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tv   [untitled]    December 1, 2023 3:30pm-4:00pm EET

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what is happening now, how is it happening, what is the enemy using, how difficult and difficult is the situation there now, well, the situation is extremely difficult, we understand that bahmud, in addition to its strategic importance, is also a symbolic place of application of force, we understand how many enemies our fighters put there, we understand how much blood was spilled there in general, well , the situation is extremely tense and the intensity of the fighting is increasing, so in the last day the armed forces repelled the largest number of enemy attacks 24. we will now talk about the specifics of the fighting with stepan barna serviceman of the 10th separate mountain assault brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, ex-head of the ternopil oda. glory to ukraine, mr. stepan. congratulations to the heroes of glory, friends. well, a record number of enemy attacks in the direction of bakhmut, we won't ask much, tell us, be kind. they happen. positionally and happens
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regularly with the use, the only thing is that with the use of artillery, jet artillery, as well as aviation, and when it happens, it is obvious that he cannot count the number, but he feels that it is happening around the clock, and in the positions, it already has a systemic nature, unfortunately, and if we talk , for example, about the intensification of enemy attacks, what is meant, that is, they use more manpower, they use a larger number of aviation, or maybe they throw in additional mechanized units, look, we are a little away, our unit and our brigade are a little further north, in our direction they are more actively using artillery and jet artillery, and of course there is no way to do without fpv drones, which are actively
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it is used today, day and night, so we cannot say what is happening there specifically in the south of bakhmut district, as you will show, show on the map, but we feel it on our line, on our defense line, which is almost 22 km , other specifics of fighting, and these are mainly positional battles , with the use of various types of weapons, mr. stepan, and how many there are in general in the area... now there are local residents left, is there a difficulty now in the sense that a lot of people do not want leave, and accordingly it can somewhat complicate the work of our armed forces, how about that? and often speaking, military personnel do not deal with these things and do not have control over the question of who wants to leave or who does not want to leave, it is exclusively each person's own desire to make such a decision, yes.
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as for whether people live in settlements adjacent to the war zone, they do, there are such people, in some places there are small children, that is, it usually has a certain immovability, but it is obvious that it is not decisive from the point of view of introduction combat operations for our brigade or our battalion, because basically, our sphere of responsibility is, let's say, the field and landings, well, as you yourself understand, not many people live there, or rather, no one lives there, except for military personnel, look, if we are talking about the north of bakhmut, yes, this bakhmudian direction, which units are currently being used by the enemy in the district of the same chrome, are we talking about regulars, are they supplementing the whole thing with stormtroopers, and if we talk about the intensity of the same... shelling and
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how much it has increased, for example , over the last couple of weeks, as for me, artillery fire, they are all over the front line, they do not stop and they are constantly present, another question is that they can be somewhat more active, more active work in the districts of potential some interests of the enemy, and somewhere it may be less intense, so it is difficult for me to assess what means little, what means a lot, at the positions we feel a lot of shelling with the use of various types of artillery, including, i say again, jet artillery, mortars and direct barrel artillery , as for other types of use of means of destruction, well, the enemy actively uses aviation, it also happens in some places, not as active as it was before, but nevertheless, it takes place in our country. direction, mr.
