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tv   [untitled]    December 5, 2023 11:00pm-11:31pm EET

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according to this scenario, for which i thank him very much. accordingly, the second side, which is called as an alleged accusation that there are actually some misunderstandings precisely because of this, or because of zelenskyi's position and so on, we do not know the truth, but it circulates in the information field. here, zelensky should come out and clearly state that yes, there can be any misunderstandings between us, because we are people, we work, and actually this is normal, but there is no division, there is no conflict, we are moving towards victory, this communication, it should have sounded, but literally, when these rumors just started to bite, they started to look like this, not literally, but already suspiciously enough, precisely from the times material that appeared on october 30 by simon schuster, right after this appearance in time, they were already starting to be tracked in the information field, then the bezang was already connected , later there were already materials from the tinsmith and so
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on and so forth, but at the very beginning, when even this was not clearly formulated in the information field, but there were already hints, there should be such a very fast and very a clear reaction, what could be behind the scenes, and it is absolutely natural that there could be something behind the scenes, it would have to be behind such very tightly closed doors, and there everyone had to find out some of their nuances behind these closed yards , any infiltration into the information space, rumors or anything else, of course, harms ukraine. well, actually, a certain amount of damage has already been done, i must say, but somehow, well, actually the second part of my question, what can we save in this situation, because, unfortunately, everything has already gone, not only internal the ukrainian media, it spilled out , began to discuss, well, practically the whole world, whether zelenskyy is going somewhere there for
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elections, whether zelenskyy is going to shoot someone, whether there are any conflicts, it all started again, here is what can be done in this regard now, and what would have to do in fact, the ukrainian authorities in this regard? well, actually the recipe is very similar to what i said, it is only zelsky's speech and only his clear position, but here i am saying it with such uncertainty in my voice, because i am not sure how much it will help, i will explain his position, because when this campaign began, there were already kmis studies that measured whether ukrainians believed in the alleged divisions between the military and political leadership, and as of october 23, there were 32% of them. that is, we did not enter this campaign with a zero indicator. and accordingly, most likely, we do not know sociology, but we can make an assumption, what is the pumping, it substantially increased this percentage. moreover, this information definitely reached a significant number of military personnel. employees, and actually it
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worked to demoralize the army, demoralization of civilians, to misunderstandings , actually, who is the boss of whom and so on, that is, in general, in relation to the entire vertical, horizontal in the armed forces, and what is also very important is that such communication, in particular, conducted by ms. bezugla, she most likely , it can have a strong enough influence on criticism itself and the very format of criticism itself, and on the credibility of criticism. of the armed forces, because in a healthy society we should all criticize rationally, well-founded, everything that exists, that is, we do not have taboo topics, mimocracy, but if this criticism is loudly started in such an emotional, confrontational, and so on format, as ms. bezugla does, then it can and most likely will be postponed for all further criticism, which will be perceived as skeptical, which will show that it is not possible, in the same place, i.e. there is a certain popularity, i.e. those who
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supported zaluzhny, this is a fairly large percentage of ukrainians, they will defend themselves and not accept any criticism, and on the contrary, those who criticized will be polarized in the other direction, i.e. they are quite threatening trends which are superimposed on the general fatigue of ukrainian society, exhaustion and so on and so on, well, this is just some kind of gift to russian propaganda, and every time after such throws we see how russia uses it and how they will spread it all through all channels... , but russia is russia, you correctly said that it is much worse, that it enters the international discourse and that it is fixed in ukrainian? well, actually , look, if there was now some, well, clear position regarding the most angular, that is, it would be removed from the committee, at least removed from the composition of the security committee, would it somehow give the right kind of signal, you know, and could it in general... significantly
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improve the situation, just like that, would it fundamentally change something already at this stage, at this stage, most likely not , because this discussion, it has already gone beyond a discussion within the framework of idle talk, we have seen very, literally the last days, they finally, most likely, put an end to the ineffectiveness of this approach, because for in recent days we have seen the material in ukrainian truth, which analyzed this conflict with various of their insiders, we saw an article by the washington post, which seemed to talk about something else, that is, about the analysis of the counteroffensive, but there these messages were read in the same way and russia itself dispersed them in the same way. in different vectors and conflict inside and conflict outside and so on and so on. ukrainians, well, they will not delve too much into the details and understand the subtleties where it was clearly formulated and where it was not, as for example in the time article, which was the first to appear, it was not clearly stated there either.
