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tv   [untitled]    December 2, 2023 5:30pm-6:01pm EET

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because first of all, according to her official duties, she is not obliged and has no right to demand any plans or any reports from the command, if the corresponding deputy commission for checking the activities of certain officials of ukraine has not been created. if such a deputy commission does not exist, and it does not exist, then it can demand only from its own reflection in its own mirror, but all that it can demand in this case is the authority of the people's deputy of ukraine. and carefully perform it, that is a people's deputy is also an official who must obey the law, but not only accept them, that is, such a situation is quite interesting, thank you very much, thank you very much, mykhailo prytulo, military expert, reserve colonel of the security service of ukraine, expert in military counterintelligence, said we discussed counter-intelligence and intelligence, so we had a wide, wide range of issues discussed, as was written in the soviet newspapers,
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oleksandr khara, i hope he is, an expert of the defense strategies center on foreign and security policy issues, a diplomat, adviser to the minister of defense of ukraine in the 20th year , good health, mr. oleksandr, thank you, thank you for finding time for us, and we, you know, in our country, as one russian poet wrote, as one russian poet wrote, one-flame passion, and from a political point of view, what is a cornerless person, and what did she want from zulzuno. because now mr. mykhailo and i were talking about this from a more military-intelligence perspective, but this is not a signal of some political attack by an innocent person, because many people are speculating on the topic that he may become president there, and maybe some there are political forces that are trying to stop him on this path, if he really wants to run for president, which i doubt, by the way, because there is a lot of work
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to think about the presidency, i don't think there is much time, you say, mr. oleksandr , well, you know, i’m not a political scientist and i don’t comment on domestic politics, i’ll probably just cite a few figures, the razunkov center, a public opinion poll, well, actually a month ago, this is the level of trust in institutions, and if we’re talking about the armed forces forces of ukraine, 93%, by the way, the church 59%. that is, for the ukrainians of the zsu, they are higher in the hierarchy than the church, this is a very cool indicator, yes, and for the president as an institution, 72%. if we talk about the personality, then zelensky remains quite popular at 75%. the razumkovians somehow, well, i think it's right, decided not to give the level of support and trust to the industrious, because, well, in principle, i didn't hear that he was going to go into politics, and that 's probably logical. why is it not here, but
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it is very interesting and another two or two numbers, literally, i will take time, which means the balance of trust distrust of the president is 51.5, and the armed forces is 87.9. this means that our armed forces are, well, even higher than jesus, or wherever, who believes in what, why am i saying this, that if someone, in a political with a political purpose, starts a campaign against... whether it is a person , whether it is the organization that he heads or is associated with , such a discrediting campaign, one must think about who will be worse off, in the political sense, i am not talking about the state of ukraine, about our public interest, but just such a simple political fight, who will be worse off to those who have a high level of trust, or on the contrary, a very low one, by the way, for the parliament, i am currently reporting that there is no such indicator, for the parliament there it seems to be something like 30... 40%,
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that is, our parliament in general, well, it is not like that, no enjoys such trust, this is one story, another story is what happens in us, as if our internal conflicts, they can be used as arguments for our opponents, well , even for our friends, when they objectively analyze the situation, for example, last, i just a couple of days ago watched the economist and there are four or five headlines about ukraine, the first headline is that the russians will use these differences in the political leadership of ukraine to their advantage, the next one is about fatigue from ukraine, from the war and so on, that is, even our friends, boyzamist is definitely not a propagandist , they usually use such indicators in order to justify the opinion that something is going wrong, and therefore, of course, i do not want to comment on the flights...