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stepan, there is also information that the enemy continues to restrict ground fire in the area of ​​the border of donetsk and zaporizhzhia regions, this is something. which is lower, but i still want to understand whether the situation in the north is not better, or whether the enemy there uses approximately the same methods waging war? our direction, thank god, is somewhat calmer, compared to what it was a few months ago, we are in the district, somewhere approximately between, north of bakhmut and between kup and kupinsk. that is, we have such a stabilized situation, we have a format of such a static war, in fact, trench warfare, so-called, in the direction of our units, active assault actions, the enemy does not carry out, only with the exception of the use of
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artillery, which is in the sky, mr. stepan, what is in the sky , in particular the enemy's use of drones, yes, in particular the same fpvs, drones so we understand what a risk they pose to our artillery and our armored vehicles, fpv, drones are the biggest problem today, and here of course i state once again that if somewhere in the first, the first half of the year, we are somewhat had an advantage, but today, unfortunately, we do not have such an advantage, because the enemy also actively uses fpv drones, as i understand it, of their own production, including night drones. which are dangerous enough for our units, which give the opportunity to hit the equipment and personnel, nevertheless, we are also working in this direction, i would say that even our units, brigades
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units by units, manage to harvest the bc field depots, harvest equipment, destroy self-propelled artillery there, destroy... hurricanes and other means damage to the enemy, not to mention the personnel who are quite actively exposed to our attacks with the help of fpv drones, so i want to thank every volunteer, every person who joins, helps our units of the armed forces of ukraine in acquiring similar means of destruction, in particular fpv drones and , in principle, any drones that make it possible to work day and night and destroy the enemy on ukrainian soil, of course, and i also wanted to ask you, president zelenskyi announced, actually during his visit to zaporizhzhia yesterday, that it is necessary to strengthen the fortifications, what is happening in this direction now in your direction,
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have they started, are there already signals from the top management about strengthening our fortifications, how about this, in our direction, fortifications... structures they are constantly being built and we have already been on our way for more than a year, almost 14 months to be exact, you can imagine, first of all , our first line directly at the front has not changed significantly, we have held and continue to hold our position for more than a year, and secondly, it is clear that during this time the construction of fortifications and the second and third... lines was carried out, somewhere they are fortified quite well, and i hope that we will not have to retreat to these lines of defense. mr. stepan, look we understand that there is a need for drones, yes , the espresso tv channel, in particular, and with
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the vesna charity fund, is also collecting money, now for the soldiers of the 23rd rifle separate battalion, which is fighting in donetsk region, there is even a qr code indicated here, and if we talk about additional our needs. fighters, well, in particular, when we talk about what ordinary ordinary residents of ukraine can do to help their fellow citizens, yes, who are on the front line, for example, i don’t know, these or other medicines, or these or other, i don’t know, hot soups , or borscht dry, or i don’t know, galoshes , that is, what should an average such volunteer focus on, well, it is obvious that the priority should be the means of defeat, so thank you very much, first of all, for your support of the channel and the viewers, we also did collection and it gave us the opportunity even today to have a certain resource, which, including in the form of thermal mavics, which are still working today and make it possible to detect enemy approaches and enemy positions in time, and
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to correct the work of our artillery, and i say once again that a few more maviks trimallya, which we received from our joint back in the summer , we have it in stock, and therefore today i call on everyone who can support our guys, regardless of units, first of all , we need to help with means of destruction, which are fpv drones, maviks, thermal maviks, no i know, there may be a need for means of transportation in tires, in wheels, because the weather changes, this may be necessary, i do not know what the level of equipment of various units is, but usually experience shows that newly formed units need such of active assistance, because our...' gada has already been practically formed a long time ago, and it has certain,
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certain opportunities for such an infrastructure, including, for example, means of transportation, some logistics have been formed there, which have already been resolved in our country, so it is very important to turn just paying attention to those units that are newly formed, as far as medicine is concerned, i will definitely tell you that it will not be superfluous, these are some anti-influenza drugs. antiviral teas or hot drinks, which give the opportunity to survive just this period, guys in a position, a possible virus or colds, as for heating, well, chemical e-e heaters will not be superfluous, which quite often warm you, especially when you are stationary or moving by means of vehicles, it is obvious that it is cold. but a chemical heater , thrown into a glove, works wonders , that is, believe me, it warms well, we are talking about
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chemical heaters, trench candles, well, trench candles are needed by those who are directly at ground zero, and if such trench candles appear somewhere, and especially, if the candles are buried where there is some kind of bulrush, because i will dig a candle if you put it in a colander, it at least gives you the opportunity to warm up and at the same time not to destroy the lungs, because this is a terrible miracle, which is quite so difficult for the life of a soldier in a trench, when you have to heat, without a colander, in the absence of a colander, the trench is heated precisely with a trench candle, on you have to pay attention to these things, of course, some shoes will not be superfluous, in this case you can... talk about some rubber shoes, it will definitely not be superfluous, as for clothes, pants, er,
