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tv   [untitled]    December 4, 2023 2:30am-3:01am EET

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euro during this period, that is, if the blockade continues for somewhere - well, at least a month, then it will already be somewhere near certain percentages of the gdp for the year, it will already be felt for the annual results, for our economy. and tell me, please, do we see today a solution to this issue in the economic plane, and we know that the transport council will meet today, and the ministers of transport will discuss, including this situation, in your opinion, whether the situation on the polish-ukrainian side can change border after that? i believe that the situation cannot be changed economic means, because the demands of the strikes are purely political, and to solve them , it is necessary for the authorities of one or another country to make certain decisions
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. about the fact that poland does not fulfill the association, the agreement on the association of ukraine and the eu, and european regulatory norms, because the norm on duty-free travel is unlimited, the permit is not a norm of poland and not of bilateral ukrainian-polish finances, it is a norm of the european commission. so, if the european commission comes to the conclusion that violations of the norms of the european commission in poland are a priority, by the way, there are already many of them, and there have been complaints against them, and they need a political solution , then this will again be a political decision of the european commission, this is not about the economy, but what will be decided at the level,
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well, directly at the national level in poland, when the transition of power will take place, when donald tusk will come to power as prime minister, who is against blocking, against blocking the border, and we hope that the position tusk, and his government will be more active in this matter, but this is tusk's appointment. this is a high probability, but it is still a probability, he is not yet a stavyer, huh, but, on the one hand, it is good if there is political will to resolve the conflict on the part of poland, because in principle, the blockaders, they do not express the opinion of the entire polish society and even all polish carriers, there are many transport associations in poland, and in this alliance, and against
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ukraine there is one of the federations of carriers, not the largest, by the way, and the confederation party, also not the largest, not the most influential, which is not will most likely take part in the formation of the government, it is a minority party, so if the new government of poland comes to the conclusion that the invention is from bilateral relations with ukraine, and from... good relations with brussels, because let me remind you, tusk came from the another thing about the government with slogans that, unlike its predecessors, it will not conflict with brussels, it will not raise questions about the polksit, it will not raise conflict decisions, where it is confrontational, well, at the head of the corner of its relations, its policy . so here it will be for
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his first, in principle, essential test is whether he is ready to commit to pro-european policy and decide his priorities based on this. mr. maksym, we would also like to ask you, at the end of our conversation, about sanctions against the russian federation. in your opinion, what is most painfully affecting the russian economy today are petroleum products, rosatom, the ban on the sale of diamonds, how is the russian economy recovering today after these sanctions? what hits the most is one question, what should be is another question, the biggest hit, of course, is the sanctions in the oil and gas sector, we see how the revenues of gazprom, rosneft and other state monopolists, which control more, have greatly decreased. part of the export of a gas, b, oil and
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petroleum products, but not all of it fell into the trap, and here it is very important that e follows... pipeline gas was followed by sanctions against liquefied gas, which over the last year greatly increased exports, and in the eu, and the main exporter is spain, but also france and germany, and the contractor for this is belgium, and this week, in principle, ukraine took a rather decisive step, a rather decisive step, because they introduced sanctions against the flix terminal, a company that actually transships liquefied gas from russia to europe. to be honest, for a very long time this was conveyed through diplomatic channels, through media channels, and through public channels, when the belgians were told that censoring russia's war against ukraine is not very good, but it worked and the love
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of money still prevailed, therefore , this week , the national corruption monitoring agency added flixus to the list sponsors of the war, and which it will introduce, we hope that this will become a serious enough signal for the belgians to change their behavior and stop sponsoring ukraine's war. yes, well, indeed, let's hope so. thank you for the conversation, maxim gardus, an economic expert, was in touch with us. on a different topic, another 70 soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine were trained in germany to work with the patriot air defense system. this is already the second group of military graduates, the commander of the multinational said. training commanded by lieutenant general andreas marlow. the training course lasted six weeks and was attended by experienced ukrainian officers with years of service in air defense units. let me remind you that ukraine received the first patriot complex from germany in april of this year
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, and two more of its missile installations were handed over to us by the country in august. oleksiy izhak, an expert of the national institute of strategic studies, is now in touch with us. mr. oleksiy. congratulations, congratulations, congratulations, please tell me, today is that level military aid, and in particular in the form of such training of our military, to what extent does it meet the needs of ukraine today? needs, looking for what, if we talk about defense, in order to withstand such a rise of the russians in relation to the offensive, they are trying to advance. and possible strikes on infrastructure, which are not just possible, they are high-value, russia stockpiled missiles and drones, launched production, if we talk about what our partners call the winter package, in order to withstand this winter not
