security service of ukraine. to do this, the participants of the scheme spread fakes about the military and political leadership of the state, in particular about the alleged interference of ukrainian
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high-ranking officials in the presidential elections in the usa in the 19th year. press conferences were held to spread lies, the kremlin spent more than 10 million dollars on this. the organization also included exs. well, i would like to add volodymyr tsibulek, the people's deputy of the fourth convocation of the political audience, to the conversation. mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you. glory kudos to the heroes of ukraine, well, let's
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