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sweatshirts, tactical shirts, jackets, well , if a normal unit, a normal brigade, then this issue is resolved there, and believe me, every serviceman in this case is dressed in regular clothes, and often speaking, i have a surplus of them, that is, i never buy anything there. what is special about the store, it is obvious that clothes can tear , can get dirty there, and whoever has the opportunity will sew it, whoever has the opportunity to sew it, he will sew it up, so i would like to pay more attention to the fact that it is necessary to help units with means of defeat , this is the most important thing, because it makes it possible to destroy the enemy, firstly , and secondly, to save the life of the ukrainian soldier, destroyed, the more opportunities for the survival of the guys on the front lines, so
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thank you again for supporting the guys from other units, and we should do it in the future. thank you, stepan barno, a soldier of the 10th separate mountain and storm brigade of the armed forces, the head of the ternopil oda was with us and informed us about the situation in the district town of bahmud, we are going for a short break, the espresso information marathon will continue its work, literally just a few minutes, back to you attention - an incredible novelty from unbox tv, super warm and very comfortable alaska style boots, perfect fit, water-repellent material and a feeling of warmth even in 30-degree frost. alaska style boots have a versatile design and a practical black color, so they will fit both men and women, sizes 36 to 46, so get two pairs at once, for you and your man. furnace zippers will ensure a perfect fit, even on the widest leg. the insulation perfectly
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our viewers already know what happened today at the border, that petro poroshenko was not released, to the foreign business trip and how do you generally assess the reaction of kornienko, who seems to have completely canceled this permission, which was signed by his boss stefanchuk, well, you know, i just saw mr. kornienko at an event and expressed a strong protest to him from our political force, we we regard these actions as unconditional pressure on the opposition, selectiveness, lack of political culture, he noted that he had some... with dfc, on which he based this letter to himself, i am not privy to this, in this letter, he said that will be given to peter oleksiyovych, well, but for it is obvious to us that these were not the actions of the parliament itself, but we understand that it was interference from outside, and it is obvious that today in the united states, a large delegation of servants of the people, and peter oleksiyovych, was blocked from his
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business trip, to our deputies, in particular ivanna klinposhtyna, maria ionoviv, i, volodymyr ariyev did not sign these business trips, we are aware that this is a question of such a selective blocking of the interparliamentary activities of the opposition, although the opposition is making every effort to strengthen the anti-putin coalition, to strengthen support of the armed forces of ukraine and abroad, well, despite all the negativity that is happening inside the country, we never blurt it out, realizing how important unity is today for the sake of winning the war. mrs. iryna, look, here is such a purely procedural point, how is it even possible for the deputy chairman of the verkhovna rada to cancel the order of the chairman of the verkhovna rada, well no... you want to, you know, draw certain parallels, but the lieutenant colonel cannot, so to speak, cancel order of the colonel, i in i am shocked by this situation and in my wildest dreams
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i cannot imagine that, for example, i at one time canceled the order of andriy probiy, and it is obvious to me that this means that both mr. stefanchuk and mr. kornienko were under pressure, someone refused to play these games dirty games, someone agreed for some reason. i think that all this is a devaluation not only of themselves, of them, as the leadership of the parliament, but also of the devaluation of the parliament as such and parliamentarism, and still the leadership of the parliament should protect parliamentarism, remember that they represent not the servant of the people, but the entire parliament to protect the right of deputies to inter-parliamentary activity, to inter-parliamentary diplomacy, well, i emphasize that poroshenko did not go on private business, and it was indeed a very important visit... we had arranged important meetings with congressmen , senators, in the pentagon, in the state department, poroshenko was supposed to speak at a prayer breakfast in which
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the new speaker, congress johnson, is participating, and it is obvious that all these chances should be used to strengthen ukraine. in place of power, i would not only have formed a long time ago the government of national unity, on the contrary, would encourage deputies who have authority in the west, experience, and contacts to work for ukraine, the latter, petro oleksiyovych , was also supposed to meet in poland with the new coalition in the diet, i remind you that tusk's party is part of the epp, yes just like our political power, we have long-standing very good connections, contacts, and of course we wanted to talk about solving this situation on the ukrainian-polish border, with the blockade of our carriers, well, if the authorities can't do anything here, isn't it wrong use the chance, those who fly... the forces that have such a contact to help the country do something here, i am very sad about this, i consider it absolutely provocations and you know, there is a heavy war going on in the country, and here there is a feeling that for
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someone there is a war in their heads ended and politics began, this is very wrong, look, ms. iryna, well, just recently, yes , there on november 10-12 in transcarpathia, everyone, representatives of all political forces concluded a corresponding memorandum of understanding and on the way out, that elections can only be held after the end of the war, and here you know, less than two weeks have passed since such a strange initiative appears, and the strange cancellation of the order of the head of the verkhovna rada by mr. kornienko, as far as i understand, mr. kornienko was also in transcarpathia and also participated in this meetings, well , we hoped that we would feel one or the other, i do not know the mechanisms of understanding, consensus and cooperation at the political level between various political forces, pro-ukrainian, well, you are absolutely right that in this document, the final dialogue in mon, there is not only about consensus on the need to hold democratic, legitimate elections, which are
