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tv   [untitled]    November 15, 2023 2:30am-3:01am EET

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putin may resume his plans for victory in ukraine, said the minister of foreign affairs of lithuania, gabrielis lansbergis. let's hear more about the reasons. now it looks like putin is getting ready to dust off his victory day plans, which he 's put on the shelf for a while. but after seeing the discussion in washington, europe's inability to move forward on the issue of military support for ukraine and the growing pressure on ukrainian forces at the front. i think he can now joyfully start planning again, we will add to our conversation dovilasheli, a member of the national security and defense committee of the lithuanian parliament. i welcome you to the marathon broadcast, please tell me, in your opinion, what are the risks of such optimism in putin's ranks, due to, well, plans, renewal of plans to win in ukraine.
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a very big problem, with the understanding of the eu bloc, regarding the time frame , and regarding the capacity of our defense industry, and also the internal market, our defense industry, it is also exported for 40% to third countries, production, military, and therefore official persons in the eu recognize this, and speaking about our internal security, that's also a priority, a top priority , and also china and north korea, with authoritarian
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regimes, and they've always lived and live, insurgent wars, they're ready for yes, for such a war, they've always had a military industry and , therefore you cannot help russia, accordingly, the situation in the european union is not like this, and this war, we have to adapt to the speed with which this war is happening. in your opinion , what should be done to achieve putin's plans, and what he dreams of winning ukraine, after all, to break it as soon as possible? there are corresponding challenges to overcome for this, first of all, as i said, countries.
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to conclude larger contracts with the defense industry in the eu and also in the united states, the united states, we are talking about long-term contracts, and because this is the only way to increase the capabilities, defense production, defense products in the long term, and secondly, it is necessary to increase very significantly and very quickly ours and otherwise putin will feel that he can continue his imperialistic expansion. and thirdly, it is necessary to avoid double standards, because everything, all this talk about not needing to attack russia on its territory, that.
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for example, germany is the second country in the amount of aid to ukraine, they have already provided aid amounting to many billions of euros in the 22nd and 23rd years, and it is planned to further increase the amount of this aid in the following years. this shows a good example. such aid, but we must unite our efforts of all the countries in the european union, because china is on the verge of changing its commercial aid to russia, and they are on the verge of making an appropriate political decision to support russia. that is, all this means that we enter.
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a ten-year soldier, and therefore, accordingly, civil defense, and our political decisions, geopolitical decisions must correspond to this situation, huh, and today we spoke on our air with the military commentator, denys popovych, and he said that this is what the west and our partners cannot find such a consolidated position, in particular regarding military aid to ukraine, it is already reflected on the front line, offensives are underway in different areas, president volodymyr zelenskyi also emphasized this in his evening address, but i suggest listening to denys popovych so that you understand. the consequences of the fact that, as minister litovsky said, putin actually raises his head, let's listen. the unresolved issue regarding the financing of further assistance to ukraine from the united states, we know that and we see that there are numerous statements
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by those of our european partners that they are not keeping up with the production of ammunition, in the amounts, within the limits that they themselves for they defined themselves, all these tracks, they are in principle. in the opinion of the russian leadership, if you add some victories, some capture of some territories, they could, in principle , give, again in the view of the kremlin, the opportunity to put the ukrainian leader at the table of victory in order to freeze the war, that is, in your opinion opinion, if a consolidated position is not found, if help is not, let's say, activated and there will be no such thing... unification, what is the risk of further escalation in donbas, and not only in donbas, it's just that i mentioned donbas, because the president said about it, in general, on the front line in ukraine, that it will intensify and, perhaps, spill over into the borders of ukraine in the future.
