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tv   [untitled]    December 7, 2023 12:00pm-12:31pm EET

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your sleep will always be warm, comfortable and dry, universal design, basic black color and a favorable price, only from uah 799, call. let's summarize the informational morning in ukraine on the air of the news tv channel, khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. four people were injured due to enemy shelling in donetsk region, two people were injured in avdiivka, and one more in turetsk. a resident of the andriivska community was also injured. the russian occupiers shelled almost two dozen settlements in the region. 10 civilian objects were destroyed, one high-rise building, three private houses, enterprise, excavator hangars. railway
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track, heat and power grids - reported the head of the region ihor moroz. the odesa prosecutor's office disclosed the details of the night attack on the security infrastructure of the izmail district. a 56-year-old truck driver died. warehouses, granaries, and several trucks were damaged. pppo forces reported 11 enemy drones over the area, but there were also hits. 18 villages of the border regions of sumy. became completely uninhabited, due to the russian invasion, all residents left there, said the head of sumy ov, volodymyr artyukh, but these settlements are not left to their own devices, there are checkpoints of the zsu, all the streets are also controlled by our military, the official added. if necessary, locals can visit home or stay in their village. in general, 115 settlements are subject to evacuation in sumy oblast, but despite continuous... in cherkasy
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, 40 members of a criminal organization were exposed, who smuggled 5 million hryvnias worth of drugs every month. criminals set up an entire production shop of amphetamine, where up to 10 kg of drugs could be produced every day. hemp was also grown on an industrial scale. they sold their goods to residents of the region. to neutralize intruders. law enforcement officers conducted a whole special operation and involved almost 700 people in it, conducted 120 searches at the same time , seized drugs, money and weapons worth uah 20 million, all detained in custody, the investigator of the main investigative department of the national police of ukraine, together with employees of the department of strategic investigations and prosecutors of the office the general prosecutor more than 120 searches were conducted simultaneously on the territory of ukraine. 40 persons were notified of the suspicion. of which two are in sizo. at
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present, the court has chosen preventive measures in the form of detention without determining the amount of bail for the members of the criminal organization. six people died in a road accident in the kharkiv region, five more were injured. the accident happened in the izyum district on the road near the village of novopavlivka. a car, a minibus and a truck collided, the state emergency service reports. all of them injured in the hospital. law enforcement officers are investigating the circumstances of the tragedy. due to the cold weather, ukrainians began to consume more electricity, which led to a deficit in the energy system. so, in order to balance , emergency aid had to be requested from slovakia, romania and poland. the scheduled import of electricity is planned for the period from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., ukrenergo said. they added that electricity consumption is due to frost. exceeded the forecast by
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almost 3%, which is equivalent to the operation of two additional units of thermal power plants, however, currently there are no such free capacities in the country, energy experts emphasized that there are no power outages and no forecasts yet, but ukrainians were urged to conserve electricity. freon under the guise of humanitarian aid, law enforcement officers exposed dealers who brought gas worth more than 14 million hryvnias to ukraine without paying taxes, for this they used the details of a charity organization, after crossing the border to hide gas cylinders, they were transferred to another truck. in the future, the goods were planned to be sold, but the detectives of the bureau economic security, the car was detained, and freon was seized. the espresso tv channel, together with the public organization, the ua base, is collecting funds for atvs to transport the wounded and others to the 93rd separate mechanized
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brigade of the kholodny yar armed forces. in extremely difficult conditions , the ukrainian military will choose victory every day, not leaving wounded comrades on the battlefield. with atvs, evacuation will be faster and easier, and therefore the chances of saving the wounded are much greater. our goal is uah 8,000. in three days, we have already collected more than uah 7,500. your donation is a thank you to those who protect us on the battlefield. so support, do not remain indifferent. you can see all the details on the screen. he helped the occupiers escape from the counteroffensive of the ukrainian armed forces in kherson. the security service of ukraine exposed a russian accomplice who cooperated with the enemy during the occupation of the right-bank part of kherson. on the eve of the liberation of the city, the attacker leaked information about the owners of boats and boats in the city to the authorities, and then came to them with armed invaders who took away people's watercraft.
