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tv   [untitled]    December 5, 2023 6:30am-7:01am EET

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if they realize that we are not successful, they will simply attack this whole bunch, there is no doubt about it, no, and i do not know, as they say, nuclear weapons will be used or nuclear weapons will not be used, but it is better in general in principle, all of humanity until this moment, when this question will be on the agenda, presses the buttons or does not press, does not prove, but there is only one option for today - this is to end a special military operation: at the same time, they will end it so that we everything is with you understood that we won tomorrow, we from this country, as they say , nothing will be threatened, this is the only option, so this road must be followed, all the rest are there , these are talks about negotiations, not negotiations, that's all, that's all, i'm very i hope for the observance of polytheisms, and more than that, remember literally the very beginning of the program, about what solov spoke about the fact that even what they have already written into the constitution is not enough for them. so it is, that's why i
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say that they can put something else in there, which they are also very actively talking about right now, and here it is, for example, you know this, the story about cutting off ukraine from the black sea, i understand that doctor komarovsky is going to cut it off, yes, that’s it, so as not to lose everything, let’s let's cut off the second leg as well, and maybe an arm, or both arms, yes, yes, let him listen again. maybe a little, maybe somehow some other thoughts will appear, ending the svo without the territorial exit to transnistria, for us nikolaev and odessa are suicide, well, nikolaev, odessa or the south of bessarabia, there are different options, how to leave transnistria, and for us death is similar, because literally in an hour we will have a transnistria crisis surrounded by enemies, well, in general, lately, i must say, for some reason they suddenly decided to talk about
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transnistria and moldova , and it must be understood that it is not only a danger for us, and in general , all this talk about russia wanting something else, it does not only concern ukraine, it also concerns all our neighbors, and you should not think that by giving a piece of ukraine, you can get someone calm down, it's not like that, absolutely not like that, that's why that in addition to taking a piece and more... of ukraine and there it is, look, let 's take a piece of ukraine, in addition to this, the russian propagandists have already, well, in fact, started such, i think, the third or maybe the fourth round of trying to stir up the situation around moldova . brussels then unceremoniously torpedoed the document already initialed by kishinev and teraspol, and now they are killing the 5+2 format, the last thing left of joint efforts.
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victims in the hybrid war unleashed by the west against russia. sergeyvach, well, this is already a serious story, yes, you will agree, if ours the minister of foreign affairs, today, when everything seems to be calm in that direction, is saying that they want to make it the next one now, but it's a serious story, yes, but no one wants to do anything except russia. beat next, because this is russia, every time when everything is calm, it suddenly starts to attack someone, well, so that you do not doubt, except of course, moldova, which is not like that and suddenly we have to talk about it, it turns out that the predatory finns always sat and they are waiting for revenge, so even now there is a real threat from there as well, yes that the finns should not relax either, the finns themselves were cruel, the people, they are either one
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extreme or the other, after they ideally came out of the second world war, they applied their neutrality and part of their territory to normal relations with the ussr , they were an example of pragmatism, we looked at the finns, they are so correct, they are going in this direction, we looked and rejoiced at what they were like, we even thought that they were good, really, because we have a myth that finns are such guys, as in the film features of the national hunt, they come here to drink for... everything has become possible, that is, they have, in every film, deeply, in the depths of their souls, this is a terrible backlash, this is not love.
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what did their grandmothers and grandfathers tell them about that first northern war, well, you see, changing territories to make friends with russia does not help, because when in russia, they are so surprised that such a tumbler was returned, well, who began to attack the neighbors in general, someone else, maybe the finns went to take st. petersburg, no, they did not go to take st. petersburg, the nearest is there, i don't know, it's been 200 years, it's been done by the russians , who for some reason went to neighboring countries to try to seize territories, because they really need it right now, and now they are inventing, literally inventing, who are their enemies, who still thinks badly of them around , and that's why we need to think about how to attack them now, because they might
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be thinking something to themselves, well, that's the logic, well , that is, this is absolutely sick russian logic, which will not go anywhere, it will not go anywhere if they continue to talk about , how to cut off a leg for to save someone there from something, and that is why only someone who simply or does not understand anything at all can say this , it is really better for him to shut up, or someone who sees himself as a hair in the studio of a russian tv channel somewhere in a few years, because somehow it is all connected, you see, a person first talks about how to reconcile with russia, what to give her there, and then in hopi he appears in the studio of a russian tv channel and begins to tell that ukraine must be destroyed in order russia was safe. thanks, you know, there's a connection here, i see, well, after all, what they are building in general, you know , it is also important to know, because, again, the borders with
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finland are closed, you see, for some reason they are in no hurry to run there at once, to fight there, what they they are just terribly offended, although there is no such logic, it is not incomprehensible that in principle, why would they be offended, they would be happy, on the contrary, at them, which means that no one encroaches on anything, no one wants to, literally not a centimeter of russian land is covered everything is a fence, and no, you see, no, they are offended, whether the finns are doing everything correctly, or still they need to put machine guns on the other side of the border, it’s sad, andrey vladimirov , there’s something, well, that’s the same thing, when they close in on you, something’s wrong with you, yes, at least your neighbors see you differently they accept what... they accepted before, and despite the fact that it is sad, i am a little surprised by the reaction inside russia, because as far as i remember, you yourself, i think, already remember it well, the last one and a half or two years there and the highest stands they told us that these are the sanctions that are being imposed on russia russian citizens, all the obstacles
