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tv   [untitled]    December 7, 2023 2:00pm-2:30pm EET

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and munitions from third markets, it is worth talking about loans, about receiving aid, already directly credit lines, and this will mean that the burden on the economy will be endless, and first of all, to put up with our eastern part eastern european partners, to look for points of contact, to advance sing their songs, build the production of ammunition mines on the borders, and prepare for a very difficult winter. thank you, mr. vitaly. the time of our program, gentlemen, has come to an end. vitaly kulyk, andriy smoliy and volodymyr fissenko were guests of today's program. thank you for participating in the program, gentlemen. let me remind you that during our program we conducted a poll and asked you, friends, whether ukraine should make concessions for peace with russia. what are the results of our poll on tv, 10% yes, 90% no. in youtube 15. yes 85% no. these are the results
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of our survey today. i will put an end to this. i say goodbye to you until tomorrow at 20:00. i wish you all good health, take care of yourself and your relatives, goodbye. news time on the espresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, greetings to all viewers. four people were injured due to enemy shelling in the kherson region. at noon, russian terrorists attacked the train. a local resident was taken to the hospital in serious condition. doctors are fighting for his life - said the head of the region oleksandr. prokudin,
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doctors assess the condition of three more injured people as moderate. kherson oblast is massively littered with enemy explosives. among the russian gifts , even fab 500 aerial bombs are found. during a pyrotechnic inspection in one of the villages boryslav district, which was completely destroyed by russian terrorists, discovered six such dangerous finds. the sna sapperides prepared an enemy aerial bomb weighing 500 kg. and remotely neutralized it in a specially designated place, there will be many more such safe explosions - sappers say. unfortunately, there are still quite a lot of such munitions near this village and within the boundaries of this village and the work is ongoing, and if you can see behind the house behind me, this is all that is left of this
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village and such settlements on the territory kherson region is extremely numerous and they have all been detonated en masse and contaminated with explosive objects. a truthful and important film about the current challenges of today. the presentation of the documentary unconquered kherson took place in kremenchuk. the heroes of the film were kherson journalists who recorded everything that happened in the city during the occupation. a colleague, iryna skrypachova, was also present among the audience. olga pisorska from kherson, together with her family, currently lives in kremenchuk, in the status of a resettled person. the woman came to the premiere because she really misses her native home, which she had to leave after three months of occupation. everything is interesting from different angles, because i only knew my side, what i heard, and i wonder what it was like there, well, it’s lilac park, that’s where...
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it was a lot, ours wrote that it was fake , it's not a fake, well, i know it's not a fake, well, it's interesting, these views, well, i want to see the truth from different angles, the director of the film, ustin danchuk , together with a team of media representatives, recreated the realities of life in kherson, rallies, occupation and the liberation of the city, its flooding as a result of the explosion of the kakhovskaya hydroelectric power plant and the daily shelling of the russians, if the next film is to be shot, what should it be, this is the question... posed to one of the film's heroines, journalist elizaveta zharkykh. we would like to make a film about , maybe this is a series of documentary series about oleshki, gola prystan, kakhovka, nova kakhovka, genichisht, because in the film you will see shots where the people of kherson go to rallies, but they went to rallies not only in kherson, they went to bare piers, in kakhovka, in new kakhovka, people to protest against the russian occupation and
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not all, it is clear that we can hear their voices now, it can be possible only after liberation. a full hall of people waiting for the film, the next 72 minutes of experiences and memories. however, this time is full of optimism, heroism and indomitability, as well as the understanding that everyone must approach the time of victory. motivating and inspiring - what viewers say about the film unconquered kherson. this film allows you to once again experience those emotions, on the one hand , excitement for people who dared to go to pro-ukrainian rallies, which dared to literally