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having lost those assets that were in the previous period in relation to de-occupation, well, the year was not quite successful in relation to further de-occupation, but in principle. in principle, half of the territories that russia captured in the first weeks have been released, and in order not to worsen the situation, to withstand the infrastructure, not to worsen the economic conditions, nevertheless economic, economic growth in ukraine has begun, the black sea corridor has been broken through, that is in order to withstand this, weapons, i would say enough, there is fatigue of course, the armed forces, because very people have been at the front for a long time, but in principle, if we talk about material resources in order to endure, endure, not worsen the situation until the moment when a new new deoccupation operation is launched, well, there are resources for this, and there are resources for this, and
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our partners are doing everything possible to ensure that the supply of f16 aircraft is sufficient, as it can play a key role in hostilities, in reducing shelling, the number of shelling of critical infrastructure on the territory of ukraine, and possibly even in offensive attempts themselves, re-offensive of the troops of the russian federation? f-16, training planes are already there, there are even signs, well, such... that it is close, but still, the whole story with aviation, from this is the story about the strike systems that ukraine needs for the deoccupation of the territory, regarding right now in the winter , as far as it plays, it won't play a role, because
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after all, it will be in a few months, but when they do, well, on the one hand, you can say ... that russia will try to retaliate if they effectively use and more to fire at the infrastructure, and on the other hand, such operations using aviation, they will mean that the front... is receding, receding, according to russia's ability to destroy, hit ukrainian infrastructure, civilian objects, it will decrease, but still, this is a story on in the spring, not for the winter, we will spend the winter with anti-aircraft defense systems, which are already available on the ground, and aviation will play a role, but the main thing is the ground anti -aircraft systems. the defense that we receive from our partners, of course, mr. oleksiy, i wanted
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to ask you about the second stage of the special operation , the sbu, on the baikalmur highway, as we know, there was an explosion there, another train also exploded, in your opinion, today, how effective are we in general conducting such special operations that weaken the enemy's logistics, firstly, i would like to say that the sbu itself is not official, because there are certain legislative aspects related to what ukrainian special services can conduct, what operations they can conduct, therefore, i will not say that it's the sbu, well, you can they talked, they reported in the media that it was the sbu, yes, well, the sbu did not deny this, which is also indicative, so, well, yes, well, well, this, operations. of the ukrainian special services on the territory of russia, i think it is effective, i cannot
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say to what extent, this, this particular operation, well, i just have to explain, there was an operation to damage the passage, the tunnel that goes, the main highway, which connects, which the entire soviet union built the baikal highway, in order to connect the far east and the center of the former soviet empire, there is a small the number of such highways, well, there are actually two highways, an old one and a new one, well , the new one passes through the tunnel, there was an obstruction operation, there was an exit in the tunnel, and then again at the same time the next day, in fact at the same time a bypass, the road around this tunnel, and there was also an incident there, how effective it is, i will remind you, in general, because of the railway in the far east, the first, the first
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construction of it, began, the war between the russian empire and japan, which led to a terrible the defeat of russia before, before the revolution 905 and onward to the second, to the first world war and the new revolution, so everything that is a bottleneck in russia is a bottleneck. russia, the baikal highway, in general , the routes that connect the urals with from the urals to the far east, there is simply no such unreliable route, it is a backbone that breaks easily, so any such operations, they can be effective, i can't say how effective this operation was, how quickly the russians will recover, but let's remember that the kerch bridge also rested... there were so a little so smoky, and then in the end it is now clear that this bridge will not
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stand still for a long time and china and russia are asking china to dig a tunnel there under the kerch strait, the same, i think, will be the same with these highways that connect the far east and the center of russia, taking into account the fact that russia is now trying to compensate for the loss of the markets of western cooperation with china, there is a very heavy cargo flow, these highways are not so congested, and anything that happens there, well , it very seriously affects the ability russia to fight, we have a minute left, mr. oleksiy, and with regard to weak cities, in the russian federation, in your opinion, this is the very center, or after all, the territories of those enslaved by russia, enslaved by the kremlin and the government, and the kremlin, the peoples who are now sub objects of the russian federation, well, all together, i still said
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that the weak point is the management, which falls apart as soon as the regions of russia feel that the government is unreliable, the central government is unreliable, big problems will begin there and in the enslaved peoples, now so far, so far they are comfortable because everything is bought, well, russia still has enough money. of course, thank you for joining our broadcast, oleksiy yezhak, an expert of the national institute of strategic studies, was in touch with us, and we are sorry. we would like to remind you that the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi , emphasized the need to heed the air warning signals in the coming days, in order to protect yourself, because based on certain information, the russians will intensify their shelling
