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tv   [untitled]    November 21, 2023 10:00pm-10:31pm EET

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the key to the problem of fighting corruption. thank you. oleg synyutka, oleksiy kucherenko and andriy osachuk were guests of our program today. gentlemen, i thank you for participating in the program. during this broadcast of ours, we conducted a survey, you were asked whether corruption in ukraine should be equated with treason. let's take a look at the survey results. yes, 93%, 7% no. here are the results of this survey. it was the verdict on serhiy rudenko program. i am with you. until tomorrow until 20:00, bye, problems with the joint lobes limit movement, this unpleasant and painful, strengthen them with the help of dolgit joints, these are packages: with collagen and
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for territories, it is also a war for minds. we are engaged in propaganda. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become countering russian information attacks in the chronicles of information war project with olga ley. on monday, tuesday, thursday, 17:15 on the espresso tv channel. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front.
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estoy muy bien 10 years have passed, i remember it like it was yesterday. how
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did it all begin? the story of espresso is also my personal story. i have been to you more than once guests today, i wish for a speedy end to the war, to be safe and to do many more things together. good luck, congratulations, this is svoboda live, my name is vlasta lazur. we will discuss the latest news of the day in the next hour. against the background of discussions by american politicians about further military aid to ukraine, the head of the us department of defense, lloyd austin, arrived in kyiv with an unannounced visit, for what and with what news about this soon. there is a serious personnel rotation in the army. the day before , volodymyr zelenskyi changed the commander of the medical forces of the ukrainian armed forces, instead of tetyana ostashchenko, who was criticized for poor-quality tourniquets and first-aid kits, the new commander of the medical forces was major general anatoliy kazmirchuk. what is wrong
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with the medical forces of the armed forces of ukraine, what changes do they need and why are the problems there, the authorities began to speak out loud only now. about this today in svoboda live supplier. like this broadcast, let's start, well, let's start with a report on how pppo fighters from the 129th anti-aircraft missile regiment fight on british equipment, which they received in the summer year, it is, in particular, about the stormer anti-aircraft missile complex, radio liberty's exclusive report from donetsk region by roman pagulych. in this direction we drove, we destroyed 20, a whole, well, type of drones, the target was destroyed, 1440, there were different types, that is , eagles, eagles, superkams, this is a very powerful
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result, the command in the reserve is simple, there is an explosion in the sky , is. the target was destroyed by azimu 2,300 azimu 2,300 the target was destroyed at 22-21 the stormer works at a range of 7-8 km, effective shooting up to 7 km somewhere, well, it’s normal to was going to destroy the drone, the enemy doesn’t even have a chance, that is, if we know where it flies, how much is 1450, well, we discovered the hall, we destroyed it, but we destroyed it before the lanced flew to us, and the hall and the lanced are working they are in a pair, that is, the hall guides the lancet and plus it illuminates the target, the lancet did not hit the combat vehicle, it hit three meters from the combat vehicle, that is, it happened immediately,
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i am thinking about whether it was a lancet or artillery, a projectile flew there or something, well i didn't get a person, it was very close, well, it was then, judging by the roughness of the floor, it turned out that there was a lancet, more than once shells and shrapnel lay in front of the engine room. a projectile exploded in front of me, i saw it immediately, when i pressed the gas, the mirror flew out stormer great britain handed over to ukraine in about the middle of the 22nd year, since that time these systems, together with the soviet air defense, cover the troops near the front line and work on enemy drones, although
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when this system was developed, the main targets for it were airplanes and helicopters. he flies a lot. drones, and that is, we try to help the artillery, because if i fly, they fly, but the artillery does not work, the artillery does not work, does not help the infantry , and then, that is, then it is already very difficult to work, and if everyone works and everything is coordinated, that is, well and then work is going well. the head of the us department of defense, lloyd austin, arrived in ukraine today with an unannounced visit. this visit is taking place against the background of the discussion american policymakers for further military aid to ukraine, the us department of defense recently noted that
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aid packages for ukraine have been smaller in recent years, as the agency has no additional funding. well, in connection with this, the pentagon has repeatedly called on the us congress to approve this very funding. i have just arrived in kyiv to meet with the ukrainian leadership, i am here today to deliver an important message, the united states will continue to support ukraine in its. struggle for freedom against russian aggression, both now and in the future. i will remind you that the usa is a key ally of ukraine and the leader in terms of military aid. since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the united states has allocated $60 billion in aid to ukraine. however , the white house recently announced that as of the beginning of november, the united states had already spent 96% of this amount. currently, the pentagon has a little more than a billion dollars to replenish ukrainians. stocks for the winter. the us president in october warned congress to praise, asked, more precisely, congress to praise the $106 billion aid package
