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tv   [untitled]    December 6, 2023 1:00am-1:30am EET

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and their viewers for the car, we also thank the crimean front for humanitarian aid. glory to ukraine! glory to the heroes. thank you, our dear tv viewers, for your constant support of our efforts to raise funds for our army, for our troops, and we will continue to do so, because the needs are there, and obviously will be for a long time. his songs and poems are the heritage of ukrainian culture. he is a member of the national music union of ukraine. ruler. many award-winning artists, the outstanding poet anatoly kolchytsky lives in the white church, who has devoted more than 70 years himself creativity and praises his native land. let's take a look at the literary and life path of the artist . a bachelor, he plays, sings, writes songs, and the girls will run to the choir as a group, there will be no need to involve them there, we need such a leader. and also poet, composer and honored worker of culture of ukraine, all this about anatoly kulchytsy. in his 85 years
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, he wrote more than 600 songs and published 20 collections, but the recognized master still retains a thirst for creativity. from his pen came the hymn of the white church, the region and even the glorious one of the 72nd brigade, a man originally from myronivka, where at the age of 23 he headed the district department of culture. as the artist shares, he let the workers light a cigarette, because he likes order. silgos began his career in the white church in the 60s. institute, and when in 1991 i left not the institute, but the university , yes, i left eight ponds in the field of culture, this is all thanks to our work, i have many songs about ukraine, and many poems and poems , there is one collection, which is called, you love ukraine.
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i will draw you to my heart in a song. a significant part of the artist's life was occupied by the choir, the largest number of which was conducted by kulchytskyi, 60 singers. six choirs passed through his leadership, which in some places sang with a real orchestra of voices. currently, the man sincerely wonders how he managed everything then, because he even visited 40 countries of the world. and among his friends he had a number of famous figures, such as mykola vingranovskyi, andrii gudyma, borys oliynyk and others. with the latter, he is connected by more than 50 years of devoted friendship, which was embodied in a book that his friend never got to see, one of the first drafts anatolia sees his beloved elena. for the first time, the poet saw his future wife from the window of his friend's office in the then editorial office of one of the local newspapers. then later i wrote the following miniature: you carried your beauty along khmelnytskyi street and did not know that you were going to the kulcha. they have been carrying their love
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through life for almost 58 years, and to this day the man fondly remembers his first trip to the cinema. friends, first of all , the muse should be nearby, and it is also necessary to immediately write down your thoughts so as not to lose them. daria ruban, oleksandr kuga, espresso bila church. such a good story about a ukrainian literary worker. it is good that he is with us and i wish him success. in writing new works, and yuriy fizar will tell new stories today about what is happening outside of ukraine, yuriy, good evening, please. good evening to you, vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us, well, some new, and some that have been dragging on for some time, unfortunately, in particular, whether there will be aid to ukraine from the united states of america, europeans were alarmed by viktor orban's threat of the prime minister of hungary, to block eu negotiations with ukraine, and how about lesya.
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i spoke with shakespeare, about this and other things in a moment in the world about ukraine section, and of course i'll start with the painful one, the situation on the battlefield for ukraine is difficult, but without help from the united states of america, this situation can even, unfortunately, worsen . this was stated by the spokesman of the us state department, matthew mill, during the briefing. according to him, the pentagon has already used 97% of the money allocated to ukraine, and very soon they won't be there at all, and then there's mr. rechnik's quote, which is why secretary of state anthony blinken has joined president joe biden and other administration officials in urging congress to act as quickly as possible. the congress of the united states of america must necessarily, and again as possible. rather
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vote for the allocation of additional funds that will be directed to help ukraine, about this during a briefing in the white house, - said the adviser to the us president on national issues. according to him , the money allocated earlier will end before the new year, and in order not to leave ukraine without support, congressmen should vote on this very important issue. according to the adviser, congress should act immediately to support the additional request of the president, because this money will contribute to the national security of the united states of america, and will help its democratic partner, that is, ukraine, to fight against russian aggression. and then, let's listen to jake sullivan's motivational encouragement. i believe that any member of congress who does not support funding ukraine is voting yes a result that will make it easier for putin to win. that is, a vote against supporting ukraine is a vote for improving
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putin's strategic positions. this is simply an unavoidable reality. voting against additional funding for ukraine will hurt ukraine and help russia. it will hurt democracy and help dictators, we believe this is the wrong lesson of history, and every member of congress, democrat and republican, should vote to support this funding. well, really, such an encouragement, even a call to, is motivating congressmen to vote, and by the way , literally, the leader of the democratic majority in the senate, chuck schumer, has already submitted an application for a vote on aid, on the allocation of aid to ukraine, according to the procedure, the congressmen have 30 hours to familiarize themselves with this application, and after that they have to vote, well, i don't know if they will vote today, tomorrow, probably, not probably, but they will definitely vote, and they still say that the vote may not be good for us, because the democrats and
