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tv   [untitled]    November 14, 2023 12:00pm-12:31pm EET

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starting tomorrow, the government introduced a three-week quarantine in ukraine due to the coronavirus, the government allocated 100 million for the additional purchase of masks and disinfectants. the film zemlyanin 2005, watch all. the sbu announced suspicion of a man who hijacked a bus with passengers on july 21 in lutsk. shelter in the apartment building where i live, can strangers be allowed there? yes, during an alarm , people who do not live there can and should be allowed into the shelter of the house, because everyone has the right to civil protection, even if the person is not familiar to you, to be safe - everyone's right
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congratulations, it's 12 o'clock on the clock, which means that it's news time on the tv channel, kateryna shirokpoyas is working in the studio. russian terrorists hit nikopol with three kamikat drones, serhii lysak, head of the dnipropetrovsk regional military administration, said. unfortunately, there is a dead person. a 72-year-old man was also injured. he is in the hospital in a moderate condition. the damage caused by the enemy is currently being clarified. another attack on the kherson region. around 10 a.m., the enemy shelled the village of osokorivka. it was reported in the military-civilian administration of the region. on a 66-year-old man and his wife were injured in their yard. the man has injuries to his face and legs. the woman has an explosive injury and a contusion. before this.
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the regional center also suffered from the invaders. the russians set fire to residential buildings in the ship district of kherson. a 54-year-old woman was injured, she is in the hospital. in the kropyvnytskyi district today , the ukrainians shot down a rocket, the anti-aircraft defense worked. information about the consequences is still being provided - said the head of the regional military administration, andriy rajkovich. before: this is the air force reported a rocket flying in the direction of the city. and at night, our defenders shot down seven enemy fighters in the sky over ukraine, the air force command reported. in total , the russian invaders attacked ukraine with nine kamikaze drones, as well as ballistic and guided air missiles. the latter was released from the temporarily occupied territory of the zaporizhzhia region. november 14
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is the international speech therapist day. on the occasion of the professional holiday of broadcasting diagnosticians , our armed forces made sure that another 920 russian soldiers never had to worry about defects again your speech and at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, ukrainian defenders eliminated almost 313,500 russian defects. last day, the occupiers and 20 artists, eight tanks, and seven armored fighting vehicles were missing. and rocket salvo fire system. also , our soldiers burned 24 vehicles and two special vehicles, and in the sky, air defense forces shot down 15 operational-tactical drones . children's writer volodymyr vakulenko was killed in izyum by militants of the so-called lon with the callsigns lev and udot. their names identified by the kharkiv regional prosecutor's office. both suspects are from
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luhansk and serve in the combined army of the southern military district of the russian federation. the investigators established that during the occupation of the izyum oblast, they searched the ukrainian writer several times, and then detained and shot him. the body was buried in the forest, among other graves of tortured people. the investigation also established that these two lnpr terrorists were involved in the murder of three more ukrainians. occupied mariupol is criminalized, weapons can be bought directly at market, it is sold not by locals, but by visitors. the collaborative administration pretends that there is no problem - the mariupol city council reported, but according to the mayor's adviser petro andryushchenko, akhmat sil is crushing the trade, so traders are not even hiding, prices start at 20,000 rubles.
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another fsb informant was detained in mykolaiv, the security service of ukraine reported . armed aggression of russia, he was remotely recruited by the russian special services, after that, he returned to his region and tried to find the locations of military airfields with combat aircraft of the armed forces of ukraine. during the search, a phone was seized from the detainee, through which he communicated with russian curators, he faces up to 12 years in prison. explosions rang out in the moscow region in the morning, in the kbb machine-building district in kolomna, special service vehicles drove to the plant, local media reports. earlier , a video of a drone flying in the direction of the moscow region appeared online. let me remind you, the design bureau of mechanical engineering is this a leading russian center that produces,
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in particular, daggers and iskanders. a drone filled with explosives was found in the bryansk region. it was discovered in the village of siltse in the workshop of a chemical plant. the drone with the explosive did not explode. at the same time , it was reported that the roof of the factory shop was broken in three places. pilots of the national guard of ukraine also learn how to destroy the occupiers so accurately. every day they train to find new effective methods of fighting the enemy at the front. our correspondents saw the training of the national guardsmen. day, night, in in the forest, in any weather, the soldiers of the national guard of ukraine train every day to use drones in order to work effectively with them at the front. here in these shots, the national guardsmen are carrying out the task of finding enemy
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pilots and destroying them with the help of an ordinary mavic, they attach explosives to the bird and go on a search. in order to find a target, that is, people at the moment, since we are looking, we need to find movement, now we saw them under these treetops, let's get closer, aim and do a reset, chase, grenade followed. there is a gap, everything, the wagon, going back, we are actively working and learning to work on wings, scouts, wings , bombers that fly and from a high altitude
