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tv   [untitled]    December 5, 2023 2:00am-2:31am EET

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we are trying to logistically ensure the positions so that our logistics are not affected by fpv drones, in particular, there are up to 100 to 200 raids per day here, that is, the number of fpv in the directions, in particular as the direction of the fourth operational mission brigade, is very large, and despite the fact that active counter-battery struggle, the russians are raising and raising new forces, in particular, also directly, they are raising it mostly in terms of personnel, such units as the storm, such units as the units of diggers, which digging, which force digging directly, trenches, despite the dense fire of our infantry on the diggers, digging trenches through minefields, through dense mining, to our positions. so the enemy really
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bears up to 95% of losses in such and such cases, and despite the fact that despite such losses, despite the fact that he fails to complete the assault tasks, they continue these living waves every day, every day they try to storm, storm , once again to storm, in particular also, despite... the nomination, because there are such cases that they they chase their own infantry, if they don't manage to dig through them, on their own minefields, uh, this, i would say not that infantry, but these are just people with machine guns, who are naked, sometimes barefoot, i would say be it so, in one form , there is a summer pattern, that is, given that they do not have the possibility to logistically provide them, they... simply destroy them and
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try to destroy them, trying to achieve some kind of tactical advantage, some tactical success in the direction of they sometimes destroy whole battalions in a day to a ton of casualties, it's hard to even imagine such actual numbers in your head, absolutely, it's impressive, as i understand, you are responsible for the use of artillery, and now, as i understand, the main task before your artillery is the destruction of the enemy's manpower , armored vehicles, or conducting counter-battery measures at the same time? in 70% of cases, it is a counter-battery fight, because by destroying the artillery, we do not allow the enemy to shoot at our infantry, all other 30%, this is of course an advantage. the destruction of
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the enemy's manpower, this is the destruction of the infantry, this destruction of equipment, that is, despite the fact that we are literally developing, step by step with the russians in fpv drones, but still the lion's share falls on the artillery units to repel mass attacks of the russians to repel assaults using tanks, armored vehicles. transporters, but basically, basically , it's still counter-battery, because because we have nato systems, they're quite so accurate and they're quite good at this task, which destroys enemy artillery 40% of the time and in 60 they forbid it action on our infantry, that is, the enemy simply stops firing, but despite this, the dumas continue, and to repel
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them every day, of course, it becomes more and more difficult, because the enemy tries to learn, the enemy tries to become more cunning and tries to achieve tactical advantage, despite losses. mr. denis, what about ammunition, because we usually say that now we have less ammunition than before, find some answer to explain to us what is the matter with ammunition, whether we save or not. which is real state? as a matter of fact, we do not save ammunition, it is great to pour ammunition on the enemy, especially when he is attacking, it is generally super, that is, there is enough ammunition for defense , that is, to destroy, grind his personnel, in order to disable certain units, we have enough ammunition, but certainly for assault actions, of course they are not up to... enough, because according to all the rules,
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the advantage should be at least one to three, that is, at the moment, if the russians, for example, release... yes there 10-200 munitions, there are up to 50,000 munitions per day, then we cannot afford such a luxury , certainly their military industry and the koreans who helped them, let's say so, in this case, do, have made such a shameful contribution to this matter, but to ensure everything of counter-battery fighting and destruction of the enemy when we are on the defensive. ammunition is sufficient at the moment. in particular, recently there was news, especially we are disrupting its logistics, when we blew up the oil depot in luhansk, so they will be traveling soon they won't walk, they won't drive either. mr. darys, thank you very much for your professional comments,
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for your service, for the service of your brothers, for what you do for our country. and let me remind our viewers that denis nagornyi, a major of the national guard of ukraine in nazhdab, was the espresso filco. of the artillery of the fourth rubizh brigade, which is currently operating in the bakhmud direction, and mr. major spoke about the fact that the enemy is actively using drones to attack our units, and further on we will talk about this aspect of the fight against the russian a military threat, because we have a number of ukrainian companies that manufacture systems for protecting and combating fpv drones and other drones, and now we are joined by yaroslav filimonov, the founder and head of kvertus, a well-known company for our military that supplies good, reliable means of electronic warfare, mr. yaroslav , i welcome you, i am glad to see and hear, good day, good day, dear tv viewers, i am glad to be
