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tv   [untitled]    December 5, 2023 4:30pm-5:01pm EET

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who interpret and comment on the most relevant public discussions, what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week and who will be the guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday, clearly, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special, their own names with myroslava barchuk, sunday 5:10 p.m. espresso. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. live news from the scene. kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. freedom life frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions. fierce fighting continues in the avdiivka district of donetsk region. rosy
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the occupiers are not stopping their attempts to capture the village of stepove, the head of the avdiiv city military administration , vitaliy barabash, said on radio svoboda, quoting barabash. it is clear why they do it, why the steppe is very important for them, they want to cut logistics. this is the closest direction in order to cut off our only road. very fierce battles continue on the steppe. however, according to the head of the avdiyiv military-civilian administration, despite the enemy's efforts, stepov still remains under control. our military, i quote, literally yesterday or the day before yesterday there were very serious stabilization actions on our part: now there is no enemy in the steppe, now the steppe is completely controlled by the armed forces of ukraine. well, oleksandr shtopun also talked about this, why are they trying to seize the steppe, because they want to interrupt logistics, but serhiy bratchuk, spokesperson of the ukrainian volunteer army south, is already in touch with us, we welcome you to espresso, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, glory to the armed forces,
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i congratulate my colleagues. mr. serhiy, good news from crimea. tonight, about a few dozen drones, according to various sources, at first the russians said about 22, then about 26, then, then about 40 drones, which of course they all shot down in quotes. so, it is said that our armed forces, or rather, the drones of the security service of ukraine, hit a number of russian military facilities. and this completely refutes the information of the russian occupiers that they shot down all the drones that flew that night to the crimea, i will briefly note that among those means the nebo m radar system in the begerovo district, the helicopter parking lot, the p- 18 terek, the control system of the baikal anti-aircraft missile units 1m near the arrow, in a word we can see that, in fact
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, the attack was successful, what do you know, maybe there are some new details, how this operation was carried out in general, and really, how many were killed drones were flying, and that's all that is possible, please, i would like to hear your opinion and your position regarding this beautiful night in the crimea, well, my position is clear, i am as happy as you are that there are such hitting, you know, we always say in odessa that if something bothers you. in odessa , then there should be concern in the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea, in particular, we are talking about the fact that in the morning a cup of coffee should be calm and hot for us, and for the enemy it should be loud and accurate, in the end they began to prepare coffee in the crimea at night, let's say so , which is a little bit there first it roared, then it flew, and in the end we see what actually happened, so the drone, did it drown you again, sir? sergei
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or not, admit it, i will say that, of course, the number of drones today we will not name, yes, but the fact that the enemy is bad with mathematics, they, you know, when there are certain hits, or their objects do not take chests, like the russians, and they take these blows on themselves, they are usually very bad at mathematics, they are in a hurry to knock everything down, show everything and started doing it from the morning, then really there, first one several... then another , then the wreckage fell accordingly, then they drew more , it seems that someone became more creative, they drew six more drones, that is, in total, it turns out, as they said, the most massive attack precisely with regard to drones, i i want to say that this is not the most massive attack, because all the interesting things are ahead, and here you can rely on the open data, or rather the statements made, including, and above all , by the leaders and the head office. intelligence
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general budanov and we are talking about the leader of our glorious sbu, general malyuk, and we understand that the enemy expects such strikes not only from the air, but also from the sea, let's not forget. because today, for example , there was a topic, and will there be shelling with calibers, you know, well, of course, they can happen even this minute, when you and i are at the turn-on, and on the other hand, then it starts even more interesting, because these rocket launchers must will be equipped somewhere, it is possible to equip them only in sevastopol, and from novorossiysk to sevastopol a certain path must be traveled, and this path is always in the field of view of our special services, which i remind you are quite creative, and in fact, crimea felt it today, and you know, i am generally happy during such attacks, the most important thing is that even the propagandists, the so-called russian soldiers, they do not cry about the fact that somewhere they hit a civilian