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dollars this is such a joint aid for ukraine and israel, where most of the money - more than 61 billion was for ukraine. and about that, due to disagreements between democrats and republicans, this annual budget has not yet been approved. both houses of congress approved only a temporary budget, which does not include aid for ukraine and also does not include aid for israel. with. democrats and republicans publicly assured ukraine that the united states would continue to provide it with assistance, but just now there was news that lloyd austin, while in kyiv, has already met with president volodymyr zelenskyi, and i quote, as reported by the media, he said that this is another opportunity, or rather, this visit, to confirm the unwavering support of ukraine from the united states. these are all words, for now, how this situation can actually develop further, joins our broadcast. people's deputy, voice faction, head of the temporary investigative commission of the verkhovna rada on
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issues of monitoring, receiving and using international aid during martial law. alexander, good afternoon. good evening. well, against the background of all this, these problems and challenges, to be more precise, that ukraine now has, because of the possible perspective, perspective, or rather, the provision of american aid, against the background of all this, lloyd austin is coming, why? what does this visit mean? there are two key things that need to be understood: first, the americans are trying to show, first of all, to our european partners, and of course to russia, that there is undeniable support, and even when we are now talking about the fact that the congress is divided and there is no total support for ukraine, as it was at the beginning of the war, is a little wrong, because if the question of ukraine is brought to a vote now, in a package or separately, at least 300, 435 congressmen will vote for it,
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this is, as they like to say in ukraine, the constitutional majority, in our country, i will tell you honestly, few draft laws in ukraine receive such a large number of votes as the issue of ukraine is currently receiving in congress, but of course there are many manipulations, there are many of their own games, especially between two parties that try to use the issue of ukraine to their advantage. second, and why mr. austin came, i understand that they want to discuss the details. ukraine's plan, because after general zaluzhny's article on econkonmist, where he said that, after all , the war has turned into a completely different format, plus, given that now events are developing in israel, which are drawing the attention of not only america, but also the world when i say attention, i mean not only that they are now in fact the first in all the news, but that the weapons that should be put in of ukraine, the same, for example, shells... of 55 caliber are now delivered to israel.
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and that is why, i think that one of the points that i discussed today, i know that mr. ost definitely met with the minister of defense, mr. umerov, and with the head-leader gurbudanov, and with mr. zaluzhny, what is the current plan of ukraine in those conditions that exist, because we are now entering a protracted winter and we have to understand that on the one hand we will be covered by missiles, because there are a huge number of them in russia now and they have stored them, they produced three... more missiles than last year, and that is why we see that now a lot of the very, aah focus of our international partners is aimed at providing ukraine with more anti-aircraft missiles so that we can protect our skies and our civilians, but with on the other hand, we see that our, not only american, but european partners , i know that there will be several more delegations in the coming week, and they want to hear what are the specific plans of ukraine, because the last time i was in the congress, both senators and congressmen directly ask, we to you now we are going to allocate 60 billion, what? you will achieve with these funds, that is, they want to understand clear kipi, they say, if you need not 60, but you need 100, and you can
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explain that for an additional 40 billion you need such and such missiles, such and such types of weapons and you for this, you will be able to, well, for example, unblock several ports there and earn more money with this, trying to export products, you will become less dependent on us in terms of helping your budget, then we can understand that, if they want to see, this is a detailed plan, and not just we will stand to the last bullet, or we will fight as long as it takes, as we said before, everyone wants to understand that we have a clear plan, and that we now have to communicate with our partners, so that they also calculate theirs. oleksandr, there is a clear plan, at least you know that it exists, and ukraine is ready to communicate this clear plan? i know for sure that we are some separate points, that's what bugged me and we can communicate how much, for example, specifically we need weapons so that our grain corridor was protected, how much we need a certain number of air defense systems, a certain number of missiles , what about the general plan
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, only general zaluzhnyi, the commanders in chief, events, events that are happening in our country know this, it is simply not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess events, analyze them, modeling our future, every saturday at 1:10 p.m., with a repeat on sunday at 10:10 a.m. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. i congratulate all viewers of radio svoboda, this is a special broadcast svoboda live, which we conduct live from independence square, today ukraine celebrates the day of dignity and freedom, today is november 21, on this day, to be more precise, two ukrainian revolutions began, this is the orange revolution in 2004 and the revolution