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present, i would like to ask, first of all , what is currently in the arsenal of your company, which is supplied to our army, so that counter this most...massive threat with these fpv drones and possibly lancets. ugh. thank you for your question. first of all, i would like to note that, indeed, the threat from kamika's fpv drones is currently the greatest, probably after artillery. unfortunately, the enemy does not count them, he has a lot of them, and if in the summer he launched half-drones there purely at equipment or at a cluster of personnel, then today they can attack. even individual people whom they will discover and see there somewhere, we as a manufacturing company, as the only system manufacturing company in ukraine, we do not stand aside from this problem and even in the summer offered the market a solution to countering fpv drones with the kamikaze drone,
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this tool is called counter in our country, it covers the frequencies on which the vast majority of f-drones fly and forms, so to speak... a dome up to 300 m, which protects, can protect the position, equipment, we also made a solution in a backpack, so that the infantry, which goes on a mission, for an assault, for demining, for the evacuation of the wounded, so that it can also be protected, wearing with such a backpack on their shoulders, they are able to defend themselves against these kamikaze fpvs, they just don't reach them, as for the lancets, this is another common problem as well, and unfortunately, to date, the most effective weapon is purely physical destruction, if ask specialists, military specialists from reb, each of them will answer you that in the case of a lancet
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, it is not the lancet that needs to be countered, but the drone that directs it, that is, the eagle, hall, supercam, and you need to neutralize them, because they are eyes. and pointing specifically for lancets, we do not stand aside, we are working on a solution for an effective solution against lancets, but at the moment, unfortunately, there is no ready-made effective solution, and to release a remedy that will be effective there in four out of eight cases, it is not quite an honest position, because we as a company have to ensure that our equipment is working. we independently test it on the front line, drive to zero, and arrange tests both for the military and directly ourselves, we use this equipment, there we run along the landings, along the trenches, and we must be 100% sure about lancet
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, unfortunately, there is currently no such ready-made one hundred percent solution , yaroslav, and you have not only rep tools, but as i saw, there are actually systems that allow you to detect drones and their presence in the air, what kind of developments are these, what can they do? yes, we really have a means of radio-electronic intelligence, we approached this issue, here... exactly a year ago, i asked myself the question of finding the possibility of creating such a tool from scratch, and since february 23rd, we have been working on a project to create it, that is, it is completely ours development from scratch, this is not reengineering, we are not there made no partnership decisions , including world decisions, our solution was completely from scratch, in fact, it is a scanner of the ether frequencies from 60 to 6000 mg and this means within a radius of 15 km detects everything that moves on this in this
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frequency band, it can be an unmanned aerial vehicle, it can be an operator, it can be any unmanned aerial vehicle, that is, quadcopters and wings, any board, and at the same time it can accompany up to 200 targets in the air, and even today, it is in there is a top development in its class, it... according to its ratio price-quality, it is definitely number one, i would say in the world, today we are finishing large-scale testing, we have already passed two stages of testing, fully confirmed all the characteristics that we declared at the beginning, and even more, we even exceeded them, because we included 10 km of bearings in the characteristics, we currently have 15, and we included an error of up to 8° in azimuth, and today we have up to four, accordingly, this detection tool of ours is called azimuth, and it
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will already go into production in january, there are already many pre-orders for him, because in fact, by essentially detection, these are eyes that indicate the target in advance, that is, they do not allow the uav to fly to the positions and drop something, or conduct reconnaissance, pre-reconnaissance, fire adjustment. that is, by detecting uavs long before the position, we are able to work with the means of neutralizing these uavs in advance and , accordingly, in this way increase the efficiency of the reb's work and reduce the hypothetical damage that these uavs can inflict on our positions. yaroslav, we literally have time left for one question, i would like you to assess the situation with how many... trench reb funds are needed, because he says that the satisfaction of the needs of the army is from two to 5%, i mentioned
