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tv   [untitled]    December 4, 2023 1:30pm-2:01pm EET

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honorable guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, at dinner at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with help. turn on the survey and turn on the verdict by izyy rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso we continue our program where we discuss exactly how new samples of armed equipment are created and manufactured in conditions when the ministry of defense seems to have relaxed certain requirements related to the testing and supply of certain
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samples, but each company has its own way and its own characteristics, and now we are joined by vadym kodachigov, he is the director of the company court, and also the mastermind of the wings of revenge project, this is an unmanned direction, mr. vadim, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear, congratulations, yes, i am glad to see you too , i have not seen you for a long time, we have not talked for 3 months since when it was said that the company is promoting the revenge wing project, but now it's not only about that, the ministry of defense has made a decision there that seems to weaken the relationship between the manufacturers, developers and the ministry of defense, in terms of purchasing those samples that the armed forces need there, i know that your company also makes reb tools, and is engaged in the sector of unmanned equipment, and supplies components that are used in other unmanned complexes, so how are these relaxations... for the life of your company, or
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so far these relaxations exist in such a virtual space, on in practice, everything remains the same and everything depends on the initiative of individual managers, look, well, unfortunately, unfortunately, it always depends on some managers, and how can you find an approach to this manager, and how you agree with him that your products have been advancing, we understand that we are making very important and critical... products for drone manufacturers, plus we are developing high-tech weapons, and this is my personal concept, after i came back from the war and after i lost a lot of young guys who, well , my brothers, with whom i fought, i then decided for myself that i would be densely, very densely and very effectively, as efficiently as possible, engaged in the concept of non-contact battles.
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there are a lot of russians, you understand that we never we will not trample them, because we have highly intelligent soldiers, and this is the pride of the country, these are conscious people who go to fight, and on the other side, well, believe me, i see who is fighting there, this is the trash, which is not a pity, not at all it's a pity, therefore, now these changes, they, well, i, i understand that our state, it is looking for attempts, how to buy, how to produce, and some officials who, well, have never seen what a war is, what a trench is , what are assaults, they sit and think, what the hell, i need it, let it go here, here, there , carefully, a little bit, we can’t little one, we can’t be careful , let’s overpay someone, but if it’s a foreign manufacturer, what are you afraid of, because what you pay him for 10 dollars... more, where he will take this money,
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he will he, he, uses this money exclusively for the development of his technologies, vadim , i absolutely agree with you, but tell me, tell me, please, about the revenge wing project, you showed it at an exhibition in poland, as i know, there was some interest, a little detail about the status of your project at the current stage and how the exhibition influenced the expansion of partners or perhaps the creation of a new cooperation , well, now we, well, we have made significant progress, an american monitoring group periodically comes to us there, so when they came to us after 3 months, they came to us for two months, they came, they say, they they looked , they say, you hear, we have the impression that the next time we will be in two months, if we do not come to you, then you will already start launching spaceships, so we really have a lot of changes, now we have developed the concept of the storm, it
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disembodied shock-reconnaissance complexes, i called them that, the link to gogol and to the poltava region and everything, we already handed it over to the first squadron, well, i don't know, so far there has been no feedback from the russian federation that we bombed something, but we have already handed over the first squadron, it was called the butcha, this is the butcha squadron, it was transmitted in a closed mode, because we do not announce the number of aircraft that was handed over , nor the structure, which it was, but they are already forward , these are planes, this is haiky 20, we already have a ready... version that has been flown and tested version of the hack 40 is an unmanned complex capable of carrying 40 kg at a distance of up to 1000 km, we have developed and put into production the concept of reconnaissance drones, this includes scanning, direction finding and optics
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of reconnaissance actions, all of this is tied into a single control structure, the bomber squadron, the reconnaissance squadron and the electronic reconnaissance, it's all done , it's all running now: the combat deployment technique is being developed, because that's the basic parameter for all of this to be launched, but unfortunately, this is my concept, this my idea, this is my concept, and this is my implementation, i am not sure that the zaluzhny himself knows about it, because for now i am in contact, that’s who i can contact, i say everything for this, i have a state zero support, so far zero, well, no one comes, doesn't say there , man, let's order a dozen from you there, no, everyone says, there, well, yes, you, come on, keep everything there, do it, work , that's it, we'll figure it out later, we pass, really, we pass all the exams, we write all the protocols, well, for understanding, there's one protocol for fives, there's one for eights,