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i apologize for the bad communication, because i did not receive a request about the possibility of expansion of the war, and also from outside the borders of ukraine, so it was said that due to the fact that now there is no consolidated position of our partners, in particular regarding aid, the front line begins to redden, more and more offensives are coming, they are becoming more powerful. maybe you can talk in russian, because given the communication problems, it might make it easier, i can't speak russian, because it, it's the language of the occupier, so it's about what the threat is, what
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the offensive will intensify if putin feels. impunity and will not feel resistance from our partners, and will this offensive go beyond the borders of ukraine? as soon as possible, there is a possibility that there will be a war in ukraine, it will also intersect with the war between the usa and china for taiwan, that they will take place simultaneously, and this will be a serious problem. russia is very aware of these opportunities and is taking advantage of the usa and asia, if something starts there, we have no doubt that russia will take advantage of this moment, so there is a very
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short period of time left to help ukraine win this war. yes, let's hope that we and our partners. will use this period of time as best as possible to put an end to this war and to the imperialist expansion of russia, as you said about it, thank you for this conversation, to vile shaklin and the member of the committee on national security and defense of the parliament of lithuania, we talked about these threats , which brings optimism, conditional putin, regarding the fact that while such... talk between our partners continues and there is no consolidated position, in particular regarding aid to ukraine, after a short pause, we continue the discussion, so next we will talk with you about military aid for ukraine, who is ready for us
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to give how all this will affect the front line, the events on the front line, the situation, but this later, we will start with the event that awaits some of the faithful in ukraine tomorrow, the christmas fast will begin tomorrow... for those believers who switched to the new calendar, in particular for the believers of the orthodox church of ukraine, because for the first time the ocu will celebrate christmas on december 25, accordingly, fasting will also begin earlier than before, usually for those who in the orthodox church of ukraine used to live according to the old style, so we will talk about this further with metropolitan perayaslavskyi and vishnevsky ocu, oleksandr drabink. i welcome you to the marathon broadcast, good evening, good, good and blessed evening. so, tell me, please, i'll start, you know, with numbers, maybe there are data on how many communities, maybe a percentage relations of the orthodox church of ukraine, after all, switched to a new calendar, i know. that it was not forced there, of course, some kind of forced history, so how many have switched over and
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will celebrate christmas, respectively, on december 25 and tomorrow they will start fasting, well, i think that in terms of percentage, indicator, it is at least 90-95%, that is my conclusion in our pereyaslavsk -vishnev diocese, we have only one parish out of 50 that has remained in the old style, and even... pecheersk lavra, which at one time remained in the old style until the last, after all, according to the decision of our believers, it switches to a new calendar and also begins tomorrow, the way to christmas, that is, what will the christmas service in the kyiv pechersk lavra be, because before that, during some of the great holidays, the primate ruled there what kind of service will it be for us at christmas, well, i think, i think that probably this year too the presbyter will perform
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the divine service on the feast of the assumption, the kiev-pechersk lavra of the orthodox church of ukraine, since it belongs to ukraine, the ukrainian people and the orthodox church of ukraine, he is his beatitude metropolitan epiphany, its head , well, considering that all holidays, like the epiphany last year, other great holidays, they were celebrated in the lavra by the head, i think that this year will be the same... tradition , but about that, we still have 40 days to go until the christmas of christ, and eh, something may be in god’s plan, in a different way, but, as they say, man guesses, god disposes, so, ah, tell me , please, returning to these 40 days, it says when we are talking about fasting, not only about giving up some food, relatively speaking, it is about the inner story, that is. your advice on how to be a believer, everything, but when we live in conditions of war, when there are many
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moments that cause us to be aggressive, that cause us to hate the enemy, in particular, well, this is what i think, not exactly about fasting, because fasting is precisely about being humble and as kind as possible, so how do you advise being in this situation so that, well, here i am, i would talk, you know, very much about logos, language, but i would like to quote, paraphrase the saying of the late most blessed metropolitan volodymyr, that illness is already a fast for a person, and i think that war is a fast today for all of ukraine, so we will fast as we know how we can, going to the holiday of the bright christmas of christ. yes, mr. alexander, thank you for this advice, i wish that. everyone who will start fasting tomorrow, so that, let's say, their goal
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, god, yes, everyone will come to their inner goal, with which they will start this fast, with their bright thoughts, that for those who want, who want to observe the fast, in the current, at the current stage in the orthodox church of ukraine, in ukraine in general, there will be a donation of a part of oneself and what we can do to help the front and our victory , and this year's post will be just that. thank you for that too. oleksandr drabynko, metropolitan of peryaslavskyi vyshnevskyi of the orthodox church of ukraine. i will remind you that tomorrow those believers who have switched to the new style will begin the christmas fast, because christmas will be celebrated for the first time this year on december 25. well, let's go to the topic of weapons, as i promised. because we have to win with bright thoughts, with thoughts about victory, but you have to win. well, the f-16 pilot training center was opened in romania at the feteschii air base. in particular
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, ukrainian military personnel will be trained there, dutch defense minister kaisa longron said during the opening of the base. according to her, the netherlands and other partner countries, in particular norway, denmark, are preparing to provide ukraine with f-16. it is not known when such ukrainian defenders will begin their training. we will talk about this further with kostyantyn kryvolap, the former. from trials of the design bureau anton, an aviation expert, good evening mr. kostyantyn, glory to ukraine , good evening to the heroes, glory to the heroes, please tell me, in your opinion , how long the training of ukrainian pilots can last, we just heard that it is not known when it will begin, but from the moment, when will it start, on average, how long does such training last, well let's state this here, clearly, yes, we train not only pilots, we also train our technicians, this is very important, and the more
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time passes, i used to say that pilots it's easier to prepare. and faster than a technician. and if we count on the fact that we receive somewhere around 61 planes , at least, yes, then for this we need to prepare, well, 100-120 pilots, for each plane, technical specialists should probably be multiplied by five, that is, such the number of everything, now, as far as the training period is concerned, the classic... but the american program, as it was designed, it was originally designed for 32 months, now it's a little bit played out, and there are restrictions for pilots, they have to have, they are very fussy, about 250 times they have to fly on various training planes and then they are allowed