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republicans in the senate did not agree with pro allocation of aid to ukraine, as well as money for the pentagon to help ukraine, will be needed at least during 2024, said the assistant secretary of state for european and asian affairs of the united states of america, james o'brien. in an interview with the austrian agency druk, he stated that, in his opinion, the russian leadership will not enter into negotiations until, further, his quote: he sees the results of the us presidential election. therefore, washington needs to prepare and plan such a campaign that can last for years. this next one year, and here's more about aid from the united states, america, whether it will be or not, i want to talk to oleksandr kraev, an expert of the foreign policy council of the ukrainian prism. mr. oleksandr, congratulations, glory to ukraine,
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glory to the heroes, congratulations to you, yury. as always , thank you very much for joining, because i expect to hear your comments on this, well , painful issue for ukrainians, well , please tell me how dangerous the situation... with the allocation of money is, since there was even information about that negotiations between democrats and republicans failed in the senate, at least that was reported by nbc news, well, in the lower house in the house of representatives, well, there , well, not there at all, no negotiations are possible, not even discussed, yes, in fact, the situation is extremely difficult, i will not say that it's catastrophic, but it's complicated, that's the point. why, currently the democrats really plan to submit the ukrainian aid package very quickly, but the reason for such a quick submission is not that they are afraid of losing more votes, or they do not want to go to negotiations with the republicans, who, by the way, want to wait a couple of days and add the protection of the southern
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border to this package, the problem is that we are actually now becoming a tool here, schumer, who is the leader of the democrats in the senate, he wants to submit this bill as quickly as possible so that. .. saying, assess the strength of the parties to see which of the republicans they have already convinced, who they can convince , who have what problems with this, the current bill, who will wait for the allocation of aid to the southern border, that is, in fact, now we have there is a stage of serious political a struggle in which, unfortunately, ukraine has become just a part, an instrument of this struggle , that is why the situation is very difficult, it constantly delays the negotiations and the acceptance of aid, but so far there is no catastrophe, mr. oleksandr, and please tell me how much the struggle may drag on, that is, can we expect that both houses of the american congress can nevertheless vote for the allocation of money to ukraine before, i will not say before christmas, but before the new year, in principle,
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now the aim is just such that both chambers should have time to do it before the new year, for one simple reason, if it is not done before the new year, it will directly affect the process of adopting the budget for the 24th year, that is, the trumpists, who, accordingly , made this mess with the budget, now they are trying to avoid responsibility, they are trying to show that without them...' this cannot be solved and only they can really pass a budget that will really work for all of the united states, and without the adoption of this package, the democrats simply will not allow it to be done, and without the democrats , the budget will not pass the senate and the budget, perhaps even will not pass the house of representatives. therefore , it is even in the interests of ukraine-skeptics that the issue be resolved with the help of ukraine before the new year. and what do you think, and they understood, i mean this about the trump minority, about the trump minority, they understand that they are this mess. brewed and there was no need to brew it, let's put it this way , it seems to me that they understand that they have fallen
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into a trap, that they have problems, but it seems to me, well, knowing the logic of the trumpists, dealing with trumpists, well, from a scientific point of view, dealing with trumpists for several years, we can say that they are convinced that they did everything right, but they are definitely one of those people who do not admit their mistakes, try to find excuses, and if we listen now or read what met gets writes, what marger writes. other such radicals from this camp, they believe that they have saved america. yes, america is in crisis right now, they can't pass this budget, they have problems, but they saved it from some huge, huge evil that only they know about, that is, they realized that they might lose this political duel, but even if they were wrong, they are convinced that they are the saviors. well, in any case, they are currently looking for a way out of this situation, which they created themselves, and here is the last question for you. and jake sullivan and john kirby the day before yesterday spoke about the fact that the government of the united states
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of america does not have some magic wand that would make this money and before and then the government would allocate it to help ukraine. mr. oleksandr, but here please tell me, does joe biden himself have the authority under the laws of the united states of america to allocate this money somehow by his own decree, for example, an executive order. well, that's a good question. he had these powers until the end of september this year, because lelenis was acting. and in essence, lendles gave the us president the right to bypass the procedures of congress, to bypass both chambers, to allocate specific aid packages from the military budget or from special budget funds. so far, we can see that the issue of the land list does not stand in principle, well, because if we can't accept even a budget package, let alone a land list, then congress would be scared of such passions, but so is biden. could do it through landlis, there is another such , you know, such a small loophole in the legislation,