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of dignity in 2013. it also began on november 21 with an event that soon went down in history under the name euromaidan, when dozens of ukrainian public figures, active citizens, journalists, and famous people came here to independence maidan and in this way showed their protest against the then policy of the then prime minister mykola azarov and the ukrainian government in general, when the suspension of preparations for signing the association of ukraine with the european union was announced, and that's when the euromaidan began, today we will remember this, we will reflect on this topic, we will wonder if it could have happened differently then, and we will also try to talk to the people today, there are not many of them, who will still come to
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independence square on this day, and we will try to talk to them about it too, but at the beginning i wanted i want to introduce, introduce vitaly portnikova, journalist, well-known publicist, radio liberty journalist, vitaly , my greetings, i am glad that you are here, because you are also a very active participant of euromaymay and the revolution of dignity, and the first thing i wanted to ask you, actually 10 years have passed, the children who were 10 years old are now 20 , some of them may be at the front, and it seems to me that for some of them, perhaps it is necessary, well, repeat, to tell, and how important may became what he , what did he change then in the country and why was he at that time, well, maybe even necessary? i i think that it was, firstly, a movement for independence, secondly, it was a movement that led to the birth of a nation, and thirdly, it was a movement that demonstrated by and large that russia is ready for anything so that ukraine never became a truly independent
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state, we can say that this uprising forced everyone, both our friends and our enemies, to open their cards. could things have turned out differently, ended differently, 10 years ago , i don’t know, well, we already talked about it with you, history does not tolerate any conventional methods, and nevertheless, there were other ones then options, if we did not have a pro-russian government, if yanukovych did not obey putin, if putin did not believe that everything can be solved by force, if people were afraid to stand up for their rights, there are a million, but honestly, it was all an absolutely, logical development of events, i will tell you, i came here two 10 years ago, literally a few hours after the plane, i got off the plane and in a few hours i was on the maidan, where i came from, from moscow, from moscow , from moscow, what i was doing in moscow these days, i met with one diplomat, from the embassy of a very important
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country for us both then and now, and i was asked to come to this meeting to talk about what will happen if the ukrainian leadership... refuses to sign the association agreement. we analyzed it, my colleague worked at the embassy in ukraine for quite a long time before that, we came to the same conclusion that most likely there will be a disruption, that people will speak out, it was clear even a few days before what started to happen. i was at radio stations in moscow, the last time at theirs studio, therefore, just like the last time in general in moscow and in russia, and there was also a conversation about european integration, i was surprised that my colleagues did not understand, we are so eager for this, i was constantly trying to explain it to them, to understand, we we want to be where we have always been, why choose between europe and russia, these were democratic journalists, people who always spoke in support of ukraine and then you will leave russia when the crimean events and the war begin. but at the same time, they still could not realize this in terms of civilization. you can't help but notice
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now there are not many people here, i honestly thought that there would be more, i understand that the war made its adjustments, only the war, or are they really starting to forget about the maidan? i think, first of all, after all, the war. that is, against the background of all the sacrifices that we bear and will bear, what happened 10 years ago already looks like history and by and large it started literally after 2013, after the annexation of crimea, after the war in donbas, because then, it was an incredible shock for people, when peaceful people were killed here, it seemed, what is it at all it cannot be that this will never happen again, but this was only the beginning of calvary, only the beginning of ukrainian suffering, and no one among the people living in ukraine can even tell you, not every year, but ten years, when it will all end , we don't even have... an idea of ​​the prospects of how and when the struggle for independence will end, and therefore , perhaps the maidan, as a driving event, recedes for many people, not that it's on the back burner, but
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they don't think that they must be here, in this very place, because there are so many sacred cities appeared when we were talking about the maidan, could you think of anything , about the destroyed houses of borodyanka, imagine, this year i won the shevchenko prize against the background of the destroyed houses of borodyanka, i never imagined that there could be such a scenery , to receive the national prize of ukraine, it was terrible to think, even in the most motoric fantasies, but it happens , and we take it for granted, i think, the right place, because we stand in solidarity with the people who died there or were left without housing, it is also necessary to realize that the scale of these events leads to the maidan in the event of history, you as a political journalist, you wrote more than one political... portrait during your career, did the maidan give birth to completely new, valuable new ones political leaders in ukraine?