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that are placed there and visas and all such, this evidence of what? this is not evidence that russia might be doing something wrong there, no, that russia is doing everything right, it strongly pursues a sovereign policy at the expense of its national interests, the soviet union, and that's all, look. look how interesting it is, we lived in the soviet union, what did the soviet union do, it did not let us go anywhere at all, that is, it completely closed all foreign countries, an interesting situation live when we, please, they don't, no , no, we won't let our citizens leave, and yours won't leave empty-handed, how the soviet
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union ended, we all know very well, we will restore it, we will restore it, i will tell you that for us, the only choice here is not to stay on the other side of the fence with saskatchewan and all those freaks, because there is no other option, there is no illusory at all, you know, possibility of agreement, there is no illusory possibility of negotiations, this must be made clear to everyone, and here in ukraine, a hand to everyone there leg is going to be amputated, and in the west, who thinks that it is possible at the price of ukraine. to solve something, because all this only inspires russia that it is possible to continue the aggression further, that it is possible to restore the soviet union, and the soviet union, you still remember, in addition to the soviet union, there was also the warsaw pact, but within
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the borders of 97 year, or whatever, so this is the goal, and it does not change in russia, and the goals do not change, and there is no possibility of getting angry with anyone, we either fight now, defend ourselves today, or we will not have no pause, no one will give us one, we will simply be swept away. the moment we decide that we can no longer resist, or somehow less resist, or somehow start talking in order to agree on something, then as soon as we show it, as soon as we start doing it, everything will work out the worst scenario, and therefore all those who open their mouths about the fact that something can be exchanged for something, something can be stopped somewhere, they should already be beaten with wall rags, until they appeared in the studio of a russian tv channel, and they are there with will appear for sure you'll see, absolutely, well
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, there's no way it won't happen if things continue like this, so yeah, see you, see this week on the program collaborators, traitor: with sentences, which of the fanatics of the kremlin are already behind bars? i would not say anything like that on ukrainian television. but how does the ukrainian themis punish the adapted for serving the occupiers? only russia, the russian federation came to the rescue. ukrainian justice in action. leaders of fake occupation institutions, informers, fire adjusters, priests and just fanatics of russia, which of them has already received the sentence? greetings, this is the collaborators program and i, olena kononenko, today i will tell you about those whom ukrainian themis brought to
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justice for collaborative activities. during the occupation, they are obedient dogs of the kremlin, loudly chant glory to russia and kiss putin's portrait. secretly or openly for a position or for the opportunity to earn, they help the rashists during the occupation of cities and villages. almost all traitors are sure that ukrainian justice will not reach them, and our law does not share their confidence. security bodies that collect information and evidence about the guilt of those who faithfully serve the russians during the occupation, after which they send cases to the court, where the traitors receive sentences, i want to recommend nikolaevna to you as the head of the sitting council, this video of the appointment of a certain nataliya bebeshko on the position of head of the village of nova zburivka in the kherson region. we believe that russia will restore the infrastructure of the village. new habsburg was occupied
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by rashists in the first days of the full-scale invasion, since then the occupiers established there, they put in place the necessary and loyal people to key positions, such as nataliya babeshko. she was born at the age of 58 in the city of hola prystan, kherson district. she worked in the village council, as an inspector of the apparatus and director of the center of social services for family, children and youth. since 2010, she began to actively build a political career. she tried to become a deputy of the novozburiv village council from the party of regions, but did not pass, and also passed the deputy's seat in 2015 as a self-nominated candidate. she was lucky only in 2020, when she was elected deputy of novozburiv village council. but in the end , bebeshko betrayed both her voters and her oath to serve the ukrainian people faithfully. when the russians began to capture villages on february 24, she her ukrainian id card and began to build a new political career, only according to russian standards, and
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what are they like there? if you have an iconostasis of putin, kiss him before going to bed and constantly repeat, russia the liberator, you automatically become an ideal politician. and what we see today is only russia, rossiyskaya the federation came to the rescue. the occupiers appointed bebeshko the head of the administration of novaya zburgivka. the long-awaited event, discoveries. paths of our rural council, with the arrival of the russian federation, i believe that an opportunity opens for a young person, which was closed under our previous government. zaprodanka promised to start training in rural schools according to russian standards from september 1 and expressed the hope that the occupiers would resume the work of closed enterprises, actively expressed support for the russian peace, discredited the armed forces and the authorities of ukraine, filming... for reports of russian tv channels. she justified the occupation of the village and assured that for the prospects
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of its further development under the so-called new government, she demonstratively distributed russian rubles to the residents of the village, a kind of help from the russian federation. i love my family, but i hate the state. in principle, the state left us, tormented us. told that there is an eight-year war going on in donbass, told that we are at war with russia, we all saw what russia is and what the regular russian army is. this traitor participated in the organization pseudo-referendum on the accession of the kherson region to the russian federation and conducted campaigning activities among the local population in order to attract ukrainians to illegal voting. on october 10, 2023 , the teplodar city court of the odesa region sentenced bebeshko to 10 years in prison with confiscation of property and
