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tv   [untitled]    December 5, 2023 10:30pm-11:01pm EET

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is due to the fact that they just want to continue such, such a fiery onslaught, a fiery tornado, as they do, destroying everything that is possible with the earth, well, your little ones with shells, use what they have so far that stocks, well, there , well, i can't count exactly, there is no such information, but there is information that these pubs and those that use aviation have large stocks, so there is no, here there is no change in tactics. well , there is such a thing, but it’s not some kind of conspiracy, it’s just that there is a lack of ammunition, and they start using bombs, well, here it is the answer is quite obvious, clear, and one more question, the analyst of the german publication bilt, yurian robka, pays a lot of attention to what is happening at the front, so he wrote that ukraine received 21 abrams tanks out of 6,000 available in the united states, but at that there are more than 2.5 units of such equipment in combat readiness in the states, and there are two
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questions, obviously, one is not for you, why only three dozen tanks from two of the 2 there rank 200 ukraine received, but another question, what are the tasks that's how many tanks there are ukraine received 30, it can cover on the front line, which is more than 1000 km there, what can be expected from such a number of tanks that it gives, well, it is one tank battalion, 31 tanks, just according to the regular schedule of a tank battalion. well, he, well, these are heavy tanks, these are good tanks , they were used in other hostilities where the troops took part, well , this equipment, let’s say so, but in such a quantity, well, you can refer to mr. budanov, the head of our the main intelligence agency, who said that these tanks will have to be used separately in some selected areas of the front, because we are closing the front with them or making some breakthroughs, even where we continue to try to take offensive actions.
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then you should not expect this, well, for the sake of comparison , just to make it clear, when there was, well , it was known, already 30 years ago the storm in the desert, when saddam hussein was expelled from kuvyit, these same tanks were also used there, only a little less in number there used 4000 for example and another 4000 bradley ie this was a powerful group, well, then yes, well, not only tanks, there were also 3,700 artillery and howitzers used there. artillery means were used, 170 ships were stationed there, of various classes, about 2,000 helicopters were used, and in general there were 8,000 military personnel, and therefore, yes, and only on saddam hussein, before the offensive on land , 280 tamagav cruise missiles were fired, and the area occupied at that time the vessels of pusen are about three times less than our front line, that is, the density was quite high, so it was possible
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to achieve quick successes in the coalition, well , not only because it is modern equipment, but because there was a large number, and the losses were excessive, and i want to remind you, from memory i will say that then the coalition lost in killed 79 servicemen, 123 wounded and 44 missing, hussein's army suffered losses of 35,000 killed and 1,000 wounded, that is, it is not possible... to compare such losses at all, but this is not because the coalition fighters were better prepared, the american fighters, than ours, i'm sure we now have the best army in europe and , well, maybe in the world, and because they used exactly this technique, only slightly in a different number, in a much different number, in a much larger number, yes, we thank ours, yes, much more, we thank to our partners for their help, but yes, and besides, if you compare it with a storm in the desert, there was
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a swell in the air, well, thank you very much, we will continue, we will talk in more detail about the help, in particular about the american help, oleksiy hetman, military analyst, veteran russian-ukrainian war, was on the airwaves of radio liberty, and now about american aid, literally in a few hours, the president of ukraine volodymyr zelensky will hold a closed briefing for american senators, at which he will inform about the state of the war in ukraine and the need for another package of military aid , in particular, the leader of the majority in the senate, chuck schumer, a democrat from the state of new york, announced this, so according to him , it was the biden administration that invited zelenskyi to speak so that senators could hear directly from him that is at stake earlier it was reported that the administration of the united states will almost run out of funds for the supply of weapons and equipment to ukraine by the end of the year. this, in particular, is stated in the official letter of the director of the budget management office.
