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tv   [untitled]    December 1, 2023 11:30pm-12:01am EET

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don't send money to europe, abroad , to china, don't buy anything from other people, we can do everything our army needs here, we can do it all, and all we need is just an order, nothing more, that's it, everything, everything, we will do the rest, mr. vadim, thank you very much for the inclusion, for what you do for our armed forces, and i will remind our viewers that filklen expresso had vadim kodachigov, he is the director of the enterprise. as well as the ideological inspiration behind the wings of vengeance project are unmanned attack drones. so, if to speak briefly, summarizing the conversation , we can say that the potential of our enterprises is there, we see directions of development from armored vehicles to rebs and unmanned systems, the question is that the state finds funds to increase orders for all these projects, which are really needed in the field battle so, stay on the espresso channel, there will be more interesting information from
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various directions. congratulations, the ukrainian voice of america program chas teim is on the air. me and the presenter oleksiy kovalenko. the house of representatives voted for excluding republican george santos from its ranks. he faces two dozen federal charges. they concern theft of personal data and misuse of donor contributions. santas denies the allegations but has previously admitted to lying about his biography. to learn more about what sandas is accused of and how his removal could affect the republican majority in the house of representatives, let's talk with our congressional correspondent kateryna lisinova. congratulations katya. congratulations oleksya. katerina, can... first tell more
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about santos himself and his biography, what he actually does, and his short presence at the congress will be remembered. it will be remembered for its vivid points, in particular, santos was elected to the house of representatives last year during the mid-term elections , and american media investigations began to appear almost immediately , refuting false information about his biography. in particular, he claimed to be a jew of ukrainian origin, whose great-grandfathers fled ukraine due to anti-semitism, at the same time was categorically against aid to kyiv, also claimed that his relatives died as a result of the terrorist attack on september 11, in general, his biography changed depending on the interviews he gave, but all these points of his biography turned out to be false. in general, the last point in this was put by the investigation of the committee of the house of representatives of esetics, in which he was accused of stealing personal data and falsely using donor contributions. in particular
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, it is alleged that santos used the donor contributions at his own discretion, in particular for beauty services, shopping for expensive clothing brands, as well as adult entertainment industry site onlines. santos himself denies all these accusations, but before the vote, the vote said that he accepted his dismissal. it is on the conscience of all my colleagues if they believe that it is. so be it, vote, i'm resigned, i've accepted it whether i'm expelled or not, i've accepted it, i can't control destiny, mr speaker, i've done my best to serve on this body and i've done my campaign promises, to be a conservative voice in this house, and that is my position. katya, how can the exclusion of republican santos still affect the majority of the republican party in the house of representatives? as you know, our viewers actually know that right now the republicans
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in the house of representatives have a very narrow advantage and a very small majority and they need virtually every vote to pass any procedural vote on any issue and if they lose santos, they lose one of these important voices. with the release of santos , additional elections are expected as early as next february, and according to the american media, it will be a fierce struggle between democrats and republicans, because it will effectively launch the fight for who will be the majority in the house of representatives in 2024. briefly about what steps will be taken after the release of santos, and the speaker of the house of representatives also stated and told, after the actual vote, i suggest listening to part of his speech right now. 311 for, 114 against, two voted as present, yeas, therefore
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the resolution is carried, the clerk is now to report to the governor of the state of new york the decision of the house of representatives. in connection with the expulsion of the congressman from new york mr. i would like to point out that santos is the house lawmaker fired from that position and the first republican fired from that position, before that a total of 20 lawmakers were fired, 15 in the senate and five in the house of representatives, all of them democrats, so that these dismissals are mostly were after the civil war and those who were released were accused of collaborating with the confederates. thank you very much katya, our congress correspondent kateryna lisnova was in direct contact with us. the united states imposed sanctions against three organizations and decided to block three vessels for transporting russian oil in violation of the price