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the occupiers marked the looted with the letter zd ta used to redirect their troops and representatives of the occupation authorities to the left-bank part of the region. when russia they were kicking their heels, they left their henchman in kherson. he was constantly transferred to relatives. sbu employees established the location of the person involved and detained him. he turned out to be a 44-year-old man from khersonets. he is currently in custody and faces up to 12 years in prison with confiscation of property. in russia, the date of the presidential elections was announced. they should take place on march 17 , 2020, as reported by propaganda agency ria novosti. ela pamfilova, the head of the central committee of russia, also stated that by december 12, it is necessary to make a decision on the elections of the president of russia in the so-called new regions, namely in the annexed parts of kherson, zaporizhzhia, donetsk and
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luhansk regions of ukraine. kremlin spokesman dmytro piskov has already announced that putin will be re-elected with more than 90% of the vote, but later. he retracted his words. to school with a shotgun, an eighth-grader staged a shooting in bryansk, russia, came to study with with her father's gun and opened fire on her classmates. according to the report of the russian army, two students were killed and five more were injured. the attacker herself apparently shot herself, as propagandist publications write, her father is a military man. at present, he has been detained and is being interrogated by investigators. law enforcement officers. how exactly did the weapon get into the hands of the girl. the only portal for reporting whistleblowers, where you can complain about facts of corruption, operates in ukraine. the platform was created more than three months ago. how many people have already used it, our
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correspondent dmytro didora will tell. he is with us live dmitry, i congratulate you, how does the platform work and how to properly complain about a corrupt person. tell me congratulations khrystyna , i also congratulate our viewers, indeed the platform has been working since september 6, however, the national agency for the prevention of corruption notes that the most important thing is to correctly write a message about the fact of corruption, and now i have in my hands, this information guide on from nazq on corruption, actually, this is very important information, there is also a portal for reporting whistleblowers, so if... you're watching now, you can quickly scan qr code and find out detailed information about how to correctly compose a message and how to correctly complain about cases of corruption in ukraine, and they note in nazk that now the messages are more like appeals from
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citizens, and not a correctly formatted message, and the most important thing is what is happening , that nazk does not receive these messages in its database, but immediately distributes them. them to the relevant authorities, i.e. to the national police, to naboo, also to the specialized anti-corruption prosecutor's office, so how to write this message correctly and why is it important, let's hear that he will allow any ukrainian to report corruption in any state body, in any local self-government body safely, and this report will not get lost somewhere in the mail. it must be registered, it provides for the mandatory indication of the relationship the person has with the organization, it is possible not to reveal the name directly there, to remain anonymous, and it provides for
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the mandatory indication of the circumstances that have, can be checked, which these are the circumstances, these are the circumstances, c in principle, the criminal law defines the time, place, method of commission, the person who committed it, what damages were caused, it is not necessary to specify the qualification there, but if the person can qualify, then it is necessary to specify the qualification. the most important thing is to write the message correctly and how to write in more detail about the fact of corruption that you saw, currently 15 organizations, state organizations, work with such a portal, by the spring of next year, it is planned that there will be 90,000 organizations that will connect to this portal and will receive to their mail or its respective... portal has already reported the fact of corruption, this figure was also announced today, among the surveyed officials
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, 44% are ready to anonymously complain about their colleagues who may be corrupt, also for reporting the fact of corruption , a reward is provided, as noted in the specialized to the anti-corruption prosecutor's office, it is decided by the court, but it is usually 10% of the damages that may be caused to the state, and i also want to note that in ukraine, since the beginning of the war, there has been tolerance for corruption decreased by 20%, 60% of ukrainians no longer tolerate corruption and consider it unacceptable, and thus nazk wants to reduce the total tolerance of corruption to zero. khrystyna, this is all i have time to tell and i pass ether to you. thank you dmitry, it was. correspondent dmytro didora, he talked about a platform where you can complain about corruption, and i will end the issue with this
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and say goodbye to you until tomorrow, see you. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is. serhii rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. in the following for two hours we talk about ukraine, about the world, about the war, about our victory, today in the program. the traitor deserves it. in the suburbs of moscow , ilya kivo was found dead, who eliminated the former deputy? on the brink of collapse, will the united states give money to ukraine, and when will the political football finally end in the west? ukraine is on the way to the eu, as well as why are hungary and slovakia blocking the european integration of our country? we will talk about this and other things for
