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tv   [untitled]    December 7, 2023 10:30pm-11:01pm EET

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ramzan kadyrov was also noticed. russian media note that during the negotiations in saudi arabia, putin also mentioned the war in ukraine, saying that the west would like russia to be defeated in the ukrainian conflict, but what is happening on the battlefield, according to him, indicates the inevitability of the opposite. according to putin, the crown prince of saudi arabia was expected in moscow, but some circumstances forced him to adjust his plans, but our next meeting should take place in. well, already on december 7, putin is back in moscow, holding meetings with his successor prince auman and the president of iran will discuss the conflict between hamas and israel. olga armyanyshina, radio liberty. this is the story, and while putin was on a tour of arab countries in russia, preparations for the elections were being completed.
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the federation has now set the date for the next election of the president of russia, well, as some media write and political observers comment, in fact, it will not be an election, but a re-election or even re-appointment of putin for another term, but formally the elections in russia will be held on march 17, 2024, the russian cec reported that the decision to hold the so-called, i will say , elections in the occupied territories will be made by december 12, allegedly after consultation with the security forces, the security forces of the fsb, the ministry of internal affairs and the so-called authorities of these territories. i will remind you that none of the so-called elections in the occupied territories, which russia held there, were recognized by the world. roman bezsmertny, politician, diplomat, extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine to the republic of belarus, 2010s, 11s, joins our broadcast. roman, good evening. good evening, i am very surprised watched this solemn reception of putin in the arab countries, what does he tell you about? a. oh, yes, arab countries not only
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welcome anyone who comes to them like this, they welcome anyone who comes to them much more magnificently, actually, well, the east, and my peers there, know very well that this is a very delicate, very delicate matter, and while you are a guest, then you are respected, no matter who you are, because you are a guest, but if you leave... the courtyard of the city or the state, then you will be treated the way you were treated before, and more than that, and you will be given the appropriate assessment but traditionally no one will ever disclose it anywhere. actually, there are several nuances of this visit that remain, from what i hear now, see outside, but these were the key things as far as the emirs are concerned.
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in connection with the fact that, in fact, this is the eye of the needle through which the sanctions camel was pulled through five central asian states, it has closed, and neither kazakhstan, nor uzbekistan, nor kyrgyzstan, nor tajikistan, nor turkmenistan unable to satisfy appetites, especially the military industry, which was done continuously. the last two years, especially actively, because they were switched to certain programs and it was no coincidence that the leaders of these countries spent so long in 2022 in europe, but if you look at the path of all this production, our military very often now finds it in various equipment, including british , american, dutch components, it got and continues, unfortunately, to... to russia actually through the emirates, and
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moreover, even if you take such destinations as gold, as luxury goods, they get and continue to get, and currently, already 60% of them arrive in russia through the emirates, the emirates are becoming a key center of circumvention, sanctioning of all the mechanisms that operate today, and putin, as you can see, plays along with this in every possible way, and here it is already a matter for the european, world community, how to behave in this situation so that, well, putin does not restore the technological links that concern, especially the security sector, but this is the main topic of this short visit to
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the united arab emirates, well, besides the fact that he solves a kind of isolation theme, because there will be a lot of trumpeting about it, people , especially since it coincided with a conference that deals with climate issues, and therefore it will be spinning there, but this is something that is not announced now and it is the main thing, and such a quick trip, führer moskovskyi to abu dhabi, and there is one more thing that is very important, abu dhabi has always been very fond of technology, modern technology. and whoever worked in the ukrainian government, in the parliament, he knows that there are a lot of people working in ukraine, especially various representatives of the emirates, in order to even buy
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copyrights, and not just get involved in technologies and make investments there, that is, in this regard, oa is using the fuhrer now, may god grant them success in this regard, but this first part, regarding the channel , the supply of dual technologies, dual purpose goods and so on, especially those related to the information sector, the semiconductor sector, this is the center of this trip, now saudi arabia. here is another matter, two weeks ago, in connection with the fact that the market in this in 2018, brazil produced crude oil, and production volumes jumped, and prices on the market fell sharply from 100 to 66 per brand, it is clear
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that this will have a very serious effect on high-grade oil, russia, and there the prices will fall even more, and so next year's budget doesn't get a lot of money, so the key topic is how to trade, reduce production now in order to sustain oil prices, that's the key topic of this trip, along with that, and this third frame that you showed, which regarding the meetings with raisi, they were also in abuda and eriadi, why? because the fact is that putin and tehran, well, let's say, the fundamentalists, the muslims, did not manage to fail the stabilization measures that were used by the saudis and
