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tv   [untitled]    November 21, 2023 10:30am-11:00am EET

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the shelter is in bad condition, where to turn? check the shelter yourself. instructions from the ozone public monitoring group will help with this. download it, check the shelter and pass the information to the representatives of the state administration in your area. they will pass on the comments to the person responsible for the state of the shelter, the balance keeper. and control the performance and quality of work, everyone's right to try in safety. we are returning to the air, thank you for watching from the press, today is the day of dignity, the holiday is bittersweet to the beginning of two ukrainian revolutions and maidan, 2004 year and 2013, i remember this day on november 21, actually then - to the traitor.
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of ukraine in a public position, in principle, a russian agent, i mean azarov, at the behest of the twice untried president, traitor and zek yanukovych, said that we will not sign any agreements with the european association, and the end of your european integration, therefore the beginning of everything , which began on the maidan, was called the eurorevolution, and you already remember everything about the maidan of 2013, i mentioned it, but with us now is actually a politician and a captain of the armed forces of ukraine, who is a participant in all ukrainian revolutions, in the past also politician and prosecutor general and minister of internal affairs lutsenko. mr. yuri, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes and holidays. actually, mr. yurii, i will start with a very big philosophical question in the sense that these are historical events
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in which you and i were also together and crossed paths, we know how it was, but every year more and more, there are people who learn about it through the interpretation of these events, and it is no secret that huge forces were used at one time to present all these events as a kind of mutiny, rebellion, anti-constitutional coup, will it be possible to keep the day of dignity and the history of the ukrainian maidans as it was, and not as it is widely interpreted by anti-maidan, anti-democratic people, first of all, i am sure that both maidans holidays will enter ukrainian history, history textbooks, for one simple reason, because the absolute majority of ukrainians, in one way or another, were involved in those maidans.
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one way or another supported them, it is very easy to explain, because after each maidan, democratic and transparent elections were held, in which the absolute majority of ukrainians came to vote and elected the president or the verkhovna rada, so that there is no talk of coups or rebellions, millions of ukrainians from all regions of our country are witnesses and participants of this. ugh, but you yourself mentioned this cyclical nature, you already found the answer for yourself, how it happened in the last 30 years after the restoration of independence, that the country always reached the boiling point, and people, having the right to a kind of uprising, which was the maidan, and
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they overthrew the criminal government, democratic elections were held after them, then such a government was elected that, due to its term of office, managed to boil the cauldron again so that people again went to the maidan, that is, a kind of sinusoid appeared from the maidan to the maidan, through the elections and various yanukovych, is this karmic dependence finally interrupted or not? a very good question, because as you know, the current government for some reason suddenly, out of some miracle , announced the organization of maidan3 by russia. of course, this betrays her true attitude towards of both ukrainian revolutions, as something so external, but i have to reassure the current rulers. the maidans were never organized by russia, america, or even ukrainian politicians. maidans have always been society's reaction to the criminal actions of the authorities. as.
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if the government will act in accordance with the constitution and laws, and today we must add everything that is necessary for victory, then no maidans will threaten it, on the contrary, the entire ukrainian society will support this government, regardless of who voted for whom in the last elections elections, now regarding why they are such a part of us, these maidans, why they happened every 10 years , roman, for this we need to raise the scale of the photo that we or the video of what we see on the screen now, even higher and even higher, and more above, and we will see that we, ukrainians, live next to a terrible, aggressive and ugly monster called the russian federation. the country, which lives next to an essentially fascist state, is constantly the object of its encroachment. if we recall our entire history of suffering,