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limit established by the international coalition. the price limit does not allow western insurance companies and carriers to provide services for the supply of russian oil if its price exceeds the limit of $60 per barrel. tim meanwhile, for the second year in a row, russia is trying to destroy ukraine's critical energy infrastructure during the coldest time of the year. and the usa is trying to help ukraine so that russia does not achieve its goals. john kirby, a representative of the us national security council, stated this the day before at a briefing in the white house. as we approach another winter, we expect russia to return to these barbaric tactics and once again attempt to continue the campaign of destruction. energy infrastructure of ukraine. and only during the last few in recent days, we have seen several airstrikes carried out by the russians, which appear to have been aimed at hitting the air defense systems that the ukrainians have installed to protect their energy infrastructure. and again, over the weekend, they launched a powerful
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drone attack on kyiv and other places. we see this as a sign of things to come. for many months , we have been working hard with our ukrainian partners to prepare for such a scenario, and as you all remember, it was among the main topics of discussion when president zelenskyi visited the white house in september, ahead of this winter, president biden and national security adviser sullivan directed the united states government to make this effort our priority, just as we did last year. so, we've focused on three key areas of effort moving forward. first, we are strengthening ukraine's air defense capabilities to shoot down russian missiles and iranian drones targeting critical infrastructure. that is why we recently provided patriots batteries, systems to ukraine hoak and avengers air defense systems, means of countering unmanned aerial
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systems and other critical air defense means. second, we help ukraine strengthen its critical energy infrastructure. we provided them with a large amount of protective equipment, including mesh, rebar and hesco barriers to protect critical infrastructure. experts from the ministry of defense, the ministry of energy and the us agency for international development advise ukrainian officials on how to use this equipment most effectively. and thirdly, we provide ukraine with spare equipment and materials, including high-voltage automatic transformers, industrial gas plants. and mobile autonomous equipment that works off the grid to increase resilience and keep people from losing heat and power if russia breaks through the defenses and the strike is successful. we are taking these steps in coordination with our allies and our partners. the united
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states should decide whether they want ukraine to win, according to former commander bengodges. usa in europe. in an interview to the voice of america, he stated that as soon as the united states decides on the ultimate goal for ukraine, the question of the shortage of weapons will disappear. my colleague andriy borys spoke with the retired general. winter is coming. how would you rate the combat readiness of the ukrainian armed forces, and especially if we talk about air defense? first, i wouldn't want to be. russian privates sitting in the trenches, they have a terrible system of logistics, their leaders sneeze at them. so russian soldiers will suffer terribly in winter. i think we will see a decrease in efficiency some of their drones. as for the ukrainian side, i am sure that the zsu is not going
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to slow down, they will continue to put pressure on the russians, on their logistics, because they cannot give them a single day of rest to strengthen their defenses. i have no doubt that russia... will do the same thing they did last winter, attack the power grid to make life miserable for civilians. the goal is to undermine the readiness of the ukrainian people to resist, so anti-aircraft... should be the first in the list of arms supplies to ukraine. and what about artillery shells, obviously that they are in short supply and the allies are not keeping up with the supply. do you think this is a political problem or a production problem? production capacity is a reflection of political will. artillery munitions are not machines that a car manufacturer can simply produce and sell
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to anyone, you need to invest money in their production, place an order for a certain number of thousands, for example, missiles. the united states has increased production, i think by a factor of four, but it is still not enough, and the increase requires political will. as far as in your opinion, is it realistic to launch joint production of these artillery shells in ukraine? i know that some companies like ryan metal, bai and a few others have said that they are going to manufacture certain things in ukraine, but really the point is, let's face it, what ukraine has been doing since 2014, there should have been mountains artillery munitions, ukraine was the heart of the defense industry of the soviet union for decades, so i believe that ukraine should do. everything possible to increase production, for example, german aircraft production in