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the name of the poor man was mentioned, but here is this doubt, it began to form from there, that's why i believe that if even now some measures are taken. regarding ms. bozukhloi, well, this will not give any significant result, unfortunately, oksana, what you say actually indicates that this is no longer a communication problem, but rather a political problem that needs to be solved, again well, non-communicative activities, let's write another article, or let's take a joint photo, or let's let's make a joint speech, and this should be solved by political methods, political methods, well, what can they be? to be, well , in the same article of ukrainian pravda, which you mentioned, it was written quite clearly there, in principle, that the first one who began to sow such mistrust in zelenskyi in regard to the tyrant, was andriy yermak, well, accordingly, the decision should be , something related to andriy yermak,
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probably, or, or, again, some clear enough distancing of zelensky and the explanation of this story, and the second - after all, i think maybe a political step would be to reformat the government, in fact, and turn it into a government, some kind of more common coalition of different political forces, in order to remove at least the impression that zelsky is panickingly afraid of any opposition, these are political steps , it's not communication, and here, to what extent, maybe political things like that can help, so what would you think about this? i am not an expert in this matter, so i do not undertake to predict how certain political actions, they can affect it, i can to analyze from a communication point of view, and what i said that i am not sure that these tools are even the ones left with zelenskyi's statement, they can really
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affect the situation at the moment, i don't know what political levers are , here, but it is necessary to state that the situation is at such a complicated stage, when there is such a simple solution, as we like, simple solutions to complex problems, but as always there is none, well, actually, that's why i spoke about complex enough for c first of all, it is for the president's office to make decisions, because it is precisely the president's office that has to make these decisions, the president personally, these are not decisions that you can just do something like that, you know, beautifully, again at the level of beautiful photos, look, and if then , did you remember the washington article again? which is more about the planning of an offensive operation and which indicates that there were , and judging by this continue to be, differences in the vision of how to fight between our western partners, and
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the command of the armed forces of ukraine, now you and i are not so expert in this matter as to hold a military council here now, but from the point of view again... of communication, what do you think, is it you, well, the appearance of this very the article, what it can testify about and what kind of trends can it talk about in general, in relation to the communication around the hostilities and in the western world, well, because they are observing our hostilities to a certain extent, yes, they saw the article of the brave, which is something explains, and this washington post article was born, most likely, she was also inspired by the article that zaluzhny wrote, this is an attempt to understand what exactly zaluzhny meant, as for me, but i wonder what it would also mean, how it can affect, well, you know, i i don't believe in coincidences, maybe it's my
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professional deformation, but this article, it appeared at a time when russia has already been for many periods, i would even say, months or already years, it tried in every way to emphasize the split between ukraine and the west, the fact that the west abandoned us, that the west did not abandon us understands, and so on, here, and , paradoxically, many of the messages from that which were sounded in the article, they used to ... in their advertisements there and so on, it is clear that there was no such message in the advertisements there is an argument that was in the set for the washington post and so on, but what is important is that this article strengthened it and said loudly enough about the presence of certain disagreements, and here the question is how this article will be used, because on the one hand it can there may be some arguments where they sat there rationally discussed, i thought what to do with it, corrected various policies there , communication with partners or anything else, on the other hand, if you take out phrases from there, if you take out certain
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statements from there, then this can be a good tool for discrediting and the ukrainian military and, again, relations between ukraine and the west, and so on and so forth, that is why, most likely, and this is what we have seen, unfortunately, since yesterday, that russia will of course take the second path and will use it in every possible way against us and against of the west, including in the process of coercion to the last. and many other moments that they are currently conducting, the question here is how we will communicate it, how we will talk about it, and well, at least since yesterday, i have not heard any reflections from the authorities or anything else, this is debatable the question is whether they are necessary, of course, but i think that if we first have an economist with an article that there is supposedly a split between the military and political leadership, then we have an article in the washington post, where in us, allegedly there is a split between ukraine and the west and actually the way we see the war, this requires a certain dialogue,