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stand against the shots. and on the other hand, it is still a kind of inspiration and motivation that we understand what we are fighting for, what we are fighting for and why ukraine is for us. does not matter. the creators of the film plan to show the tape in various cities of ukraine and intend to submit the invincible kherson to international documentary film festivals. iryna skrypachova, oleksandr popenko, from kremanchuk for the tv channel. currently, 28,000 ukrainian civilians are in russian captivity. it was possible to confirm such a number - he said shoemaker dmytro lubinets. among them are 2,000 people who are over 65 years old. there are also cases when people over 80 years of age were captured for pro-ukrainian statements. the ukrainian authorities cannot check the condition of these people and give them at least medicine, because there is no access to russian prisons. lubinets called on the international community to help the ukrainian state protect its citizens
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and return them. the usa and ukraine signed a memorandum on the joint production of weapons and the exchange of technical data. the corresponding declaration was signed by the pentagon of the ministry of defense of ukraine and the ministry of strategic industries of ukraine. it is about meeting the operational needs of the armed forces of ukraine, including in air defense, repair and maintenance of equipment, as well as production of critical ammunition. the letter of intent strengthens cooperation between the united states and ukraine and will facilitate faster passage of investment deals through the systems. georgia declared that they have the support of hungary on the way to the eu and are not tied to ukraine. according to the head of the party gruzynska irakli kobakhidze's dream is to completely artificially connect the issue of european integration of georgia with the negotiations that will take place in
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the european union around ukraine and the possible hungarian veto. kobakhidze is sure that on december 14-15 they will make a positive decision in favor. georgia. should be partners, chinese leader xi jinping met in beijing with european council president charles michel and european commission president ursula funderlein. xijiping said that the people's republic of china and the european union should constantly strengthen bilateral political trust. he too noted the progress in the dialogue between the two sides at a high level and emphasized that there is already significant progress. in the strategic, trade-economic, environmental and digital spheres. to school with a shotgun, an eighth-grader staged a shooting in bryansk, russia, came to school with her father's gun and opened fire on
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her classmates. according to the report of the russian army, two students were killed and five more were injured. the attacker herself apparently shot herself. as propagandist publications write, her father. military, currently he was detained and the investigators ask. law enforcement officers are interested in how exactly the weapon got into the hands of the girl. volodymyr zelenskyi dismissed people's deputy fedor venislavskyi from the post of president's representative in the verkhovna rada. the corresponding decree was published today on the website of the president's office. the head of state did not explain the reasons for this decision. fyodor venislavsky was elected a people's deputy from the servant of the people party. member of the parliamentary committee on national security, defense and intelligence. during the full-scale war, venislavsky distinguished himself by two scan statements, in particular regarding mobilization in ukraine. and i want to remind you about our collection
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, the espresso tv channel together with the public organization baza ua is collecting funds for atvs to transport the wounded and other needs of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. cold ravine in extremely difficult conditions, the ukrainian military will choose victory every day, not leaving wounded comrades on the battlefield. with atvs , evacuation will be faster and easier, and therefore the chance. to save the wounded is much greater. our goal is uah 800,000. and we are three days away collected more than uah 50,000. so you now see all the details on the screen, all that remains is to join the collection. such were the news at that time. as always, you can read more on our espresso tv website, a brief overview of the main thing on the espresso tv telegram channel, and also watch us on youtube. well, literally in a moment. meet my colleagues marta oliyarnyk and antin borkovskii, who will continue the broadcast
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on telekalanuso. thank you to irina koval, thank you to the entire news editor, well, what is going on with the information day of the tv channel, there are many events in the country, yes, well we will follow and interpret them methodically, carefully, and in general traditionally, marta oliarnyk and antin borkovskii live in the espresso studio, and we will start today with information that somewhat puzzled us from the very morning, fedir vonislavskyi, who was dismissed today by zelenskyi from the position of representative of the president in the verkhovna rada, already about his dismissal and says that he is engaged in several purely military
