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tv   [untitled]    December 2, 2023 3:00pm-3:31pm EET

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experience, for example, of the cooperation of their political leadership with their military leadership and to borrow something for themselves, because a wise man learns from other people's mistakes, but from his own fools. dear friends, we are approaching the 15th, which means that we will have a fresh selection of news, and anna eva melnyk is ready to tell us what has happened in the country and the world in the last hour, anna eva, you have a word. greetings, colleagues, thank you for your work, the news team will continue to work, we will tell you about the most important things, stay close. and i will start this issue with one without light on there are 454 settlements in lviv oblast that their number has increased, the head of the regional military administration said. maxim
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kozytskyi. 228 villages and towns are completely de-energized, 226 - partially, inform the ministry of energy. also, due to heavy snowfall, traffic is difficult in some areas. in the region, passage for large-sized trucks was restricted. drivers are asked not to drive in the direction of gamalivka, small undergrowth, the ring road in the district of little switzerland, snow equipment is in operation. the road surface is processed against. summer materials, but in some places the track turned into a solid ice rink. the occupiers do not stop terrorizing kherson. at night , the medical facility was shelled and damaged. walls were destroyed, windows and doors were broken - reported the head of the city military administration, roman murochko. he added that the premises were licensed. storosh, who was on duty, was not injured. during the past day, the enemy covered 30 times.
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terrorists fired more than a hundred projectiles in populated areas of kherson oblast. explosions rang out in the temporarily occupied mariupol, it was loud kalmius district - informed the adviser of the city mayor, petro andryushchenko. previously , one of the russian bases on the territory of the ilyich metallurgical plant was hit. andryushchenko promised to make the details public later, and the invaders took the aircraft into the sky after the explosion. action of revenge, ukrainian resistance forces conducted an unexpected and successful operation in the temporarily captured melitopol. this is reported in the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense, at the entrance to the city, where muscovites liked to stop for a smoke break, they were covered by partisans. liquidated several russian invaders and damaged an enemy gas station. the so-called russian administration in melitopol is trying.
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to hide the consequences, they are afraid of the kremlin's special services, gur adds. the espresso tv channel and the human and law charitable foundation announce a new collection. together with you, our viewers, we are collecting funds for powerful portable welstrom battery stations with solar panels for the 108th dnipropetrovsk separate brigade of the territorial defense forces of the armed forces of ukraine. to effectively destroy the enemy, military equipment you need to charge regularly. the station can replace generators and provide soldiers with energy even in field conditions. our goal is uah 1.2200. we already have 3860 in our account. join us, contribute to the victory of ukraine. you see the details on the screen. help with changes. lithuania introduced an updated concept called the demining coalition. it was presented in vilnius. it includes humanitarian elements. demining
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of liberated territories and combat demining on the line of contact with the enemy, expansion of the coalition's work into combat zones, confirms the readiness of the partner countries to take into account the most urgent needs and find ways to solve them, the ministry of defense noted. demining itself is the main priority in providing aid to ukraine for 2024-2026, said the minister of national defense of lithuania, which plans to join the coalition. 22 countries, the formation of a new government in the netherlands is delayed, two key parties refused to cooperate with the far-right freedom party. as the associated press writes, the spokesman for the freedom party , ronald plasterk, is asking for more time to propose coalition options. he was due to present his report next week, but the people's party for freedom and democracy and the new social contract refuse
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to form a government. i would like to note that earlier the leader of the freedom party, wilders allowed the possible formation of a minority government. the winner of the parliamentary elections opposes migration and aid to ukraine. the defenders of the sky in germany have prepared a second group of ukrainian military personnel to work with the patriot anti-aircraft missile complex. about 70 soldiers and officers completed the course armed forces each of them has been serving in the air defense forces for several years. many had experience working with soviet pppo systems. the training lasted more than six weeks. ukrainian servicemen have reached such a level of competence that they can work independently and perform air defense tasks, noted the commander of multinational training , lieutenant general andreas marlov. let me remind you that in october, federal chancellor olav scholz promised ukraine an additional system in the winter aid package. on the day of the 10th anniversary of the revolution
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heroes of the maidan opened an exhibition of dignity and freedom in the lviv historical museum. relatives of the dead activists also came to inspect the exhibits, but they noticed many inaccuracies. one big question arose, how did the face of a regional woman end up among the heroes of the maidan, my colleague natalka starapravo found out. for three months he was on the square , for three months, despite the rain, snow, frost, yes, he did not go home, he did not hide, there for some business, for what was going on there... family i also had a comfortable cannapa with a tv, he was on the square, advocating his position and, in general, i think he defended the position of all ukrainians. natalia's husband mykhailo degdalovich died during the revolution of dignity from a sniper's bullet, at that moment he