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object, that is, our surgeons from the sbu, guru and the armed forces of ukraine act so coolly with these air scalpels that they hit only military objects, the infrastructure that works for war, so you can congratulate our defense forces on this operation , she is very good, all the more so for the international day of volunteers, maybe it was the volunteers who collected the drones, there is such a suspicion that the volunteers also collected them, well, the key story is that the ukrainian pravda writes that this morning the enemy hit the radar system, the helicopter parking lot, the radar system of p -18 and the system of anti-aircraft missile units baikal-1m near the gunnery, that is, it means that the russian occupation system of pppo was shaved in the temporary, let's talk from yes, let's talk frankly, well, what should baikal do here on our ukrainian territory,
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bayikalu, the place where it is located, this is, firstly, secondly, we in your studio also talked about the fact that these lesions on the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea, they will concern, first of all , the air defense system, i.e. those little gates that we have apartments there, they should become windows in the sky over crimea, so that our missiles would fly later, so that they would destroy the occupier, destroy military facilities and carry out the important mission of demilitarizing the temporarily occupied peninsula for that , so that in some time, i don't i will say that it will be in six months, of course, there , maybe not even in a year, but we have to return to our temporarily occupied crimea . defense, enemy infrastructure and armament of objects, i.e. these are not spontaneous sergiu, left bank, what news
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from the left bank of the dnipro, kherson region, we understand, a sensitive topic, secret classified, but the fighting is going on, well, we understand what you would like to hear. build some, i don't know, outline of the news, what is being done there in that coastal zone, in particular? well, first of all, i want to say that we should thank our units, in particular the marines, for the fire damage that our guys inflict on the enemy, because the enemy has gathered there, quite a lot, not enough, but a lot of reserves of appropriate , there you know, it is a grouping of the dnipro troops. which for some reason they call the dnieper, these forces are enough to try to knock out our units from those bridgeheads that are there, now, by the way, yes, this is the defeat of the corresponding object, if i am not mistaken, this is the bpp control point, the russian ones that were hit
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on the left bank, so as for the oleshka nova kakovka road, the destruction of the enemy's logistics continues. and actually today, one of the enemy's goals is to move our troops away from this logistics, from this road, so that they can replenish their bulls and so on and so forth. actually, we are talking about the fact that today the enemy uses here, in addition to motorized rifle units and airborne troops, as well as marines, there are certain the battalions are already in these directions, but so far, thank god, and thank the marines and the armed forces, the enemy is not getting anything. the situation is very complicated, i hope that some time will pass and we will talk about including promotion, on the other hand, let's talk about the fact that there are a lot of events that take place in one or another location, they actually form the corresponding movements ,
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appropriate actions on, well, let's say so, on other locations, including, so we can only wish for endurance of courage to our guys, that's all for today. mr. sergey, i would also like to discuss what is happening on the occupied peninsula in crimea, for example, the partisan movement, and also, in the last few days, i have already reported two, as a minimum. positive news for us, the first is that they managed to gather intelligence about the equipment and about more than 3000 soldiers of the personnel of the russians in the military unit 13-140, and they actually filmed what is happening there, who is there, what military equipment is there, and the second is the fact that there are currently yakutia servicemen in the crimea, the partisans say that in they are sloppily dressed, use obscene language, are rude to passers-by and are thrown to slaughter in such small parties,
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i wanted to ask you, first of all, regarding these mobilized from yakutia, whether this can have any real effect, in principle, on the course of the military grandees, but , in general, how do you assess what they transfer there from these mobilized people, and in what way, for example, our partisans, knowing... about this russian military unit, where the 810th marine infantry brigade in sevastopol, by the way, this is exactly tsyagada , which, in fact, was hit, from the fee for 128 brigade, and i would like to clarify , how do you think this data can be useful to us, well, this is not all the data that we possess, our armed forces of ukraine possess, of course, this is what can be made public today, and as for these, the so
