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tv   [untitled]    November 17, 2023 1:00am-1:30am EET

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black, because it is not market type, and it is not visible at all. oleksandr is convinced that every pedestrian and cyclist should have clothes or shoes with flashing inserts, reflective accessories in the form of key chains or bracelets. such an element on clothes saves life in the dark. they work, i have them. i've been a driver for a long time, so of course, i'm not up to the last minute, well, the unexpected happens. i love that it's better, it's always better , the same, when there will be blackouts, i kind of think, i hope not, so that the visibility is better, that people can be seen better was, the presence of reflective elements on a pedestrian prevents a probable road accident by at least 80%, - law enforcement officers explain. every time, the patrol police, with various campaigns, remind us how important it is to have a bright ribbon on a bag or backpack, and to cross the road with it on at night. flashlight
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for violation of rule 4.4 of the road traffic rules, namely, they are prosecuted under the first part of article 127 of the code of ukraine on administrative offenses, a fine of uah 255. this year we have 63 road and transport vehicles accidents with victims, nine of them died, namely with the participation of pedestrians, and 57 were injured. when driving with dipped beam , the distance at which you can see a pedestrian in dark clothes is 25 m. and if there are people. efliker, it grows up to 140 m. the average cost of reflective bracelets and ribbons for clothes is uah 20-50. but the draft law on the lack of means of prevention, which was submitted to the verkhovna rada, provides for a fine that exceeds these amounts, at least three times. anastasia holoshivets, victoria voroshchak from vinnytsia for the espresso tv channel. yes, well later we will have an important conversation with a lawyer in an important case and we will be in touch, natalya
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pushyna, lawyer, ms. natalya, i congratulate you, good evening, so yesterday there was information that the lawyers are once again emphasizing violations in the case against konstantin zhivago, this time we are talking about systematic procedural violations by investigators and prosecutors , so what procedural violations are you talking about and how do they affect the possibility of defense, konstantin zhivago, well, one of the main violations is non-execution of a decision the court, that is, we will receive... a court decision, and neither the prosecutor nor the investigator fulfills it, in addition, this is an improper performance of their procedural duties, we attribute to it the fact that we are not allowed to familiarize ourselves with the materials of the criminal proceedings, that is, we are not allowed to participate in this criminal proceeding at all, and in addition, this is the main thing, i think that each of the lawyers faced this, this, the non-appearance
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of the prosecutor at court sessions, that is, during the consideration of the motion of the defense side, the prosecutor three times did not appear at the court session, and we didn't even know why he didn't come, only after that we received a retroactive request to postpone the court session, ah, that's why there are procedural violations, we react to them, and that's why we have already submitted 62 procedural documents, well in addition to submitting these documents, i understand that they have been submitted to various authorities, or where exactly are these documents prepared by you directed, that is, who should respond? yes, look, we submitted 33 statistics, yes, we submitted 33 petitions to...
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the body of pre-trial investigation about review of case materials, of which 23 petitions to the investigator and 10 to the prosecutor. according to the results of consideration of these petitions, by the way, neither the investigator nor the prosecutor considered any petition within the time limit established by law. based on these results, we filed 29 complaints about inaction, 20 against the investigator and nine against the prosecutor. these are the statistics we have, well , i have one more question, recently the supreme court of france in paris finally refused the extradition of konstantin zhovago and removed all restrictions, please comment this decision and tell me what it means within the framework of the investigation of the case against kostyantyn zhivvagu, please, well, thank you very much for this question, i would like to say that the main message we received is that ukraine cannot be guaranteed justice by a fair trial .