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the emirates, regarding stabilization in the middle east, this is firstly, and secondly, a- and, the war started in israel all the previous years created certain problems in the oil and oil products market, especially. this year , surprisingly for those who pumped up hamas with weapons and pushed it to commit this terrorist act against israel, this did not happen. well, it is obvious that the role of the saudis and the emirates increased, thanks to economy, they keep the situation stable, and the idea of ​​creating a union of middle eastern states, well, like the european union and connecting the african union to it, they continue to dominate, and by the way, both ideas
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predicted and foresee the participation of israel in this situation, so it is now key the topic, the führer of moscow and iran, is to deepen the middle east crisis, and when you hear the words that he is talking about the solution of this middle east crisis, putin, he is lying, just as rayisi is also lying, can i, you in detail they explained putin's motivation and told about the purpose of the visit, but allow me to correct our conversation through the ukrainian prism, to look at it this way, ukraine has made a lot of efforts, well, at least that's what the communique says. on the part of the ukrainian authorities, in order to try to sway the countries of the arab world to their side, so that they give up their famous neutrality there, let's remember at least this meeting of security advisers in jeddah, does not what we are seeing now and this visit of putin and
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such his honorable meeting, all ukrainian efforts, or the ukrainian track separately, and the russian track separately, and there is no need to connect them, firstly, regarding... the meeting of reception of magnificence, then it does not matter here, panlensky will come, they will be accepted, they will be accepted in the same way, it is just necessary here , if you understand, this is the east, and here it is magnificent. and there with airplanes, if it were possible, they would have brought out camels, bedouins, and anyone else, and dancing, and singing, everything was at its best, it’s just that putin didn’t have time for theaters on this one, so that’s it further, so this is the first, second, the point is that, the middle east policy, especially these countries that are gaining tremendous economic momentum, it has a tremendous number of problems, yes, they broke into the world economy, they are trying to play something... there, but they understand perfectly well that they are hanging on by a thin thread of
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hydrocarbons, and it is no accident that they including the climate summit, because well, he is squeezing their throats and they have to find themselves in this situation, and putin is today , shall we say, a person, well, whom no one is, like the majority, let's say, the majority is not wants to have business to work with... with him, but russia has certain things that the east desperately needs, so they will also receive putin and will communicate with him and so on, along with the fact that if you take the uae, then it is close to the airfield where russian planes landed, including military ones, there is a base, an american military base, and the emirates are completely dependent on the united states of america in terms of security. from this it should be understood that this is also the performance of a certain resident role, which
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was played today at this meeting, and the current one, well the acting president, let's say the president, because they rotate there the sheikh, seven of these federal subjects, the united arab emirates, and they have a very short distance, it's a telephone distance, between washington and or... this the first is very important, i do not even rule out, well, i am not sure about this, i do not rule out that the sheikh, among other things, passed on information that concerns the positions of certain people, including washington, and most likely, this is so, so what is it that the führer blurted out that the planned visit, there was no planned visit, because no one prepared it, and more, and according to the saudis, there in general, it is only that... that appeared in abuda, that is why it also arrived in arriyad, and
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this thing should also be paid attention to and understood, what abu dhabi was doing, fulfills his role as such an intermediary, now , as far as the saudis are concerned, and here the situation is even more serious , because it is obvious that muhammad, al-saud, he is in a rather difficult situation in connection with the war in israel, because, well, there is little there will be a number of global steps to restore the diplomatic system, the economic union, and these interests and these initiatives came from riyadh, and it is very important for putin today that the saudis do not interfere in this situation, why? for after a few hours he sat down at the table. the situation in yemen is catastrophic, there is a war going on, and on one
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side iran, on the other side the saudis are fighting, they are not fighting there, because, well, about whom, who we know, some houthis, we have heard the word there, in fact there is a war going on there between iran and the saudis, if for the time being, the saudis will take the position of israel, which it essentially is, whatever the official documents are voiced it is clear that it will be impossible for iran to maintain this conflict, it is no coincidence that rousi, at the meeting with putin, spoke about our bilateral relations and the situation in the middle east, that is, in fact, the moment of truth is coming, the moment of turning point, it is clear that they will all lie about the fact that they they are most concerned about palestine, although between palestine, a palestinian and hamas, well, it is almost like heaven and earth, that is common, that is. then they think that everyone is an idiot, everyone is stupid, no one can distinguish who is who in this situation,