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-called military, from the yakuts, who came to the temporarily occupied crimea, i think that let them be local, you know, as they say, i have no treasures, let them be haunted a little so that they once again feel all the charms, and here also the smells of the so-called russian peace on the territory of our ukrainian crimea, of course, we understand very well that this is another... batch of cannon fodder, of course, we have to talk, and i think that the information space today is so wide, it has a lot of technical possibilities, that this information will also be conveyed, i i'm not talking to the yakuts, i don't know if they are still alive at this moment, maybe to their uluses, to their yarangs, where maybe someone will hear about the fact that somehow another yakut was killed in ukraine, that's how it should be, moreover, i i want to say that everyone is on the territory of both our crimea and ours
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the occupiers of the temporarily occupied kherson oblast, part of zaporizhzhia, and so on, all our temporarily occupied territories, the occupiers should know that even if they have the opportunity to rest at night, they should not rest, because they should be afraid that we will come and cut their throats, that is how it should be , and i think this batch is another meat, it really is meat, just like the meat of 810, a separate brigade of marines . with a residence permit in sevastopol, this is my favorite marine corps of the russian federation, because there have already been several rotations, and only for one reason, because this brigade was cut down to the root by the armed forces of ukraine, i hope it will continue to be so. we heard, thank you, serhii brachuk, the spokesman of the ukrainian volunteer army south, was in touch with us, we talked with him, in particular, about the situation in the south of our country and what is happening in crimea and the latest drone attacks on the temporarily occupied crimea.
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now there will be a short break, stay with us, we will continue with the next topic with our next guest. problems with the frontal joints limit movement, it is unpleasant and painful. strengthen them with the help of longit joints, these are sachets with collagen and vitamin c to restore the joints. the cartilage of the long joints contributes to the normal functioning of the joints and has a positive effect on the health of the bones , the long joints will improve motor functions, lengthen the joints, move freely, i was flying, flying, and a cough stopped me, a cough is a symptom of a respiratory disease, so we treat it respiratoryly, we do inhalation . lordegial is an inhalant for cough. lordegial is a direct way to expel phlegm. turn on well, it's when everything is as you want. click and now you control the game. want to go on a tv show. oh, what is needed. megogo turn on hundreds of
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channels, thousands of movies and sports. there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. we are engaged in propaganda. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become we resist information attacks. russians in the chronicles of information war project with olga ley. on monday, tuesday, thursday at 17:15 on the espresso tv channel. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we are already approached the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene, live. kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points
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of the front. shot. svoboda live is frank and impartial. you draw your own conclusions. the war created many challenges for us ukrainians, and even more so for ukrainians with disabilities. but we know that only together, united, we can be stronger. friends, meet friendly community and this is the first platform in ukraine for people with disabilities to communicate. here you get all the information about disability, medical services and relocation. free consultations of a lawyer, psychologist, doctor, employment specialist, volunteers from all over europe. here you get support, advice and
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real friends. together we support each other, share useful... formation and learn new things, together we grow. join us, become part of our family, enable me ukraine. with support national assembly of persons with disabilities of ukraine, enable me ukraine. the aspresso information marathon continues, and we will casually remind you, our viewers, about the collection at the station that the one hundred and eighth dnipropetrovsk separate brigade of the territorial defense forces of the armed forces of ukraine needs , in order to effectively destroy the enemy, they need military equipment, and this is not always possible due to difficult weather conditions to charge, for example, some charging stations and so on, but we need velstrum battery stations that have solar panels and help
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our defenders meet their needs, and provide soldiers with energy even in field conditions. every hryvnia listed will allow the soldiers to quickly transfer the equipment they need, in order to make this purchase, you need to collect 12,200 hryvnias, almost half a million has already been collected, thank you to everyone who joined the collection and we encourage everyone who did not join to join, you have the opportunity to join by transferring funds to a bank card, or if it is more convenient for you, you use a monobank, then there is a bank, you can go with the qr code. and contribute to our victory. well, we are now adding viktor boberenko, the legendary political scientist of sumy, to our marathon. glory to ukraine, mr. viktor. glory to the heroes, good health, and from me 100 g and a donut for the legendary. just 100 grams of doughnut, well, you know, somehow, there's no reason to even sit down for such