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and as for our case and the case of konstantin zhivaga, we can say that the french court has confirmed that today... konstantin zhivaga cannot get a fair decision in the ukrainian courts and an independent pre-trial investigation of his cases, and based on the results of this this refusal of the french court and the provision of a proper assessment to both the pre-trial investigation bodies and the ukrainian courts, we expect only loud statements and new proceedings, that is... i think that in the near future, we will have a little more work, well we will cover this work to the extent necessary, thank you very much for your comments, natalya pushyn , the lawyer was in touch with us, and now i am adding to the conversation yuri fizer, the world about
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ukraine, i know what you have been waiting for on yuriy, because you are interested to know what si taiden is, yuliy, good evening, good evening to you vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined our broadcast today, indeed, the meeting between joe biden and xi jinping in san francisco will almost certainly be the main topic of today's column, i will also tell you about the fact that russians have been frozen in the czech republic assets, well, russia was on fire again, about this and other things in a moment in the world about ukraine section, well, i’ll start with the main thing: they flew in, met and, oh, and the president of the united states of america, joe biden and the leader of the heavenly sit pinen met in san francisco, this is the state of california on the west coast of the united states of america. and for the first time in the last six years, the head of plydenbesna flew to the usa. the conversation took place on the sidelines of
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the asia-pacific cooperation summit. the press services of both leaders emphasized that the nearly four-hour meeting was frank and useful. joe biden and pinh exchanged views on the russian war in ukraine and the palestinian-israeli conflict, paying attention to the problem of climate change and challenges in the field of artificial intelligence, and besides, the heads of both states, and then a short quote: outlined the directions for healthy, stable and sustainable development of bilateral relations. in a word, an important meeting, extremely important, if not historical, then extremely important , and here are more details, maybe he will tell us, and i will ask a few more questions to my guest, this is oleksandr kraev, an expert of the foreign policy council, ukrainian prism. mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine. yes,
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glory to the heroes, good evening. mr. alexander, always glad to see you on the air espresso, and the first question, before you, as i ask you the first question, let's listen to one direct speech, joe biden, the president of the united states of america. first direct language please. today, chinese president xi jinping and i exchanged views on a number of regional and global issues, including russia's refusal to end its brutal and aggressive war against ukraine and the gas conflict. mr. oleksandr, well, it is obvious to everyone who is interested in international affairs that this meeting was primarily organized in order to in order to improve bilateral relations between the connecting parties. the united states and china, but before the meeting, you could often hear from the adviser, joe biden, jake sullivan, that the russian war in ukraine and the conflict in the middle east will be one of the main topics during the conversation. i listened to joe biden's press conference, well
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it was short only 20 minutes, i listened and there in just this one paragraph he mentioned what, and we heard what. please tell me, that's all they could...' talk about ukraine, because i would like for them to speak more, whether much could have been left on the sidelines, the part regarding ukraine, because we understand that the ukrainian issue is perhaps the most difficult currently in relations between the united states and china, because on the one hand we really see that china well does not dare, does not want, or does not see it as appropriate to fully support russia, but on the other hand, both we and the americans understand very well that through private companies, through laying companies, through the same north korea, even, which can generally be called a laying state in this aspect after all, china transferred a significant part of military aid to russia.
