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tv   [untitled]    November 16, 2023 12:30pm-1:01pm EET

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[000:00:00;00] of our 91st year, for me this is a part of our victory, which, as i see it, the authorities, possessing a whole mass of information, including on the front, i do not know this, and i do not want to so easily to discuss these topics, because it would be dilettantism, but i would also like to have the president find time to talk with ukrainian journalists and ukrainian politicians, deputies, because it is important. thank you ms. iryna, it was iryna herashchenko, people's deputy of ukraine, co-chair of the european solidarity faction in the verkhovna rada of ukraine. friends, we are live on tv channel as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are watching us live on youtube right now, you can like this video, support this video by liking this video, subscribe to our youtube page
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, and to take part in our vote... today we ask you about this, we need the only telethon in ukraine, you can vote both on the youtube page and live, you can now see the phone numbers on the screen, now i will remind you of them , if you think you are the only one ukraine needs a telethon, call 0800, 21181, no, 0800 211-382. at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote, i hope you are getting a full picture of what our viewers think about the only telethon. next, we have viktor yagun, major general of the security service of ukraine in the reserve, former deputy head of the security service of ukraine. mr. general, i congratulate you and
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i am glad to see you in ours. ether, mr. general, let's talk about the russian moles in power, because this week, he so rich in events, precisely because of the discovery and announcement of suspicions of high treason, in particular, the second people's deputy of ukraine in the last two months to be suspected of high treason, oleksandr dubinsky , on november 14, has been suspended for 60 days, the court believes that he has an obligation it is necessary to sit in jail , but before that, the security service of ukraine said that since 2016 he worked for the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of the russian federation, had the call sign buratino and worked
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for the russian special services, can we assume mr. general, it has been known for a long time that dubinsky works for the russians in the security service of ukraine, that is, it did not become known, this year or so, even before dubinsky came to the verkhovna rada of ukraine, that he was being led for a certain long time and now they simply announced that he was suspected of treason, because if this is not the case, then it is not clear why he worked for the russians for so long, six years, and no one knew about it and this information was not made public, well, look, in our country after all after all , the political situation was changing dynamically, and a person was there when certain processes were involved, i think that there was information that this group worked, about its
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personal composition, i think that there was no from...' but they were monitored and i already told other journalists that documenting and maintaining in court, the process when a person is accused of treason, is such a difficult, complex, complex process. because you need clear evidence of contact and work against the enemy, in addition to, in addition to suspicion, because you can simply, well, not achieve something there, no did not succeed in the court, the derkach group was known starting, of course, from the 16th year , when they showed themselves, and for her, for her,
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surveillance, especially of the derkach, was carried out: quite actively, the fact that other people entered there, well, it was clear, even after when the person was included, included in the sanctions lists. states, even then it was necessary to pay attention to all this and, well, if not to document, then to the utmost extent to check, more carefully, all those contacts and his activities, i think that the information is primary was and simply reached the result, somewhere recently, and therefore implemented this information , as it was implemented, i will remind you that on january 11, 2021, the americans put derkach and dubinsky on the sanctions list, and i will remind you that this was connected with those
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accusations or those tapes or pseudo-tapes that andriy derkach and oleksandr dubinsky made public at the press conference in 2020, it was about a conversation between biden and poroshenko, and biden was then in the status of a presidential candidate, and it was about... of biden hunter's son, who was involved in the burism company in ukraine, well, in a word, this is an old story, and considering the fact that in the last two months two deputies received such suspicions, of course an investigation is ahead, a court is ahead and a verdict is ahead, court verdict, mr. general, what do you think, that is, considering that people who are involved in state secrets at the highest level of public service are found to be traitors to the state, should it not be necessary in the conditions of a great war to initiate an examination
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of people who are in power, and spend whether through a polygraph or perhaps some other procedures to understand how many of these russian moles are in the ukrainian government. well, in fact, i support such a proposal, because it is necessary to really thoroughly check people, especially, the practice of checking people through a polygraph, for new, well, when appointing new positions in the special services of ukraine, has long been introduced, that is, in fact, in fact, employees of the special services, employees law enforcement agencies. senior officials in the armed forces of ukraine, they undergo such a check, and i think that it is necessary to at the legislative level to make an indisputable
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decision on the introduction of such a check on deputies of all levels, and on appointment to certain public positions and even on admission to public service, there is nothing so extraordinary about that. in fact, it is a war and it is necessary to determine how to conduct an inspection, how to prove this or that guilt, unfortunately, we do not have the very concept of inspection legally enshrined in the legislation, it has such an auxiliary character, and only in some departments it has been introduced, respectively in the instruction that if a person does not pass the inspection, then he is not appointed to the position, so i think that this can be implemented exclusively at the legislative level and it should be done as soon as possible, and the fact that the special services work and identify agents of the russian federation, in that including and among