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, and this is the previous period, he has been there for almost 15 months, that is, more than a year, er, remember, there were tests of our pilots, sometime in july , if i'm not mistaken, two pilots came to the states, looked at them, tested them there, tested them, and came to the following conclusions, first, we will teach, we don't need all the universal specialists now, who can produce everything that anything in the air, we need specialized. pilots, which are currently performing the specific missions that we currently need on the front. what are these missions? these are missions, the first air defense, this is support, ground operations, this is assault operations, this is the protection of the front line, well, that is, the contact line, the fight there with the k-52s, the fight with the su-35s and
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su-34s, which dropping these guided bombs, that is, the specific missions that we need right now, that we can train our pilots to work in exactly, exactly in these areas, and by the way, what if we're talking, and if, if we 're talking about personnel, as much as possible their the training time will be stretched, because if the pilots are there, we can train them in specific functions, well, further along in the process, then the staff, well, sorry, if something breaks, it breaks, regardless of what you are doing. the question is absolutely valid, six months, this is reinforced concrete, six months, it won’t be more likely, besides, they are taught from the very beginning, they were taught a special english technical language, so i remember the institute, i never started speaking english, but we
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slapped technical translations there just like that, because it was special training, then, it means that it is very important which aircraft we need, because, well, we most likely need what is in the netherlands and what will be replaced by what will be what aircraft will be replaced by f35s, these will most likely be versions like called mlu, that is, this is a continuation of the life cycle and these will be planes that are not higher than the 20th block, and well, i guess they are, i really hope that they will be brought to a state at least close to block 50, block 50-52, this, block 50-52, if it is equipped there with normal radars, it will be the aircraft that will be able to perform those functions, to solve the tasks before us now, mr. konstantin
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, unfortunately, unfortunately, time is limited, i hope that we will definitely return to this topic, i thank you that at least you did, the base was explained to us , how long it can take for both pilots and service personnel, kostiantyn kryvolap, former test engineer of the antonov design bureau, an aviation expert, we talked about the fact that we opened a training base for the f-16 in romania, and in the future they will train there and ukrainian pilots well, germany will double its military aid to ukraine next year to ten billion euros, reports pilt, the corresponding decision was made this week, next the budget committee... should approve an additional 4 billion euros for ukraine. let's talk about the strengthening of military aid from germany with serhii sumleny, the head of the initiative center. european stability, mr. serhiy, good evening, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, thank you for the invitation. mr. serhiy, in your opinion, why does germany increase military aid, and anna
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lena burbok, the minister of defense, also said that putin should not raise his head there, well, that is , she emphasized that germany takes this very seriously, well, look , first of all, of course, the rhetoric in germany has changed a lot since the time when the minister of foreign affairs of germany, berbok, corrected herself, she just wanted to correct herself that the minister is boris pistorius, well, well, they change, you know, like there, like trends on twitter, so today she is from the same ministry , tomorrow from the other side, but when is she came to kyiv in february, at the beginning of february, february 2020, then she said something completely different, she said that germany will never supply weapons to ukraine, because germany has a certain responsibility to russia for the second world war, and that is
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the only there was an offer from germany, it was 5,000 helmets and a field hospital, but now the rhetoric has really changed and in fact all german politicians and politicians are competing with each other, then who among them is a bigger hawk and who is more... so, they will say nicely , so that his quote they spread, that is, all over the media, about how they stand on the side of ukraine, the question is that this rhetoric is not often transformed into real things, if we see that germany, even in this increased package, that it is going to transfer to ukraine , then we will see that there are real weapons, there are only old leopards first, everything else? what is transferred is either ammunition for small arms, small arms, or this, engineering equipment, which is obviously necessary
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for a counter-offensive, but it cannot be the basis of this counter-offensive, that is, germany does not does not convey in this list of weapons anything that is a means of fire damage, that means the enemy, for a long distance there, and what is the probability that they are real, in all these packages next year, after their statements, they will add more heavy weapons, artillery weapons, well, this a very difficult question, but i can only answer it with speculation , that is, i can say that i do not think that there is a possibility that the taurus will be provided to ukraine in the short term, regardless of the fact that all the military
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experts say absolutely synchronously that ukraine needs tauris, not only because they have a more, more modern system, which means detonating a warhead, which will allow, means more effectively to destroy, for example, the kerch bridge, but simply purely because number, because the stormshadows and scalps that were provided by ukraine, great britain and france are already running out, that is, ukraine just needs the number of missiles, well , let’s sum it up like this, but as for the heavier weapons there, i think that germany could, could provide ukraine with, let's say, artillery ammunition, artillery projectiles, because the united states is now stopping or essentially slowing down the supply of ammunition to ukraine and avoiding it, so this deficit appears, a shortage of ammunition, that is, germany could
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to compensate, the problem is that all the promises of germany, to increase the production of ammunition for artillery, the fact that these promises of france and germany were broken, they have not been fulfilled, that is, german production, it does not keep up with these requirements, yes. we heard you, thank you for this analysis, serhii sumleny, head of the initiative center of european stability , we talked about help from germany, but the french authorities will stop supplying ukraine with weapons from their arsenals, the minister of defense of the country sebastiyan lecorniu said this on the air of the lci tv channel france will do this in order for kyiv to start buying weapons from french manufacturers, with the money that france will allocate specifically for this, the minister noted, from the french budget to a special support fund for kyiv 200 million euros were allocated and with these funds ukraine can already purchase weapons, but only from french suppliers.
