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tv   [untitled]    November 26, 2023 10:30pm-10:55pm EET

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congratulations, this is the espresso tv channel and the atr tv channel and our joint project beraber, in which we talk about the problems of the occupied crimea so far. my name is khrystyna yatskiv, my co-presenter is ader muzhdabayev. salam alaikum. aleikum selam, you already speak crimean in a cool, cool manner. well, i'm improving, actually. i'm trying we will start with the most important information reasons of a security nature on the peninsula. in recent days, literally on november 23, there were news from novofedorivka, where explosions were heard in the district of novaya naberezhnaya, the explosions are muffled, probably in the water, according to information from crimean sources, machine-gun fire is heard , the saka military airfield is located near novofederivka, in general, this is already such a traditional story for crimea, certain explosions are heard, russians usually talk about the work of air defense. often block the traffic on the crimean
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bridge, trying to disguise it, which of these is the real work of the defense forces, and which of these are insinuations of the occupiers to maintain a certain tone among the local population, in fact, it is quite clear difficult, but already this morning, it became known about four explosions in the occupied dzhankoi, we remind you that this settlement, in the northern crimea, remains a key link of the entire logistics of the enemy in our south, on the territory of the military unit in the occupied dzhankoi, four explosions were heard , the military unit is probably destroyed, the anti-aircraft defense and radar of the occupier, says the comment to the video , which is already spreading on the social network, and of course, it needs authentication, and what we will also do, as regards consequences
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in today's story in dzhankoya, the crimean rescuers, from probably intercepted conversations, report that four explosions and a fire on the territory of the military unit in dzhankoya, they had to eliminate today, there are wounded, there is actual destruction, there were certain problems with extinguishing the fire, well and we are glad to include now in our conversation about the security situation in crimea, and also, what is important. about how it changes in dynamics. oleksandr kovalenko, a military-political observer of the information resistance group, is in touch with us. sir oleksandr, congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, congratulations. salam alaikum. well, oleksandr, i'm always glad to see you, and when you talk about crimea, it's always the most interesting to me, well, for obvious reasons, you heard what we talked about from the beginning of the program, or rather not us, hrystia, and please comment . there happened, some there, what is there
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bavna or pamuk in the crimean language now? yes, indeed, today we can talk about the fact that from time to time something happens on the crimean peninsula. according to statements made by representatives of the so-called occupying authorities, then they repel some drone raids there, which are carried out in the airspace of crimea, and then some threats to crimea. but it is really difficult to fully assess which of these cases are their manipulation, which are the actions of the defense forces of ukraine, so i would first of all urge you to always use official reports from the armed forces of ukraine, reports from the general staff and other security forces regarding these incidents, but in general we can state that now crimea is in
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in the field of attention of the ukrainian defense forces, but not as an object on which some kind of liberated operation or land operation is being prepared in the near future, namely as an object of fire influence, we are now implementing precisely such actions of fire influence of various types, as with the use of missile weapons, as well as the use of a drone component, air and sea, on november 22, the main intelligence agency pleased us with a video with the telling title, the crimean autumn wind and a completely unnecessary construction, alluding to kerch bridge, they say what will happen next, we understand that it is through the kerch bridge that the main array of enemy logistics and transfer, in the transit mode, as i understand it, mostly everything they need to carry out aggression, in general in the south of our
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country, is happening mr. oleksandr, i would very much like to discuss with you, and what is this permanent and regular grouping of the occupiers in the crimea, eh... i very clearly imprinted in my memory your analysis from literally a few months ago, where you emphasized that essentially the language about 11,000 military personnel, these are those who regularly sit there in crimea with certain goals and so on, we are not talking about those who are transiting, who are preparing there, then to the mainland ukrainian south, arriving to carry out their criminal tasks, so what is now itself, this occupying force... on the peninsula, it has hardly changed, it is a group of troops called defense of crimea, group of troops defense of crimea, that’s exactly what it is, it has a strange name, but it represents some kind of force that could hold the defense
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the peninsula, no, they do not represent, that is with such a number, they wouldn't even be able to get the armeniansk triangle, medvedivka jonkol, i.e.... they wouldn't even be able to somehow locate themselves there, hold any lines of defense for a long time, i.e. why are they needed, it's rather their police functions, and the control of the situation on peninsula, at the level of control, general situations, among the population, the social component, so that hootization does not occur, and so on and so on, and so on, and they are not combat-ready... according to the staff, they do not have enough staff, and they do not needed on the other hand, why do they need there, for example, a large number of tanks, if they are located exclusively on the peninsula, tanks are needed in the mainland south of ukraine, that is where they are sent, that is, they are limited in