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the internal political component, but the external political one , it definitely does not add positivity, it gives an opportunity, well, in fact, to shake up the situation and say , maybe it's really there, let's somehow be...' to put pressure on ukraine and look for some kind of diplomatic solution there, because you see , they are already tired, they have not achieved anything, but here they still have a split, and that's why it's certainly not good, yes, thank you, i'll just say for the audience, i think it's good for you, do you remember, mr. oleksandr, the fate of nadiya savchenko, simply, i remember when she was still sitting in "prisons, half of ukraine, well, a quarter of ukraine, " savchenko shouted at the president of ukraine, she is so-so, so-so heroine, so-so hero, so-so everything correct, i questioned it at the time and it constantly occurred to me that how can you say this, she is a future leader, she is in herself, i just want to say that a military man is not necessarily a good man, a military man, not necessarily a good civilian and a good civilian, not necessarily a good military,
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these are two fields that do not always intersect, to put it mildly, but i have the next question for you, and it is also not about such and such. near abroad, as they say in russia, and what do you think, why erdoğan understood why orban, well, so against the accession sweden in nato, what, what, well, because there are a lot of such opinions among ukrainians that the magyars are only against ukraine, they somehow want to annoy everyone, why, well, well, there, i understand, there is a great turkey, there is a great president, they have geopolitical interests, i understand that the hungarians do not have such big geopolitical interests, where is hungary, and where is sweden, if it was at least finland, i would still understand, because they are finno-ugric , they have the same language group, and what is sweden to do with it , thank god that there are more of them, besides the fact that they have one group of languages, they are not united, because the finns are
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absolutely adequate, in relation to the russian federation, in contrast to the hungarians , who buy and are going to buy even more russian gas, are building an additional nuclear, that is, this block, and of course that is a plus, by the way, not only to russia, but to china , because they have the most production, concentrated in hungary, despite the fact that the americans say , do not buy this, this equipment, it is dangerous for national security, and the europeans, in principle, now refuse, if the most important issue for turkey was the support of the kurds and well, it's actually big the number of refugees, especially the leaders of this group, is there, then to sweden, well, in fact, they have, well, i apologize to sweden,
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yes, then i made it a question of benefits, and by the way, the same is the case with us, because they do not vote or threaten not to vote for your help, exclusively so that the european union... unblocks the aid that goes to hungary itself, and i want to remind you that there are big claims against hungary not because they block cooperation with nato of ukraine or large amounts of aid, but because that there are problems with human rights, with the rule of law , with the freedom of the media, that is, that this country is sliding, well, in fact , towards russia from the point of view of all the key points, values ​​and from the point of view of standards, that is exactly why they... are trying to as much as possible, they are not against the swedes, that ’s for sure, but i also think that it is possible that they somehow fulfill certain requests from moscow as well, just to slow down, because it is clear that they will have to let sweden go, and by the way, even though sweden has not formally became the 32nd member
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of nato, but it already has guarantees security, because the allied states signed such an agreement that several european states, that is, if there is an attack on sweden, it will actually be nato, well, at least its most capable part will definitely fight, so it will pass, and by the way, in sweden , do you remember this, excuse me, the waste that karan spilled, and that it was definitely connected with the russian special services, because they know how to do it, i also want to remind you how russia incited the greeks, including those from the territories of the former ssr, from ukraine , from russia. who lived there, say, near thessaloniki, and then they wanted, well , let's say, to block the agreement between greece and north macedonia, which is constitutionally called the last one, because it was the last, such a stumbling block for north macedonia
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to become a member of nato, and then several katsab priests were thrown out of greece, banned some, well, so-called diplomats, of course in quotes, to work in greece, because russia tried to slow down this process, so i think that there may also be russian influence on mr. oleksandr, i have one last question for you and it will be ours guests to ask, i woke up early today, started reading such and such liberal katsaps called kasparovru, and here's what appeared there, and i, and you will comment, because my brains decomposed into atoms, and then, first into molecules, then on atoms, appeared, i'm sorry, that in russian language, a small crowd appeared, which negates ukraine of ukrainians and the ukrainian language, and that valentina matvienko is not ukrainian, but what language did they speak, i'm