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of ukrainian cities and other populated areas in the coming days points the deputy mandate is not a shelter for corruption. this year, a number of people's deputies were suspected of committing corruption crimes, fraud or abuse of official position. thus, lyudmila marchenko was detained while receiving a bribe in exchange for facilitating the departure of a citizen outside ukraine. anatoly gunko tried to transfer state land resources to an entrepreneur for an illegal fee. serhiy alexiev is accused of fraud, he promised to help a foreigner avoid extradition for money. dmytro isaenko is suspected of attempt to take over a plot of land of the state construction company. oleksandr dubinsky is accused of creating a scheme to illegally take people abroad . yaroslav dubnylovich was declared wanted in the case of gas embezzlement, and serhii labaziuk and andriy odarchenko were suspected of bribing government officials to obtain subcontracts for reconstruction works. in general, according to
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law enforcement officers. the national anti-corruption bureau and the state bureau of investigation are conducting cases against. current and former people's deputies. ihor popov political scientist, now joins our broadcast. mr. igor, we congratulate you. congratulations. we would like to ask you how you evaluate such, actually impressive activity of our law enforcement agencies, 70 current and former people's deputies are currently on various cases. what is it, what does it indicate? well, first of all, probably, it's mining. the authority of the ukrainian parliament, it is certainly a shame, because the parliament has exclusive powers to pass laws, but only the opening of cases is not a sufficient indicator, after all , it is necessary to look at at least the completed ones investigations and indictments before the court, because so far i have not seen any
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such indictment, and the cases , from yours, which were just cited, they are quite simple, that is, they are not some rotterdam plus, where billions many years later 18 intermediate firms were driven somewhere, if it is an offer of undue benefit or , simply put, a bribe, then the same case can be investigated quite quickly, that is, there is someone who gave, someone who took, recorded, witnesses, well, for this you do not need three or p seven years ago of course, i think all our viewers will agree that there should be results and it will be the best manifestation of the irreversibility of punishment, the inevitability of punishment for corruption. the deputy head of the european commission , viera yurova, who was in kyiv the other day, noted that ukraine is doing everything to strengthen the fight against corruption, the european union also recognizes the work done by ukraine,
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and what, in general, we need to do to speed up the accession to the union, in your opinion? well, as for the introduction, of course, we will have something to do for many years to come, but so what as for the first procedural decisions on the opening of negotiations, we have specific approved bills and on their consideration , i came just to study the issue of vir yurov, and it concerns three bills that strengthen the powers of three anti-corruption structures, this is a short bill. they are there, sometimes in three lines, sometimes in two paragraphs, is to increase the number of naboo detectives, is to remove the specialized anti-corruption prosecutor's office from any subordination to the attorney general, and is to allow the national agency for the prevention of corruption, to re-verify the assets or to re-verify those assets that the declarant acquired a long, long time
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before he even became the declarant himself, in the first reading all these laws have been adopted, in the second' they can be voted quite soon. mr. igor, please tell me, let's discuss the fact that the chairman of the osce stated that it will not be possible to exclude russia from the membership of this organization, and this is the end of these discussions. in your opinion, this highly respected organization could at all to propose some other scenario in which a terrorist country, an aggressor country , would have no place in an organization that should... protect world order. the position of ukrainian diplomacy is to exclude russia, but for this it is necessary to collect 55 votes out of 56. we understand. at least belarus has a vote in russia, hungary will abstain, and thus this decision does not pass today, and that is why we could not hope for the
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maximum program, in a certain way a compromise was reached at the meeting in skopje, lavrov allowed to fly, but on the other hand, more than half of the ministers of foreign affairs did not come to his speech, to the meeting of the council of ministers, to be honest. let's say it was suggested by our ministry of foreign affairs, our minister did not come to skopje at all, in order to show his disagreement with the decision to invite lavrov, according to russia, in exchange for allowing lavrov to fly to this meeting, they achieved the removal of the veto on the extension the work of the organization, the powers of four key officials were extended for nine months, that is, the work of the osce is not blocked and the obsye is not collapsed. but of course ukraine is not satisfied with the effectiveness of the work of this organization and would like to see an increase, first of all, in the pressure on the russian
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federation in order to achieve proper security in europe, for which the bssi was created at the time. finally, the war with russia has reached a new stage, president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi said in an interview with the associated press agency, winter will complicate hostilities after the summer counteroffensive, the president said, but ukraine will not surrender, he said, in your opinion, mr. igor , as we have to use the winter, taking into account the experience of the previous two, president zelenskyi is working on new strategies for the new stage of the war, and in some interviews he already lets us know what it will be. we see that this will be a definite strengthening of the ukrainian defense-industrial complex, it will also be the creation of joint enterprises and an increase. production of defense ammunition in ukraine, at those factories, we never know where they will be located. also, in an interview with the associated press, the president said that there will be
