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tv   [untitled]    December 6, 2023 6:30am-7:01am EET

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on the one hand, it could be some arguments , where they sat down, discussed rationally, thought , what should i do with it, adjusted various policies, there was communication with partners, or anything else, on the other hand, if you take out phrases from there, if you take out from there some certain statements, then this can be a good tool regarding the discrediting of the ukrainian military, and again the relations between ukraine and the west and so on and so on, that is most likely why, and in the end we have already seen this, unfortunately since yesterday: that russia will, of course, take the second path and it will to use it in every possible way against us and against the west, including in the process of forcing negotiations and many other moments that they are currently conducting, here the question is how we will communicate it, how we will talk about it, and well at least since yesterday, i haven't heard any reflections from the authorities or anything else, it's a debatable question whether they are needed, of course, but i think that if we first have a zaikonmi. with an article about the alleged
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split between the military and political leadership, then we have an article in the washington post, where we allegedly have a split between ukraine and the west and actually how we see the war, then this requires a certain dialogue, at least with ukrainian journalists, who will be explained, given their version, and so on , maybe the president's office or someone else from the authorities will explain this to ukrainian or international journalists, but it seems to me that it is very important here that... our position is voiced, and not anonymous sources, on which both the washington post and the ukrainian truth rely and so on. of course, what is there, if it is followed journalism, anonymous jells have their place, but it is extremely important that the ukrainian position is also heard, so we are now in such a fairly non-linear communication challenge, that is why it is very important, well, at least somehow, i am already emphasizing this, because i do not see some quick and easy solution to this situation. from different sides, to try to get out, i
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hope that the communication teams of the authorities, they are working on this and we will see some way out, and not just silence, because silence is definitely not a method here, i am with you absolutely i agree, because moreover, i will say that , well , the russians can communicate about this issue, well, it must be said honestly, it has a limited scope for use, it affects rather even there, well, what affects the russian audience there, that’s one thing, it affects such a certain cross-section of the ukrainian audience, but it affects the western audience to a much lesser extent, that is, it must be absolutely clearly understood, some interpretations of them, well, definitely not in this context will influence, but how ukraine will react will influence, and this is exactly what will influence the west, not what the russians are doing and how they...
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communicate, but precisely how ukraine will communicate, because, well, i have read all this material, i will say that it there is no such linear one, i also agree with the absolutely linear one, that’s right there, it’s just such a split, a split, there is a certain problem, which to a large extent confirms the theses, first of all, it is helpful and explains them, and it is very important, maybe in our communications do not get into some defensive position and do not start saying that everything was written by unqualified journalists, and it is possible to even strengthen certain theses somewhere , to say, yes, this is exactly the case, and these are key things for us, and it is very good that they were said in this context, because it is absolutely true, there from the very beginning and until the end it is said that the weapons were not enough, the fact that we need to defend ourselves along the entire front line is misunderstood. there can
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be no concentration on one direction of the strike, because this is not our situation, we are not in such a situation when the russians will give us or, well, time and the ability to concentrate , we have to fight on a big front, this must be taken into account, that is, there is actually quite such an interesting story, and i think that here we should rather think about what we can offer and what forms of communication can be. we would have, well, what messages, let the military-political leadership determine, it knows, but what forms of communication we could use to convey our point of view to, first of all , to our western partners and to western societies, because it is very important that they understood all this correctly, so that it did not arise, you know, the impression that everything is lost, well, everything is not lost, ukraine is restraining the offensive and the russians are not advancing, the front is standing, that's it. says that it is necessary
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to change it in our favor, so that they hear exactly what is here, how could we do this? in fact, the mechanism here is quite simple, you need to look at what there are... well, let's say the possibilities for the interpretation of others by russia or any other speakers, that is , to see which points, as you rightly say, need to be strengthened, which need to be strengthened to explain, in which the position must be fixed, and this is, after all, the monitoring there of the first day after the release of the material, it shows, that is, what the enemy is using , what internal forces are using it, who want to take advantage of it in some way, and so on, that is, various interested parties, and accordingly from this the position is being rebuilt, what needs to be said, so it would be good if literally today, tomorrow, the authorities start to decommunicate, whether the authorities or the armed forces, to decommunicate these shaky moments, because if this is not done will happen, then the vacuum of this information
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will be filled by the position of russia, and here it is important to understand that russia, not only and not only works for its audience, it works for the ukrainian audience quite strongly, and it is precisely on this side of the ukrainian one. unfortunately , sometimes it works effectively, that is, they do not invent anything, they take what is in our information field, strengthen it, and strengthen it, which is important to always remember in different directions, that is, if there is a position of zeluzhny and zelsky, they will support both of these positions, in order to expose society, in order to create greater visibility and intensity of this alleged conflict, and so on and so forth, so it is important when materials like yesterday's ukrainian truth appear, such as from the washington post, and do not forget about the economist, who has not already been discommunicated , then it must be discommunicated, i consider silence to be a false position, it is not the level of threat and the level of sounding of these threats to remain silent and say that we will not strengthen it with our arguments and will not distribute
