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tv   [untitled]    December 7, 2023 12:00am-12:31am EET

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it is a one-handed grip formation, removal of the working area, inspection, alexander's exercises at tia are monitored by a professional instructor, a former paratrooper on pseudo mccost says, even such experienced shooters as zeus start classes with his routine. training begins with us signing off on safety measures, the first rule, we treat every weapon as loaded, even if you are sure that the weapon is unloaded, and the second rule, we put our finger on the hook only when we going to shoot, mobile the application with cases for shooting dvil is free, the vast majority of its users are military, it was launched , it is clear that initially in ukraine, because they wanted , first of all, to teach ukrainians, to give them
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experience, and at the moment we have 85,000 downloads all over the world , this is more than 10,000 poland, about 500 - this, america, the united states, we also have very good tracking, well , people upload well in mexico and brazil, popularity is growing in ukraine, according to the military, ukrainians should think about how to ... coexist with such a neighbor as russia, but already after the victory. russia will calm down only when it is convinced that, firstly, if they come here again, they will be beaten. if we talk about the local level, about our goal in ukraine, i want every ukrainian to be able to safely and professionally handle various types of weapons, regardless of age and yaroslav movchan orespon
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for the voice of america from kyiv. on this we will say goodbye, read breaking news and analytical materials on the website of the voice of america ukrainian, as well as watch our live broadcasts and full versions of interviews on youtube. before meeting. we are looking for 13-year-old tolyushenko from the left bank of kherson oblast. the boy lived in the village of boltazarivka, this is the chaplin district of the region, which was occupied at the beginning of the full-scale war. the connection with the boyfriend ended at the end of march 2023. therefore , nothing is known about the fate of the child for more than six months. but i really hope that with your
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help tolyushenko will be found. if suddenly someone has seen the guy or knows where he might be now, don't delay call us on the hotline of the magnolia children's search service at the short number 1163. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free, or write to the chatbot of the children's search service in telegram. i also want to remind you that we will continue. the search for 17-year-old serhiy samoilov, who disappeared in mariupol, his mother said that on the very first day of the full-scale war , the city was very restless, and with every hour the situation only rapidly worsened, the family hid in the basement from the bombings, but the shelling was far from the only problem residents of mariupol. there was no internet, light, water, we even drank technical water from a technical tap, then only in... well
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, the whole family ate everything, he couldn’t drink, and to be honest, it was very difficult for us to eat, stores everything was looted , there was no lift, nothing, we just sat there, we wanted to, despite all the horrors , what bothered 15-year-old serhii samoilov the most was the lack of internet, that is why the boy wanted to leave mariupol, he was very interested in computers, he studied programs there he tried to develop them, created a server, and why he actually left home, yes, there was no connection or internet at home, it is clear that there were already problems with water and food, he was going to go to pokrovsk. serhii planned to go to his mother's acquaintance in pokrovsk, which is also in the donetsk region, about 200 km from mariupol, but the boy's family did not dare to leave the house, so serhii went alone. it
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happened on march 6 at 4:00 in the evening, my grandmother and i did not let him go, because there was a lot of shooting around, and to be honest, we already then there was absolutely nothing to eat, it was very scary not to drink, he took a backpack with him, there was a computer in it, he dressed as young people dress, i say, seryozha, come on, i thought, he walks around the house and returns, and seryozha left home, already when he left, i already understood what we did with the woman, we didn't keep him, for now only one thing is known, serhiy never got to pokrovsk, the boy didn't return home either, and no one knows where he is now. sergey's mother still lives in mariupol and does not lose hope of finding her son. tim sometimes serhiy's father, who has been living separately for a long time and is now in the territory controlled by ukraine, does everything possible on his part to find serhiy. in particular , he turned to the office of the ombudsman. i understand
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that they want to contact that side, and find out if there is any information on that side, because a lot of children were taken to russian territory at that time. that's why. perhaps the boy was taken to russia, but it is possible that he is still somewhere in donetsk region, so i am appealing to the residents of the temporarily occupied territory, who may see this program in social networks. look carefully at the photo of the child. if anyone has seen the boy since march 8 of last year, or knows where he may be now, do not hesitate to dial the short number for magnolia child tracing service from any mobile operator. 1163. calls to the hotline from any ukrainian mobile operator are free, if suddenly there is no connection, write to the chatbot of the child search service in telegram, any information is important. we've created a resource where you can