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a new stage in the perception of putin after presidential elections in the russian federation, which will be scheduled for march 17, that is , the elections will hardly meet the democratic standards adopted by the osce and other international organizations. and that is why it will be a challenge for western countries , first of all, whether they will perceive the legitimacy of the russian president after that, after the events that will take place on march 17, we understand that there will be a turnout of 80% and 85% will vote for the main single candidate, but actually undermining his legitimacy and undermining the legitimacy of any his decisions, including personnel, this may become a new stage for and here is exactly where the question arises, mr. igor, do you think western leaders are ready to recognize putin as illegitimate after the presidential elections in
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russia? well, if it were today, then i think that only individual countries could talk about such a position, but there is time, and therefore ukrainian diplomacy has shown that it can achieve quite difficult tasks, we cannot be sure. that it will definitely work, but if you start now and give full information about how the elections are held, why they do not meet democratic international standards and what this should lead to, then ukraine must show a leading role and thus shape the diplomatic position of our allies. thank you, we will remind you that ihor popov, a political scientist, was in touch with us. thank you for the conversation. all of ukraine should become barrier-free. that is, one that would ensure equal rights and opportunities for everyone, olena zelska said at the national forum on the rights of people with disabilities, she
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believes that business and state bodies it is necessary to do everything that depends on them, so that people with disabilities do not have restrictions neither in moving on the street, nor in the possibility of using public transport or in the possibility of visiting objects of public space, it is also necessary to eliminate discrimination against such people in employment... on work olena zelska noted that the problems of people with disabilities became more relevant during the war, because, according to her, the enemy invasion led to the fact that there are more people with disabilities, and their problems are more visible. it's scary to say this, but it is the enemy invasion that ukraine is experiencing that changes the situation. there are so many people injured as a result of the war and their number is increasing so quickly. the amount that disability comes out in the wall, it becomes visible , they began to talk about it more, the whole country should become bayer-free, all its career,
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educational, everyday, entertainment options, everything, take a blank page and write something warm and bright for another child currently, it is possible to do this in the walls of the main post office of the country, where the christmas residence was officially opened, when letters with wishes from strangers arrive, and how to join and become a real magician, artem dorkachev will tell. send a letter and give someone a christmas spirit. a new year residence was officially opened within the walls of the main post office of the country. in general, this project with ukrposhta was created so that children could convey their wishes for another child who is in a possibly difficult situation, that is, the most important thing is that now we see children wishing for peace. in total , 45 festive children's corners are provided throughout the country.
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volunteers will work at the locations in meleche. which will be held master classes and will help distract from the realities of war. it is about this location that we work from 10 in the morning to 70 in the evening, looking at what is happening in our country, i would like to somehow support them, help them, that is , it is difficult now, and i would like to help. children's messages will be collected until december 15, already on the 21st, they will be loaded into ukrposhta trucks that will go all over ukraine to deliver wishes from little strangers, ukrposhta also announced the release of new stamps that will soon appear in post offices, and during december there will definitely be a new year's stamp, this year for the first time on december 6 we celebrate st. nicholas, together with the day of the armed forces of ukraine, so i won't tell you what will be on the stamp, but i think everyone will be able to guess, and i can only say that on the mark is depicted one of the biggest wishes of ukrainians, until december 6
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, such corners will be installed in the central offices of all regional centers of ukraine and in small cities of chernihiv, sumy, kharkiv, kherson, mykolaiv and dnipropetrovsk regions. artem derkachev, ihor kovalchuk, tv channel rada, all- national marathon, united news. our broadcast continues, and further, the rada tv channel's information service will work in the single news marathon. chevorons approaching victory, time to attack and fight back, turn your people into weapons, join our fighters, the national police brigade of the people. the questionnaire can be filled out on the nab npu goa website by
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calling 097 725-25-13. this year's winter promises to be difficult again. the enemy is targeting critical infrastructure facilities. so we have to prepare for the most difficult scenarios. keep warm, insulate houses. it will be difficult, but ukrainians have fighting spirit. don't borrow, think about an additional safe source of heat, everyone should be responsible this winter, invite relatives you know from the regions that have been destroyed, together and warmer and more fun. the best way to warm up is to engage in light sports, because our energy is enough to overcome any cold. stock up on flashlights and power banks, charge them and stock up on food, water and warm clothes. warm up
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tasty, fragrant. tea or a hot dish gives warmth from the inside, and calories are not superfluous in winter . make friends with your neighbors, it is easier to beat the enemy in a group, and even more so to winter, and most importantly, support the armed forces. thanks to them, we have the opportunity to meet this winter, and as long as we are united, we are not afraid of either enemies or the cold. we hold on to each other. let's beat the winter together, warm country. fortify the borders of ukraine with drones, join the gathering of border guards. congratulations ukrainians, with you marathon single news. a team is working for you tv show we keep our finger on the pulse and summarize for you.


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