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the next hour with our guest, a politician, diplomat, former ambassador of ukraine in of the united states of america, valery chalym. in the second part of our program, there will be a political science and political technology studio, because we will have volodymyr fisenko, andrii smolii and vitaliy kulyk as guests. however , before starting our big conversation. i suggest you watch the video of the excellent work of the stugna atgm calculation. our defenders struck a russian bmp in the bakhm direction. the corresponding video was released by the fighters of the first separate special brigade named after ivan bohun. let's see. i repeat, end of 500.
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friends, for those who are watching us live now on youtube, subscribe to our page, like this video, and also take part in our vote, today we ask you about whether ukraine should make concessions for peace with russia, yes, no, please vote in our mobile application, on our website espresso tv, as well as by phone lines, on the screens you can now see phone numbers, all calls to these numbers are free, if you think that ukraine should make concessions for peace with russia, call the number 0800-211-381, no, 0800 211-382. we are in touch with valery chaly, politician, diplomat. ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of ukraine to the united states of america in 2015-19.
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mr. valery, i welcome you and thank you for joining our conversation. greetings, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. just a few minutes ago, joseph biden appealed to congress, before the decisive vote on providing financial assistance to ukraine, to vote on financial assistance to ukraine. but i will ask you. nevertheless, to comment on the event with ilya kiva, which today the ukrainian special services shot him in the suburbs of moscow, because in principle it is about the fact that the ukrainian special services showed all the collaborators who fled to russia, and there are a lot of them, that they will not have a peaceful life there, but will there ever be such an opportunity for you to legally bring to justice and obtain from the russians those traitors who are currently in the territory of the russian
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federation, well, maybe after putin's death or after russia begins to fall apart, because this is collaboration. there are dozens, if not hundreds, i will tell you that i adhere to the principle, c connection with death, there is not much to comment on everything, i would like to use this opportunity to thank our armed forces of ukraine, the day of the armed forces of ukraine, to thank all those who protect the sovereignty of ukraine and our future, both here and all those who do it, as we can see, and this is also about ukraine, especially justice comes when the traitors of the state, well, if we talk about ilyukieva, i am not commenting on the situation here, i will just say that he is already being held responsible for treason in ukraine, accordingly, if it is as it sounds, it is in my opinion, what
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happened to him is fair, but there are really many people who believe that fate can bypass them... not revenge, justice, but historically we know that this is not the case, and for some reason all people know about it that sooner or later it will catch up with them, they will catch up with what they have done wrong in this world, or on this earth, or in heaven, but i am sure that it will certainly happen, it is another matter how much they do lords and take the lives of good people. peaceful people, people who are now defending not only ukraine, but they are defending europe, they are defending not even allowing such a simple geopolitical explosion in the world, therefore, in principle, i believe that in one way or another, of course, we must fight against
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traitors, unequivocally, and this is part of the war, it is absolutely... natural and the more there will be successes at the front, on sukhodoli, in the black sea, in the special operations of our units, so we will bring victory closer. thank you, mr. valeriu, let's go back to the united states of america, because literally, right before our inclusion, joseph aired biden, the president of the united states of america , addressed the congress, explained the situation, what i... and managed to write down: putin must be brought to justice, said biden, if putin takes over ukraine, he will not stop there, he will attack nato allies , and we will see how the american military will fight against the russian military. today's vote will be remembered for a long time. we cannot let putin win. why, mr. valery, is biden
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forced to, it has been two years of war, and why is he in a big war? why he has to convince american politicians, why is it so important, do the republicans, who insist on solving migration issues related to the border with mexico, do they not understand that not only helping ukraine is at stake, but helping the whole world is at stake? well, first of all, i listened carefully to the speech of the president of the united states, it is very timely and it is very. a strong statement in terms of the fact that when we say whether america will give military aid, this statement and some other factors indicate that it will, that is, this whole process that we are seeing now every day with validol, today yes, tomorrow is better, it will end successfully from the point of view of assistance to the armed forces of ukraine, i.e.