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to report any crime against a child, anywhere, at any time, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopprime ua. i flew, flew, and the cough stopped me. cough is a symptom of a respiratory disease, so we treat it respiratoryly, we do inhalation. lord hyal is an inhalant for cough. and with the new uulizer air. lorde gets right to the lungs and sputum leaves faster. thanks to. lord, i fly again, lord hyal is the direct path to the exit sputum. vasyl winter's big broadcast. this is the big ether, my name is vasyl zimaya, we
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are starting, two hours of air time, two hours of your time. many important topics, today we will discuss with you, two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. serhiy zgorets is with us. how the world lives , what happened in the world now, yuriy fizar will talk in more detail, yuli, good evening, please , i have two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr horseradish with us olsandre, welcome to sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen postukhov, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenna for the information about culture news, presenters, many of whom have become idiosyncratic. natalka didenko is already ready to tell us about the weather for the coming day, as well as distinguished guests from andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, who was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. the events of the day in two hours, vasyl winter's great broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening.
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good evening, we are from ukraine. found with a wound in skronia, lyukiva was killed near moscow. who
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is the main question: voting at the cost of victory, whether to give, whether the usa will give money to ukraine, when and in what amount, putin in dubai, what an international criminal was doing in the oaa and blocking drones. how protesters on the polish border help the enemy and do not allow weapons to be brought to the positions of the armed forces of ukraine. this is a big one. my name is vasyl zima and i congratulate everyone today, first of all, the armed forces of ukraine on their day, the armed forces of ukraine - this is all ours, we are grateful, we help, support and thank you profusely, and also all the children, today is saint nicholas day, i hope that everyone was polite, everyone received gifts, and the russians, let's say, euphemistically received a cut. we're going to start by announcing the collection, just one second. i urge you to get involved and let 's try to close the collection as soon as possible, which
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has been going on for quite some time, again it's no one's fault, it's just a big amount to raise, well, we're collecting on portables powerful velstrom battery stations with solar panels for the 108th dnipropetrovsk separate brigade of the territorial defense forces of the armed forces of ukraine, in order to effectively destroy the enemy, military equipment must be systematically charged, this is not always possible due to difficult conditions on the front, velstrom battery stations are designed specifically for military needs, they replace generators and will provide soldiers with energy even in field conditions. every hryvnia you listed will allow us to quickly transfer such necessary devices to the soldiers, we will protect ukraine, let's protect our home, well, now we, and now we'll start a conversation, one second, we'll start a conversation with willow, something is jumping in me today, with ivan fedorov, the mayor of melitopol, mr. ivan, i congratulate you. i congratulate you, well, today we will talk about a very important matter, you know
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, about the concept of restoring melitopol by 2030, well, first of all, you know, they always ask that you are going to restore melitopol, which is still under enemy occupation , let's start with that briefly, why the idea for this concept came about now that the ongoing heavy fighting in the zaporozhye direction, and of course we still have to reach malitopol , the enemy still has it under their control, please, the strategy for the development of not only melitopol, but the entire melitopol region was developed even before february 24, and on the 22nd it was updated and just in time was in the update section at the time the enemy took over our homes, but of course today we all have to prepare for what we will do on our land after our heretic military de-occupies... and frees our residents, and will liberate our city, but we all have to understand that we have to do better than it
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was before february 24, 22, and what does better mean, this is such a general phrase in which everyone puts their own, but we want to clearly specify , how will our city develop after deoccupation, how will our region develop after deoccupation, what are the economic growth points, what will be the resources, what population will return, how to encourage our residents to return, how to rebuild systems health care, ah, education space, industry, what industry should be based on, so today is the day we have to think about it, so of course, someone may have skepticism that today is too early to talk about it, because our city has not been liberated yet, and here on the other side we all have to...' to help our heroic soldiers as much as possible, so that it will be liberated as soon as possible, but this means that we,