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disqualification from holding positions in state authorities for 15 years. unfortunately, the village of nova z... is still occupied, but soon our armed forces will get there, and we really hope that babeshko will not be able to escape, because the prison cell is so empty without her. filmed a video for russian propaganda and received seven years of imprisonment. we are talking about yuretsky serhiy viktorovych, born in 1981. he was born in the city of norilsk in russia, seven years later he came to odesa, where he stayed and began to print. in the genre of fiction with the pseudonym serhiy stepanenko. since 2013, he has been writing for the russian publishing house fantascope. yuretsky was not only engaged in writing. during the maidan era, he headed the anti-maid rapid reaction group and advocated ideas of russian peace. he also distinguished himself by his comments to the russian media regarding the so -called shooting of civilians by the kyiv authorities
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near the building of the prospilok building. after these events, yuretskyi moved to the occupied territory for some time. crimea, later got a job as a security guard at the private security agency narodna varta in odesa. when the army of the russian federation invaded our lands, this traitor knew for sure that he would become a useful occupier. together with cameraman oleksandr sushchenko, yuretskyi began filming a propaganda video commissioned by the kremlin. one of the last jobs they did for uah 8,000 was a staged video about the course of mobilization in ukraine. yureisky acted as a military commissar, talking to the camera. how he hunts men of draft age to avoid being sent to the front himself. about the measures adopted by kyiv after the reduction of the number of volunteers in the ranks of the ukrainian armed forces. and at one fine moment, the head of the tsk came and said that, guys, we have good news for you all the way from kyiv itself. and now we will have a plan of at least seventy souls per month
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to drive, that is, to catch, to lead. otherwise, go to donbass yourself. how long do you think this will last? if the western countries had not added fuel to the fire in the form of finance and technology, then most likely it would have ended a long time ago. the content of the questions and answers expressed in the interview, the traitors received from the russian curators. the resulting content was broadcast on the russian state tv channel and on the internet. here's another piece from this one-actor performance. aren't you frankly afraid? to tell about myself what is happening in ukraine, well , i would not say anything like that on ukrainian television. these producers of propaganda were detained in the middle of june 2023, already on october 4 , 2023, the primorsky district court of the city of odesa sentenced yuretskyi to seven years of imprisonment . now he will entertain his
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cellmates with his bad acting. and this collaborator and friend of illiva was sentenced to eight years at will, meet mykola leontivych volyk, born in 1975, before the full-scale invasion, he was both a businessman and a local politician. according to ucontrol, volyk is the owner of 50% of the private company reis, which was engaged in passenger transportation in melitopol and , in particular, received subcontracts for the transportation of schoolchildren. he also headed the chistota 2, melitopol communal service and rembud municipal utilities. but his soul was torn into politics. in 2015, volyk was elected a deputy of the melitopol city council from the banned socialist party, and in 2020 he ran for the council from the banned opzh party. interestingly, it was ilya kiva who helped him with the choice of parties, because it is known that volyk communicated closely with the ex-people's deputy. we
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came into politics, for that we got your trust, your trust. to fight against ukraine and against the ukrainian people. the case when he accidentally voiced the kremlin's task. after february 24, volyk, like his friend kiva, decided that it was better to hide his true views, so when melitopol was occupied by the rashists, he met them as relatives. the invaders put him in the position of deputy head of the melitopol administration, where he promised local businessmen to be crushed if they stayed in place, until he extorted property from farmers, forced community heads to resume education in schools of the region according to russian programs, and also demanded to provide lists of teachers and students. volyk inclined the right-wing to work in the occupation forces and claimed that ukraine will not exist, but the traitor himself has every chance of not existing, local partisans arranged
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a big boom right next to his house in december of last year, although it was unsuccessful, but who knows, maybe next time will be successful, and while this living rat is hiding in the occupied territories, in ukraine, the court has already sentenced him, in september of this year, law enforcement officers proved in court that mp mykola volyk cooperated with the russian occupiers, for which he was sentenced in absentia to eight years of imprisonment, and we really hope that he will serve them. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you want to talk about kremlin sellers, write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook. together we will send all the traitors in pursuit of the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. icelandic moss vitamin c -
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your strength to fight cough and rasping icelandika, there are discounts on lozenges icelandika 15% travel you better, knows what helps. vasyl winter's big broadcast. this is the big ether, my name is vasyl zima and we are starting, two hours of air time, two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. serhii zgorets is with us, and what is the world like? now about what happened in the world, julius fizar, julius, will speak in more detail good evening, please speak to you. two hours to be. courses of economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. review of sporting events by yevhen postukhov. two hours in the company of favorite presenters. thank you
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very much to elinia chechenna for the information about culture news. the presenters, many of whom have become similar. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on advent day. and also distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, national deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. big broadcast of vasyl zima, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is a ship's. the inclusion is live, we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we tell the main thing, on weekdays at 9:00.