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equipment, training, intelligence, including the space mission. security, these funds will be, i'm not sure that they will be in the amount that the white house is asking for, because we see that the republicans are pretty hard to defend their positions, you ask why? well, because, as in our ukraine and in other countries, first of all, politicians decide the issue of how the situation is at the moment, the voters republicans, a lot of them say that first of all we need to solve internal issues, which are, for example, border security, but what is the use when they use this...' politicians and put the national interests of the united states in a package or interdependence, this really, well, weakens their position, really, they have done this not for the first
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time, and these negotiations will go on until the day of the adoption of the budget, i think, until december 15, and even if there is no decision on financial assistance, and this is also scenario, worst case scenario, then neither do i i don't see here... an absolute disaster, other mechanisms can be applied later, and there is a lot more in the white house, but today joseph biden wants to press politically, because there is a fight, about elections, and it's not only presidential elections , next year on november 5, it is the election of the congress, it is the election of the house of representatives and a third of the senate, it is the election of the governors, that is, it is about the political internal process of the united states. i can't say that republican senators are against aid. of ukraine, no, but they are primarily politicians, americans, they want , to put it simply, it is my, well, my opinion that there is
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a struggle for e, whether their representative will take part in a more favorable position in the elections or not. behind this is donald trump, following the position of mike johnson, who is currently being sued by the current american authorities, but they want to show that if donald trump is not allowed. to participate on equal terms, then there will be such chaos, that is, it will continue, in fact, so we do not need, i say again, every day, these will waver and then all these decisions, today, for example, joseph biden spoke , yes, it would seem, well, on the eve of, we think, the most important vote, yes, and my prediction for this vote is negative in the senate, because, because for some reason the democrats excluded from this package at all... the question , which the republicans are interested in, but the next steps will be, i think closer to the 15th, they will vote in the senate and the house of representatives, the main issue of mike
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johnson, to move the budget process into parts and not pass the budget, but if he doesn't white will still succeed and win house, then they will vote on the budget by the 15th, i will tell you this, if we see a vote on the us budget by the 15th of december, further, it is blocked because there is an nda, it is a 900 billion military budget, there are other programs, and then the white the house has a lot of other arguments and other programs, including those that they can refuse from the decisions of the congress. but mr. valery, can you explain to me why president zelensky, whose speech was announced via video link before the senators of the united states of america, why canceled it and whether or not in this case. the president did the right thing zelenskyi, because the minister of defense umerov, who is in the united states together with andriy yermak and ruslan stefanchuk, said that zelenskyi
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canceled the speech due to the fact that there is a war in ukraine and the situation is constantly changing, it is a war, the situation is changing, but i think , zelensky will gratefully do it when it is possible the next time, whether this speech was appropriate, whether it was in front of senators, the united states of america, or the president simply did not want to. interfere in the internal affairs of american politicians, why didn't they wait, because yesterday i was also waiting for a message about zelensky's speech or his communication with senators to appear. i made a conclusion for myself, from the amount of information that i know, if the announcement sounded about the speech, it was necessary to speak, that is, the negative of expectations, that it is not not... it will not be an immediate victory for the president, because there was, you you see how events developed there, the argument escalated, they left the hall, but this negativity is still there, because you and i are discussing