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it is there on 62 such pages, 62 pages , there are descriptions, there are all the protocols, how we drove, flew by, there is how much it weighs , how much it flies, how much it pulls, it is all there, that is, vadim, i interrupted you a little yu, that is, this is a statement by the ministry of defense that the procurement system is simplified, that only certain combat indicators of a sample of equipment are actually checked, the main thing is that it does not pose a threat there for operation and further, even if it does not fall into the codification, it can be purchased by military units, this procedure is not yet it works, does it work? we are now trying to start this procedure so that the military units can purchase, but, you understand what it is like in a military unit, the first days of the war, the first days of the war, i am the commander of the commanding company of the 112th brigade, and now they come to me and
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say, and where did you take the cars, and why didn't you take them, guys, i say, there is no one in kyiv, at all. there is no one, i am alone on the road to get a mortar, who owes me, i am the head of a commercial structure, how do i know how these machines were supposed to be to get registered, and then he says, where are your cars now, i say, i can show you the places where one was blown up, the other was bombed there, let’s go, i’ll show you guys, why didn’t you write the acts, i say, and because in our it flew a little bit, it was not before that, not before the acts. and i also understand the leaders of military units , as they say right now, guys, you need to buy, but they sit and think, buy how, and who told me the procedure, and who laid out for me on the shelves how it should be, i now i will buy it now come on, i'll let it all go
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, then the prosecutor's office will come to me and say, and you wrote this wrong, that's all dude, five years, sit down, well, that is , vadim, now we're talking about the fact that now, in principle, we need to simplify, the system of taking on the balance sheet and to facilitate the system of writing off those samples that are destroyed like this, i know that someone is already developing it, but there are bills, a law that was introduced in the parliament, it was supported by the entire parliament, there was mostly a majority of votes, this law should be signed by the president regarding simplification the write-off of military equipment, i think that this is extremely necessary, in light of what you are saying now, exactly like that, exactly like that, it is extremely necessary, because often, the people receive some kind of filiks there, but what, god forbid, there are some expensive complexes and they sit and think, oh, i will put it up, let it stand here, we will not support it...' listen, god forbid, we will break it, how will we write it off later, this is war , guys, this is
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war. own, and another line of work of your company, an important line of work your company is the means of the radio electronic warfare council, and what is happening with this, i know that you are in close contact with the head of the department in this area, is there progress in providing our troops there with trench reb, other samples, and if not, then where are the main stumbling blocks in order to increase and scale it? now we have finished the development, finished the tests, and we will receive the first batch, i am sure, by the end, well, by the end of the next next week, we will receive the first copies, we have made the latest systems, this already eight-channel, eight-channel, we all went in, took into account all the needs that are currently arising at the front, we know who the russians are putting in front of... sensors, where they take them, we monitor all this, so we understand, but means of suppression, these
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are the same transmitters, only with a wider range and more powerful, therefore, more powerful, that is why we catch up, we try to catch up with them, therefore the means of the slave, they come out a little later than the means of communication come out, but we we know all the new trends. the guys we're bringing in now, well, we we produce them, we assemble them, we assemble them in europe, because we don’t have enough personnel here, we really don’t have enough personnel, that’s why i have now opened two enterprises in europe and we assemble them there, we assemble all those pieces of equipment that are not, that are not enough in ukraine, but both of my enterprises, which are located in europe, work exclusively on the ukrainian market, we are nothing to anyone. at the moment we do not import, no, no, more precisely, we do not export, we do not sell anything,
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everything goes exclusively to the ukrainian market, but when we talk about reb's means, which are there are produced abroad, how do they then get to our armed forces, also according to the scheme through volunteer funds that volunteers purchase, give to the military, and they then use it, will there still be a model when the rtr headquarters will still conduct it there test and will give...' a circular for military units that it can be purchased, well, look, first of all, i have never told any of the volunteers, but no, there were volunteers who purchased, but these are insignificant, well, for the sake of understanding, we are now we can produce there about 4-5 planes a month, 4x-500, well , volunteers bought from us somewhere, well, maybe a hundred and two, well, they bought up to a thousand, we can produce up to 400 a month, and this is such a significant amount, guys... year, we plan to issue somewhere, if in units, then somewhere around
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500-600 units, we can issue from means of radio-electronic warfare, including the fact that we have developed means of radio-electronic warfare for armored vehicles, we have already developed it, it is an eight-channel, super cool thing, it turned out in we are like this, but here it is approximately like this, the handle is like this, it can be attached to myself, we have such ones, yes. we have such a thing, and we have such a thing, so in the coming weeks we will put it all on the exams in the rep administration, well, these exams, if you understand that those are the exams of electronic warfare, it just needs to be included in some distances, some angles, measure the power of the connection, that's all, that's all the exams, because rap is rap, it doesn't fly, it doesn't shoot, it connects, that is, you just need to measure the frequencies, measure, scan
