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tv   [untitled]    December 2, 2023 9:30pm-10:01pm EET

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i wish everyone good health, we stand in defense of our state from the first days of a full-scale invasion, to cover the airspace, we lack a car, an suv, i ask all caring people to help us in this matter, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, kutenko oleksiy kutsuk from sumy region for espresso. on november 29 , the minister of infrastructure of poland, alvin gayathur , met with the polish carriers blocking the checkpoints on the border with ukraine, and announced the steps to partially lift the blockade. after negotiations with the minister is the head of the committee for the protection of carriers and employers of transport valdemar. yashtur noted that the carriers will not
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stop protesting at four border crossing points. however, they will not extend the blockade of ukrainian trucks at other checkpoints and are ready to soften the protest if the polish authorities fulfill their promises. and already on december 1, ukraine and poland worked out a solution for unblocking the border. this was reported in the ukrainian ministry of infrastructure. the parties agreed from opening of the checkpoint in hryniv dolgobychiv for the passage of empty trucks. it was also agreed on the creation of a queue of separate passes for empty vehicles in the system at the yagodyn, dorogusk and krakivec korchova checkpoints. they are also planning to launch a pilot registration in the e-queue immediately before crossing the border at the nizhnyokovichi point in malhovice. for a period of one month. the issue of cancellation or changes to
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the transport visa was not discussed. and slovak carriers began to block the vyshne-german checkpoint on the border with ukraine. ukrainian drivers on friday trucks went on hunger strike. about two hundred ukrainian drivers have been standing in the middle of a field near the korchov checkpoint for two weeks. the hunger strike has been canceled for now. as a result of negotiations between ukrainian truckers and polish strikers , it was agreed that the polish side would let seven trucks through per hour, while humanitarian and military cargo would move outside the queue. if the poles violate the agreement, the ukrainians have promised to renew the hunger strike. december 3, international day of people with disabilities. russians killing and maiming dnia
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ukrainians, military and civilians. not all of us have loved ones, relatives or friends who were injured due to the invasion of intruders. more than 15,000 wounded have already been treated in the nezlamny lviv center alone, on the basis of the first medical association. one of the patients is military serviceman oleksiy popovych. the squad sergeant will tell the story of his rehabilitation. kateryna oliynyk. his friends call him oleksa, and his brothers call him horror. oleksiy popovovich joined the army in march 2022. he joined the 71st separate yegor brigade. my eldest son has already been a contractor for a year. that's it. and i, well, all my life tried to be an example for my children. therefore, as an example , he can stay at home when his son is at war. from a scout soldier to the chief sergeant
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of the detachment, during a year and a half in the armed forces , oleksiy served in various positions. in the detachment , we were already in donetsk region, and in nikopol region, and this is dnipro-petrov region, that is to say, we were in nikopol, and the zaporizhia direction. oleksiy remembers how he got wounded, it happened on the sixth day of the assault on zaporozhye direction when the equipment arrived, the tank worked on us, as our guys told me later, it was a t-80 tank, with a rash. well, it so happened that i was the only one injured, i woke up after a two-day induced coma in the zaporizhzhya hospital, where i was operated on, where they fought for my life. oleksia was treated in dnipropetrovsk and vinnytsia hospitals. since october, the man has been undergoing rehabilitation at the nezlamna national center in lviv. there is no right upper limb, there was a head injury, a collapsed skull, a little, a problem with the eyes
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loss of vision, problem with hearing, loss of hearing, severe contusion of the right lung, burns of all limbs, surgical interventions were performed because of the combined trauma, he was operated on by plastic surgeons, the next will be an operation to restore hearing, because the patient has a severe acubarotrauma and specialists of our hospital will restore his servants. twice a day, physical therapist volodymyr sobodylo works with oleksiy, he helps the patient restore the load on the muscles. the wounds healed, then we started working with shoulders belt, due to the high amputation of the limb, well, it was necessary to get out of the position, that is, to adapt it to various loads, so now we are working on the muscles of the shoulder girdle, for that, well, for its further dep.