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there are so-called special programs of the pentagon and special programs of the state department, they are mainly intended for public organizations that work under the patronage of both ministries, but that's all- after all, it is not a large enough amount that can be directed precisely by decree executive power without the involvement of congress, of course, this amount will not cover all the needs of ukraine, israel and taiwan, but at least it can cover some of the most necessary things, so in fact, it is a very, very pity that when lenis was adopted, it was not adopted until cancellation, that is, in fact, it was not indefinite, but was accepted as a compromise for only one year, well, but it is still pleasing that such a small magic wand still remains in the hands of joe biden. thank you, mr. alexander, for joining us today, thank you for yes, for yes oleksandr krayev, an expert of the foreign policy council of ukrainian
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prism, carefully explained the problem with the allocation of money from... the united states of america and how it can be solved. well, we go further. russia is no longer against holding peace talks with ukraine, the izvestia publication, if you can call it a publication, said this, a source in the russian government said. according to published information, the kremlin is ready to sit down at the negotiating table on the territory of a third country, even a western one, however. experts believe that this is not about the member country nato however, a source in the government of the terrorist country once again repeated the kremlin manual that the ukrainian leadership does not want, did not want and will not want these negotiations and even closed all possibilities for their holding. well, the president of the european council, charles michel, will shorten his visit to china by a day, and all because of threats. viktor orban's hungary to block the start of the procedure for starting negotiations with ukraine on
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joining the european union. shortening his trip to heaven, the president of the european council wants to once again hold consultations on this matter with the leaders of the states and governments of the european union member states before the eu summit on december 14-15. well, it is also worth noting that the day before viktor orban sent charles michel a letter in which he asked not to put the question of ukraine's accession to the eu to a vote, because according to orban there is no consensus on this, there simply won't be. there was no outright threat, because i veto, i will not vote, and maybe not only me, given that some countries also expressed skepticism about this question, and i will remind you that charles michel and the president of the european commission ursula fonderlein are supposed to be in heaven
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on november 7 and 8 and were supposed to meet with the leadership of china there, but as we can see , charles michel is already reducing his by a day, i suspect that the president of the european commission will also reduce it, since the same prime minister viktor orban threatens to block consideration of the issue of the allocation of 50 billion dollars to ukraine , hold back, orban, i remind you of a person, you know, such a party, everyone gathered somewhere in a country house, he is brought by others on car, and he brings one pack of cookies, and there he drinks, eats at someone else's expense, then he asks, what are you going to take me back, i say we will, we'll give you money, well, i don't like it here, leave. as i have to say to everyone , man, wait, you brought a pack of cookies and you were brought here in general, what do you want, well, i will decide now, well, it's the same, you sit on subsidies and something else, and you tell everyone how it is should be, and it seems that you have blackmailed these subsidies for yourself, and anyway you start blackmailing something, about the fact that not all countries of the european union agree with the need
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to start negotiations on ukraine's accession to the european community, said the president of the european parliament. robert metzola in an interview with the italian newspaper corriero, she said that the allocation of money to support ukraine is a huge financial risk for the european union, but at the same time she emphasized that brussels will keep its promise and continue to help ukraine as long as it will needed, and at the same time mrs. roberta mytsola added, quote: i will continue, i will continue to work together with the majority by the majority of the european parliament with the hope that during this year we will make a political decision on the start of negotiations on ukraine's accession to the eu, and this will be a sure sign that we are not tired, well, she made it clear to everyone in europe, and not only in europe, in particular, in russia, uh, about the fact that europe is tired of helping ukraine, and that
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a huge burden falls on them, so they don't want it, no, mrs. roberta. and the president of the european parliament says that they are not tired and will continue to help ukraine, and today vasyl also appeared the information that french president emmanuel macron offered to invite prime minister viktor orbán to come to paris for consultations this week, as if he wants to persuade orbán not to block important decisions for ukraine, whether it will work for macron, well, i personally ... i really hope , i hope, i doubt it, considering how much he wanted to convince putin not to attack ukraine first, and then withdraw his troops from ukraine, in a word, but let him call, let orbán come, and let them both will talk. if china and the european union choose peace and stability,
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a new cold war will not break out. about this during a meeting with diplomats. from the eu countries in beijing - said the minister of foreign affairs of china wang yi, according to him, china and the european union should be ready for dialogue and cooperation, because in this case there will be no new bloc confrontation in the world, and if they choose openness and common benefit , then world development will have hope, then the world will have hope, just like them will do in the relations between the eu and china, mr. minister, not on tuesday... but probably this is exactly what charles michel and ursula fonderlein intend to talk about during their visit to heaven. well, the president of brazil, that is south america, invited the president of the terrorist country, volodymyr putin, to the g20 summit , which is to be held on november 18-19