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the americans, of course, by giving more powers to their own intelligence services, and further by giving more powers to the ministry of justice, could partially restrain such insinuations, they really did a lot to impose additional sanctions and restrain chinese companies, the communist party itself from their actions, however, so far the issue of russian aggression against ukraine remains the main imbalance, which is the main crisis on the world stage, which is such that due to the actions of the russian federation, destroyed the previous system of international security, and although you correctly said that there literally , well, half a paragraph was devoted both in the transcripts of the meeting and during the press conference to the topic of russian aggression, it seems to me that this is simply an indicator of what or in another form, but in the backroom negotiations, in the personal conversation of the leaders, a lot was devoted to this topic, at least we can conclude that the americans maintained their own position, the position of which is that ukraine must win anyway, and russia must to lose this war, and that's the most important thing, i think, but there's another direct speech from
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this press conference by joe biden, let's listen to it, then, then there will be another direct, let's listen to joe biden first, yes , he is a dictator in to the sensei who runs a communist country whose form of government is completely different from ours, i will tell our viewers that at the very end of the press conference, a journalist... asked one of the american tv channels asked joe biden whether he still considers xi jinping a dictator . here he answered: as he answered, and immediately this morning , kyiv time, in china, it was probably noon, the ministry of foreign affairs reacted with a blue sky, and this is what the official representative of the chinese foreign ministry, maon, said. let's hear her answer. such statements are extremely incorrect. with responsible political manipulation, which china strongly opposes, it must be emphasized
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that there will always be those who will try to sow discord and damage sino-us relations, but their attempts will not succeed. mr. oleksandr, look, this is how to advertise this meeting after the meeting in china, and xi jinping himself said and joe biden said that the meeting was constructive. business, important, then , at the end of the press conference, joe biden makes such a statement and runs into such a reaction from the people's republic of china, please tell me, can this somehow negatively affect what they said during the meeting? i don't think it will have a significant negative impact, because again, referring to the transcripts of the meeting that were released by both foreign ministries, referring to what was said before the meeting, as it was commented on in all the media, they understand very well who they are, they are absolutely
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pragmatic about it, here i would quote what the americans wrote in their transcript, that with the usa, the united states of america and the people's republic of china remain rivals, they remain competitors, and the chinese said the same thing, they are competitors, they compete in the international arena, but here too started the most important thing is that despite this competition... both states perfectly understand their global responsibility , they understand that world stability and what we call world security depends on their position, on their ability to communicate, on their ability to maintain some level of dialogue community and so yes, they can think of each other as dictators or as a glorious democracy, as china often says about the united states, they can look at each other however they want, but it does not at all interfere with the fact that they have understanding the necessity of... these negotiations, that's why biden didn't give a damn, he really
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, well, i, i completely agree with this, he really sees the features of a dictator, because he runs a dictatorship, well, who can run a dictatorship except a dictator, well, that's already the case you know, a play on words, but still, despite this difference in regimes, this difference in approach, this and even such harsh statements towards each other, it does not mean at all that this will in any way interrupt these negotiations or make them unnecessary, well, i really hope, really hope, xixinpin got it right joe biden's explanation, well, mr. alexander, my last question for you today is about, trump, but yesterday or the day before yesterday, a court in michigan ruled that, lawsuits, in particular one lawsuit about possible interference by trump in the 2020 election, the presidential election does not prevent him from running for the main seat in the united states of america, firstly, how can this be in
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a democratic country, and secondly, it only applies to the state, it seems that it was in michigan, the state michigan, or does this even apply to the entire united states of america? currently, this concerns only the state of michigan, and that is, in parallel with this, there have already been several other cases in which individual states have started legal proceedings regarding the fact that, before the decision of a federal judge, regarding ... but the possibility or impossibility of trump's participation in the elections, they themselves decide that within this particular state, in the election ballots, despite the decisions of the party conventions there and everything else. the name of citizen donald j. trump does not appear, because in this particular state the court ruled that he does not have the right to run for office, and so in this case we're dealing with exactly the same decision , just on the other side, that in the state of michigan, trump's name can appear until the federal court decides otherwise, so we're all waiting now for the hearing 4