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can do not just one drop, but several drops, when a commercial drone such as mavic can perform one reset, after which it returns to the position, and best of all, when a group works with several drones, applying the carousel principle, the bomber can effectively drop more than one projectile on the enemy position. mainly, national guardsmen use fpv drones when working at the front, these are birds, which develop a speed of up to 150 km/h and can carry explosives weighing up to 5 kg. this is enough to destroy the tank's position. a more difficult task is to find the enemy at night. we visually see, observe our potential target, here we can see it in black dots, these are traces of heat, now we just
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need to see if they move or not to understand whether it is really them or not, or if it is just some kind of heat trace, there is left, a trace was visible. since the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion , the military has been fighting with the occupiers odesa, at the time of the beginning of the great war, the man was abroad, learned from a telegram about the bombing of ukraine and decided to return immediately, joined the army voluntarily, underwent training and went to the front. odesa gained his main combat experience near avdiivka, where he worked with lng, and now he will learn to pilot a drone. my first and second rotations took place according to sgd - this is such a rack-mounted anti-tank grenade launcher, it can shoot both in a direct and a hinged trajectory, that is, when you work at a distance, as we, for example, worked
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not far from avdiyivka, with a hinged trajectory, you can't reasonably see when, where exactly your projectile from your fire device is coming, so without drones you are basically a blind cat, a real pilot of drones, will never refuse to fly, the pilots are convinced. at training grounds, national guardsmen train in calm conditions, can better master copters and find new, effective methods of use. them at the front, if we are talking about reconnaissance drones, let's say, now we have calm conditions, not for us enemy shells are coming, this is one time, secondly, we have access to satellites here, our drones, when they see satellites, work much better, their actions are predictable, no one flies satellites on the contact line, there is a much weaker signal, and the same , so we are forced to use remote antennas, this is mandatory if at the beginning of the war. couldn't afford to just take off with a drone and work, now it's
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unacceptable, it means death for the whole crew. the national guard pays a lot of attention precisely for training, because in the hands of a skilled pilot , drones are extremely effective at the front. they not only destroy the enemies and their equipment, but most importantly - save the lives of our soldiers. the pilots are convinced that ukraine can win this war only thanks to technology. khrystyna porubiy, oleg palyamar and. espresso tv channel. and i remind you about our assembly for the 27th separate rifle battalion, which is being destroyed by the russians in one of the eastern directions. for protection against enemy bplla, as well as for continuous work of starlink in a timely manner charging drones, tablets and other equipment, they desperately need two portable anti-drone shields, two generators and two chargers. our goal is uah 5,000. thanks to you, more than have already been collected. uah 33,100 remember, any donation is important, join our collection, and it's
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the least that each of us can do for our soldiers. you can now see all the details on your screens. ukraine offered poland to open lanes for empty trucks at two checkpoints to unblock huge queues of cars that formed through protesters. the proposal was announced at the negotiations between representatives of the ukrainian and polish governments and polish carriers. protesters continue to demand a return to the permit system for freight transport. they said they would block the border, because ukraine allegedly did not agree to their terms. for now, this is all the hours for this hour, you will find more interesting and relevant information on our website, as well as on our social networks. join, put your preferences. i'm on i conclude with this. see you tomorrow.
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glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is sergey rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. from now on, every weekday, the verdict will be released together. format from 8 to 10 p.m., we talk about ukraine, the world, the war, the economy, elections, corruption, victory, in a word, everything that you talk about among yourselves, our dear viewers, today in the program, the call sign is pinocchio, oleksandr dubinsky received suspicion in the state council, why the scandalous deputy is still at large, and how many more traitors in ukraine? to the authorities retreat of the russians from the left bank of the kherson region. why
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did such a message appear and what is actually happening? ukraine's accession to the eu, what compromises is our state ready to make? we will talk about this and other things over the course of the next hour with our guests, people's deputies of ukraine, oleksiy honcharenko and valentyn nalyvaichenko, and major of the armed forces of ukraine ihor lapin. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest watching a video of how the occupiers launched a meaty assault on the positions of the armed forces ukraine , in particular, footage appeared of the invaders trying to attack the positions of the 58th separate motorized infantry brigade named after hetman ivan vehoovskyi, the enemy infantry was covered by armored vehicles, but the armored vehicles burned down, and the occupants were forced to flee from the positions. let's see.