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an offer, well, but, i realized, i'm suddenly cracking jokes. mr. viktor, we would like to be vindicated. to outline this trajectory, where we can go, in particular, we are talking about domestic political initiatives, not even here in the last name, it's a big deal, we understand that our society is quite nervous, there are such strange, informative attacks on the commander-in-chief, there was no reaction to his honor and wisdom, but on the other hand, we understand, well, the international aspect of this matter miroza, so they say in ukraine, ukrainian politicians are continuing, so to speak, expressions of dissatisfaction with the rate and the head, so on the other hand , there are a lot of different, sometimes even simply moronic publications in the foreign press the press so with such and such with a clear bracket of zakazukha so it is very difficult to say who would like to cut
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off, so to speak, a certain profit from that zakazukha, well , but we can distinguish zakazukha from a serious investigation of one or another, here it is not said that 90% or 80%, the truth is no , this one, there are lies in that article, yes, well, it is quite enough to throw in such a spoonful of some aromatic substance, so to speak, so that the whole barrel, you know, has dried up, okay, viktor boberenko, tell me, eh, well, what we have from the last zaskhvars and with maryana, against... zaluzhnogo, yes, it is clear that, well, as i see it, there is such a school method, how to raise one's social status, well, it is to lower something, here i am a sophomore, and here is an excellent student, i fight there with other sophomores an excellent student, we have him in the status of a nerd, we lowered his status
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, we are now silachians, he is some kind of a nerd, but it is clear that here too, well, the hard-working one turns out to be liked more than the zelensky one, well, that’s how it turned out, and what was decided in the office , and let the industrious one go, there it is like to make him less loved, they released the maryanna, but they miscalculated... very much, because there are such things called, well, professional, to one 's own, to one's own, to one's own, yes, it's us, we condemn when judges play along with each other, there prosecutors smear each other, but this is so professional, there is some kind of professional ethics, and well, if the military loves its commander, yes, it has probably been at all times, since the times of... even the soldier emperors in ancient rome, from vespaspasian, well, from caesar, and also starting from here and ending there, a cossack
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day, if the cossacks are there for sahaidachny or for khmelnytskyi, then they will tear for him , here i am, i have, well, about 80-90% of my friends are now at the front, eh, and they are there from private to colonel, everyone who somehow communicates with me has arrived somewhere vacation there will be something else, or they just unsubscribed, they say to me, well , well, maryana in general, well, she, well, she is not called bezugla, but without, well, then you, then everyone knows, i will not repeat, the question is not for her, we understand, here we are talking about the script, yes, that is, the president, those who, those who wrote the script, and they also transfer it, all soldiers tolerate, that is, they understand, this row, that of bezugla, yermak, zelensky, and accordingly they now have a relationship with zelesky, well, it was not ideal anyway, yes, now it is, well, nothing, and this, this, this first of all, right away, it starts
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there, by the way, for this maryana, that we do not specifically reflect on this matter, so that there, well, we understand that this is a conspiracy, that this type of thing is not really like that, in fact there is a bubblegum friendship between zelsky and zaluzhny, yes, but why, well, stop, in fact, it’s not true, you fart, i don't know in which ptu he was taught political science there, but on the contrary, even in psychology they will tell you that if there is any, a husband and wife quarreled, that it should be talked about, but not, she went to tell her friends what kind of person he is, the final one, he i went somewhere to tell my friends the same thing in the bathhouse or to football, but you have to... any psychologist will tell you and any political scientist will tell you that if there is even a hint of a quarrel somewhere, then pull yourself together, i don’t know if it is necessary
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there is a distant fair, but gather umerov, gather the military, not only the brave and there heads of departments, gather there shmygal, kuleb, zelenskyi, everyone sat down and talked about what the problem is, volodymyr oleksandrovich will say there, well, valeria, how could you give an article to a representative. when i say 500 meters a day, well, we are advancing, and you say, we are forming a strategic defense, well, you mean me, mr. viktor, well, you understand, yes, that a number of publications have appeared, and they are devoted to far from there, not just there relations, or some invented, i hope, lines of misunderstanding, here we are talking about macedonians, the article, look, the article appeared two days after zelenskyi said that it is necessary to advance: 500 m per day, but every day, that is, the strategy of zelenskyi and the politicians is advancing, and immediately the scumbag gives out that we are not advancing, therefore what is the problem