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tried to save his friend, but he was already dead. on october 18, 2023, the svyatoshyn court of kyiv found pavlo broskin, a resident of berkut , guilty of the murder of andrii... and other maidan citizens, he was sentenced to 15 years in prison, and brossk is now in the territory of russia, he was released from prison in december 2019 , as part of the exchange of prisoners with russian federation in addition to the fact that those involved in the murder of activists are now at large, natalya and her daughter are also outraged by others. as at the exhibition of the heroes of the heavenly hundred in the lviv historical museum, there was a photo of an employee of the office of the party of regions, indeed this person died on february 18, but in mariintsk park in the office of the regionals, this is the person who was either a computer technician or held some other position, but he is a member party of regionals and in
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the headquarters there he was doing some kind of work, and when it started, a fire started in this headquarters, he ran to the safe, took out large sums of money from there, shoved it in his pockets, and maybe that's why he didn't have time to get out. in between , there are other inaccuracies. instead of 107 photos of the heroes of the heavenly hundred , 104 are shown, and the captions to some photos do not match the photos of the dead. there was a photo with two young people and a caption that it was ostym holodnyuk, and my daughter's colleague at work, a scientist at the museum of dignity in lviv, said: i know clearly what this guy looks like...' he is definitely not here. on the 23rd, i wrote an appeal to the head of the department culture about finding the culprit and punishing for such mistakes. natalya degdalovych also left her reaction as a signature on the page of the department and in
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the lviv regional military administration. after that, the woman says, she receives angry messages and calls. the author of the exhibition is svitlana ko, an employee of the lviv historical museum. it has not been the first year that she has been dealing with the archives of the heroes of the heavenly hundred and the russian-ukrainian war, instead , the curator of the project transferred all responsibility for the preparation of the exhibits to the young employee, the guy publicly apologized to natalya degdalovych. for your blunder , i turn to him, to my employee who was preparing that stand and made the blunder, ugh, we have such a problem now, i told him, i apologize, the stands from the exhibition were replaced in response to the comments of the relatives of the activists who died, the director of the lviv historical roman shmelyk of the museum assures that the exhibition posters about the heroes of the maidan were made based on the photo chronicle of the revolution of dignity, which was created at the initiative of stepan kubiv. you probably need to contact the members of the heavenly hundred, maybe
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to the media who took an active position, to the compilers of this album, or to their colleagues, because it is reproduced if it is an error. for natali degdalovich, it is important that on the tenth anniversary of the revolution of dignity, there should be no such neglect of heroes, somewhere such a feeling of despair. but did our relatives deserve it, because it is the tenth anniversary, and to put them in the same row as the regional ones, but we know that the heavenly hundred, this is something else, these are not just the dead, these are people who gave, sacrificially gave their lives, the next newscast at 5 p.m., team espresso follows what is happening in ukraine. and the world about the most important things , and also read more about current events on
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our website espresso tv, subscribe to our channels on social networks, be close. oh, there are no potatoes, you will bring them. and already, asin, something has caught on. i remind you, apply dr. tice's ointment and get back to work. zivokostom ointment is a german ointment for joint and muscle pain. vitality returns, movement. for pain in the joints and muscles, natural matza with comfrey from dr. tys. try it also dr. tice's comfrey warming cream. proven tool. attention - an incredible novelty from unpack tv. super warm and very comfortable alaska style boots, perfect fit, water-repellent material and a feeling of warmth
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material and a feeling of warmth even in 30° frost. alaska style boots have a universal design and practical black color, so they will suit both men and women. sizes from 36 to 46. therefore , take two pairs at once, for yourself and your husband. side zippers will ensure a perfect fit even on the widest leg. the heater perfectly retains heat and wicks away moisture, and the top is made of waterproof and wear-resistant raincoat fabric and reinforced with eco-suede. alaska style boots can be worn both in wet weather and in very cold weather. high-quality, light and warm alaska stayle boots will provide comfort in the changeable wet autumn, and in the frosty winter and in the unpredictable spring, you will always be warm, comfortable and dry. universal design, basic black color and good price. only from 799 hryvnias. call dear friends, we are back in the aether and continuing our
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marathon, by the way, before i introduce our next guest, i want to say thank you very much for joining the gathering on drones for our 23rd separate rifle battalion, we did it with you, uah 1,900 has already been collected and very quickly, very soon these drones will be with our guys on the front line, they are currently working in the donetsk direction, they need these drones for reconnaissance, they will to see the enemy, they will send him surprises, so a huge, huge thank you, a huge heart from us for joining the gathering, a considerable amount, well, we did it with you, and now we will make a small respite and then let's get down to the next meeting, because the war is going on, we have to help our army, and now i introduce our guest igor. an expert of the ukrainian institute of the future is in touch with us. mr. igor, we congratulate you.