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i think that the maidan gave birth to a society, ugh, which is ready to fight for its rights in one way or another, and the maidan laid the foundations for a political nation that will qualitatively change, by and large, what this political nation is, we understood in 2014 and especially in the 2019 election, when both the west and the east and the south and this. voted together, now the question is how to turn such a political nation into a quality one, not a nation that makes suicidal decisions, a nation that is capable of making decisions that will not bury the country, but will make it stronger, whether maidan 3 is possible, and under what conditions , circumstances, challenges, the maidan is always a movement for independence, and the first two maidans were against the pro-russian government, which was ready in principle to sacrifice ukraine for the sake of its money positions, which are absolutely indifferent ukraine, because both the times of kuchma - the times of building an oligarchic ukraine, and the times of yanukovych - the times of building a pro-russian ukraine, these are the times when ukraine was being prepared to
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disappear, and i don't see any foundations for maidan three, because i always said, under during this maidan, he said, he said here, he said in the representatives of the ukrainian diaspora, you are not fighting from ukraine with yanukovych's ukraine, with putin's russia, why do you stand at the ukrainian embassies, go to the russian embassy, ​​and a lot. i didn't understand that, really, i don't remember any mention of russia here at all, about the influence of russia, here on the maidan 10 years ago, then, they were there, but they were not so massive, after all, the majority came out against yanukovych, against the yanukovych regime, for european integration, and so on, moreover, i will tell you , i appealed to the russians from the stage of the maidan to support us, because i said that our struggle for democracy would help russia become a democratic country, we specifically did this. speech after senator mccain's speech to show that we are open to all democratic tendencies, and
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it was a completely different attitude towards russia, even from the people who gathered here, because they were not enemies of russia, they wanted russia to understand them, for the russians to become like them, and the understanding that in fact all this, what is happening at the bank is outrageous, almost no one has had this happen, i thank you very much, we from... portnikov talked in more detail about the significance of the maidan, you can watch and listen to our podcast on the radio liberty ukraine channel , well, we continue to move on, my colleagues have also prepared a material in which they offer to recall how everything actually began, from november 21 to november 30, when students and protesters were dispersed here on maidan nezalezhnosti, already after viktor yanukovych. returned from the summit of the eastern partnership in vilnius, where he actually came from, as the media reported at the time, with nothing, that is , the association with the european union was not signed, and
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that's it... then at the end of november , the students were brutally cynically dispersed on independence square, let us together with you now let's remember these days, ukraine, ukraine. aklenta for the ammunition tape, submit, nationally, the issue of restoring normal relations with the russian federation and settlement, settlement of all collective issues came first for the government.
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as you can see, there is a good mood on the maidan, there are many people, people are smiling, having fun, the revolution is going on, don't worry, you are attacking me, i am not just attacking you, but what are you doing now?
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glory to ukraine! revolution
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we saved our girls from the berkut kayaks and simply covered them.
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we continue the broadcast from the independence square, right now we are on instytutska street, and it was here on february 20, 20 already, already in 2014, maybe this is exactly the case, it is definitely worth saying, the most tragic events of the maidan took place, in just one day, here was 48 people were shot, in total, if we talk about the victims... on the maidan, there were 107 peaceful protesters, and also 13 law enforcement officers, but as i said, right here on institutskaya, it was from february 18 to 20, a total of 78 people were shot, most of them from them exactly on february 20, you can see here, in particular, photos of these people, i think that the people of kyiv can see who was here every day.


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