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shalanda young sent to the speaker of the house of representatives. the letter states, in particular , that congress' disapproval of new funds for aid to ukraine will undermine kyiv's ability to conduct hostilities against the russians. troops in the us senate, a vote on aid to ukraine due this week. let me remind you that we are talking about an aid package of 106 billion dollars, which , in addition to ukraine, includes aid for israel and taiwan. zelskyi's speech, which will take place in a few hours before the senators, is intended to finally convince the latter to support this package. instead , the republicans in the congress propose this package, so to speak, to unpack and help ukraine in the amount of 61 billion dollars, they propose to vote. exclusively in connection with measures to strengthen the american-mexican border and introduction of stricter migration legislation in the united states, well , it would seem, where is the american border with mexico, and where is ukraine. republican senator marco rubio, quoted by the washington post, explained the logic of the republicans. i
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want to be frank with you about our problem, people come up to me and say the following: we have 5-6,000 people who are in front of our border every day. we have other needs. why is ukraine important in this context? i hear it all the time. in order for any of this additional security funding to go through senate, we will also need to make major policy changes on the southern border. well, one more demand, or even a condition of the republicans, is to wait for explanations from the biden administration regarding the action plan regarding ukraine and the further course of the war, as he stated in a comment. according to voice of america, new jersey republican congressman chris smith, the biden administration has allegedly failed to provide a clear explanation to congress about how the current delay in aid affects events on the battlefield. frankly, congress does not explained whether ukraine is in real
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danger right now, so it could really be in danger in months, and after all, the sooner we restore the flow of aid, because weapons do not arrive instantly, the better. and if these two bills separate, that 's fine too, but i don't like the stubbornness of our administration that doesn't want to guarantee the security of our own border, so that 's how we're trying to get their attention. and oleksandr mereshko, people's deputy, servant of the people faction, has already joined our broadcast. chairman of the parliamentary committee on foreign policy and interparliamentary cooperation, good afternoon, good evening , good evening, by the way, i want to mention here, since the discussions about the border continue in the united states, today nbc news reported that the negotiations between the congress failed democrats and republicans regarding the border, so obviously this will also be a minus for assistance to ukraine. oleksandr, do you understand why volodymyr
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zelenskyy intends to speak only before the senate today, why, for example, not the congress or not the congress and not the senate, because both there and there there are republicans, and they both need to be convinced, and all the more so we remember that volodymyr zelenskyi already met with senators in the usa in september and convinced them, so definitely it seems to me that this is related to the specifics of the law-making procedures in the united states, i.e. the bill is white, it, its fate is ultimately decided by the senate, probably that is why the president decided to speak in front of the senators, but for us in this situation the most important thing is to achieve specifically. a positive result, and i look at it quite optimistically, despite these internal political moments related to the traditional struggle of republicans and democrats, but i still believe that everything will end positively, with a positive result for ukraine, what you call
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positive for ukraine, the result, that is , receiving this aid, which is in question, and which was offered by the white house, there is one such point here, which is connected with the fact that part of the republicans is trying to use this issue of providing aid, financial aid, material aid to ukraine, as well as one of such elements of the internal political struggle with the democrats, but the main thing here is that the ukrainian issue does not become a hostage of this struggle, at the same time, i see that the majority, at least the republicans, they realize the importance of providing and support of ukraine. and even that marco rubio , who was quoted, is a well-known american representative who is a traditional supporter, and a strong supporter of ukraine, then tell me, please, why they at all, i have referring to the republicans, they say that they
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are not informed, or not informed enough, about how much ukraine needs help, and what the situation is, and what the administration's plan is. joe biden on aid, that is, they say they are not informed enough, they say, it is in general. well, i'll be honest, i'm not so sure they're not informed, here i think it would be nice. i am sure that the white house and jake sullivan and the state department, they are ready to provide all the full information regarding the support of ukraine, i i am sure that we, ukraine, are also ready to meet at any time, to provide the necessary information to our colleagues in the senate, congressmen at any time, and by the way, in the president's office they complained that now goals groups of deputies will go to... the states and will convince the congressmen, their electorate, to support