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as civilians, as officials, must be more ready to rebuild life after the liberation of our city, and here we thank our international partners, of course, we as the local government, as the state budget of ukraine, the local budget of ukraine did not spend a single penny on this, our international partners help us in this so that... we did not waste time and after the liberation of the city immediately started work and made our region, our city, the most economically growing after its deoccupation, well, that's it. i will only tell our viewers that the government of the federal republic of germany allocated funds for this project and the swiss confederation, this is important , and you know, today i just read a phrase that putin wants to annex the sea of ​​azov, well , the azov region itself, and that which is in ukraine, and that which is russian there, of course, this desire
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of putin is understandable, it it was clear even before the start of a full-scale invasion, and he probably thinks that he will be able to implement it, why it is important to repel the preazov, well, this is so that our viewers also understand it, clearly, because there are people who will say, well in principle, let's give up something there, and somehow we will exist and to develop within the limits that we are in, why is it important to repel preazov, of course, not at the cost of losing members, and the effective use of weapons, the latest, personnel, well, this is the task of general zaluzhnyi and his team, let's say so, but still, the main goal, well , apart from the fact that this is our territory, we have to free our people, the economic goal. let's say so. thank you for bringing up a very relevant topic. ah, well, first of all, you need to look into our recent history. that's how a huge number of our residents are states thought in 2014 without thinking about what the consequences would be. today we see the consequences, and today, if someone
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thinks that putin's plans have changed, his plans as they were, the complete capture of our entire state, they have not... changed, if there will be de-occupied territory of our entire state, then for sure the war will not end and it will come, unfortunately, not only to every home in our country, but also to our closest neighbors, today's allies, so for sure the war will not end, as far as the economic plan, we should look at several factors here, first of all, if we and our allies do not liberate our state, then i am sure that no international corporation will invest in ukraine, because the trend is clear, in 2014 7% occupation , in the 22nd 20% occupation, so the trend is clear, there will be no investment in our state, secondly, logistics today is one of the key things that feeds the economy with money, logistics is provided in
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the cheapest way, with the help of sea logistics, and these are our two main seas. it the sea of ​​azov and the black sea, and of course our artery is the largest river, the dnipro, along which logistics are also provided, and this is extremely important. but it should also not be forgotten that today the largest nuclear power plant in europe, the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, which is located in energodar, is occupied. we understand that the production of electricity is cheapest with nuclear power - at nuclear power plants. and once the city of zaporizhzhia and its industrial potential. was built together with the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant in order to in order to provide such industrial giants as the zaporizhzhia steel plant, the smelting plant , the zaporizhzhia aluminum plant, precisely with cheap electricity for this industry to work, therefore, there will be no economic growth of our state, without the liberation of territories, no matter what anyone thinks in any which cities of our country, or in
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any corner of our country, we have literally two minutes, i will be very brief, well, first of all, this is also a tourist region, let's not forget about kyrylivka. regions in addition to the fact that millions came there to rest ukrainians, and not only ukrainians , before a full-fledged invasion and russians, well , that's one thing, again, that this is a certain resort region, maybe it's not a viplux resort there, but it's a resort that was in demand among the broad, broad strata of the population of ukraine, it 5 million tourists visited the sea of ​​azov every year for recreation, 5 m, now in fact , as they say, destroyed, well, in principle , we cannot talk about any season there, and i wanted to ask very briefly, and what kind of destruction and damage was caused by what is known and can be done now, the enemy inflicted both economically and ecologically, let's say this, uh , how significant are these significant, significant losses that will have to be restored, i think that today it is difficult for us to calculate what exactly the losses are, today we can talk about the main problems that we see, this is the first mined territory, temporarily