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world war ii peaked in 1944, when germany was already being bombed by the british and americans, so wartime production could be increased. that is, even now without the help of the west, ukraine can do it? of course, it is important to supply ready-made ammunition to ukraine, but yes, ukraine can produce itself. externally, only the supply of gunpowder and some materials is required. in one of your interviews , you said that the usa was undecided whether they wanted ukraine to win, please explain please. i said so because i have never heard the president or the congress say that we want ukraine to win. they say, we are with you as long as it takes, what does this mean? i think there's a... determination, i don't know why, but it's very hard for me to understand why they've stopped, i think, i'm a certain
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fear that russia might somehow strengthen, even though they haven't in two years, there's a certain uncertainty about that , what will happen if ukraine wins and the putin regime falls, what will we do, unfortunately there are some people here in washington, berlin and other capitals who simply cannot even imagine that russia can lose, i mean they will have to abandon their beliefs about russia, who and what russia is. so, in summary, what is the strategy for winning this war. the united states and our allies must say: we want ukraine to win, and when that becomes our policy, then there will be no more excuses for supplying rams or f-16s. we're determined to win, that's what. we have to do thank you. thank you for your time. at the beginning of
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the full-scale russian invasion of ukraine, the production of drones in the country increased dramatically. ukrainian business reoriented itself from the production of products for peacetime to the production of equipment for war. maroslav gongadze tells from kyiv. before the war, dmytro kovalchuk's company produced furniture. his company is registered in ukraine, great britain and the usa, specializes in hotels around the world, after the russian invasion in february 22, kovalchuk founded a new company, warbirds. today it employs more than 100 employees. warbirds designs and manufactures drones and trains operators for frontline operations. kovalchuk says that before the war there were only seven manufacturers of drones in ukraine, today there are more than 200 of them. fortunately, the state, six months after the start of the war , realized that the best thing is not to interfere , to greatly simplify everything, to give money, and
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i repeat, do not disturb, they greatly simplified the admission to operation and the sale of drones from other manufacturers to the ministry of defense. according to the words dmytro, the simplification of the rules helped to deliver equipment to the fighters faster. until the 22nd year , it took two years to start shipping to the army, now it's probably been about a month, a techno engineer. oleksandr shevchenko, a citizen of ukraine and great britain, returned to ukraine a few days before february 24, 2022. oleksandr says he decided to stay in the country and make his contribution. a few guys decided to organize a factory to make surveillance drones, we started building them last june and from about two or three a week, we are now making about 34 drones a week. according to
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shevchenko, ukraine does not have enough manpower to wage a long war, so advanced technology... is the solution to victory. determination to improve projects similar to ours and progress. fighting in a new way, new drones, fighting on water, in the air and on land, this is the only way. before the war, the vlada kraklia firm. the aim of the bureau was to produce security systems for the home. it now manufactures drones that use artificial intelligence and other advanced technologies. to supply the armed forces drone systems, we don't go to war every day, but we support our soldiers with these much-needed gadgets. our system is unique because our drones, if you select some type of target, they can operate on their own, so we can call them terminators that operate on their own. bureau of customs engineers are developing a new generation of drones that not only
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detect and attack targets, but also assist in civilian needs such as scanning areas for future demining. during the war, ukrainian manufacturers drones have a short path from the development of drone technology to their deployment on the front lines. oleksandr, a drone operator and instructor, says that despite the negative consequences, the war gave impetus to the development of technology in ukraine. there is a request, and it has already happened that there is a war in our country, and we either have to fulfill it, or surrender, surrendering is not an option in our country. case and it pushes the industry forward and actually what's cool is that we can check it right away, our company has military focus groups that we we say, yes, we have such an idea, it should work like this, check it, and they check it in combat conditions, we accept feedback from them, we even test new software elements during training, after
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that, he says : ukraine cannot give up, because it will be destroyed, so moving forward in terms of technology is the only way. way to win the war. myroslav gongadze, voice of america, kyiv, ukraine. the day before at the white house, president joe biden hosted angolan president juan lorenzo. among other things, they talked about ukraine. previously in the white house have repeatedly stated that president biden appreciates the principled position of this country towards ukraine. what does it consist of and can this indicate that most of the countries of the global south are moving away from russia? my colleague yuliya yarmolenko talked about this with maksym subkh, ukraine's special representative for eastern and african affairs. in general , the trend for africa is characteristic and well-known, that the vast majority of african countries abstained and continue to abstain during