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allegedly this information, it seems to me to be a wrong strategy, well, i agree with you, it is wrong, and here the questions should be interviews, there should be private conversations, what is better? just a few seconds more, what is better to direct efforts to more public communication, or more private, and it seems to me that at this level communication with journalists in the format of a press conference or something similar is needed, and that they have there must also be ukrainian, ukrainian journalists, because sometimes foreign ones are also forgotten about them. very thank you, it was oksana moroz, the founder of the initiative how not to become a vegetable, thank you for joining us, and we will meet you. come on, the dark night is coming, it is covered with white snow, nicholas was on his way, he is bringing us victory, like a fairy tale in a picture,
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the snow is drawing patterns, the whole earth is white, and the kremlin is crumbling. nicholas brings greetings, joy, and a holiday. i wish that muscovites would appear all over our land, brave, steadfast, hardened in battles, those who stood in the way of the moscow horde, at the cost of their own lives, choosing the right to the existence of the country, armed forces of ukraine, we thank you for every new day, for liberated cities and villages. victorious peace to all of us, an earthly bow to you, happy armed forces day of ukraine. watch this week's judicial control with tatyana shustrova in the program. three years of trials for the metropolitan gardens, which will be decided by the appeal. the supreme court overturned this decision and remanded for a new
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trial. but how valuable land in the center of lviv was under threat of development. special communications, this is a structure that works for the state, this is another construction office. watch thursday 7 december at 5:45 p.m. the judicial control program with tetyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. my name is oleksandr, 22 years old, from the city of chernihiv, i watch the news, i watch the media, many of my peers are fighting, but i basically sit at home and decided to also go to serve, to help , i had not served in the armed forces of ukraine before this, training for 30 days, plus or minus, further by specialty, also plus or minus 40 days, depending on who came to whom, i have two younger sisters, i also want them to live peacefully and there was no shelling, they did not descend into
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bomb shelter every time during an alarm, they calmly studied and continued to work, if they come voluntarily, then the motivation is very high, they try 100% and they already have a desire to destroy the enemy.
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watch this week in the collaborators program, how propaganda works in the occupied territories, it's steep, in short, the shots hit, it's steep a little, but who is agitating the youth to join putin's yuuna? greetings, i'm olena kononenko and this is the collaborator program. new faces of betrayal. suspicions and cameras are already waiting, and they are asking for them the whole of ukraine found out. our task is
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to make them known, so that after the end of the war and our victory, these traitors will not sit in the corners, pretending to be law-abiding citizens, but answer for their crimes before the court. we have already told you about the propaganda tv channel tavriya kherson, which was created by the rashists in 2022, when they occupied the kherson region. it was headed by ismail. zradnyk was appointed director of the occupying kherson television and radio company tavria, created on the technical base of the kherson branch of the ukrainian trc scythia public broadcasting. after the liberation of part of the kherson region, the tv channel, together with the entire technical base, came to the territories controlled by the russians. now he continues his work. together with the channel , employees, journalists, operators and technicians who continue to create stories and programs on the kremlin needs topics, this is how 20-year-old olga teterya from the village of bohdanivka, kakhovsky district, how she
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got to the channel that talks about ukraine and why she received suspicion from our law enforcement agencies, about everything further. when the russians created the tavriy kherson channel , the question arose, who will fill it with slug-content, so they decided to attract the young generation, they say, look, there are prospects for development with russia, however, they hid that these are prospects for a rapid decline. down in august of last year , the occupiers created a so-called media school on the basis of the tavria tv channel to recruit students to learn the professions of journalists, cameramen, editors, and tv presenters. all for further employment in russian turk. at that time , ismail abdulaev himself campaigned to join this party nursing schools vladimir abdulaev says that it is never too late to learn. these are not only journalists, these are operators who сейчас находится, ето и montagers, illuminators, when you are going to go to a media school, you must
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think, you must have burning eyes, you must want to work, our traitor olga teterya was also seduced by these prospects of career decline, she studied in a peaceful life at the kherson state university at the faculty of biology, geography and ecology, and with the beginning of the occupation of kherson decided to change profile on journalism and media communications and entered the media school. here is a video from september 11, 2022, where kyrylo strimousov, a traitor from the kherson region, hugs her. we are not afraid of being liberated, because we are liberated forever. kherson is russia forever , no one can change anything. and you know, in the coming months, yes, what months, years, we will become a beautiful blooming kherson region, i am right, yes, yes. as time has shown, kherson is ukraine. our courageous soldiers returned him home, after graduating from medical school, teterya was placed on tv channel tavria, where she took the pseudonym