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just interested, and beautiful ukrainian songs, they are in an invented language, and who is this? great philologists have decided that belarusian is also so funny, yes, navalny was very amused by belarusian, and polish language, and in general all slavic languages, these are such funny invented languages, or it is a fact of the development of nations, you will not believe who said this, volodymyr solav'ov yesterday, well, it's difficult , i'm like that, i was, i had a longer pause and i did much more cleanly, i'm sitting, there 's a new method, ukrainians, it turns out, there are, we're not one people anymore, something i'm not, something i got confused, well, probably some kind of crisis of the genre or a really newbie, it is clear that it exists demagogue, he is not a journalist, and it is clear that he is not independent from the point of view of the signals they transmit, maybe they are thinking something about a new approach,
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what our authorities say about the third maidan, well , in principle, maidan russia is not can organize, because they have a sloppy way of doing it, and the maidans only come out according to the recipe of les paderevyanskyi, yes, that is why they may have come up with some new scheme that they will throw at us, and by the way, what we saw today, to be honest, i am very i am proud of the security service of ukraine, their sniper. their drones and many other things, but not the press service, those who gave instructions to write that some kind of provocations were being prepared in the international arena, and that is exactly why it was decided to inform and not to let in some people's deputies and some obedient presidents of mr. poroshenko, that is why, i think , that maybe it is from this, let's say, sphere, that there is a certain plan, maybe they will play, well, what do they understand, that there are such... and ukrainians, yes, but anyway, it's better together, in no one is waiting for us in europe, well, all these hot records,
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they will work, but maybe, let’s see, by and large, it doesn’t work for us, that is, this idea that there are no ukrainians, ukraine, language, culture, other things, well, it doesn’t work against us, yes, i don’t i know, they have already killed, probably all those who could believe, there in kharkiv region, donetsk region, luhansk region, yes, and there, or, or on the territory of crimea, the washing of urban people, of course it is there, but i think that there have also already realized that what is happening, that is why they will definitely change, although by and large we understand that there is, let's say, the imperial culture, it is based on several very important things, well, of course, it is the collection of russian lands, that is, that they left russia, that they have some kind of relationship, and actually they are trying to unite, this is an old story, the second story is that, then god ... izbranost, or secular, well, soviet, the first state of workers and collective farmers, and
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now russia says that it is pretending to be a conservative force, that is, they are elected and they give something not only for themselves, but for the world, this election, it is also is also based, of course, on russian culture, that is, the supremacy of this country to anyone, mr. oleksand, i'm sorry, i have to interrupt you because we have a program going on, oleksandr khara, an expert at the center for defense strategies. issues of foreign policy and security policy, diplomat , advisor to the minister of defense in the 20th year, thank you very much, now there will be advertising, then we will be in the near east, because there is also a war and events are also unfolding, i will just allow myself 20 seconds to take away, when they said that we are one people, i thought to myself that there must be some logic, and the logic is as i imagined that since we are one people, and we can kill our people as we want, that is why we will kill... ukrainians, since they are one people, here is another option, to come up with the sophistication and
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marasmatism of the people sitting in the kremlin, i did not come up with it, anyway advertisement, problems with the joints limit movement, it is unpleasant and painful, strengthen them with the help of longit joints, these are sachets with collagen and vitamin c to restore: articular cartilage longit joints contributes to the normal functioning of the joints and has a positive effect on health bones dolgit joints will improve motor functions. stretch your joints, move away. damn stairs, my legs can't walk anymore, wait, i'll catch up, there's no health, and what kind of health is there in the sixth decade, and i thought so until i tried herovital. gerovital + is a phytovitamin complex that cares for the heart and strengthens the body. gerovital + good health, active life. the novelty of geerovital energy is even more iron for good causes. gerovital energy - once
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single out the most important ones. the world is closely watching whether there will be weapons for ukraine and what kind, and what the russians are whispering about. the occupiers behind the backs of the commanders. news, summaries of the week - this is an overview of only important events, important, reliable events, this is analytics, fact-checking, professional comments. about this and much more in today's issue. about important things, in simple language, available to all viewers. greetings, iryna koval is in the studio, and these are the results of the week on the espresso tv channel. news summaries of the week, every saturday, fr 21:00 at espresso.