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the voting on the ukrainian resolutions. certain angola is no exception, but what distinguishes our cooperation, our political dialogue with this country is that the president of this country, as they say, is not ashamed to call a spade a spade, and he must be credited, he defends a position, a principled position of his country, in which this state condemns russian aggression, especially president lorenzo was outraged by russia's announcement of the annexation of additional ukrainian territories, and we know and remember how he said in one of the interviews that it is very strange to see a country that used to help us in our national-liberation struggle, from occupation, from colonialism, to see this country , which pursues the same policy and seizes foreign
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territories, annexes the territories of neighboring states, president lorenzo today, yesterday and today he is in washington, and this indicates that that the country is ready not only for political contacts and in order to open up to the west, but it is also waiting for investments, these investments, the united states of america can and is ready to guarantee, unlike russia, which mostly militarizes the region, directs there his mercenaries and by force methods he tries to impose his friendship and his own. labor african countries don't like it, just as they don't like russia's policy of blocking the black sea grain corridor, and they refuse to...sorry handouts keep the african continent loyal. these days , delegations of ukrainian deputies have arrived in various us states
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to talk about the importance of supporting ukraine at a time when congress is considering funding for ukraine. more about visits mps of ukraine maryan zablotskyi and roman lozynskyi, who work with voters in the state of florida, told about the parliamentary delegations of the voice of america. we need to talk directly to the constituents because we can certainly convince the senators directly, the congressmen, but it's important for them to see that we're also talking directly to their constituents, because after all, democracy and even if a senator agrees that it is necessary to support ukraine, without, if his voters are against him, then he will do it exactly as they want, that is , there is a conversation about values ​​and the actual understanding of these values, and based on them, we based the planning of these visits, i expect a meeting with the mayor and jackson and also with the mayors of other cities, there will certainly be leaders of the cuban diaspora, of the venezuelan diaspora , from the venezuelan diaspora we plan to sign certain joint agreements on cooperation, which
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is now very important, since venezuela is one of those axes that, along with north korea and iran, have de facto joined forces against armed aggression against ukraine, as well as of course with the local congressional offices, i was actually able to convince the city of miami to turn over their confiscated guns, recently 500... 51 guns were turned over to the city of phoenix, now i'm trying to scale this program because the combined budget of all the state police is about 130 billion dollars, of course, that they have a huge amount of equipment, weapons, which they would be ready to hand over to the ukrainians, the purpose of this program is to ensure that our police and ordinary citizens are well armed. of course, that meetings are with different groups of people, it can be business, it can be representatives of local authorities, it can be a church community, accordingly, everyone has something different, everyone has their own questions, and we are here precisely to be honest and speak openly, dispel russian myths, because
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unfortunately, regardless of whether you talk to businessmen or to the sector of non-governmental public organizations, everywhere, they are the target of russian propaganda, and everywhere one or another stereotypes, myths about american aid are heard ukraine. of the use of taxpayer funds , the americans, in each delegation, there are representatives of different political forces, but despite this, we all have one voice, we understand what the goals of our country are now, what is important to us at this stage of the full-scale war of russia against ukraine, to receive from our partners, to communicate with our partners, so it is obvious that we are all here as one team, the national team of ukraine, coordinating together, this is not the first visit or the last. of ukrainians, in particular deputies and not only deputies, because this is the visit is happening all the time, now the emphasis is shifting from the capitals to the regions, the emphasis is shifting to cover a large
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number of diverse environments as much as possible, because we understand very well that only when there is support from the population, residents and citizens of america, then this is a guarantee of support in the congress and in the senate , the same goes for the european union, the same goes for our other key partners around the world. since the beginning of russia's full-scale invasion of ukraine , ukrainian refugees have been constantly arriving in the state of colorado. one of the main ones one of the difficulties for newly arrived families is the education of children in an american school. the non-profit organization ukrainians of colorado, together with the secondary school of the city of littleton and representatives of the department of education of the state , organized a meeting for ukrainian families called laska. we invite you to the american school, svitlana prystinska and volodymyr petruniv attended the meeting. zoryana herman, together with her 12-year-old daughter evelina,