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aid for ukraine, and you say that we are ready to go and explain, oleksandr, but is it not too late, no, not too late, well, first of all , it is there have already been several visits, i also participated when the heads of the committees of foreign affairs of lithuania, poland and , accordingly, ukraine, we have been to the united states several times, met with congressmen and senators, then the heads of committees of other european states joined this group, that is, the work is being carried out systematically, and with regard to the visit that took place recently, it is said exactly a little about something else, we must remember that the united states is also american politics, it is not only washington, it is also work on the ground in individual states, and accordingly, groups with the participation of people's deputies, they visited different states and they are trying to convince the electorate that because america is a democracy, it is also necessary to work with voters, including those
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senators or congressmen who show some skepticism about ukraine, and it was done, what was done, was, was with them, was with those meetings, or what do you mean, i mean there were several delegations in different states, louisiana, florida, california, that's literally a few weeks ago. such a trip took place and i have already communicated with colleagues who took part in these delegations, they met on the ground with local authorities, with local, let's say so, voters, yes, american, i mean, and they managed to convince, they managed to convey our messages, our narratives, and before that, i want to remind you, there was a big the delegation of the council of churches i... which went specifically to the united states, met with representatives of various churches, including
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evangelicals, protestants, that is, we know that in the united states, the influence of religion, the influence of the protestant churches is very large on politics and politicians, and this was also done, that is, we try to use all possible channels of communication, well, actually, i was talking about the fact that many diplomats and americanists with whom we spoke, they say that this work is necessary. should have been done a year ago, and not in the last month, when there were already obvious problems with the fact that this aid package may not be approved by the end of this year. oleksandr, please tell me, is this some kind of monopoly of the servants of the people for these trips, do all the deputies go on these trips around the states or only or only the servants people? not only that, i know that the representatives of the voice, i even know exactly who went, that is, they were represented here, including the opposition. ugh, you know why i 'm asking because petro poroshenko wasn't allowed to go abroad the other day, and we discussed
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there yesterday that he was supposed to meet with orbán, but also european solidarity reported that he was supposed to meet with the speaker of the house of representatives, mike johnson , the speaker of congress, and well, i think , i suppose, rather, that probably if this meeting had taken place, it would hardly have been anything brought bad things to ukraine, or do you have a different opinion? well, it’s hard to say, i don’t know about the plans of such an experienced parliamentary diplomat as petro oleksiyovych, but as for the question, i understand your lack of love, but after all, he is a former president, why, why, on the contrary, i have great respect, i treat him with great respect without any sarcasm , by the way, yes, in the end, we do one thing on a seemingly equal footing, it turns out that you don’t do it, they don’t let him out, well, regarding the meeting with orban, you know, i would know here , still obeyed our special services, to - here is denis shmegal meeting
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with robert fico and nothing, and nothing happens, but what is orban, what is the difference, powers, the question of powers, i.e. who does mr. prime minister represent, by the way, he represents, there are three persons in the state, who are the official voice of the state, are the president, prime minister and minister of foreign affairs, and petro oleksiyovych, unfortunately, does not have such direct powers to represent the state, therefore...' before leaving, i think he should was to communicate, but has, but has, but, but has powers to represent the people of ukraine, because after all he is a deputy, but let's return very briefly to the united states, and after all, don't you think that after all , deputies from all political parties should be equally present, even traveling through these states and convincing the americans to still help ukraine, and not only the servants of the people, well, and the voice, well, there are 10 people there, one or two, maybe they go, well, i think that everyone has the right and should participate, this is joint work , that is, i have it here, but you know,
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when we recently visited mykolaiv and representatives of the eu, they did not join us. at the meeting with the danish deputies, i believe that this is also wrong, that is, we must be together in all situations and not only travel in the european capital, but also where our colleagues from other countries, from other parliaments come, in mykolaiv, in other cities. i thank you very much, oleksandr mereshko, people's deputy, servant of the people, chairman of the committee, the parliamentary committee on foreign policy and interparliamentary cooperation, we talked about future prospects. american aid for of ukraine. thank you very much. well, that 's all we have, like this broadcast, support our work in this way, support independent journalism. svoboda live will be back on the air tomorrow. congratulations.