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, the problem is that politicians need quick victories at any cost, and zaluzhnyi says, not at the cost of blood, well, in fact, zaluzhnyi did not say that we are not advancing, he just said that that he expected the russians to suffer such heavy losses, they would not be able to be so strong, and he also talked about the fact that the impasse is often distorted in the press now, he was talking about a potential impasse, and not that we are now in an impasse, and that is why those things are important here, some, here we have to read between the lines, and we , i read the article carefully, diligently and understood that he wanted to say that something has gone wrong with us so far. and it is necessary to change the strategy, and now it has already been talked about openly, and everyone, even in the offices of the president, talked about what we talked about there a month ago, on
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your channel, that... it is necessary to change the strategy and moves to spring, at least, again to strategic defense. sir, viktor, i would also like to discuss with you the latest polls of the rating group, i don’t know why they measured it in this way, but the polls of the rating group indicate that if the incumbent head of the ukrainian presidential election had won the second round states zelenskyi and the commander-in-chief of the zsu valery zelzhnyi, then the results... would be almost identical, zelenskyi 42% and zalushnyi 40% of support, does this indicate that ukrainians now support and the military leadership of the country and the political leadership of the country, do you still think there are these camps of support for zelusnyi and zelenskyi, and the key story is that there will be no elections, because there cannot be any, and as if everyone is saying that elections it cannot be, but
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sociologists are doing their part... despite the fact that there are no elections and there cannot be, that's the way it is. er, and i will tell you that now, there is conditionally 40 to 40, but er, the trend is the same, that is, the trend towards that of zelenskyi, who has major corruption scandals, who does not succeed in in the foreign policy arena, this is already... noticeable to others, and they love hard-working people, so it turns out that the tendency is that zelensky's rating decreases every month, and the tendency is that when they re-measure, say, after the new year's holidays, then the situation will be even different, our political leadership wants victories of the zsu, but wants that, well, that is, if they win, any kind of victory,
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zelensky won, but something is wrong, it does not work out in the zsu, these are the problems of the hard-working, they will expose this and that, scandals and so on, well, they inevitable, the conflict between politicians and the military is inevitable, because politicians and the president's office are just thinking about how to preserve and increase power and influence, and at the cost of the armed forces, in order for there to be a conflict , there must be two sides. and perhaps there is no conflict at all, that is, well, it is a possible potential conflict, but disputes and nerves are generally normal for any process, especially such a global process called the repulsion of massive russian aggression, there may be nerves, there may be misunderstandings, and then and then converge and they talk among themselves, but the problem
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is that they don't talk, and you see, the last time zelenskyi went to kupyansk, anyone was there, but there was no zaluzhny, there was syrskyi, there were people, there was umerov , there was yermak, when they were hovering over the map there, it’s wise, well, you can’t talk like that with your head, but you understand, drag, he has to deal with some other urgent issues there with the staff, okay, but the conflict though b because there is a misunderstanding, and once again, in two, there was a conflict when in two days to the article of zaluzhnogo, zelenskyi was still going to attack, and that means there is a conflict when they gratuitously shoot, they wanted to shoot heads of directions, they shot, the commander of special operations forces, this is the interference of politicians in military affairs, this is something that
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cannot be done, it is unacceptable. that's what austin came to tell volodymyr oleksandrovich, don't touch the industrious, because they would like to change the industrious, and yarmak himself wants to draw arrows on the globe, where they will advance, where they will retreat, you are like our sumy kashpirovsky, we didn't even notice how our airtime with march ended, unfortunately, we have to interrupt communication with viktor buberenko now and move on, it's a pity, but next time. see you soon, mr. viktor. yes, we are finishing these last hours, actually, we are passing the floor to our other colleagues, antin and i are saying goodbye to you today, we will see you tomorrow at the espresso restaurant, as usual, so stay with us.


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