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those structures that are close to the government, well, this is positive, that is, we do not have any reservations about which political structure this or that person belongs to, and this, this, this is pleasing. mr. general, do you support the idea of ​​checking not only candidates for high positions, but also whether their wives, their daughters, their relatives have russian passports, why am i asking about this, because on october 27 , bigusinfo published an investigation, which states that the wife and mother-in-law of the deputy head of the national police of ukraine, colonel dmytro tyshlyka, have russian passports. the head of the national police says that no one knew that his wife and mother-in-law had russian passports, they had no way to check it, because they do not have a database
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that the russian federation has, and what is going on official investigation, a person temporarily suspended from office, such connections, family ties with, where family members have... a russian passport and one way or another may be somehow connected with russia, as far as it harms the state service, national interests, and well, in fact, it should be checked during a special inspection, a special inspection is carried out by the security service of ukraine during the granting of access to a permit to work with a state agency, and here the question is whether the security service carried out such an inspection, or, well, if a person was simply fulfilling his duty joints without access, and to state secrets, well, that is one question, and if such a special check
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was carried out and it was not incomplete, well , then the question is for those who will carry out a special check, such a check must be carried out in a mandatory manner for all civil servants , who are appointed to this or that position, with access to state secrets, so i think i fully agree that this is precisely the moment of determination, this is one of the elements of the possibility of putting pressure on... holds this or that position, by the way this is not the first scandal of this level, we have had it both in the security service and in the foreign intelligence service, people who had documents were known, well, there was a suspicion that one of their close relatives had such documents, so this is one of the factors that should definitely be denied, the appointment to the
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to the position, you mentioned officials, or at least employees of the security service of ukraine, high-ranking officials, information appeared about the former general of the sbu, naumov, who fled ukraine at the beginning of the war, it happened on the night of february 24, he was leaving ukraine in several bags , took out a lot of valuables, money, cash, and he was already detained in the balkans, in a car, because he was going to buy a yacht somewhere or something else. in ukraine, the authorities called naumov a traitor, although he was one of the heads of the security service of ukraine and they said that he leaked a lot of information to the russians, including about the chernobyl nuclear power plant, well, the zone of the chernobyl nuclear power plant, where russians entered from belarus. and then information appeared
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that the serbian court refused to extradite andrii naumov to ukraine and sent him to prison for a year for money laundering, and now in he has an appeal against this court verdict, but it is absolutely clear that he will probably not get to ukraine, because he has his own arguments, that he is being persecuted here somewhere, that he cannot return here, have you worked for a long time in the security service of ukraine, have you encountered you with similar stories, and how can it be that a high-ranking official of such a level, because he was in charge of internal security, as far as i understand the security services of ukraine and would have to control the situation inside the security services of ukraine, when such high-ranking officials get caught, they are accused of
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working for the russian federation. naoma is such an interesting case, first of all, this is a person who had nothing to do with the security service , before, of course, before his appearance there in this structure, personally under him, the usual internal security department was expanded to the main department, personally under his internal documentation was changed there and permission was obtained to carry out specific measures at the border, he actually took control of it through internal security activities carried out by operatives of the security service at the state border and in fact managed in manual mode some processes, in general, his stay, his actions, his destructive actions, first of all , to the security service of ukraine, they dealt a significant, significant... blow to
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the employees who came into his field of vision, he obstructed the appointment, did not allow, transfer, and so on, and so on , well, this is a separate topic that needs to be analyzed, and the question, the question is really, extremely serious, eh, once again i am talking about the so-called political appointments in the security service, not only in the security service, but also in other bodies , when people... non-professionals who do not have the appropriate education, training and verification, get into such prestigious positions and also influence politics of this structure, unfortunately, we lost the opportunity in the near future to get this person to ukraine, if we do, in absentia, he will be convicted on such
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a powerful charge, maybe, maybe, then in that period it will be possible to ask serbia about his extradition , that which he won't leave for the next couple of years. from serbia and will be transferred there, that is already clear. mr. general, i want to ask you about one more case, because today the security service of ukraine opened a criminal case against iryna farion and regarding the appointment of a number of expert examinations against the former people's deputy, who spoke categorically against the russian-speaking servicemen of the armed forces of ukraine and said that she did not can call them ukrainians, today the sbu, based on these facts, based on four facts, this is a long history of discussions and what ms.