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literally yesterday, russia. the propagandists finally read somewhere in the western media, saw something on social networks, and all the russian tv channels reported that it turns out that there are mice in the trenches at the front, give us shock content, a third party has become active at the front, which is terrorizing our fighters, reinforcements on all lines are armed flooded the horde who eat everything in their path, raznosyat deafening squeals for the sake of it. but still, judging by the video, the vssu soldiers get much more mice than our military. right now, mice continue to capture more and more positions of the armed forces. social networks are abuzz with new shots from the dugouts of the ukrainian military, rodents are literally everywhere. the well-known
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german columnist yulian ryobky from the german newspaper says about the same thing and even publishes a video about the invasion. and mice in positions in the ssu, which destroy food and even weapon in connection with this, as bilt writes, the ukrainian command ordered to send cats to the front. about the fact that there is a real problem with the groznys, they write everything now, look, there are shpygen and bilt. and i can't help but ask the question, as a non-military man, what is the story with mice at the front, german newspapers keep reporting that ukrainians are even cats. sent to war to exterminate the grozhuns, what kind of application process is this, what is it connected with, what kind of ukrainian pain is this? well, you know, you have to be very far from what is happening at the front, and this shows very well, in fact, that those people who create propaganda in russia, they simply do not know what
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is happening and do not want to know, because it is impossible to find even one journalist or presenter in ukraine who talks about the war , and he does not know that there are mice in the trenches at the front, well, such a thing simply does not exist, because all our journalists either have relatives who are fighting, or there are husbands, sons, colleagues, well, everyone is around and therefore everyone in principle they know what is happening, but you see, this is for skabiev news, in general, literally, i can’t ask , not a military man, he can’t know that there are mice at the front, and that’s why she asks, how come there are mice in the zsu, and then she suddenly discovers for herself that not only in the zsu there are mice, and mice in general are simply in the war, er, from the west, they probably
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encountered it for the first time, our side, well, cats are an integral part... the presence, let's say, of a fighter on the second line with our guys immediately in the trench, because there are enough, well, a lot of useless grozuns is happening, they are also gnawing ammunition , including gunpowder, there are the clothes of our soldiers, in these shots, the russian military is already warming up the engine of its self-propelled gun, as you can see, dozens, if not hundreds of mice escape by running from the exhaust pipe, the artillery installation of the engine start, about mice, but there is a historical fact that 10%, at least 10% of the equipment of the sixth army in verbacht, which... namely rodents, then the equipment was not yet gremetic, we made our way into tanks, other armored vehicles and gnawed everything don't ask, well, judging by how well
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mice get out of russian equipment, it will be about the same with russian equipment as happened with the equipment of the wehrmacht, and actually, probably with the russian offensive, what happened with the offensive on stalingrad, yes you know the news. an unexpected thing suddenly appeared for the russian audience, and they started so well that they are mobilizing cats in the armed forces. well, what can i say, nothing can be said, in general, a very strange sadness has swept over russian tv screens, and i will not even be afraid to say a word, they are worried again, and now this anxiety is kind of like that, you know, well, it's kind of very overpowering, well , let's listen. what is happening now in the information field, ukrainian, western , and it started happening very suddenly, it reminds
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me of a staged campaign, that's what it is to me, we already saw one such staged campaign a few months before the start of the world war ii, it was a massive company in the western media , in the ukrainian media, where various maps were published, it was said that russia: will actually start military operation in ukraine, and it was said a lot, very often, that this operation would be almost like lightning, it would take place in a few weeks, it would be very successful, that zelsky was allegedly already preparing to go somewhere, perhaps to lviv , will leave kiev to go to lviv or even further, it is worth thinking about whether this is a certain provocation of the new russian... if we look at the state
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of the front over the last hour, the front line has practically not changed, as was rightly said here, not a single large city the ukrainian was not taken, there are reasons for them to capitulate or to fear that russia will occupy kiev, well, you see, it turns out that it was the russian troops who lured the russian troops to kiev, where the russian troops got, well, what did they get, in short, they are near kiev, you everyone knows, and now they are being lured somewhere again, and one could say that it was a separate, literally some propagandist , that such a fantasy arose, but no, the same fantasy arose from general gurulov, which he also told, that everything turns out in ukraine. the army is not so bad , as the russian media have been saying for several months, that it's terrible, terrible, and again, apparently, there is something wrong here, they lure, say that