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on the way to a full recovery, oleksiy is supported by his wife and three children, especially the husband wants to see his eldest son danylo, who is defending the country under bakhmut, but the motivation is that if he can no longer come, because he has already spent his vacation, then who should arrive? father, a to his father, that for this you need to be discharged , and for this you need to heal, and for this you need to walk, see and hear normally, and this directly inspires, motivates, a real ukrainian is either in the armed forces, or does everything for the armed forces, oleksiy believes , that is why he supports his brothers with funds, sweets and military advice, he has also developed a program on how to help his brothers even more and is waiting for approval from the military command to implement this plan. kateryna oliynyk, nazar melnyk, espresso tv channel. it was a week saturated with agreements between ukraine and partners. but will we fulfill the recommendations, in particular, of nato regarding priority reforms in
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ukraine, and what is important, will the allies provide us with everything they promise, so that ukraine can defeat russia. we will keep an eye out for reconnaissance. of all events and we will definitely tell you, watch the news, the results of the week, next saturday at 9 p.m. and on sunday at 9 a.m., i, iryna koval, was with you, take care, problems with the joints restrict movement. it is unpleasant and painful. strengthen them with the help of long joints. these are bags with collagen and vitamin c to restore articular cartilage. dolgit joints contributes to the normal functioning of the joints and has a positive effect on the health of the bones. dolgid joints will improve
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of the state duma , a kind of meadowlark, who is known for having... her court decision regarding the fact that he poisoned in london er, lytvynenko, well , lytvynenko is such a former employee of the fsb, who fled to the west and who began to tell that putin, together with the fsb, blew up houses in russia, on purpose , and many people died there, and blew them up in order to start the second chechen war, and this servant of his killed him. that is, he directly did it, and here is a beautiful story, how they discuss it in the studio, how they lead, you know, they look at him with such hints that you are a specialist, he is, well, yes, yes , i am a specialist, look, of course i can’t
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i can't tell about him, about budanov, about heavy metals, more details, how it works, now i will tell you how it works, why is it old? regime method of poisoning, it is necessary to sprinkle something, as it looks like, but if you believe their versions, well, if you believe them, they put something in her tea, she drank it, other ways, other ways how to poison? well, the person who did it, you see, has a wonderful story about them, well, now they are wonderful with the ministry of foreign affairs, with maria zakharova, who actually, well, tangentially, we can say that ukrainian cultural values ​​are being looted, they are covering up all this one the operation to rob ukrainian cultural values, about how ukrainian values ​​were given to ukraine, and
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at the same time, well, these are the people who actually organize everything, first their robbery in ukraine, then resale somewhere, they also tell professionally, no matter how they resell cultural values ​​from ukraine, it is not known what the long-suffering exhibits of kyiv gold will have to endure, will these exhibits be able to, or rather, will the kyiv authorities in principle want to preserve them? there are all reasons to believe that it is simply a matter of theft, and the kiev authorities themselves are behind this theft, but we see how information about the exported art objects that were recently preserved on the territory of ukraine appears on the internet, at auctions, and in social networks. therefore, there is a suspicion that crimean artifacts may suffer the same sad fate, they may
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simply be lost, what will now be handed over to kyiv, firstly, has already been cut in half, and secondly, these raking hands, it will stick and it will be stolen. here this is definitely the problem, well, it is very interesting , also, because for 30 years of independent ukraine, these valuables were lying in museums, no one stole them, they... lay, they were taken to exhibitions, they were brought back, everything was fine with them, only then did russia appear , some conversations immediately arose, well, remembering that they already robbed almost all the crimean and all the mariupol, donetsk, everything that was there, kherson museums, they took away a lot of everything from kherson, of course, these are all understandable conversations , you know, this is the one whose hat is on fire, but what is even more interesting. they somehow it turns out that they forgot that these valuables were taken to the exhibition from independent ukraine, from
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the ukrainian crimea, and look at how one of the propagandists shouts, how did they take them to the exhibition, well, that is, you know , amnesia failed, and that's it the national treasure was sent to who knows what exhibition on the eve of the war. to the netherlands, that is, this in itself was phenomenal stupidity, well, if not treason, this story should someday, i hope, receive some appreciation, so i will politely say who sanctioned, with whom they discussed , who put their signatures, what was guided by the people who sanctioned, but that is it... at least there was phenomenal stupidity and incompetence, after the 14th year none of
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these treasures should have left the territory of russia, this then it was clear as god's day, but it all came out of independent ukraine, it did not happen after russia seized crimea, that's what the whole story is, but on our side. fortunately for us, they went to the exhibition and that's the only reason we kept them, that's why that they cooperated with some international museums, and then they took something somewhere, and here we rather have a question, how could it be possible to discuss ukrainian things in the courts for 10 years, or not ukrainian things, and whether these values ​​should be returned to ukraine when they were taken away again after all, from ukrainian museums, this rather surprises us, but it is good that they returned it. it is good for us that this is a sight, but it is bad that,