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farion, filed criminal charges, and now the question is whether or not ms. farion will be found guilty, i just wanted to ask you, what farion is saying, and how she's saying it, how she's articulating it all, why it somehow fits together in a strange way with what russia is constantly trying to do on the territory of ukraine, that is, the manner and aggressiveness with which farion presents his opinions, they provoke people to discussions, quarrels, to the fact that someone ... from russian and vice versa, well, you know, i have that it's a strange feeling, i've talked to people who are close, know her closely, and i've asked the same questions to their
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face, and i didn't get answers, because you know, a person who supposedly theoretically says the right things, but she brings them to society incorrectly, untimely, she is really more like a provocateur, and well , you have to understand what you do, how you do it, as it should be, you can, you can prove exactly that, but calmly, without scandals, i have there was always the opinion that farion, she is more, me i don't really believe in her work there in some russian special service, she is a person who cannot... without pr, you know, if no one talks about her, it is so, you know, energetically bad for her, so i think, most likely , that it is more connected with her, personal, intention to be constantly in the field of view, and what she says, well, listen, well , everyone, all ukrainian-speakers in the vast majority
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understand the problem, the ukrainian language, faced discrimination from other citizens , incongruous about you at one or another period of life, but let's be real let's think about what is happening now, how people give their lives, and whether it is worth focusing on these issues, well, i think that these are more personally provocative and emotional speeches, although i say that verification is needed , if even... there is no criminal sentence, then at the very least, at least some preventive work should be carried out with this person. recently, information appeared that iryna farion was dismissed from the position of professor of the department of ukrainian language, lviv
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polytechnic, effective november 16, 2023, yesterday students protested studying at the lviv polytechnic university against... he is against farion's tenure as a teacher at the lviv polytechnic university. well, the first part of the actual story already exists. the second part, now the security service of ukraine is checking whether there were signs of crimes in iryna farion's statements. but well, you are right, mr. general, that during war, such discussions, aggressive discussions, should not be conducted, because it threatens national security, and in the end, shaking society is also dangerous, on this, i want, i want add what you know and she is also not a hero... it is necessary to sculpt, because now a part of society will begin to defend her, well, motivating by the fact that the defender of the ukrainian language, here he, she is being repressed, fired from
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work, penal punishment, and we get another hero who well, well, not at all, no, not needed in the way we have it now , so yes, the situation is really difficult, and i think that after all society will figure it out and put all the dots of hope, mr. general, thank you for the conversation , it was viktor yagun of the security service of ukraine in reserve, ex deputy head of the security service of ukraine. friends, we are working live on tv channel as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live on youtube, don't be shy, please like this video and subscribe to our youtube page, and on facebook , in addition, you can take part in our vote, today we ask you about this, is there a single telethon in ukraine, everything is quite simple on youtube, there are two options, yes no or your option,
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please write in the comments below video, if you are watching us now on tv, you can pick up the phone and call and vote, if you think that such a single telethon is needed in ukraine, vote on the number 0800 2113. 71 no 0800 211-382 all calls to these numbers are free, it is important for us to know your opinion, call us, at the end, at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote, well, further, further, we have oleksandr khara, diplomat, expert of the center for defense strategies, mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you and i am glad you see on our air, good evening, mr. sergey, mutually, today... such a difficult day begins in the united states of america, because
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the leader of china, xi jinping, flew to the united states of america, this is the first time since 2017, he came to the summit, the asia-pacific economic cooperation, of course , that the main events are yet to come, meaning xi jinping's meeting with joe biden, but before actually meeting with the chinese leader, biden said that china has real problems, and he said that everyone is another example of how american leadership in the world is being restored, that is, biden on human rights, who, who is the leader, or... the leader, forgive the leading country, accepts, xijinping.