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occupied zaporizhzhia region is the most mined territory in our country together with donetsk region, secondly, we understand that the terrorist attack that happened at the kokhov hydroelectric power station is a terrorist attack that led to the fact that 70% is temporarily occupied zaperid oblast today was left without drinking water, and this is a real tragedy, not to mention the economic consequences, the fact that there is no growth in our agricultural fields today, and this is also a problem, so today the consequences will be calculated exactly after the release, but we understand that it is hundreds of billions of dollars. and these are decades of recovery after the enemy inflicted losses on our land. and finally, to what extent the enemy is now actively working with propaganda among the local population, is there an understanding of who he is pretending to be? given it is possible to change one's mind, or people, if they agree to a russian passport or life in certain conditions, only in order to survive in this situation under occupation. a russian
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passport is a purely forced, forced thing that our residents receive in the temporarily occupied territory, no one receives it at will, enemy propaganda does not work, everyone sees and everyone is waiting for the armed forces of ukraine, even in the temporarily occupied melitopol, even after ... almost two years of occupation, so russian propaganda, it is super powerful, but our goal, and thank you for that, is to bring the truth to our residents who remain under occupation, not propaganda, but facts and truth. thank you very much, well, first of all, for the work you are doing, you believe in the return of melitopol, we all believe, wish success to the armed forces of ukraine and support them in this struggle, because this is our joint struggle and in the fact that projects are being developed, that, well, people always have to be offered what will be, and, these, bloodied, beaten, destroyed regions, and of course, what will have to be invested money, emotions, time, and ourselves in making ukraine different, it will not be the same as it was, it should be different, but
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beautiful, ivan federov, the mayor of melitopol was with us, now we will move on to the conversation about another region that is suffering, slobozhanshchyna, let's say, kharkiv region, which is suffering from constant enemy attacks, and now actually from the beginning of a full-scale invasion, serhii zhukov, deputy of the kharkiv regional council, sir. i congratulate you, i hope that the armed forces of ukraine were greeted today, well, there are many of them in the kharkiv region, and the armed forces of ukraine hope that the kharkiv region will be completely free from the enemy, and today again the armed forces of ukraine are holding the enemy from his attacks to advance further, let's start with the security situation in the region, how today the day passed enemy attacks, where they what were the consequences, what damages were caused, please , we have a warehouse, it is not easy, or rather, as the military say, but controlled, our servicemen are repelling any attempts by the russians to advance or carry out
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assaults in the direction of kupyan, as you you know, it is constantly in the news , as for shelling, it is also an everyday story for us, absolutely , tonight in particular liptsi was shelled. liberated, but after shelling, a residential building was destroyed there, one, in my opinion, at least, in the morning there were shelling again, they shelled, cossack lopan, a border settlement as well and, so to speak, another settlement already in to the kupinsky district, mr. serhiy, i'm sorry to interrupt you, but so that we don't waste time, we 'll contact you again now, because there are certain sound barriers and we'll make sure that you can be heard well, and our viewers could, could hear everything, i remind you that we are talking with serhii zhuk, a deputy of the kharkiv regional council, i see many people writing in
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the comments that it is curable, there is indeed confirmed information, so far we have not seen the body in the photo, video, but confirmed information that the former people's deputy from opzh, a traitor to ukraine, ilya kyiv was found dead in the suburbs of moscow, in one of the hotel complexes in the village of soponive , in my opinion, the village of soponive, there is some country club, the size of a country club, that's how they found him, and on his body there was such a bump on his head, well, he's bald there was, let me remind you, there was a gash on the head and a stab wound in the skroni area, in this form, from what we have now , ilya kyva was found, well, let's go back to serhiy zhukov, deputy of the kharkiv regional council, mr. serhiy, please then finish answering the first question, i already have the second one for you, please affection. well, to summarize, we, our border settlements, are constantly under fire, and, of course , the kupinsky direction is always restless, so