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after all, on the territory of captured russia, there is enough of everything left, and well, such that it is not even possible to take it out, well, after all, all museums no, well, if you knew, besides, besides museums, there is something else that is just standing, the chersonese is standing, well, what are you going to do with it, where are you going to take it, it's archaeological excavations, that's it, that's it. but you know, er, it is clear that now a very strange discussion has started in russia about the fact that they need to somehow change their er, in general, what they broadcast to the outside, somehow broadcast more peacefully, and here you are you know, when some part of the russian ruling elites starts talking about the need for something like that, well, somehow, more, well to broadcast more peacefully, then it literally leads to tantrums in the judge, so let's
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see, first, how they understand peace in general, what is peace in the russian understanding, let's see. russia can do the opposite, you know , every person who comes from the border with finland, hugs, feeds what is called a pancake, maybe someone hugs you, so we always have to emphasize that we have a problem now with ukraine with security, which is caused by precisely by the ukrainian problem, in our country the problem is not with nato, pacifism is our weapon, how does it leave the german... money, how can it be done, relaxed the german burgher, say, dear german burgher, russia is a peace-loving state, you do not need to supply your as i understand it, you didn't name them, but you said that there are some people there who say that we want to reach warsaw or lisbon, so at least we should ask them not to talk like that words, but
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the germans are very scared, but peace-loving, ostentatious and right here is such a sweet thing, this russian weapon against armament. well, you understood, yes, that is, in reality , there is no such thing as a russian pacifist, but it is necessary to broadcast such a show in order to relax the nato countries , so that they do not want something there , but it is impossible to do this, because, well, literally these days there , there is bound to be some nightingale and the campaign, you know, his... evening club of marasmatics, who are bound to be something like that, will start telling who else needs to be captured, and well, as a rule, there is no longer only this, who needs to be captured there in europe, they have already spilled over to america a little bit, you don’t want lisbon, why not , well, they took paris, well, here’s paris, maybe we don’t
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need to dwell on the great achievements of our fathers and grandfathers, we need to look further, lisbon, not lisbon it was, alaska was, you know, how stalin was then, there was no love, you don’t need it, but i like it very much, justice, i also prefer california, why is this the choice of country, why is it hawaii, and hawaii, even hawaii i prefer california, indeed, it wasn't like that, and california is also possible there, because of the sea to the sea, that's right, that's why we need to go to the ocean, to the ocean, we don't have an oceanic style. and what, the portuguese will live perfectly as part of the russian empire? well, lisbon, there galway, california, well, the american media finally also noticed that all this stuff is not just coming from some crazy people there, but it is from russian state television, that is, it is state policy, if it is carried from state television , so this is state
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policy. and, here they wrote that they are discussing which ones on russian television american... states could be the next target for capture, and it's all on state tv kremlin propagandists have proposed three american states as targets for a potential russian invasion, and uh, and what is it that regularly appears on state television, discussing the task of strikes on nato, by nato countries, the capture of their territories , and so on, and so on, and so on, and all this was written by such a well-known magazine... and moreover, the newsviek editors requested a comment from the ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation regarding the fact that this is all so, well it is logical to ask, if this is state television, the state should be asked what all this means, and here is simonyan, who also learned about it, and she is surprised how american journalists in all seriousness
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turned to the ministry of foreign affairs for a solution about the affairs of russia, this is a joke. as she says, on solovyov's broadcast, you only know, for some reason there are no such jokes on the air of any conscious western television, american television, something they do not joke for some reason about the fact that they need to capture there, for example, i don't know, chukchi, kamchatka, or there, i don't know, something on finnish television, no one jokes that they need to capture st. petersburg, which was once their territory, for some reason. .. they don't joke about it there, only in russia for some reason they joke about it, and then, when the russians, you know, start to take offense, well, somehow they don't understand that it might be somehow interconnected, but at first you... shout at everyone , that you will capture everyone, and then, well, they start telling you that something is wrong with you, and probably with these russians, somehow you need to stay away from them and be with them
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somehow at a distance and preferably close there, you know, ponds with crocodiles and so on, well, but the most interesting thing in this whole story is that this is what they say all the time on all tv channels, not only them that's what they say at solovyov's place, and when someone so-and-so says that yes... let's at least show off that we are peaceful, then even this show again causes such a reaction and screams and hysteria that it's literally damn liberals, try them, well push off some right path, look, i really like the proposal, the main thing is to convince the potential aggressor that we are peaceful, and they are attacking. only because they doubt whether we are peace-loving or not, well , i said that, no, well, that’s the meaning, i said it repeatedly, for example, when it was said that