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good day. mr. igor, this week a strange event happened, the leader of the opposition party european solidarity, petro poroshenko, went abroad, first to poland, and then to the united states of america, to talk about ukraine. which, unfortunately, is less and less discussed abroad, and ukraine, and war and he was not allowed at the border, although he had all the necessary documents, as it was later explained that the business trip signed by speaker stefanchuk was canceled by his deputy kornienko. how would you comment on this event that happened, that there is no agreement or mutual trust between the speaker and his deputy, or there is no trust in petro poroshenko, we, we are talking about the fact that there should be
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unity in our country, because we have a war, and every voice is abroad. ukrainians are important now, especially now that we are starting to lose them little by little help to the world, well, look , neither i nor you have complete information, there is information that the business trip was canceled, purely formal, from a formal point of view, if the business trip is canceled, border guards do not have the right to let a person abroad, and the question , why , well, this is exactly why the business trip was canceled, well, unfortunately, not yet, it could be either, in fact, a certain political game in the supreme council itself, or the question is just any business trip, it, let's say, has documents about missions must contain information to
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who, why another invitation, if there was no such thing, then i just want to write out, let's say i wrote out a delegation. well, maybe in this case the border guards were right, they were right to cancel the business trip, if it was actually a business trip at the invitation or for an already agreed upon meeting, but in that case the question is for the speaker and vice speaker. well, here there is a really formal side of the question, there is another, this question is, in principle, how this whole system is being built in our country now, whether it has been built, we just had a conversation with... let's say, unfortunately, that not for the first time, let's recall the case with mikheil saakashvili, yes, yes, during the presidency of petro poroshenko, so in a normal state, if we still change, well, approaches to how politics is done in ukraine, then i i hope that
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in no way will saakashvili and poroshenko be repeated, it seems to me that casey saakashvili, i don’t want him here , i don’t understand what you are leading to, that relatively speaking, poroshenko at one time ordered not to let saakashvili in, tried to deprive him, or deprive him ukrainian citizenship, and so on to take revenge on him for some reasons of his own, and now it is to him, so to speak, if we speak in such a language, a reply came from the new government that rehabilitated saakashvili, come on, these are your words, i really don't like it, let's say so, criminal law i don't like either, i don't like it either, you just used it, i don't like it terribly either, but this kind of politics itself, it goes beyond good tone, accordingly, it's hard to describe, and moreover, i'm almost sure , that it is done precisely in this terminology and precisely, precisely in this in this conceptual framework, let's put it this way, because look, the decision on poroshenko
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was approved by stefanchuk, canceled by his deputy, well, that in principle already contradicts some: formal logic, but on the other hand, we also understand that stefanchuk is a figure who came to replace razumkov , and accordingly, this is the position that exists, well, that is , we, if we start now to do a political analysis, then we understand that in fact in this configuration of power, the power that exists now, the weight of stefanchuk is less than the weight his formal deputy, as well as , for example, the weight of the head of president zelski's office. is greater than the head, executive power, prime minister shmegal would seem, why such a system was built, whether it was taken from the ceiling somewhere, or it was actually inherited from its predecessors, this is another story, but you understand, just what we are for now came, here we just talked about with israel with a public figure who is in israel, heads the israeli friends of ukraine,
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a public organization, in them we see an example when two very serious rivals united in and created, that is, the positions of the authorities united in order to create a government of national unity, they have a lot of disputes there, of course, that benigans is just waiting for the war to end and he will give an account to netanyahu, and netanyahu understands this, but for the sake of the state, they united, and this and this and this are cool, because both those and first of all, on the same poroshenko, if we take him, that is, the deputy chairman of the verkhovna rada there allows or does not allow to go, for example , poroshenko to meet there with the invitation of the european people's party or for example meeting with the speaker of the congress, let's just think, poroshenko represents on average. each deputy represents at least 40,000 voters, well, it's just electoral mathematics, so you 're not stopping some pleasant or
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unpleasant man or woman, you're actually stopping a representative of 40,000 voters, in the case of poroshenko, it's even wider, wider scale, because we also have it, some electoral data of the 2019 presidential elections , however, let 's be formal, you just said that in israel has united, and not only in israel, there is such a thing as institutions and respect for the institution of formal rules, if we are talking about the implicit weight, well, okay , let's put aside, let's say, yanukovych, there was its own specificity that we don't want remember, let's remember, balogu, ugh, him, him, how important he was in his time. let's remember, let's say yes, okay, there is a yermak, let's remember the administration of president petro oleksiyovych, if i
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formally ruled again, oleksiyevich poroshenko, there was medvedchuk, there was a tobacconist, i i understand why you are leading, the question is that there is a people's deputy, well, his trip abroad. it happens in accordance with the legislation, not the surname, uh, not the number of voters, the law, uh, according to, if we say so, the cancellation of the business trip was illegal, it was in violation, well, in this case, i will be very rooting for the european solidarity party to prove it, mr. igor, in that case, this is also an element... mr. igorevsky, if, allow me, i will finish, if there were no violations, well, in that case, the conversation will be abandoned. mr. igor, sofia fedina, who