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at least with ukrainian journalists, to whom they will explain, give their version and so on, maybe the president's office or someone else from the authorities will explain it to ukrainian or international journalists, but it seems to me that here it is very important that our position is voiced openly, and not anonymous sources, on which the washington post, ukrainian pravda, and so on rely, of course, that if you follow these journalists, anonymous jellies, there is a place to be, but it is extremely important for the ukrainian position to be heard as well, that is why we are currently in such a fairly non-linear communication challenge, that is why it is very important, well, at least somehow, i am already emphasizing this, because i do not see any quick and simple solution to this situation from different sides, to try to get out, i hope that the communication teams of the authorities, they are working on it and we will see which one. and not just silence, because silence is definitely not a method here, i completely agree with you,
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because moreover, i will say that, well, that well, can the russians communicate about this issue, well, it must be said honestly, it has a limited scope for use, it affects rather even there, well, what affects the russian audience there is one thing, it affects a certain section of the ukrainian audience, but it affects to a much lesser extent, that is, it must be understood absolutely clearly, their interpretations, well, in this context , will not have an impact, but how ukraine will react will have an impact, and that will be to influence the west, not what the russians are doing and how they communicate, but rather how ukraine will communicate, because well, i am familiar with all this material, i will say that it is not so linear, i also agree that it is absolutely linear, that
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there, it is just such a split, there is a certain problem there, which to a large extent confirms the theses of, firstly, zaluzhnogo and explains them, and it is very important, perhaps, in our official communication not to get into some kind of defensive position and not to start to say that all this was written by unqualified journalists, and maybe even somewhere... not to reinforce certain theses, to say, yes, this is exactly so, and these are the key things for us, and it is very good that they were said in this context, because it is absolutely true, there from the beginning and until at the end it is said that there were not enough weapons , it is misunderstood that we have to defend along the entire front line, there can be no concentration on one direction of attack, because this is not our situation, we are not in such a situation when we the russians will give us time and the opportunity to concentrate
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we have to fight on a large front, and this must be taken into account, that is, there is actually quite such an interesting story, and i think that here we should rather think about what we can offer and what forms of communication we should have, well, what messages, let the military and political determine the leadership, it knows , but what forms of communication could we use to bring our point of view primarily to our western partners and to western societies, because it is very important that they understand all this correctly so that this does not arise you know the impression that everything is about well, all is not lost, ukraine is restraining the offensive and the russians are not advancing, the front is standing, this simply means that it should be turned in our favor, so that they hear exactly what is here, how could we do it, but in fact, here the mechanism is quite simple, you need to look at what are, let's say , the possibilities for the interpretation of others by russia or
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any other speakers, that is, look at what points, as you say... correctly, need to be strengthened, which need to be explained, in which the position needs to be fixed , it is after all the monitoring there of the first day after the release of the material shows, that is, what the enemy is using, what internal forces are using it, who want to use it in some way, and so on, that is, various interested parties, and accordingly , the position is rebuilt from this, what needs to be said, so it would be good , so that literally today or tomorrow, the authorities will begin to decommunicate... whether the authorities or the armed forces, to decommunicate these shaky moments, because if this does not happen, then the vacuum of this information will be filled by the position russia, and here it is important to understand that russia not only and not only works for its audience, it works for the ukrainian audience quite strongly, and it is precisely on this side of ukrainian issues that, unfortunately, sometimes works effectively, that is, they
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do not invent anything, they take what is in our information field, strengthen it and strengthen it, which is important to remember in different directions, that is, if there is a position of zaluzhny and zelensky, they will support both of these positions, and for that to tear society in order to create greater visibility and intensity of this alleged conflict and so on and so forth, so it is important when materials like yesterday's ukrainian truth appear, like from the washington post, and not to forget the prokonomst that has not been communicated , then this needs to be decommunicated, i consider silence to be a false position, it is not the level of threat and the level of sounding of these threats to remain silent and say that we will not strengthen it with our arguments and will not spread allegedly this information, it seems to me that this is a wrong strategy, well, i agree with you, it is wrong, and here are the questions, there should be interviews, there should be private conversations, what is better about literally, well, a few seconds, what is better to