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friends, for those who are currently watching us live on youtube, as well as on social networks, please like our video and vote in our poll, today
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we are asking you about whether fsb agents work in the ukrainian government, yes, no, for those who are currently voting for... just tick yes no on youtube or write your opinion in the comments under this video, for those who watch us on tv, you can vote using a phone, a phone for those who think that fsb agents work in the ukrainian government, 0800-211-381, no, 0.800.21382, all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end. program , we will sum up the results of this vote. oleksiy goncharenko, people's deputy of ukraine, is in touch with us. mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you and i am glad to see you on our air. i congratulate you. you wrote in your telegram today that there will be procedural actions against the generals this week. bankov makes his move. what does this mean, which generals are we talking about and why
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is the bank making a move? well, i think you can. to say, because in the morning i still didn't want to say it, but i think that now it is possible to do it in principle, we are talking about general nayev, the commander of the operation of the united forces and the hero of ukraine, and according to my information, according to my information, he will be there is suspicion, well, we are talking not only about naive people, i understand that, because there are certain ones the question of two more commanders, the commander of the medical forces of the armed forces of ukraine , tetyana ostashchenko, and oleksandr tornavskyi, the commander of the operational-strategic grouping of tavriy troops, well, at least that is what ukrainian pravda writes, citing its own sources, what can happen, here is one, well,
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personnel, such personnel claims to the three commanders, are these the people with whom... usually works industrious, in such, such a way, they beat in a meritorious way, well naiv, is really a person of imprisonment of industrious, i cannot say about other generals, and i can't not to confirm or deny the information that was just given with reference to ukrainska pravda, uh, well, tornavskyi, let me remind everyone, this is the commander of the ukrainian counteroffensive, which took place, is taking place in the zaporozhye direction, and obviously, you know, i am not i want to say in advance about the political component, because we have not seen the materials yet and maybe , you see, we have such sources, but maybe, god forbid, there are no grounds for the corresponding suspicions, but if they do appear, we will of course we will all
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study them carefully, see what it is about, but it is obvious that this moment is very... political, and this is the moment when the whole world saw the friction between, well, within the military-political leadership of ukraine, primarily between general zaluzhny and president zelenskyi, therefore, although among, as far as i know, we are not talking about any procedural actions against the employee personally, but it is clear that this can be considered a certain signal, such as the release of... general horrenko, the commander-in-chief of the special operations forces, without any notices or explanations, when he learned about it through the mass media information was certain a signal to zaluzh, that is why i think that these suspicions, as they say, are the last chinese warning, this is mr. oleksiy, political jealousy between the teams, well, between
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zelenskyi's team and between, zaluzh. i don't know if those who are close to the dedicated, well, obviously the team, or the command, can be considered there, between the civilian command and the military command of ukraine. i want to be very careful, because first of all, well, really , i have such information, i reported it, we are talking about it now with you, it is in vain, i emphasize, i do not have information about other ones that you voiced, but it has not happened yet, and maybe it will not happen, i would really like it not to happen. i would very much like that there were no such grounds, if this happens, then, well, it will certainly indicate problems, questions, but including. well, here is the question today, let's be frank, ukraine and the whole world expected a completely different result of the ukrainian counteroffensive, and now the question is, who
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is to blame for the fact that the ukrainian counteroffensive gave the results it gave, it gave some the results, but definitely not the ones that you and i were counting on, and here you know, here it is a kind of fire... or potatoes that can be thrown from hand to hand by the military and political leadership, ah, in fact , the interviewer yu the economist, he took a certain measure of responsibility upon himself, and that is right, the commander-in-chief is always responsible, but zelsky in his comments to everyone, well, we see that he definitely does not want to take any responsibility, so maybe it is all related with that and who responsible. but i want to say once again that you and i are currently discussing, well, my sources , ukrainian pravda, other sources are talking about it, but the very fact of this has not yet happened, and
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well, you know, i want to use the opportunity, espresso tv is a popular tv channel, who are being followed, and i want to say that if there is an opportunity, and if, god forbid, there is a political component in this, then this is a huge mistake. and god forbid that this political component should play and we would like to hear us, those people who make decisions in our state, in principle, there are only two people, this is zelenskyi, but there are people around, and they can still convey some information, because there is nothing good, this certain split, if it happens, once again i emphasize the word if, then it is not good for all of us does not bear, one more question of the day, mr. oleksiy, the serving of suspicion and the announcement of suspicion of treason against people's deputy of ukraine
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oleksandr dubinsky, a person who had been in the party and the servant of the people faction for a long time, suddenly it turned out that he had been recruited long ago , well, according to the version of the sbu, there was recruited by the main intelligence agency of the russian federation since 2016, his call sign was... pinocchio and now suddenly it turns out that dubinsky is an fsb agent, although in 2020, when he and andriy derkach made public conversations, as it were, records in the presidential administration, and when it came to the president, the candidate for the presidency of the united states of america at that time, joseph biden, then with... at that time, no one questioned dubinsky's reputation at all, why do you think