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the frequencies, make sure of that that these frequencies are performed and measure the radiation power there for 50, 100, 100, 500 there and 2000 meters and that’s enough, that is, these exams can generally be conducted in a day, vadim, here is an extreme question, literally for one minute, what do you, as the head of an enterprise, currently lack from the state, whatever you need right now to scale those initiatives, projects that you are currently implementing, orders, just a direct order, we will handle everything and everything else ourselves. we don't need help in business management, in building a business model, in reforming something, we understand how to do it, let's order, don't send money to europe , abroad, to china, don't buy anything from other people, we can do everything our army needs here, we can do it all, and all we
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need is an order, nothing more, that's it, everything, everything, everything else we will do. mr. vadim, thank you very much for the inclusion, for what you are doing for our armed forces, and i would like to remind our viewers that filkanso had vadim kodachigov, this is the director of the kort enterprise, and also the mastermind of the wings of revenge project, which are unmanned attack drones. so, if we speak briefly, summarizing the conversation, we can say that the potential of our enterprises is there, we see the directions of development from armored vehicles to rebs and unmanned complexes, the question is that the state will find funds... and to increase orders for all these projects, which really needed on the battlefield. so, stay tuned to the spresso channel, there will be more interesting information from various directions. attention - an incredible novelty
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call. vasyl winter's big broadcast. this is a big ether, my name is vasyl zimaim, let's start, two hours of air time, two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today, two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. serhii zgorets is with us, and what is the world like? and now about what has happened in the world, julius fizar will speak in more detail, julius, good evening, please speak to you. two hours to keep up with economic news. time for about money during of war, oleksandr morchyvka with us, oleksandr, welcome, please, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen pastukhov, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to lina chechenna for the information about cultural news, presenters that have become familiar to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on pride day, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio, andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine,
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who was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours, vasyl zimi's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. see this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. candidates for the constitutional court, to whom the council of judges gave the green light. they delegate there those who are representatives of the old system. but why do candidates register property for relatives. my sister received quite a good salary from 2005 to 2013, congratulations, judicial control is on the air. reorganization and reformatting of judicial system bodies is underway in ukraine. after receiving the status of a candidate for joining the european union, judicial reform is one of the main ones requirements for continuing ukraine's path to the eu.
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today we will talk about those who, with their unscrupulous behavior, are trying to derail ukraine from the intended course. but first to the news. the national anti-corruption bureau and the specialized anti-corruption prosecutor's office completed the investigation of the case of the judge of the brovary city-district court, volodymyr. serdinsky. the case of the servant of themis will soon be considered by the court. it will be recalled that serdynskyi jumped at the bribes of 400 us dollars. according to the investigation, the judge received an illegal benefit from the representative of one from the parties in a civil case for making a decision in their interests. he received part of the money in the amount of $1,000 earlier, when the decision was made to suppress the evidence in the case. when receiving the second part of funds in the amount of $3,000 per year. about debt collection in favor of the plaintiff, serdynskyi was hotly exposed by nabu detectives. the sbu added that during the searches ,
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15,600 dollars packed in different envelopes were seized from the suspected judge. of the more than 300 ukrainian judges involved in the repression of protesters who took part in the events revolution of dignity, 170 still work in courts. as our colleagues from the investigation-info project found out, only 20 judges out of these 300... resigned of their own free will. 53 were dismissed for certain violations, another 16 do not administer justice, but receive a salary. in addition, 61 judges are now on retirement, which entails a lifetime multi-thousand monthly allowance. most of the so-called maidan judges remained in their posts. despite the negative conclusions from the public integrity council, the investigation by journalists and the attention of activists, these judges successfully passed all checks and further decisions and verdicts are passed. clouds hang over the constitutional court of ukraine. the office of the president seems to be trying
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to politicize justice and form a controlled staff of themis ministers. meanwhile, the congress of judges of ukraine, according to its quota , again gives the green light to unworthy candidates. if you look at the delegates from the council of judges, from the congress of judges, well, it becomes, it becomes, it becomes clear. that again the judging shows that they delegate there those who are representatives of the old system, and who will do everything for to maintain this corrupt status quo and not make any changes, this shows once again that the judicial system needs to be cleaned and cleaned, very qualitatively and very strongly. currently, there are five vacant positions in the constitutional court, three of which are to be filled by... candidates according to the parliament's quota and two candidates proposed by the congress of judges. the suitability of the proposed candidates for the position will be evaluated by an advisory group of experts. however