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aleftina navorossiska, you did not hear. as a pseudo-journalist, teterya actively covered the illegal and fictitious referendum in her stories, calling it reunification and returning to the legal homeland. on camera, it was constantly repeated that the kyiv regime was shelling kharson, especially after its film crew seemed to come under fire, it’s scary, we have to shoot, we’re short here, we came under fire , it’s a little scary, you can’t sit a person in the basements either, because... well, not so much really safe. after this video , russian scumbags wrote that the armed forces of ukraine deliberately fired at the civilian population. novorossiysk herself repeated this on television. a crowd of people, as humanitarian aid was distributed, flew to the very building where this mobile social office was located, that is, there were people
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who simply wanted, somehow, to receive some kind of help from the russian state or to become a citizen of the russian there was no one in the federation, that is, the military, but there were three explosions gathering of peaceful population. in april of this year, novorossiysk became a member of the union of journalists of russia, now this lover of novorossiysk is hiding in genichivsk. this summer, the kherson city court of the kherson region allowed a special pre-trial investigation. the traitor faces from 12 to 15 years of imprisonment. and this is another shame of journalism sipko yuliya olehivna, born in 1976. she is a journalist by education, but until february 24 she worked in the kherson regional state administration. when the city was captured army of the russian federation, sybko decided to become a spokesperson for propaganda in the region, got a job as a journalist and tv presenter on the same tavria tv channel. unfortunately, the main pier is
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90% blocked. while we were there and there was shelling, that is. on the other hand, there is no, that is, they understand that the evacuation is going on, at the same time they continue their dirty work. and why did yulichka keep silent about who caused this disaster, or about the fact that after the russians blew up the kakhovsky gas station, they insidiously abandoned the locals and partially evacuated only those who had a russian passport. flowing showed that she was worthy of serving the kremlin regime, so they began to entrust her with more serious tasks, for example, to interview volodymyr saldo, and there she was already a candidate from the party, flood zones, they had practically nothing, and they made her the deputy head of the responsible for recruitment to putin's yuuna in the kherson region. in the near future , a movement is opening in the skadovsky district, so to speak, a detachment of young soldiers is being recruited, so that in the future they will merge into this huge team,
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a million-strong team of guys, all-russian organization, nothing reminds you, young putin is a direct carbon copy of hitler. yugant hitler, i hope that the end will be the same for these fascists. yulia is currently sitting in ggenichisk in ukraine with her tail tucked in, the security service of ukraine informed her of the suspicion. this is another journalist-traitor ivan yuriyovych horbenko, born in 1998. in peaceful life, he worked as a bartender, but after february 24, he decided to radically change his profession. he voluntarily drove into kherson, which was still occupied at the time. and started working as a cameraman and presenter on the vtvlyus tv channel. as this channel became pro-russian and who used it as a platform for propaganda, i will tell you in one of the following programs. in the meantime , i will add about the propagandist gurbenka that after the de-occupation of kherson he fled to skadovsk and works as a correspondent for trc tavria, where he promotes russian peace and fully supports
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the occupation. this day is special for skodov residents. residents and guests of the city gathered in the central streets in a festive mood. an epoch-making event will be when ukraine wins, all collaborators will receive what each of them deserves, and that's right, a hotbed of traitors, shining a mine on the camera and carrying rubbish, horbenko didn't stay long, suspicion and so-called bunks in the cell were already waiting for him, and this is another supporter of putin, tyufyakina olena mykhailivna, maiden name ulimova, 100. .. 966 year of birth until february 24 held the position of an accountant and worked in the department of social protection of the population under the city administration, but after the start of the full-scale attack of russia on ukraine, she went to work in one of the departments of the occupation structure, the department organizational and informational work on electronic document management in the department of labor and social policy under the chairmanship
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of the gauleiters. we would like to say thank you very much for this help, because it means a lot to us. wheelchairs and walkers, we are glad to see your organization, well , let's say, a woman distributed humanitarian aid from russia, thus inducing local people to go over to the side of the enemy. i hope that soon she herself will need humanitarian aid, which will be carried to prison. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you want to talk about the kremlin's progenitors, write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook, together we will send all the traitors to. follow the russian ship, see you in a week on espresso. i flew, flew, and
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the cough stopped me. cough is a symptom of a respiratory disease, so we treat it respiratoryly, we do inhalation. lordegial is an inhalant for cough. lord hyal is a direct way to expel phlegm. big air of vasyl zima, this is big ether, my name is vasyl zimaya, we start, two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, many important topics, today we will discuss with you, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, sergey zgurets with us, and what the world is living, now about what happened in the world, yuliy fizar will speak in more detail, yuliy good evening, please, you have the word, two hours to be informed about the economy time for about money during the war. oleksandr morchevka is with us. oleksandr, welcome to sports news. review of sporting events by yevhen postukhov. two hours in the company of favorite presenters. thank you
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very much lina chechenna for the information about culture news. the presenters, many of whom have become similar. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on advent day. and also distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. big ether. vasyl's winter is a project for smart and caring people in the evenings with espresso. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day, this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we are telling the main thing. weekdays at 9:00.