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we are asking for your help in the search for demyan tyurin, who is missing in mariupol, i am asking you immediately, please share this search video on your pages in social networks, this is really very important, because you need to understand that the more people learn about the missing boy, the more chances there will be to find him, so please do not remain indifferent. demyanchyk was only three years old, he disappeared on the second of march 22nd in mariupol, when hostilities were going on in the city. what happened to the child, who she was with then and where she may be now is unknown, so i ask everyone who sees this video to look carefully at the boy's face, he looks 3-4 years old, of medium build, has light blond hair and dark eyes. so, if you know anything about damyan tyurin, do not delay and immediately report to the hotline of the
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children's search service with the number 11630. calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free. also, write to our website or to the chatbot of the child search service in telegram. i want to emphasize that any, even the smallest, information can be important in the search. let's not be indifferent, and let's try together to find the missing damian tyurin. we are also looking for 16-year-old sashka ivanov. the boy was in one of the boarding schools in donetsk, a february 20, 22. four days before the beginning of the full-scale invasion, all the pupils of this boarding school were allegedly taken to russia by the occupation authorities. this was told to us by grandmother sashka, who is currently in the territory controlled by ukraine and is looking for her grandson. they took out of donetsk even before the war, exactly on february 20, they took out the entire boarding school, they just put them in the mud and took out many children there. he studied at a boarding school in donetsk. svitlana
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oleksandrivna. more than anything, he wants to find his grandson, and if he is really deported to of the russian federation, then return sashko to ukraine and take him under his care. the boy's grandmother also said that she has information that sashko is currently in one of the boarding schools in taganrog or rostov-on-don, in the summer they were taken to yevpatoria. there is no more information from sashko's grandmother, but there is a very high hope of returning her grandson home, and although it is likely that sashko is actually in russia, it is not the case at the moment. information that is currently being verified, so i ask absolutely everyone who is currently watching this video, please be careful look at sasha's face, he looks 15-16 years old, of medium build, has light blond hair and brown eyes. so, if you know anything about sashka ivanov, do not delay and immediately notify us on the hotline of the children's search service by calling the number 1163, which is free from all mobile operators
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. also, maybe this program. on the internet will be seen in russia, and if you know any information about sasha ivanov, can confirm that he is really in russia, then write to us on the website of the child tracing service, or at facebook or instagram of the children's search service. and i want to note that any information about the child is important in the search. let's not be indifferent, let's try to find sasha ivanov together. so i request each of you to share this video on your sides if possible. in social networks. in general, the deportation of children is a component of the crime of genocide, so i want to note that if you know about any crime against a child, in particular about abduction or deportation, do not remain indifferent and immediately report it to the police, or report it to our website stopcime u.a. you can even do it anonymously. also, i ask you to take just
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a few minutes of your time and go to the website of the children's search service, here in the missing children of ukraine section, you can see the boys and girls who are currently wanted. look carefully at their faces, and i will be very grateful if you share the information about the missing children in your facebook or instagram, because of course, the more people see the ad about the wanted child, the more chances there will be to find him. and suddenly you one of them is recognized, immediately call our hotline 116. 3:00, we have created a resource thanks to which you can report any crime against a child, in any city, at any time, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal, stop crimem ua.
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greetings to all viewers of the tv channel, we are starting the information day with news. kateryna shirokpoyas works in the studio. large-scale drone attack on occupied crimea. eyewitnesses report a series of explosions near an oil depot in feodosia, and also in kerch in archysintseve and voikove villages. the occupying authorities blocked traffic on the kerch bridge, and several districts of feodosia were left without electricity, local publications write. as reported by the russian ministry of defense, 35 ukrainian drones were allegedly shot down at night over the peninsula and the waters of the sea of ​​azov. later, the department said that around six in the morning they destroyed more.


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