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after 350 years since we were stolen from europe, then it is even more surprising that this nation was able to find strength in itself, not only to declare independence in 1991 . but also twice to defend putin's intention to return us back to the empire. there wouldn't be these maidans and there wouldn't be these sinosoids, about which you speak of ukrainian politicians, if moscow hadn't set them up for this. as soon as a pro-russian politician arrives, russia again begins an aggressive policy of drawing ukraine back into the empire. the only way to stop this is the people's right to revolt. in fact, both maidans were implemented at 9 p.m century, what was proclaimed during the american and french revolutions of the 16th century, human freedom, the freedom of the nation and the right of the people to defend their rights, the right
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of the people to revolt, that is what is actually happening, there would be no russia, we would develop without the maidans, yes how did, for example, slovakia, poland, any romania, the czech republic, any other european country, which the muscovites subjugated to their warsaw pact, developed, but we are under the influence of moscow, 350 years old, they intoxicated a large number, poisoned a large number of our population, they captured the mass media, they often capture ukrainian politicians and push them to power, as was the attempt during the first maidan, but we left then only because we did not want... we wanted moscow to appoint us a president elect him themselves, and the second maidan was an attempt, again contrary to the constitution, the law of ukraine, to draw ukraine back into the russian union through yanukovych's policy, and the people went to defend their
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independence, their freedom, their civilizational choice. therefore, all the maidans are this it is not ukrainian anarchy, as some people want to say, it is not foreign plans , it is not even... patriotic or nationalist forces, as some say, it is the will of the people, and it is very good if you look at this video, because the maidan is not a territory , these are the people, these are the faces, they defended the country twice, in its recent history, and today, these young people, i saw it in the trenches, i was simply warmed by the mayda atmosphere there near bakhmut, because it was those who... was on the maidan, 18-20 years old, now the main backbone of the ukrainian armed forces forces, it was there on the maidan that they understood what and from whom they would protect, if necessary, this is what the maidan is and what today's war is like, and in 2014 many
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maidan residents went directly to dobrobaty, when they had not yet there was a response from the armed forces of ukraine, and we remember it, but there is one more important point, there is another trend from the maidan. to the maidan, even if it is stretched by such a schedule, starting from the revolution on the granite, still a student one, and up to 2013, we can see the trend, at first, there were many provocateurs, russian agents, already at the orange revolution, well, these are isolated cases when derkach ran there in an orange scarf, when azarov came out on stage to wave a pen at the maidan, yes, that is, already in 2013 there were no such direct traitors, on the contrary, they were already on the other side of the barricades, because for example, i remember how berkutnia and the anti-maidan were jostling on the maidan, we were on the parapets near the trade union building, and i saw that in front of all this rabble was the tsarov, and this state traitor from the party
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of regions, in mariyintsa they were wielding berkut, and shufrych was ahead, that is, everything was already there very clearly, well, it is positioned on the extreme maidan of 2013, that the enemies and their collaborators are on the other side, and in this case, is this a sign that, in principle, the maidan as a phenomenon is also learning and getting smarter, that is, no.. . allowing all these collaborators to be included in their ranks, this is the first question, because the second will be more important, in short, if you can , in fact it is not about those individual collaborators who were elected by ukrainians to the verkhovna rada, but took the side of the anti-maid . it is actually about the ukrainian people, as such, because from maidan to maidan, he became more and more aware of the importance first of his... country in which they want to live, and then they understood the importance of their state,
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which should protect them, and therefore, a way out of poisoning by russian imperial propaganda, who carried these collaborators happened throughout the years, you know, as it is often said that the american nation is a boiling cauldron of nations, yes, in ours, it is a boiling cauldron that... separates the slag, when the metal melts, from above there is slag, there is not much of it, but if it is not thrown away, there will be none of a single ingot, but now the ukrainian nation, through these terrible trials, through terrible sacrifices, through the colossal challenges of fate thrown at us by the neighborhood of russia, becomes a whole, throwing out a stream of collaborators, traitors, although there are still enough of them, unfortunately, still enough, and right here, to the key point... we are approaching, because after the maidan, in fact, the ukrainians chose