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projects, because of which he has to spend a lot of time near the front line, accordingly, he does not always have time to fulfill the powers of a representative of the president of ukraine in the verkhovna rada, this is how vanislavskyi explained the information about his removal from the position of the president's representative in the verkhovna rada, i would like to remind you that vanislavskyi is a people's deputy from the servant of the people party and a member of the verkhovna rada committee on national security, defense and intelligence, yes and on... we will remind you that it was mr. fedir venislavskyi who came out with rather harsh criticism, criticism of maryana bezuglai, a people's deputy from the servant of the people, yes, who began to actively troll the commander-in-chief of the armed forces forces of ukraine, valery zaluzhnyi, yes, well , but, but, but, we do not know whether this is really connected with the case of maryana bezuglloya, well, in any case, we will involve the relevant political scientists, that oleksiy hetman is in touch with us, military analyst, national guard reserve major, veteran of the russian-ukrainian war. glory to ukraine, mr. oleksiy, congratulations, glory to the heroes,
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i congratulate you. well, liquidation of kiva. we really understand that if this was the case, and our special services were involved, then what was the point of announcing this matter? well, in general, what a danger now constituted kiva and how it can affect the moral and psychological state of the so-called traitors, and maybe without the so-called. that is , people who betrayed ukraine and began to actively assist the kremlin and putin. even if it was not our special services, it was still necessary to say that it was our special services. this will have a very substantial effect on other traitors who are not only somewhere near muscovy, but also who are in the temporarily occupied territories, different collaborators there, different, i don't know, gaulleiters, or what to call them there. here it is important that these people who
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went to cooperate with the enemy, that they understand that they have, as mr. yusof said, there are two, there are two ways out, two choices, the first is to surrender to us, to our authorities, against a criminal case has been opened against them, but they receive a certain term, maybe even if they start cooperating with the investigation, they will have some mitigation, and the most important thing is that they will have a roof over their heads. food, believe me, they don’t eat very badly there, well, they can, they will 100% save their lives, and then, when they go, as they say, to freedom with a clear conscience, let's see what can be done with them , how they will integrate, integrate, so integrate, yes, that's what i said here, into normal ukrainian society, if they don't want to do it, then of course, such participation is expected, i think , that those who are somewhere near muscovy, well, they are not very worried there, or
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they are worried somewhere in rostov, but those who are definitely, what is it, temporarily occupied, and this, well, of course, they have a slight panic, and it does not positively affect the course of the war, including because they'll start making some stupid moves, or running away or, well, panicking, that, and when the enemy panics, of course. well, it worsens his capabilities in battle, including and improves ours, of course, mr. oleksiy, there is another question, and what can be said in general, about the context of all these traitors, and recently we saw and there was an attempt in the crimea, yes, unfortunately, failed to eliminate the tsarov, and we see so on and so forth, that is, there are certain such processes that cannot be reversed, our high-ranking officials and representatives of our special services also spoke about this very often, that the work on
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such persons will continue, how difficult it is to carry out such operations in general , it's just that when we read the news, we very often , well, we rejoice somewhere, yes, but we do not understand what resources are spent for this, that is, if i understand correctly, it should have been some person , who was in the body of the enemy and, in fact , who was the executor of this, let's say this , task, but not quite like that, there could be any, any different operational game around this story, that is, they could use, for example, in the dark of that or another moscow gangster or representative from the ethnic group community, so to speak, and to give , so to speak, an interesting clue to that character, who later turned out to be a kivo, and perhaps this is a killer, liquidator or murderer who did not even know whom he was killing, so to speak, oleksii hetman, i think, will tell us everything, well, it is quite possible, well, you said what expenses,
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well, there are expenses for the main intelligence department, the security service of ukraine. in general, all our power and special structures are spent on the armed forces, and various possible actions are prescribed there, that is, let's not now let's just go into the plane that we spent a lot of money to liquidate kyiv, but it would be better to buy, for example , several uavs there, well, so that such things don't start like this, here you are , you have opened pandora's box, i think that this there will be talks about it, that it would be better to buy something there for the front. this was not some kind of, this is not special funding, this is funding, according to the budget , which is prescribed, which is adopted by the verkhovna rada, there are prescribed expenses for obtaining special services, including for conducting various special operations, intelligence, subversive, other, so the kiva here did not bring us any damage,