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their functionality, but this does not mean that they should be neglected by this factor, by this threat, why, because by itself... now they do not even play a big role, if they play a big role even so, and on the other hand, in the future, one way or another, the russians will have to flee from the mainland south of ukraine, some part of these forces will flee to the east, southeast, i.e. in the direction of mariupol, donetsk and so on, and some part, and unfortunately, this is the largest part, they will go to the crimea. they will be concentrated there, and this is a small group, it will grow very quickly during these events to a full-fledged group of troops, which may even exceed 100,000 personnel, and it is clear in terms of composition and quantity,
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but in terms of quality, what it can to be for the group, if it will be, well, i don't know, beaten and only partially fit for battle, military personnel. with the right equipment, can we say that apart from quantity, they can offer real quality on the battlefield? well, everything will consist of many factors, the first factor is the number, the russians are currently acting, precisely according to such a tactic that they are trying to restrain the advance of the defense forces of ukraine with their numbers, and the zaporizhzhia region demonstrates exactly this, there they are in a blind defense and act according to the principle not a step back to the last drop of blood, but this principle to the last drop of blood is a forced principle when you don't you can use a technical, technological component, a tactical component to somehow counteract the enemy who is advancing, so
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they keep defense on their borders with such a large number, and in the crimea they will be able to keep a quantitative defense, again to the north. for example, so that it would not be possible to go from mainland ukraine to crimea, yes, they will be qualitatively, well, no, we understand, not functional for offensive actions or others, but unfortunately they will be able to hold the defense, and here it is important not to break into traps like that, namely gradually reduce their ability to hold that defense, that is, destruction, long-term destruction at a distance. well, there is also another factor, on which a lot will depend, which is the condition of the kerch bridge at the same moment, or even a little earlier, because it is the main logistical artery and all the main material and technical support goes through crimea itself to the mainland south, and
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when the mainland south is liberated, then all this will be sent to the crimea, so it is very important that the kerpchen bridge, it is not functioned i thank you very much, oleksandr, for not using the name crimean bridge, as the russians called it, we always call it kerchensky and no other way, because the crimean bridge, some people write it like that, in principle , it is not only putin's, such a slogan is putin's , yes, i want to ask a couple more questions, well, the second will be about the bridge, and the first will be about how, in your opinion, what percentage, what, what number of personnel are ukrainians, whom they somehow called or forced to join there, well that is, the inhabitants of the crimea, what number do they make up, in these troops, well, because i don’t know the exact data, maybe you have some, i don’t know
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, the information is more accurate, and i also don’t have any exact figures, but i can say that this percentage is not significant from that , from that grouping of troops that is now located directly in crimea itself, that is, it is not even 50% of the number that is there, mainly, of course, if we are not talking about - the russian occupation troops, if we are talking about other forces structures at the local level, then, of course, it is the presence of the residents that matters crimea, but the main leadership positions and the main functions, the management itself, are performed by representatives of the russian security forces, the same fsb, the same the same representatives, their... their game, or as they call it now, the main intelligence,
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armed the forces of the russian federation, and so on, and what do you think, and why is the situation here, well, somewhat different, so with the occupied territories of the donetsk and luhansk regions, where they have mobilized many people and, in principle, let them fight like meat, in the crimea , they do not strive for such a thing and there is no such thing information that they took someone to their army en masse, people, well, of course they fall, but not en masse , they don’t trust, they are here, i just don’t know the reason and i want you to comment on it, i will say that since 2014 , when the russians began the hybrid occupation of luhansk and donetsk regions, their local so-called militia and others immediately began to form there. or illegal military formations, and therefore it was
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the process of constant fighting that forced them to form appropriate units there, and this is how the first army corps was formed and the second army corps, which we can see now, and they have existed since 2014, in fact, they recruit from the local people, replenish their ranks, in the crimea there was a different situation, there was no hot phase of fighting there, and there was no formation , such a level of the army of the military format of units at the level of army corps, a slightly different formation took place there, there were volunteer units, the so-called kitsiaki were there, and others, but in general, such a formation did not exist, this is related to this.