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good health once again, my name is mykola veresen, we continue our marathon and now i will talk with the near eastern expert ksenniya svitlova, journalist, ex-detatka of the knesset, that is, the parliament, an expert on issues
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of the near east, with your permission, i will switch to russian language, hello, madam. svetlova, thank you for finding time for us, hello, look, after all , the reason that the truce ended is the reason why the war continued, i know at least two reasons, and i still don’t understand which one is the first, what is the second one, some people say that they simply did not agree, how many people are there in qatar, what are the surnames, well, these are all the lists, the second is that the crayfish just flew in. from the side of the gas sector, and how would this have completely formalized the termination of the truce, and what are they saying in israel? look, these are the stages, let's say, of failure, yes, which preceded the resumption of the war, because of course the names had to be transferred to the israeli side through qatar, and preferably by 12:00
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at night, but israel waited, including until the morning , but in the morning until 7 a.m. these names were not in front of us, and in israel there is reason to suspect that hamas for some reason either does not want to hand over those israeli women who were abducted and are in his hands, or is unable to do so, because how could this also be the case, he says that there are no more of them alive, one way or another, the list was not announced, and the names were not transferred, and the agreement was about 10 people, hamas stated that there could be seven, maybe ... but in the end he didn't give any surnames and already at 6:30 in the morning, the first sirens sounded, shelling began, accordingly, israel responded with fire and the war returned. look, then i have such a tricky question for you, it is obvious that there is mistrust in israel towards hamas, that is, it seems to me that
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all sober people in the world have mistrust, and how then to conduct negotiations, yes, here you are starting negotiations , israel begins negotiations, realizing that most likely these agreements will be violated, and this somehow ties hands, well, i don't... time and now we agreed, tomorrow we will meet in the evening, and i am sitting, well, he will not come or she will be there, it is stupid to think that how can i negotiate then, how can i conduct negotiations, ksenia, look, no, no, no trust in relation to there is no hamas and it cannot be, and the biggest mistake of the current prime minister was that he trusted hamas, yes, that is, exactly that... and because of this erroneous assessment of who he is dealing with , yes, that is , he thought that he was dealing with business partners, well, maybe such bandits, well, no very nice people, but in the end
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they are business partners, in fact there is a terrorist organization similar to a needle, al-qaeda, and nothing particularly different from them, but the problem is, israel does not have this, unfortunately, israel does not have this, and the right to refuse negotiations , if there is an opportunity, at least some of our people are alive, as a result, we see that in the last 7 days, more than 100 israeli citizens were released, from captivity, no, 80, excuse me, 80 israelis and 24, foreign citizens, were released from captivity, and for israel, you know, we say in hebrew that even the one who saves one soul, as if he saved the whole world, therefore, it is as if the teeth of the heart are gnashing... to go to these negotiations, realizing that the war is all it is the same, after all, it will last, the one who said that after you free your people, how will you return to
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the war after that, because we will return, and so we returned, and because hamas , must be liquidated, the hamas regime must be liquidated, without it being liquidated, you know, we are nobody, not one an israeli will not be able to sleep peacefully , not only those who live in the south of the country, so in this regard, carthage must fall, it is understandable, absolutely, but for now there is an opportunity because of the qatari sponsors of hamas, none of us have any illusions, what is qatar , but while they, for their own reasons, because they want to please the americans and so on, they are making some efforts, if there is a chance to get even one more person out of there, believe me, israel will cease fire for a day, two, three, for there, well, of course, this war will not come out completely, but somehow we are ready to stop the fire in order to save our people, of course, this is our goal, ksenia, look at the philosophical, philosophical and political question: is it not a system of mistakes that are being discussed, we already understand that on october 7, we were allowed, we understand it,
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we we understand the role of the prime minister, we understand everything, even in lviv, now , at least, i understand everything, but i get the impression, i want to hear your opinion, that there is something, as zhvanetsky said, that needs to be corrected in the conservatory , the system of power itself is somehow not quite adequate new challenges, such as hamas, such as the kakbala, and so on, something needs to be fundamentally changed, i not only do not imagine that there is a presidential republic or , on the contrary, to strengthen the parliamentary one or or, but something is clearly not right here it works, the special services are somehow not working on it, the military somehow everything in general is no no, before we were always until the seventh of the last month of the year before last. already exists, at least in ukraine we always set an example, we also have a war, look, jews, they have such an organization, so cool, they are so into us