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it is very good that there is a training course , both basic and professional, because a person can reveal his potential and as effectively as possible, provide benefit to the defense in defense
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of the motherland, this is such an important decision, and everyone makes it independently, but i believe that everyone needs to decide where they want to go and in which country they want to live, for example, many people in our group were in doubt whether to go or not. were mobilized, but when they came here, when they came combat coordination, when they learned , thanks to our instructors, revealed their potential, they are already completely different people, they are already much more, motivated people, much more professional already military, who can protect both themselves and their brothers, and this opens up a lot human quality of a person, because for 24 hours she walks on the edge and tests herself, congratulations, we are looking for
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this girl, her name is angelina zavadska, she is 17 years old, angelina disappeared in the city of kherson, it happened at the end of the 22nd year, on pity, the exact date of the girl's disappearance is unknown , so it is not excluded that even before the liberation of kherson, she could have been taken to the territory of russia, of course, this is only an assumption, and angelina may be in the territory controlled by ukraine, or in the temporarily occupied part of the kherson region. so i ask everyone who sees this video to look at the girl's face as carefully as possible. if you know that there will be something about angelina zavadska, do not delay and immediately call our hotline at the short number 1163. if you have there is no possibility to call. you can always write to us on the website or to the chatbot of the child search service in telegram. also, i really ask you to repost this video. perhaps one of your friends or acquaintances
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knows angelina and will help you find her, or learn at least some information about her. do not remain indifferent and let's try to find angelina zavatska together. in general, after the full-scale invasion , the children's search service received thousands of missing persons requests and many boys and girls disappeared during the occupation. of course, in force for obvious reasons, the search process in territories not controlled by ukraine is very complicated. in particular, due to the lack of communication. and the paralyzed work of the police and children's services, but general advice if you have a child missing in occupied territory is as follows: if possible, contact the police or magnolia children's services by any means available and report the child missing to all you know information that can help in the search. collect data about the child, write down his full name, date of birth, circumstances and place
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disappearance. gums. if possible, find photos of the child and inform about his special signs and social circle. in the future , follow the instructions of the police or counselors of the magnolia children's tracing service hotline. we are also looking for sasha and atem ropot. they are brother and sister. sasha is 15 years old, and artem is 13. they disappeared in the city of toretsk on july 15 this summer, and since then nothing is known about their fate. they do not contact each other and are officially considered missing. so please look carefully into artem's face and sasha ropot. if you suddenly recognize them or know where they may be, do not delay and immediately call us on the hotline of the magnolia children's search service at the short number 1163. calls from any mobile operator in ukraine are free. we will be grateful for any information. and
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of course, i want to ask. everyone who watches this video please share it on your social networks, it's the least you can do, but you have to understand that the more people know about the search for missing children, the the more likely you are to find them or find out any information about them, so please do not remain indifferent, and finally, please go to the children's tracing service website, there are pictures of all the boys and girls we are trying to find so if if you recognize someone, call our hotline at 11630. calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free. also, write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in anywhere, anytime. just go to the site and let us know, and we'll get you started
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. all possible mechanisms of criminal punishment: stop crime ua.
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greetings to all viewers of the tv channel, we are starting the information day with news, kateryna shirokpoyas works in the studio. a woman died in the yard of her own house as a result of the evening shelling of the bilozer community in the kherson region. several private houses were destroyed, the office of the prosecutor general reported. also, two people died and six were injured in kherson during the day. russian terrorists hit one of the city's hospitals,
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among the casualties. four doctors.


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