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and therefore you can powder everyone's brains there, and do his dirty business. in fact, today putin and tehran are interested in burning, burning and burning very actively in the middle east, but the fact is that neither riyadh, nor abu dhabi are interested in this, and they will extinguish the situation, using there: economic influence and so on and so on, they provide an opportunity to solve the problem of hamas, because both for egypt and for both of these countries, including for other neighbors, hamas' problem was and remained that there is a coincidence of these interests, such a ball that needs literally an hourly daily showdown, because it will change. thank you very much, we have time, but thank you for such a thorough comment, roman bezsmertny, politician, diplomat, extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine to the republic of belarus, 2010-11, we
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talked about the purpose of putin's visit to the arab countries. thank you very much, and that 's all, subscribe to the radio svoboda channel on the internet and see you again. porto shakhtar on mego-go. the battle in the dragon's lair will decide the fate of the miner. will the miners be able to reach the play-offs of the champions league. find out 13 december at 22:00 exclusively on mego. there was an accident, nina galamasuk, your mother, are there other relatives? no, but it seems you have a grandfather, welcome from the carpathians? the sink is behind the house, and
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the toilet is downstairs. where is he going, and if there are no cigarettes, then what will you smoke, he says, well, if there are no cigarettes, then he will smoke village council, how much time do you need, then you need 10 days, 10 days, this is what you should do, i i didn't come here to look at old people. what will be your vaka novel, vakantse, vakantsi novels, please pray to god, please drink, and
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water yours tomorrow. mykola, don't spill blood on your wedding night. let's go, where? come on, chair.
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congratulations. saint nicholas visited not only good children, but also despicable monsters. the monsters complain about something. ukrainian terrorist groups, which carried out two high-profile terrorist attacks yesterday, are successfully operating on the territory of our country. one of them is in luhansk, where a local man died. deputy oleg popov, the second in the moscow region, where ilyakiva died, they are absolutely insolent and feel their impunity, what is this all about? what is this about? this is about the fact that they are not afraid
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of any retribution, we will respond in the press with loud statements, or will we take... where will we bomb? well, with a kiva , you know, it’s like asking god for a million, and when you go in, you only find 10 kopecks in the elevator, well, on the other hand, it’s a penny for a penny, that’s the case, but that’s the impression, you know, in general, they feel about kyiv there only the people to whom he went on the air on russian tv channels, only they somehow paid attention to the fact that he was killed there, and in principle, well, yes, yes, yes, blo, blo, there, alarming news, a terrorist attack in the suburbs of moscow, or a contract murder, you judge for yourself, but... the body of ex-deputy of the verkhovna rada ilya kyva was found in the suburbs of moscow, you could see him several times , including in our studio in january in the twenty
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-second year he left ukraine, supported the operation, we included him even before that, when he was actively working in the parliament, the bloodied body of ilya kyva was found lying in the snow in the park zone of the village country club hotel. in the wooden suponevo, according to the information, the mesh is on the right temple there was a cut wound on the left side of the face of the hematoma. kiva was lying on his stomach with his face in the snow around him was a large pool of blood, the last post on the telegram channel about whose death was reported just recently, posted today at 9:48 a.m., where he calls zelsky to commit suicide. well, yes, you see, he called someone there, and here suddenly. this happened to hop and the corpse itself, this sometimes happens with traitors, but what is interesting, pay attention, tells about the fact that when he worked in the council, he already
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worked for the russians then, but i think the case is even worse, in fact, no one can say exactly when kiev was recruited by the russians, it is clear that it was quite a long time ago, and the fact that he left ukraine, back in january, well before this large-scale attack began, also suggests that he was warned and that he was much more, well, integrated into this axis , this is not just russian propaganda, but rather an agency that was supposed to seize power here, and it is not surprising that literally on the first day he was the first to appear on the air of russian tv channels, practically , february 4... 2022, ilya of kyiv, one of the first to come to us live and talk about the situation in ukraine, i'm vladimirov,
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hello, how is ukraine, how was the start of the russian military operation and the attitude towards it in ukraine. infinitely , the madness in ukraine could not last forever, and the country demanded liberation, but today this is not war, but this liberation, and what the russian soldier is doing today is the liberation of the russian world, the moment will come when we will stand next to the russian soldier and continue our military work of protecting the family. but somehow you see, get up next to a russian soldier, he was also in no hurry, moreover, as his comrades now tell, he was more concerned about how to hide away from the special services, and it is a really dramatic story that even in moscow he was not safe poor dolasi, it must be so to live to such an extent, is it possible