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we include andriy in our conversation. journalist, political commentator, mr. andrii, good evening, glory to ukraine, please tell me why france approved, came to such a decision, in your opinion, good evening, glory to the heroes, well, why, why to such a decision, because, so that the same problems that arise, for example, with germany, do not arise, because the german parliament has to make a decision to provide taurus or not to provide them in order to influence the decisions of the authorities or the military who want to transfer certain types of weapons to ukraine, and that is why the funds were allocated, this is not a commodity credit, as many have tried to claim, these are simply funds transferred to ukraine, which it with this money she bought weapons from the french, this is in order to get rid of herself, the authorities want any sanctions from the parliament, because such sanctions are being prepared, the problem of a serious... wave of anti-semitism, which
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was raised in france, now a fight with him is being conducted, that is, the attention of the french authorities, the french legislative authorities, of course, this terrorist act on the part of hamas against israel has been diverted, however, that is, the society is now behind it, the authorities are also engaged in it , but those who planned and planned, he understood that tomorrow or the day after tomorrow they would return to this question again. in order to take this issue, please, ukraine has the funds, takes what it needs, because france has repeatedly boosted president macron declared that there are no red lines, everything you want, ukraine, you will get from us, but you have to want it and justify it, that we need planes, mirage 2000, we need them, we will manage to service both american f16 and french mirage, ukraine said: "no, we don't need planes yet."
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ok, then we'll focus ours. attention to something else, and in order for ukraine to have a free hand, the funds were transferred, precisely because of this, in order to agree on matters of first necessity, today there was a phone call, a diligent and groups commanding all branches of the military, who communicated with their french counterparts about what exactly france can sell now, and what it can order and what the prospects are for the speed of production, because what, by the way, what can france sell us now, at what cost ...' ukraine is primarily interested in what the french manufacturer has, no, ukraine is interested in the conversation that was made public, well, that is , the part of the conversation that was made public is air defense, france has a sufficiently wide range of air defense means , and it is characteristic of how much there is, how to consistently lay it out so that there are no failures , that is, the supply was constantly coming , that is, they ordered, it goes, goes, goes, ukraine plans, the army plans to spend, you understand how
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. to form a combat reserve and so on, that is, now the main direction is air defense, a purchase has already been made with these funds, it was bought 10,000 high -quality french assault rifles, that is, they are not in ukraine yet, they are in six months, because the manufacturing process , but the order is also contracted to ukraine is only waiting, the problem in general, and what is constantly voiced by any french expert, is that ukraine will not start the production of even cartridges, if ukraine produces cartridges, then, for example, germany does not give a million cartridges, but gives instead something else, for example, another weapon, this is important, because here cooperation is necessary, and ukraine should initiate, if it is difficult, in ukrainian conditions, the war is going on, then buy, or take a credit line from here for the production of cartridges of both calibers, mr. andriy , thank you for
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the explanation, andriy shkil, journalist political... viewer, we talked about the statement of the minister of defense of france, regarding the fact that france will now provide money, and ukraine will use this money to buy weapons from french manufacturers. if we talk about the profession of a dog trainer , yes, yes, i have been in this direction for a very long time , we began to deal with the search and rescue direction in 2000, we registered our first antares, in 2004 i took part in search operations for the first time, at that time i had a sports dog, but people asked me a lot to try it, so you have nothing to lose, dog took us after the litter and showed us where exactly to attract divers, unfortunately, and that is when the emotions of this search, the emotions of relatives, this responsibility, these eyes of all the surrounding and relatives and people who were around and the police, who were looking at this dog, as for the truth...
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in the last instance, it is so very very.


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