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march next year, when just within the framework of the indictment regarding the events of january 6, 21 , trump may be sentenced for attempted coup d'état, and even then this sentence will accordingly fall under the 14th amendment of the constitution, which will prohibit trump from embracing any elected office, and it must be emphasized here, he cannot hold it, meaning even if he gets voted in, even if there are any votes, he can't be inaugurated because the 14th amendment prohibits that, oh, how difficult, well, this is democracy, really, and american-style democracy, mr. oleksandr. as always, thank you very much for participating in the program, for your professional explanation. oleksandr kraev, expert of the ukrainian prism foreign policy council. well , this is how it happens in the united states to the united states of america, this meeting between biden and sydzinpinem, i really hope that after all they talked about ukraine, and there will be some results, that joe biden managed to find the levers that he used to influence, maybe, maybe in
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some perspective, the medium term will influence these well, let's go further. good news from the czech republic. russian state property was frozen in this country. this was announced today by the prime minister of the country petr fiala. on its page in the microblogging network x is the former twitter. he wrote that the government of his country made a decision according to which russia will not be able to to manage the real estate that belonged to her in the czech republic, that is, such real estate will not be able to be transferred or sold, moreover, muscovites will not be able to issue invoices from now on for the rent of this real estate, and this is a very painful blow, by the way, because well, there are many russians in the czech republic, we know very well, there is also prague and karlovy vary and everything, but yesterday an acquaintance of mine went to prague, well, i came, i say, how is it there, she says, and those russians, she says just a bunch, she says, there just aren’t any where to go from them, well, i think that
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now they will be less important there, because everything they have will be frozen, and what makes this a more painful blow is explained by the reaction from the kremlin, putin's spokesman piskov said that oh, no, such a decision by the czech authorities is illegal , it does not comply with the law, and immediately piskov was answered from the czech republic, the minister of foreign affairs of this country, jan lipavsky, who said, listen, i deny the statement that this is an illegal step, because our decision is in accordance with the czech law, according to the law on sanctions . that is, no trendit, don't you know why this corresponds, we have a law in the czech republic that allows us to do this and we did it, and we thank our czech friends for what they did. but the senate of the congress of the united states of america, following the house of representatives, adopted a bill on temporary financing of the government. the document does not contain aid for ukraine and israel.
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congress prevented a shutdown of the government, the so-called shutdown, which could have happened on november 17. falls in the upper house of the american highest legislative body the document was supported by 87 people, 11 voted against , but in the house of representatives - this is the lower house, a little earlier , 336 congressmen voted for the bill, 95 against, and most of them are republicans, president joe biden, as expected, american media sources , will sign this bill. too bad he 'll sign this one. bill without help to ukraine, but i hope that he, his advisers, will find some way out of this situation and find money to help us. well, let's move on to israel, me i don't care about the death of the palestinians, it breaks my heart, but i always remember that our main task is the safety and protection of our people.
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israeli president yitzhak herzok said this in an interview with the financial times. this is how he commented on the assault by the tzahal troops on the al shisha hospital in the gaza strip, where, according to israeli intelligence, the main command headquarters of the palestinian movement hamas was located. at the same time , the president of the jewish state emphasized that the israel defense forces conduct operations near hospital buildings in the gaza strip extremely carefully, seeking to ensure the protection of the civilians of this enclave. unfortunately, they could not ensure life and safety for everyone. well, for today i have everything in the world about ukraine column, everything only for today, but not everything on our air, then wait for my colleague. oleksandr moshchevka, what a morshchavka, who, as always, will tell you the most important things from the world of money. i say goodbye to you, see you tomorrow. when
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the cold and cold come, noses want to go to the resort. humer - for daily prevention and complex treatment of runny nose. humor - sea ​​resort for the nose. there are 30% discounts on huyumer nasal spray in travel and thrift pharmacies. there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. we are engaged in propaganda. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become let's counter the information attacks of the russians in the chronicle project. information war with olga ley monday, tuesday, thursday at 17:15 on the espresso tv channel.
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day, that ship district, kherson. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we are telling the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. verdict by serhii rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can to express one's opinion in spite of the day with help. background survey, turn on and turn on, verdict with serhiy rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22: on espresso. at 25
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in november 2013 , a convoy of five hundred opposition forces marched to the building of the cabinet of ministers. the protesters wanted to express their disagreement with the government's decision to suspend the process of preparation for the signing of the agreement. about association with the european union, by the evening the number of people on euromaidan and european square increases to several thousand. the clearing of the so-called maidan in independence from activists began around 4 a.m. at that time, about 400 protesters remained on duty, mostly there were students, they slept in tents, then the square was surrounded by armed fighters of the special battalion. on december 8, 2013, a march of millions passed through the streets of the capital, but it continued. until late at night and on this very day, activists toppled the monument to lenin in the center of the capital on besararab square.