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that he was frightened that he was not even safe in moscow, he was constantly looking for where else he could, in what other hole he could get into, he was in moscow, he came from moscow to a very closed village, one of the most status. in the odentsovsky district, i will not advertise him, call him here , there are cameras, there the security thought that he would be safe there, as you can see, it turned out that he is not safe, there are no safe places, the ukrainian special services work quite effectively, you have to be careful, and you see, ilyas protected himself, but he could not save himself, what to do, because they are not afraid. well, he didn’t survive, well, he wasn’t the only one who didn’t survive , there also began to talk on another air, another russian agent, who also, he
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even received, one might say, some preferences from russia, this is one of those people who arranged all this fun in luhansk in the city, and which even there is not bad now in moscow, but they, as his associates, are literally dying in droves in the last couple of months, well, where can i go to the republic that matured before my eyes and i, as i understand it, are waiting for the willingness to put a hand to it, and waiting for the appointment of the ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation, and the documents for consideration, i hope that a decision will be made in the near future, that is, he will continue his diplomatic career, so what task will they set, and i will carry out, well, in the structure of the mida, yes, well, i cannot ignore the question of the death of my comrade, oleg popov, deputy of the people's council of the first, second and third convocations,
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and this attempt ended sadly for him. i will remind you of another attempt that took place in november, filipponenko, maksym yuryvych khatabych, call sign. there were also two attempts on him, the second was successful. unfortunately, they activated very seriously. well, traitors, you know, have few options, they are either killed the russians themselves, either the fsb or the band , are just local thugs who didn’t share something , well, or something like that, suddenly they die somewhere, well, they don’t live, you see, for a long time, they don’t survive their betrayal for a long time, and it’s so obvious , you know that some of those who escaped
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have been telling here and there for quite a long time... how to destroy ukraine, suddenly remembered that there is a ukrainian constitution, and that there are laws, and why it is not so with them according to the laws they commit, who was tried and only sentenced to 14 years, and here he is a corpse and a corpse, how come yes? take even this situation with ilya kiva, they directly say that there is a court sentence, 14 years of imprisonment, which is stated in the constitution of ukraine. how to self-defense 14 years of deprivation of liberty, what do you want to do, legal, correct sentence, wrong sentence, 14 years cannot be killed, well, in the same way , you cannot kill people who are citizens of ukraine, but who are enemies, who say that they will become together with a russian soldier, well, the truth is that
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they could not reach the front for some reason, it happens with... the zaradians too, they are in no hurry to fight something, they are just constantly pushing someone, and what's more, they are all citizens of the russian federation, well , because what they want, it's some of their internal affairs, they again not in ukraine , we would have come to ukraine, we would have surrendered here to the hands of justice, well, maybe somehow we would have really served our time there, but it didn’t work out, well, maybe we don’t have to, so we have to run somewhere like that, we have to... it’s really simple come with a confession and then there will be some, maybe some other story, or not it will be like with kiva in the end, kiva said it himself, well, the deceased already foresaw everything, look, i want to say one thing that if someone thinks that he can get away with his ugliness, his meanness, his treachery, no, it's just time for everything,
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in god has his own plans. and if not you , then, unfortunately, your children, but it will always catch up, i know for 100%, so don't hope that it will happen, life is arranged in such a way that sooner or later everyone is responsible for his actions, and in what he is wrong, i literally had a premonition, well, the most interesting thing. in general, in all these stories there is something that again after all, when we talk about kiva, we are not just talking about some person who at the last minute ran away somewhere, and then began to speak russian on the airwaves and she is the only propagandist there, no, this is a person who was precisely an agent of influence, who, well, for many years, it wasn't there for two or three years, apparently it was much longer, was communicating to the enemy and
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the aggressor in russian. ukrainian secrets, who tried here, well literally, tried to make ukraine not exist as such, and here is this person who worked for quite a long time on russia, she was their agent, an agent, at first, well, a secret agent, then a direct agent, then she was taken out in time, moreover, if you watch russian broadcasts, they even tried to actively, somehow, integrate him into the russian one. system in general, well, that is, they invited him, well, so often , that is, there was a time when kiva was, well, every day for several hours on the russian television airwaves, that is , they really tried to integrate him into the russian community of some kind, and here this person after all that you think he is now being talked about in general, or at least someone...


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