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moved to denver a year ago from the ivano-frankivsk region. the woman has friends in colorado, so they decided here wait until the end of the war in ukraine. the first thing we calmed down was the language barrier, yes, when you arrive, you don't understand half of everything when you arrive and think you know english. it turns out that you don't know anything at all. registering a child for school in a foreign country was also a challenge. to enroll in that school, how to get into the school and in general, how a foreign child not knowing english, in general, how will he study there. also, we did not understand the nutrition system, as it happens in an american school. this is also completely different than at the ukrainian school. all children who teach. now schools have the opportunity to eat for free. in the usa, children are assigned to school according to their place of residence. it is impossible to enroll a child in a public school in another district. about
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this and other nuances. of american secondary education. zoryan and evelina learned from their own experience. we did not get into this school because we did not belong to that district. our second quest was when we decided to go and see the school on our own, well , the way they do it in ukraine, to get to know principal, teachers. oh, what was very interesting for us, that everything is not like that here. evelina was very afraid of studying in an american school and missed her school. and friends in ukraine, however, when evelina was already admitted to the sixth grade, the school staff helped her adapt quickly, one teacher took me every day to help me know english better and better. the school is big, there are no friends, but somehow i found one. the first times i met my classmates were very funny, because when i come and ask what their names are, they
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they tell me, but ask what is my name? they don't want to, because they don't want to be friends with me, and most of my classmates were not from america either, and when i talked to them, they asked me my name, how old i was, where i came from, and i asked them the same thing, for newly arrived emigrants, the charity organization ukrainians of colorado, together with the public school of the town of little and representatives of the department of education of the state , organized a meeting with a welcome to the american school. today we talked about different types of schools in the us, public, charter , private, basic services that public schools can provide, bus travel, meals, sports and cultural activities, english language learning, how to apply to university, how it all works here, especially, if you came from another country. there are three types of schools in the us: public schools. by
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place of residence, private, out-of-pocket, and charter schools with an enhanced curriculum, which are schools that are funded by the state but run by independent organizations, get into such schools can be obtained by lottery, this is another detail that was explained at the meeting of ukrainians with american educators. to understand the american school system, which is very different, too... the way we teach may be very different from how they were taught at home. expectations from school can also be very different, so we wanted to create a place where ukrainian families could come and ask about everything. in general, this is super information in the ukrainian language, where you can understand for yourself how to move a child in elementary and middle school. in high school,
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well, how to get into those colleges, in general , the system of obtaining these credits, which is alien to us, new and generally not at all understandable, and most importantly, all these events, they are absolutely free, all you need is a desire to come, for all the children who come from ukrainians are here , i wish them not to be afraid, you will learn , you will be able to, everything will be fine, volunteers from ukrainians of colorado plan to continue to... hold similar events to help forced immigrants with adaptation to life in the usa. svitlana prysynska, volodymyr petruniv, denver, colorado. download the voice of america mobile app. the application allows you to bypass blocking automatically thanks to the built-in vpn service. read news, watch informative programs and videos, as well as listen to podcasts of the ukrainian
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voice service. this will be our farewell, also watch our daily briefings at 18 on youtube and facebook, live devo you can ask us your questions. thank you for staying with us, good night and good morning, see you soon. we are looking for 16-year-old karina kanivets from kherson region. her mother told us about the girl's disappearance. imagine, a woman does not know anything about the fate of her daughter for six months. i turned everywhere i could, i'm already screaming as much as i can, it's like they tied my hands and told me
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to swim, here i am... at the moment, i'm in such a situation.


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