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a government, neither anti-maymai, nor maidan, they said, we chose another, but we unexpectedly saw that in the process of forming, this bureaucratic machine, and filling, personnel positions in various places, starting from the office at the bank, ending with the executive branch of government, those anti-maidan characters and characters began to climb out everywhere, and it is not clear, for example, i am now sitting and studying some new bill that the verkhovna rada is writing , the bureau of economic security wants to do so that in fact, well, it could be renamed, i don’t know tatarov bureau and all, and here i have a question, for example, protarov, because it was precisely during a real information marathon, during this revolution, at a meeting with foreign ambassadors
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countries, then this, yanukovych's cop told, without batting an eye, that the maidan people shoot themselves, and the birkota are good, they will never shoot, this person who took part in the anti-maidan and lied, that is, in principle, committed some kind of crime, which should have the qualifications, now actually controls the entire force block, and anti-corruption, and in manual mode, influences everything, she herself was part of the anti-corruption investigation, which was merged with the prosecutor general's office of the security service of ukraine. why is this happening, why such revanchism? i think that ukrainian political nations, er, there are still not enough years for balanced decisions. i will allow myself to say this, because 20 years ago i myself was inexperienced, hot, young. when i became the minister of internal affairs, for example, like the entire team of president yushchenko , they believed that it was enough to change the leaders
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and the system would work. yes, i changed 98% of the entire management team up to and including the district. and this passion was enough for a year or two. but the system was not broken. and therefore already on the second maidan, having served his prison term, having analyzed everything that was happening in ukraine and in neighboring countries, i said that it is not, this maidan is not for a change of face. and for changing the system, this is a real revolution, and therefore the next parliament of the 14th year would change hundreds of laws that were supposed to change the country's system, a completely new anti-corruption infrastructure was created, completely new safeguards against corruption, such as public procurement through prozoro, or restoring order in the gas sector, or the same visa-free regime, which seemed like a miracle, but we implemented it, and by the way, today it saved millions of... ukrainians who found safety in
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the european union, precisely because the visa-free system worked at one time, yes, but then the women and the tatarovs returned, look, and these long, long hundreds of laws that changed the foundation did not satisfy the ukrainians, because they wanted everything and at once, they wanted it social activists, everything and at once, it wanted society to immediately live as in europe, to work hard on the system. changing performers, i am not in favor of precedents lasting 20 years, but i am in favor of systematic work not stopping, unfortunately ukrainians once again pecked at populism, they wanted a good one... who will do a miracle himself, and you don't need any systems, you don't need to work long, you don't need to understand the laws, how are you going to do it now, you just need to vote for a good king, who in himself is nice in appearance and says, well, as if some such simple, quick and things that i support, as a result, all reforms were stopped, almost all, everything
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that was voted for, was frozen, people came to power in some places, who like the times of yanukovych, and they again began to build that the old manual control system. i do not want continue on this topic, because today we live in times of war, in times of war, we must postpone conclusions for later, for after victory, but the fact is that ukrainians must learn to vote not for words, but for concrete plans, for concrete steps, not for everything good against everything ... not for the fact that it doesn’t matter what the street is called, the main thing is that it has asphalt and not for someone to seek peace in the eyes of putin, but for there to be a building plan a european country, but when ukrainians learn, it is difficult, because it is necessary to read, analyze, think, compare,
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to listen, to debate, but when ukrainians learn this, then a ukrainian political nation will finally be formed, which has a perspective, the only good thing they have... to say today, after all, we have to end on optimism, the point of no return has been passed. the heavenly hundred was the first price for the inevitable ukrainian-russian war. these were the first casualties in this still undeclared war. today, the number of victims no longer allows anyone, not even tatarov and all his other henchmen, to think about the return of the so-called brotherly relations with russia, the so-called. of the russian eurasian union, we passed this point at a terrible price, but we passed, now our nation is tested for courage, now the time of victory and a test of reason is coming, i really hope that this slag has come off, and the ingot of ukrainian metal, a single cast, will be of high quality.