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that in donetsk region and luhansk region there is much more of a military component, especially among the russian occupiers in the local population , it was formed in this way, moreover, for a long time, precisely being part of illegal military formations, well, in fact, from the 14th to the 22nd year, without accepting participation in some large-scale hostilities, they had the opportunity to receive a more or less decent salary compared to all other categories in the temporarily occupied territories of donetsk and luhansk regions. alexander, returned to the bridge, or rather, a little wrong, here i literally read the news, the washington post reports that the russians, together with the chinese, want to build a tunnel, well, somewhere there, probably, where it is now under the bridge. yes, well, somewhere, or somewhere near, yes, how realistic do you think it is, how realistic it will be used for
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military purposes, to transfer equipment there, i don't know what, if they imagine that they will build it, yes , and why do they have such plans, well, they have such plans at the moment , well, let them build, who is stopping them, let them try, and, how much is it really, it is for as long as it can... this is the first moment , the second moment, which chinese company exactly, i see enough in this, well, rational and logical, some moment which... finally came, and i also liked it very much, this and logically, i was surprised, by the way, they were never invited, and now i think that they have more extensive information and in-depth information about the state of events, it is useful for us now, thank you very much, it was oleksandr kovalenko, a military and political commentator group information resistance, thank you
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mr. oleksandr, this is a really powerful military analysis, well, according to oleksandr, in fact, the study of the crimean peninsula is continuing so that in the future we are talking about the actual appearance of the defense forces of ukraine on its territory, and preparatory work is already underway so that our military appropriate paramilitary groups have appeared there and are being created in the context of the defense forces from representatives, in particular residents of crimea. ayder, please remind me. about our friends, whom we now want help too? well, thank you christ, one of the goals of our program is not only the informational struggle for crimea, but also the support of the struggle, of our army, and this is the 48th separate battalion named after naman chijikan, a separate assault battalion, this is the first such crimean unit
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, the first, and to it is attended by people who are mostly crimean. crimeans, or they want to serve specifically in the crimean unit, so i call on everyone who can, wants to join, there are many, there are various jobs, military, there and such and such, that is, call, phone you saw, there we have very competent people involved in recruiting, who will explain everything to you if you want, if you are mobilizing, or are already serving and want to transfer, well, here we have these qr codes and numbers, cards, this is a fee for 100 fpv drones, which the battalion fighters asked us for, is an urgent need, it must be collected quickly, so i ask you to scan either qr codes, or by card number or in some other way through paypal, there is also an opportunity to help the 48th osh named after naman chijikhan,
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the fighting officers will be very grateful to you for under... this collection, well, we emphasize once again that not only the preparatory work in the 48th oshab is going on, but their combat work is going on, because these are military personnel who have already proven themselves in the hottest areas and continue to work. now let's take a short break in our broadcast and continue talking about crimea. agency vinil represents. december 3, 18:00, fest republily invites you to a fabulous concert by solomiya chubai, a lullaby for oleksa, time to believe in miracles. jalapta band, rococo, school of arts of the free and indifferent, concert light and goodness on nicholas day for children with love. december 3, 18:00, festreblik. ticket equals
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charity, live sound. we continue the joint project of the tv channel and the atr tv channel together with bera, where we talk about the problems of the temporarily occupied crimea, and this week, according to my observations, it may be subjective, but the occupiers somehow especially concentrated on detaining the crimeans, and mainly it is the crimean tatar population. the occupiers also searched members of the muslim religious community of alushta in crimea. it is noted that the russian security forces came to the crimean tatars with searches at 6 in the morning, a traditional story, it is about yusuf ashirov, as well as two members of the community, vilen useinov and zinur pazov. my sister is being searched today. her husband oseinov vilen oseinovych, 81 years old, has four children.