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it was necessary to avoid casualties in the besieged leningrad, and to surrender the besieged leningrad as necessary to avoid, a sacred event for every person, and you would be ashamed here, would be ashamed, would be ashamed with the blockade you are not ashamed to draw analogies, calm down. you are not ashamed to attract the memory of the feat of the soviet people, with your vulgar and absorbing analogies, oh, when liberals start even from a patriotic position, it’s all nonsense, well , that’s enough of such vulgar analogies, especially since no one attacked russia, no one has attacked the russian federation, it has attacked. and that's why it's really some kind of crude analogies, because the territory of russia, who attacked it, no one, only finland closed the borders, well, but
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again, listen, when it comes to the closed finnish borders, it turns out right away that it is not just like that, but because it turns out that the finno-ugric people are particularly angry, unfrozen... the authorities of the neighboring country are preparing to demolish the russian consulate and expropriate our property, what are hot finnish guys, the finno-hungarian peoples in scandinavia up to, well, they are evil, and what is it now, if they are evil, then they must always be evil, and here they were, as it were, not in the vanguard, so to speak, but now they have crawled forward , well in the protection of the finno-ugric peoples in the territory of the russian federation, in my opinion, or the eight muscovite finno-hungarians themselves, in principle, partially , but you see, as soon as the russians start someone there, in this case, they
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storm there, throw syrian and african refugees to the finnish borders, that it will cause some kind of destabilization of finland, as it immediately turns out that the finns are evil, they are naturally evil and have always been evil, well, that's the logic. that's why you know, you can't agree on anything with them, don't hope that they will come to their senses, all this will not happen, because the russians , until something hits them very hard on the head, they will not start looking at themselves, but will look for who else is angry, whom they once again tried to attack, and this will multiply and multiply and multiply until they don't, you know, until this snake 's not you not you... it's going to pull out that poisonous stinger, so what's that, see you,
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mykolai gives joy, holidays to children whose parents were taken away by war. i myself was without a husband and had children just in time for the new year holidays without a father, he was at the front and i understood that how hard it is for children and that they need this fairy tale, they need this miracle, and there was a woman who called me and said to me, can i just go out to the ride, and when i got out, she brought whole packages, there were sweets for children, new year's toys, beauties and it was very nice, i remembered this moment, and i decided why not give such a miracle, such a fairy tale to families, at the beginning of the full-scale invasion , irina's husband is in the army again, and she continues help make children's dreams come true. unfortunately, it is not always possible for families who have lost a breadwinner to afford even high-quality winter clothes or something most necessary for babies and teenagers. at the same time, for
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each of us, it can be a huge amount. to become nicholas, who will bring a gift for a child, you need to go to the i am nicholas page on facebook. there you can choose a letter with the wishes of one child or a family. iryna koval contacts all benefactors personally, so that each gift eventually gets into the hands of a child who dreams of it. how much is this promotion, the project has been going on for the seventh year in a row, it is simply passed on, as they say, like a sarafan. on the radio, so you can also go to the facebook page, there is an e-mail address for letters, we send everyone the terms of participation in our project, and in fact, i want to say that the war in ukraine continues, and every day, unfortunately , children who lost their father or mother in the war, who died at the front, are becoming more and more, and accordingly the number of letters to
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the west is increasing. these are the letters children are writing this year, a letter from slava to nicholas. boy wrote that he wants to receive a metal model of a car for the holiday, which can be assembled with his own hands, but the biggest dream is that our defenders return home alive and unharmed. slava's father died in april 2022 in battle in donetsk region, posthumously awarded the order for courage. we are holding such an action. i opened a special bank, and anyone who wants to can send money to this bank and write a separate comment on the drone there, because children have started writing letters and write that they do not want other dads to be dads of other children died at the front, and therefore they ask all those who want to give gifts to children to give a drone to our military at the front,
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so that it will help them... to fight this year, the mykolaiv project was expanded, iryna koval created a social program of rest and recovery for children, father or mother who died in the war. this program will allow children to visit another country and get to know its culture. i chose 24 children who will go to austria for the new year and christmas holidays for a week. it will be lins and vienna, that there will be excursions, it will be. a lot of impressions, it will be a trip to a peaceful world, let's say so, we will be able to give children at least a week to live in a peaceful country. during the rest, the children will be provided with proper care, the group will be accompanied by qualified adults, including a medical worker and a psychologist. a psychologist will conduct classes with these children, he will assess their psychological state. we will conduct classes both in separate groups and individually. with
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the child, if the child needs it. the volunteer asks everyone to join the action those who care, you can see the link to the bank on the screen, every hryvnia is important, the more people volunteer to support the families of the heroes, the more children's dreams will come true. i congratulate you, on the air of the tv channel. espresso program studio zahid. i will analyze the most important events of this week and will involve the most competent and informed experts. andriy pionkovskyi and roman bezsmertnyi will work for you today. now , the iconic ukrainian politician and diplomat roman bezsmertny will be working on tv channel uso. glory to ukraine, mr. roman, i congratulate you. glory to heroes. good day. key story. how wisely should we build internal ukrainian politics now, which is in our west.


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