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why he did not speak, that is, the simplest explanation in this situation, it is that the president is not a robot either, and if he has certain nuances, this time, because it was canceled in 20 minutes, everything can be, maybe more important there. things arose, so it is not a disaster at all, from the point of view of the impact on the american situation, it did not greatly reduce the chances of voting there, not from the not quite flowing, from the point of view of internal ukrainian negativity, more happened from the non-performance, but i would not speculate on the reasons, because no one will answer this without the president or his spokesman, in such cases are always abroad, and we have a tradition in ukraine, the spokesman answers: the president, but i have already forgotten the president's spokesman when i explained such situations or appeared in public, it is a kind of empty place for us, i completely agree with you reason
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explanations, because they were simply necessary, but i already mentioned rustam umerov, rustem umerov, and ruslan stefanchuk, and andriy yarmak, who flew to the united states of america and had meetings with american senators and congressmen, are there enough opportunities , in the system that is in in the united states of america, among ukrainian... politicians, in this case, i believe umerova and stefanchuk, the president's envoy, yermak, are politicians, because he, as i understand it, is not a politician, right, eh, do they have enough there are opportunities to influence some vote, some decision, or to convince whether this is, again, an internal issue that the republicans and democrats must first clarify among themselves,
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and ukraine can be in the role of an outsider of some kind not an observer, but a participant? in this in this case, it is absolutely natural that ukraine should be a participant, not an observer, because this request is for us, and it was strange earlier to observe how many official letters come from the white house, letters come from the pentagon, the state department, and ukraine, from ukraine official letters , well, it's been a long time since in this plan...' it was from october, in my opinion, when there were requests officially at the level of the president, and then we already lost those two months, so i wonder why we watched until the last time, now rushed to really save at the last moment situation, in coordination, this is all happening in coordination with the white house, so it 's right, and why is it necessary, there is the leader of the republican house of representatives, mike
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johnson, he always comes up with arguments, he's actually playing a very complicated game, he wants to exchange at all , or exchange aid to ukraine for major concessions, joseph biden and his political, in fact, for blows to his political image, that is, he is playing, behind him is donald trump, i am sure of this, that is, he has his own line, but he is not can to do this, for example, when he now responded to the letter, the white house, that not only the problem is that there is funding, but show us what this money will go to, and show us the plan, where this money goes, for what types of weapons, how they will help to win , it seems a beautiful formula, yes, but in these conditions, when the days are already standing, it drags out the process, it plays on his interests, where he wants to drag it out until january, so the presence of the minister of defense directly in conversation with him will already remove the possibility
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to manipulate this issue, because exactly the minister of defense will now provide him with answers to many of these questions and he will no longer be able to apologize like that, so that is very good, what i have said for a long time that the speaker of the ukrainian parliament should meet with him, especially since there are tools for this , that's why it's very good that they met with him now, those participants you mentioned have delegations there, the goals of the visits were different, there is also just such a forum of defense... technologies, weapons production, by the way, it's also good , which coincided, because these arms manufacturers will be american to tell the people how this money goes to them, not to ukraine, but to them in alabama, in tns, where there are republican districts, like them in north carolina, north carolina, maybe even to the district of mike johnson, although he has a military base there old, there are weapons depots, but
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there is also a question, it was possible to enter from this side, that is, in principle, i think it is very good that it coincided like this, now, and in principle, this will be an additional argument from the ukrainian side to unlock this issue, so it must be done, it was necessary to do constantly earlier, well, but if it already exists now, then it is already good that now, although we lost two months, anthony blinken, the secretary of the united states of america said that the united states should support ukraine, because the lack of support will lead to significant consequences , let's listen to what blinken said, and we must do our utmost to ensure that russia continues to fail in its aggression against ukraine. if we don't, if. will be
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allowed to continue without


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