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good evening, we are from ukraine, we continue, and now is the time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchyvka is with us, oleksandr, congratulations, please, congratulations to the audience, congratulations to vasyl, the simplicity of the ukrainian economy, how much it will grow, such forecasts have already been announced in the european commission, also about the market. labor, who will be needed in ukraine in the near future and which workers, about this and not only in a moment. i am oleksandr morchyvka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war. so, despite the full-scale russian invasion, ukraine demonstrated the stability of its economy during the year. this is stated in the autumn economic forecast for the countries of the european union. well, this allows. now estimate the growth of the gross domestic product in the following years, so in 2024, for example,
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expect that the gross domestic product will reach the mark of more than the main incentives for growth will be the system of private consumption, that is, we are private consumers, we are the main investors in the ukrainian economy, and state investments will also contribute, in particular, in the process of rebuilding and restoring the country. as noted in the forecast of the european commission, our economy surprised the international community with its resilience against russia's attacks on critical infrastructure, in particular , the supply chains and the ukrainian economy can withstand it, well, such are the forecasts of vasyl from the european commission, but following the forecasts of the international monetary fund next year, the optimistic expectations for the growth of our gdp, well , forecasts, each institution has its own, they differ, but we only believe in the best , well, it turns out such a good and bad policeman , well, there is something in this, more for the front
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next year, all the money... allocated for road repair will be transferred to the needs of defense and security of the country, the minister announced of finance serhiy marchenko. this is not only an investment in victory, but also the creation of new jobs to support the economy, the government official added. the authorities will form such a resource at the expense of excise taxes on cars and fuel. however , our state will not remain without roads, because it is also a military necessity. so, to finance the construction and repair of roads, money will be taken from the reserve. the government fund, as well as international projects will help, - added the head of the ministry of finance. at the fifth power unit of the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant , there is a leakage of reagents, it was reported in our energy atom, despite existing violations. the occupation leadership is now in no hurry to put this unit into a state of so-called cold shutdown, using steam for heating and meeting
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the station's own needs. according to the president. ready petro kotin, the actions of muscovites, this is yet another such blackmail, due to the incompetence of russian personnel, another power unit may be damaged, this will lead to an emergency situation, they note in the energy agency, and the office of the prosecutor general connected ukrainian lines to the russian power grid ukraine informed the minister of energy of the terrorist state about the suspicion . the suspect also violated the procedure for entering the temporarily occupied territory of ukraine and held presentations about the launch of allegedly restored power lines there. polish carriers rejected the joint proposals of the european commission
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of ukraine and poland and refused to stop blocking the border with ukraine, their main the demand is to return to the permit system for our state, the ministry of infrastructure reported. the key demand of the protesters cannot be fulfilled, say our government, the ukrainian side and the european commission emphasized that these are bilateral agreements. the agreement on transportation, it is executed and operates within the framework of the legislation of the european union, is valid. it will last until june 30 of next year, so we are monitoring the situation, what will this blocking of border points lead to, well, a so-called dry port will be created in transcarpathia, he will work in the village of horonda and help ukraine sell agricultural products abroad, reports the transcarpathian regional military administration. italian investors are participating in this project, and the logistics hub
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will contribute to the development of export potential. of ukraine, and will also allow local producers to expand foreign markets, thanks to the appearance of such a dry port, it will be possible to create more than 200 new jobs in the region and timely fulfill all contracts with customers of ukrainian food, in particular ukrainian grain, well, national elected officials are now looking for options to fill the coffers, in addition to the fact that export revenues ... have slowed down a little now, because now the land routes of exporting our food are really increasing, so , for example, the committee of the supreme council on finance, tax and customs policy approved the second reading bill on taxation of banks, charges will increase from 18% to 50%.


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