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everything has not changed much in terms of the situation, military, security, and so on, well, let's now talk about a very a burning issue, first of all, the humanitarian situation in those national points, which are constantly increasing under control, which are not far from the front line, which are under threat today. return of the enemy, war can never be told how it will be, it may be different, but in any case we believe in the armed forces, but people should always be protected, what is the current humanitarian situation with access to electricity, thermal energy, food, water, medical care, please, well look, the situation has improved significantly , compared to what happened a year ago, i want to remind you that after the de-occupation of the kharkiv region in the fall of 22, only in the izyum district, more than half of the population centers remained without electricity, 60%, according to
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kharkivlener, you understand, yes, what's more half of the district without electricity supply , completely, water supply and other things depend on it, the difficulty was that in some settlements the electricity grid was completely destroyed, that is, there was not a single pillar left, not a single whole meter of cable there, yes, that's why of course, our energy engineers worked on all this, all this during these months. restored, in particular recently, well today literally, yes, it was reported that the electricity supply was restored in the village of topolsky in the izyum region, but now about 5% other settlements of this area, which suffered a lot, are still without electricity, so there are people there, in principle there is not much population left, but people get out of the situation differently with the help
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of generators. with the help of solid-fuel boilers and so on, that is, they somehow try to support themselves, as for other things, there is food and so on, in principle there are no big problems with this, but you understand that the economic situation is quite difficult, in unoccupied settlements, especially the border areas, where shelling is regular there are also those that are close to, well, this is actually the front line, so you understand, the entire border is russian. ukrainian in the kharkiv region and the fact that the south of kupyansk is actually the front line and even after the deoccupation the war did not go anywhere from these places, likewise kharkiv does not forget about it, so just a few days ago , i apologize, our volunteers, there was a volunteer initiative, not just one, it means that they collected funds, collected gifts and visited children,
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for example, in the moshkupin district, gifts from st. nicholas were delivered to them, well, children always perceives it positively. i think that when the war ends, with the victory , well, first of all, of the armed forces of ukraine and the ukrainian people in general, some part of the border territory should definitely be set aside for the construction of, i don’t know, walls, ramparts, with water, mine barriers, well, russia should be behind the wall for quite a long time, and i, it won’t save anyway, well, but in any case, well, then you need to develop air defense, but you know, missiles, that’s one thing, but when, so that they don’t stick here, no way, evacuation is a very important topic, we return to it from time to time, there is an evacuation order from certain settlements, forced evacuation, how dynamic is this process today and is this need growing given the fact that it is winter, it is cold and plus the enemy continues to roam the territory of kharkiv oblast, well,
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look at the problem it is... relevant all the time, again, i remembered that children still remain in these dangerous places, so there is a certain plan, the police are connected to the emergency services, from some settlements of the same kupchen district, families with children are evacuated, a large part people evacuates independently, but such mass evacuations as happened a few months ago, as far as i know, such operations are currently not being carried out, although, again, the regional administration, at least, says that it keeps its finger on the pulse and in the first instance , a signal from the military, and they are ready to intensify work in this direction. thank you very much for participating, thank you for your comments, serhiy zhukov, deputy of the kharkiv regional council, was in touch with us about the situation in slobozhanshchyna, the enemy continues to fire, the enemy is trying to advance in certain areas, to regain, well,
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they also dream of capturing kharkiv, but again. let me remind you that it was not possible to capture kharkiv thanks to the legendary brigades, territorial defense forces and other units of the national guard, many, many, many others at the beginning of a full-scale invasion, now i think that the enemy's options are very minimal, now we will talk with serhii zgorts, director defense agency, host of the daily military summaries column, sergiy, congratulations, congratulations to you, vasyl, congratulations to our viewers, i you and i agreed on what i will ask, i forgot, i was so excited today because of this kivu, that, but i... you know, i will ask, i have a question, because i was also thinking about him, they write about what is very effectively showing itself at the front is a very big trouble for the enemy and a help for the armed forces of ukraine, such an artillery installation from the usa, which is called paladin, do we have enough of them, how can we get more of them, is it really, well, there is with such a hot fire for the occupiers, well, i don't know where you're from found out, indeed, we have paladins, they were supplied earlier, we received...'


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