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there is no money in america, well, it would probably be intrusive, that the political the second situation is that they will find the money, sooner or later they will find it, they will find it, when we say that today there is not enough ammunition, well you know, frankly speaking, the armed forces of ukraine are not tested at the front today. shortage of ammunition, we said that weapons are not supplied, in my opinion, yesterday poland stated that that supplies three civilian divisions , yes, free artillery, seriously, there is quite a large, global, not even strategic, but global information operation in the framework of which they are trying to convince us that everything is bad, everything is bad, ukraine is losing and so on and so on something like that, just so that we sit and think about the fact that, well, probably, the time has come to talk with them about something , probably, somewhere... i don't understand the logic, if everything is bad for them, we need the opposite to force events, and it certainly does not sit down , now what concerns our actions
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today, there are a lot of voices , including yours, yes, that it is necessary to immediately force events and move something somewhere, go forward, freeing new territories, new frontiers will be reached, there are many problems at the front, but there are many problems, that is, it suddenly turns out that something is wrong. directly and russia needs to move somewhere, it's all dangerous, well, that's exactly what the nightingale is saying in principle. and now a very dangerous moment is coming, i would say, in many ways a turning point, in this military company , what is he connected with, he is connected with the fact that there is a feeling in the air that we are winning, that the west has begun to weaken, that he does not have time, he does not succeed, that all their expectations failed, they not that they have already trembled,
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well, just a little bit, a little bit, that’s all , it’s possible to crush them, and this is very deceptive, well , let’s not deceive ourselves, well , actually about the very problems that the russians have on at the front, please, for today we need, first and foremost, figure out the anti-aircraft system after all. so that while going on the offensive and breaking through the enemy in the breakthrough areas, we saved our personnel, today it is extremely clear that the potential that exists must be completely weakened to the end, the fourth moment is serious, that is what it is about, not to be given
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to the enemy. on favorable borders, well, you see, yes, there are weapons in principle, the ukrainians are standing on favorable borders, on which they must somehow be prevented from gaining a foothold there, and it is dangerous for the russians to advance in general they are being lured somewhere, and the only thing the russians don't have a problem with is actually the internal turbulence that started in ukraine, which they are terribly happy about, the information... that zelensky is commanding the front to bypass zaluzhnye, that's good, that's good , let him command, one says one thing, the second says something else , in the end i can say that it will happen, they will simply kill you for all this business according to the full program and they will sit and wait in good times, that’s all, that’s how it usually happens, it happens, well , it happens , chaotic process, it happens, хорошаязация, очень хорошая, оля, очень good for a military commander, very good if they do it, well, for god's sake, let's make a big
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wish, well, let's talk with our guest oksana moroz, the founder of the initiative how not to become a vegetable, we will actually talk about this, how ukrainians do not become vegetables in this situation, congratulations oksana , congratulations, olga, well, you have laid out a wonderful, i think, analysis of the whole situation about how inside ukraine, and in the western countries , this whole atmosphere of tacos was also created. that there is a political confrontation and mutual claims, well, i send everyone there who wants to watch from you, on your youtube channel, but let's still talk more about how you get out of this situation, well , first of all, the first question, actually, how should we have reacted, as soon as these first appeared all the strange posts, including maryana
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's, and not only her, as it should be... the authorities should react immediately, and actually, what else can be saved from this? in fact, there was only one way out, as in principle in crisis communications of this level, that is, when rumors begin to spread, and these rumors, they can cause damage and substantial damage, in in this case, any discrediting of the armed forces, especially the commander-in-chief, and even more so, visible in the information field of the formation of this visible split between the commander-in-chief and the commander-in-chief, this is of course a challenge, a crisis challenge, of a very high level and very threatening, accordingly, the rules below are quite simple , to react as quickly and as loudly as possible, because in reality, he is the object of this attack de facto, and accordingly his reaction is at best to be silent, and he just followed this scenario, for which he
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thank you very much, accordingly, the second side, which is called as an alleged accusation that there are actually some misunderstandings precisely because of this, or because of zelenskyi’s position and so on, we do not know the truth, but it circulates in the information field, here zelskyi should come out and to clearly state that there can be any misunderstandings between us, because we are people, we work, and actually this is normal, but there is no division, there is no conflict, we are moving together to victory, this is communication. it should have sounded literally when these rumors were just began to peck at each other, they began to look like this, not literally, but suspiciously enough, precisely from the times material published on october 30 by simon shuster, and it was after this appearance in time that they began to be traced in the information field, then bezulgla already connected, then materials from:


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