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the new deputy minister of defense ivan gavrylyuk, he says that we are simplifying everything, the ways for faster procurement means, means of rep for the military, how it happens in practice , are these procedures really simplified now, do you have the ability to quickly manufacture and quickly deliver and do you have enough money to increase these volumes for the needs of the armed forces. very relevant on today's question, well, first of all, thank you brave one, because it is really an organization that accelerates the cooperation of business and the state, they help a lot, including putting equipment into service, and today we have already applied for service and for the codification of the first two means are fppv and kontrav backpek, here is the rest of our line... it is also already undergoing departmental tests and we hope that it will also be in service in the near future,
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it will be possible to sell it centrally to the ministry of defense and supply to the troops. as for the need, uh, that need is in the thousands, because virtually every position, every piece of equipment, medivacs, transports, all jeeps and so on, it all has to be equipment equipped to counter fpv drones, because it's the most vulnerable targets that the enemy hits regularly and very accurately. and the kamika fpv drone is such a cheap rocket that flies fast and can hit the target precisely, fly over, fly into any gap. uh, as for scaling and the ability to deliver in necessary quantities, we can do it, we are scaling up, we can say in a non-stop mode, since march 2022 we are constantly. we are increasing our production capacity, we are increasing the number of people, the number
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of areas where we produce these products is increasing, and we continue to do it now, and we are preparing for government orders, because we know that the orders, these will be, will be discussed about thousands, not about hundreds, not about dozens, but about thousands, and that is exactly how many of them are needed in the front positions, because you and i we understand that reb, he has the ability to be destroyed because he is tracked, seen, and this is one of the priority goals for the enemy, so we must be able to supply not only purely as needed, the one that is now, and we will supply with a reserve, so that there is an opportunity to quickly change, and we also offer service, repair guarantee, that is , we already have 5, 8, 10 different units of our equipment coming to us every day after shelling, cut down, on a zero basis, we quickly make repairs, one, two, maximum three days, and the equipment is returning, returning to work
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at the front, thank you very much for the work you do for our armed forces, thank you for the time you found for our viewers. and let me remind you , let me remind you that it was yaroslav filimonov, the founder and head of the kvertus company, which manufactures reb equipment, which is needed on the battlefield for our military. these were the main military results of this day, and then more international and economic news on vasyl zima's big broadcast. good evening, we are from ukraine. thank you, serhiy zgorts, thank you to his guests, these were the military results of the day, the second hour of the big one is still ahead , a lot of interesting world about ukraine with yuri fizer, money during the war with oleksandr morchivka, also sports news from yevhen pastukhov, and the weather from natalka didenko, which is waiting for you will be this week of winter. well , let's start with the most important news that
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happened at this hour. the russians officially confirmed the death of general zavadskyi in ukraine. about the death of the deputy commander of the 14th army corps of the northern fleet wrote the governor of voronytsk region , oleksandr husiv, according to him, zavatsky allegedly died at a combat post. let me remind you that the death of the russian general became known last week, previously he died on the territory of ukraine on november 28, but only now the russians officially recognized it. in december , our soldiers receive several times more drones than the ministry of defense received last month. will direct an additional resource to the purchase of tactical-level unmanned aerial vehicles. this was stated by lieutenant general ivan gavryliuk, for him in words, it is necessary to scale not only the production of drones, but also means of radio-electronic warfare. that is why the ministry is increasingly stimulating the activation of domestic production of this important equipment for the front.
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the attackers from dnipro almost sold spare parts for combat aircraft to the russians, it is about air pumps for vmig-29 fighters. in 2019, the suspect stole this equipment from the warehouse of a ukrainian enterprise, the man handed it over to an entrepreneur he knew for safekeeping, and later put it on the website, which were used by the russians, the examination of the aircraft equipment confirmed its technical suitability for use in combat conditions, the seized equipment was handed over to our defenders. desperately trying to cross the border. in transcarpathia, border guards detained a 29-year-old evader from kolomyia. a man tried to swim across the tisza river on an ordinary inflatable mattress. for protection , he used only a pink cap to appear like a child. this is already the fourth unsuccessful attempt by ukhilyant to storm the state border.