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focus efforts on for more such public communication or more privately, and it seems to me that at this level communication with journalists is already necessary in the format of a press conference or something similar, and moreover, they must be ukrainian, ukrainian journalists, because sometimes foreign ones also forget about them. very thank you, it was oksana moroz, the founder of the initiative how not to become a vegetable, thank you for joining us, and we will meet you, come. i was flying, flying, and the cough stopped me, the cough is a symptom of a respiratory disease, so we treat it respiratoryly, we do inhalation, lordi hyal is an inhaler for cough, and with the new zer air plus, lorde goes straight to the lungs and sputum leaves faster, thanks to lorde, i flying again lorde gial is a direct
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way to expel phlegm. turn on well, that's when everything is as you want. click and now you you control the game, you're also in a tv show. oh, what you need, megogo, turn on hundreds of channels, thousands of movies and sports. vasyl winter's big broadcast. this is the big ether, my name is vasyl zima, we are starting, two hours of air time, two hours of your time. many important topics today, we will talk with you in two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhiy zgurets is with us, and how the world is, now about what happened in the world, yuriy fizar will talk in more detail, yury dobrevech, please speak to you, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money, during the war, oleksandr morchivka with us, oleksandr, welcome, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen pastukhov, two hours in the company of your favorite
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presenters . thank you very much to lina chechenna for the information about culture news, natalka didenko is already ready to tell us about the weather on the day of prydeshnya, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio, andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours, big vasyl zima's broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. see this week in the program. how does propaganda work in the occupied territories? it's steep. but who agitates young people to join the youth? on putin's army. greetings, i'm olena kononenko and this is the collaborator program. the new faces of treason, for whom suspicions and cameras are already waiting,
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are asking that the whole of ukraine learn about them. our task is to make them known, so that after the end of the war and our victory, these traitors do not hide in the corners, pretending to be law-abiding citizens, but answered for their crimes before the court. we have already told you about the propaganda tv channel tavriya kherson, which was created by the rashists in 2022, when they occupied the kherson region. it was headed by ismail abdulaev. zradnyk was appointed director of the occupied kherson television and radio company tavria, created on the technical base of the ukrainian trc scythia, the kherson branch of public broadcasting. after the liberation of part of the kherson region, the tv channel, together with the entire technical base, came to the territories controlled by the russians. now he is continues work, together with the channel , employees, journalists, operators and technical personnel who continue to create stories and programs on the topics needed by the kremlin fled from the armed forces,
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this is how 20-year-old olga teterya from the village of bohdanivka, kakhovsky district, how she got to the channel that talks about ukraine and why she received suspicion from our law enforcement agencies, more on that later. when the rashists created the tavria kherson channel, the question arose, who will fill it with slug content, so they decided to attract the young generation, they say, look, with russia there are prospects for development, however, they hid that these are prospects for a sharp fall down. in august last year, on the basis of the tavria tv channel, the occupiers created a so-called media school for the recruitment of students for the purpose of training in the professions of journalists, cameramen, editors, and tv presenters. all for further employment at the russian trk. at that time , ismail abdulaev himself campaigned to enter this medical school. vladimir abdulaev says that it is never too late to learn, television is not only a journalist, it is the cameramen who are here now, and
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editors, illuminators, when you are going to go to a media school, you must think, you must have burning eyes, you must want to work, our traitor olga teterya was also seduced by these prospects of career decline, in peaceful life she studied at the kherson state university at the faculty of biology, geography and ecology, and with the beginning of the occupation of kherson, she decided to change her profile to journalism and media communications and entered the media school. here is a video from september 11, 2022, where kyrylo strymousov, a traitor from the kherson region, hugs her. we are not afraid liberated, because we are liberated forever, kherson is russia forever, no one can change anything anymore, and you know, we are in the coming months, yes, what months. as time has shown, kherson is ukraine, our brave soldiers returned it home. after graduating
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from the medical school, the mother-in-law was hired on the tavria tv channel, where she took the pseudonym aleftina novorossiyskaya. you didn't hear. as a pseudo-journalist, teterya actively covered the illegal and fictitious referendum. in her stories, she called it reunification and returning to her legal parents. on camera constantly repeated that the shelling of kherson was carried out by the kyiv regime, especially after its film crew allegedly came under fire. it's steep, we have to shoot, we came under fire here for a short time, it's a little steep. and you can't sit in the basements either, because it's not very safe anyway. after this video , the russian scumbags wrote that the armed forces deliberately fired at the civilian population, and novorossiysk itself repeated this on television. there was a large crowd of people, as humanitarian aid was distributed, it arrived