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so, please tell me, mr. oleksandr, what should we expect from this meeting, and will there be a place for ukraine in this great dialogue, which is being initiated by the two leaders of the two largest countries in the world, who, as xijin pin said, are responsible for the future of humanity. well, it is clear that the key questions. which they will discuss will concern themselves between these two countries, and those difficult and rather passable relations that have developed over the past few years, from the positive, well, the conditional positive is that china is really now dealing with major internal problems, this is the unprecedented growth in gdp that we have seen for several years decades, and more than 10% per year, it will actually complete. this period, now, let's say this, international
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agencies give china approximately 3.9, 4.5% of gdp growth , at least in the next few years, there is a crazy problem, it is debts, cities and provinces in china of the order of 15 trillion dollars, and a big the amount of these debts, they are extremely problematic, of course, which is... that is, the demarcation of western or developed countries, their dependence on china, on chinese production capabilities, and actually the outflow of western capital from china, most of which ends up either in the united states or to other centers of development, and this of course cannot help but be worried about it, it can lead to internal instability, and we saw the first such signs during covid and how people went out into the streets despite
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, in fact, the total control of the compta over the media well, in general, there are big problems over the economy, and let's hope that these internal problems, they will push the country to more peaceful rhetoric and actions, and a departure from what we have observed for at least the last year and a half, when in the south china sea, the chinese military behaved quite aggressively towards the filipino fishermen, well , in fact they are militarizing the south china sea, and there is an increase in nuclear capabilities, well, in fact, there seem to be 60 warheads for in the last year and a half, they have built up, let's say so to the entire arsenal, and we all remember what xi jinping said to putin that they are on the threshold of big changes that happen once every 100 years, that is, they mean taking over the leadership of the united states, and china should take the lead, that is, all these things, they are
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quite a complicated knot of problems and the most important thing. that this dialogue is taking place is the first thing, and secondly, the chinese agreed to resume the dialogue between the military, it stopped last year in august, when the speaker of the house of representatives, at that time, a democrat visited taiwan and after that the chinese actually cut off any dialogue, that is, this is the most important thing that will be discussed, that is, how to balance relations and put them in some kind of management system so that, god forbid, there are no misunderstandings, which would lead to a clash between the chinese and the americans, but they will also talk about the middle east, about israel, and about ukraine, of course, that these issues will be less, let's say, paid attention to, but surely joseph biden will call on china to more active
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position, regarding ukraine in the sense that it is necessary to support ukraine, since our interests, the interests of the international international community, we do not demand anything more than what is laid down in the un charter, the final act of the csce, as well as other international documents, and if china, which had a certain profit from that system, which is based on rules, it would be better for it not to destroy this system and not to turn even more western countries against itself, so ukraine will be discussed, but briefly, the most important thing is to restore dialogue and try to somehow in' these relations so that they do not deteriorate at all. well, of course, ukrainians are worried not only about the results of the talks between qinping and joseph biden, but also how the americans are going to quickly renew the approval of additional funding for ukraine, and, as the spokesman for the united states department of america
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matthew miller says, the issue of assistance to ukraine is at a critical stage. requires immediate approval of additional funding, let's listen to what miller said, respect to aid to ukraine, the pentagon has said publicly that they have exhausted somewhere around 95% their funds to provide security assistance to ukraine, security assistance that 's very important, um, we think it's urgent that the house passes um... so what matthew miller said, we're at a critical point in terms of assistance to ukraine, the pentagon publicly stated that he has exhausted about 95% of the funds allocated for security assistance to ukraine , assistance that is very important, we believe that
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the house should urgently take up the additional request that we have made ... not only for funding assistance to ukraine in the field of security, not only to fund security assistance to israel, but also to fund the humanitarian assistance that we have requested for the people of gaza, which we believe is extremely important, both for their safety and well-being and for the long-term security interests of israel. mr. oleksandr, at this time, when matthew miller spoke about the need for the restoration of additional funding for ukraine and israel. and the gas sector, a humanitarian, regarding humanitarian issues, there was a ukrainian delegation in the united states of america, and it is still there now, headed by yulia sveredenko is the deputy prime minister of ukraine, and andriy yermak is included in this delegation. andrii yermak made several statements about the fact that 2024 will be a turning point for ukraine, and even today i look at the


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