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by the way, today or yesterday she became a mother, congratulations to her, mykola knyazhytskyi, other representatives of european solidarity complained that from time to time they are not signed for business trips abroad, then when other representatives of other political parties receive these business trips, they leave and communicate, well, we understand that ukraine is really not that popular anymore, it is necessary, it is unfortunate, but it must be recognized, and any informal conversations abroad from our politicians who represent us there are necessary for us at this time well, no any, this is also a very important moment, by the way, because in private conversations, what i hear from... cream from and from and from representatives of some foreign politicians, politicians, and from from from people who are engaged in
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the principle of communication between states, now there is a problem with the fact that we have a very low level of representation, sometimes diplomatic, this is due to the fact that again the principle of loyalty works, not the principle, not the principle, not the principle, when choosing... someone is the best, who is the best fit for the situation, because this is the idea of ​​the national government, to involve all the most enthusiastic , including those who are the most professional, in our country, well , i don’t know, but recently i had a conversation, i won’t say with whom, but there is a problem, for example with germany , there is a problem with the fact that even people who communicate with german, especially with german political circles, do not even know the german language well, will not understand the specifics of german culture well, you don’t have to go far . and it doesn't matter who there, as he won in poland, they are now recruiting carcasses and everything, and they will assemble the majority
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, and you will see, and you will understand that this person then goes, he goes and represents ukraine, meets with senators, meets with representatives of political forces, dies in the city warsaw, in poland, and he brings the same to them, that is... an absolute misunderstanding of polish politics, polish reality, and this also leads to stereotyping, first of all , of ideas about ukrainian politicians, well, unfortunately, we again have a lack of traditions diplomatic personnel, because i may be wrong about the number, but if i'm not mistaken, in 17-18 i wrote an article where i simply...' counted how many vacant positions we have as ambassadors in key countries, it was either 21 or 23, vacant , this means that ambassadors were not
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appointed against... at least two years, once again, key for us state, ah , unfortunately, here are issues, not only wars, here are issues of tradition, here are issues of personnel training, and here are issues including , selection, because yes, unfortunately, today we have a shortage of good diplomats, including in key directions, and this is solved, in fact , not only by the efforts of the ministry of foreign affairs, because once again the problem, well, for at least 10 years, this means that the entire system must be changed, well, sooner or later, i have a very high hope that we will start this, well, it should definitely be a system where responsibility does not have to be transferred to, to people like the heads of the administration, actually we are this too, that is too, that is, the system itself is built
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in such a way that i am the head of the administration, what do i have to do with the work of the embassy? maybe i'm not too smart, i don't understand, i couldn't to follow your logic, you said that there are problems in general in the system itself, and we have everyone, every one, in one way or another, in preparation, in one way or another, every president tries to build a vertical, that is, to influence the executive power, and next to every such ambitious president we necessarily have... our gray cardinal, who has enormous powers, while not having responsibility and pulling on himself accordingly, this is the reverse side of the coin, pulling on the negative, this system, in particular, it stands and according to the assigned staff, you well, you understand this very well, i meant it , only that we really need some huge, fundamental changes, and this is also a task facing the country.
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unfortunately, yes, and when to go back to the business trip, here, but this, this is decided, again, not a matter of surnames, if we are going to try to improve communication, then, then yes, then, there should be a solution that does not concern individual surnames , because we, we cannot single out, this deputy is good, this one is bad, in this case it should be, well, let's assume that until now, well, okay, but the question is how society will perceive that , for example, deputies will be allowed to simply travel abroad freely, well, i think that deputies travel abroad quite freely, it depends only on which faction they belong to, let's face it, somewhere they conduct some, someone conducted diplomatic activities in warm countries, that's right during the new year holidays, the most unfortunate thing is that now is really such a time when ukraine really
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needs lawyers in the world, because really, attention and interest are falling, even among those people abroad who seemed to be very interested in the ukrainian issue, so we you need to remind yourself, and this is not the moment when you actually need to do such things, mr. igor, thank you for the conversation, igor tyshkevich, an expert of the ukrainian institute of the future, was with us, now we are going to take a short break, then we will come back and talk with the ballet soloist of the lviv opera , victoria zvarych, who, about whom. they wrote more than a hundred articles, because you see, she got angry and said that russian ballet is not so great and powerful, and she also found some really imperial narratives, for example, tchaikovsky's luskunchuk, let's figure it out later together, after a short pause. attention, an incredible novelty from unpack
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