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it was within the scope of funding, the main intelligence management, or the security service, they also, i understand, compete a little, but who is there anyway? more involved, and what they could do was not enough, how to send a person somewhere, like in a movie, there, no, i am sure that there is a certain agency there, especially among such people, let's say, with a low social orientation, and there you can it was for a small amount of money, or even just to agree and it was liquidated, i i think that this should continue, remember, there was once an olympics in munich, there was a terrorist attack against the israeli delegation. work was carried out even in golden times, which was called the wrath of god, if i am not mistaken, and all the people who were involved in this terrorist attack, they were liquidated, officially, unofficially, from our head office, but it did not say, that this is their frame, they say that yes, they are among them, that is, very carefully, but
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i say again, i am sure, well, my personal point of view is that it should have been said, even if we here to this... i am not involved , at least in order to make it scary that the nightingale is listed, he is also a completely legal target, for example, or something else there, big propagandists who caused a lot of damage by their actions, they can be considered a legitimate target , because this is part of the war, the hybrid war, not them, they are part of this hybrid war, the information war, and the enemy's goal. it is quite legal, these people are also fighting. mr. oleksiy, the key story is currently unfolding on a large front and we would like to ask you to describe it now extremely difficult situation in the avdiyiv direction, we understand that the enemy in the north is intensifying its offensive actions, yes, very actively, very actively they are climbing, the fighters are standing, but your vision of the unfolding of a big
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battle in donbas, another and bloody phase. i would not say that the battle for avdiyivka is a big battle in donbas, it is a local, local battle, a combat clash, because avdiyivka directly by itself, it does not have a great strategic sense, as the institute of war research said about it, that even if our garrison succeeds in withdrawing zavdiivtsi in the event of an encirclement, then essentially it will not affect not only the russian-ukrainian war, but it will not even affect the eastern front, i.e. from kupinsk to ugledar, that is why we continue to be there and not because it the city is of such great importance, and because there we are, to date, destroying a very large number of enemy, well, manpower and equipment, and any army during the war has... the main task is to destroy the enemy army, therefore with minimal losses from our side, there a five-seven-fold excess
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of russian military personnel is predicted, that is, you can count how many of ours there are 40,000, at least, russian manpower will be involved in all assault actions, and well, they are climbing there in six directions, in the north they are trying, well, in the north it is closer to the industrial zone, they are trying to go there, where on kosakh... they are not able to do it yet, whether they will succeed or not, we will see, depending on how much more they are able to add there, manpower and equipment, mr. oleksiy , forgive me, please, i want a clarifying question, so that this topic is already it is enough for our viewers to reveal , i just remember, yesterday there was information in the russian media that putin ordered his russian occupiers to buy the entire audio store, in december, i understand that this is more of a political move, did not give me to come to that, well, yes, well, you see , you, it’s good that you said it, there are 15, 14, 15,
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16, well, most likely 15, why, because it’s exactly 90 days until the vote for, well, sort of voting for the president of the russian federation, for putin on march 15-17 next year, elections will be held without presidential elections in the russian federation and in 9 days, well, all the candidates, well, we understand how ridiculous it looks, should announce that they are going to the presidential elections, and of course, putin should say this against the background of some victories at the front, and i wish, that is, once again, these attacks on obdiivka, on marinka, in other directions, they do not have a purely military component, the basis there is not military, there is a political basis, because when will it be necessary to announce this solemn speech of putin's and i am sure that if you fail to capture