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a happy coincidence. in voronisk region of russia, a truck rammed a convoy. guards, according to preliminary information, one person died, four more national guardsmen were injured, this is reported by the russian mass media, the collision took place on the federal highway, emergency services are working on the spot, well , i will only remind you that this is not the first such story, recently in a distant in the east, once again a russian serviceman on a truck rammed a national guardsman who was crossing the road, but then no one really died. in queues to cross the border from poland 2,500 trucks are expected in ukraine, said andriy demchenko, the spokesman of the state border service. he noted that the blocking of the slovak border continues, 650 trucks were expected to pass in the direction of ukraine in the morning. there is traffic on the border with hungary, but there is still a queue. i would like to remind you that since november 6, polish carriers
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have been blocking the movement of trucks at three checkpoints: grebenne ravaruska, korchuvak, rakivets. dorguski yagodin. on november 23 , it became known about the blocking of another checkpoint of medic shagini. also on december 1 a blockade has begun at the vyshne-german checkpoint. we remember that the participants of the action promised not to interfere with the movement of humanitarian goods, other important goods for ukraine, fuel, perishable items, but to give an assessment of whether they provide the possibility of passage. all these categories of goods that are transported are transported by freight vehicles, i cannot guarantee this. lviv. the regional territorial election commission continues to be blocked, the partisans of the banned opzh, servants of the people and representatives of their satellite parties, they do not go
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to meetings, or if they do come , they do not vote, this happened today as well, only six out of 18 came, thus the tvc was again unable to approve two more candidates for deputies from european solidarity, and those from their side will to the performance of his parliamentary duties. everyone knew that the meeting of the lviv regional territorial election commission would take place, but a number of subjects, including various political parties, for example , servants of the people, opzzh, and others political parties, as in a certain way they start to be ignored, and for you, an hour or half an hour before the meeting , they inform you that he cannot be released from work at the moment, or he has a couple of days, i spent the last 17 hours on the road from the east of ukraine in order to ask
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the members of the commission today if they are not ashamed, but today i don’t even have anyone to ask, unfortunately, because the meeting did not take place again due to the absence of part of the commission, for every ukrainian word the russians were electrocuted, a 70-year-old blogger from kharkiv oblast, anatoly gragatai survived captivity and torture during the occupation. all because of the video, the man at the beginning of the full-scale war filmed a column of russian equipment and posted the video on the internet, so he received the stigma - a corrector. how to survive captivity and torture and remain faithful to your cause? look in our plot. there is no one with bread and salt, no one meets them, everyone hid like mice. this video... anatoliy garagaty took it from the window of his own apartment at the beginning of the great war. it was then that the russian troops advanced in deep in the kharkiv region. the man immediately posted the video on social networks. for
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history, for the archive, how it was, what it was and so on. well, when i laid it out, then i already thought about what, how and for what, and when friends started calling, neighbors, what are you doing, stop, well, stop doing it, i hid in the country. and he hid there, he hid in the country for two months, because the russians knew they were looking for him, and on may 28, the occupiers arrested a 70-year-old blogger, the man was taken to the balaklia police station, there the invaders set up a torture chamber, they hung on me that i corrected, they called me, i transmitted everything and so on, and that's it, if they proved that i corrected all this, i wouldn't talk to you, the man is being held... there are 36 km in the cell, besides anatoly, there were eight in the cell , and even 12 people. this is the toilet, the shower room, here
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they stood upstairs, took a bottle of water , closed it here, closed it so that it would not splash , and hit the boy with that bottle , when it got hit twice, that was when there was water three times, and when there was no water, then it was necessary to ... 100 days anatoly was kept in the torture chamber in balaklia, for the ukrainian woman was tortured with electric current and constantly interrogated, her husband was demanded to confess that he was allegedly a correctional officer. i had eight interrogations, during five interrogations i was killed, electroshocked, beaten with hands and feet, they released me three days before they released balaklia, they already understood that they would not take anything from me, and since i myself ... that a grandfather with such a beard sat there for 100 days, then a rumor spread through the cells that he was sitting there, and i think they just let him go and that's