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also, vilena's mother, a pensioner with constant blood pressure, lives in the house, but none of her relatives are allowed in the house now , they said that they are not obliged to report to anyone and kicked them out of the yard, said fatima gafarova, a relative of vilena usiinova, in the end , representatives of the muslim religious community of alushta in crimea were arrested for 10 days, this is the court's decision , well, in addition to this, unfortunately, we can talk about the kidnapping of 22-year-old crimean tatar farkhad soliev, in occupied sevastopol on november 3, feodosia as well detentions took place, and can we say that this is some kind of new wave , you know, some kind of autumn-winter for the aggravation of the occupiers, when they are looking for some traitors, they do not trust anyone, not even themselves, we will talk about this and not only with
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our next guest. i am glad to welcome oleksiy tilnenko, chairman of the board of go kryms, to the studio. oleksiy, congratulations, glory to ukraine. i congratulate you on the hero glory. please tell us about the main trends, or really just. my airtime has increased somewhat, and social networks allow us to look a little more into the life of the occupied peninsula, which is why we are actually witnessing kidnappings and beatings of crimeans now, how systematic is this story, or is there an escalation now, please? yes indeed, the events that are currently happening, they are a continuation the consistent policy of russia, which it started after... the occupation of crimea, directly, creating, in fact, an atmosphere of persecution, intimidation, terror, and if i remember, at first, it was in relation
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to pro-ukrainian activists, representatives of the mejlis of the crimean tatar people, independent journalists, and then the victims of persecution were joined by religious groups in many crimean cities, you have already said about alushta, it is also bakhchisar, and many other cities. uh, it's, uh, not only about muslim communities, this is also about other religious communities, including ocu, jehovah's witnesses, er, that is, it happens so evolutionarily, and indeed you are right, in that er, we have become witnesses of larger-scale these actions, er, because er, it started more to be covered, since the beginning of the occupation, and indeed, the crimean tatars are, disproportionately often, victims of this repressive policy , despite the fact that, according to various data, the crimean tatars make up about 13% of the entire
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population of crimea, and since the beginning of the occupation, russia creates the image of the crimean tatars as terrorists, extremists, saboteurs, etc trying to suppress it, disagreement with the occupation of crimea, well, i think that this is basically a system, but something tells me that the situation will worsen, i will observe not only there the persecution of religious communities, their members, for example, they people are constantly captured, we also see such videos and they are accused of working there for ukraine, for the ukrainian armed forces, they are accused of, among other things, that the person is somehow connected with the battle of zasygun chidzhikhan, which we have already discussed they talked about whether you have any fears about such a spread, repression on a larger number of people, now, precisely because of the hostilities, uh, uh, really, uh
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, if, if you look in retrospect, that is, as i said, at the beginning they oppressed, precisely pro-ukrainian and active citizens, after that russia started to invent new reasons to increase the scale of these repressions. that is, if at first the religious aspect was taken as a basis, then now indeed, after june 22, when the crimean tatar volunteer battalion named after imenkhan was recognized as a terrorist organization, indeed, this was also added aspect. it cannot be ruled out that they will invent something new in order to increase it even more. the scale of repression against both crimean tatars and crimeans in general. for example, as of august 23, at least 106 crimean tatars were victims of
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politically motivated


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