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avdiivka until december 15-16, then on december 17-18, the hostilities there will not stop, well, they will not be so intense, because they will lose their meaning, the reason why they started, the political reason will be lost, and the russians understand this perfectly, that's why they. .. they will throw everything possible there, but on the other hand, their propagandists have already begun to look for ways to justify themselves, how to do anyway, so that their actions will fail because of this, to make some kind of victory, well, they will already start to think, to remember what to be careful a week ago, a little more, telling him that it was just for yevdiivka the russian troops are fighting very bravely, repelling the powerful attacks of the armed forces of ukraine , and on this they destroy a large number of our manpower and equipment, there they keep... the defense and even go, go on counterattacks, that is, if it is not possible to capture the action, as soon as possible after all, they will say that they repelled a very powerful attack of ours, that is, they are already
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preparing for themselves, so they say a reserve, because we still have to hold out for literally a week and a half, and if we manage to hold these positions, then i am sure that that this intensity, well by inertia there will be another day or two, then there will simply be no sense, because there is their same gerasimov, the commander, uh, well, the chief of the general staff, he perfectly understands what it is to lose a battalion per day, even for the russian army with and with such possibilities of mobilization, it is still a lot, a lot, a lot of loss, well, we will observe what will happen after december 15 in this direction, but speaking in general, there is no, well, of course, there is no one, maybe only in the russians have information about what they plan to do after 15. but judging by what we have, with the information that, most likely , after the 15th, if it doesn't work, then in the battle, well, there 's just a sense, the sense is lost, to continue these battles, here as they do, instead of storming,
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just six directions, without harming people , you have heard a lot, most likely there were interviews, they went on our internet, which was told by a russian serviceman who either surrendered or took him prisoner, that they are in a very low morale there, they are leaving on the corpses, while... there are their own already killed, that only alcohol is theirs saves, they cannot sleep, that is, there is no panicky mood there, and the leadership of the russian army understands this, well, sheigu gerasimofi to continue such and such nonsense, when the first reason is lost, i think that they will not, although who knows them, let them continue, such losses, at such rates they will all put their army down, kherson oblast and the left bank of the dnieper, we would ask you for your expert observations, because there is an extremely difficult situation, the enemy there... began to more actively attract aviation, guided aerial bombs, and dropped some additional strengthening. well, in addition to reinforcements, this is the fourth airborne division, the division of the russian
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federation, it is not fully airborne in the sense that it should be prepared, trained, there are many people who, without the appropriate training of lawson, this is an airborne division, and they are airborne divisions, if they fall somewhere, it we understand that the regiments, which are not , are used in defense, it is for offensive actions or for assault actions, here they want this division there, including that division, in order to try to squeeze us out of the left bank, so as not to give the opportunity to create... bridgehead, there were a lot of words that we are holding a bridgehead there, well, it’s not a little bit military they said, it’s not quite correct, it’s not a bridgehead, it ’s training for a poltzdarm, it’s assault groups, it’s sabotage groups, it’s a small number of armed forces, marines that are moving , does not keep the defense stationed there, well, below the yard, well, everyone there, all the necessary things are being done and prepared so that it is possible to create a bridgehead, because the bridgehead is at least 20 km along the dnieper and at least as much as somewhere 20 in the from the dnieper
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towards the temporarily occupied territory, that is 20:20 such squares, then you can already build pontoon crossings on booms there, well, in various ways to ferry heavy equipment, artillery, well, and move like a splotsdarma, continue offensive actions, well, sladovsk, most likely to armyansk, then in directly, if you look at the map, for now it is preparation for a bridgehead, because why is it important , to say, well, again, there are no overheated expectations that there is a bridgehead, but we are not advancing something, there is no bridgehead there, these are actions for the preparation of bridgeheads. thank you for this extremely important conversation, oleksii getsman, a military analyst, a reserve member of the national guard , a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, was currently working on espresso. yes, well, we are going to take a short break, just a few minutes, the espresso information marathon continues , we will talk in the next few minutes about the situation, the hot situation in avdiivka, so please wait. december 10,
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