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, it is already clear that it will not be easy to select the worthy ones, in particular because of many unscrupulous ones representatives of the judiciary in the lists offered to experts for assessment. natalia panchenko, judge-speaker of the kyiv district administrative court, is trying to get to the constitutional court. natalia panchenko. recently , natali paichenko was a candidate for a position in the supreme council of justice, and at that competition we had questions about her property, about the property of her family, in fact she did not, did not become a member of the supreme council of justice. for 10 years in a row, in her declarations, she hid the fact that she had the right to use the apartment since 2012 in kyiv, which belongs to her mother, and only last year. i remembered about it. in general, because of the randomness and sudden restoration of memory, judging by the declaration, he accompanies nataliya panchenko everywhere. in the electronic declaration for
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2015, the judge indicated the right to use another apartment in kyiv since 2010. however, there is not a word about this in the paper declarations until the 15th year. also, in the 15th year , panchenko mentioned that she has been using an audi q7 for two years, which she had previously forgotten to mention. in addition, in the declarations nataliya panchenko probably understated and did not deliberately indicated the value of the assets of her family members, for example, claimed that she sold her toyota rav4 in 2008 for uah 100. there are also many questions regarding the ability of panchenko family members to purchase valuable real estate. for example, in 2012, the judge's mother bought an apartment in novobudov near the center of kyiv, worth about 7,500 dollars. and two years before that, another one for $50,000 also in the capital, although she lived and worked in uman. my sister received quite a good salary since 2005. and there
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until 2013, you hint at the fact that the mother funds were supplied to my sister, i will now, if you allow, i will explain, and the apartment for the friendship of peoples was purchased with my sister’s money, i don’t know, that is , she had an agreement with my mother, and it was currently purchased, and why did not my sister issue on herself, she had family troubles there , another interesting thing is that her mother bought the apartment, supposedly for herself, but nataliya panchenko not only has the right to use the real estate, she even bought two parking spaces in this building, the judge herself declared this apartment, that is, more than likely, she uses it, but the question in that she declared it at a very low value, yes, at the declared
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value, it is worth it. it cost the judge's mother $7,500, a little more than $75, although in fact, the apartments in this residential complex are much more expensive, and with the same area, they are almost twice as expensive, for example, there and for $120,000 from what we managed to find, natalia panchenko is also a member and founder of the association for the development of judicial self-government, which opposed judicial reform. the judge applied to competition for the preliminary composition of the higher qualification commission of judges. however, it did not pass. and this is another contender for a position in the constitutional court, oleksandr korovayko, head of the kherson court of appeal. he has held this position since 2012. i am oleksandr
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korovayko, candidate for the court. also, since the 12th year, the chairman of the kherson court of appeal, although this is forbidden by law to serve more than two terms in a row, that is , one can already understand the attitude of this person to the law and to changes in the judicial system. korovaiko has a bad memory and forgets things to declare the car, then the real cost of the apartment is almost 150 km away. i bought this apartment and gave it as a gift. to the judge's wife, allegedly his 68-year-old mother, for $22,000. obviously, the specified amount is underestimated several times. before that, in 2000, the mother also bought 65 m in simferopol, they were registered to the judge's daughter. the judge's son is also provided with real estate , although he allegedly saved up and bought 95 square meters in odessa at the age of 26. he had problems with declarations, which was pointed out by the public
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integrity council. in his negative conclusion about him. judge oleksandr korovaiko is also known for making a number of decisions that allowed drunk drivers to avoid liability. he is also known for the fact that he himself violated the rules of the road, but did not admit it in the declaration of integrity, that is , he actually lied that it did not happen, smeared drunk drivers, that is, he, himself, made the decision to actually remove the punishment of those, that , who was caught drunk driving. we hope that a relevant group with the participation of international experts will thoroughly evaluate the candidates for the constitutional court of ukraine for integrity and suitability for the position. because it is the constitutional court after the war that will deal with extremely complex state issues, from determining exactly when presidential and parliamentary elections should be held after the lifting of martial law to
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protecting the constitution from attempts. usurpation, and people from the arbitrary decisions of officials. for today, i have everything, it was the judicial control program and i, tetyana shustrova. if you are aware of corruption in the courts, or if you have encountered an improper judicial process, let us know. message me on facebook or to e-mail. you can now see her address on the screen. it's all good, we'll meet in exactly one week. it's 2 p.m. in ukraine, to your attention a news release on tv


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