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it, they didn't kill what they were killing, they weren't worried about me, they were worried , knew that if after the riot, if someone, anyone , they will be counted, it is difficult for the man to remember being in captivity, there was not even a window in the cell in balaklia, there was no news either, the russians took away the video equipment, and this is the business of his life. anatoliy has been filming holidays, weddings, and proms for 50 years. all the equipment that i had, computers, tv, video cameras, cameras, everything was taken away, i came home, there was nothing on the table, the table was empty, i had to do this, one guy gave me a second camera, another gave me, this was given provided, i i am currently working, anatoliy is currently showing the consequences of russian aggression in his own blog on youtube. every day, the man posts videos about volunteers, local residents and the life of his native kharkiv region and believes that russian peace will never return here. dream but
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everyone has one dream to win. dmytro didora and oleksandr borlevych, news on espresso. a wonderful story of an indomitable and faithful person to his work and his homeland. well, now is the time to talk about what was happening in the world, a lot of interesting things were happening, yuliy fizer will tell us the most important thing. good evening. good evening to you vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us today, in particular, today will be about: "help to ukraine". to be or not to be on the side of the united states of america, the russian special services tried to prevent finland and sweden from joining nato, and kim jong-un noticed that north korea has problems with the birth rate, and what did he propose, wait, about that and other things in a moment in the world about ukraine section, well , i'll start with information, literally, from the last
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hour, maybe a little more, from the magazine time announced the nominees for the award, the annual award, its person of the year, nine nominees, and it seems to me that time magazine is rolling in some kind of hole, among these nine nominees are sidney pinen, vladimir putin, llyalka barbie, the prosecutors who are trying donald trump, also company ceo comp king of great britain, charles 3: chairman of the federal reserve system of the united states, jerome paul, well, i just can't understand how putin got on this list, after all, i can't understand how you got on this list, but putin last year time magazine even announced the president of ukraine , volodymyr zelenskyi, and
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the people of ukraine as the winner of this award this year among the nominees, putin, the question here is not whether putin is still alive, they have not fully clarified, here is one question, but putin and the barbie doll, xi jinping and prosecutors opposing donald trump, here is the list, in short , we have two days to wait, on the morning of december 6th, we will know the name of the winners, i 'm really looking forward to it, this wednesday morning, i hope you and i really hope so, which , after all, the editors of the magazine will not do of this huge mistake that can be made, let's go further, in the white house the bells are ringing in the administration of the current president of the united states of america, joe biden, sent a letter to congress warning that by the end of this year washington will run out of money for aid to ukraine, the letter was signed by the head of
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the administrative and budget department. shalanda young of the white house, according to her, to interrupt the flow of weapons and equipment from the usa is to bring ukraine to its knees, on the battlefield, and this, says mrs. young, threatens to erase all the achievements earlier the successes of the armed forces of ukraine on the battlefield, moreover, it can also play in russia's favor, and then the quote, her quote: we do not have a magic pot of finances to deal with this situation, we have run out of money and almost.. . time is up, and i will remind you that the president of the united states of america, joe biden , has been asking the congress for almost two months, well, a little more than one, exactly, he has asked the congress for 106 billion dollars, this amount was supposed to be aid to ukraine, israel, as well as money for construction taiwan and money for construction, walls on the border with mexico, well, a little more than 61
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million dollars should have gone exclusively to ukraine, today this question should have been put to a vote in the upper house of the american congress in the senate, but today i bought into the work schedule of the senate and honestly telling you, i haven't found whether they will consider , today, tomorrow we'll see, in a word, during this week, as senate majority leader chuck schumer said last week, during the week they have this issue, after all, it's going to be taken up in the senate, well and to the end year, maybe even up to a year or two, this very issue of allocation of aid to ukraine will be considered in the lower house of the american congress, in the house of representatives. we really need this money, we understand that, and they understand it to great happiness in the united states of america. and about the fact that joe biden's administration urgently needs additional money in order to continue helping
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ukraine. they also spoke in the white house.


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