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a priori impossible during martial law. there are very important lines that we also fought for, as a proposal, regarding the strengthening of inter-parliamentary diplomacy, regarding the participation of all deputies in official delegations, regarding the strengthening of inter-parliamentary relations and the permission for the participation of deputies in conferences, forums , inter-party relations, and precisely poroshenko and we, our delegation, were supposed to go to adu, this is the international democratic union and within the framework of inter-parliamentary contacts with by the republican party, and we see that this is already being violated, and today i also asked mr. kornka, i say: mr. oleksandr, i'm sorry, but what are your signatures on documents worth, if they are violated in this block, they are violated in the respect block to freedom of speech, to representation, to all deputies of equal opportunities on the communication platforms of the parliament, maybe with the elections it will happen that you will pretend not to sign this, i am very upset
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about today, because eh, he, he does not bring us closer to democracy, on the contrary, strengthens such autocratic tendencies in ukraine and disrespect for the parliament. ms. iryna , please tell me if we understand correctly that petro poroshenko has already canceled, one might say, these visits of his were forced, or is there still hope that the speaker of the parliament and his deputies will correct this mistake and misunderstanding, and that's all - will petro poroshenko have time to arrive at the important events to which he was going, actually go? well, i saw, just a few minutes ago, at one of mr. kornienko's events, and he was nothing to me he did not say something like that, that there are at least some intentions to review this decision, ah, i think that it was not kornienko, nor stefanchuk, nor the border guards who made this decision, and of course it is very unfortunate, if the banks still see poroshenko as an enemy, because we see how now these anonymous bank telegram channels are running amok, where they are already
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threatening, there are also political forces again, and i don't know, peter oleksiyovych, you understand, it feels like someone has an election in their head, or rather, the war is over , and the favorite thing began, nightmare the opposition, to give nightmares to opponents, i emphasize once again, these quarrels are very painfully perceived by society, but i do not support it as a society now, and by our partners, we must focus on victory, it is still very far away, and you know, steps on the eve of the european council appointed for december 15 in brussels, where a decision will be made regarding the start of official negotiations regarding ukraine's accession to the eu, is also a big mistake. mrs. iryna, what do our american and european friends and partners say? we understand that democracy, as the late jaba said ioselyani, it is not lobio to eat, lobio, for those who do not know, it is a georgian dish
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called skvali, that is, democracy is about procedures and concrete actions, you absolutely rightly noted that it is not good to do such small, unpleasant things on the eve of such truly historic moments , who attack not poroshenko, but ukraine's reputation as a democratic state. well, i will honestly tell you that despite the pressure that every member of our team and our faction feels on themselves, all these years, we are now minimally trying to bring it out, precisely because of our conscience. that we are statesmen and should work for unity, so as not to scatter the attention of partners there on the negative, but to focus on helping the armed forces, but of course partners ask what is happening, where are you? well, in the last few months, several official business trips have been blocked for me, for example, i am a member of the osce parliamentary assembly, i am registered with other deputies on an observation mission to poland for the elections, everyone is released, except gerashchenko, because
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i am not liked there office of the president or stephanie. well, i'm not a crypto-vlutton, to eat to like, you understand, that's why i'm sorry, that's nonsense, the partners ask what's going on , of course there is their reaction, and mr. stefanchuk recently two days ago was in brussels, where european deputies, representatives of the european parliament, who, by the way, were at the dialogues between me and heard the opposition's discussion about the ban, in fact, the blocking of our inter-parliamentary activity, noted that there is such a problem. the absolute reaction of mr. stepanchuk was strange, by the way, he went to brussels without inviting the head of the european integration committee, the head of our european integrator ivan klynptynsadze , only because she is from the european solidarity faction, and this is also a violation of all parliamentary traditions, because the chairman of the verkhovna rada always formed international delegations from representatives of various factions, and when american delegations come to us, there are always republicans and
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democrats. and when a delegation of the european parliament arrives, there are representatives of the ep, and socialists, and the greens, because this is how democracy works, and this is violated in ukraine, you see, i don’t know how to convey this, to our colleagues who believe that they have grabbed god by the beard, this is the majority, they do not hear the logic about the need to respect the rules, to the institution, the procedure must be and there must be common sense, thank you. mrs. iryna, unfortunately, the broadcast schedule now forces us to say goodbye to you and hand over the baton, but anna yavomalnyk has already prepared an up-to-date news release, wait a few moments, you will hear the most important thing, congratulations, colleagues, thank you for your work, the news team is working next, this one i will start the issue with the fact that ukrainian carriers have announced a hunger strike.


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