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precisely in the building where this mobile social office was located, that is , there were people there who simply wanted to get some kind of help from the russian state or to become a citizen of the russian federation, that is , there were no military personnel, but exactly three explosions sounded. in a cluster of civilians. in april of this year, novorossiysk became a member of the union of journalists of russia. now this lover of novorossiya is hiding in genichivsk. in the summer of this year, the kherson city court of the kherson region allowed carrying out a special pre-trial investigation. the traitor faces from 12 to 15 years of imprisonment. and this is another shame of journalism sipko yuliya olehivna, born in 1976. by education she a journalist, but until february 24 she worked in the kherson regional state administration. when the city was captured by the russian army, sybko decided to become a spokesperson for propaganda in the region, got a job
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as a journalist and tv presenter on the same tavria tv channel. unfortunately, the bare pier is 90% flooded. while we were there and there was shelling, that is, there is nothing sacred from that side, then they do not understand that the evacuation is going on, at the same time they continue their dirty work. and why did yulechka remain silent about who caused this disaster, or about the fact that after the russians blew up the kakhovsky gez, they insidiously threw the locals and partially evacuated only those who had a russian passport. sypko showed that she is worthy of the kremlin regime, so they began to entrust her with more serious tasks, for example, to interview volodymyr saldo, and there they were already nominated as a candidate from the united russia party, people were only evacuated from the zones flooding, they had practically nothing, and they made the deputy manager responsible for recruitment to putin's office in the kherson region. in the near future , a new movement is opening in the skadovsk region, one might say, a new squad is recruiting young soldiers, so that in
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the future... they will merge into this huge team, a million-strong team of guys , an all-russian organization, i won't remind you of anything, putin's youth - it is a direct copy of the hitler youth and hitler. i hope that the end will be the same for these fascists. now yuliya is sitting with her tail tucked in genichisk in ukraine, the security service of ukraine informed her about the suspicion. this is another journalist-traitor ivan yuriyovych horbenko, born in 1998. in peace. worked as a bartender all his life, but after february 24 he decided to radically change his profession, he voluntarily went to kherson, which was still occupied at the time, and started working as a cameraman and presenter on the vtvlyus tv channel. how this channel became pro-russian and who used it as a platform for propaganda, i will tell in one of the following programs, and for now i will add about the propagandist gurbenka, who after after the de-occupation of kherson, he fled to skadovsk and works as a correspondent for trc tavria, where...
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he promotes russian peace and fully supports the occupation. this day is special for skadov residents. residents and guests of the city in a festive mood gathered on the central streets to congratulate each other on the epoch-making event. an epoch-making event will be when ukraine wins, all collaborators get what each of them deserves, and that's right, a meeting place of traitors. horbenko didn't have much time to shine a light on the camera and carry the gossip. they have already waited for him the suspicion is already from nara in the cell, and this is another supporter of putin, tyufyakina olena mykhailivna, maiden name ulimova , born in 1966, until february 24 held the position of accountant and worked in the department of social protection of the population at the city administration, but after the start of the full-scale attack of russia on ukraine , went to work in one of the departments of the occupation structure, the department of organizational and informational work on
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electronic documents. in the department of labor and social policy under the chairmanship of gauleiter. we would like to say thank you very much for this help, because we really need it. we have a lot of people left in kadovsk, people with reduced mobility who need wheelchairs and walkers, we are happy to have your organization, well, let's take a gift. the woman was handing out humanitarian aid from russia, thereby inducing the locals to go over to the side of the enemy. i hope that soon she herself will need humanitarian aid, which will be carried to prison. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you want to talk about the kremlin sellers, write to us at this email address or simply on facebook, together we will send all the traitors after the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso.
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on the air from washington, the program of the ukrainian service of the voice of america, chas taay, i'm maria prus, congratulations, the us congress plans to start considering new funding for further aid packages for ukraine, already. this week. special closed briefings are currently held there with the participation of secretary of state anthony blinken, pentagon chief lloyd austin, and director of national intelligence evril gaines. at the same time, the speaker of the congress is mike johnson wrote a letter in response to the white house that any additional funding for ukraine depends on what he cites as transformative changes in us- mexico border security laws. our congress correspondent is monitoring the situation.


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