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they answered, well, of course, they have been fighting since the forty-eighth year, and so on, whatever you say, yes, i will say that, of course, a lot of things will have to be changed in the conservatory, and the conversation about this is a very difficult, difficult conversation, it has already begun, despite the fact that we are now in the midst of... military actions, so far i do not see an end to them, yes, that is, it is not something that will end quickly, but nevertheless, in my deep conviction, if israel will not begin to revise immediately, without waiting for the end of the war, right now, but what happened in the plan, but well yes, it is clear that each service, it will have to make some decisions on its own , review where it failed, why it failed, but the process of making government decisions is a separate issue, because you understand how it would be, that is here... it turned out that one person, in fact, has been making decisions for us for the last decade, at least, and in principle, maybe a little longer, and he was proud of this, this, yes, that is
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this person ... the current prime minister and it was personally his projects, yes, that is, to leave hamas in gaza - it was his project, yes, he was supported in this by the army, as well as various special services, but in the end the decision is made by him, he is the prime minister, it is up to him responsibility, and such a decision, as for example, will get closer to such a country as russia, yes, that is, again, this is his project, this is his project, he was proud of it, he displayed it on all the election posters and so on , yes, that is, there are some things that... are written on it personally, yes, that is, therefore they must elections, i don't think they can happen right now in the midst of a war, but it is necessary to start preparing for them, yes, that is , there should be a clear platform that will include the shake-up of all outdated, outdated, and certain ways of thinking , we don’t have a problem with military power, the problem is precisely with the image of thinking, what are you doing with a terrorist organization, this is a lot of question, excuse me, excuse me, please, it’s very similar to
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the ukrainian version, it’s just that... as an illustration, i wanted would for ukrainians, precisely so that you can answer, we read here that the ratings of netanyahu, that is, the prime minister, are falling, and general gantz, such an important person, military, the main military, his ratings are increasing, and he generally has every chance to win the elections, if they there will be, in ukraine, too , they are speculating on the topic that, of course, this is our chief of the general staff, this is the military chief, or rather not the chief of the general staff, the commander-in-chief, as it were. competes with the president, with the supreme commander, i think all the time, listen, the military is not necessarily good civilian, and i do not i see very well here, if we like him as a military man, does that not mean that he will be able to rule the state in a non-military sense, what do they say in israel about it? first of all, in israel a long time ago we moved away from this ideal of the idealization of the military, and there was a period after the founding of our country when it was
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clear that ex- military ... ministers and so on, but this period has passed, yes, that is, the military now must, the former military must compete with the civilian on the same rights, they have the same starting point, this is the military past, it does not give any advantage to people who are going to compete in the presidential and parliamentary elections, in this regard, i think that how our countries are in this ... it looks like a plan, but because yes, yes, there is some kind of aura of the fact that we are at war, we need a person who understands, but we all give a good account of ourselves, that war is far from only this is not the only thing you have to work with, yes, that is, this structure of the state itself, this is the strengthening of the democratic system, and this is the fight against corruption, the fight against nepotism, the fight against all these scourges, which , as far as i know, torment ukraine, but they also torment israel, and secondly, in our country - there
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country, another, other habits, other traditions, but nevertheless, we are now in the same practical pressures, these ailments that we have not been able to overcome in the last decades, probably, even on the contrary, we came here, and because we couldn't beat them thanks thank you, ksennia svitlovo, journalist, ex-detat of the knesset, i.e. parliament, expert on near east issues, and we have just now i will say a few more words in the sense that it is important. these are important words , that such, you know, victories on the battlefield, very often in people's heads there is such an illusion of the possibility of victories in the economy, and in finance, and in the agro-industrial complex, and so on, and so on, in reality this is not so often happens, you can count on the fingers of one hand in the 20th century how many military men were successful presidents or prime ministers, well,
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let's break for the news now. anna eva melnyk is ready to start, continue her work and start this news release, and i'm saying goodbye, see you after the news. thank you for your work, the news team will work, we will tell you about the most important things, stay with us. just now the russians are shelling kherson, several explosions were heard in the dnipro district of the city - writes the head of the military administration, roman mrochko. the occupiers from the temporarily captured left bank are hunting, people are being asked to stay in shelters. and the russians ukrainian soldiers who surrendered were shot. specialists posted the relevant video in their telegram channel


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