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dubinsky managed to work for russian for so long of the special services and why only in november of the 23rd year was such a suspicion, a suspicion of treason brought against him, well, look, first of all, i want to be very careful here, you know, in the sense that a suspicion of a suspicion... of treason is extremely serious suspicion and we still do not have a court decision that says that dubinsky worked for russian intelligence, i was never more than a sympathizer of dubinsky, i wrote a statement against him for his actions in the 19th year, the 20th year, drew attention to his activities specifically about the shake-up, the american elections, then, when the servant of the people...' they said that this was their member, and in general their friend and in general, well done, it seems to me that he was the head of the kyiv regional organization, or he was
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a curator, well, that is, he, well, an influential figure in the servant of the people , he was always there, he was the deputy chairman of the tax committee, and what he did there together with gitmantsev is a separate story, this is another person, let me remind you that danylo gitmantsev, sivkovich's assistant three times. who is called, that is, he was sivkovich's assistant for three convocations, and sivkovich is called by the sbu curator of the network of russian agents in ukraine. then the question arises, who is gitmantsev, who today is one of the most influential servants of the people. well, now we are told that dubinsky is a russian agent. i cannot reject this, moreover, i will say that, well, i have had certain suspicions there for a long time and always, but excuse me, but this is your friend, brother, and who brought them, if it is really a russian agent, and who brought him to the ukrainian parliament, and who made him one of the leaders of the ukrainian parliament, this is
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still a servant of the people, this is all volodymyr zelensky personally, this is a personal friend of zelensky. and when today dubinsky talks a lot about zelenskyi, yermak, criticizes them a lot, then suddenly they tell us that this is a russian agent, and you know, it all looks, well, all of this has not a taste, but a very strong it all looks like settling political accounts, that if when dubinsky... worked for them, then it doesn't matter who else he worked for, when dubinsky, it means that he does not work for them, but is such an opposition to himself, then let's sort out whom he works, i if he a russian agent, he must bear all, absolutely all responsibility, and he must bear the maximum responsibility, any enemy of the state must pay for it, but you know , i want those who brought him to power,
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zelensky personally. yarmak personally was also responsible for this, you brought him, you made him, you gave him fantastic powers and a fantastic amount of information, and you played along with him, all these stories with tapes, let me remind you that zelensky personally commented on those films and said, look, this is a serious story, he didn’t say then that it was some russian agent throwing something in here, he was talking about what, look, well, i just want you and i not to forget it, because somehow zelsky , you know, everything works out so that it seems that every time he is up to no good, then one servant of the kovalev people turns out to be a traitor, and he is destroyed by the ukrainian special services in the kherson region, the other one is called a traitor, but dubinsky is not even kovalev, dubinsky - this is one of the leaders of the servant of the people, let me remind you, that's why you wrote agent correctly
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fsb and a question mark. you and i don't know, the court will answer, but i really want at least someone, you know, i would like to come out and say: here is my responsibility , i would like zelensky to come out in today's evening address and say, you know, if ours, one of the leaders of the servant of the people, made the person whom i brought into the parliament one of the heads of the state, if he is a russian agent, then there is my responsibility, well, i want to hear it, because it is already... what, nothing, but what do you think, mr. oleksiyu, are there many more similar ones agents of the fsb are in the ukrainian government, at the highest level, because every time, as if some kind of news requires an answer, the first thing from the security service of ukraine, because the security service of ukraine does not have the right to ascertain the very fact
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of a person's membership in the russian special services , or at least to prevent it and prevent such cases, well, so that a person does not work, relatively speaking, in power for five years, and then it turned out that he turns out to be pinocchio of the fsb, you understand, and how is papa karla budan, sorry bakanov, how are you ivan's business bakanova, the head of the security service of ukraine, the person who headed the security service, the person who was dismissed by zelensky last summer with the wording, for being rude, not too rude, but for violating the military statute that led to human casualties, the person who led the special service that lost the entire south of ukraine, a person who lost russian agents in his closest circle, the sbu is telling us again today that naumov,
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who is there now... and everything, cannot be taken away by others there, the top leaders the sbu, which was put by bakanov, rather zelenskyi put it on the basis of bakanov, and how bakanov did it, well, bakanov somehow disappeared and there is no conversation about him, well, like, well, there was a person and he is not, the last information we heard was that he is becoming a lawyer in the poltava region, that's all, there are no more questions for him, well, that's just... one example, i'm afraid, without talking about specific names, because i can't claim that the same bakanov is a russian agent, maybe he's just was so stupid that he understood that there was just a whole espionage around him, you know, a nest of some kind, but, but it is obvious that there may be more such people, well, you know , if a person does not understand being in such a position, it is also a state crime, because if, if you do not understand, but then, mr.
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serhiy , this is a state crime of the person who appointed her there. when bakanov was appointed head of the security service of ukraine, i went to the podium of the verkhovna rada and said: you cannot appoint a person. just because she is your friend, brother, matchmaker, relative, business partner, and this is wrong, because it is a special service, there is a video of my speech in the verkhovna rada.


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