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mr. yuriy, the way the whip went down, it should just be thrown aside with a shovel, yuriy lutsenko, a politician, our veteran of the armed forces of ukraine and a participant in all revolutions was with us, but we will continue to talk about this only with vitaly tytych, he was lawyer of the relatives of the heroes of the heavenly hundred, as yuriy lutsenko said, the first victims of the russian-ukrainian war. he was the head of the partnership association vitalichi partners and now he is with us, mr. vitalii, glory to ukraine and the holiday. kudos to the heroes, thank you too. back, as they say, before the holidays, the prosecutor general's office probably also wanted to congratulate ukrainians, so it said that about 60 cases related to the maidan, well , there is a risk of non-prosecution of those involved in crimes, torture and murders, because
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the expiration of the statute of limitations, that was yesterday's news, today, remembering this, we will ask you what is going on with those... volumes of cases, and there are crazy volumes of cases around the maidan, why are there so few verdicts and why can we have 60 cases to lose, well, this is conditional news, news for those who do not follow the progress of the investigation and trial in the cases, the so-called maidan cases, we have been talking about this for a long time, we are trying , including involving our victims and the active public, to attract this attention, but unfortunately, society has forgotten, yes, it returns, remembering the maidan, only for anniversaries, yes, if it didn’t sound unfortunate, it ’s like in that soviet film, we go to the bathhouse with friends, yes, and it’s like groundhog day
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i have every 10 years, when i am invited to broadcast, and i practically repeat it. the same thing from year to year, once again, the coincidence of the term of bringing to criminal responsibility, and now already in cases of serious crimes, it is 10 years, yes, we are celebrating the tenth anniversary now, this is quite a tragic situation, it happened in force those things that we have been talking about for 10 years, everything that was obtained at the stage of the pre-trial investigation, i emphasize that the key factual evidence was obtained by the investigation of the special investigations department under the leadership of serhii horbatyuk back in the 15th and 16th years and on important episodes in that in the 16th year, they were brought to court, where these cases, both old and new, relatively
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speaking, were successful, rotted and are rotting now, that is , the judicial system, ours is beautiful, has been reformed many times, it has worked on that side to the full extent , continues to practice literally now, that’s why we have such results, yes, mr. vitaly , i will honestly tell the audience that based on our conversations with you alone, i could already write a book of memories, and how it all happened, but as of today, this is already a change of several teams in the prosecutor general's office, there are already so many changes in the judicial branch , several power teams and vectors have already changed, and as of now, it all merges, that is, at what level? at the level of the investigation, at the level of the prosecutor's office, at the level of courts, at the level of executive offices, i
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with your permission, i will deviate a little from your question, because the previous speaker, i listened to him a little and it came to me, you know that it is difficult to even speak on the air now, it is obvious that the person who was there before, and we talked about it then stated that there are several criminal proceedings initiated against the then leadership of the general prosecutor’s office, which very successfully obstructed the investigation, therefore the most important task of ukrainian society now is to abstract from the maidans of other things there, it is simply to do something with by his memory, yes, because ukrainian society. beautiful, patriotic, now, but it’s like those chickens, yes, 10 km of memory, here it pecked, here it laid an egg, there it pooped, and forgot what
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happened yesterday, and we jump on the same rake from acceleration that was, teams change, but when they are changed, the previous one rightly said that you need to look at the plans, i would also add that you need to look a little at the background, what kind of people are they, what did they do? and what are the real consequences of their actions, and then consider them there for some political e bases, teams change, as you said, but the conditional side , it is powerful, it is very powerful, and what horbatyuk managed to do, yes, well, with our help there, it is absolutely incredible, i did not believe it, that we it will be possible, but against ... they did it now in force, no matter how wild it sounds, this is an opportunity, a real proof now
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, of the most important circumstances that occurred during the violent confrontation, yes, i emphasize this, because we are now being confused , everyone forgot actually, yes real circumstances, we have a so-called euromaidan is when people used their absolute constitutional right to stage a peaceful protest exactly on these dates, we are now celebrating it, but to everyone, well, for the sake of the picture, including you, you are now giving the circumstances, precisely what is called the revolution of dignity, this is a violent confrontation, which was initially peaceful, a beautiful protest, the biggest dep authorities, we have half a minute, sum it up, mr. vitaly, there is just a lack of time, we have half a minute. summing up our salvation as a nation is in our hands, let's be smart, critical thinking, remember a little,
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to analyze and independently draw conclusions, not to listen to any experts, including me , thank you, mr. vitaly, vitaliy titych, lawyer of the relatives of the heroes of the heavenly hundred, 1800 volumes, and justice, they say, is, accordingly, in different ways. it can be civilized in court, and there can be other options, but these are future pages, future stories, a short pause, then, let's watch the news and return to the conversation. laughter, physical activity, sneezing, even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt, femininost helped me uro, thanks to its natural ingredients, feminost uro helps restore control over urination both during the day and at night. feminonost uro - urination under control. ask at pharmacies? buy with a 10% discount in the pharmacies
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i don't know where each of us will celebrate the day of our joint ukrainian victory, but i know one hundred percent that we will celebrate the day of our victory together with the citizens of filiz.
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coffee espresso, i want to congratulate your team on their birthday, wish them victory, of course and peace, to wish military happiness, to wish that in each of your informational battles , you emerge victorious, and traditionally i wish that each of us meets the news dawn, precisely with a cup of espresso, we have a formation, we move forward, together to victory.


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