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next year, that is, in 2024, in rio de janeiro. about this. lula dalva said in an interview with the brazilian newspaper coreyo brasilience, while he recalled that his country had ratified the rome statute of the international criminal court, and since this court issued a warrant for putin's arrest, mr. dalva advised the president of terrorist ukraine to think about the possible consequences of his coming to brazil. next, a very short quote from lula dalva: whether putin comes or not, he was invited anyway, there is a process about him, he has to assess the consequences. well, i don't know, dmitry piskov, who calls himself, already reacted to this statement of lula dava in the kremlin. after all, he is the spokesman for the world's main terrorist, said that the kremlin had not yet thought about who would go to the g20 summit in brazil, well, yes, and finally, artificial
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intelligence generated a conversation between lesia ukrainka and william shakespeare, who play through zoom in the game of association, the company rerays and the ukrainian institute came to life. british playwright william shakespeare and ukrainian writer lesya ukrainka, and a video of their dialogue was shown in london during the international forum of cultural diplomacy. let's see how lesya ukrainka talked with shakespeare. something came out without sound, but there should have been no sound,
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it was done with sound, i listened with sound, for sure, if it is possible to show it again now, then maybe we will start it again, listen, let's try again, lesyu, you are starting, god. ukraine plus great britain, two countries, two languages, one love, let's face it, it turned out very well, well, for today i have it. everything is in the world about ukraine section, everything for today, only tomorrow there will be more and more will be in our further broadcast, as oleksandr morshevka, as always, will tell you in detail
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all the latest from the world of money, i will say goodbye to you. there are 20% discounts on volteren porte. in podorozhnyk pharmacies to you and savings. the traveler knows what helps, hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day, this is a shipping area, live connection, we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we tell the main thing, weekdays at 9:00,
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good evening, we are from ukraine, so we are coming back, it continues, it is time to talk about money, during the war , oleksandr morchyvka is with us, oleksandr, congratulations, good evening, i greet the audience, good evening, vasyl, in the next few minutes we will find out what is happening on the ukrainian-polish border, what is the situation there, i will also tell you about the exchange rate of the hryvnia against the dollar, what are the prospects for the exchange of russian and belarusian rubles, there is news about this, wait, everything will be in detail in a moment. i am oleksandr morchyk. greetings, this is a column about money, during the war, so romania plans to play a key role in the post-war reconstruction of our homeland. such a statement was made by the prime minister of the country, marchal cholaku. he noted that in this matter
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his strengths are. countries are security, geographic proximity, sea, river, railway and road connections. all these possibilities, in his opinion, will be able to interest american investors who will join the reconstruction of ukraine. at the same time, bucharest intends to support kyiv as long as necessary. but the ambassadors of the baltic countries are dissatisfied with the fact that their drivers are blocking the movement of trucks on the polish-ukrainian border. the corresponding meeting where the march was held at the ministry of infrastructure in warsaw. diplomats have repeatedly raised this issue and are now continuing the search for a solution with the new polish government. according to estonian foreign minister bryta kikas, they respect the right of drivers to protest, but these protests have led to a difficult situation that creates problems for carriers and additional difficulties for the ukrainian economy. well , continuing the topic, a specific figure, more than 9
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hryvnias was lost by the state budget only in november, all because of the lack of customs payments, which were formed due to the blockade of the ukrainian-polish border. this figure was named by the head of the parliamentary committee on finance and tax policy danylo hetmantsev. he noted: this is essentially a powerful blow to our economy and exports directly. in addition, this is a huge amount of money that our army did not receive. well, vasyl, we talked to you. about the fact that, in addition to food products and various industrial goods, which are currently idle at the border, there are also delays with autogas, well , last week there was such a situation that it began to rise in price, in the regions at small gas stations they stopped supplying it to drivers in general, well, while the situation at the border is like this, the verkhovna rada is already meeting within a few months to increase the excise duty on this liquefied gas for drivers, the increase may
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be significant, the head of the tax committee, danylo gitmantsev, reported this information again. here is the rate for gasoline - 213 € for 1000 bgn. and the rate for gas should be 160-170 €. well, he says that it is european practice to have such excise taxes. let me remind you that currently the excise duty on autogas is €52. well, that is, in essence , it turns out that more than three times, european practice, but do we now have european european realities? well then again i guess that there everyone is calculating what it is, what it will do , but here for the most important thing it is obvious that it does not hit the end consumer, probably, well, too much, probably, i think that we will still include an expert on this matter, talk about consequences, i follow this situation, well , i follow in particular the development of small and medium-sized entrepreneurship, let's move on, the ministry of social policy has restarted a previously developed program called the hand of help, it is aimed at supporting low-income persons. the initiative gives an opportunity to the following
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otry people... a one-time interest-free loan, the size of which is approximately uah 100,000, these are funds for starting or developing your own business. under the terms of the program, support is provided for the purchase of equipment and various materials for business, this is a loan from the state, interest-free, let me remind you, for a period of 3 years. well, another large plot was opened in kyiv.


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